14 THE OSHAWA TIES, Wednesdwy, March §, 1961 'Genosha Hawks Are Eliminated fishami Ha (arneiha Bams Aeoppes from the (BA piey of SERRA [861 WERE, RIDPIRE & WH 44 decision 16 Toremis Mons Virk. The loss 19 the Toronts (STEW Wi ERR [or (hem 1 RYETERIRE (ik (HRW E Victory of fast SatiiRay mig. wid Win (he 1H ERIBE (A GANHEE SETikg [IF {E14 Oshawa lak won THAR, here BASEBALL PLAYERS ON CELERY DIET Chicage White Sox second | base combination of Tulse! Aparicio (left) and Nellie Fox (right) the celery dur: Sarasola camp In basehall ih SNark RAVE. NEF PIRYEFE Oh B Ing their neh hresk at their Flonda (raining up SPORTS MENU By Geo, H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' CLIFFORD "KIP" ROWDEN died 0 In this pa { f sports fa "Kipper Rowden was rate d as one o wingers of his da And living who sa "Kipper time, - A d wrist=shot, fired from out-in ing to be stick-handling the puck It was » shot and deadly accurate, We will slweys maintain that "Doc" Rowden was the greater performer of the two, & better man at checking, but fo right-wing patrolman with a dead] didn't come much better than "EK of the great Port Hope Junior team and his twe buddies, both Hills and Bammy Lowe, were rated as th t hockey line in the game, They the great All Star team too, along with Walter Fair of ( he moved to Oshawa, "Kipper hockey with Oshawa's Intermediate series with Collingwood when "KE ed skull, will he remembered by the old-timer Phe postponed the Brd game for almost a week fo let recover sufficiently to play in the Ard gan | Mutual Street Arena, In later with Houck, "Dick" Smith in goal and also Sammy Lowe, Jim Hetherington, "Ya Roegnik, "Tommy Dan Riordar Jacobi, ete, (by that th going along with a very old memo and no doubt we not anly takes, hut left out "Kip" Rowden hy=ward in | ranks in the days when Intermi If we had time, we'd checks "Cy" Dell or Charlie Hall and straight ahout the Hope "Ontarios" almost every yea in the teams as Crimshy, Jordan Peach | ete, "Kipper" Rowden was also a dea and stellar second haseman the en Dainty, Al Tyson, ete, performed famous ald COBL, He was one of Oshawa's G1 in the 20's and 10 and The Rowdens ort family but naw for almast a halfseentury, the have heen part-and-parcel of Oshawa Wg all of them personally in lat sports fans and eitl Yald=timers BETEPH, WE NI 0 f s of about nearly two ge there are f Was One 0 BKALEr, he eX % 0 neat a speedy frant apps dazzling stick-handling fl ace Lhe ppel ! he da Rowden since pased Finnigan" mane arin a. Aflei plays emendous tear I'he greal ed al p" recel raeturs Kip imronto's arl Child Rill Morle en) nk \VEl Johnston, ele, we mean il We are onl Near plus ma Nave mane ome mi may have ame import names) Was a have davs wher game seasons neared enamp inst 10 Hambu "pinch-hitter" "Duke" the Ie in Va in Wy great hefore Hope "Rowdens" al ather athletes aarly 1820 tan were ariginal a nonst and so f 0 all of Oshawa's early sports ] loeal gens On behalf of and especially for the 1a all t : days, we express our sincere sympathy memhey of the family, His memory will Hnger RRIGHT RITS:: Oshawa curlers made their trek ta Cobourg on Saturday and th with a slight edge on the total scare, chairman Mowat and easchairman Les Harrise Cobourg contingent will be fullsaf-fire revenge when they make their return visit here. this Saturday evening OSHAWA FIREMEN are hosts today at the Oshawa Curling Club for their Ontario Fivefighters' Bonspiel with rinks comi Niagara Falls, Brantford, Belleville about 28 out-of-town entries, or mare uld be a great day for the locals and let's hope they dent ¥et any three-alarm calls ta take them away from their annual day's fun and fellowship ALBERTA and Saskatchewan are both undefeated following vesterdayv's Canadian Brier curling ehampionship play and it looks as if the Canadian title this year is between these twa rinks with Manitaba having an hance," while British Columbia has come "close" a g the line he af=-the ™ they defeated Rus i annual While emerged An that ' ay Warn the and seeking ual 8 fram total: af an Wiside « hut may already CEECHS did © world hotkey tournament game Canada as the Canada's Trail Smoke Eater clash on Thursday and this could game, If the Caechs win it it's Canada wins, they need only tot the title ST. LOUIS CARDS Schoendienst $23.000 Milwaukee 2 aut Vveste Only ather unasieat laurney tar 0 aAPppare ad Daw A $ THOMAS HULSE ¥ the ball, far this vice-president of ih ear accident, IDG] seas OHA, was k a celery and crackers diet, W stead of the traditional sand wiches Bruins Bow Low ToHowe By THE CANADIAN PRESS anne Eel mn # legend league AnOLRET Fed leading arg the Hed W i ory over Boston Bram Howe set up t goals--the h Delvecehio and hn blasiuk=--1o ak of gl least one HNL ag game 10 14, equating a mark established earlier Norm Ullman 0 the clincher Vi extend a i club this season bh The viet action of tin y in the NHL's only night virtually as ured the fourth Hed Wings of a herth in the Blanley Cup playolt Detroit now has 61 points, 10 than tifth-place New York The Blueshirts, who only have six games lo play vill need neal miracle to overhaul the Wings Howe's {41h moving the WINngers HOCKEY SCORES | AND STANDINGS | THE CANADIAN National League WLT FF AP A7 18 10 317 166 Bd) IH 10 227 174 K2 2 15 181 162 60 14 27 15 180 200 84 DIRT 202 14 8K 18 157 294 Tuesday's Results Basten 1 Detroit § Game Wednesday York American League WL I #10 1 8 12 20 1 20K i040 21M a0 32 0169 Hoohestey Hah 4 215 200 Quehed a7 44 2101 84 Providence 33 40 0 164 282 Tuesday's Results Cleveland 2 Quehee 4 Tonight's Game Hershey at Hpringfield Eastern Professional WLYT 1 1016 7 dah 280 34 10 place more Ranger i two assisls were his and 4th of the season, him to within three of record for right set in 1008-54 eau he Ry PRESS Faronta Montreal Chicagn Detroit il hl] ew York Hostan Chicago al New A 174 iT 184 207 Springfield Huffalo Hershey Claveland \ nl 16% 20 214 M na LL] fin a Hull-Otlawa 5 N Mare K. Waterloo 04 108 Kingston 85 33 7 237 252 Sudbury 39 33 A 212 AR Montreal 18 33 13 154 201 Tuesday's Resulis Kingstom 2 Sault Ste. Marie 4 Hull.Otlawa § Montreal 3 (tie) Tonight's Games Hull-Ottawa at Kitchener Kingston at Sudbury Calgary ¥ Victoria 3 Seattle 1 Spokane 3 Ontario Junior A Peterborough 1 Hamilton 3 (First game of hest-afseven quarterfinals) Juniar Interpravineial Hawkesbury Ottawa 1 Pem |hroke (Pembroke wins best afseven final 41) Saskatohewan Junior Malville § Estevan 4 {Melville leads hest nal 23) Ontaria Junior R Hamilton 2 Owen Sound 3 (Owen Sound wins central group semifinal 4.1) Fort Erie 2 Welland 4 (Welland wins' Niagara piel semi-final) Ontaria Intermediate Oakville § Georgetown 4 (Oakville leads nial 324) Contral ids 8 La (Lacambe final 1) ] 9 ) | ? | in sem Dis A best-of seven Alberta yah 8 Wins best-of-seven fil] Goal *dise on Satweney might. Toromin wil row ines. Wamiton Guigiers in thie Bon hern Oni ano fingis wiile the Hawks will hang wy ther GERE RA WEIL for Rother (Rank REX, VERE it was Oshowi's Inepiness in scoring thet spelied Aefest Their floor-pley and checking wks MOTE (han ERowER 16 win the game bl (oF some wkReOwn TRAN TREY Et CONAN | §6HTE The game Was Spier 19 that giaved wn Brantiord when Osh aa Aropped & game there by 4 points. That lime they got # second chance, Now there is ad Their Poor SCONBE Ability showed night from the start when Moss Park moved in front alter watching Oshawa miss six CORSREWEIVE SRS Bt the basket By hall-time, they had built wp Sirang 1en-point ead in the NA 168 The Founs By ei Oshawa Could Manag: only 71 points in the entire first a game Bantam League Teams, In Midst Of Plavyofis Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso ciation's "City League' Bantam playolls got under way on Mon day night with the sixth games of the round-robin serie With three played, | he he enampmon dnunt games vei to IERgHEe much in NAT WRITH TIES LOCAL 5 In the first game of the eve ning, B'Nal B'Rith clung to first place with 38 Lie against Local 205, Phil Solomon scored twice for B'Rith while their ri honors B'NAI B'RITH Bpiers, Wal die, Hornshy, Luke, Moak, Kod enhurgh Balamon Walers Edie, Kehoe, Hamilton, Sholdra Ross, Masterson, Woods an Kelly LOCAT, 206 Pollard, Mai lowe, French, Kiniski, Bulhszek Griffin, Brownell, Andrews, Ah hott, Studley, Hansen, Assen Stone, Muir and Collen CANADIAN TIRE WINS Canadian Tire defeated luckless Duplate team 4:2 Hanewich picked up two goals while Mothersill and Werry gol one apiece, Levine had two as sists Burk and Sutton each scored singles for Duplate CANADIAN TIRE » leck, Davies, Clark, Maynard Hanowski Werry Pearse Judge, Mothersill, Levine, Glen ship still very B ] B'Nai Vals the Hall, Sel Church League Teams Open Playoff Rounds NORTHMINSTER §, AT, MATTHEWS 0 | Northminster took an eight onl lead in thelr (two-game total-gnal series BH playoff scorers for Narvthminster Griffin from T, Alex ander; D. Knight from T, Good child; J. Todd and 1D, Wrage each scored unassisted; C, Hill fram H, Popham; J, Todd from C, Griffin and W, MeGahey; T Gondehild fram J, Alexander| and D. Knight and J, Alexander from K. Waldie Penalties. were given to J Todd for tripping: DD. Wragg for hooking and a ten-minute miseanduoel Next game §.10 NORTHMINSTER goal, M Zimmerman; defence, J. Tadd I. Preston, D, Wragg, K Waldie; forwards, Griffin I. Alexander, W, MeGahey, D Knight, J. Alexander, 1, Good ehild, H. Papham, BH. Jamieson R. Hawkshaw, C. Hill, J, Todd ST. MATTHEWS goal, G | Carrol; defence, L, Dodsworth [R. Rarker, J. Walker, I. Para B. Marchant; forwards Hayward, W. Marchant, G Davies, B, Carry, GG. Denhy W. Melptyre. R. Davies, T Buckley, K, Allard, A. Annis HARMONY 3, KNOX 1 In the second game series "RY, Harmony edged Knox 2 1 to take a one-goal lead In their hest « of « two games, It was D. | Crowe from G. Fleury and D Bracay fram G. Fleury for Har mony, G. McKenzie fram J. Nes hitt and BR. Greig, scored Knox's lone goal Next game in HARMONY defence, D BP. MeGill D. Rracey RB O'Neill, G. MeDonald Ormiston, J. Danniels, 1 Naughton, D. Orton KNOX goal, RB. Martin defence, B. Bowman, D. Lynde (i. MoKensie, J. Neshitt, B Grieg: forwamds, J. Clark, 7 Irwin, R. Knooker, D. " Milley G. Smith, D. Clark, G. Me Dougall, H, Neshint Wraith R. Fishery KING 8ST. 3, 87. PAUL'S) In the first plavalf game in series "AY King St. bested §t Pauls BL 1 was T. Ken were: ( Mareh 11 at R Mareh 11 at R. Regs Rosnik forwards N. Hall Ww Me goal Lrawe K. Storey G. Fleury 8 Q divided their scoring to WH mines and Moss Park led a2. Deve Bernsen hind eight of these points pnd Wartas snd Gansoman ox space. Tom mr and Brant (Aa6GHR Rad HE RRR (67 (Isham Alier the half, the Odhews CRRW CoRtinnEs 15 press Ww a efit (5 pick wp The Ponts They shaved the lead 15 seven gs Carl Chesil began to Wt wt they cola Bot oft if BOPR APY more. Theale shooting was fey rile aud this lone wrevented them from winning Wy # Wig saore. They checked well and 561. HD IRRRT Bond Baye lit fet Conian't connect on the ray bRcmLE Wass Park, on the sther hand MOVER WHS RB SETHE - AEIERSIVE ERE RRA WEIR CEM 1h (ake their time #nd Bold ots The lezd. They #id # good oh. Only Willie Silverman Wt wih apy CRs stency ard many of Wis scores were on fowl shots. Can Cheski did (he same for the Hawks bit he covidw't win # #lone and even though he scored I second-half points the Hawks fell 14 short. Toromta frone the Bail In the asl ew mines sna preserved the win (or # final #4 $f H LATE Hig Willie Toromte wes seorer for 8 kh 13 points SHYErmAR Wit dinning, Wragg, Hanewich, Bab enck, Lloyd and Beharrel PDUFPLATE Nott, Thomp son, McQuade, Murdock, Gil fie Keid Bremner, Dawe Parry, Gilletie, Sutton Wes Burk and Gow WESTMOUNT EKES WIN The third game of the night proved a real thriller as Wesl mount nosed out Civitan H+4 Zaporazan, with two gogls wis the hig scorer for the win ners with Reed, Tilling and Tonkin each notching & single on picked BN AS § goal Blevason, Brack Townsend, Hart Dick, Glecoff Bouckley, Ped and Morri Jim: Clapp sist on Till CIVITAN Bills, Bradley horn, Durowskl Cockerton, Peel werheckl tarciay up on LOCAL 1817 IN TIE In the fourth game, the Local 1817 hoys gained a hard-fought tie 2-2 with the Houdallle crew Robert Stewart set the pace for the Local 1817, scoring hoth their goals, with Cole, Taylor and Dionne getting assists Boh Hayes and Ross Taylor each scored for Houdaille, the IyIng goal enming on & power play in the dying minutes LOCAT, 1817 Trotter nicki, T. Taylor, Ewart Stewart, Weeks, Taylor, Garris son, Elliott, Talkachoff, Myshyn ski, Dionne, Davies and Cole Teles from J, Pearse and L, Lloyd; King St scored Lloyd. unassisted, for (i, Bradley unassisted for 8, Paul's Next game fi. 40 KING defence, P lowe, GG, Oshorne, © ning; forwards, 1 Keys, J, Pearse, P MeCaonkey, B, Perry, J, Magill, R, Harding, BE, Gomme, G Bury, R. HRartlett, G, Perkins ST, PAUL'R goal, D, Me Cahe: defence, G, Bradley, HB Hobbs, KR. Meur, D, Whitelng| forwards, W. Kewin, Peter Hol lingsworth, Paul Hollingsworth, Peter Andrews, J, Andrews, G Foreman, DN. Churniek, D, Mae key, D. Tutton, D, Parker, J Gillespie, B, Durno WE TOUNT 6, SIMCOE §T, 0 Westmount smothered Simone St. to win 6:0 in series "A" It was H. Marrison from Hormshy, A, Griffin unassisted, RB. Ronnetta from M, Planeke, A. Griffin from M and BR. Stewart fram B, Marni son. R. Graham elased out the sooring far Westmount unassist od Westmount received the anly penalties in the game, M Plancke for hooking: P, Diek for charging and 1. Hornshy for tripping Next game WESTMOUNT Stevenson; defence, J. Dik, M Densham | Hormshy, M Plancke, K. Cobh, 8& Clark; for wards, B. Bonnetta, R, Graham, A. Griffin, D. McKee, BR, Kirk patrick, P. Dick, RB, Marrison J. Radgley, K. Watton, M March § 87 goal, D, Hare, Graper, €, Mar (lenden Lloyd, T Lean, March 11, 400 goal, G {Walls REMEMBER WHEN? , , Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS \ veteran Alherta fow skipped hy Rilly Rose won the Canadian curling championship 13 vears age today at Saska: eon. The Sedgewick, Alta, rink finished the regular round-robin play with seven wins and two defeats, tying far first place with Manitoba and Northern Ontaria. It defeated Manitoba ST Wm the semi-final and beat Northern Ontaria 84 in the final | J. Pearse unassisted and L.| Peyton; defence, M at McCrae, W | | Densham, | [ Again Leads Dart League Stone Fark hee (ken over fie (ead in the CRA Beghhor hoof Association Den |esgne Hew ridden 15 and Ben Barias meen from Fermbill, with # 4 (5 18. Fox Oshaws Carl Chess was £90 over Kinde Be. 7 tops with 15 and Tom nye Ferniill [ost to B. Oshaws 4 19 id Plases ome " ine letter } ARIES i. In fowl shoot. fie a honed their poor: (lark , B. Mecliitiaon 1, 6G est (ov, soning omy 12 of 75 Crk 7. L, Commish |, I. Walon wiemits. Yoss Pack, on the 2 B Cole |, 1. Cole |, ¥. Ger: other hand, hanged home 16 tor Mond |, 1. France , 1. John 7 This writer wold lke 16 thank Gemrge BW. Campvell nd The Times. ws well ae Jim Shaw snd fim Rishon of CELE, oho sew that #ii Hawk games were well CvErEn Wy press and 1adio. Ak wien, the many loyal fans who spporied the Oshewr cb #ll JhRe. Remember hers hg VRVE Ruther veer and Oshawe may he Re Winner, Rex. Yes GENOSHA HAWKS WA field 6, Chesil 15, 1. Ohinyk 2 Booth, Koledzie, Reynolds 1. Germond 6, DD. Clark 6, B. Kop Badovieh, T. hinvk 13, Vaughan i ¥. Bae 5 and KH. Favie 1 and Newey 4 Tikal #4 5 Three Dans ~ D, Come TORONTO MOSS PARK 44, A. Pelow 100 and J Hartas 18, Grossman 11, Bern sien 11, Gelman 2, Geriner 7 Himel 4, Baphael 5, and Silver man 13. Total Officials if wnd ¥ Fm Hoes 4 Sens Yaz Gimesaan wid Dave Bern i Fiayers Aobing in and owt i,k. Shobhrsok 1, weak |, T. Twine §, 60. Twine £, Midge Wilson 2. J, Howson 3 Bg. Crawioed §, J. Crawler 1, i. Withemeon 5. M. Parker 1, i, Carson tJ. Wyatt 2, || Gowiding 1, M. Muir 1, A, Pelow) L,Y. Graves 2. BD. Commer | ork 1, BE. Hopson £, D. Bae Bae i, I. Bae |, P. Fane Favie 3 High Baseball 14inmings ~ WM WE LEADERS H f BE Dart WEN Fave "n Clark V7 - 8B, Craw £F LEA Tiwibie HAE 5 5 (7 ne Z6 A Hp Fou r lowdale, and Georg Pelow # Baseball nine 6G Parker 29 LEAGUE LEADERS, LAMES V. Graves Wilhamson ronts ings MIIESR i y Daiskies i F High three darts PD, Cum 144 an meg one innings M Williamson, 0, Clark Basehgll pine innings F Moors Iamson 26 4 Team standings Bowman Vernhill #1, Woodview No, | #4, HACEY, Lastview #5, N. Oshaws M, Rupdie No, 1, #4, Rundle No, 2 Southmead 3, Woodview No, Waoodview No. 5, M HOUDAILLE " Heenan, Oke. While Collord, Haye f Logeman, Mil Bingham and Taylor POLICE TEAM IN TIE Oshawa Police tied Local 2784 finkl game of the night's program Storie #8, J@rK i cattergnog Ww Aang Zion Pee Wees Split Week-End Zion wound up their OD League games over the weekend with a loss and 8 win Ajax defeated them 7 to 2 and Zion came hack to defeat Bowmanville 2 to 1 and this left Zion with second place I'he play-offs start right away with 1st and 2nd place teams playing off and the 8rd and 4th teams playing off with & two game total goals counting and the winners will play a 2 out of Gra 8 series in he for pleve baller scoren the Local 2784 team early in the a beautiful Sill Zufelt scored the tying gnal for the Police Boys, on & nice play with Johnnie and Boh Cameron POLICE neh, DeMille Zufelt, Crimmings derson, Marlin, Waldaspercer Richmond, Dawson, Densham Smith, Buwala and Zimmerman HOUDAULE ~Metealfle Pakosla Balter Greenwood Graham, Lloyd, Graper Planke, Robinson, Holl, he Schneiher, Dick, Rosniek, were Myaers, Hobbs, and Valineour! BANTAM STANDINGS WILT PTR if gh 2 game on 5016 Tush $arron Zarol aron Chapman Cameron Wilson, An final league standings as follows WLTPIS 60 012 fs 211 WILLE 3-3 1 8 PERRY fi LJ} AJAX ZION BOWM Police PORT B'Nai B'Rith Local 20H Civitan Local 1817 Quebec Aces Near Houde. | AHL Playoff Spot Ww Kiwanis ? | QUEBEC (CP)=-Quehec Aces Duplate maved to within four points of | Can, Tire fourth 'place in the American Hockey League race hy defeat:| ing Cleveland Barons 4-2 Tues: day night before 4.068 fans, It was the Aces' fourth straight] win The Aces' scorers were Mike {Labadie, Jim Morrison, Obie O'Rrien and Mike Harvey, Scor- {ing for the Barons were Ed Ma gur and Cal Btearns : Bill Butherland of Cleveland goal, Gary had to be carried off the' lee Burch, J. with six minutes remaining| Cock: when he was struck in the ribs hot by Jim Morrison, He| was bleeding from the mouth as he was taken to the dressing Vl SIMCOE BT Hewer, L. Cockerton, D arton; forwards, M, Hewer Peyton, D, Bowen Weatherhee, A [i] oh (i, Burch, D 'Storie Park | A. Commer |, B. Hermon 1, 3. doubiiches gherd 3, Jean Craighesd 2 ins or Vikings Rugger Teams Open Play On March 25 With spring just around (he pew full (eam fiatires that sre ag COREE, RETRRES of the (hehaws INEresting 16 Role Vikings Bugger Clk are tiene Oskvitle snd 8. € hp! WE Lhe r thowghis (6 (her proposed New York tne hes fevonite soot, With (reining heen shelved for this workouts wirasdy wader way. in Wt it is Weely thet there PrEpRIation for (he schedule be matches arranged for opener on the ith of this New York and Mickigen dwrng month, When the Osha wp the following yesr son 4. €. VFlunn §, 5. Bryent YHEngs (ake on the 1900 Eastern There is wien an i EB. Schoh ORO exhibition Lesgne display om the hosrd for Done evan High School, but ss yet nn Awie has heen aliocnted The Oshawa Vil Club have made # wo plication to the City of Oshawa city eonell for fermienion 4 erect shower |) ies at Laker view Fark. I permission ie granted, the cost of the project witl be showidered completely or in part by the Vikings, with the resultant building being pre. sented tn the ity. As soon Be he green bution is pressed, the Vikings wre ready 1 § Mm appeal a mong the ety's busi: ness men 10 reise the small amonnt necessary. This is eer: faintly & worthwhile scheme thet is long overdue in the city, snd shold benefit all Sporiomen players 19 ranging from hall FCERT RTE SIRSES Bamething that should he kept in mind for the coming season, is the Canadian tour of Great Britain scheduled for 1992 There is no doubt that Ontarie Senior League clubs will be supplying some of the players for the trip, and with hard training the Vikings could be one of these. This threat from # club that is & little more than two years old, is certain proof of the apportunities for advance: ment when determination is applied, in what must surely he one of the most enjoyable ver: sions of the foothsll game, Intarmetinte CRAMEARS. hjex Vikings, being # Semon league ol, wie oddson fRverites for thie game Wit Aiwx, string for promotion, wilh be giving this me their best effon The other half of the opening is the clash of Intermediate | angie #qiend with the Toronto Cantcks Vikings' Intermediates have been hard pw to settle down Re vel. with 2 constantly changing player situation. There is, however. & Aelinite promise from the cil execwiive 19 Iw YE matiers wn his respect for the 1981 season One of the main contritwting factors to this potential, is the (remendavs (alent snpplied from OCCE, OCYE and Done High Schools. Young men sich as Tony Saramak. Don Patter son, Bill Aviesworth, the Niko fishen brothers Dave snd Mush dim Winkson and Jerry Tyme shik to mention bt & few, have unquestionably provided he backbone the club needed to build two Meh calibre teams The Vikings' Wednesday eve ning training sessions at Simeone Hall are being Wied under the eagleeye of the new coach Graham Crerar. Graham has already Aeveloped a reputation for getting the wimost out of every exercise, and has the ad mirable quality of driving him. self as hard as the players The last two pre-sessions will he held on the 16th and 22nd of this month from 5.15 p.m to 6.45 p.m. and invitations are extended 10 Any person interested in the club to come along and join in The Vikings spring schedule includes the complele sevens side tournament circuit, with trips planned to Montreal, To ronto, London, and Deep River There are also one or V #7 -- POSTPONE HEARING NEW YORK (AP)=~A hear: ing on the United Blales govern ment's request to freeze Inger mar Johansson's share of hax office receipts from his scheduled heavyweight fight with champion Floyd Patierson next Monday was postponed Tuesday until April 4, The gave ernment claims Johansson owes it $508.000 in taxes from pre: two vious fights SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME BELLTOWER FLOOR POLISHERS x 36.95 BELLTOWER VACUUM cLeanens Au 49.95 COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS CANADIAN BICYCLES "i; 36.00 TRANSISTOR anon | | GUNS PRESENT STOCK ONLY RADIOS "" 39.95 | [20% OFF Terms to Suit You DOMINION™\ No oursioe TIRE STORES | --ANCING DOMINION] 48 Bond $1, West (HOYAL (Corner of Church) RA 65-6611 - Murdock, J, Todd nom 25% STANDARD WINDOW PICTURE e SLIDE Now is the time te buy vour windows far the SUMME have been planning, BUY NOW AND SAVE, PLYWOOD SHEATHING WATERPROOF Sex x0 Minima 25 sheets cash and carry only at this price FOR BEST SELECTION ---- SHOP EARLY TRUCKLOAD 40 OFF UNITS, CHECK RAILS RS © CASEMENTS R COTTAGE, ADDITION, GARAGE or HOME you Wivver Bundas & Mickory == Open Friday till ® pom, Saturday Sl 4 pm, = MO 1}