Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 9 Mar 1961, p. 13

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Shaciihe bow binble wisisioww kos kK bwisbvw b Io BAAS sdasid STAFY 2] THE SALES floyd Reg Fak showy fais fice Bris Lioyd Corso man of the hosed Beni AWRIA Was istrict Fhe shana "0A gle Foard iva effecting the wh the Oshavwe ANG ale Board WILLIAM MILLAR, a sales: | from Lloyd Corson, chairman man for Lloyd Realty 144, is shown 1eft,. receiving the Top Balesman of the year plague Community Chest |: Names Top Executives Richard Fairthorne wa od campaign committee man and Sydney was elected hudget elect chaly | Hopkins commitiee chairman al a Wednesday din: asked thal everyone working on) ner meeting of the hoard of di rectors of the Oshawa Commu nity Chest al Hotel Genosha | Mr, Fairthorne was campaign committee chairman of the Red Feather Campaign for funds last year. Mr, Hopkins has heen the| wdgel committee chaivman for Campaign for funds, It was sug Hopkin # number of Mi Fairthorne hoard of divector Feather Campaign needs (on be He sald The campaign organ ization should he finalized and persons appointed as chal man of the re potion his should be confirmed hy let ter from the Chalrman Hi meeting of all section chairmen except publie relations, no later than the first week in Ma DUTIES CITED he campaign commitio chairman outlined the general approach to the organization of the campaign, and oiled th duties of the six eo-chatrmen and the 12 section chairmen, He noted that all he notified of ments and duties as Group Plans For Folk Festival Representatives of most af Oshawa's ethnie and cultural groups attended a meeting yoda told that the for the Hed fund properly organized Now peetive called for a chalrmen shou thelr appoint thet 0 that structed in May | the of the hoard of directors, Osh awa and District Real Fstate Board, The presentation, of they may have time Lo prepare their approach to the campaign and organize their particular section of the campaign, He the campaign be officially recog nized hy a letter from the gen eral ehatrman It was hrought to the atten tian of the hoard of director that merchants of Oshawa are not supparting the Red Feather ented that a chalrman from lahor movement organize the canvassing from merchant LISTS HARMY UL Mr. Vairthorne tated it does a lot of harm fo vidual contributions to he in the pre as many of large employee lishings indi listed Lhe from Campaign Generall jghor are buried in the donation reports from eompuanie He sald that many the professions and busines: nate 810 or 815 and think uf large amount, whereas em playees in labor donate larger amounts, but their eon tributions are hurled in a com pany total It was noted that the Cammu nity Chest has received about r cent of the amount plodg ef for 1060. 595 080.98 has heen received to another SID raeaived dn and tn he dule due Hangmans, Nether lands Society Inseph Klaeger ind Mrs. Helma Behate, Ger man-Canadian Club; KE. J. Reed CirolesEight Square Dance Club Camille Dairn, French Canadian Club and Ginette Vachon, Young Paaple's French Club, with other members af their respective clubs Many wha had intended to he present were prevented hy the storm, A tentative date for the Han a fastival was set for May 14 and Ehbs all were in that! persons in mueh Here The Canadian Concert Assnni win of Oshawa will prasent it's final coment of the 198841 sen son # Dr 8 7. Piitiios Pibhic I LS Denise slisst add Yomday, Rasch 13, This concert) Was angwmelly scheduled for March 9 Ihe festored wptists will be the Boland Vick Quart com prising the leader, We wile) Carob. Hugh Orr and Donald Wridin nee 1975, when the grow Maas W's [HER De ripper hee, HW Ras Rppeared many fines, WR CORCERY Rd OR Fado NA LEIRY In ERE piticis in thie SRG quer let will play = vanety of snng LEnEmts inciiding spinel, reiarder, celle md viol de gam We, IR 7 pIogram of chember Han Feprescmting 7 Wid's eye WmAory of music through the EPRICE Fhe CCA of Oshawa wilh be En WE membersmy CRmpRign,| farting the following Friday, March V1, It will continue 16 Merch 25 SECOND SECTION wihieved the honor, From left gre Witham Horner, Wenry BpyREr man Erwin Crk shanks, Gerry Osborne, Wi liam Millar, Owner-maneger | Hoya Bdlahond and Linya f Salesmen CELEBRATING Honored For PIRTHDAYS wishes 10 the (allowing re e Record the nents of ana dis f ad Ree | Plan in da y dinner meting ! Wednesday | sh mh yer Afiee { Phos Coop The #t 7 ODBEE FEST Bh im al Hel Genome nigh Viae fshawa fret who are CEIEnTRting today Johnston, 178 Park Foal north. Anna Jane Shai ard, Box 26, Bi 4 tale Board. wa a Mrs, Buby Henry Wednesday night to William Yin Bf John Millar Hi A Lloyd Bolahood : gop {ova ed their mrithdays alesman o YEHRG WEN YER? 1h Rea sented MEMBERS OF THE local union political setion commit 25 Bald Wednesday atlended an Hewer, 185 #ll-day meeting called hy the 7 Mrs, Edith | Oshawa and District Labor y 127 Bloor street Cowell PAC to discuss the W Donna Morden, 1%] trade umions in the bale BL. Linda ¥hintoff Hison road north; Alex 1052 Hortop; Mr William Bligdon, 437 Centre oA Romana Rehot, 291 Wolle ®t Sharon Cross man, 440 Gibbons St Dials 6h Nipigon $1 Kawards, 13 Garrard sarhara Foote, WH ROR anY ny awa and District (ishawa fh ana OWREF Thang Bealty IM office sale fall ales me of FRUE thie 19 behalf of his effecting Rane, on on the Y onsim ODBEE phote 1960. Mr, Millar is Lloyd Reglihy's most from ihe "enn em win plan in ployed hy Is Host To Fathers amp Samad the when the on banquet of Seoul Group wa Saturday night, Glen group commie chairman, acted as master of teeremonies. The roast heel din ner was served to about #0 fa Lynn thers and boys hy the ladie easl angiliary under the direction of f Mr John €, Hodge 19 Head lable guests Tanke Mi W. HW. Dressing, cub Mary master; Billy Robinson, Rev road |W. OG, Dickson, minister of Centre Street United Chureh, formation minister of South minster United Chureh; Mrs, | George Varnum, president | the executive hoard, Oshawa District Ladies' Auxiliaries Stanley Richardson, executly commissioner; Bill Swindells Mrs. James Moore, president of the 24rd Oshawa Ladies' Auxil lary; Kit Wells, scoutmaster and Mrs, Well A toast to the church was pro posed by Gordon Foster, vice {ehairman of the group commit tee, with Rev, Mr, Dickson re plying. A vote of thanks to the ladies was extended hy Mr Swindells, Thanks were also ex tended (0 Mrs, J, C, Hodges for her leadership in convening the hanguet, Mrs, Moore replied ni leam Wager ODREE Chalrman Frank the entatie niation youd ng at Hotell gf awrence Si Whithy Mrs. Mariojrie Gram, 707 Emerson Ave, Mrs, Georges Gray, MW Oxford $ Farl of Canper, WH Avenue Bt; My father Dianne Southwell, #02 Kast: 1770 glen Dr; David Boucher, # ry Elena Bt Mi Lillie | Lemon, 461 Beverley §t noting { ( & y athy Stone Hill the development of statutes over Alheri iid Kathy Tre the last 100 years, In discussing M7 Grierson; Sherr amendments and changes in the goo 49 Elgin street act, he provided local reallor toh White, § Wishbone A with an insight inte the assess Alas: Claire Buinld ment of residential, commercial Philip Murray; Joyce and industrial properties 48 Gibbons St. and 100k | Mr. Wilson noted some points Frratt, 874 Rossland {1a watch out for in eompubting| oe imminent, personal income 1a% The first five persons io rein inform The Oshawa Times Phote | of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current attraction 1s "The World of Buzie Wong" Heports on birthdays he received only helween the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Phone RA 8:8474 | Floyd Corson made re gl. A dinner meet Genosha Paul RB Low won the BNnug) Was trap Cuest si Ralph Found, depuly gssessment com of Oshawa and Ronald CA go annual the activi ann Oshawa held last ywindell Were a od Wilson Mr. Found related the hi of the Assessment Act iy 26h 166 included fective for the plage at a year 1060 ODREB dinner | meeting al Hotel tennsha | Wednesday nigh! Oshawa Time LABOR LEADER | WELLINGTON, NZ. (CP)» |New Zealand Labor leader Wal Nash | nn fer now in his Bith year, thought of {Prime minister until vemher when his gavernment wis defeated al the general election, he remains unchal lenged leader of his party retiring last No will (during the remainder of Lhe Year PASS RESOLUTION I'he Oshawa Community Chest | | endorsed & resolution calling for) 'Full Employment sii dle New Party Atm ol hii children, A copy of the resol! ladies' auxiliary council by Mrs tion will he sent to the Minis. A policy for full employment which started pensions, hut that Varnum Mr, Bwindells voiced ter of Bducation, and to 7, D.[18 the basis for a policy for Can: it was organized labor which appreciation to the seout and Thomas, MLA, for Oshawa, Mp, ada's third political party, the was Instrumental in getting pen teuh leaders for their contribu nated that retarded New Party, Morden Lazarus, sions in Canada ony of Une and effort In id i | director of the political educa port. 0 16 SCout movemen children have the right to equals enartmant of the Ontario MANY. WOMEN WORKERS Mrs. Dressing, the Akela, pre Federation sald Wednesday Another point Mr, Lazarus sented her rveport and Beout Mi Lazarus attended the brought up for discussion was master Wells reviewed the seout sion of an all » day the number of women now in the | activities called hy the Oshawa| Working force, He sald women A Master's Certificate was now farm ahout 80 per cent of [presented hy Mr. Richardson to and District Labor Counetl polit | ) eal action committer, at the the working force, A few years| Bill Parker, This was the high sald, women!light of the evening United Steelworkers Hall to dis | #80, Mr, Lazarus cuss the role of trade unions in Only composed about five per| The Cubs opened (he enter the New Paris cent of Canada's working force, | talpment hy presenting a There is a second Industrial humarous skit, A film, showing | Boy Seoul World Jamboree, education I'he hoard of directors fell that the Canadian Welfare Coun morning il assessment of S084 was a meeting little high {hey decided tn grant the council 8750 the same amount as last year the for a A request from Wamen Welfare League larger grant to the school for erippled children was referred to the POPULATION CHANGES revolution going on, the changes|the budget committee for study and, The political education direc: in automation, This automation was much enjoyed hy all the peport, 1t was nated that it eosts(tor introduced several points for |is partially responsible for the|hoys The scout patrols parti $407 per year per child to edu. round « table discussion during unemployment erisis, There are cipated in a knol Lying eampeti cate orippled ehildven. The Osh-{the morning session, One of the [between 80,000 and 40,000 pail-|tion vith Heoutmaster Wells awa erippled children's school points he mentioned was the way workers now laid off and| pointing out that alertness rath has a total budget of $6519.60 change in papulation of Canada! there will be a lot more in thelr than speed was essential and 15 facing a $3065.20 deficit in the last 40 years next 10 years if the railways E. A. Dove. executive secre. Mr. Lazarus said that Toronto, | discontinue thelr PUSSeNger tary of the Oshawa Community 80 one time was made up of a services," Mr, Lazarus said | | 0 Repave the | (host an the mid: /mainly Anglo Saxon population It was pointed out that | winter conference. Community! Now, he sald this race 18 not injgovernment should abandon its Funds and Councils of Canada, the majority in Tarvonto, hut peo: tight money Aceording to My Lagarus unemployed there 1s a general aoceptance of Jdilled tradesmen in Canada| director said one of the reasons was announced this week who were framed here and|the Liberal government was'that the Ontavie Department of A charge of violating the pub: The OFL political -education|the Tories were fighting against miles from Fiekering Village to) lic health acl, against George director blamed the Liberal and|!t and were elected, Now they the eastern houndary of Metro sohanls in Canada \ocarding to a number of the grading, drainage, granular base missed hy Magistrate ¥ delegates building low rental and paving of the highway Wedieaday OLD PARTIES IDENTICAL reported polioy and put : | which he attended ple of Furopean descent ave injmoney back inte eirenlation 10 | 1d way Health Act nota] security in Canada, He|TIGHT MONEY POLICY about 120.000 had to he brought! Kicked out was because of its Highways plans to reconstryel R James the [Conservative governments for Are enforcing the same thing, politan Taronte housing, schools and hospitals! The department also reported owner of Lans the majority assist in providing jobs for the . . t Pickering ald there ave only ahout 100.0001 The OFL pelitical education It Case Fails in from European countries (tight money policy, He charged Highway $ for a distance of §.6 the lack of tochnioal training he said The wark to he done includes downe Shopping Centre was dis HAA New Party. Morden |azarvs director of political education of the Omtano Federation of Labor, 100k charge of the dis cussion dunng the mormng session and George Home, di rector of political education of | Brady NTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 196) the Canadian Labor Congress, maucted the afternoon ses sion. Shown above, efi 19 ng, back row sre Ralph Cooke, vice-president of the Local 220 PAC; Ald. John Local 222 PAC member PAGE THIRTEEM . w J. J #nd Tom Fawards, vicepresie' dent of the ODLE, Front row, Syd Burgess, chairman of the ODLE PAC, Morden Lazarus and Chiff Pilkey, chairman of the ODIL Oshawa Times Photo Scout Group No Place For Communists New Party Organization Gearvrge Home, divector of political education of the Cana CEMTE dian Congress, and a the national com mittee of the New Party aid Wednesday there 18 no room, oF place, in the New Party for Tim Buck and his Communist Party Mr. Home, speaking at (he afternoon session of an all-day meeting called by the political action committee of the Oshawa and District Labor Council, 10 discuss the role of trade unions in the New Party, outlined the events leading to the formation of Canada's third political party In reply to 8 question hy Mrs Alice Reardon, president of the Local 222, UAW Ladies' Aux iliary, concerning Buck's state ment that 8 Communists are in the New Party, Mr. Home said the Communists won't he topped hy statements FOLLOWS ORDERS Up to ghoul two months ago we didn't hear too much ahout Buck and his associates in the New Party, We know he'll try to sneak someone in under cover, hut there's no room or place for a Communist in this party," Mr. Home said He continued that Tim Buck "still takes his orders from the Liberals and Conservatives, hut if any of hs party members do try (0 get inte the New Party under cover, they will soon he weeded out and won't he in the party long," Mr, Home said According to the speaker many people across Canada are under the false impression that the New Party was- started at the Canadian Congress of Lahoy convention in 1068 as a despera tion movement of the CCF party tn have the CCL endorse its res olution for a new political party after the Conservatives rise lo power Mr. Home said organized lahor's political action history dates hack almost to the hegin ning of the trade union move ment. In 1017, the Canadian Lahor Party was set up hy the Canadian Congress of Labor HISTORY OF CCF This party, he said, continued until & number of other groups were set up and the CCF party was sel up in Calgary in 1082 and organized in Regina in 1004 During 1044, the CCL decided the COI party would he the pol itieal arm of the union and it wis suggested that the CLS affiliate with the CCF Mr. Home said in 1061 the CCL called its politieal action ata to attend a convention in Vancouver and only 25 turned up. In 1062 not enough turned up at another convention to form a quorum, Between 1083 and 1058, the CCL started pleking up the pieces and more interest was being shown throughout the trade union movement in polis ties, Mr. Home noted In the meantime, he said, there was talk of a merger he tween the CCL and the Trades Congress, Al Lahor member of that CCF party 10 be a stumbling block for the merger. Early in 1956, it was decided there would not he the political division gt the merger convention for the two lahor groups, the political education director said FALSE ACCUSATIONS There have heen many false accusations made that the whale thing was the outeome of the 1958 Tory victory. That may have speeded things up some: what," Mr. Home said According to Mr, Home all the members of the Canadian Labor Congress proceeded from the Winnipeg convention of 1058 to build the New Party, Building the party has taken over three years and 5000 or more people A year attend NP conventions "The New Party revolution ized polities in Canada, whether It Is A Success now or not, we expect to see political suecess within the next few years "We have forced the Liberals, for the first time In 68 years to consult with the rank and file, The Liberals called a con: vention in Ottawa not long ago at which about 1500 attended to discuss policies iHome said, The Mew Party, for the first time has stirred the Canadian people to the role of polities, Our founding convention July # is going to he one of the biggest political rallies in his tory and if Diefenbaker should decide to call an election in 1062 ~~ we've ready for him," Mr. Home said He declined ta say who the leader of the New Party would he, but intimated that Hazen Argue, nations] leader of the CCF, has made it quite clear ha wants to lead the NP. 7T, C, (Tommy) Douglas, premier of Saskatchewnsn, has also heen mentioned, but it is not known who will lead the party, Mr, Home said, He MA say, however, that the party has (no get the very best man possible for its leader He said the CCF party, 8s it is known today, will go out of existence - July 81 and the New Party may be known as New Party or something else, he sald, The name will he ehosen at the founding convention, hows ever the trade unionists will stay as party affiliates, Mr, New Assessment Plan Explained Members of the Oshawa Ki wanis Club and their guests lis tened to an extremely interest ing and informative talk on a subject of vital interest to each ind every lax-paying citizen of Oshawa, when J, P, Coombe, president of J Associations Ltd, Toronto, ex plained facts, figures and ex pected results of the {otal as essment project his company has conducted in the eity of Osh awn The tn the speaker was introduced moeting hy Hidon Kerr, head of the Osh Awa asscssment department Mayor Christine Thomas was a| special guest, along with John Lettner, an associate of the guest speaker ATARTED IN 1058 The speaker revealed that his COMPANY 8 UNBOEROTS completed their task of asses: ing the 17,500 taxable properties in the city of Oshawa, by the end of this month, The project started in 1058 On or about Kept. 18 of this VEAP, new assessment notioes based on the completed survey will be sent out, along with a letter explaining the project and Inviting a'l taxpayers to visit eity hall, if they wish to ask any questions or have their as sessment explained, or make amparisgons with similar prop erties Kiwanian year has been will have|" J, P. Coombe stated that the taxes on reality property are high due in the municipal tax: payer paying for education and other services which might be termed gountry-wide, With 30.6 per eent of the tax dollar tickets I, Coomhe anded for education, the speaker pointed out that municipal taxes could be greatly lowered, if our governments would absorb a greater share of the cost, as Is being done in United Btates The eity of Osghawa's increase in population in the past 10 greater than | rise of other Canadian cities, The speaker pointed out that this greater growth should result in more industrial and amimereial taxes and so ease the taxes for the resident prop: er OWnel The assessment survey of Oshs vie has embraced the assess: ment of the land value of the antire oily, Industrial, business or commercial, residential, vas land and some agricultural properties EAPLAING CHART The speaker explained fo ting the valug of residential property was appros tnately x number of dollars" [for one foot of frontage x 130 {of depth, Properties with less or more than 130 fr, depth, hit n adjusted rate Buildings were rated on the 1050 reproduction cost == regards hin ) The Oshown Times groups in the ety less of whether the building was Years ago or only with allowance and economic that [§7,400,000 TAX LEVY under no eiroumstances was the, 1, P, Coombe pointed out that i total tax levy in 1060 was about [Quite recently, §7,400,000 with the total assess epreviation ment for that year being $101, obsolescence, this ANCE hornton"s road south tance here 1s 4.1 miles Hotel Genosha Wednesday night CHEF Pilkey, chatrman of the | would provide jobs, If the tight that work would continue on aland Labor and agreed to take part in a&luiad to take part. Committee It was charged the accused Oshawa and Distriet Labor {money policy was abandoned number of projects in the avea time it was made olear proposed Folk Festival ta be will he set up in the near future had fatled ta carry out an order Council, entering the disoussion, land interest rates out, there west of Oshawa held this spring and auditions arranged to koop Of the Ontario County Health/sald both the Liberal and PClwould he move funds for this Grading drainage, granular ' 1 The meeting was called hy the standard of the production Unit, that he abate a nuisance | ravernm nis are practioally type of building and jobs would hase and paving work will be Y S Men S Club Mrs. Jo Aldwinckle, women's high Health unit inspectors John|identical they are not pre: he made available the delegates done on the service road be: editor of The Oshawa Timesi| Interested groups seeking fur Robson and William Gordon pared 0 acoept anything which agreed tween the Fairport Beach road . 070,110, baged on the 1060 mill] in Col uslon, the speaks Henry Chapman, director of the ther information should contact vante testified sow age Was} hay em 18 ho of 8 radical ha Rink Lisarus outlined the Now and the Liverpool sideraad, This Names 1Cers rate of 70.3 for residents, with er stated that mare information Pilgrim Players Drama Group Henry Chapman or Mrs, Ald ponding in a diteh at the rear ture He said that since the 40%s | ¥ arty financing hy the local | is a distance of 1.9 miles, Wark 4 the Industry and commereialion project would be res and Francis J. Francis, director] winokle of the shopping centre and cau: living standards have in [trade unions! He said NY mem: will alse continue on the eons! Following their dinner meet: pate being slightly higher {leased from time to time He of Oshawa Symphony Orchestra | ng a nul 10 residents in! easy 0 the RR N here her Wij oe \ htbged ht J hel ruetion of the new service road 18 Tuerday night " Adelaide! The population of the city, he expressed Nitiaule in the or This will be an adult festival -d the area peapie Bs Anas Rh are prepared; annuw A il 100R hadi HONEY hotween the Town of Whithy and | House, the members af the Osh: woinied out, had increased fram [Operation that the company's of songs, musi and dancing of pik nN N AHAING | Magistrate Ebbs said the evi 0, hooapt Shines. al aetion iff ghuu wil be seen The dis awa YS Men's Sid Sete th 20,771 in 1930 to 40,737 with ans |axsessors had red elved from the hest that each group CAN Narbonne BB. Wad camvioted ap denes was not conclusive: In dis committes mamhe James | locals pay on behalf of its mem new officers will Ry installed ne Nation in 1951 but that in 1080 ely residents, property owners nffer, a joint effort te sii pride | manslaughter Wednesday In he missing the. case, he suggested Lawnie, sald if it had not be on | hership Wark will also he continued an next monht the city's population had in-ahd Lp well & Jom and pleasure In the whale vom: Ahhing of his common + law Ne matter he brought hefare ioe the trade union movement! A founding convention fund three structures, These include; The new officers are: John creased to 6 148 an inerease in the City of Oshawa Tax Departs munity wife last Deo. 28. Sentence will Hast Whithy Township Council. ihare wouldn't he sn many so: has heen sel up, of which Mr, [A underpass at Moore VORA and inraiihows, president; Rruce|'0 Years of 203 per cent [ea onel f M Among those attending the he imposed March 17, Narhonne!!! the council sees fit, the case ola) advances in Canada Lagarus is chairman, The New (HIEhWay 401 in Piokering wi foie vies + president; Don The speaker painted out that At the conclusion ef Mp, meeting were Robert Crawfordia laborer, was charged with|"An bo appealed to a higher" He suggested the unions and Party founding convention will Shin: the interchange at A1axi fount, Clem Hewitt, Berpie|!s city has all the usual serv:|Coombe s talk, Kiwanian Mur and Gordon Young, St. Andrew's murder after Mrs. Eva Rouf-|00urt, the nagistrate sald. "Or the New Party get more vad: be held July 31. He sald al: and work on a service road from peypy, John Frane om Tod|l0es and utilittes, extended to/ray Maidlow voiced the appres Society, Stanley Simpson, Stifard Laplante, 45, was stabbed Perhaps a new charge could be cal "and lel the people know ready $75,000 has been collect: {Thornton voad te Park road in Rathe, Rudy Alexander and Bob[the taxpayer in competent fash: ciation of the Kiwanians and David's Society; lanint Salva: 31 umes with a bread knife, [instituted {It wasn't the Tory government |ed for the convention, (Oshawa, Goddard, directors, |lon, 'guests, to the guest speaker,

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