Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Mar 1961, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March §, T9671 Aenuetment sh Fiano ho political" We tik the loos of ' tay fooslons perpetuation of Cope presented figs 1s WR WIA CILIVBERS 12 4 ohich fine sent SIO5.000 fn thie the British and United Sates ves large Aeficits 'n our atance of WoW Tat in the fast 5 venir MOWIA, Waly (PIA for Guid wwe 150. Sew wees fon TRIEIE Fer min 087 and SRpmREnts, continmed refignn of TIROE SE AeRa WW (Rae WW won lialian expedition wil 1 eid winer | . f : ' 08 tallied $17.00 40% y ea PY . WiaA0 is #% water play (he [4 iia hy ne 5» ' tn sn WREETOETER GRagks |W CRnRBES BEING TIRE BIE Gort 7 igor amlessly growing fvegn Ae. is the same perio, the (nited the Canhiiers I othe ranium EE SRE. DERISE of TR ond # _contianowly, shrinking Slates had & (rade efit WIR peo iol fides tn Way. Thess of markets for (he mera wok INTEREST LACKING " YORE (CF [emus PEER OF IWARetry under domes #1 her commiries of 5.009 . Wal J f 75700 mite for weaned fox wcieRt Mr. Gilelniet suid that wien I a 4 FAIRER co aommersiig anh Combe oh fender iv Walter Bonatti, whe in ¢ 4 . 4 : d 4 ui '] Ld Tails YVWET IERIE foe ESERIES fowndation was fw (VTE EVI ETRE of the. Bank of Comiions, he seid. wontd Whe i. Sopyed » wm ud Honk ragging © A Rest (Pr Waiton) Ae id EH aIahen he Sgpesian Es , added said T gis FE op grt " mmsoRame mecise" 16 Britain s expovis of ofice ma an on mo a sri (he coneimtion vy pric ROR ager of 550 00. ow sell - Reselopment Taher (RoR the American market fox prof dwnery reached & TREE TRIE oh ! OVEAWA (CF) Chateman faders werncy wiih # gale WES Be RCTEdWY sal A ingle nes were pst ings 4 avert fu gid fe of these cecondary indus of £00908 508 wn the Grst mine marta RAPY a I. W. Morphy of the 000d sus and. sells weaniom -- anf He G8 16 RIROWNE (6 Ry one 107 FEETER Sat vr of 7 a fries, wit added monihe of 1960 COMMONS FRIAR COMINIIEE orinate mines REresh ast yaar ENR of Oe per Cent of gross Ie oer wes fhe [private am fl ony tim NH fn relation to me forme of $OR. BEAUTIA smd Tieshay (hat Canata s Pte contrite BE0N08 aamvally PEOOCTION FRE Tie QECHTIONER (IORVARTR Bik BFREEnE thew iy uh dherss to the Ean TRE OF AROMREr, We Rigve heen A ALITIFUR : Fi RIE RANE YOONEETS RTE oer 2 foeyear perioh (5 the Whether §TAM0 & Jerr Was ia said Mi. Warphy. He Mu » aglodri ork PAily trying and hosing tor & hndied y "BeRgEmg their (ane WW oF foundation for Tesessh nie HCERE for # PRRCGERE FE ORERTRER BYE (hr ick of 3 ut w ¥ ity 'dir JERES OF MOVE 19 et Better a6 When pow need fonts 15 (nh new (ars (OF WAR sew wens for wean, Each SERIER IREFFW, REEAIER bY prRate mines aad 0 SEE © vd men " V wess to the United Slates mar "HOME-N / VA ow iy wid contamie tow AO Bryseie (FE--Turnew oma io wnder id and wh the Hh > y A argu o ket. equal to the penrss we give ly J Me. Murphy, Progressive (Con ¥ WRG [rom gree pre sisi sag BB ps oe piss (" br pid So Bg mows, est nd a ws i id Market, While Hill Call Vou Murse je 4d ain ER (RZ IER Be J69) WE PE SEREEW I "wn WHER | R VHAIRE FOF ie BETERE #5 © / TIE Meher lor non ducers to raise fonds for Fe fer ANE RIAN Markets were ROWE develapment, W the lat agli A "» : Preeti es RA 5-221 Srifh WE cnmmiier exrmmation of BEE NEW USES SARIN grne f4 "rw her 2 . fromm time to (ime, Bot many "Wome Sursing Eare for WM. Gilchrist, president of Feserich By (he fondation. At one pont FW Fi v} gris Ld Wr pi Ps pi iif fives Finds earmarked (or Tesearch Canpains pow expect 16 see dat 4 Crownowned Eidorado YWwing WI Be in addition (6 work row (PC ~ ne Hat) s@ia the fins, Wi ia a S04 I 1s nek mvc oe ted to» proper pro- miracles in this Arection in] anh Befiming 1 imiah WOnearat Wy (he [eA6rzl nes WROTE RNESTHR of WHIATIIR IF jek ERONER 18 ERE MONEY. STR their lifetime" ~ ie dJ He was one of # mowher of Progressive (Conservative WP's pe er 1 Td " -- -- ~ ; ¥ whe criticizes the reseprch of farts of prIRte prodwerrs after Mr. Giichrist Aescribed the (a wadian Uranium Research | y ? i Friindation 1 4 e ; : Mr, Gileheist said Kidorade ' 3 ; es Vegetable ¢ ; r RETAILERS 70 THRIFTY CANAPRIANS Sales Drive | a ] lis SEITE AGS did Said Needed oe We at ZELLER'S congratulate our Good Neighbors next door tres The Management and Staff of CRATHAM. [FY = Onituid's 8. 8. Kresge Co... . on their attractive modernized store, and extend our best wishes for Tomorrow's Waly $e | 8 red vegeaMle Grand Re-Opening, Zeller's joins with them in celebrating this Gala occasion, and will be featuring growers will he passed hy wh OE a ee many, many Special Values for your greater Shopping Convenience in Downtown Oshawa, ade DOWNTOWN STORE ONLY sioner, warned Tuesday J : Mr. Perkin advocated a ph lie relations program aimed at ano housewives and foreign . ' FOR THE . ' ' / matte wert (rs cone | , And now "CHARGE-IT"! is the magic Special! nods Rre not wel VWI { . "le wes widvesng 8 mecing : : Easter Parade word that makes your credit as good os of Kent Vegetable Growers As iB i i SYNTHETIC cosh ot ZELLER'S, Toke advantage of these chm of Cota Vee | { RA : FUR JACKETS timely specials by opening one of ZELLER'S ait mie ie ren vv) | Si three convenient CHARGE ACCOUNTS, pects # hoara will he estan: Vahed soon do handle xpirts of] Le CHOOSE NOW Visit our Credit Office now for complete matnes, corn and peas . " " details ) ' MARKET 15 GLUTTED : ) CHARGE-| F/! He said the Optario market 1s : glutted with tomatoes and pea fi A ne a acreage has heen reduced hy 40 | , / { ® NO MONEY DOWN per cent in the past two years Dr. dom Brown of Toronto | JH 7 - ' ® PAY ONLY 1,25.PER WEEK : {és secretary of the Ontario Fru ; , REG SY and Vegetable Growers' Assoc hd RD A / REG, ation, told the meeting tomato p, ¢ SPECIAL » 34 11 J planting has been reduced hy Wy y £ Sizes 12.20. 44.88 ii d A , 4] 10.000 acres in the past 10 years ; ! i ; il. " Af v » and there are shout 1.500 fewer BIOWErS ho . ( art "Persigna' G $8 Ge y : I ] A There is # largely untapped ipered sleeves 1 face-flattering ""mink-like f ' qi Sizes 26x. Little girls' end boys' ear coats. Just right fer market in Britain and the pes Slit pocket svely print lining. Featured in ig LTR springtime wear | Well made, Hand washable, Fealured In green, of Europe, Dr. Brown said, He / y i I Dr Ea Tr Ha warned that the United States Australia and other Common wealth and European exporters might soon hecome so firmly entrenched in this market On tarin growers would he unable to break in Gradual displacement of mar ginal farmers in Ontario was forecast hy two experts gt the meeting TREND ESTABLISHED Jack Howard of Hamilton secrelary of the Ontario Vege elahle Growers Marketing Board, sald the (rend to fewer producers with larger acreages 15 well established among grow ers of tomatoes, corn and peas He said more efficient mech anieal harvesters are heing de veloped, canners are heing Tcel cowtracs and AMPOA dy SPRING HANDBAGS R 4 a SRL vv, ton h hecoming & mare impor ord of y : . y { Wy i EY Pd. AINE AEF Fectiving ia At A Special Low Price Ceci oth £ Chine and bedford A) tions have heen closed if ; cord car coats featured in ear Special ! Special Growers were uvged hy : ! it variety of new styles and calor REG, 5.00 ibbean red, green, butternut y Paxton of Hamilton, rep ; _ ; H basen JE green, Buiteni MEN'S drain Grr Special! |v lenient 397 ||20% DISCOUNT || fii iiriz) BOS: SPORT L] Limited, to negotiate prices on cial sale price JE NS 50 rich locking and dainty made ef long-lasting arne! and A a regional rather than a pro vineial basis. Such a move MATCHING Charge myn Tey nylen, Every piece of "Caressa" Lingerie leaks sa much ' REG. 2.99 SHIRTS would make growers more com mare expensive than Zeller's actual price, Select ene ¢ Peiive, he Joclared. at GLOVE AND ¥ : ' several pieces or @ complete matched set y v7 ? 47 REG, 3.99 L] | grey, Bu w at this special lew price ier that i there are still too ¥ Special ! REG, PRICE many. fama, und too 'marl SOARF SET lh FEATHER cai prioner SOB wai sip & | 2.91 j | Sizes a Made of durable afford to set prices ta support 2 98 2 08 r izes 6 1 18 § ry : iY. | 5 ¥ Baby Pall Pyjamas LJ "4 : "Randem cord. Sanferized | Sizes Ml Pan River ETON or inefficient Reg, 2.99 ] BANDEAUX Nightgowns 2.08 89 i Featured in Bopular charcoal, Wath 9nd wenn Jn eave = \ Stipe 1000 ' Panties ' 4 gree, ge Hace Snecial low | blue, brown, brenze and \ Scholarship Wi No Money Down -- 15 Months To Pay mners SPECIAL! NOW 20% OFF Je JPY [ot CE Era ¥ Rnnounced | v«cveenieiw [0 a ad or EM 4 Silk -- "Charge-it"" -- No Down Payment Pei a F\\ § || Headsquares | "BAN.LON" POLO SHIRT degree--=with the awards having . iY) BOBBY SOCKS ; 8 . i 3c REG. 4.99 an average value of §1,500 Ji S } |! were announced Tuesday hy the ; g pecia hy Ban-Lon! Palo shirts in a chaice af k ein Canada Council, Ontario win : v 92 to 11 I 5 : 4 namen. old and -areen. Comfortable for ners included 4 } f , ¢ | 10x30" size. Ha |! x : Humanities--Elma (i. Beall : Elasticized cuffs ik: & ] ¢ A . \N rervanalle Pev casual wear, golf and ather spars. Fea lum ; . i ed edaes ¢ repelien Ottawa, Ruth A. Billingsley, ' A yi. ¥ H U i A XI] fect for spring weather, Blac) tured at Special low price ™ Sarnia, all to study English at white and colors the University of Toronto; Ray H. Englield, Sarnia, to study ¢ German at the University of % Taranta; Paul 8 Fritz, Della, to study history at Queen's Unb 4 'ai : . 3 | N SIZES 4 T0 4 CORDUROY OXFORDS versity, Ruth KE. Hermosa, A 2 ™ » | Ladies' and teenage sizes Kitchener, to study linguistics at Laval University; Alexandra | ; ! : 3 f i peta bad Hoa --. irs - 1,98 VALUE--SPECIAL Toronto University: John i Kekes, Kingston, to study phil: a 1 SPE( AL t asaphy at Queen's University 14 Margaret 8 Slavin, Belleville, Smart and Sturdy 10 study English at Queen's Unis | ! . U 0 E S c G versity, Mary EB. Whits St. | : Ae \ y, 46 P LL Vv R ARDI ANS Catharines, ta study French at} : 4 82. Great variety of ¢¢ the University of Montreal; Joh} Ny Nd 4 : a7 frey Sack, Sudbury, ta study : 3 \ hak any . a German at MeGill University 3 : y Y \ MS pattern Carel Ann Alexander, Sarnia, b \ Hel 5 ( to study psvehology at the Unb! 4 versity of Torani: John Doug ; 3 Grand ~ classic styles. Short sleeve pullovers and mats las Allingham, Kirkland Lake, 8 Rr cardigans in lovely new spring shades. Ve in study sociology at McMaster Mireille Arsenault, Ottawa, ta study political science at the 0. § Ea ' ' University of Ottawa Rosetta vi ANG X ZELLER S OPEN FRIDAY gk BN 21 SIMGOE ST, §, RAT PHONE RA 3-224 UNTIL 9 P.M. NANOTSILY y T ' eis and cardige $ 4 4

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