Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1961, p. 14

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14 THE GSHAWA TIES, Pridey, Merch 19, er MCARTAN GRIMACES, AS GENDRON (15), RICHARD (16) AND MARSHALL RUSH DUPLATE LEAGUE Seymour Leads Cutters To Win rabhed at the Whithy the first game of the Dupleie Arena March 12 Hockey League fingls with # SUMMARY convincing 10-5 shellacking over Ist Period the Office Quality Control Com: Cutting: Ralph Turpin bines on Sunday alternoon #l (P, Mason) ree Whithy Arena Cutting: Kon Turpin The (H. Cruwy) outclassed and oul - hustled the Cutting: B. Seymour Office 7 far perings (F. Mason) while running up an 88 lead Cutting: B. Beymowr Dan Tilk in the Office « Gf Office. BR, Planks had a mghimarish exper Penalties Planke ved no SHpPart nan | 4 wha ell oppas: Bedore unguarded Lime ISPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDFTOR "Everything From Soup To Nuts' CANADA'S Trail Bmoke Eaters were held to # 1+] tie vesterday hy Czechoslovakia and the Canucks had 14 come from behind & 1-0 deficit to tie it up in the second period---and despite their best efforts, the ""Bmok- ins" couldn't pull this one out-of-thefire, Canada BMoKe Enters are up against it now. They not only must defeat Russia an along the line NEF BOB] RYETREE Cutting Department Community IM Cutting boys completely LE] meet BSUnday, bul SOMEWHERE they must hope toy the Caen when they # 11.86 13.18 Bucha: Mason two B EREnee 10 Improve otherwise will be declared nel Ene he rece from his mules ng forward and Bill Beymoup i uelin Yesterday's game was a ster the first goal, Hugh M Canada but after that, the ter Re tournament ehampio alfair with the evened Lhe checked LITUwYs Crechs getting Intyie count for Lgechs fully earn gona gs a ind Period Cutting: B, Beymaoui (B, Johnson) Chtting: Ralph Turpin (Beymour, Layton) h.a6 Cutting: D, Layton (Beymour) Office: RK, Pilon (H. Wilson, A Cutting: 8, Cruwys {"Furpin, Cruwys) Penalties none rd Period A Lamh Pilon) Office; H, Wilson (KR, Planke) ,, Cutting: H, Cruwys (Ron Turpin) Cutting: B, Beymour (Layton, Buchanan) , Office: H, Wilson (Planke, MeBurnie) ., 10.04 Penalties = J, Konarowskl, 8. and covered geiou fashion, a HRA ano KEIngpin of the 145 thelr tis which to them { machine whipped the Office « Qf handedly as he drove in Markers plus seething up other Halph Turpin ad a pair and Kon Turpin tan y¢ and H Cruwyr added singletons fay the winney Far the tallied two with | i, Pilon and Lamh the lamp once each Euclid Bastarache Cutting goal tender, was another hig factor in the winners' cause and although allowing five pucks to gel past him, played an out standing game In turning aside # goodly number of shots The second game of this two {out of three final series will gel |Cruwye, P, Mason, B. Bucha hoki [re Win Rose Bowl Healt faded out of Oshawa's representatives in the Qularia pievineial=wide "mixedsrink" competition contention yesterday, 108INg stralgnt wong RCAF entry, Fr. J. Pere LEhawa squad had LNeir enances Bul Liv an crucial shots, lasing the first slump and dropping the second contest early lead, The quarter-finals High Park ice, A record crowd of over B,000 spectators the hig game yesterday morning in Calgas menton nosed out the Alberta rink 7-6 in prove the key game of the series, Both teams defeated going inte yesterday morning's play and the deadly knock-out game blew wide-open in the Bth end when Alberta scored a hig three, But Baskatchewan came right back with three on the 11th the underway at 12.00 noon Sunday nan Ingle ( four 12.46 two games to the [wo ana | natene D. La ma failed Trenton to elick Man CFUw game due to an earl 10.47 despite & good H. Wilson Planke blinking laser frenton rink now maves into the Ontario playdown goal Ofhee (R and subsequent at Toronto 1.01 next Thursday morning r 4,12 Witnessed when kd what could h.16 WETE Ln» TAT La Li scare and Dennis) 13.57 B.( Habs Kill' Blues, Wings Top Boston ' Montreal's Bernie Geottrion siher goal while rookie Floyd second place in the league Toronte Mapl Lesis in # home banged in thee gowis Thorsdey Smith scoved for New York. standings. The smooth-skating mnd-home series with the loser 19 16d Canadiens 16 & #1 centre now has I gosls and 5 pe the EHPETIAES victory over ew York Hangers VETS PIAYOFF BERTH assists (or wh points, fowr better! ¥. Bazhaney, secretary of the and the serond payer In another game, Letimt Res peo Uehovalich who ls thizd, USSR. Hockey Federation, this season 16 come within VES cinched the fowrth #08 Detroft's victory, combined S975 WW & copyright article in vench of Maurice (Rocket) Ri 1950 Payoit spot by heating Bos wich Ramgicrs' loss 10 Mamtrest,| De March issue of the Atlantic Chara's rand of 0 gonls in 5 00 Frwns 57 In Detron snaiied the Red Wings to win A4706HE hockey sary want 19 lake wither Montreal Canadiens hal € Russia Wants Real Hockey! FREDERICTON (CP)~foviet sien believes the benefit has on heen mtiel, He says ¥ of Man teams "are wiusying the Soviet school of a hockey and iron some the hotter points of #chanl in thelr workouls with thelr teams," fn Mont real, Frank Belke, Jr. Gordie Howe provided (we "We sre not a v ", bo their 18h playolt berth in the | A ations Geoltrion now Pas 6 genie Cre oo [IMIG TRE WIRE last 19 sensons i Peg fh Nadie A Hocker while Toronta's Frank Maho while Val Fomteyne, Leo Lavine They missed out we se A ie; w or y ae # i WHA and Norm Ullman sided REDS | chance (0 (ace & WING OPPO Bem lends with 41, Both Weve for uie "in when (hey Pmiehed SER. | nent iy order 16 sine wp HOF PW five games left er: Losmwurini and Jimmy ol diens and Maple Leste chiiicy fully," nes ¥ ¥ ' Jean Betivenn set Geoffrion Bartlett psy for A alon sid head, inte What from be He quotes Conn Smythe of the wp for the three goles #6. The thre gonls by Geolfrion oy Lr. HGHRE RERSON'S ENG | Maple Lents and Frank Setke of seoved two mee n jwmp no kad the fleet time in the hie. IB Bletory : Canadiens as saying they are marked the first time in the his f BECORA Pinee, (wr points herd (ory of the league tht two play Both teams have five games interested in such & series He of Mahovlich, in the league ' left to play and have the same suggests they have done noth: FR BEATER #5 GF MOTE BORIS B0F- sumber of vietories--dl | BEATING Frew NE the same SERN 0 Aged "nd ng 1 bring it about, The victory enabled Cans the san i His third goal was the 300th & Jame umber Hés=if DISCUSSES BOASY diens to climb inte & two-way of hie career, making Wm the in goals scored, They have 235 He says Smythe has honsted tie for first place with Toronto fifth player ir league story 10 compared to Toromta's 207, utlthe Teals could heat the Hus Maple Leafs Both teams have reach that mark the Lesfs have allowed 195 Shans bit - the Toronto (eam #4 points Beliveaw's five-point perform: gone while Montresl gonlies| 778 have 1 be guaranteed 's Marcel bonin got Montreal's ance enabled him to pull into have heen beaten 175 times, handsome fee of several hun Curling's 4 'Princes' Drop Curling Kings CALGARY (CPy=Four young playoff Prince Edward Island curlers wan of sent the Canadian champion: Doug Cameron ships inte a dramatic last-Aay town aggregilion wind up even though they had age age of 24, pi no chance of taking the crown. day They toppled Baskatohewan the BH In an extra end eighth round match Thursday, then The rugged day OVEFpOWET Ed previously wn comp heaten Alberta 11-7 in the ninth seventh, eighth and draw rounds of the 1i-draw Alberia w still on top with robin championship ga 71 wondost record, hat an other loss in one of Us two went into the matches today could force a the BRIER RESULTS CALGARY (CP) Results championship ever Thursday in the Canadian curl: gioed Saskatchewan ing championships Hector Gervals {dred thousand dollars," | Bazhenov continues; | "We would like to ask this uestion: Should a rout of the tussians fall 10 matenalize and should the score not he in favor of the Canadians, would Mr. Smythe be ready 10 pay the same sizable fee to the USSR Hockey Federstion? Bazhanov mentions Canadian Russian hockey encounters since 1965, He says Boviel teams Frince Edward Istand victories have benefitted from the exper left this situation ence and Soviet fans are Inter with eines id Fell fanitgha dian | complexion on mathe the the minth gn elitor through rong Alherla iskatehewasn enth round in ana morning unheaten CROWD 18 LARGEST In a mateh before 8.124 fan sald hy wificial he the largest crowd to waleh a {tn 1 Albéria ih ta put of Edmonton greatly change Nova Beotia and in the after: famitohs wis matched By THE CANADIAN PRESS the afternoon, The rink win: gers 6} scored two goals as the Red CANADA - CURLING| Wings beat Boston Bruins b-2, expects more ri «ctor, seid the offer came surprise (9 Wm end he wish to make any immediate LOREM. General Manager Frank Belle, Br, was not available for CORTE Kingston Here Sat. In OMHA Midget Round Oshawa's hopes for an One tario Minor Hockey Association championship hinge game here at the Children's Arena Saturday night, when the City League All-Star Mid- gets play their return game with Kingston Midgets The Limestone City lads won the first game 52 and tomer: row night at 74% o'clock, the Oshawa boys will make a bid to wipe out this three-goal defi eit and advance to the next round of OMHA playdowns Coach Al Bathe and manager G. Wales hoth feel that their hoys are {ood enough to tum the trick, but both admit alse that it will take the hest pos sible effort from every player The Oshawa hoys, goal, Braiden or Harman; defence, Cover Kolesnik, Chessman, Bradley and Bupryks; forwards, Peters, Luton, McNamee, Mal. thews, Armstrong, King, Ver non, Elliott and Kemp, are all set to give their best, If they fail on Saturday night = it is to he expected that they have who at least given it their hest effort -- and if they do that = nobody seventh Round (Wo ERIM (10 322 610 210 301 000 001 002 "000 101 021 20) 211 010 200 010 002 030 160 205 210 101 010 010 100 100 106 301 » 010 001 001 O30 == 402 001 010 140 010 210 001 06} Kighth Round 100 010 200 200 2 000 202 010 001 0 120 210 1060 200 2 003 001 080 021 6 108 011 304 501 == 1 the field and siconsidered at thal point 8 cineh to capture the tik The next wo Charlotte: Alberta plays in today's 10th ested in Canadian players. He Wh an aver and Lith draws--at 9:3 a.m avid how a MST (11:00 a.m, EST) against YESTERDAY'S of the Domin: noon against Ontario, If it loses either, i will have an 82 rec! STARS ord, which could he equalled hy Manitoba or Baskatehewan against Northern Ontario and, Bernie (Boom Boom) Geoff Saskatchewan against Ontario rion of Montreal, who scored in the morning, Manitoba and|three goals and an assist as the Saskatchewan were to clash in| Canadiens heat New York Ran ning two matches would have! Jean Beliveau of Montreal an 4 record and an evening who got two goals and three as playoff would he necessary if sists against New York Alberta lost a second time Gordie Howe of Detroit Shovs 'TEAM STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Canadian eurling champion: hip standing after nine rounds WL Man Quehe N.8 N., Opi PEI Alberta Rask ont Nfld PORT HOPE GOLF rounds and } Hamilton Wins Over Petes 5-2 1 Leads Series Al PETERBOROUGH (CP)= J Hamilton Hed Wings, scoring! Quehee four goals while their opponents! New Brunswick Alberta Baskatchewan Manitoba Prince Kdward Island Northern Ontario Ontario Nava Beolia British Columbia 7 i [] [J] ] ] (Includes: Men, Women, PEL Bask Ont Quehee Man, INVITE EARLY LF 5 = 2 BB Lb Bb Te WII WTA WT Announces 1061 NON-RESIDENTS FEES! FULL CLUB MEMBERSHIP OUT-OF-TOWN MEMBERSHIP Apply Secretary, 98 Bramley St, Port Hope, Ont, & COUNTRY CLUB 18 LIMITER APPLICATIONS Family.) 020 300 010 O40 020 102 020 001 161 020 103 120 110 202 010 024 004 010 102 100 « 10 wore Nfld, short-handed because of] Newfoundland RC ! penalties, defeated Peterhorough 10 Petes 5:2 before 8.788 fans Worhursda might tn take a 240 lead in (heir hest-of-seven On Ninth Round tario Hockey Association Junio 1106 110 102 003 BIA quarterfinal N02 002 010 110 == 7/ The third game | 300 10% 110 004 = 12 ton Bunday 020 030 002 130 = | The Wings, tagged with nine #21 201 200 000 = 11 of the game's 20 penalties 000 020 000 100 = § soared three times while shutt 11th, 12th dead ends) [ing out the Peles during the last 201 201 018 010 = two periods 010 020 100 801 = 7| Pelerborocugh defenceman #00 006 081 020 = 4 Rape Plager suffered an injured 033 110 200 301 = 131eg when bodied hard by Ron [Harris in tne first period and saw only hoief action In the sec ond and none in the third NHL BIG SEVEN joni and none in the hia, * NB N. Onl N.& Nfld NB Ont, Ontario Bask N& (Bth, Oth PEI Alberta Man Quebec Hamil al By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hamilton, Lowell Macdonald ® 745 PM, ADMISSION: ADULTS & STUDENTS B80c © ~ MINOR HOCKEY O.M.H.A. PLAYOFFS (Second Game of Second Round) KINGSTON "MIDGETS" v OSHAWA "MIDGETS" SATURDAY, MARCH 11th (Kingston defeated Oshawa 5:2 in Kingston and hold a 3-goal margin te date) CHILDREN 28c CHILDREN'S ARENA G A Pa. | 44 [3] a0 47 20 20 bh) tH) Rernie (Room Room) Geoff:|Bob Dillabough and Neil Forth rion and linemate Jean Beli:|once each. Claude Lavose scored veau picked up a total of nine/both Peterborough goals points Thursday WE ax Mont real Canadiens erushes aw York Rangers 6:1 FIGHTS LAST Geoffrion scored three goals and an assist to vaise his NIGHT league-loading Joie onl a " on 46 goals ane ansiats, Hell B---------------- -- veal aon | into second nites BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS aver the idle Frank Mahavlieh| Miami Heach, Fla sonny of Toronto Maple Leafs with twa Tl 15 tan, 3104, Philadelphia, goals and three assists which knocked out Howard King, gave him #3 points on 80 goals Meno, Nev, i and 63 assists, The leaders: Geoffrion, Mt Beliveau, Mtl Mahavlieh, Tar Bathgate, NY Kelly, Tor Moore, Mtl Howe, Del play offensive guard, He has seen service with Sarnia Golden Bears of the ORFU, Riders] also announced that quarter: backs Russ Jackson and Ron Lancaster have signed, AND STANDINGS | Aelwork ever sel up in Canada WL TY A BJ A PL The telecast will enable view HullOttawa 18 KNIT 88 ? fers in Torenta, Montreal. Of Sea MHI IMN fitawa, Quebee City, Jonguiere, K-\\ 39 34 11 203 0 Que. Halifax, Vancouver, Syd. Kingston 3B SIM &iney, NS, Windsor and Hamil Sudbury NN WN 3100 to see the fight Montreal - 3 The CBC will carry fall cover Thursday's Results vesterday and won a thrilling 6h decision aver British bath Alberta and Baskatehewan teday-----and they aren't 4 Hull « Ottawa Canadiens and out of the season and played at Hull, while Bault Thunder: field six forwards but Sault de (fessional Hockey League Thurs: | Thunderbirds' win with a shot | at Rault Fre. Marie Foals In the first period Wn twa Civil Bepviee Hotkey, teing the game at $8, Wright|8ide of thu net and Thunder: Canadiens' Bill Carter finished the Firefighters took the first, Ar 21.40 Dineen seared what!1#117 mark of the second pe: George Woods after taking a re stmiotion won their game With) Rogers drawing assists and one @08lie, recorded his third shut:| Kitehener turned on the pres: BY FIREFIGHTERS (iquad ahead 43, thus salting in third peried play games the Firelighlers took a orvin SERV Standings: Montreal and Tor:|0f the Heavers mixed it with game 3:1 ina GEht, havd-eheck: | Men Firefighters game were| points: Geoffrion, Montreal #9, /Bownass a major and Woods a he Ivatighters at 5.10 of the|*st for first spat Shutouts: Hall, Chicage 6 Hull heads the league with 88 ire Then at 16.04 Hubble neared beived Wo assists and played a 5 With 68, Montreal remains in tra ioe and went right in to beat| Welsh for a fine effort Imperial Wid ¢ OTTAWA (CP) Ottawa | for hs winning goal, deserved i e overage Thursday the signing of soared fram Busminsky and| Khia 3 Morgan [twa assists for second and Tm Al In the second period the for a fine game played Floyd Patterson Thursday ended HOC Firemen kept the attackers al mencing at 8.30 instead of Tues defence while farmer champ \ | KASSINGER RAP IMPERIALS 8! Bowmanville that night sLength seep inte Wy bones WELT \ | M period gave them a four-two vie:/the Dairymen visit the Fives! Mride and there was na great Chicago : A il Wn this hard fought contest and! Thursday. March 18. 1941 not Enda 0 would fall far shart of Raston r : Johansson, whose shave of the New Thursdar's Reaulte from Duncan and MacDonald te MARES tacDonaid t government pending a $398 181 Saturday's Games Then at ny heavy kf d bh a @ Wap ) 'S 3 MN Ye days he Sunday's Games Kassinger's nonetheless scored) GENEVA (CP)----Standings in largest clasedeirenit television Eastern Professional League | 1 a | The Imperials then took to the Canada . the Bullding Men until the 30.43 Finland s@1 the stage for a sensational last-end finish that saw | Alberta count on the last rock, to win the game and take oO T . | Columbia Btarting te moave---=hut perhaps toa late--~the it 1 : S expected to win either game==let alone both, If they de Kitchener Waterloo Beavers sensational hockey 'Fi S ill Milk hirds consolidated their runner:|fenceman Rino Robagea, with : P day night with a 2:0 vieterylinta the open net Royals' goalie Claude Prono Hd Hoekstra scored for the Play-off games played at Bow:|and Hogg received assist an the|Mivds defenceman Pal Stapleton|the scoring, placing the puek fhe hy & 31 score aver the nraved to he the winning goal riod lay al cenure fee from George the Imperials 4.2 minute later at 92.40 Sinolairl sure at the end of the second tn the first game of the best AWAY the first game in thei A fight broke out in the third twanothing lead in the first] ICE NOTES ante, won 47, lost 18, tied 10,[Habs' Terry Gray, Gray was as Ey IY ' 3 ip Iq "m Ing game {Penny Hubble of the Firemen | Goals: Mahovlich, Taranto 47, (miner, Dave Balon entered the I periad on a play with) In second, Firefighters' de: Penalties: Jean « Guy Talbot, points aver Sault Thunderbirds their second moal after vecelv: fine defensive game as well, and {last place with 49, Campbell in the Dairymen's| In the Kassinger cage Dineen Rough Riders of the Bi The Dairymen bounced haek| 8 first place Of Ti | Go {Clark, 23, a 320-poun During to decrease the Firemen's| it e A Su oifunaive Dalrymen made a desperate ab noo won games will he/Ns boxing workouts for Mon hay, thus winning their Hirst) goo" Gut ™\ 0 juvenile OHA IMEemar Johansson started a By THE CANADIAN PRESS | | League Rassinger's three goals within] Tmperials play: host to Kas Miami Beach was taking this Montreal A718 10 HH 105 ¢ 10ry aver the Tmperials fighters in the second game {rush far the higher-priced tick: Detvait 13 39 13 189 331 09) in the secand period Tmperials'| Puesday hah York | Montreal 8 give the Imperials the initial ! periats the Initial) WORLD HOCKEY {incame tax claim, is following Raston at Montreal nm Wright and Mapes made it fore a bout. He is a 1htad ee we M \ ® 5 M a when he tallied on a fine underdog Montreal at Chicago Toronta at Boston Al 88 lo decrease the lead/¥he world hockey tournament when 1. Hogg tallied fram Waite Group | defensive play while Kassinger's Cech pressed for the equaliser Russia Wark al which ume Kellimgton(B. Germany soared with a screen shot - |W, Germany the lead in the series, Ontario (Orillia) nosed out Queher Orillia "Bputniks' have an outside chanee but they meet 'Waterloo 1- =whey'll be right up there with the best drew even honors in a 1d tel Royals withdrew Pronovest to up position in the Eastern Fro.jone second to go, elinched , K D » aver last-place Montreal Royals| Canadiens and Beavers split Hass, vrop Imperials vost was decoyed to the wrong Beavers and five minutes later manville Avena Tuesday night! play slapped in a long shot at the between the legs of goalie rymen while Kassinger Con-| for Kassinger with Sinclair and Hoy Edwards, Thunderbirds' (Bouchard DAIRYMEN DEFEATED fram Hogg put the Kausinger | period and held a slight margin twa of three semi-final play-off Semifinal [ 8Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS (When Woods and Jack Bownass period and hung on to win the! The three stars in the Dairy ints 84 sessed a major and a minor and k night apened the scoring for| {90 D8 Winning goal and one as:| Ausists: Beliveau, Montreal 53. box for Woods the Hubble and Lyon {fenceman Bill Lyon wha ves! Montreal, 180 minutes. [with 71, followed by Kitchener ing the puek fram Lyon at cen: in third slot Dalvymen's lyy CBC Pl F . " SR ANS YOr | wnwns sion Thio A game we thought Dave Football League announce in the game at 17.08 when Welsh eed Johnny Hoag's one goal and qd def an | and defensive end who can alse lead 10 ane goal erials' Marty Mueller far thival MIAMI BEACH, Fla, (AP)= AND! to lie the scare but We aved an Thursday wight som. GAY'S World heavyweight title play-off game by a 2-1 scare Hockey Tournament being held five-day rest period ta "let the National 1 F AR twa minutes, late in the second|singers in the first game while| Nd Patterson-Joahansson mateh Taronte AT 1810 017 . pts, There we ) V p Hy The first period was scoreless, Remember "fellash it's Haw Fe NOP anications at |New York : the 17.0006-s0at capacity ! Mueller netted the puck at 3.58 gate has heen tied up hy the Detrait § Boston 2 lead ! 300 minutes Clack STANDINGS his normal routine of shunning! Chicago at Toronte | play The fight will be seen on the Detroit at New York and Rodgers WET @ The lmpegial squad held off Sweden front of the Imperial net thusiUnited States 1 1 A | @ L i BD GG dt i a U'work beginning at 10:83 pm, ' tawa } | [semi-final series) series 240) i Hamil 18 34 13 154 203 40 quarterfinal series 30) 21age of the fight on its radio neh Kitchener + Waterlon 1 HulhOt St. Paul 3 Indianapolis & Toledo Montreal 0 Sault Ste, Marie 2 Tonlght's Game Sault Ste, Marie at Sudbury Ontaria Senior Chatham 4 Windsor 2 (Windsor leads bhest-ol-seven quarter-final series 2-1) Northern Ontario Senior A Abitibi 4 Kapuskasing 1 (First game of best-of-seven / TOOLS A HOUSEHOLDER NORMALLY BUYS OR RENTS SEE haw four Basic Power Tools can do AML your odd jobs arund the @ portable electric saw ane minute and a dial am saw the next BY with any ene or all of these toals electric a meiax and enjoy Woodworking os a Hobby any mo AW, sanders Timmins | Rouyn-Noranda 0 of (First game of best-alseven semi-final series) OHA Junior B St, Catharines § Stamford 4 FAMILY! = EVERYONE WELGOME! FRIDAY SATURDAY hi, DEPENDABLE QUALITY & SERVICE EVERY FRIDAY EVENING and SATURDAY at BEAVER LUMBER HOW TO USE THE FOUR BASIC POWER TOOLS = ELECTRIC SAW, SANDER, JIG SAW AND BRILL w= 1a saw and drill these four to ATatiee and rewarding hours and result in projects you'll be proud to show your friends SHOW SPECIAL house == SEE now you can have SER how you san save time and SEE how easy it S1an you on the way to BRING THE als can (Restalseven series tied 33) Senior Interpravineial Hull § Ottawa ; (Hull leads bestol-five final POWER TOOLS 850% Ontavie Junior A on 4 Peterborough 2 (Hamilton leads best-of-seven LU MBER SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW RNER DUNDAS and HICKORY -- OPEN FRIDAY TILL International League PM, == SATURDAY TILL 4 PM, = MO 335012 co ) CLEARANCE OF ALL RENTAL We Are Replacing All Used Power Tools TOOLS, Portable Jig Saw, Reg, 22.95 Similar savings on Bloctiie Saws, Sanders and Diills at prices we dare not punt, OFF AND MORE POWER

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