START TODAY EA T 4 i T T E 4 | #3 i "Goods Satisfactory o or Money | Refunded" | ca Outstanding Clearance ! FOR LESS ELL U/ |MEN'S SUITS More and More Housewives Turn To ig a 9) Exceptionally Low Priced ! 20th. CENTURY FOOD CLUB To Solve Their Food Budge! Problems HERE'S WHY! POPULAR "EMPRESS" GLAMOUR RINGS ® Discount Food Prices Thru Quantity Purchasing Chive GG red GF ® Personal Selection of Top Mame Brand Food Products at all Sparkling 4 / re tractive gold i sterling silver setting Inky a few sty ngs are wtroted Sizes 5 to 5 do fi F times oll sizes in eve tie. Please state second choice when or ring by tele 39 / 2 ® Satisfaction Guaranteed on Eat-First Pay-Later Plan phone 6 EATON Special Price, each SPECIAL 2-DAY SELLING ! Ou tity Food Pur es enables 1 ' ¢ ie a bet mor ADipner Ring e while £ wnded Sauore White Centre Stone // hres oi nutritious diet for by ' phi 4 J da / ik ne ; PLL ' ed © ¢ y Preparation of mea 7 #- oo We y G--Birthstone Ring time and money 7 ¢ / / dad c To White Stones ach mont} 20th Comury Foods products, providing f f y food budget p- Sonar /8 394d - Friends hip Ring / ' Golden Yellow gire se go ONLY 20TH CENTURY F00D oLUB Gs re. ORY. 39 wes i OFFERS THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES: 1 i L QUALITY NAME BRANDS -- fics wi: Deccamany Bob. THEY'RE GAY! THEY'RE NEW! Bums, Swi on Compoele, boc = 1 YOUTHFUL FLATS PERSONAL SELECTION of the est quality food products avail able at all times. Your mea it og packaged to your exact of "Nylo-Vel" requirements and to your comple bd er Broken lines of quality all weol worsted suits. Imm : inbow-hued + = . % of q 0| worsted ruts CONVENIENCE shop fi we comfort of y 1 home by Rainbow -hued for spring . . oo 3 ; cluded in the group are plain shades of flannel wore 'phone or from your convenient le a oau 'ou order os ® Gold-colour @ Red ® Blue ® Green z v y 7 sted and serge, and small neat checks and stripes in little or as much as you like ® Avenue Grey, Canadian made ""Nyloe fancy worsteds. Mostly one-trouser, three-button CUSTOMERS SATISFACTION is our constant aim, Everything is vel' shoe: leng-wearing, resistant te style, with a few two-trouser suits in the lot, Not ever weighed, measured and processed under the most rigia inspection scuff marks! Fashioned in a light-hearts colour or pattern in each size, Sizes from 35 to 4 ial A re f and delivered to your home at no extra cos! ed manner with tapered toe, 3-eyelet tie, in the lot with a few stouts, and talls included, GUARANTEE All food products are of the highest quality obigine contrasting white trim and laces, Come / 4 9 able and supplied on a 100% satisfaction or money-back guars position sole, and "Sanitized" for foot J ? 4 / EATON Special antee freshness, Sizes 5 to 9 in narrow and 4 J i i Price WR 4 Ld Br ll * LOW BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE * medium widths In the group . Ll : 4 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 229 PHONE RA 57378 ~ SAMPLE ORDER - 2 PAIR 5.95 , £ Hematite 14 Ng BLUE BRAND BEEF PAIRY PRODUCTS FROZEN 3 Short lp Hoou "lon Marg yict pay "MELITTA" COFFEE MAKER DEMONSTRATION 2 Short Rib Roast 3-1bs Ibe. Margarine Orange Juice EATON'S MALL LEVEL, REPT, 239 | Rump Roast dole, | Gal, lee Cream Ire Grane Tai PHONE RA 5.7373 | Round Steak Ros & phot. Sheer Ti : or cuice Friday, March (0th from | until 8 p.m, and all day ma tins Lemonade bob 3 bs, Shortening tins Gropefrui 3 lbs, , ) tins Gropefruit Saturday, March (1th, in our Housewares Department | Pi ime Rib Re 5 t 3:1bs 5 2 lbs, Ch Whiz 5 Ibs. Assorted Steal da 4 4 FROZEN FRUIT 10 Ibs, Lean Minced Be DRY GOODS ; Come and try this deli coffee see far yourself how easy it is i make Ib trawberries in the 'Melitta' coffee maker i lbs, Stew Beef 5 Ibs Beef four 3 Ibs. Instant Coffee 2 lbs. Blueberries ™ - : 1 Ibs, Baby Beef Liver 3 Ibs, Grind Coffee ' Raspherries i y AL EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 2 Rogsti Chicke oY R bottles Heinz Ketchup | 8 J as | diab ge 200 Tea: Bags 6 tins Pork and Beans / Pi \ il 4 Ib 4 Ibs, Jam 6 tins Carnation Milk Pork Loin Pack 6 Tins Sous i tins Peache Includes: 4 Ib York Peany | i! {id J i Hovey p a : y I imited ain Roas kytter Pepper , 5 3 b5 | A Park Chops Re - gor HOUSEHOLD rint Dresses 4 i hs A PROVISIONS 12 Jelly Powders GOODS § lbs, Wieners FAMILY PACK "Rolls Taller Tissun wv x ne : uan tity Ibs, Pork. Sausages VEGETABLES | Bor of Barat Tony Specially Purchased Meats Detergent Ibs, Side Bacon | Liquid Detergent 5 | laves 1 mauve ar gald FISH fog. Com PLUS colour design . . , Miple row af white SPECIALS Ibs, Gad 5 Ibs. Mix We of Peter Pan sallar and hand at puffed HOGER A : i Ibs, Ocean Perch 5 Ibs, Green Bear YY8 Gita stack @ f plete ' ; ; "3 ne ARR AT On Sale Friday at 6:30 p.m. Only While Quantities Last, y | ) | rack trim at wa snowy whi H q PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Ibs, Haddock sleeves. Buttons | 1st at back, with A. SAAS = tie. A delightful style 10 please little hg # ¥ b 'Wn % L} / ' LOWER LEVEL The above arder is 0 1 Menu far a twa-manth period far an average of Four, that ' i } tn 6 pan may be altered in any manner ta suit your present Fond Budge! ¥ ic $y : 4 TOYS TO CLEAR ! 48 ONLY !---Assorted metal friction 05 % 4 ne ar cars, and trucks. Reg, 98, Each TOTAL COST FREEZER AND FOOD i 9.88 ERR | anaes wo 109 sac WALLPAPER--SEMI-TRIMMED Some plastic coated; goed selection of colours and patterns. Single rell, This low price includes aml 35 19 cu. FT. GILSON 49 Prion RA 310 Rock line clearance 14.95 to 16.95 WALNUT OR , week EXCLUSIVE CHEST na woorchivi +g 9, "11,98 REMINGTON UBGUI=IN SALLY ASSAD CON on were: 1:00 y / , ¢ WITH LIFETIME Out-of-town enquiries invited Cb OF" prt€ SHAVER CLINIC UPPER LEVEL PROTECTION POLICY 20th CENTURY FOOD PLAN Ro » hy (VY FEATHER PILLOWS--Plumply filled Sanitized chicken feather Ovher Vere Arctichla a oy AV NUE RB. TORONTO, Bul. f b ; Friday and Saturday, pillows, Covered with "downproaf" ticking. Standard 1 69 h i £ size 20 x 26", Each ov 1.99 vetk | Nome L (2) March 10th and ith SAMPLE HATS TO CLEAR! --One of a kind. Variety af 2.99 as WEEK colours and styles. Each Street p) : ; = XN i ! CLEARANCE! MISSES' WINTER COATS---REG, FREEZERS AVAILABLE City ; deed \ ry La Y/ at our Shaver Counter 13 nies ol RAN a few women's half sizes in the 07 We would like additia nfar ' he, == é Brin Ren aizes 10 to 8 97 19 9 $2 79 and up Wy would Hi Svianal information on your : f = N St 9 your wemington Each 14. to . " 5 SAN Shaver to EATON'S en Fris BABY STROLLERS TO CLEAR !---10 Only White with 5 99 . day or Saturday have it gold-colour fleck. Each Call Now "en i BB cleaned, oiled and adjusted MALL LEVEL Factary- AIDS TO THE BUSY HOSTESS Paper accessories for entertain: y Fy | Re ( OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BOWMANVILLE RA 81 128 TI E v ay NS m! no! ai ing, reduced to.clear. Bridge Table Set table cover and 4 ine ers vile ) trained experts while you napkins in designs for Baby Showers; ar everyday patterns of wait . . . at NO CHARGE Prelude Rose: Rambler Rose, Red Checks, same plain shades. " Cocktail Napkins; Luncheon Napkins, Handi Bs 1 | th. TATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 31} handle cups for hat or cold beverages. Pkg, § tow 1919 'AVENUE ROAD | J. Open Friday Nights until TORONTO 8 9, ' n ay R until 9 )