16 THE OSHAWA TIES, Setwrdey, Merch 11, 196) EATON Opportunity Dey EATON'S Opportunity Day features HOME and OFFICE SUPPLIES, GAMES During this One-Price Special Offer! ® Waxed Paper VoeFor wrapping lunches, leftover food, etc. Helps keep them fresh faeh oll spprox. 100 long, 127 iATon Opportunity fi rolls Bay Specinl "4 B88 Paper Sorviottes B--For the busy hostess, dainty servieties approx, 8 square, Scale loped edges, assorted colourful des signs. 1B in package Ekin Opporvnhy [] phos B58 k Scotch Tape 9 -- Clear scotch tape, complete with dispenser. Handy for home or office use V4 wide x 300" leng EATON Opportunity 4 rally 88 Bay Special ' Approx Telephone & Address Book 13---Have addresses and telephone numbers at your fingertips! Handy back with simulated leather caver, attractively designed in red or light blue, Apprex. 8 x 7 80 EATON Opportunity Pay Special, each Pencil Sharpener 17 Desk durable plastic style sharpener made of Suitable for student ar businessman EATON Opportunity Pay Spesinl, each CARTRIDGE PEN § | lim ILL 44) a! y i a EATON ohare Dey lity pen and 4 cartridges CRAYONS 64 asserted colours in Pmt din 4 1ift-aut 1aws, in Murdy EATON Opportunity Bay Sareinl wo PAINY BOX at I wale \ pant L furdy meatal ¥ TATON ib, Pay Special, hos ENVELOPES Hen Semen AVA Soesinl 100 in hex PADS AND ENVELOPES 4 writing pads ap He ackage] pen wit pla dad gold, sive ardbogre Packed in pa Himinim Poll Three 25 rolls Paper Hand Towels of poper 1owe ong i" the kitcher within handy reach In choice of white, pink or yellow Each ll has approx BO tows neatly. Approx 27 wide EATON Qpportunity 4 rolls #4 EATON Opportunity 9 rolls Bs Boy Special ' Poy Special 1eovy auelhity fo il thot Pack Plgstic holder for de or ta hang on wall GC mplete with stan dard 314" wide adding machine 1gpe pencil and swivel holder hose White, red or yellow EATON Oppartun 50 in EATON Opportunity ity Bay Special pkg. ¥ Bay Special, sash Utility Bags '] 850 disposable Kraft paper bags. You'll find many uses for theses furdy bags around the Eda Magnetic Memo Pad Stapler and Staples Pencil and memo pad far " 3 k, telephone table. Pad finished with- attractive plastic cover in plete with choice af assorted colayrs. Approx home, office 44 x Bla EATON Opportunity 88 ! EATON Qppartunity Pay Special, sot Telephone List Finder Day Spesinl, each V14-~Far vour telephone table, a 15 250 sheets metal finder indexed ally. Complete with calenda hand EATON Opportunity Pay Special, sach Handy mela! 1,000 staple tapler tudents' use Typewriter Paper af white, letter alphehet ize paper of good quality Yietary witahle tar husines f al frespondence } 08 EATON Oppartunity Pay Special, 260 \, 88 Coloured Pencils 9 12 pencils in assorted col urs. Complete with pencil sharp ener. In elear plastic case with 88 flame fastener agen gow gy Lead Pencils 8 36 in pkg. Yellow pen with HB lead® rubl eraser tip EATON Oppartunity Bay Special, phy ' carrying POKER CHIPS AND RACK npasit urahle plasti Ving, black are ) plastis | 1a Ni 08 TATON QRpartvnity Pay Special, ant POKER CHIPS 100 § hig x 1, Blue and while { 88 ATOM QRRarNitY Pr tessiol, A CHILDREN' § CARD GAMES plete with 94 4 favaurite card game N 88 ingl a Id Maid wi | 11a \ . Afi fATON Apportunity Bay Special, 4 in pha package PLAYING CARDS 08 Mine wate Pe Ll] a i. wipe 80 j BATON Qppartunity Pay Special, pask ¥ Chess eT \ WR, 08 ¢ \ Kk and while ene bag Favon "Qhpathinity Pay Special, phe ) den | 88 \ WRITING PORTFOLIO Ld Aktig folder in Florenting desig 4 and 30 envelopes Dome fastens: \ fed ar grees FATON Opportunity Bay Spesial, sash EVERYDAY CARDS In the popula n shape Ha. Qs, special acess ns, ele HAST! NOTES = Alligclive cards ap Va x 8 J Every card has a differs w 0 EATON Opportunity Bay Spe EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 208 Aids te Gn shiny paper in assall od pastel shades. € ompltte with malehing envelog FATON Opportunity Bay Special, hoax of 30 TATON Oprtiunity Pay Spesial i a CHESS BOARD sing |e mage woos 8 A ha TATON rainy Pay Special, ensh 08 COLOURING BOOKS A favourite pastime | why lo, 8 for 88 1) A]! ol TATON Oppariunity Pay Special ACTIVITY BOOKS ng i Qub, 18 una { with scallops fouring, fs Avi Ry and athe Slowchil des an i hex of 19 a Complete with "§ "FATON ¢ Branly on hh he "0 PHONE RA 5.7302 EACH or SET Shelf ores nest fres regind 6 wiped | Aa rolls B38 DE Busi Ie sont, EGP wir acme / ong wie EATON Opportunity Poy Special Recipe Box 8---Meial box | A pf EATON Oppoartunity Pay Special, sash File Folders 12 Letter size ardbogre | ler far heme f Hee use yin package EATON Opportunity Pay Special, pke Desk Accessories 6 Handsome appeintmenis for ur desk at heme or affice! Fine ished In simulated leather in nut brawn shade. Pen holder and base, pad and blotter, approx. 16 x 21"; meme pad, note hox val letiar haskell, ash 1Y 08 EATON yy Pay Special, each Ballpoint Pens 20 In asserted shades, 12 plas tie hallpaint pens. Pink, green, red r rawr EATO im oor seer 12" 88 SAVE 20% to 50% ON CONTINENTAL BEDS Ends-of Hines! Balances of previous sales! mismatched "Simmons" Wulti-Quilk Top Reg, 104.00 The mattress hes nw the 4 wis $17 tempered oh spring sere 4 soft WHITE fale thickly loid over sol fh Praluitt borders lor ron-seggng of dees. Contr I61I6 Is & BRId-wasring cotton, Sree Livkhy GIR R With miti-Giit ditching 19 Svord ting of 169 padding Made by Semmes, Wie cortinertsl bed hes # Wor wnGg CEs Wit 19 Give rest apr ort hus 6 screw wie legs od Quilidop Styles by "Seria" and "Beveriey" -- Reg, 94.00 Mattresses * ® Thick layers of white felt top the protective sisal padding . for non-sag and trim tailored look Heavy duty cotton covers in smart printed pattern with quilting oF LJ s Pre-built borders both sides to minimize shifting of felt Metehing box sef of 6 legs Gizeés 54, 4B and 39" have 252 highly tempered coil springs springs carefully constructed for correct in the 54" size EATON Opportunity Dey Special, sach 2.00 support, pis 30" Styles by "Serta" and "Simmons" - Reg, 56.00 f continents! beds by two noted maker ® A Group - 4 nstruction; button-Auiied ang witn 16pe8, o Mattresses are medium firm £6 olled edge eo Cover fab hard-wesring cotton stripe o Topered steel coll springs, thickly padded with lays ® Matching box spring ef of 6 screw-in 16g EATON Opportunity Pay Specie, soch 39" Beds with Mismatched Covers - Reg, 84,00 fo 104,00 ® This is a group of "Sertg" mattresses with in cavers that de net maiech the mariresse ® All mattresses gre medium firm spring eanstryelior #® All covers are hard-wearing cotten in varied pater # Box spring and set of 6 screw-in legs EATON Opportunity Day Special, each J 4 y lay Bp 52.00 of carefully selected Box Springs tly stripes 30" Continentals - Reg, 44,05 ® A size thet lends itself readily te sitting by doy as well as comfortable leeping by night ® Mattresses gre medium firm construction edges tan-tufted, with taped » WEIS BIE LOHIGH Bnd 18YON WERYES ® Box springs specially built for firm with set of & screw-in legs EATON Opportunity Day Special, each rte tees 32.00 Institutional Style in Four Sizes - Reg, 79.06 ® Well-built mattress of firm construction with 252 ceil springs in 54" site Many layers of thick white felt aver firm sisal padding Fretuil borders for gveidance of sag ver 15 heavy cotton ticking in beige and white stripe Warching hos SPER lend support Io mattres have 6 sturdy legs " 7 Sizes 54 39" and 36" EATON 0 ind Pay Special, each Pp y Yay tr the 62.00 mastly in stripes support for matires are equipped EATON'S Budget:-Charge Terms may be arranged if desired with NO DOWN FAY MENT EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 271 PHONE RA §:7378 UPHOLSTERY OLEANER Qutstanding Special Value! NEW "EASY GLAMUR" RUG AND Clean rugs, carpets, upholstered furniture quickly and easily! Odourless "Easy Glamur" leaves no rings; does an excellent job of cleaning weal, nylen, cotton, leather plastics, Stack up now for Spring-cleaning! 49 EATON Opportunity Pay Special, 14 gol, LJ EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 278 PHONE RA 5.7373 PRE-PASTED WALLPAPERS TO OLEAR Ends-of-lines , . . excellent choice of patterns Plastic-coated « completely washable wallpapers In der signs for every room in Mie home! Matifs far bedrooms, nursery, kitchen, bathream, dining room living areas, semi-trimmed and pre-pasted for speed in hang: ing. Shep early while the selection is at its best! 49 EATON Opportunity Day Special, single roll Ll) PHONE RA 5.7373 halls EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 FOR YOUR TELEPHONE SHOPPING CONVENIENCE . Customers in the Ajax, Bowmanville, Dunbarton, Pickering, Port Perry, West Hill and Highland Creek exchanges may telephone directly to EATON'S in Oshawa WITHOUT TOLL CHARGE by calling long distance and asking for ZENITH 15000 Customers in Cobourg and Port Hope may place orders by phone or in person at EATON Order Offices, COBOURG: FR 2-5441 PORT HOPE: TU 5-2433 OSHAWA CUSTOMERS DIAL AS USUAL: RA 5-7373 Ends-of-lines fo clear... ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Limited Quantities Only=Please, ne telephone or mail orders oH " Sunbeam" 8-Oup Automatic Coffee Percolalor Reg, 31,50 a gleaming addition to breakfast nook ar din. ing table, Simply set to desired Strength of coffee; percolater automatically cuts back to keep coffee hot when that paint is reached EATON Opportunity Day Special, Model APS, sach 21. "Sunbeam" Portable Eleciric Hand Mixer Reg: 21.95, a boon to the busy hememaker, Use for mixing cakebatter, pancakes, whipping eream, smoothing sauces, fluffing potatoes » myraid of uses in the kitchen 17 8 EATON Opportunity Pay Special, Model HM, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, PERT, 277 PHONE RA 5.7373 0] 7.183 AT 9.30 A.M. AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Please, no telephone or mail orders PLAYTEX "HAND SAVER" RUBBER GLOVES 'Seconds' of higher priced line! Ta protect your hands when washing dishes, serubs bing floors, doing the hand:-laundry. Good-wearing, these gloves have scored surface for 'non-slip' grip, Sizes small and medium. only. EATON KEY VALUE, PAIRS 1.29 BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212