' ie TIE AWA [ii dG, SePurdey, PAaren iz Coll The Direct Classitiod Vomber RA 3.3492 THE OS AWA TIMES WANT AD ETT san fy avin or resi pel WPA Gh BREN rE aA a ad a nd a ya vid . SPemads, $0,508 gn wi fovom nA ak of Roy FR GERERE INT a fA PR OTA GRR, WA RE (RETR [ih ow HERE (RIRORR, KW (# he w" He BR a Wherry Ld # HE RAEH wp. Ay leaders iw the Fok HW A CaRias, (& IORI oF # BOR REG RAR ¥ ade adapted we WE fon war kael KR [pi @vRe sy, ig iit BF eid sist tied 4 SHAE sud sar WR BE, ME FREY AGES SIP GVA Dt) of wd, gin to Roz 0. fibers W4 id BNE (nln Tmenese? Then seg Seve ann E wah Bok ame pA Pogson. [Bei ling MN Fark A Eh dard gt y ARIRiiak tw # op ede oH Io Fin 4 Hier we ¥ Fe or® Tisok heniy fis Keni MAJOR OIL CO Service n me ed ud Bw is Av 7 The LANG'S MEAT MARKET 2 Ho" et nied zr F IER PEC i [EWP E47 ¥ TY Ey IE BERMIE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE LICL HOF § farttry mansrries : 7 fet for PF Heting RA 5- 1179 iF YOU ARE OPENING A NEW; BUSINES GET YOUR SHARE THE PROFITS I YOUR PHONE itd THE NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers 32-~Articles Wanted toca Wr pt (rans ¢ Motiet, oe Fas 8 mooem ud ty of Oshowe Shation to { OF JF LIS SFY A BEATT ove EXCLUSIVE! PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED Coin Operated Launderette Hos SHAW AUTO WRECKIN // sf Parts WH Wig G 4 glsw screp hon © Ef pT R AMGLIng disiid f 4 JF Profit Potential 65-2311 £9 BLOOR F FOR SCRAP I! WE BUY METALL, BATTERIES PAPER, RAGS, Ets f Eats Open Al Dey 146 GREENBERG £ SONS i with {1 CASH Double-Load Double-Prof if WASHERS and STEE M FA 1 |TE--Employment Wanted waa Hernee 3:7333 308 Bloor hairdresser ew iwi RECENT graduate ke opportunity 14 u Fhane Alex WHitehs!l "J Coin Operated DRY CLEANING MACHINES For inforr Obligan YOUNG married hes ICS ng. Would (ike slesly employment Simeone Barth, BA 34978 IRELIABLE women children and Ao NEBL housework working mother. Phone B15 {WILL do lroming in own home oF yours Telephone BA S796 until 4 p& "IDAY rere Biven to children Phone | 101, 64478 IROVSEWNRE Hime, good sles HA #4440 man thirties pATIY i wa will look Wi Contact Ih n Koin Laundry Sales, Lid 20 | Toranta Telephone wonled, full of pant Street Phone BA 85588 wr Cntr WA 6-4 allege 7 18, needs empiny ment years high schenl wlus Me ihe affice exper Lands worker Telephone RA 6714 man 17-~Women's Column bie foundation garments, Ind) | ¥ ned. Also Bpirells reg interven fii Mrs. 4. Hendepshot $24 Admiral Ropd {ior home and sme 18-Loan Wanted |&% nursing: RA Bhio4 WANTED 88000 private loan at 7 per | ATTENTION housew gent #8 & frst morigage on 825.000 me, to dlsple farm property, near (shaws. Repay | less 0 snnuslly plus Interest. Reply to) sentinel ox 446, Oshawa Times | RELIABLE ln 84, for £HER lve tn, wri a help care ily while moth RELIABLE hinisekeepss fives fan es Tull #2 ery mal Cokw are ul wlain (TL ry A BA sterling Fhane ppprasimately 48 housekeeping In motheriess home, twa children. All modern eon Iveniehees, Must like children and will ink ta lve in. Write Bax 411, Oshawa Times WAITRESS eaperienced, night or shill work. Apply § Bloor East bstwess | and 4 pm Steno-Clerk n woman 19~Personal IF YOU drink that's your business! If You went to stop, that 1p our business Write FO Box 84, Whithy | ELECTROLYSIS | Hem Marie al eof superfluous hair Murdutt will be in Oshawa, March 14th and 15th, Phone Génoshag Hotel on these dates for appoints ment 25-~Pets and Livestock LABEADOR Retriever for sale, 11 weeks old, 348. Telephone BA B-8V84 fog further particulars BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready Faining, talking strain. Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street Bast BLOND Baser pups for sale pedigree Telephone KA 80843 for further partie Jars 26--Farmer's Column TRACTOR and hlade Utility 440, used three Himes ahle, Telephone OL 53411 MANURE far sale. 86 & load deliver od. Telephone RA 8-878 for particulars ANE chestnut quarter hed (ght years, well hroke western wi almost new western saddles or phone Len Stall, Japetville LARGE © anbity of hay Welephone HA § 4088 VEAD farm stock picked up prow Ap] wane eallect. Hamitan, CO0fay 4.87 Hara Fur Farm, Tyrone, | WATER water for and wells, delivered whére, $5 for 1,000 Special rates on request larger amounts 8.4771 $2Articles Wanted FURNITURE. appliances, ypawriiers wing machines, sald an commission ree pick up. Superior Appliarce Serv. | LL Burk Street, AA B-4873, WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 | callect) 34--Auction Sa AUCTION SALE PETER FYFE'S IMPORTED ANTIQUES 200 Lan Cops (A number of these Int Br ARMOURIES-ORONQ, ONT. 5 MILES NORTH OF NEWCASTLE SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 18-1 PRESALE DISPLAY == FRIDAY, MARCH 1 2.99PM Catalogues A For Farther Inky MH, BRUCE SNIDER, Auctioneer An pening exists our mirchasing department for a young accurate woman typist work For competent Must be shorthand figures an with and quickly with appointment phon ges BOWMANVILLE | MArket 3-331] (37--Male Help Wanted OPENING for several active and alert tale nifies, oar Sehalsmana, for | Mrs, | International salesman foi val Reason: essential, Apply W #47 HUBKY edie of Lyping, river ! heeame Kaa Hox 718, AGGRESEIVE young man fa act as sales representative far prominent si Hamotive sup dustrial machinery wanld help hut Hox 410, Cshawa MEN wanted far high sehonl grad 18:83 years, dd | an Industrial Salesman Oshawa Times and straw Blation RCE NATY not Write he. 18 Rawielgh Business {Heal appartunity, No experience Reces sary tn start, Pull ar spare time. Write | Kawieiah, Dapt, C3100, 4008 Richelieu, Purified Montreal isterns any gals for TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE A leading manufacturer In the Fluid Power field requires a represental for this di triet Previ sales exper ance an ase! Applicants should be familiar with Methods and Tooling and will supply thelr awn tig tien, Remuneration | and comm Thi established fon hatter-th e u n with a income P 0 age Ackdre 1 eplie | OSHAWA TIMES | 34--Auction Se ' 415 x 1 Fumniture Silver Figurines ou Wn varnou Consisting of f Pe China Brass ae h ates) Big Heated able (BY nati | no Odessa A) Pi wrehitectyrel draw| ! ster | for} | | | | | 36-~Female Help Wanted | part | | with knowl: (in private home to bain ashus salesman. Must have desire Lo RonM Write | man (walter, pliers farm and Hght 18: Squih h WaE®R ample [ATORE | Pringe 2 NEW BUSINESS UNLISTED NUMBERS "DRAPERY MATERIAL Madar Casigre EE INGA wher of ge red iLL M & C DRY GOODS 74 Cativg $2 EA 3787 ANN'S FABRIC SHOP BRO MG BE £ I 7 Curia Wi ws ring griot, el ¥ #e idl LiL 4 Male Wi Help Wonted * | here of es mating Ang. ha i i dad nt FVIRRE Meier or . . BIRR ls Cilodes ery eld on Wr Brae ' # 6 Bos [i ACTF AS he Fibrin Pow #H belie, ua po Br HARRIE WAN 1 Vi bor mL IONER wr pant HEA #16 phone » Wm 4 RA pe $12500 FOR THE RIGHT MAN IN THE OSHAWA AREA Take short trips to contact customers, Mrite E Sve hwestern Fett Box 789, Fort Texas TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY SSISTANT TREASURE TAX COLLECTOR of Kiwi auto { ar from qualified ng the posi freasurer J opportunity « a App whi able Ass Collector promt forwa Grong fee! of fi sant with rded to the % before arch | on f gred oth, 15 1961 Additions! duties will i the office of elias Adi strat Particule f age, gducation previ Muni lence, It any infarmation which are Give £0 ExIRS | ther ma f whmitted pal ar he Interest in writing hg ng dele 6 for these positier if pecEple vill depe ond Salary ications experi MURRAY ROBINSON, ( Township of Whith BROOKLIM ork [} Ontari 36--Male or Female Help Wanted or female, experience dA fur Write Box 641, Oshaws Times MALE or female, {0 sell f on eam mission only, Write te Box 838, Osha Times MALE warkers WHEN ANSWERING [pir (MonERN HELP WANTED ADS Send copies only of references and other papers, and avoid loss of 41-Room & Board ROOM and board In new ni Telaphone HA 8.0004 ONE ar twa girls or gentlemen Ing ta share, single heds, hoard Hanal, laundry and TV, central possible originals home park MO| BAY IROOM and hoard for one husiness girl narth seption HA A408 hoard for space, cooked meals Telephon Blreel and arking single gentle plenty of Apply Cag ROOM two" gentlemen hloek from hus and hoard for (shawn. (ine parking RA Baie FRENCH English speakin gentle man, fest lass food, lunches pack ed, five days ar full week, Parking TOR Camesle Avenus. HA B-4043 ROOM and board for five Routh General Motors, lunches packed, | ample hat. water, parking, central Wile Box 616, Oshawa Times 42--Store Space and Garages ar alfice Sires! hus Hvis, near for west station rent, $70 side Near Telephone | King next BA LE LEE] AVATLARLE. in office suite, modern downtown building fo witahle tenant & private affiee and adequate space a general office ares for Call RA &6081 MODERN OFFICE SPACE Fumi 1, ground floor street parking, suitable to oifs for | § | any endeavour, Telephe RA 5.6560 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger eleva! New building at n oh Moderate rent available THE TIMES BUILDING I" vice Centrally Io wi NN aiea Loasss now Contact T. L. WILK ow | Phone RA 3.3474 NI Rh g' 7 ihe ws {PRIVATE | {FA [APARTMENTS 1 (FOUR | possession flTwn lapa | | | | {TWO roams | IMARINA ALAM i n HA 3 3006 olose 10 |gnd hot || 1904 pri 400 Hioar Bireel Kast lapartments | possession, VA1A3 a {men firenfell AL--Shore Specs ond Garages STARE for rowi, few, A 0. by 8 AG Bens Messi Bons Ww Se His BA G98 OFFICE or STORE FOR RENT $70 F #8 Te So on ¢ RA B6175 OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT J yi CE Y. she Fogrorivmatety 12 i prefered APPLY 23 CELIMA ST A4--Houses For Rent Fon og Lid wm Bd do Avy by 3 or Gr GRY SEVER wom hie Pd int East # wk Irindas Wmtwy HE al I a FIVE ds Herwy hvine mR Five # EA IRRER AER howe RA de a a heh 5 ion 188 PRORS WONTHEY y fn Folk sedipie Prone Bur 422, Ohahas Led wz Few i Times iid sey Slemot for fe sie b ok lmnks iA 8 oe 10 Ie on f elwghme Wn Ae T elaine now Ue Gran sri op 44h --ApIS, 1% Flats For Rent #le ppariment FIVE F 7 CRY RIRERES sher and Aryer COUNTRY apartment enlace, moter four rooms, sep By MOL young n prved road praia 2 self -ch0 and in apartment ane later FOUR pew TWh yi Teieph tained apart refrigerator ibe ¥ / IWR [ i 4b two-hedroom apart save and washing pavid parking. Tele ners Febri Be uiar, ties supplied one BA $4674 modern wi n new dds sf avril bedroom spart fuiiding PRIBIRE to sehanl ar shopping, 78 Avenue, BA B-H183 |FmIvAT floog Apartment slave, Frigidalr Res nat. Free par ge 6 RA 5900 mein I Warne b { apartment, kitchen, living and beth, Close to hus Hares, centre ear parking. Mi Avenue 47080 wedronm Pacific APARTHINT three HA downtown hath rent 9 £ablon loeation frigidaire hod ten elephone ponds Imm Wid ever £4 Three roam &pant all eonveniences, good logation, puth Plant, » Felani Cardaves Raogpd, Apt immadiate | ment £0 naw Apply #0 ronm apartment three piece ublet, Bulitin cuph cential ik nA ris, thiy 1" §h RJ TWO roem weekly both park Upstairs Nig LiL] alan threeroom ground floor furnlsfied electrically equipped, 164 Tivigion. WA #0818 five rams 470, JROOKEIN hith hot Apartment 8 three | minutes heat Carnes sipnlied, Baldwin walter andl furnished of entranes Fenant 166 infuinished LH I apartment semi-private ping ab door in and fuel Bouth Apply e elo Road three roam self-contained tment, Bll in cuphoaris,. heavy fuly wiring, TV antenna, private en heal, lghis included, Reason 807 firierson Street euphoards, hat for ladies Wr shopping _eentre RA B5A40 Apartments, 381 Simoes three rooms with hath, anid stove, $80 monthly 10168 able vent gentle 176 suilahie plose ta treet ater, Blresl Bouth ref Telephone RA AV ARTMENTS ynrator also faun RA one four. room on ground floor all ponveniences Verdun Road dry faellibie THREE tained apartment, self eon entrance, vefrigeratos suitable for alter room apartment, heated, new Private hath i Ample parkin preferred, Tele roam private in kitchen Istana Aver slave on TH remodelled entrance cunple ate die aged HA A300 NEW twin-hedraam haild. | road eolored dry a ap medern in ng Fark Road, nam, tastefully hath, vefrigeralls oF Paved parking preciate. RA 62883 BOWNTOWN, three roam, [tained apartment, newly deenrited, res private entranes ymediate RA 51853 » 4. ane new apartment Adelaide Street, decarated, stove washer Must see sanahle | One and Two Bedroom | | stenographer. | APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6405 ADELAIDE TERRACE } bedroom Adelaide frig Ty wiudes hat space nd Apply Apt lern LP ve wirtme A W £1 outlet, . drape walter, parking laundry taeilities No 2 ONE MONTH FREE RENT apartments, $85 and wat Phy 8-8676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS New build Wt ease LLOYD RE/ ALTY RA 8.5123 learn one Best \ ne - Excellent locat with \ with and wold | [AbA=ASY, & Vier or Rent oa we Jorn sas FRY frm eed (ERAan FO RIV, SVE RES 1 [fron mimes femme fae ae sow. A Biss dignge, cose wn Av [A ons a TH epirme FRET BERTTIRERY , RESGY Any Wig HP AAA wi ~~ AREAS rend LENE brant modern one pA bos leh al iy. Frome Wemawe BAH IRREE FRR rT ee PERE, (RFRE AREER FERRE, KER) WP aol of siby Rete, WH dad #aingr fd FERGIBWER ppwriment, Hoel wd or 1 EWopmag (Ents ang for w i 1 vin AAR pon kidd atari ol Bethy Idem Rwy WEA Womir non #a i rain Bal, ROME ses , REwhy Aucor vin Fhe Was ak Leavin FER dein Wrlrmieiaf Fron e HE BRR, SIRE lor RE Bove Wiel Fant PERISHED Gres 201 srl a RER. RA SUI or § Wor FREEE tom spar ment SRoRINAR [tre FRin% w FRA Airy 4% tad Fast BA §7%4 fenind Fege RA #4 £IRity ¥ BTR east, P MFR, REARS HA 5.0664 YER tad INR (RATRE, EIAENERL (OSH OR, f5miR #ot GREE Jivet a Asi; HH dd waniiy id burt Angie phen Trieghone KA F456 nd priose en i" Ea FIR RPL ARE Hd Reiiad, Resy id Bog, pRrwag. BA King is wa ra dd akin wanak ini e, BE eile IK Laptem. WH P idd pry » ga MAREE RS AY Ad Wsrinn Aosmie a frigearey , Soon wanes, AVyev, Fak Aol e al TREE HET aan " RAY poss Aawitinant Be rn BEE RR farminiak. Vrgingive. (ome Sigeni Yavin. mens eie poe Btaie fav Pry Iefies ARO Aas FREED, - poring inaw , aps Rew, gend Fon. mow 8 Pornear, 6 Soma y Ropliamie Bow. (Auer Ball of ian Eni d. Ba ony East. RA 987 FREI. oRahaind pEsopront, Wh peel ind faded (Aen for « » Ho #, TBINEET EH dudes. TV swhier paring. RA HUG Fri i rh SR TaRE, IaRian, she BNWT WERE, Bessy WIEWE. Phosie Bw Ahaigine hotnie Wes FWREE ine RERviament 8 prio me isin d AARITRITERARE, FRREMRRINE, Appts 5 Peele Aone did it FY pier Ast 4 wi rans dad BA BITIH birds int oid roniainek wn FLAAnt, #4 fos piece Rik ring IE ERI RRE, a hewvy Brith Toa pis wr iiaie * bd hore RA Ls al TA i wil, PII IE Btl Bnd eRtiRies, PRE AE, Wt s ped, Kesvy wing. RA i wen lida #14 ie Wt RRRTIIRANE IR m/e y WIRE, ao Rilaine 146) B00. it Crezhan Ross, At, § thy fk hs ent Fy INESS S tw [7387 z dil FRREE . tow Spertament. toe An of ony Ener, BEE ner; Maan pian. ione WA bITI6 Fin FR FRA SETH OR Have EO le AWG BRE Arm alawn - Rihy Want, parson my ay byant [A & Fiore HARETR [IAC SORE arr Bas GF rmienne BACHELOR giartinent, Tem Siti, West, Wodew, WEIR A ssp m. Apis he lo ig im sam trent Wasi. BA SHWE DEWIY Anson wien thine WEIL, ERE TER. RR REE, #0 Ae. 0 hewied, NE Frome BA Hi aiaddcd ROY Aly Frome RA Ak aint #hidk, da Sasrehrt wi yin Sdn Brine FI ART ne How Rtaiiaaatd BEWEY Ancwptad Ghvee § IVE RAL. fa RRA, IE, ROBIN BhyYIRE, SHART, murder, Rew, INE TON BPP Walsh hes geod Bowr, « 9956 pe i pthiaad RAFU wa on, pee «ih i ud #IREAIAE tein hone eed ld Vr apns f) PRIw a8 fone # td FER TREFE Fane Bk AER wit haw adds 4 wo farm #7 Cotborrne Brent srtaie ml WE Jes A Ay Ce ehinht s Blisst KEIR] WA tilly firniny hihy MH RAL Lihat Bianet East py BA £0181 or BA 5 Wea # sompeialy Arye we - | Ton hi BR 'Wtvent Bowrh by _ von Rh 00 Gotwens } desc dal Fe pripid Te -- orem a pons Have, Ba femtintty lon Lui aig Vo. Tom su rad To Tiers ER, BAAR 05 Rife, yi add did ad Honan, Lone lo ve sa sors. KA Resvy Ruts WINE Wary, laondry 4 EAE TREEE . room hese: pin Owes [rd ain save, washer, Aever, TY mnits, Wonwiand Bast. RA 4140 FOR RENT = five » room atrigad ped there - piece Bath. Blots for Ho lat Heart of Rov iawn Tnisnese FERRIES. Apu MAswnrth Elasners, Re 41812 THREE « rooms fat, newly Aecormied, hewoy Aoty ®IRE, Rest and [i Figin Sirens East, $i weekly. Phone RA 5019 we rom Inada n frniohed Base FRE RERTLRENt, BIE, ERIE T MSY, Bi Oh FIRE Tah. BERRY FE ERTRREE dg 1 es, Col Did # machine And Rand Bowih ye "haste, tone rom ed rim A A pl A Raskin Wikis, TREE pom sppremiohed det aan all FERNIRER ciosn (wwroom Went, Boden, WeTERE XL Ld wow ran Wa Ebest, close le ie LE Aortl franer Sars ¥ oa shower Pf rind ERE BRrLiment, Bath SFRioE, senwi, iS wesw " wWawkERy "RRR L IE, A sui ne rm #in, biohen ad Aes cowie Aopiieiie Ape | he rd Airy Wuike Bios of A i ad faailifiny nn mniiment vi Trivets Bell, Sink a Evpheite i FRI Iges pion and slave, hire big. Avaliaine April | As i ELEAN, three rom yhie entrnhine and hath, oii IRgeraior, Wi EWR ERISReRs, we Darth Telephone BA 56604 LARGE Wright, three IRERE, ME - sami ned. sewih ty. BA B00 pr BA 5-000 THO furnished ear, Eonwple preiarred. Appts BA 4152 Wetween 8 « § p. ERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants WILY Burinws Reads dant ] ' Din cam RINE (ienawp. Ronwis F. LZ a Burrnes, [ BOR CILABLY SR her Com pieia rer yy nia Fire re pi ¥ ZL h ng UR HA : HOFKINE Fas V ' gad Chmpany We » Gptarie il a FALE, fn Auditors We I CF pienis #0 pnd Ca, eidir Ger hey MONTEITH, RIFE ALEOUnLANt bliset PEWAR i A Fidg teria lees! MONTEITH na Ca of je red 1608 WH pr ' 7 Ala N + Feiaphone Corti mE HA FHIERLANRER, RUNTER "a £60 oh Vwie A I fm Ontana, KA bod) ni Articles for Rent TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS RE-HUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS & MEAGHER! KING STREET RA 3-3425 5 WEST EICKROOM EQUIIPMED FOR RENT OR FOR SA Hospital is, wheel chair d Qaes alsa roll-away bed Al RA ligi« | invali walkers, [<a crutches ar | car nm m { Phone | Renta 4 Ledsides SUNLAMPS IT LE d a4 fia arth (Auto Parts KENT ® Western 1 motive parts and Wing Breet West, Oshawa Five service haves 1a serve yon re BECREBATIEN Barristers GHEER ele HA Greer Kell and Welly, Barristers, Simeas Street Fesidence HA 53 {ence § PA, BCL, RA & RALPH JONES, BA, snd THOMA (GRE ER, Associate Barristers and leltars, 150 Wing Blreel East, BA & |Marigage loans avaliable THOMAS M, RUNDLY and notary pubis Street East, Phone HA hh IAMES A. MaeNONALD, BA | Harpister and Boligitar and Notar Commercial Building, $66 tn ial i M ER BA i batt ella he Oshaws, Ontario wllahie West i RUSKELL TL, 1. MURPHY Barrister and Solicitor, Fast, Oshawa, Ontario CREIGHTON, FRASER MURDOCH, Barrislers, boliellors tary Puhlie, Bank of Commerce ¥ |8 Bimene Street Novth, RA 85-3446) Crelghtan, QC; N. ©. Fraser, QC} ¢ [Dynan 6, L. Murdoeh, NHA (gages Arranged DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Bar land Soligitar, 361s King Sireet Telephone: Business HA 4-490] [denoe, RA 8A873 MANNING F, BWARTE Pay noligitar, Notary, Maney to loan Bruee V. Magkey, HA 2 King Alreet Fast Residence, Dial BA 5.4006 "A HA 83071 plate Hlaek 14h soligitar, Money 16 lpan King Street East, Oshawa Hesldence, RA 5 3408 wT 11 f King Street) sonable rales guaranieed su 145 RA 8160764 ones er LLL) LL Balle 6448, | sali ing " Ki Client par ing NRYNAN and dg TK i K mort Isler East Real Archivpla ile Ballet | Bouth "INRESEMAKING Building Trades FLARTERING free gstimples, repairs snd Mees Wil work gesreniess RA SHH blifing reed chi inkye. rep BA #04 pring sees, bide travian Me AL types FRIESEN 0 #llke, Samp ALL TYPES 4 Aeling # Wo im RAR mates, BA 44 HOME ove ERVEMITIEN INE Pini Hare FEOFPLF Ealing tn th wad 3 WATER PRIRLINK hold repairs TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Ould Gnd deepening COMPRESSOR WORK RA 8.3864 IMP ROVEMENT SERVICE home remodelled ements done for vou by Beaver. From the planning and fimating to the finished job, you deal enly with Beaver, Budget terms frrohgec Call Beaver J Lumber E818 A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? A BOATHOUSE? A NICE GARDEN WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL RA B-5103 110 KING STREET EAST, QSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD, ® repairs and re wiih g eli IRALOR i nieed, ui ¥ ee Handing, "oa ne nani ntion wining Wiithy, 0) 8-400 wha need yowr serviges re fied right now, FIen't mise ade Business. ial KA 13 tone siart your low cost ad Ww hE, Wasiering, rmoling paper hanging and house RA SHIM £9 HOME Have y& impr i" Cartage INUN'S Moving and Storage, Bahasa: Whith Reasanahle rales Fully Lequipped and insured. Phone RA B-3661,| BUOTIAN Cartage, for fast. depend. | ahle servies. HA B30i4. Ne Joh ten hig or ton small Dressmaking NRESSMAKER-=Speciplizing In drapes and children's elathes, allerations, res Telephone HA 82380 ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men, women and ehlidren, Formal dress Reversible skirts 8 specialty. RA 5.3486 and alterations on children's and ladies' wear, Fessonable price, RA 6 B066 MINOR slterating on ehliidran's and ladies' wens 40 Albert Nleel (formes ly of Blmgrove and Fark Road) |ALTERATIONS of all kinds far men, inter, | Asso NRESSMARING Henry [dven's wear Formal dresses HA 50468 and ehil all Kinds, women and children Heversible skivia--a spepially Indies alterations of RA [Telephone HA § ha5i | FP, MANGAN, Af, Barrister . BOWMAN, DAVID EL, Barrister, Ballet: | alk Simone South, RA 5-6508. HA BuBid ar, denee | Hesl MeGIRRON and BARTERO, Rarristers Saligitars, Clienis' funds available IRA A3066 Charles ©, MeGihhon, | Edgar ¥, Hastoda, QC [HON N. CAMERON, harrisier, tor and notary publie, East. RA 33060. NHA and priv mortgages arranged HUMPHREYS, Bovehya and Harristers, Solicitors; WR. ¥ phreys, at Hillman, LLB fhanes: Office 34604 ar Whith Maney tn lpan, fT, SALMERS RA SLY MO 83761 Hes, RAS BA, barrister, » Bimeoe Sireel N tor, ele, 14 Offigs RA A2741; Residence RA & tor Se1ECON: [Hirsh morigares. 20 Simons Btoeet North ac alia: | 1044 King Sirest at {um RA 03 aliel arth 25d |Rookkeeping i COMPLETE BOOKEEPRING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURN 686 OSLER STREET RA 5.9953 - am many substitutes BUT you oan he {Building Trades AL | Phone {tad {ing and heating Harold HW hosting and engl Street Soulh Plumbing RA S30 plumbing A Simone [RATHROOMA tiled. ypes of tele AOR "RA A-TI5R YOUR wal eli 5 hullh and repaired {statied, fam {mates RA § TERAMNK vales, work males. HA ROOFING cabinets built Herat oh We ey pleaner was lining 8 vacuumed. Foes ai wall Wie Tall, Fuaraniesd PRE Free hh 3 of all Nada All wark RA AM PIE ha o hardwood fuewoed r For further nfs " \ ion, eal RA yan supp neer all all wm 5 a ehh ett new Al BRY ne Hillman, [finest af fonds proeurahle 3" SCHAPEL HOUMAN Mia' mont 13 pound stork pack, lien, | Stark} reasunahle | Fuaranteed 3 FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations, Remodeling LOW PRICES 22 ROWE ST, RA 8.6706 (Food Freezer Service HANS PER week assures a family | four good idving, This inpludes a heavy duty Westinghouse Freezer and the) hy Hehaeld: | fair weather or foul, ers, Think af it, Your three months supply of food guar antees hetler planned meals at far lass than you are now paying. The cost of Pia being such as it is, It is only to yourself and family, that you ol at} ANOMART AIO B-0081, No Down ayment Na Obligation. Our fond eon sultants will gladly explain our way to helter living, and our many satisfied pustomers verity our statement, There it's Westinghouse, Honus for STOP HOMARKETY Fe and Freezer Company no in Whitby, Offers the finest toad service In Ontario. All name brand groceries, Steaks and roasts 10 delight the At low prices. Hind quarters cut and wrapped, 55¢ Ih, fronts 42¢ 1h: Wea have specially de signed HOMARKET home freezers | 294.00 Na deposit, Lifetime warranty, A family of four can live well and awn a freezer for $16.00 weak For information, Call HOMARKEY, 107A Col wine West, Whithy, MO 8-4630 hard May W 5 RA 3.7460 oc k | and Wood hardwood ends, sullabls for fur naces, staves, fireplaces, slo. 8 age oad delivered, Phone RA S30 ie [manvEY DANCY Gardening and Supplies LEAN ARDS ad tere dd or tree 168, REPELS, Tema ed DRIVEWAY GRAVEL >" , Send ang I, Biot RA 5-5279 OSHAWA "w nh Maeoney to Loon FIFTY (5 fon thoweend Aolars, warthehile purpoee, west rales Any fast treet Bowih, RA f ! Mortgages FIRST and second morigage 4. W. Behatemann, Morigs Wikthy Frotessionsl Buf Had FIRST and second arts pgTREmEnis purchased a i wick and Hennick, Barristers, 3 Bing Street Bust, Wh 87000 CLIENTS money (a loan on EW mor Grek Mortgage apd pEreement of sale wrchased. WHA Manges arranged Creighton, Fraser, Drinin sd #7 CAL : Vi HOME LANDSCAPING toh Pruning of wngmentals, 16m fruit trees and tree surgery and Expert g work 6 "RA B-6366 EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Thinning of Fruit Ornamental Trees, Van Belle Ga dens MA 3.57587 (3 miles East on Ne, 2) Shaping ond BOWMANYILE Instruction Ih years' | At now HAN HA 51084 MAE MAKAN, dence edi tor, dancing school, ballet, tap, bat | aerobati £, Bre-sehonl, eharpeler, da Butirdny, Masonie Temple Lal] Tap, Ravel Aesdem Ii lt {PRIVATE teacher, SAE CouRMEIISF, | sapsrience, by interview only, | on nh, KINI RA 34 AUAREMY atom | Ballet, Highland, | | Register now, 424 King West, RA 06123, 10, H LU LEARN to dance, expert Instruction "In Henk or 14 Burk aot, iim AVAILABLE gid & second mort, Eager, repay B35 monthly Private fundé A471 MORTGAGES - Arranged, Bought, Son Company 2 Private Monies A 5+ 6544 John . BOLA Hi fo op Limited Realver Member Ontario Merigege Brokers Association [Nursing Services INDIVIDUALIZED (hough [each person on in Bunvhrae ol, (Rug--Uphelstery Sols CRENTERFIEIDE ang covered Wks pew. Got the For res sstimates Phone Berrien Be sbosrd Ar ad wh Brameoe at Maodery Vi Both. Coli R, male CRRIATERY Ld We pest or Tove, wpscinibiie In Shestertiel ee » fled, 8" Mo easy Ci ESTERFIFADE w pr pew, Why fi: coveted: " resem hie, tists tion oy i a rt ll wl Won whi, "| CHROME CHAIRS | RECOVERED FROM 375 up Lo Warkmanshi Rim AWA AUTO T pr BOND 7 odd 4 ib "| of | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS | CLEANED | Frofessional Cleaning. Heme er Plant Members of the National Instituet of Rug Cleening NUWAY RA 8-468) -- fied," KK N supervised. Iniidries wl ometrists IF Dutometry coninet ons, Colbarne 410 | MY REAR, NEW, ©, Bulle 4, The Dundas Ba ' West, Whithy LL 071, TUCK Jal fod, A ad Surveyors G, FT. HORTON and Associates, tart Land Surve epore oF Via, heering, hithy, bo' ' oy i 788 PONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, a tario Land Burveyor, eommereial rinting, 18 Bloor Street Kani, ify Adeinide Avenue A AND TROLEOVE, Lind Surveyors, 816 East, Phone RA §-6881 BOCOURLE Fy ' down ob beri 77 haliroom dances For appointment, 818: smined ot home, Dial phone RA B-5383 Insurance ALIATATE Aula Insurance to 80 per cent, PErsanal services at RA 5740 Wave your home "ip six months te pay, For all rensonahle, | Maney to Loan WE WAVE clients' monies for leans on first and second morlEREes | aies vallable [PAINTING and | [Painting and Breer AINTING and PRperhanging contran: it with six years Sxperignes. Al All work guaranteed, io na i used, very [PAINTING w= Al work Wiareniest: hest material used, Yory rensonable |vates, Telephone RA 5-068 Sc J wink Quuiding, od Churel ' a7, 0 Ll and alan purchase of mortgages nd | Telephane RAB Louis § 7 540458 apreements of sale Ll $2.000,00 te $50,000.00 for immediate loan en first and Second Agree ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen tial and industrial eity, sub vurban end country, and Sum mer eotiages, Summerland ited 112 North, Oshawa i568 MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types af mort gages; for first and second mortgages on all types af real estate including vacant lands; shart term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased Aply M. Swartz, 261% King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 14697 artgages £ 5 Limi Street RA ities . Phone ¢ a Ime ¥ ) mw King Street East, Oshaws "RA | I] MONEY TO LOAN (i, 8 Bavehyn, BA. W A [your shopping centre fn your kitehen Mortgages Me King Street Hast MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE weCurrent Interest we-Fast Confidential w=Na Hidden =-Na Chattel Morigages w=No Co-signers = Payments ta Suit Budget Absolutely No Cost You Unless Mortgage Arranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY 3 KING Dial RA 3.3993 For Day Rates Service Bonus Your Te | STREEY A Evening Appointments AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO £ ylime or 1? Member Ona Broken ia Morigage Association {an {3-4nl, IBEATTY APPLIANCES [av ROFESSIONAL palnier and paper guaranteed work and male Free estimates, Al Conroy, BA POPP & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Paintin 107 BYRON ST, §, WHITBY DAYS MO 8-523) | NIGHTS RA 5.7426 hanger, | viata LRG (Personal Service [FETER Pan Day Nursery, 81 oF Wall day, 8.30 te 5.30, B81 Simees North RA B-3604, SLL o TRY OUR B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish end chips, hamburgs, het dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER =~ RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Sharten or lengthen garments, Cuffs and pockets renewed BAR 14 £1 Redie Ravel an Apia ih ¥ Hilo i ) flats Avenue, RA 3 DO IT NOW Install heav fx Spaldi Tower In 3:ft, gi crete bose, in % bh roter end Taco antenna, plus channel 9 trap, ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City' T.V., FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 "GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to o STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube Installed by expert TV technicians, and you'll have the finest, Modest prices call us for service: T.R.1,O, TELEVISION 17) BOND STREET EAST RA 8 1.6781 SAMSON Complete stock of huttons, GILLA RDS CLEANIT SERVICE LTD RA 5.3888 [Plumbing PLUMBING tings, fAxtures, ting Bl and heating {Rien fit new And used, chang ing from seplle tank } JH 4 ae elalty Tnstallations reasonable rates. Information and a fies any pe of plumbing, Disl RA Folah Barn, equipment, pumps, oil burners, het water and forced air furnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service, PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night g--Uphelstery Service IFURNTIURE repain a Te uphak tered. Sea our materials far vecdver ing. Wruee R. Dalian, 78 Charles Streal RA $9018 T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST NOW: , DAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS Complete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 HRvice WHEN YOU WANT DAY OR hia " V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS FURNITURE faueh-ui finishing. French polishing RA 8408 SEGE RS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Te fran RA 5.7488 TTePalrs or Te Telephone | I \ Watch Repain er -- WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St, West Specializing automate aatchas RA 3.4545