Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 2 Mar 1961, p. 28

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28 TVR OWAWA TIES, Viewdey, Mer §, 196) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Coll The Direst Clavsitiod Humber RA 3.3492 CLASSIFIED AD DRAYLS a bre as im / 2 "i Dra po ars ey UNLISTED NEW BUSINESS NUMBERS [A= El , & Plots 'Rent oh I nll Mone. wih twp is oe hae - pass A WHAT BORER, UR oks, I RAE i w, $ahih, in np [A f ! for sarims Arid ot seins waved # & LAB CEFR BON ETH yA |g 4 ¥ Vd} vies rd (7 Aa i off sonia § "i he Owens Times wil not be rospsreiie 151 wisi In Gavel mens Bamiiied srwee hen Wn nor Vor mere When ore ade ner beyond wie for 4 wigle Insertion of varisment In Which STs And slse reer [on fo dal] Ga/RITINNG RESHIBING 18 own classifications " ne cate of dnploy i hifi A ments The Times will 7st be bh ropcraitie Isr more Wass hen fn whieh he BES SITS hesipies, The 15818 BHARGIAN Vo 1p cace i aderising meatier sorreetly Bit aesmes he Naw ily W ony ress cies nn ony fom aadvertisement 8 Eeigined (ug LE MOULIN ROUGE WASTER CATERERS BOWLING BAMOUETS WELLING, PRIVATE PARTIES RA 8-436) LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 MBERT 87, HOME JReEzEn SUPPLIES OLR SPECIALTY WE ORLIvER: HA B247) 36-~Female Help Wanted FTENOGRAFHER ALA ions Hise five MLEFRIRE W Ghana Fimes LMAKE hesstiiul Trosehes, ger A MM home. Easy 14 #9 pel lio yas | rents Eacellent prohits, be for f 1/77 sFie AO ER ERlpinEie rhe Hay Co, Dept, WW. Abin , Ld PRAPERY MATERIAL Bap nL A w reasonable prices, M & C DRY GOODS TA Celine St, RA STRZT ANN'S FABRIC SHOP 113 BYRON 67, § YHITEY == MO BK152 Spring print, Knitting wooks ¥9¢ per vd BERP 73 APPLIANCE SERVICE 68 SIMCOE MHORTH (Fsen Your factory authorized sere vies depot for Phileas, Moffat, GE, Yestinghouse, #16, RA 5-1179 HOUSEKEEFER lo take Ili [harks bry 17 Fans ie weisoh, Fela phone | Li (65 sikcialieed (HA # help, 19 th ot He REERERE And 18---~Loan Wanted ANTER $5000 private loan ot 7 per pit #8 firs dv ws fas property, ear (Haw hs Mp Eily plus Inierem Filed ciple, | ethics wasition dependable, Must he shie to type | minernte apeed, Telephone MA (FAL STENOGRAPHER FOR LAW OFFICE Wiininese! 1 M5 Oshawa Times 19--Personcl Aripk that's GUE business A oy id i io slap, the Irie Vi Ban 84, Whithy ANSEON Allon wanied to Toren oy rH ihithy 7 60 750 p.m. Keele ot a Jacasry Hosa district, Tele a 2 Toronto, Yonge snd Efimion district, BA B0441 pi ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous halr Marie Murduft will be In Oshawa, March 14th and 15th, Phone Genosha Heats on these dates for appoint $60 weekly, ideal working conditions, Legal experience NECESSAry M. F, SWARTZ 2604 KING STREET EASY RA 3-469 INTERES TING OSITION Fas 1) Must possess good ability, end be speller Typing essential, some knowledge of Shorts hand preferred, Apply Mr, G Bowling, Personal Chegu reading aceurgle Printers, 75 Righmend §t WOODLYN BEAUTY LOUNGE Has an spening for an expsrs fenced competent hairdresser, Wages plus commission basis, perl In person B1 Simcoe fp pad Lake short hand, | | sr% ehlldien heavy duty wiring, Call RA $9904 alter FURNISHED (three second flan Heht, PERLIA), {44---Houses For Rent FIVE « room hose, near Baglon, Wi CanvEniences, $0 monthly, Imes gle possession, Close 4 schovis, Call BA [Lo |wEw od room. brigk haves, we [#larey, oll hented, al coRVERIEREES, LL Crectria, § # in aE ppg PAP i, Harry Wingoh, RA S084. or from Jom x Haste i id anfast hl AA vif Xe ily 4 RACTIVE Lis op (Foss or von Yo, Foren: nie; bs' a ager henry Tome, hai pal slot lay goss rt ag Cy TEE 2 we o., "w ade p , ww, 3atiiins wy Liadleosis Fn on y "Sem Wry EAH H. Ary 9% Ph pple So Sit | td ov lr ener iim A 4 rolls fA ius Tilia gut FOUR - iim x JERaRR, # wiles, one pos, ih 0 a 4 PEG Wl daa wih ell elt cogs th iid Lin vt pairing, BNEW 412 A "Sen WW Rew Bs tment being, Felner: Lid snd Move, ive enerel Moots, 99 mapthly, Uh Malaka Pv fA bart TWO - Iwhenom bpertments Hy vr Apartment biilding, sv pilatie WO § wy [IA § pm. WE Chaydon Rosd, AR, §, WH | FIVE + tom # or wil heat, refi ¥ Auplex 99, rad) Me Adults, save, ¥ FERRET ior aplionsl, moses In poreh, iitalie 1a ik, WM Eharies Mist ™ . AL [owas SLE Fe, WENRDOM, furnished, lor vem, r, in| (RIGIWT , ton hose 1h Both Oh vig jae, fal vied We come Clone 10 bs, whale March 15 Colt BA +" Aino Wink Eow comirm ation, Teieihone i Fir for further Jortieiern. BOY MANYIL iP. hove Thies ne, We Wee Jorth i ' cons hol, KRIRES, ERY wil HERS Wmmane, "MA vill, wo Lortab hed" B CORY EFERARE Honitis § | euntiatie wow, Apply 11 Ontary Beet fies, Wome, swe hathioome, Work ses tion, Telephone BA SHIA is 7 CE Foom, chown [7d wi, A4B--Rooms For Rent [MBRooms For Rant [A4--Rioms For Newt Fak EE Cry sd oe A ter NTN Lepism, pRIving (WE hn ted fide ET foridhed b FY waier, ¥ THO sepwinie Ihome, VEIY Flesn Very RA $4416 br V9 hod LARGE Foor for rent, Wait kewiiig nid TN sig Tl re ded ids fuimishad (enilemen, Phone 17 sulle FURNISHED hedsem vith Alan Larus Furnished yA fia washrov Adis Vikone, yo? 44 i wlad Ll [as Wing Bisurt Fo Avy ", hoi = gah igi a BE isd Hie i fh lc tn A iL ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available In private home, B2 Vark Koad Meth, Coll between § ond 7 pm, RA 8-867) dA 2 W5--Rrel nore Vor Sole time, A, JUDA 263 SENECA 57, RA 58404. CA dh WHITE CLAPBOARD HOUSE 7 -ro0m house in Price on town Johar, Ses 97, with i" Vey HOUSE, hill § ACRES Good sbstontiel 9 « + foun brick house One mile fog A on pod iad, shore, Price §10000 aw $2,000 down. Contact; MERVYN BIRD BROOKLIM PHONE OL 65-3159 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY, TWO bedroom apartment, on Mime Bieaet North, fully sauipped. Teisihone HA G8344 bstween § hm. snd § p.m TWO «room apartment, furnished, re h WErRior and Tenge, Very sepirsl Close to bus. Apply 198 Huron Bisset FIVE : room furnished apartment, po children, wisn thiee « room apsrtiment, furnished, close to bus, Telephone KA $i monty, good 1ocation, Telephone |b by FIVE - room three-bedroom hungslow all Rented, hot wales, Ihike awh wid | arden, close a sche), "on manihly iA BH) BIORE Vripee next #178 i# Kini HA! for rept, WB wide henr Telephone or wilice Breet, west 9 bus station Fm hwo fads 4 hrigk, sll mod Adel nide ana Gib: | HA Fults ern ing LRALL) Foun Can he wl anytime, Available | paw, Telephone Orang 805% for further harm ation A4A--=Apts, & Flats monthly (7 doin A J, Balshosd vid! SEER BERT ark ant kilehen, In BA B16 oom For Rent NEW theese room apartment, Ale halhroom, private snliance, ing space. Close to Bowth Aply 854 Malaga Ropd THREE roms Including quiet glean home, TV aullet OF 134 Tyler Creseent THREE Apartment, sell eon tained, privale entrance, reivigerator and slave In kitchen, suitable for cou ple, 30 Gladstone Avenue after By.m, THREE + room Apartment, 685, small weleame, sink in kitchen, pm room apart all conveniences, he parking, #70. ciilaten l A BIH Shi manthe ® §ood ome in " hahy hud To po i AWE aren r VOM (EXPERIENCED 37==Male Help Wanted EXVERIENCED service slation "We BAant, must he capable of Resspt Mn ( om: hh NERN twi-hedioam ApAFMARE 78 IRE ALOE, slave, hat wiley hel WaRher, dryer, |hun wy ie, Rh i Avenus, Apsrtmen i) Wa a reapanaibiiity Whlary nd pualan Hos 4 Oahawh Post Office WaNnERFUL ARportunity for the ra an ta sell eamplete line of pia h materials to relall trade In the Osh: Commisssion ean he Angad, 83 Oshawa Times Pruner Apply Army Ashburn id Ima i K|38-=Male or Female Help|! THREE anted MALE or female, experienced fay Hl Way MALE wr Write ly es ema Wille sell 1 Cl] Hox 0, y hawa le A i8 8 Time er ment Start today to be slim and trim for Easter. OSHAWA'S FINEST STURIO 204 KING ERA 5:2363 25-Pets and Livestock OR BALE = hat LL fae I } Soiiatornd, Mack a hot i for ao Mh! for oh hone EATTIFOY | Alning, ta LA train frond, 114 Eigin Bless Bast' nw hore boxer, one old, 440 Tafa MO #488 BGISTERED beagle for sale, als, he years nid ele hire MR 4 for further particulars. 26==Farmer's Column WANTED to font, Aalire, 100 acres oy Fy water and shade. Cryderman, ay Suhaity ny hay and straw a phone KA § AD farm dS i am A hl tre fi hike § [il Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone ANURR for for ale, Ala ane horse. Tele phone 034 Ie & Barter Wik WAR eaully In twa stares, ane sirial bullding, ane house fey Hu ¥ In any other Rropety in Oh Arh ahd Telephone HA S4008 even dl Lit d3=~Attisins Wanted Ha AYA Cain nd Blamp Slave, AN Apeet West, Oshawa, Wanted 880 nickel, Guesn Vielaria ealns af Ad Wl onet Badly warn, silver da fi helaw 1846 pxpept 1830, ald Oana dian and other tokens, §0ld enins of MOY country In nies eanditien, alsa fearon Ameriean cain sueh an large ri Indian head sonia, twa sell places ele Fale prices paid NOS wanied, an ake OF Wie wl RAY cash Write of 7, Mike, 1 On Pha alt fh Dathita, oF tele ial. si WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS , TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 {enllect) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants ears for wreeking. Parts for sale, alse scrap on and metals, ete. bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone; RA §:2311 89 BLOOR E, Bn Wanted ALE TN wa Te Weal, yor LLL Rltbn alfiee | ee Goad worker VEEW wil Bia Fone RAW WILL do lioaing RA 8 She TET Wants day werk oF eoakl WUISRE, exeellent Tera huaher Ri wilh on i egg ox 40 Aikawa Mme, day ears far elie +H ya Womy hme RK wan cleans MATURE i fie Shans RA 8 ie [QUIET (we, 4) =Moom & Board ROOM and (et pasidential | IY alt WH Path and French English | referred, Food Five days of PATking hoard, 0 seotion Wowd eapeelal ht teacher Hey sehouls Welephone HA B ROOM and hoard, SPRAKInG Hentleman meals, lunehes packs full week, private ehiranee KA 64008 NICE hedroam for one ar twa gentle MER, separate Beds, lunohes packed, home eanking, eentral, KA &:7667 or 81 Aenends J Onlharne Fast 14 Yup business, '] i I truck = cheek "Trucks for Bale' Classified Section right away, GENTLEMEN preferred, home privil pen, Bond food, central lapation, park Tha avaliable, Whithy, Telephone MO ROOM 1 hoard for ane Willing UY TH wood loeation, phone RA 5618 ROOM and id for lady i A vale home, with WH RHI R815 TWO girls or twa gentlemen willing 0 shale, single 5 hoard aptional, {undry ™ " Central, Near Novi Mant Roam 8 ad 19% Wenlleman, nie, lean, Wet ARE, Bai home: eanked meals, BL Park Road South for more infarmation ROOM and board, good hame eooked meals, single roams, five minutes walk na North Plant, Apply 308 Ring Street ! eliahle in the entieman, Tele: iol prs Sana A42--Room & Board Wanted |** RLY would Nike oom and hoa ne day earn for sell and twa pre Bh Ne Shildon, Apply Hox AW A3-=Wanted To Rent hens, AORAEAI entrance, use of wash {67 and dryer MMONERN two i Rn Puiawe Times, | weloome, main fons Reply 168 Witson Road South , (ARE Oamen sell contained apart I ew stove and refrigerator, class ta downtown, Telephone KA 54660 FIVE + room apartment, all conven APplY 580 Arthur Birest hedroam apartment, floar of triples, Boulh end, stove, washer, diver, 308 monthly, BA ily, hia "Foam WRfEniahed heated artment, private hath and satranee | conveniences, central, ene child Fhahe HA 80166 wo ry PROM apartment, partly fur shed, tenant must be elean and quist MODERN three-room apartment, In ARRELment Buliding, frig, stove, wash |0F, dryer Inelided, 876 manthly, ehil deen welenme. HA #-5804 (FOYR FORM ARRTEMENL, Rew Felvix aly and Mave 10 ming. fram South Hi parking, Arile anes Avil able how Lie ane LL) MARINA aria M1 Blmens Hireet Routh, three ranma with hath, refrigerator and stove, $80. monthly Telephone RA 0003 TWO « voam apartment, filly furnish od, parking spies avallahle, Apply 80 yt] Bloat East op telephone KA A180 THREE ov four floar, private hath, frig and slalnless steel sink, separate sntranes. Apply 188 Fark Road North THREE PAM Apartment, heavy duty wirkng, bullbin euphoards, near Shopping wnive private oRlpanpe, eantinunug hot water, parking, 184 firenfell Bipeet THRER roomed apartment, newly decorated, very central, ay A stare, downtown lacation, WIL fix suit tenants, Telephone RA 58300. NEW mera professionally deearated, twa + hedranm apartment, sleetrieally aauibned, nelniing fron washer and diver, Clase ia Rhanhing { iad ha Apply 340 Frontenae Avenee, Apt MODERN, new twa A Apart ment, In apartment hulling, rolvigera or, stave: paved paking, ™ Park Hod South, WA ERE FURNISHED twa «room apartment, Private eatranes, buili Wal eaphaards, Has slave, suitable for FRASOR Able JN Apply 46 Gitta Wrest, "A Mame on seennd Hy RAY = (hPee + 100m furnished Aparithent, private staal, laundry faeiil Hes, services, parking telus, Now AOR, off Simeas North, RA 3.8 FOUR + roam apartment, A possession, hres pleen hath, dryer, 'V aublel, hullbin euphoarids, sink, Neated, eentral, 5718 monthly, KA 358A WOMAN AaB three children urgently needs hedioam ApATiment hy Marsh th Wille Bex & Oshawa nes WANTER 16 rent, (hres Bedroom Bu: | inlew Adel ale th Alin Behoo! | ares. Phone RA ! IN the Markel 3: a E> Home? Re sre 10 eheek the exceptional hay affered ey A Whe Oshawa Times A I¢ lassified section TT BE + hedioam house, eenttal, Bi 0 Jed Abril 1, eamnanie rent. Telephone RA 5000 after § pw, ul thee TOA ! ab Rey gi A Ath, Marg! wa ne We fm 0) 3 Waoks NTER = § (hiss Red po. ROWIe, Roar North \ Fo oF [Wr a Hox AM Oshawa Times ye eal id 0 ohikien, Phone HOUSEKEEPER woul lke VN! [inte Nh aa Relerences, Tol A4---~Houses For Rent 8X an Brick wa three hed: Te thmand ba 0 HRA ware TOMS, inbar Nn al RA TR "Toa house, Welading twa Fah, sin . ATS, Ly 3 wanted For hs, house | AH il ARVIRIRE convened 36--Female Help Wanted Lge Rog By Wake WR WEN hame ti WR Rm hE on +" Sei hax W wt RAMA ERCEFTIONAL Wally fo £3 SRR WAAR, a Jui wa i) ingen gig Ta ea, %. LR. Nine we Law rent fi vivy WA fas yn A ----. OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Approximately 12' by 33 or iger if prefered, APPLY | One and Two Bedroom {THREE roam apartment, heavy duly WIFRE, Bullbin cupboards, neay how. [PRE Centre, private entrance, hah hol walel, parking, 184 eel FIVE mam apartment, Foams, Anne TOW, ving HoheR And Bavage. One oh WY moenihly. 387 Division hitesl, Available Mar 13 RA 330i} OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevater servies, New building, Centrally los fated In downtlawn area. Moderate rent, Leases now available THE TIMES BUILDING Contaet T, L. WILSON Phone RA 3.3474 Lonting Grenfell wa hed Mam, hath, 0) welonme, At, 1, APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT enteanoe, ane Kround floor, od, | 07 160 Verdin Haoad chine shopping OOMFORTARLE ing fagllities, adults prefered, Phone heavy duty Wiring, slave, |k [one hedionm apartments, Lal AVAILABLE lower duinex for twa adults, tied kiteh En, Wthinam, roomy enphonids, fy oF blak, Mave, twa wr dl one pt to palin, parking. BA 44545. APARTMENT, heavy duly wising: vs LH Vole gntrance, newly Asporaled oubiet, garage, reasonable hans BA 52837 THREE : roam unfurnished spartmen with sink and suphosrds In Hehen avallalle March | Id William birwel |} Fast, Phone BA BH w, Aeslrable oil hested | rent Tele, ranm hungalow, nese Orono. [BACHELOR dn ent, enmpieiely pri | including tele | with all furniture vision set, washer and dryer location, parking facilities, heat, included, WA 1203 PRIVATE malin fos four rooms; save, bath, Laundromat, Fees | Wayne Bireet, Apt. 8, KA 5.3638 WAVE you read "Personals In today's Classified section? Dan't miss the fun In the interesting messages you'll find thers THREE : room apartment with private hath, sink snd euphonids, TV antenna Telephone HA S4090, 181 Park Kosd Narth AT PICKERING BEACH bright, furnished spariment, Fonme, ApAFOL ERENCE, KPO $08 monthly, WHitehall 8-135 SLeROOM furnished apartment, Hisd flops, stave, refvigeraior, private hath, parking ashing facilities, TY outlet, Call HA 54355 APARTMENT = Ong fouraoom, also wh vom, laundry facilities, conveniences, BA 35006 vile contin hydin wo Olean, three ( yo Juthished apRitment ¥ three #irls, Hive minutes priviie entranes Ein East three room Apart Fou Hit 0 rom dawntewn, HA B0008 or 148 SELY enntalned ment on ground floor, private hath, entrance and parking,' TV antenna, stave, refrigerator, uss of washing ma and telephone, #60 manth in eludes heat and hydro, For Informa Hii KA 4-048 FOUR + roam, heated upstaly apart ment, newly decorated, private en tranes, share hath, Telephone KA BATH for further partionlais PRIVATE apartment, Kitehen, ving hedraam and hath, Close 10 hus, stores penlre , pap Larkin: 0 Avenue, HA 3758 yrieaiehed hase TV outlet and wash Favilie ment apartment HA A7008 after ¥ pm THREE , voam fiat, newly degorated, heat and llghts, Plgin Brest East, $18 weekly, Phone HA 8:0830 TWO roams, private sntranee, sink, suphonrde, het, enld waler, Sule Tady ar gentleman, Available Marth 1 Close 0 Bhapping Centre, KA § THREE unfurnished rooms, with ve frigerator and stave, euphoards, one hiaek fram Novth General Motors, $08 monthly, heat, hydra Included, Tels Phone HA §-30ba i THREE » roam apartment, private sn frances and hath, sink and euphoards in iehen, heavy duty wiring, Child wel came, Apply 137 Calharne Bireet East SMART! Modern! New! four roam apartment and hath, heat, water Ine eluded, unfehiahed, 0, Central look Hany ground flaar, Dial BA 86404 MODERN, four » 1am apartment, re frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, isle vision outlet, parking, y's Wil minh Hossland Road Hast, BA § TWO » paom apartment, BE relfviger Mar, euphoards and sink, furnished ar untuimished, private entrance, sentrally lopated i BACHELOR apartment, In new Aft ment hullding, wleatrionlly eauipped, in fia A Autamatio washer and diver fron, Apply 313 Montrave Avenue, Apt 3.43 or aifigs ior Prinee Slreel, next oy station AL Taam whieh Be Diplate, $0 hh hy, 84 Taronta Avenue GROUND foar, threp = mam unfirnish " Aliment, Julai hath, $50 month Ply 140 Simeone Hiyeet for vent, #70. 0 eal wide, near King Telephone HA S174 Apartment, Hihis, Are hath, elose | RA S410, Apply AR ATOREY and a half, fur bedrooms and hathream upstairs, theese Mmams plus bathroom dawnstalis, finished veg fealinn roam. Telephone RA #0730 MODERN iy eantained ApRiienl |i Very onniral, yt JIA 'vlephane RA 3340 ap HY 416, Accountants {BOB CLANCY'S Berviaes, Compete Wookkesping service, 84 Bond Street West, BA S007, Kes, {HA 4TH 8, 7, BOFPKING snd Company, ied Public Aceaniants 172 Slieet East, Oshawn, Otani | Wine |Win SON snd WB King URROWE, Chartered Aceuntints, 34 Bimeos Bisel Boyih, Oshawn, Tonnid ¥, 1. Wilson, CA} G, Edmond Burrows; CA, KA 84571 HW, BE. DEWAR snd Cn, Accountants and Audiiors, Cedar Glen BIAE,, (arin Blrest, Oshawn, Ontane, BA B44 |{¥ALE, FRIEDLANDER, | bY] Co, Accountants and Auditors Kiensed Frusies in Bankruptey, #4 4d Sires! Fast, Oshawini B, 1, Yale, Friedlander, B, Comm, EVA yi By MONTENIN, RIEN] and £0. Chartered Accountants, HA AMET, 16 Bimeas Mrest North (Alar WH ad Articles for Rent FLOOR SANDERS CUPBOARD SANDERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT REDUCED RATES 80% discount on famous make Enamel and Faint WEBBING HARDWARE RA 34873 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, bedsides, sommades, . eruiches ond canes, alse roll-away beds, Phone Ald Rentals RA 5.1644 Aute Parts KENT'S Western Tire, guaranteed su tamntive parts and aeeessories, 144 King Breet West, Oshawa, HA # 1807 LE "Five servies hays to serve you" Barristers Barrister, |" Office i] RAB PAY Balle) Arriater §, el A H0bb! barrister, soll: JH King Hillman, n DONALD BLAKE DODDS, and Boligitor, 801% King Street font teal dence, HA B MANNING v AWARTE Harrister, fate, Brice V. Mapkey, BA, Henry fife, 20% ing Mibtt | Hi Liwty HA JOREFH FP, MANGAN, G0, Snlipitar, Maney to loan Hesldenon, RA 53405 BOWMAN, DAVID Ly h dnnee, KA 0804 MeGiIRBON and FARTERO, Rovoisters, first mortgages, 80 Bimepe Street North WA 54006, Charles ©, MeGibbon, QC; JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, sollel for and hotary pubis, 184 King Sleeet mortgages arranged THOMAR M. RUNDLE, Sireet East. Phone RA 8-1768. NUMPHREYH, Bovehyn and x FL hrevs, QC G, 8 Bovehva, \ :[Hilitnan, LLB 30% King, ftroel Hast Phones 5.4604 ap Whithy, MO 8.89611 RA 8:880 Maney to loan fare, elo, Simena Bireel South Dial [A 2.8070. Realdence phones, I Harrister Telephone Rub nets HA S301 Nollettar, Notary, Maney to Jann Asin 14007, Healdence, Pial RB King Bless East, Oshawa for, 8% Himene Routh Balieitars, Clients' funds available for Edgar ¥, Bastedo, QC Hast. RA 28060. NHA and private oltop and notary public, Harristorh, Rolioitars i Offion, HA 11770 Res, HA (AREER and Kelly Barristers, Holle! M. Girear, HA, AANA; Ter h Ho, RW snes V, Kelly, PA, ROL, RA 8.86018, RALPH JONES, BA, Thomas H Greer, Associate Barristers and Soll ellors, 190 King Street Hast, KA S636 Mortage loans available, OREIGHTON FRARER, DRYNAN and URDOCH, Barristers, Solieitors, No Mun While Bank of Sominates ity LL] Rimpne Rivest, Nar, Ra na LLH A, Creighton, QO K, Divan, 4, I RA ' HA marlages arranged JAMES A, MacDONALD, BA, LL A Barrister and Holipitor and Notary Pah' The Commercial Bullding, 306 King West, Oshawa, Ontarie, Client park ing Available RUBNELL J MURPHY, BA, LIOR, Harrisier and Salleitor, § Ring Street Bast, Oshawa, Ontavia, RA 8.2071 AOWMAN, David L, Rarvister, Salle} 1 L1Y himebe Sow, RA S003, Rests denen, RA RO Five pleee hath, Antenna MODERN heated two hl Water, garage, TV | Avaliable, HA ®031 RA hodraam ani PARVARIERODY TV anton | A Corlay fw | lephane RB \nplude staves, vefrigaralor, na AR laundry, Thomas HL triol. Adults preferred LR FOUR © vom apartment, centrally a gated, ane ohild weleame, TV outlet, Hat, ™ wiring, private hath, Phone RA | | ADELAIDE TERRACE New modem apartments 2 + bedroom 329 Adelaide Ave, W. Stoves, 'tsigs, TV, outlet, drapes, includes hot water, parking space, and Rundey tacilivies, Apply Apt, ) 2 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern one » and twa » beds om apartments, $88 and wp, Best location, Phone RA 8.8676 PHONE RA 5.3815 448---Rooms For Rent 23 CELINA ST, or RA 8.6485 ONE GY able real WHA Tom, TORN TOR \ Brivate ARATIMERt, three h eal T Rng a; BA, barrister, salle 148 Himes Street North, Offes TA LRA Residonse RA S048 Building Trades CERAMIC wall He rales, work guarantesd, mates. RA &04a0 A Loon and ig tle laid at vem reasonable rates, Phone Al Stachel, MO RARE, hatween § a.m, and § pw Akh hh And heating anphted, ne I, Harold WH, Sia Fh hii heating ng, 3 Simeoe Street Soul ROOFING repairs of all Kinds, new oeling applied, Al bly EA anteed Free estimates, RA & ALL types hallding nN SAVESIOUEN, ehimneys, fireplaces, walks, stoups. RA S08, Gordan SOMEONE wilh tonger-wsed Iurnishings day WIth an inexpensive Classiiied Ad YOUR loeal ohimney oleaner. Chim BOs DULL And repaired, Eas Linings in stalled, furnaces vasuumed, Free ssi mates. RA da HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE Have your home remo and improvements done you by Beaver, From the Tai, veasanable Free esl "Yoni, shite May PARR WARIS your We ALLA R delled tor Cary hl 1H a | A duty Westinghouse Ne hE | (Building Trades wEIrLng fas Pe + ll hold repairs " A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? A BOATHOUSE? A NICE GARDEN WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OF SMALL CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL RA 8-5103 110 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD, Bookkeeping ALL PHABER of office work done st home: Bookkeeping dd pavioll, whe, Telephone RA B6416 . b SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX - | { | §6, ORNAWA, Ful il RA 8-566 sand 4 mer "Wen, FRAREN. A Bodie RETURNS, 686 OSLER STREET Business Opportunities formation eal RIGHT now 1s the hest Ume (0 sell peadyto buy prospects whe IL] "Farms for Sale' dally, al KA § i! EQUIP your office the easy, inex lye way, ook aver the harkhing day's Classified section Cartage Whithy ~~ Reasonahie rates, equipped and insured, Fhone nie BEMAKING and #lterations on children's and ld WORF, Feasanable MINOR Miepating m ehildie ladies' wear, 408 Albert piel ALTERATIONS of all a " women and ehiidren, Formal Fuel and Wood ; hRY hardwood ends, suitable for fup gad delivered, Fhone RA B8014 i PIECKEA of hardwood Jirowoed "AM ton, eall R S608 PER week assures a family of four good Hving, This Tides a heavy finest of foods prosurable, hy Behneid ors, Think of If, fair weather op foul, aur three months supply of fond Fuay you | hotter planned meals at far less living being sueh as it 1s, I8 1s only fale to houraelt a family, that you Payment No Obligation, Our fend ean sultants will gladly explain aur way to pustomers verity aur statement, There Ae many substitutes BUT you ean he hia LR, 12 pound steak Pack, Freezer Company new in Whithy, Offers the finest food brand groceries, Steaks and roasts to delight the eye, At and wrapped, 88¢ |b, fronts 42¢ 1b: We have specially de freezers fram 294,00, Na deposit, Lifetime warranty, A and awn a freezer for $16.00 pe week, Far information, OSHAWA, ONT, SNACK Bar rent, for furth 1% A or further In your farm. Take advantage of The tn get your offer to them alr ed under "Ofc Equipment" in JOHN'S Moving and Birk Pressmaking priee, HA Rohe ly of Eimurave and Fark Heversihle skivte--n specialty, K Races, gloves, fireplaces, ote, #5 Iarge reasonable ea For further Informa Food Freexer Services Freeser and the Lo shopping centre In your kitehen, than you are naw paying, The eost of onl BEOONOMART, MO 8:4301, No Dawn hotter living, and our many satisfied AURE i's Westinghouse, Honus fo) HOMARKET Food and service In Ontaria, All name low prices, Hind quarters eut signed HOMARKET "heme family of four ean live well Call HOMARKET, 107A Cols horne B46 oY Whitby, MO Richard Mavock RA 3.7468 Gardening and Supplies OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Praning of fruit trees ond omamentals, tree surgery and removal, Expert work guar anteed. RA 8.6366 EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Shaping, Thinning of Fruit and Omamental Trees, Van Belle Ga:dens MA 3.85757 . BOWMANVILE (3 miles East on No, 2) planning and estimating to the finished job, vou deal only with Beaver. Budaet Insurance PON WOLREN = Fire, S0in, Sha cas terms ananged. Call Beaver Lumber, MO 8.5818, Wally insurance. 31 King Street Bash, Oshawa, RA S081, Ra Tha (Insurance Optarin AC IINE WATER prosfing, Jlasernd, roing, AASTATY Ale TReurance Bove Wp lg 20 per sent, Bix months to pay, For perv servies sb your home, eal {HA 57414 (TURN storige wonds le 1asl cash Advertise them for sie In foe vig |Aetion Oshawe Times Classi | Coli BA 43404 now 1a place your ad | Instruction (PRIVATE tencher, student counsellor, 16 yeprd experience, hy Wierview only Act now, BA 51064 PEOPLE who heed your serviges are reading Classified right now. Don't miss this ready-made business. Dil 15-5408 today 1a part your low cost ad CARN Lo dance, expert instruction In {i ailrmom Adnets For appointment, Lele | ihre BA BH IHLLIAN 4: MARSH, dance educk (tor, dancing sehact, hallst, Hp baton, aerobatic, pre-schonl, eharscter. Fri i Baturday, Masonic Temple, RA Ratan, Ve HARVEY DANCE AC ANEMY ' 11ghland Register now, 424 King West, KA B-6122 Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet Money to Loon $50 TO 86000 for apy worthwhile pur: fase, for lowest rates, fast service, Bea: | honrd Finance, 89% Bimeoe Blreet South {Phone BA B-6263 : |WE WAVE clients' monies avaliable for loans on first and second mortgages and wise purchase of Morigages An AL of wnle, Jouls Hyman, 7 King Breet East, Oshaws, BA 0d RECON MOTIRARER BFTARE: bchatzmann, Mortgage Broker, Building, rH ale Hen: or ed, W Whithy Professional KEEL) FIRE Rnd Kecond MOREARR, Mortgages MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE wCurrent Interest Rotes wFast Confidential Service wo Hidden Bonus wo Chattel Mortgages w=Mo Co-signers w=Payments te Suit Your Budget wAbsolutely No Cost To You Unless Mortgage Arranged, ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY B1 KING STREET EB, Dig! RA 3:3993 Anytime For Day or Evening Appointments 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO Member Ontario Mortge, Brokers' Association " Rug--Upholstery Service UFROLSTERY ot iy for less specialize in ene ne h "" J LAA shld easy lems, Kh b "ecoversd few" hon, yon yohiriN Our F ction indseras sult Doh vi blir, FURNITURE repaired oN euphol bf re Ww helen, yy © wares iow, ORESTERFIELDS ana Gd hairs Ter re covered lke how fel the hat for or Jot ous? "iu, grid gh My A B461 for -- dreaming of » business of your WR #04 sant checking ' Rusinem Op portunities" in Classified yo dream will will | be » reality, --r-- RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professional Cleening, ome or Flont, Me.nbers of the National Institute of Rug Clsening NUWAY = RA B-4681 SEGERS RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS agreements purchased and sold ulek and Henniek, Barristers LL Blreel East, KA 3.7252 CLIENTS money ta loan on first mort Wage, Mortgage and agreement of [LV | purehused, NHA mortgage Fila ned: i (kel hton, Fraser, Drynkn ne BEEN promising your oid en a pet? Turn to "Fels for Sale" In feday's| Classified section to find Just the Fight "MONEY T0._ LOAN Monies for all types of merts gages for first and second meortgages en all types of real estate Including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased, Apply M, Swartz, 2614 King Street A Oshawa, Telephone RA 4697, MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate lean on first and Second Mortgages, Agree: ments for Sale, en vacant and improved property, residens tial and Industrial eity, subs urban and country, and Sums mer cottages, Summerland Securities Limis ited, 112 Simeoa Street North, Oshawa, Phone RA 5.3568 -------- ES Mortg 0 LOANS TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS ng Nursing Services INDIVIDUALIZED thought each paren Lah A Bu ibid J lower prices, Surveyors AND PERIROWM, " W dad Se 0, N, TUCK, ROSplame | Recounts at downio hank or 7: amined at | F. BION Eran fontaet | RA 4 HURKAR, NEIL © y Sulte § A TT Whithy, MO §-8671, Cla "TUOK, RO, aplom vi Waid fine seeaunle A downie iin Burk Wt ert, hd Ay 9-0 Burk a1 ne, vi pial RA x En minon ho eo 4 Clkssilied fo] [74 saoeintes, Oe oleasiond) Fi Noa BA 1 rg FT } Niolds §-540% now , PLIM y/ i Ps bos yi and Pandas 0 §:5001 id i TY » Radio Repairs V, WADIO, ear radio ilar ; am we A q Fepaire, Painting and De Ty PAINTING, Agora Blow' we Avenue, SAMSON RROWKR through "n ol # fathi ly wo your [llr on he n Cheek the ie FE Miseellaneaus PAINTING and rates, GO Quid ink 0 roel, T loned var: wih ale winter T.V, TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 38] GIBHONS ST, PROPEMAIONAL 1] har od we A (1) work and a res pik caro: 40' TO $45 *(30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 Industrial, Commereial, omestie Repairs and Atretiom Woed Finishin Ww ple TW DONA PAYS wo 8729 EVENINGS. ag Fi 2364 36 eo PAINTERS & DECORATORS|20' ROOF ANTENNAS §22 Completely Installed With 2-Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY 1.V, RA 5.7844 DODD & SOUTER PAINTING : RECORATING CONTRACTORS Paint iy ptrhonging. Gyptex ng bs Wall Murals, Spr Waly 107 brian Hy 3 pmey NIGHTS RA 5.7424 802 SIMCOE ST. §, TV, Service Calls, $3.00 TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS PE-HUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS & SUNLAMPS MEAGHERS You can Borrow $50 To $5,000 Te Pay All Your Accumulated Bills, This Gives You A Fresh Start With Only One Easy Monthly Payment, $50 - $5,000 Without Endorsers Or Bankable Security SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing Alls Canadien Loan Company! Loans Life Insured Personal Service IRR Rah 5 KING STREED WEST RA 3.3425 NOW TRY OUR BAR-B-.QUED CHICKEN DAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS Chicken plate, half chick with french fries, fish and eh hamburgs, het dogs, mil hel N GRILL MODERN WE DELIVER -~ RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten or lengthen garments, Cutfs and pockets renewed, Complete stock af buttons, GILLARDS CLEANIY SERVICE LTD, A 5.3558 Complete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 SERVICE en YOU WANT T wm OR NIGHT TY yd RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 All Wark Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Watch Repairs 17 SIMCOE ST. N RA 5.454) Til 8 PM 12 Noon Ontarie n Friday Saturday 'Til Offices Throughout MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought, Sold Company and Private Monies 5.6544 John A. J BOLAHROOD a Plumbing Heating PLUMBING and heating Pipes, Hngs, fixtures, new and wabd, chang [INE fram septie HARK 19 sewer a Installations ab reasons! Oh any ype LALLY iS By Bam, equipment, pumps, ESSO oll bumers, hot water and forced alr furnaces, bathroom Limited Realtor Member Ontarid Mortgage Broken Association fixtures Let and service, ARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night [na > WN Inmate -- Duimilen fe free BEATTY APPLIANCES A FRIENDLY Ad Willer will help you ly a. the property YOu want nth 3 ody Wanted! columns, IN WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St. West Specializing autematie watches, RA 3.4545 Women's Column APENCER | Sandals 3 JA vidwally a ah [TR Th

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