Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Mar 1961, p. 5

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AW's Couples Club' TUE SUMAWA YI, Yateortes, Mos §, 1988 3 | WHITBY and DISTRICT [rim sir sumer zien mmm. nied Chick 4 Ws Copies #9 Whithy Bureau Office; 111 Dundas 81, West Clo belh 14s montisly mestng MOWRY Hr Hom the Bowe JERE E165 IOREY WRRET IB Sonat gt, moves wis i on Satsrhay a the Chwach Ball ROAR GIeck CRI8 Wie eo i 1 Manager: Lloyd Bioberison Tel MO, B279% 5 residents Jack anh Yo FERS ? d 4 gia Walk. were wn charge of Following the business mest Wher one spt for the o pe the meeting ing, the WorEmp service was we IE. Time Wis eet, bl . Ev Cuild Duriag the Business mesting therge of Dean wid brie Baker, 19 y 1114 ied Teshey wy $ reports were given fiom the Bi and lsohel Vance snd Boss the miss Sizes Frstaremndd by ay commiiess Ww charge HM the nd Bermice $a. This (ook the Coiters hsssoaion. ie kas wom Regular Meet Sew Supper' (6 be held Wark form of oe Easter condicighe 08M thie Li pail 8 15 wt the Chwick Bell. Wr. Boss serving . T . i Saint hugican Ch Law, & member, bes been 2p The mesting rbiowined and is Gary B Kin Evening Libid Branch Weil 55 pouied phaiogispher 198 the saware Ranch Was eoipyeh. wg, Soh Mics, with $18 598 FERRI Weriing on MORRRY RYE Cllrs artiyities Lunch was served by the social Dowg 5 ihe AowR tA pag Bt the pansh Bel. The A letter of pOTECRtion FRE COTIBNILE ( 349. Judae A. B. Wilimots reserved gee Camp Mis. Balok seid she $1205 lor groceries while Be wis president, Mis / Bycroft i0day in # CII FeEeiven §5 each month (or each owt oF Work WEBER the meeting with Prayer Oshawa man member of the (amily from the The Gelentam. psn CIAmes IB Yanous repomns were read wns 44 '" arian yefugee Canaan GOyErnmeEm Since lis testimony that he Bad per zoprovesd ed par y red JAI County ber family had helped Jager's (armen os hours of Work rene Dwning the bwsingss esting Comthouse Tuesday brother's family wn Budapest vatmg the Jager home. Be 528 final viens were made for the better with she aoked Jager lor help and 8 Jager bad 1914 Bim that one 83) Masonic |aties Wight Dipper 19 The action which was started : J p % ontinued #8 the IP for her busheand he would be & happy wan H Be be he March V7 at the Chwrch use Tyeshay rs. Badok said she received WIPER 1h Hel with Mrs. C. Rycroft gs who came fo 88 from Jeger Wn Ws second ALERTING io Boek PE cener al ener mpssisted By vears azo from Bun: letier. She then asked him i he HHoWne Ea ries Wheh FREET ey ¢ 1 $306 28 for wowld be their sponsor in prder Wile 15 FEIVEE Mi Wungary i tk Ontario Cowmty nesrred by to leave the cam Jager then What he (JRERY) WRE VIPER Mass SHTVEY WEEE Invited io and $75 for dam. sent traintare from Yencouyer FYEFYHRRE for the Bodake. We ooh "ot the March WRRIRE 4 that when be moves from The mecting ciosed with prayer : ¢ z Lalit was caused by rs. Badok staried 10 live in the Jager home he Bal taken ond refreshments were Served APPY PLAYMATES the defendants the dager home In July of 1997, 00 Wis TY serial but lett the BO oi ln py iefendants and Her hushend came 10 Oshawa Wooks 0 the roof 19 preven Atkins sidence shave be 0 from the Ywkon wm Ociober of IRs Twn gre Brian | Bowmen avenue, David y t Jobs the grandsons of MW WE Lf] ma Ma i Jou im ol Fr the same year ger seid he ; y wis 4 never promised 9 percept of WHITBY Free! Marie Frasers new butter The e 1 bile d Mr. snd M ' om J 957 to Jam. BOUGHT GROCERIES the npsiairs rent 10 the defend / recipes. Ven Darky Viens' Ark Ah idl | BA A With 9. Jags i the train Bedok worked for Sklar Fur- ant. He said Bodak had prom PINE 10 BRIA IF WOMEN & Bowes and Mrs Bo ? added ny . i Rad d C piture in Osha for five weeks ised he would pay back every PERSONALS £ DIVISION BF DRY FARMERS OF CANADA ana her oh dad sr 4 wher snd December of 4) ERT BYRON STREET, 1RRGHIR § BASKETBALL sri C1 ann, A997 and worked for the Bennett Plaintitl's counsel, 6, Mur "Acting Crywn Alomey Bruce nish Col 2 Refuge ui J g Company in May of doch § submission stated Aff, ill be the guest speak the w y #, During the time Badok (hat SWE was Alin ely Fe: or or the Kathleen lowe Home » ' 4 #, on { out W wit of work Jager gave her ceived hy the defendant 10F znd School Association on Wed Seniors uniors Te nl I5 to B20 a week no buy gro- iraindare. The Bodaks crested ocd. in the school. Mr } 4 £ ! pi the household, #24 in Jagger's mind that they were peak on the ad P 0 i" / or Mi sok. : distant relatives of him. As 19 ministration Of Justice : 3 " at 1 x sie Bodak testified be §0in- the roof, the question was wheth Bow To A ax Teams of # ed his wile in Oshawa on Oct, er Bodak id or did not Asm Mrs, George H. Wickett, of 97. He had $240.70 when he age i when he took off bis Anderson 8 will be celehrat 3 All CN R-ACLAIM " 4 awa. He spid he aerial wer Both birthday #6 the home ROSS GIBSON of Ajax. Al hough the : 4 VER 4 wa Chlar Futian for. in us. subutial. James: Mad h A th bitthia) 2 Le ham claiming $170 fo / J the i n October and got donald, counsel for the defence, Cookman, of Blackwater, A formed ager how ¢ y job there on Oct, 28. said that the reason Badok had party has been arranged for her Radok ) g § ) Wa 4d off on Dee. 6 and pot thanked Jager for € on Thursday, March 4. Mr, and} how 4 " in was out of work until May 8, his wile's traindare w / Earl Ward, Mr. and Mrs a V b, when he was Wired pl Ben cause Jager had made im Wickett and family will} High was Lies 0 Ih a The gymnasium of ¢ ; half, Ajax shot ahead was the site of thre thall games between Hens h and the game Ajax on March # Again the Nigh Score The Seninr Be am of dry Me Hn Ja 8 i g Henry lost 1} ii At the § A 4 io anothe n OVE " 3adok who | £ i nett ving LCampany proper advances lowards Mrs halfway ma n the | £, the ] 4 Jar yi 3m that as soon Badok. The Badoks were to lye J ' 3 joh he paid in Jager's house and pay ne The final score he scorers with X DOr waler and rent 1n Jager hecpuse Mrs was W235 for Ajax each. Other Henry scorers were adok ed tha ¢ heatin ager home. His Badok was 10 keen house. Mr and Mrs. Norman Iron Highest scorers for Ajax Were yoliey and Tavener i known th f y a ) eneral house: Badok was to receive half the i and coildren, of Midland Shearer and Newitt. both ha Henry High turned the tables | 2 y | came tn hold His ald Jager upstairs vent in return for help: spent Sunda with Sally and Wl percent of the ing to renovate the Jager house Beatrice Jones, of Whithy. Other J instairs rent once it was rented fudge Willmott said he peed: gocts included Mr. and Mrs ed hi Ari He sald Jager did not give him ed some time 10 look over the of Midland he going i» Blackwater 16 help celehra Ars. Wickeil's birth score was 14-8 and Orton w ng EEN on Other EON on Ajax In the Banta) ributing to the Ajax win were The f Barrett, Ha Walcharn and! 0; jax. Ajax led 1 Blundell al the end of the i wothier Ferer Bud rent when the upstairs was evidence hefore reaching a deci tol } he British Columbia Refu- rented and on paid nm wile sion Mrs. Greta Feist of Toronto kend guest gl ihe Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam nr Vi r and Tushingham added to thei tn Ajax's four . drive suspended for six months paring colun for Hens " Abermann with £ points » Th y Sgt. Peter Hollywond, of the Hips of Henry bib his game was not an essen enry's highs corer. Goode ree al e n Nok ) hs i nligp tial victory for Henry's senior i and Henderson alse con Piekenng Wbady mp ie LER Mrs. J, Wallis, 907 Henry St, team since they are already in tributed to Hens win, Ajax ' » on ranting patrol on Highway 2 the COSSA B' finals, These top marksman was Told with at 12.85 a.m. Feb. 24. when he bers of the King Street school) finals will be held in Whithy on six points. Other were Male riving arges caught up to a Car raceedin Haid ive when arrangements March 18 and will commence al peli, Claringhold and Smyth east near the approach te the were made lor the fortheoming 12.80, Junior as well as senior| The win by Henry High broke paren the (Games jight! to be held Eames have heen scheduled | Ajax § Season » ONE WINNINE March 28 al the school aL § pm Everyone is invited to attend! sireak MjueaKen Hu ] Hen top netler was Allan Henry heroes came Gibbon, Sharman, Brooks, Grass second half and netted 11 pe opened her home 0 Lhe mem Three district drivers were could have entered Highway 401, Bouge bridge. He said that sentenced to jail terms Tuesday was one and one-half miles car weaved from the centre ling hen the gay onvieted of away fn the houlder and al times and watch these playoff games Don't forget There will he 4 J ein i J in i drove along the shoulder In the Junior game on March COSSA 'B' haskethall finals on fy ing while ! i " A Fi Al D3 DAYS 1 318 Athert ME The Make the Co-op Credit Union Conven | 1 re apnpeares Mags Af f I J { : A . / §, the score peas 22-18 in favor! Saturday, March 18 0 4 oy Rf § hs sigh fy A re ins Bu Jailed ee SHAKE HANDS tion held a. the Hoyal York| | i y f # He sald he stopped the car Hotel in Turonte on 'Fhursday, wlice court days for dnving while intoxi A : William Coyle, of #8 Clifford caled. IL wa hi second convie and Marin climbed out, walked Friday and Saturday, as repre I Mr. Alfred Reardon aiiended . : hack to his cruiser and wanted sentative of the local Credit asczewski Fund: eb pi i was & "wrong-way driver' onl PC Amold Summers, of the l? SHARE NAncs with fim. He Union . ; N ory (sald Morin told him he was Highway 401, was jailed 10 days Whithy Detachment of the OFF glad he was not driving and On Sunday a birthday party 3 w {ae an ing While Intox ated ald that on Feh i he had in that his ear was parked. Both was arranged in honor of James 1 5 ar z Ie Peal a" Ei d 3h HLA ES Fast gated an Aciasm Ny the he and PC Speakman, of the Wilder on the occasion of his , ( It 1 AS BUS I Cass ach |] cence ) rive wa u Hin cones on n 'ear Town Hi son of ame department sald that! 12th birthday 15 the 3 shin & A J 4 . pended for ane yea hip and found Mills' ear had Morin was intoxicated Mr, and Mis, George Wilder, Latest donations to the Tom| Portion of proceeds Belle PC Charles Whiteside, of the crashed into a tree - Chasczewskl. Trust Fund have ville-Whithy game 178.50 Whitby Detachment of the OP] He sald that he saw the ae.| In his own defence, Morin Byron Bi, N. be hoal companions, reached $582, says Ivan Davie (George Kingston, Belleville 1.00!said that on Jan. 29, he spotted cused in the cells in Port| 58d that he had consumed oply Felalives and friends Were pres:| one of the members of the board| Ralph Frederick, Belleville 1.0003 car facing east in the pass: Perry and he was sllernately We pints of heer that night, He ent of trustees which 1s administer-| Arthur Woods, Aja BU] y lane of the westh ( f arguing and ery told the court that he had just : ing the fund. The money is{Gen. Motors Main Office 38.00 ing ap ar the vesthmant n 4 dition "Ya the jail term, (MOUght the car and it was not Mist Bally dones hay now 7é being raised to help offset med:|Clint Pascoe 5.00 Pickering Township. He said accused's car was impounded mechanically right and caused|lirned home from the Oshawa feal and surgical expenses and| Jim, RIN Restaurant 10.00\ that the car wa stopped hy PC three months and his licence ta the erratic driving General Hospital, Her friends also assist in the rehabilitation] Anonymous 1.00}¢ anper, of the Pickering Town- drive suspended for none year wish her a complete recovery, | of Chasczewski, a defenceman Sylvia Szitszay 10.001 shin Pelice De partment David Joseph Morin, of Wes! A " with the Hillcrest [Ty who suf | Paul Rousseau LIPO Whiteside said that the Hill, was jailed saven days, and Cash Register LT a fered an eye loss during a hock: | Everett Quantrill 0 apeused did not know where he ordered tn pav court costs or | ey game earlier this month Anonymous, Whith WOM iwas and finally said that he serve an additional seven days Dopo & SOUTER Tom is still & patient in the North America Steel 0.001 was going fram Oshawa to To- when he was convicted of driv St | At H t | Oshawa General Hospital Ont itizens Finance 000i ranto although he was proceed: ing while intoxicated. In addi. ™ 0 en 0 e PAINT and Sunday, he underwent surgery of vie, Whe hy [RANAKET (ing east. He sald that the near: tion, his car was impounded ai 8 e WALLPAPER STORE while repairs were made to his|0f Ihe CTERL LAITY JTS. SaYS ast intersoctic by w } nonths and his li ! b nose which was alse injured|that a benefit game hetween his wm hich he 'three months ar 18 Heence of n ence 107 BYRON §7, §,, WHITBY when a puck left the ice and|Jdrs. and the Whithy Dunlops, | |i ovanta youth who admit MO 8 5231 struck him in the left eve. Thel|has heen set for March 21. All| 100F NEWS ted stealing a cash register and » accident occurred an the eve of (Pros eeds from this game will go Its contents from & hotel in C.IL, Paint Dealer Flaster examinations al Donevan| into the fund Whithy during business hours {was Tuesday remanded in cus Painting & Decorating Collegiate, Oshawa, where he S M h was a Grade 13 student rl p {tody one week for senience YOUR Following are the latest dona St. Margaret 8 | u reme onarc 05 30 wot Bt Toarthey RAR . Contraction uons y 2 | Gyptes, Paperhanging 'eter Vandermale § 10.00 H : HR : guilty to stealing a cash regis | Ar an 15.00 Guild Meeting To Visit Whi Y ter, valued at $100, from the Full Well Mursls Mrs. A. C. Worthington 10.00 : ) (Royal Hotel, and its eontents, ARONY mous a onl All Saints' Anglican Church $36.08, on Jan. § St. Margaret's Guild held ifs Phe arrival of Supreme Man:| Tt is fully expected well aver. Sat, Gerald Robinson, of the regular meeting in the Church Archos Ernie Miller, along with 100 members will he in attend: Whithy Police Department, told! : . Hall, March 2. The president, |0ther dignitaries and members, |ance from the U.S.A. and Can: Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs, in Whit:| Family Monuments ine or Mys. F. Jollymore, opened the of the Ancient Mystie Order of ada for this special occasion of hy police court, that at 10:50 ; meeting with the members' DAmariians in Whithy on Fri-/a sanctorum to be instituted in|p wm. Jan. 5, the manager of thel . Prayer ly evening and Saturday of this district in a great number hotel had reported the theft of | I During the business meeting § week will headline a full{of years. The present local ve:| ihe cash register fram the lobby 0 en d 10 it was agreed tn send flowers Ye ctivity for the candi-|sponse Indicates this should!of the hotel Created Ta A lo a sick member, My Ww and Samaritans of this become a very large, happy and! On Jan. 14, he said, the cash Individual An Oshawa man who admitted Bennett, whe 18 in the Oshawa | order, considered the' good fellowship sanctarum register was found under a eul Requirements being in possession of a stolen General Hospital. A report was PAY branch of the 100F Local members and candi- vert at the CNR in the south ar radio. although it was hid:'vead on the advisory council The degree staff of Cyzicus dates will he welcomed at the end of town. It was damaged | STAFFORD BROS den in an apple orchard in meeting which was attended hy Sanctorum, Peterborough, willl Anderson Street High School heyand vepair. Missing, said | J Whithy, was Tuesday fined 835 Mrs, F. Jollymore and Mrs, A, [Pe on hand to confer the humil-| auditorium in Whithy on Satur: Sgt. Robinson, was the $36.08, | and costs. Lawrence Maitland McAlister ity degree on approximately 30 day, Maveh 11, any time from| "Phe Sgt. told the court that Monumental Werks Leroy Perry, 21, of 866 Fim:| Mrs, B. Bustard read a report "8ndidates from lodges of dis-|1 pm. until the final closing Oourtney was questioned and 318 DUNDAS EASY Why is the Volkswa en ow-le ed ? grove Ave. appeared hefore on the Women's World Pay of tet No. 41 in the afternoon at|of the sanctarum in the evening admitted taking the cash vegis:| MO 8.3552 Magistrate I. 8. Ebbs in Whithy| Praver recently held. The meet i pm after which the then| Members and candidates willl jar and putting it in his ear, but : : police court ing adiourned and the memhers APPTOXImMate total of 53 local|enter via the north-west doors| denied taking its contents f Conventional ears have a rigid rear axle built control reds run thraugh the central channels PC Marley Nicholson, of the proceeded with their work pro. Members will he able to attend and the degree staff will enter like a weight-lifter's bar-bell, When ane wheel the tarsion bars are sealed in tubes. The VW Whithy Palice Department, said jeet. Lunch was served hy the the tnstitutin of the lacal sane-|via the harth tant doors from hits @ bump, everything bounces, On rough reeds will ga through water deep sneugh to make iga . m hy pg § ame ¢ ys Dé l 2 that he had investigated the committee fie Supreme Mon. the parking lo you have to slow down ta keep control mast cars give up. : pA > fm : hi ¥ archos and staff in the eve «| Large signs at the corner of \ a SA) Bl adie phd : at 7.30 p.m The newly mstalied| Anderson and No. 3 high ay The Valkswagen's rear wheels are independ: The new VW engine givesyeulats mare passing in Whithy for repairs. The radio, ADDITIONAL, WHITRY NEWS officers will handle the closing | will direct all members north to ently suspended and sprung with torsion bars, power bul with the same gas scanamy, Now all | ON PAGE 19 Each wheel keeps its road problems ta iself, four speeds are synchronized. You can change he said, had heen removed from| duties {the scheal the car hy two juveniles, he EE alias tut . " | Rough spats are iraned aut with complete safety inte first witheut stepping. There is mere space learned, and following question BIG CATCH SP E C IA ] | even at top speed. Volkswagens don't rack ar under the fren! head. You can take nearly twice ing the accused led him to al An 8linech, 316-pound sturgeon sway. (Hava you naticed haw they sprint araund as much luggage spot in an apple orchard on caught in Lake of the Wands in | ; | ) carnarsd) N e n Dunlop St. E., whére the missing 1953 was believed to have beer Nerd Before you lake an buying mare car than you radio was found 130 years ald | BLACK MOLLIES WAGTAIL SWORDS look under a VW. You won't see any wires ar reallyneed, come inandsee the 1941 Volkswagen, Soa | rods, knobs or Bumps. The entire bottom is a lack it aver fram top to betlam, and have @ | To Appear Here NEONS--FANCY GOLD GUPPIES rigid steal platform sealed with rubber, Every quick drive over a raugh road. ; thing is enclosed and protected. The wiring and vals § BROCK tvening Shows At 6:35-8:35 ' : 3 for 99° A YON Wuten te The Canadian Opera Com. |Braun, Dodi Protere, Ernest or WHITBY Last Complete Shaw at 8:35 pany is presenting Offenhach's| Adams, and many mare, assem PLUS Orpheus in the Underworld, the bid to farm one of the mast ' LE newest addition to its repertary| talented casts ever ta tour Can n Saturday, March 11 at 8.30] ada AQUARIUM SPECIAL on 399 THE pm. in the Henry Street High! The amusing sative is a take This is your nearest Volkswagen dealer, Ne is part of 0 (GODDESS School auditorium off on the music of Gluck and We carry a complete line of network of 331 afficiont VW service centres right across Connde, Fhis third tour to Ontaria, the/the old story of Orphens and Maritimes and Newfoundland | Eurydice FOOD, PLANTS AND PET SUPPLIES h rads between nations Is a has heen made passihlel The apera's beautiful songs away Sree: Wa WY N erg DANA © RHONDA through a generous grant fram combined with the gailety of ge ' : ANDREWS «FLEMING the Canada Council, and thelthe gods of Olympus are sure to 1 Geman henalt anada'y b an KOHN ANNE ¥ \ performance in Whithy is spon: delight every member of the in customers i ad avery TIMBALIST + KERR FRANCIS 8 yf has ' sored by the Whithy Concert! audience. Orpheus in the Under 4 0 kswagen sold in this CODE wy OF (ANE - wial warld is under the direction of 105 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY county helps Canada ta ; ff : 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH, sell Garmony mare Cone KEENAN TROY aa brings ta Whit: Di» George Brough and the pro wan O08 : | wARNEn anos Wy h p WYNN + DONAHUE NIEOLQ With Belinda Les and iY Wa ) wada's tap aper duction will be staged by the ARULY INTIRTAMINY ath Jumay Bathe Far uding han Habe He RARy a Pir hot Open Till 9 p.m, Thursday and Friday | TELEPHONE RA 3-346) MacMillan, Joanne Ivey, Victor! director Mavis Moore, { t A 3 then $

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