Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 20

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thersdey, Merch 9, 1987 Coll The Direct Classified Mumber RA 3-3492 'THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS * TIMES, Thomdey, March 9, 196) 2} he (50--Adtictes For Sete " , mash pt (Backs), Me 8, BR a Reavis Wh 17055 lob Rees BRASS, HINIRIEN Blawss ~-- Wars, but v Vr Arey, y Modus Vian iL v¥H CLASSIFIED AD RATE [NEW BUSINESS UNLISTED NUMBERS DRAPE M A § Coriih CERT ICH & COREL II ERT ION "ne LANG'S MEAT MARK] / J ar 000s '74 57827 BERN ANN'S FABRIC Wamariams APPLIANCE SHOP Geadine 1 i Fond end J / ETH i BY Sonal fine § wrese y men C DRY G oy 6 RY RA 65-1179 IF YO Al OPENING A BUSINESS 37 --Male Help | Wanted FROBEECTION wl edie wtinn lac nted in wad sal fishawa WN whine R A TH NEW BUS { Inlisted 32-- Articles L WANTED Telephone HA FURNITURS NUSUAL INESS OPPORTUNITY Numbers 16-- Business Opportunities ARE Wanted WANTED repel Bimeo Reason Wile 2311 89 BLOOJ 3B8---~Male or Wanted TEACHER Bos MAJOR OIL CO Has Station to 35--Employment Wanted Female Help | EXPERI CER a modern Service KELIABLE lease in the " 4 BABYSITTER City of Oshawa for five days female i i # f te Will hy op Hm small whild further COURTIOE High B8¢ form or i D664 late summe feteria manager fd experier in tn sell furs on com inf i, Oshawa A ment MIvice hi anage me will fi il will require anitars and lady Reply giving age 1978, Bowman training progra two he to the syccessiyl appl necessar given ant f WOMAN part-time + HA nes full or Hp fete net ile 41 Room Xperience Y mum Eapite WILL da Telephon DAY care Ol 54578 [wos WORK good adi. BA 84240 pieella vel (WIL! Hendershat, | a rani Room & Board and hoard, five ar seven-day parking space ed Telephor RA B.64 given TI--Women's Column SPENCER viduall faleren ¢ i Hom single gentle of hy foundation garments aod Also J pp waleh ¢ em | > nom gentiemen, fram hus wee | YOUNG man I East 19-Personal ke Years iireel WANTED # ride Wo Taronie Queen and Ba days pe ' ni Oshawa ¥ 50016 Telephone 1A | ell "1 36---Female Help Wanted Rive ara a hat lea Parking " Rand "w ¥ 0 Write you want ta stop PO Bas 64 our bus at 1s With L Ge lun TYENTION hous 8 fu Mm BRERA all |ATTENTY Weile Bax 616 42 ness QUALIFER haird AR ) ROOM girls, nea hes packed central CONSULT prohle n Rox 450 June Ada meeting ne Oshawa Times ELECTROLYSIS [fe RELIABLE eheeping Ares regarding w friends. Write |!) Oshawa Times Store Space and Garages AVATLARLY I ie tenant space in nographes al of perf ad Murduft M rch MODERN QFFICE SPACE WAITRESS SWITCHBOARD RECEPTION]! 25--Pets and Livestock ron f SALLY y oH -6260 )FFICE SPACE FOR RENT BEAUTIFY tra al} BLOND B T'elephans RA 26--Farmer's Column TRACTOR and b l 30, used three time Telephone O1 MANURY ed. Tolephons TENCO LTD HA La ar Starnmdtlerk THE TIMES SM uke, Naw, Be the Jagr | SVERQ- (0 BUILDING CIE, Qu Chatle LARGE quant Telephone RA 5 4¢ NEAR farm stock p Phone collect, Ham Margwill Fur Far WAT Phone RA 3-3474 QFFICE or STORE FOR RENT BOWMAN\ /() MArket 3 37--Male Help Wanted nee i311 RA 8.4771 29--Summer "Properties For Sale DOWN Hel OFFICE OR STORE PACE FOR RENT 4 by 33 0 MA of handed with lovely beaches wp, low as $10 Lot camplet alee 1 CELINA ST 43--Wanted To Rent WANTED 44----Houses For Rent [AN round proved Hegis Paone Torania AM T3414, day wo naw 44--Houses For Rent HE SRAR fetal " ied emiences, $40 SLERIAR [Gee Fink FLEVEN he we AFARTHIR dd owed, Rd RA EHH ow (1 BROGKIIN Ee STORE P FiG dd iy HA VEY AAA Apts. & Flats For Rent THRE} i PRIVAT) W Lehn MODERN 0 MARINA treet South, 1 ref) keratoy and Teleph RA 3 APARTMENTS ne five-ro lite if stove far 13086 nr {THREE tained wo "m | remot private ent dle aged HA a NEW apartments ng Park Roa nn tasteful hath, refvige or, paved epiate, RA hod " Tole %, ane \ modern H! vefvigeratar optional witahle tn modern nut wo france SELF-CONTAINED urn | il ll HA ADELAIDE ONE MONTH FREE RENT ¥ ' RA 8-8676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 One and Two Bedroom APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.381! RA 8.64485 "Modern Bedroom APARTMENT 0. D. HYMAN I Ponce Stewt AAA--~Apts. & Flots For Rent HARETE GRE BEE Lei hed ' ge Ihe BiLGR dl Rent wed For TREE E Bogs 1B Bienen #iiey shid while Bly TE Warren Ave HEATER bas nize i py frm ne Wi aws hire nice and wie with ho ERFLERNISHEN FOOTE pet hid A io A ean. 15 pr RE EWA wr paring. Tee THREE dad pu a HE pant EPRI oh ERiRgE. Jin ARR Ra BEER hath ed te, 0 Fig CIHRRIAS wie Row ian inlined # #4 pret hen wis " at. ad BA BV FLENI=NEN » BERET ment and Ait 7 pie oH OL . weekly quiet he# # fr un Bik CLEAN self Me decwr pied WE, Ape Fark Feiephone RBA KA666 nce pr THEEE FRaTR 17 a wi Wr Fhe Apply Folk ed id ' Bian # rr Eng ed reams, sit hu Bis or gestie mer ail Rasp Rl, BY me RA G24 THERES ' id nis WER went BA Cd apart Wh end of sily THEEF ¢ flan apartment A Telephone AAR v hse rented 4417 we Rs ya (44A--Apts, & Flats ' % » hi nen FRESE T RIN # ad ies RLRIRRA RERILH nome #4 halk ni rei ye » y er stias WODERN ye # 13 : ont grin ff and yo wi AAAS, & Flots BELA BERL ol a PpRELmE Wis ie ENFER p44 #8 RHINE wh ed nF LUE BREE pe Winh HanER oh Koni THERE KA wink and BEACHES th, Wh SR Kam Sir idl da Kh PF aa i om "4 reve SAA Apts err, For Ren fonds 2 Sperment on Biman ' Ld MAmASh, § | & Flots soit, Hamper SEWLY Aeiorpins Ba i bockeiny hE, pr FFRITIBERE, IR BERL we. hepl Inv copie seinded. TY wliel there - rom ppist- TWH FEE ERR lL EY pl --. a w oy Aaty Prone BA 54974 FRGIR SHARE, Inahein, Rew, 9095 SHOR PIRI BERYL mani snd Bath, . wily ad ot EER (acation groves finer Cal RA Inger pin Vole: g 5404 WE HI Res Velaphons Wh THREE KI ERR oF, slave, by BA 14s aed and wo oh aad weil coninned (wn : SAA Lavi ppeen th dad or I J SN WRI E BORE SIR 5a iad ye Rely ties pis w hi ik FERNISRER or prtsrmishes rr fights thine Bath and waley hres -romm dia p and rRLianer, pack. FRO BRI IRERL, (hire oR iy PRAY aia RIAERAEE, hop nepry IE RA Cry ciesn, BA 160 fun shed aparimenty it TT Bo CugAmaIne snk CARER Vinal. Apity BW Hadsond filly Iurmioh- hyepue, ssytimwe RYE. Apply 8 sod elaphone BRA TWO - room lsipiohed Basement WERE, HAR ER ERORING, MRI PE Fn ani SReWEE, sepREMe hath ry vee Ly Wis aRd Mavs iA THEY fd ye fl ees PERIL AR FREE Es WEREGTT BERIVIDERLE IR MAREE mw siden HE Wi AIRE ie WO B08 ® il rd Crp ed Apt IE yr Blieet ad oF FOLR eh id # PRIVIRE free pA men "RA 5, sew wahedioom wom FRYER Went illRing, GRVER PAF RA 322 part refriger » 81 Park Wole F gl ¥ 75 FREER torr BESS EOUIE, WE Lon BIFI8 or BERtiemen ERE WER Eo aidid Lu ad id wie now. Telephone RA 572400 theca vaom sei contained Vacant Apri L wa ny RA Wh IAREER Apartment, pris EPL pnse Rid Bath, weivimished, WIEBE, hiner AERRS sed hd parking fae ities, shed some, Bi Bus ih mi ahed Apert mest Eras IR Winer, TRIFIgRS wave (opbianetl) Apply 149 ket Kast. BA BHI Ld RIE WEILL ple bath West pridessionslly Aechrpied ApRILIERL, RlectreR free washer and THREE GPE KERiiE. ApRY |i nue Apariment | chen, hep Road "Ome, Apply | ose COMFORT ARLE 06 Wik private enirance Phone BA 5798 basement apartment eer etn, FEE IEETMF dryer, TY wpotlel sland East, BA 51318 Fok RENT IRR APA IRend er hat Swilaiie tor 4 He wit of nym atiaad HONE 4 ¥ a remirally TY outlet Avply 12 Wine Five a i 1h i, privale ERLERpae, hey hear Loy URRLOR BEWIY A dein § RE ER OK swariment, Ritson ? Cuihorne eal, Wyden, hath Apply Mis. Rartiey, wet West, BA S484, Basement apart nae ment, avrd op rept , BY 1ERaE AVERYS Apply INESS SERVICE DIRECTORY (Building Trades VEASTE RING free Accountants BOK CLA i I HOPKINS P YALE. FRIEDIANDER HOME EAVES) WILBON and BURROWS oe RIENY ountani MONTEITH ed A cog Street MONTEITH i : orth i HOMI vit Articles far Rent ION SETS FEF 0D PLAYERS RADIOS & SUN MEAGHERS AMPS KROOM EQUIPMENT RENT OR FOR SAL hed heel chairs 61 FOR Hospital All THA RA 110 KING OSHAW AJAX REPAI CONSTRLUC Al nvalid Auto Parts Lo gran teed Ml FRA 8160789 Cartage SCOTIAN Caitage ee. RA Barristers | LR THOMAS H | Drowmaking A LADIES fn LE] all RALPH JON GREER WA" 84 Hive i ithe fn MI phone RA 87 ALTERATIONS of and ehildeen. ¥ pralhle skirt NHESEMARKING Idven's and Indies price. RA B-Bi60 MINOK dies' wi Eimgin ALTERATIONS THOMAS ih in all amen "a atag MachONALRD and A shee LR Leiter and \ greinl Building Client and fintarin parking HA LIER King Stieel HA B0671 iy al FRASER, NRYNAN Ha ters ars Hank ¢ allerating an 183 Alhert ve and Par MURPHY al LP | of all} iden. | a and HEGITON MERROCH ry Ik vmeroe Bid M6 TK alo HA Reversihle DRESSMARING LL fren's alterations MOE Telgphone BA A #250 skirt el Narth by ar Murdach Barrister et Fast nH NONALR BEAKE DODDS i i Wir ne HA DRI SWART E Barris A | 10 1941 f 0 LOW PR street bast "nial RA 44008 . 22 ROWE RA 8-67 " tenes nseen MANGAN | Wn al | ast, Oshawa Rarvisier HA 5-030 avin i ih Snliel BOWMAN i Hest $66 PER ASSIS fur goed (hy This duly "Westinghouse Barristers finest al toads pio OF ors, Think of it, fair Your shopping cenlig week RA A030 and BASTEDD available we Slreet Navth MeGibhon, QU; VeGIRBON { 1) "a Lilgar F TOHN A CAMERON. harvister, saligl nel motary publie. 18% King Street HVIng being sueh as of 60 NHA and private fair ta vaueself and fav pall BOONOMARYT, AIO § Na Obligation Ilo gladiy + than you ave naw payin WEMPHREY Bovelnn and Hillman Pavment i HD dum oo y TREE A AX R 1 i A blacked, Mads I'S ALL 5103 EA Al fast woling 0 TON LTD depend 100 inh ile pi alterations special FURRIER SMAKER § 0 L ¥ is Vil plain hotter and ¢ Wa Bovelnn, HA, WA Vi King Street East HA HT Hes HA MO B-2761 RA 582034 WR Ers Are many SURE © this math sibatitites Westinghoa paving sie i 12 Bapvisters, Sale | Siveel aouth STOP phones A068: Ter HOMARKET RA daa Free: { I Whitt Kelly idence HA Bil BOWMAN | Aauth HA A026 Rohe RS Barrister RA AW soliel fea al LL) ister, wali Stree! Nath "Row dence HA we RA id Vad and wre it Fook L. SCHAPEL HOUMAN We § mw oh HOMAR KE | +74.00 & wa COMPLETE RY BOOKEEPI NCOME ING a OSLER STREET HOMARKEY RA 5:9953 vichard Mays 184] Iden ol ICES Ue Food Freezer Services ) les a hy The it you he anty ve A ( vil f all hi Na Down n'y side IMPROVEMENT in, Hats °° io reasonable and armer dies AA nily a hea Behn weather ¢ 14h chil Kinds the eid | an! Kilehen Your three months supply of fond guar | antees better planned meals al far less post of is only at ail Wa you \ PAN is i pack ¢ A MO Fling Jrodes i Fuel and Wood DRY ARR Instruction PRIVATE wa \et RA 4104 LILLIAN MAE MARSH 0p, dang ha Satu ROW HARVEY BANG \ FEY LEARN hallisam da iphone RA S308) 3 ¥ Lan, sal RA SW | hy fn Garde Hen NARDS 4 HOMI "RA 8.6366 | EX Van Belle MA Insurance ALIATA 0a pe HA sana Money to Loan AMlreel Af FIFTY arth erviee Leet Bi Mert CLIENTH wn age. Mg PUrehase Creighton daeh i AY MORTGAGE ©. AVAILABLE West, With Bue Al Arr ALLI ACROSS ONTARIO | Member B LOANS TO PAY ALL o YOUR BILLS | You can Borrow $50 $5,000 Aceur Lives With Monthly $50 - $5,000 W Or SUPERIOR The vadian Loan Company Loc i Heanieh ta five while ning and Supplies Mortgages MORTGAGES Arianged, Bo nay Private 6544 Rug---Upholstery Service EFPROLETERY at is best tor less We py chesterbigids, regovered, Fras sstimplies, EE SRFVIER, RupEIL n tree removed and oe mslimpies Phone ' & 1X7 lh RA 5 DRIVEWAY a GRAVEL BOLAROOD fim ind ay Goge FURNITURK Dig 5279 ve-mpdelied, easy Lerma q Mor repaired gn 4 HA 5-604 8 recovered, Our rales Fyaranteed nol her y biel RA and reuphole MAIEriRls IF ve-2RY Fe 7h Charles Brest, CHESTERFIFIDS rebuilt, "EE BER 5 pe nie prlistaction Oshawa Blreet West Bond repaired RA Money to Loon WE WAV) chents for mans on first and MAELRARES | at Ande n Louis Hyman Eas HA BNA. oid chalrs re ke ne Gel the best (or les Uphuistering, 142 Simens KA B80) Ios fres eels wanes ¥ CHESTERFIELD S available coves seen QSHAWA | LANDSCAPII Tel IMONEY TO LOAN eng fee 84 £50.000.00 fo | Iso wareh od . ale CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 3.75 UP vy OSHA WA AUTO TRIM 62 BOND 57, WEST RA 5 8047 CHESTERFIELDS LEANED fessional Cleaning Har Plant the National Rug Cleaning RA B-468) pn ------ Oshawa and qd gy of gery of work Quer pert £2.000.00 ta nmedigte lean on first or 4 nd Mertgage Agree ale and resider on vacant PERT PRUNING SERVICE Iperty trial try sn urban ar and Sum of Fruit Trees SA 3, Thinning : mer d Or Hage amentagl immer nerlar ited 112 Street RA mcoe Fhene MONEY TO | LOAN es for all types of mert first and second on all types of real luding vacant lands; marigage for and second agreements irchased Apply wa dens BOWMANVILE 2/87 ear } Mey Instituet of NU-WAY ers of TE A Foeent, & pelvis [Surveyors NONEVAN AND ad, ISCHMAN, tarin Land Surveyor printing, 18 Mlegr a-B6as our home al bios Ammer M eam herein ho gages for m estate Ine hart term builders first and Streel and ses and mortgage sed and sold Barristers, 41 Hen rlgage ing ' 6, 7. BORTON and taria Land Surveyors gineering, 306 Dundas hithy, MO 8-500) BAHAR H, FLIM AND Land burveyors East, Phone BA Assogintes, One Professions) Ene Sireet ih Aller hours RA asl. BA 39 23 thousand dollars, Any purpose, lowest rates, (ast Seaboard Finance, 30's Simene maerigages wih HA #0280 for sale pi RSIS. M. Swartz, 261% King Street gages Eqst, Oshawa. Telephone RA 1-469 / TROLLOPE, Ontarie Hii Adelaide Avenus 5 61 TV. Radio Repairs RADIO radio repels makes. Thompson Electronies litt Avenue, RA 30708 (Fred) PO NOW ] AX Spalding i: hy 4:01, eons with Crown reter antenna plus channel raj ON TIME If EXRERT TELEVYI Len and Lou's City T.V, URVEY /844 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW y CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to o STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the hest THAT Cl EAR TURE NOW! w aluminized picture installed by expert TV and you'll have Modest prices Service TELEVISION BOND STREET EAST RA 8-678) ney tn loan on first mort and agreement of sale MOrtEaRe arvanged Prynan and Mur 1) WLLL ul HA n, Fraser Nursing Services Fh vA INDIVIDUALIZED EACH PErsOn In BURAYRIae RN supervised. Inquiries 1a thoughtiol nl invited care for Oshaws HA nd mart Frivate nr a manthl ALARLE Optometrists RICHARD BLACK the examination of eyes ( lenses I Bimeee North af Fann as hy appointment Doetar of rele and Ta 9 contanl Colborne HA 34M MURKAR MONEY YOU PREFER ION SERVICE, NEW € Pandas MOB Ko "RO Bids nT aptametyist 0 Dundas Closed Wed optometrist. Please downtown Deminion treet Invalid Pig) RELL (00 |} nay Bank Anined TUOR accounts al ar 4 Burk at hame Interest Rates Confidential Service Hidden Bonu M RA Painting and Decorating GET EXPERT on Wm and deparale YOUE hame Pyle free. Represent well furniture sire where servies Is Ws husiness. HA avenings, NA A-A836, Chris Munn | PAINTING hest material rates, Telephone PAINTING and rates. 6G. Goulding Telephone RA 5.7807 PROFESSIONAL hanger, suaranieed a Free estimates Chattel rigages ailvipe haw FREE RA § 10 fu This | Known Ca-signer ment 1 igel 1010 or Na Cost Ta M lute! 1 Unle Al wark guaranteed | b ed, very peasanahble HA paperhanging, winter 204 Chureh Street rigage ¥ anged ED INVESTMENTS COMPANY TREET 1993 (IK [TE] and and Canvay painter work Al TY male E A Anytime Evening Appointment I" NG #0086 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS ill us for Painting, Paperhanging ~ Full Wall Murals R10 Painting 171 BYRON ST. 8. WHITBY DAY MO 8.53231 NIGHTS RA § Use tube technicians the finest AFFILIATED QFFICES Gyplex Ontaria Me Sara 102 rigage rokers' Association SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA TV, 161 GIBBONS ST Personal Service PETER dav, §.30 RA Ri Nursery EL all ar hall Simens North Pan Day fa 3.30. (8{0]] RD CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE te. hall ench fries, f hot Chicken pl Len with hig hamburas milk shak | MODERN ¢ WE DELIVER SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED lengtt nen and dogs Te Ta Pay All Your nulated Bills. This You A Fresh Start One Payment | Cu C NOW AND NIGHT SERVICE SUNDAYS Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 Nn DAY RA T\ PLUS Complete 1887 Only Easy ifs and p L tock af he GILLARDS CLEANIT SERVICE RA 3 § 5 nf ERVICE WHEN YOU WANT 1 PAY OR ean T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 need AAS ithout Endorsers Bankable Security Plumbing Heating PLUMBING and healing | ner 4 apt SHAWA AM Satimal ¢ ELECTRONICS , Watch Repairs WATCH REPAIRS J). Cornish 99 West automate ARG (9 ¢ IMT 1stest Growing All iE o ' BEATTY AP PLIANCES Insured Ba ns Life Pu ¢ i \ MLOE ST N ESC RA 5.8 Sing at RA 3.45435

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