Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Mar 1961, p. 7

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In 2-Ring Rites Sandra Dawson Gary Cooper Wed | THE STARS SAY By ESTREILITA YOM TORBAY 169 GROW STRONG Ehdidenn showid Be spanner pA (nen AR COMBINE A analy of nade, ncinfing Methodicwt sal » oil cnmifiy alah efforts showid pay Af now The marriage of Sandrs Si comeamieate om lasks fram whieh zane Pawson. Aanghier of Wr yom aan Aarive financial Renefi | and My Witham Alexander Cnn admonition sma ematinn Freon sow and Cary William lie Conner. som of Me. and Hrs ? 4 : Wii Caner, all of Folk THE BIRTHOAY eghar of ham or Lite 4 vi I tomorrow is yor Withday antic of 81 Matthew z your horoscope indicates that an y vd J y the nest six months will be ox sa cetient where financini and busi The Baverend B.A. Sharp of Bess Mallers are concerned. An ficiated 7 the Aowie Ing Ceir {thar god period slong these mony. Mr. 6 Viurton hayrd finns will ncene in Bovember thie waBdng mnie and Mal ] and mid-December, getting you thews' thor rang "The Yoles| of 19 # good art in 1980 gh Braathed on Fdhen" and Your personal Me is under 'RETRY y 4 Li beneficial vibrations. with re (Hiven TREE W hey 2 v "4 # A L IBRRER | in father, the bride was gownes in Fm Wer HR #904 In {instant pure silk taffeta and poinie de Iuences in June apd sa contin cobtee Yemice lack. The bodice was fa ing for the nest eight or nine shioned with long tapering months. Look for an sppertun- islesves and # whine neckline iy to travel in nest July orl embroidered fn seed pe is and Aligist, The nest thiee months! Asse pis a] A ide das hegin # wonderfully inepire { mis taffeta skint was appliaued Hongl three - month cycle for with lace and extended from those engaged Ih creative pus. Eide ber Ha # f hapel tram suits and, for all, this same Her twatiered veil was held by 9 period should stimulate good ' ( i CYOwR whe he oid ad dens which could lead to fislure Fist £1 : and sta ® id : 2 3 progress | HARE aM aly A child hore on this day. will) mire, Cups tot 0%, v i § Kath ¥ sir of he highly principled, bul may J andor er of the bride EXCHANGE VOWS he inclined toward dogmatism | pS US AR wi mate { Yifimenr ney _ _-- bride sds were M Karen i tvs Doulas Clemens | Mrs, Fred Malloy, Mrs. Clare | and Mis. Ralph 1a Vd " t the b te farried recently ab 81 | and Mrs, John James snd the prom - . y 8 thi drew i Will k " hots HH / di WODELLING BATS ' od ' Thomas Seer Elliott, M Garth f (shawn Times Pho ig 4 Mi Geraldine George's Memorial Chur eh | bridegroom 15 the son of Mr dessert tea were (front row ana Wh were Mr. and Mis. Wayne pi . A Ruddy Af Back 1ov am left ta right Hoff mi were dressed / Fh i "yh and Mrs. | or ol aft In 1 J wn like Wk organisa with 1 f Vl Five das fie Osha . HC [ / | 0 ; ¢ ' French lace mark the hem Imes Lara |] ¥ ran 2 8 a ap he Vi Calvin Evening Group Presents re Toy wore si a. James, othe dower of Mr vos vy y's sain | | SFIOP AND SAVE, a. Vv EEE IE na carried houguet i t Tea ur wien commen 0 Blloway-Bennett Nuptial Rites THE CLASSIFIED WAY , irst Hat bhow, Lesser fr. Wiliam Crosman acted y p 4 Vit fim NEFINE WERE Soring made #n Early apr JORGINE 100K and certain wi Mess Robert Kellar and . . eavante on Wednesday, March ed (0 thelr professions! look fohert Malle emnize tf Hamilto 4 I when he Calvin FE VERNE The models were Mi Freda 4 A reception was held the Group of Fa Preshyter- Malloy, Mrs. Thoma Her . entenmial hall of King Street A marriage of Oshawa inter- of dusty ink organs, lined ian Church press i Ms First ph Laing, Mr Ear Jo Aldwinekle Women's Editor Digl BA 3-474 nited Church wher the es Wi memnized in with teliels. On heath lines inna) Fifi fl EEE IRE I Houglas Len hiride mother received wear: LEOFge nehean Chureh with & squne neck in front the Ia Mrs, Garth Gillespie and Mi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, March 7, 1961 7 in heath of green and hive Hamilton, sturd after skirt fell wn folds of fullness at Fhe lau fia Haren! Huddy nde h de. The bridegroom's me. noon when the Reverend Ross the hac Ihe junior hides vas turnen UN Earaer Man favorable mmmer her. a ng is in green and Murray YH took a his maid, Mi Cathanne Caughell imi mas V flowered wi ere heard CORCETIN PERSONALS hite floral silk Jerse Both bride Ru Dares Bennett. Dunnville, »ure an aqua sheath) angement fd cach tame NEG soise and grace of the model ware while ae aries and ear: The brid the daughter of dre of argania over taffeta # bright dalfomi cem / ho are all local wemen - izes of wh gration I ind | Walter Basiliwith & cusmmerbund waist fin 3 i Dogla FUFRer Following the serving of de Group three of the Wome fohn the Evang irish hall Phe wnle lel ster for ennett of Dunnville, Ontario, ished with a beauty bow. Both eneril ina he " lightful desserts and tea door Association . of IE i present no 1 MH wedding trip to south western #04 the bridegroom the son wore hegddiesses and pecessor mittee cor ted of Mi Lar Fie were drawn. Winners inl United Chur me he hon f wa ; i5 made hy the Fe Ontario. For going away the irs i. Alloway of Osh i tn math their gowns and mith, Mrs. John MeMilian andie. cnermecn were Mrs, HOF the group leader, M fom, mr a Hike 0 UW pride wore an olive green linen AWA and the late Mr. Alloway. carried cascades of mau ye Ars, Max Bith smith, Mrs. W. Harris, Ms, Bradl mee preety HW, RADIAN | shoath with # full-length cont, The Reverend DH. Maclen- chrysanthemum in the atieenoon the (eg #502" Gann, Mi Donald MelLar. last Frida aflerno Fhe cast of the iapled hrOWn RECESSOTIE and a cor. nan performed the ceremon ir. I. Allow Willow opened by Mrs. Derek Allen angi nT Jon Jenkin vrs, | March meeting Wik Com oh From ihe pa e of golden roses and carna: while the dding music was dale, acted ps hest man for hi 1 the evening bh iy Ernest ' Richardson Mi w (the busine f 3] hy Emil Zola irded the tor The newly wedded pair played h iy Imant Sik brother and the usher Were Whiting, president of the group. |e bons" sis, KR, Burns, Miss] 8na ass ef the hii : did Lieiher wn recon. WHE live in Ottawa Fhe soloist was Mr, David Mac: Mr, Victor Henkelman, Osh . Follow H nia meundrette, Joy Ballard, Mrs, [M8 FEFESTmEn , 7 bid oe Te N Guest am out of town were HERN@! awa; Mr, Norman Gentry, Len Mea. | Bell was ind: rund meetin ill be held on Fridayinition for non-Afinah in ty fram out o the DARE u on. in. ai i Orie) Ad dh wins Bo : f | {B.A Turion alternoon vil 7 the home! Central Ontario Drama Festi- from Windsor, Burlington, blo W fi fis d H Hi HF: ROXVIE . hk et "he LLL - fred Austin commentator M 1 s I Poole I 4 if fd | f honorable mention for her role OUEN Blackstock Janetville, 0 Pure wie miramist wa A reception followed at the Mi Ail ave a hrief de 4 ls Mat B Seti on. Mi ded ] 4 adams Raaguin, J Find destleton, Toronto, styled with a semi-full skirt, |Chureh. The bride's mother re eniption of each hat and the 1 fh Ry oN ry J. Cum Mrs, J. 1, Danie f Willowdale, Richmond Hill and draped al the hack and en: ceived wearing blue lace over accessories worn with il Heh 'Mr 4 ohn Fax. Mrs, convener of the annual P hiss Elinor Wilson. Mi far. Columbu hanced with self roses, a round: taffeta and the hridegroom"s IN THE Much credit given to|MINES, FF M) i Brodie |1VEK's bridge sponsored hy (hel garer Delye liss Lynda Wil! necked hadice and cummer- mother, assisting, 'wore dusty Mrs, Willian Miners whe acl William Ruayk, i HB is Oshawa General Hospitallson, Mrs, Charles Root,. Mi bund waist A scalloped veil of {pink silk. shantung > ed as dresser and co-ordinator] Mrs. R. Melntyre An M yg Women's Auxiliary. Catering ar" Dick" Valleau, all of Oshawa HE Wusion was secured hy al For the wedding trip, the OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED and Mrs. Craig Howe supplied)|/s Mrs. Gite Jewell, Mrs rangements for the evening are and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie Juliet cap tnmmed with lies hride wore a hue linen two i the models with the new pink'€. Henderson {heing arranged h Vi I, 6 {Toronto have heen nominated eof the valiey and her flowers|piece dress with a blue straw ' |McCansh Mrs, J Tarshalllas candidates for Snow Queen were gardenias pale pinkihat, beige coal and hrown a # SH nd Mrs K. D ] go " ' lby the Oshawa Ski Club. The | sweethe art roses and lilies of cessories ~ | be using #nd Mi J |Queen will he crowned al the the valley, carried an a white! The Revere 3 | Thompson have charge of the! Snow hall dance Bibl erend and Mrs. Allo | J k {way will reside in Oshawa un alterndon teas Other convene: Mri. D Miller Alloway of til May 5, when they will leave 5, A ; Armstrong | py pi les {3 Ag Melnto h Mi y ii 4 td Willowdale was matron of hon- for Kenya, East Africa, a5 mise bo . Anies; ' ' ' J wr wpman attended Or Wearing u se ails og h- TTT decoration Mi 4] amie a theatre seminar sponsored hy Ki semiformal dre slonaries son and My Clare ¥lliott [the Lakeshore Little Theatre RC pe ER Em v ERE. ._------ prizes Mr N / vobbin, Taranto. Conducting - the es ry _ ---_ " a: tickets longs: weré Murray Edward i acting technique: Dennis Bweel Ww ; : | foimwin the resentiien of in, dreetion; George Abbot IN CO-OPERATION WITH CONSUMERS' GAS she' hy th ) Wi la : : jh or (make-up and Jim Reed, stage |Guild on Friday night In Bt | mansgoment, all of the CB SPECIAL ALLOWANCE TO WOMES SERVICED BY GAS BUT NOT IN USE production staff Right Reverend H. HR. Hunt MA, DD, Buffragan Bishop ofl Mrs, Fred J. Per Moliregor the Diocese of Tovanto, who is{street, spent the weekend in a personal friend and formeriHamilton as the guest of her family rector, Bishop Hunt ex: |gister, Mi rnest Grieshach of j pressed hi in taking and in Bimeoe attended the fu . » part in this ceremony as heineral of her nephew who died had officiated at the wedding sudden! following 1 heart WCTU SPEAKER of Margaret-Anne parents and! attack had also baptized the gold cord 3 ' : wi Mi lean R. Newman. a winnes J WH tohinson him ML H (| former alderman and control The theme ol MW hdd if aon rgd harth nd ip ARG} Jap of the city of Torente will was based on hy | als ei oy Mrs 0 \ ad MM Iekering address the afternoon Session allies Lressing ee pon 0 attended the bith wedding anni of the county convention of the get the most out of life, one|vérsary of Mr, and Mi NOT-| Christi [i must put the best inte it; tolman Bunker at Stouffville onl filelt atin hot Wi h A § h ' ' ance nor 0 © ol mn maintain: high ideal and (ol unda Whitby Rants! Cfurol early nt ny 0 t e Following Appliances ; gland up to what you helieve in April He pointed out that the thre I'eas, hirthda partie vod major aspects of Guiding were ding anniversarie coming and A GAS CONVERSION BURNER 00 the pledge, purpose and the pros goings of guests and your own or honey, measure the shorten . gram, His closing remarks were [holiday plans are always of in ling: first. Then usa' Ale: same Completely Installed Ja centred around the poem "TWO ltepest jn this column, Write : Countries' and trusted that allljelephone or visit the social ®4P 10 Measure the liquid and it ar Guides and Brownies would fol] gq i { of will nat stick to the greased (department with your Hems o fod he King Highway oflpews for which there 15 noleup. When measuring dry and A GRAVITY FEED FURNACE 4 00 Ih P charge, Telephone HA §:0474 liquid ingredients, measure the Completely Installed Cities he Seripture vere read hy the Reverend 1. W. Fuller. of dry ingredients first, advises - a the Church of the Ascension COOKING HINT the Food and Nutrition Depart fireehin] ha h | tio} he When a recipe calls far hoth ment Macdonald Institute, 1 A FORCED AIR FURNACE -- Completely .} 00 were hraugh 1 1 division . . commissioner, Mus. Clavenoel hOTiening and molasses, syrup! Guelph Installed (100,00 B,T.U, with 6 runs) a | Carter, of Aeugo i After the closing hymn "in : . RAE, x Christ There | NO Rast (y ry + i West', the standard hearer | ] { 4 " VAULT ) | » gh MARCGARET-ANN IX WITHERSPOON retired with the color new I Mi discover V ORGAS Wi GIVE Y U FOR Oshawa Time Photo I'he congregation joined in \ n L} = i . TREN 0 Canada ind the 3 3 hlossings of the Church wer P » r 1 TEN YOQ It Is i . Port Perry Girl Guide Receives iii" iii iii a new wave result - A MODEL NO, 205A FINDLAY GAS RANGE % 00 Fallowing thi tmpressive 1 e ceremony a reception was held " TT Regularly Installed " 0 Or t urc ara e al the home of Margaret Anng - a y parents, My, and My Wither or £ Ih the presence of her fellow (fe Guide Laws. This was suc: spoon, of Manchester -- - . 'y Could Brownies, her family. ceeded hy the Brownie Pray I'he tea table was mast al Nad'll Teal something. now f Nj a A MODEL FG 143 THOR DRIER . friend idl netghhaot el repeated in unison by theftractive with a unique floral ar! with Toni's HIDDEN HODY IT Regularly Installed Yrs A | Margaret Anne Witherspoon, [Brownies and the Guide Pray | rangement flanked hy candela in your hair, You can fluff up ia faughies af Mi and Aly u ruealed hy the Guides and|bra, centred on an antique lace eurly styles=--they stay wp or Witherspoan, of Manches: (the Lord's Prayer tablecloth. Mrs. Leslie MeDan smooth dawn sleek tyles I ter, Ontario, recently received! After the Guide Hymn, "God! ald and Mrs. Donald Mione pre your hair never draops, A VIT-ROCK MODEL NO, 30 COLEMAN $ 00 hou gold cord, a rymbol of th Beauty hit ning three Mraw sided aver the tea tahle with WATER HEATER Regularly Installed highest achievement to he ob: |nies irenda phstey anice tl ssist i M i J | 10 assistance of Guides Man Iai tained In - guiding Margaret William and Sandra Johns garet Terrett, Nola Hunter, Eu ¢ SMOQTH STYLES, af Anne is the sixth guide in a per: (gave the ceremonial salute talnice and Susan Roach. Ruth NEVER DROOP, OR ha od of 14 years of guiding infa Gald Cord Guide Milne and Danna Heavn. The aw Part Perry to receive this cav:| Guide Margavet:Anne Wither: Guide and Brownie Mother ® CURLY STYLEY .. { eted award Spoon was presented with the Auxiliary were hostesses to "- YOU CAN TAKE THE $200 ALLOWANCE PR The presentation wa made |Gald Cord by Mrs, Frankiover 50 guest SOFTER, LOVELIER, Boy in the Church of the Ascension, Godley, area commissioner Among the honored guest A ti t ti a North street. Part Perry of Other presentations were: (Mrs. Clarence Carter "Area OFF n Hea in Ins alla {|} n Sh Ab " which Margaret-Anne is a mem-|The solid gold trefoil guide pin, [Camp Advisa Mi Danald SUPER, REGULAR ar GENTLE -- $2,00 y 9 0 own ove ho hi | rose nted hy Mrs. Leslie Me: Fox, and Scout Leader the Rey 0 E } Following th pening pro-f Donald, chairman of the Localierend Mr. J. K. Braham, of "N essional hymn, "Onward Givlf Association; © a sterling silver|Scugog. Guests were nresent FF R LIMITED ra Guides, Onward and the na-|guide coffee spoon present v \ \ aronta. an 3. . " : ods Guides, Onward, and the wolguide catiee spos | hresented by trom (ahiwa Toran Sous We must limit this after ta the first 100 CUSTOMERS, See these units on display at CON. a w WwW ARCNOS N Ihe presented by Eunice Roach and[half of the 1st Company and] The ushers far Whe evenin SUMERS' GAS, 48 Simeoe St, South, Oshawa. Telephone RA 3-3468 and ask FOR A SHOR. H Karen Mark, assisted by guards Guide Lynne Beare made a pre-[ were Guides Mary Raker. Janet GAS REPRESENTATIVE TO CALL Susan MacMaster, Gert Coop-jsentation of a, cultured peariiCooper, Nola Hunt I Ms p ) i : Loo) . or and Mary ha er, Judy Dagenais and Bever-inecklace. an behalf of the 2nd garet Tervett | NO POWN PAYMENT LE 3 YEARS To PAY ON YOUR GAS BILL ni ey Dymond Company. Margaret-Anne was Margaret-Ann Witherspoon at | ¥ Mrs. Arnold Roach, distriet{the recipient of many other use-llended Ontario Ladies' College! | I nar die allege F wy commissioner, of Seugog Dively and personal gifts among land at 1 1 1 DRUGS | FOR COMPLETE DETAILS SEE CONSUMER S GAS ADVERTISEMENT he 1 ed as mistre whith was 0 mbhaosse Y We a d al xlending a white leather hound ible skating and Curling Clad IN THE TIMES MONDAY, MARCH 6th warn welcame, called upn An inspiring address was/where she ans ta Ww . Quide Betty Badour to repeatigiven by the guest of honor, the! skating career 28 KING 371, EAST RA 3.4621 Am ------------

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