Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Mar 1961, p. 5

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» A - The Oshawa Kiwanis Club marked Boy Scout Week on Tuesday by Inviting # Queen Beouts, and First Class Girl Guides to their regular Tues day luncheon at the Hotel CAPSULE NEWS Canada Must Move Quickly Wiss In Cana AB TORONTO (CF) dustrialist sald Tuesday dian manufacturers must move the vention and protect the booming Eure: copyright of this tha swiftly if they wish to gain a foothold In the pean market, mar Roostal general manager of Contimart A, G. of Zurich, sald latecomers may find it cos tly to penelrate the market after has become established OWNERS MUST PAY TORONTO (CP) The gov snment has: no oa eontrol of Duteh Lands elm' dis | | i I competition! (CF) Saved I after hi responsibility | mile A Y Minister Bpoener| Joan #hout the Kiwanis Genosha. This is fifth year that the Club has recognized the Boy Seoul mavement in this way Shown in the above picture from left to right are: Bhirley | i Temperton 16th Bers Blanle the Oshawa and Dis Guide hth Company Company Ith Guide Lovell, pre Captain 1aen Patsy Jackin Carol Salhi Compan of Fret aun 2 hii ge HAE i Ug ki KIWANIANS MARK BOY SCOUT WEEK IN CANADA le Ton cil of Boy Beouls Association, | Gnest president of Howard awa trong Eighth Port speaker Davi Ray Weeks, the Kiwanis Club Beventn Osh Norris Dave Brian Bea-heouts OBITUARIES Ve Fe re government Tuesday to ar: 7! anadian membership in Copyright Con foreign au ne IE ange | Universal country's and publishers SAVES FAMILY REECES CORNERS, Ont A fruck driver family of when he roused spotting flames in thelr in this comunity 14 | the east of Windsor? Clarence his wile, daughter 22, and son, Donald, 18,| earps Passing early them Fl four uesday ne elson Ar Boule the om Hedwig's During the B was a leutenant In the Ar Wa tra Wile hay War He I'he quiem STANLEY WOINIAK Blanley Woiniak "La I idence yard 7H ri auth, on h arn hb. 4 hen at 1616 ol He was Jame he shay a carp 7] ar Allen Church of the Palish also Interned In tion mp In and son & heen K Are led survived hy rs in Poland hody 18 re Funeral will he is metrons Mass wi "Tuesday night in the legis: (escaped in their night clothes Hedwig s Chureh lature,' pay the cost of protection them- selves If they want to save their| $60,000 trees, ASKS PROTECTION OTTAWA (CP) = The Cana-| (Transit dian Authors Association asked! COMING EVENTS i ney said Tuesday Nao at Eastview Fark Wednesday | am. Euchre Wednesday at § pm Relioahments Frives Admission 80 cents 0) AV soos bert and Jackson Stresl, Wed ih gH I at Bp G0 Bathe Park Fulalle Avenue f ursday, 2 pom. Cribbage Thursday : a Buchre Saturdays, Mondays § Gibbons Mare refreshments HE Buena Vist pan, Bix prizes sen Mie en 2 NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY BPM ar ST HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6, $12, $20 May foubled tripled Seoul Hall and ( Friday, Admis EVENING GEORGE'S be $15 or Prize 'BOWMANVILLE CHORAL SOCIETY Presents GILBERT AND SULLIVAN TRIAL BY JURY select g BOWMANVIL LE TOWN HALL 8:15 PM FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, and 4 ADMISSION $75 STUDENTS 350 KETS AY POOR §] WHITBY BAN BINGO CLUB BAYVIE\ Wednesday, March 1st. Spe cial Game $100, extra in | Nos, Jackpots 55% and | | $2. Bus leaves Oshawa Ter TORONTO (CP)~The Toronto ¥ TORONTO (CP) knife was reprived to May 18 Tues:| (Mrs hese SUH Gsaraes Wail, ear: (A8Y, BIVINg him time to appeal |jived all of her lifetime in Osh exception i period of several vears in To over-all size ¢ WEATHER FORECAST his preme Court'of Canada was slaying of Mrs net Ia lot | ds nt inspected a prefabricated ashes tn help h determine $110 JACKE OT INCLUDED | mineral C {enough | Aue Han Edinburgh is sity | me TTC MAKES PROFIT Commission made a ofit of more than wee 1067, Chairman Clarence] Ost | the SLAYER REPRIEVED Convicted | g 2h Rey slayer Louis Fisher dai death sentence to the Sue aw Oct. 26 of Margaret Ber Her slashed body was Ri June 10 on a eity parking convicted sl will conduct MRS, J. B, DUESBURY {She Born tery, Rev, F rs. Jamesie Ber awa, on Tuesday had heen past two. vears Carnwall 1818, sh the lale Lalonde al ember 10 ighter of James the A with died win Oshawa Blanislawn ha d Ener and a memher ond Wo ] believed during two 18 Hume held in Bi 1 vl seriously e Mi She Tuesda Foland heen for Construction or 8 id Wa tank m concen H the hn Lt He hursday Dues $1,000,000 bury died at her family resi (last year, its hest financial year dence at 16 Gladstone avenue Feh il for Ontario the Was ang of i] ana 117] {2.50 26. | vard has! § Cl srvived B yewmarket ker (Lela) a lH. Jubenvillg Hiand Mi with dred) i Lalorde ed HG su Haymond i of Monty Ihe trong Fung High Bequis 101 ( Bl fire Mari will fallg meters Dy h § Very er will o bi Huth Lalonde all of Oshaw body 1s 1) # memner h SIX Bis Ward Mir AE Bp Thoma Mrs (Fat), Oshawa Armstrong (Mil and Gwe a hy Oshawa 0 brothers and Cur eal resting al ral Home m Mass hureh Arm in BI Frida a.m 8, Gregory's Ce Hey, Dean Pau fficiale MRS, ELTON W, JOHNSTON Funeral ton W. Jahns her Rowe er He said owners must Damage to the house and two/March 2, at 10 am Interment] ¥as held at th greenhouses was estimated at|will follow in Bit. Gregory's Ce-| Kwiatkowski the services Tues He Church pm conducted Mrs "When Bells" Lemelery Pallbearers Emest Reimer Vie Harold 1 and Bven The green Vervain hum maica lay HOUSING MEXICO Adolfo RHORTAGE CITY (AP)=Presi Lopez Maleos has house of the type that may Mexien solve 11s housing I'he next step 1s to whether Mexico's| lepasits provide! ashe pro orlage can tng for. mass 5 Car street home alvary Baptist at| Altken| Toronto Tries | Grain Export Otte Bhar | William ond straight Henkelman | hor commis See: | tieorge They Ring the Golden Interment was In Union Gascolgne, an egg ice for Mrs, El ton Feh, 24 el day Vv Feh, 5 W. N the service Delaney sang WEIS Manre tor Harry | AEerquist SIZE and greyish-white minghird of Ja! with of one-half inch Two More Days Of Fine Weather| PORONTO (CF) Issued - at bh am. ERT southern forward to Ynopsis 1 look Forecasts Untario pleasant weather and above-normal tem TIDDLYWINK TROPHY per LONDON (CP)=The Duke of (gr to present a 1ros| the inter-var- ma tiddlywinks match 'WORLD BOXING | 'TITLE IN 1869 Oshawa day | | glo Mike defeated land hy MeCaale, American Pam Allen of Eng # questionable foul he first international hi, held ai 5t. Louis {rib i} [810 | fre ling a win prize fi June 18 I'here's na question that Times Classified champs in can buyers sellers, else you wish to To be a winner with Ads dial RA 33402 Ad tracting anyone meet Want Are Wir { ling minal or ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, MAR 8PM I AY 87. MARY'S OF THE PEOPLE AUDITORIUM STEVENSON RD, N AT MARION : King street bus at door, Bus will be waiting at auditorium after bingo Is aver 16 GAMES OF $8 } GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 | SHARE THE WEALTH | $50 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR §1 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD CHILDREN UNDER 14 NOT ANA ITTED | Ist | | ® | abfioe day southern Ontario and Quebes, | TORONTO The and weather | Sow thurs: | alo throughout 3 today mild sa will be turbance snowflurries through elaudy ning (and a ltt noon. | {sunny hursday | glans | Variable eloudiness and continu Thursday Kies will atures itral and northern province weak expected mast wil I, hut a is tn Cloudiness Thursday Huron, Lake Windsar, Londo today Thurs axe ns day milder Ontario Jaranio cloudiness mast ake ns Asing heaaming learing vith olaudy continuing (8 1001 Heh an Hay North Bay mild today and Winds light herd Ontario dy today bat wilted 0 clear be Wainy £1 A will alsa have phy to the winners of this year's| peratuwes somewhat above nor {Oxford va Cambridge weather oa bring areas | n 1y Winds Niagara Hamilton this mastly eloudy hy avernight for the next two da nf fem Loan 11] persist I Mainly elearing this eve SUNNY light re in marn and periods mild Haliburton re Sudbury Ww Thursd be are ay Sunny La 5 Kirkland Fim glans min Mostly [ hursday in the da temperature Hay Sunn today Little ehange Winds light Forecast Low tonight Windsor al Fame hitehener London Wingham F'aronta Peterborough I'venton al, Catharines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Harlan 4444 Winds White Kapuskasing re cloudy today with 4} late in! likely change light region Snow Latte Thursday temperature and in Temperatures High Thursday TROMAS sven e SUABUEY sav re Narth Bay Kapuskasing White River ,, Moasonee ,,,, throughout authern Hawg (8 3 Quebeq 4 and ou LN UP Wirephote (Violet) of n She is with Interment who died gi an Winnipeg last | 58 fu ntly [the River, | few snowllurries Cloudy Hits Children vith Mostly [Nps were [ehildren examined at {Ih remote areas last year | Traces Sought work hy September | faranta harbor | season than last | elm ships took advantage of the {annual Productivity Council | 4 ¢ Off To A Good Start OVEAWA (CF) WIkERS Buciess, the Rew wp pied Batignel Productivity Count appesis Io he olf 19 & Bring #ar. But pho ncement of the names of the UL men 0b Hak wiman by Prime Minister Inefl enhaker in the Commons Tues day was followed Wy criticism from hth opposition leaders and one of the appointees, Pies ident Claude Jndvin of the Ca nadian Labor Congress The appointees wre successtul businessmen Mr. Disfenhaker seid the gov ernment sought. the best candi dpies available sui ts confident (they will have the confidence of the Capadian people Libergl Vepder Pearson paid they are 8 distinguished lot, bt many of them have heavy bus ness responsibilities (OF leader Argue seid the council seems weighed towerd! Wig business and ; labor rep FESENIIIVES BIE MB ainly leaders of eraft rather than industrial unlonE NOT CONSULTED Mr. dodoin said the CLL hed sted on the lho and thet bis M success many f iii Ry Radio Stolen From Window A 86 transisly; radio wee tolen from the front window of # radio shop sl $5 King street it was reported hy Osh Police Constable 0, J Eerr, Tuesday night A rock was thrown through the six fool square window, The radio with leather CATYYInE case was Laken from) the shelf inside the window The front of 8 mantel model transistor radio was smash ed, It is helieved this was smashed hy the rock. Con stable Kerr discovered the theft 8.25 p.m Melend tronp Beoutma troop Fourth Chuck seven hawa Collard and Ley Oshawa Oshawe Times Phots Norse Landing wes! BERGEN, No Ad VERIAN § Canada A arch way (AF) nares th Noi northern for traces of Norse ARUHNE hack Columbus di Helge Ing SlX-man ex wont of the ummer Hamigration to # helore covered America fad 18 EQUIPDINE B pediti to look for that the old Greenland ol pocket enti 44 on theory Norse settlement Were depopulaled emigration tn North erica at (he archaeologist of the expedi CUT DOWN NOISE FOR BETTER WORK tion, and his 17-vear-nld daugh ter is in line for a job as he explorer last QVEr the territory he INYEEHERLE Cut down on noise--~that's For his expedition this ane way to Increase the 16 using a ship=-the Hal working efficiency of an of hutlt in 1007 by the famon fice. A survey conducted signer Colin Archer gmong companies with Fhe expedition is 's AE some degree of sound-condi in April and plans to finish its tioning in their offices re vealed 43 per cent improve ment in stall morale, 28 per cent in accuracy, 18 per cent in quantity of work down, 4 per cent in lost Lime You'll want to shout shout the extra cash you have when you use Oshawa Vimes Classified Ads to quickly sell noJlonger-used or hecnuse Am 200K flew i5 EOINE tn Ea BAY he en fle aving TORONTO (CP)=For the ses year, Toronto har: lon will try to move! | grain for export through WHR BRWIBLIBERL Was Bly 1 Ror by the congreid #3 ecitive ners May slicer sulying the terms of 1elerence pid Jake WW of the productivity LIRA Big names Canadien hws nest circles included ££. ¥. Tay lor, president of brass Copia ton, 5. B. Cramp, president of ihe Capedign Vache Batiway Jean Raymond, president of Al Hinee Raymond Company Lim ied, and B, B. Milner, Edmon Lon lawyer Bnd ERs EHIRPRBY ELECIHIYE Together, the ovr bold execy Hye posts. and Mreciorships more then 1 industrial hanks and other organizations some of them duplicated Chatman of the count 1s George DeYoung, of YWelland president of Atlas Sieels im ied. The 98-yesr-nid rxecuitve came tn Canada 10 years sgn from the United Blates ps works manager for Alas snd rose ty the presidency in 19W--the year he became & Canadian citizen ECONOMIST DIRECTS John 6. Dickinson CITY AND DISTRICT FIRE CALLA Oshawa Fire Department crews answered five ance cals sine There wers during thal i 4 én The ABIANCE muline gh Tuesday ne Hire miarms penod of Lime PRACES THIRD Toronto Biwenis Music pang compelifions Miss Carol Weir of Oshawa placed third in the Bopating (class of 10 years and under on | Thursday and tied in second place in the plano soln class of 10 years and under on Friday MArning A the Festival Are you crippling your children's feet ou innocently but pe rma [rippling your chil Are nently feet 7 bh adulis who have foot trouble 7 Do you know how nften shoe wizes should be changed for chil dren 7 How high women's heels can safely be 7 he truth shout fallen prches 7 How best to treat corns and bun ions 7 March Reader's Digest gives you the answers end valuable pointers on the proper way to ht shoss, Don't wait until your feel are killing you | "Mind Your Own Two Feet" is one of 41 interesting articles in March Reader's 1)igest vVvvyw i household items, Make your list, then dial BRA 53-8408 for | # friendly Ad Writer this] port, General Manager | B GEitiith told commissions Fil Tuesday My, Griffith, who talked to Ca nadian wheat board officials Ir ald pro moving grain through gre hetter thi Last year, the wheat hoard quoted export prices out of Toronto but no for LIQUOR CANDY LONDON (CP) Owners of W000 Brinsh candy stores have appealed to the home secretary to alter & new drinking bill, | They want to he allowed to sell Hauor chocolates without & splr its licence | wees pects fo) offer When empty ships are in the firent Lakes, it Is eeonamical | of to sail the longest trip possible] ne for grain, Mr. Griffith said Con: | most ships went tof Lakehead Sioux Lookout service before surgeons, two them, like ver had the Fen arthopedi [plastic surgeons three general | Bure # Neurosurgeon and | twa neurclogists eantributed| Services the society's! eons thelr in clinies Fred Matters, regional super: | visor for Indian affairs in [ Northern Ontario, said the Sioux | {Lookout elinle served some Hou | among 8 Indian families living as far as a special| 00: miles away Some of the children's clinic held last May| Problems he sald, are distance) in Sioux Lookout. 100 miles east And the fact thal many parents Hip Trouble TORONTO (CP)=Forty congenital dislocation af the disclosed CARES of NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall te wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners SSS ed Installation by eur awn mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8.468) Bt me, without knowing it? | dren's | Are you among 4 out of | THE OSHAWA TIM, ; Wodnentey, Mark 1, WH 3 59 LICENCE LONDON £F) Veleron iondeasiar Lionel Hele wis fink £18 1or wong 8 readin pnd television sed withowt # Neence RELAIS. with Borthers Eiee trie Compity Wn Montiesl, was RAIER Erecutive Brecior, & PEETRAIEIL. position with & sa) Bry Buel Wy order dn rounc Born wn Wynyard, Sask., and A gradysie of Barvaid ls bi Bess RMR Rton, We Wh will be 1g kerpy net] basiness may. ng UH Canada is going 19 be ol finisnt wud mpetitive im word markeis," he said, "i bas io bel Hiromi increpsed productivity | This is going 10 require In creased efor fiom people #l walks of We' As chidrman, Mr. DeYoung will receive ravelling expenses) na an honoranism of up to #1 1 00. ther members of Aphis CH receive expenses only The councl is required by aw 10 bold at least three meet Ings & year in Olawa, snd addi tional meetings elsewhere when ever Aesired TO AD EFFICIENCY "The objects of the council)' the act passed by Parliament in $50 » $5000 December said, "are 5 pre mike apd Expedite coniinisng Withewt sedorsers or bankable improvement wn productive ef wey, ficiency in the various WEDRLLE Law monthly poymonts, of Canadian economic setivity,' | boone ite insured H. BH. Hennam, president the Canadian Federation " THE FASTEST GROWING ure, and Hens Trepan| A-GANABIAN LOAN COMPANY oe 1 Agricnliure, and Bene Trepan 168, former Quehee deputy min Ler of agriculture, were named 1RrmEr represemiplives } The only woman on the oun: | el is Anna Bpeers, Winnipeg husinesswoman. OLh er repre FINANCE entatives of consumers snd the general public include Mayor) VT HMEOE MW BA 3454) sidney Buckwold of Baskatoon Ww wh pm president of the Canadian Fed or) ffl hoor eration of Mayors and Muniei 15 Offices In Onturie SUPERIOR | pialities . "SMOOTH" ToP TRESS ! 25.95 ret hy ud 14, Regulor 49.50 an Weer os Limited number, + FINE FURNITURE 295 SIMCOE 57, §, ~~ RA 8:3171 of Kenora a vepart to the Wil not bring in their children meeting of the Ontaria|Wnul their condition 1s serious Aaciety for Crippled Children The veport said few of the children were young enough to henefit fram treatment but that it 1s "hoped that with earlier recognition and treatment this condition may not he so preval:| ent in the future The society financed 20 elinies SAYS Small Homes ARS Big Business |* x AY kA BIR home| MH. KASSINGER'S "Exhibition. of. Fashionable Living." PRESENTING 6 Dream Homes Featuring: demonstrations idea J n Display and the newest products tashionable living LOCATION Beau Valley Oshe Most Fashianat (Rossland Re wih) and Wa 5 Kes dential Estate Of Simcoe Ne * ad bast OPEN Fram 3 VISIT TONIGHT Spm and 7 - 9 pm, -- ATTENTION DEALERS Pont Order FIRFWORKS until au santast WHOLESALE DIS TRiaUTORS Biggest diseaunts on DOMINION -HANDS MER CHANDISE, Call RA 8.031) ar RA 5.0343 wk for Frank GENERAL ELECTRIC TOASTERS Prise redused fram 37.50 we LER 1] AT OSHAWA 16 80 i) DISCOUNT HOuss ONORD ORGAN Selly or ve 108,50 Les $200 NO WHERE ELSE WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC po A pm THURS, TILL 6 P.M. ~--FRI, TILL 9 P.M, SAT, TILL 6 PM, OSHAWA 290 ALBERT SY (Between Olive, & Gibb) DISCOUNT HOUSE RA 8.031)

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