Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 28 Feb 1961, p. 5

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WHIT Manager: Lloyd Roberson BY and DISTRICT Whithy Burean Office; 110 Dundas 51, West Tel, MO, 53-5103 Whithy carriers for the Osh awa Times are busy finding new subscribers in an effort in qualify for the ali-expense Name Prize Winners At King St. Carnival nf the hile fl the resus fn Following are the the skating carnival pupils of King Street P Sehonl, held on Friday Whithy arena Kindergarten parade ground the ice In enstume. Prize win ners were: |. Beverley Smith 2, Helene Goemans: 8 Anna Marie McLaughlin: 4 Davey Maw; §. John Sheehan; 6. Bruce Petre This was followed hy Kinder garten girls' races: 1. Sheree Walter; 2. Debey Edey; 8. Deh bin Cameron Kindergarten hoys: 1. Leslie Reed; 2. David Roddin; 8. lan Armstrong Grade 1 girls' raves: 1, Laura vans; % Susanne Gordon; 8 Elizaheth Villeneuve (ivade 1 hoys: 1, Jeff Seguire 2. Don Rycroft; §. David Fuller Grade 2 hoys: 1, Ricky! lames; 2. Bobhhy Robertson; 8 Tommy Letham firade 2 girls: | lin: 2. Cathy Mifflin hormndyke Grade § girls: 1 Coy; 2. Marjorie dane Fuller firade § boys: 1 Roh Sheryl Bally ] Debbie Me Fiddle; 8. Tony Joyn son: 1. Andrew Roblin; 3. John| Reed Gradedgiis | Shelly Lid dle; 8 Lynda Green, 3. Peggy Thomas Grade 4 hove: 1 Terry Rowland: 2. Danny Maundrell; | A Ted Kadwell CGirade § girls tier 2. Pehhie Carnal Avent firade § hoys 1. Anne Chris Bremner; 4 I. Allan Pant ington: 2. Brent Hoag: § Peter Stapler, tied with Billy Van Davren Grade A girls: 1 Sharan Sutton; 2, Bonnie Whalen; 3 Susanne Heed Grade f hovs: | GGenrge Reeson; 2. Kavan Pierce; A Pat Bremner Next event was couples' race Givade 8, 4, § & First couples, Grade 3 hays: 1. Tanv Johnson and Lary Moore; . 2 Tammy Taylor and John Reed: 3 Charles Gauthier and Andrew Rahlin Grade 8 girls: 1. Randi Smith and Debbie MeCav; 2. Nvlvia Liddle and Susan Tudd: 3 Lyn da Callinsan and Sharan Svinvk firade 4 hays: 1. Danny Maun drell and Terry Rowland Ted Kadwell and Ricky Nutt: 4 John Goeemans Brian Bettie Grade 4 givls: 1. Shelly Liddle and Peggy Thomas: 2 Belly Waddington and Carel Edwards 4, Lynda Green and Jean Craig (irade § hays: 1. Allan Part ington and Brent Hoag: 8 Peter Mo: and Ntaples and Greg Stubhings; 2 Michael Hutchings and Barry Luke Grade § girls: 1. Anne Chis: te and Lorna Hawkins: 3 Pamela Roland and Debbie Aremner; 3. Shirley Miller and Muriel Bates Grade & boys: |. Pat Brew: ner and Fred La Londe; 3, Ste. ven Johnson and George Ree! son; 3 Peter Sutton and Kevan Pearce Grade 8 girls: 1. Beverley Barrett and Sharon Sutton; 2 Janice Heaton and Ronnie WHITBY CARRIERS TRYING 4 the determined Winston Churehs wo FOR TRIP TO OTTAWA paid Leip to Otiawa. The boys | City, Closing on March 28, | new subscriptions will he per and girls need # minimum | he contest Ve open 10 #1 | milled tn take a guest along { +i ts' tn aunlity for | TRIES for the Times. Five | 0 0 OF six "SAIS 10 QUANEY TOF | (on uarniers in each rane wha | 7 / the trip ta Canada's Capial turn in the highest number of Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY BOWLING NEWS FRIDAY NITERS #9, Les Reed 275, Bob Carter Veam Standing Die Hards 287, Mac Adpir 954, 1, Hartjes Ih (09.587); Alley Oops 18 (58.1261, Vie Wilks 260, Bev. Gough biz k ' i62), High Balls 11 (MAI8); 260, Ron Childs 258, Bert Parker halen, yo Wigan Reed and cocv Plugs 11 (510710; Dows 25) he gi B performed the 10 (98,361); Molson Blue § (3% Thursday Section Bah § 9,278); Bory No, 2, 1 grand march around (the lee, 10); Wizards B (38,278); Bpry. Legion Ne, 3, 3, Firemen | Bprucers a 047) Amateurs 3, Legion Old Bwests All children were given a Coke "grote TET section: Die: Abner's Esso 2, Donald and # chocolate har from the Hards (Ron Bragg, lens Bye, Motors |; Mowat's BA 2, Silver Home and Behool Association Bill Grylls, Bill Mifflin, Betty smiths 1; Ottenhrites 2, County hen Kindergarten (rade ViGrant. Dave Johnson) Bowl 1, Coca Colas §, Credit and 2 had & couple of FREES. | 1 adies' High Triple wivia Union 0; Hed Wings 8, Dodgers Boys: 1. David Kernohan and gijenduke, SA 0; Knights of Columbus 2, Arens David Milligan; 2. Tan Arm: ™f cdies' High Single Lena Bunoca | strong and Garry Mallan: 3 gue 927 Triples aver 700 include 250 Jahn Sheehan and David Maw. | Men's High Triple fiearge, singles Al. Hepburn 708 (286,| Girls! | Dehhie Cameron and opilds, 728 24); Claire Hutcheon 764 (266 Lynda Wenzell; a. Barbie Bran: "Men's High Single fiearge 278); Ab Bamanski 708 (334); Al don and Beverley Smith; 8. opilds, 817 Knibh 768 (810); Al McHaffie Debbie Edy and Lori Howe #00 Triples Ron Bragg M0 750 (304); Myrle Reeson 746 Grade | boys couples: 1, ag7' 438); Ross Spencer Ad] (268, 278); Jim Ross 740 (377); Jeff Beguire and Donald Ry: crafts 3, Allan Greig and aby: 88, 208); Bill Bpencer 826 (322, Dick Adams 7385 (276); Warren (484); Andy Myers #31 (295, 380) | Watson 718 (30K); Bud Bragg Marshall, 8 Bobby Hors and|™{gmon League = Jack Seoflt 708 (810); Doug Allan 707 Gordon Hulsser #0, Carol Radcliffe 95, Dorisl Singles over B50" = yom White Grade 1, girls' pairs: 1. Jan: Switzer 60.78, Flo Townsend K1, 505, Kd Samanski 80, Al Hewis ice O'Brien and Cynthia Ed: ay Shilling 87, Belle Grylls 78, 260. Boh Adams 274, 26, Bob wards; 9. Sheryle Villeneuve Betty Grant #8, Becky Snel: (Green 278, 250, Bill Bpencer 468, ind inet Ringeriey ; Bar| grove #4 Tom Beer 266, Jim Wilde 262 Ara Jones and MUA VANS Line (4 H One Ly ave Grade 2 hoys, couples: 1. WHITEY AND DINTRICY RIMPIOn a doom Walker Ih Bobby Robertson and Tammy MEN'S LEAGUE fion Pascoe 958, Cleve Worth Lethan; 2. Dan Foster and Wednesday Beetion ington 257, John Sawson 266 Ricky dames; 8, Jimmy Cavers. Hoffer Valley Meats 2. Du: jirnie White 265, Al Young 268 and Kenny Ord pont 1; Legionnaires 3, Ham: gil Brown 288, | Grade 2 girls: 1, Cathy Miff hlers 1: Alsco 8, Bathurst 0 4 w lin and Ann Lisa Keusing; 2B and R 4, Munns Press 11) WHITRY MEN'S MAJOR Karen Kerhohan and §811y Yardbirds 4, Mitton Machine 111 Tuesday night's action al Rahlin Firestone 4, Whithy Barbers 0; (County Bowl produced one shut: The: tte was. clored | ; Fillings 2, Legion No. 4, 1; Mill {oul as Courtice Pharmacy ap i Cleared. oF a work Builders 8, Melody Grill | [plied the whitewash in Bas volley hall game, Girls of "ippinios aver 700 include 400 sett's Jewellery; Wilson's Food Grades § and 6 participated [singles Bill Hayes B60 (370, Market took two points from Next was a hockey game, hoys| gs); (ienrge Childs B41 (811, Burtingky ~~ Florists; Hillerest of Grades § and 6, Broomball agi): Herb Chisholm 702 (268, Dairy doing the same fo Bud game was hetween parents and ian): Clarence Moore 768 (261,|Cooke's. sso and Hamhly Tire (teachers, after which there was ana): 8, Stone 762 (274, 804); (led hy Capt, Myrle Reeson, (ook # halt-hour of skating, The pes Denver 747 (368, 268); AllMercantile Dept, HBiore wo hroomball. was won hy (he Morrison 705 (387, 261); Ed. games to one teachers Brush 714 (267); Jim Mifflin 7120 Top shooter this week was Room pennants were present:( (367); Bob Villeneauve 708 Jim Cassells 898 (871), Myrle ad to Mrs, Bell and Mr. (200); Wilf Hubbard 708 (264). [Reeson R30 (301, 266, 258); Earl Alachow Bingles aver 250 Anderson Wrestlers 'Whip Churchill Team Hy KEN ZAYETTE 120-pound: Ed. Winnaoott The Anderson Street wreatling| (And) pinned Nillward (WCC), | team, conched hy David Cluteh:| 186pound: Vie Hodawanski ey, remains unheaten hy whip: | (And) was defeated hy Talbot| ping Winston Churehill Lob (WOE) 6:0 eglate, of Nearbore, last Friday | 0p \ night by a score of 84:16, This ol ponds a. was the second win In SUCCES: [tha end of the sion for the Whithy squad aver Doe Dafoe [Jordan 804 (304, 266); Marty [Jordan TRE (268, 966); Al Hep: hurn 772 (806); Beh Murphy IAD (28K); Bert Mewett 745 (36H, 308); Doug Rowden 736 (368, 151); Bel Himes 795 (260, 254); Chuek Gill 788 (301); John | Wootton 781 (977, 961); Alf Rear don 701 (386); Denny Brown 700 (261) (Good singles were volled hy Rill Moorehouse 907, Glen Roy {aheck 901, Dave Reynolds 985, Bill Grylls 279, Jim Patterson 971, John Breuchle 258, Micky MeMaster 953, Jim Kirk:-White and Caesarea 'Takes Lead In Mercantile Censarea took the lead in the Crawford (WOE) at regulation time The score was 3-8, Crawford re eelved the win because his vid Ing time was a minute longer than that of his appanent Hbpound: Bellhouse (WCC) defeated Lloyd Sonley (And) il team The - Whithy team look an early lead hy winning the first four bouts of whieh three were pins. The team did surpris: ingly well, although they had heen aut of practice because of ) the Easter examinations fated Jim Cornish (And) 83, wpithy Inter-County Mercantile This week, the team will be 168nound: Nepstead (WOO) hockey league finals via thely warking vigorously to get in pinned David Thomson (And), [6:2 win aver Toronto on Sunday good physical condition so they! 177-pound David Hinton in the Community Arena, will be able to compete to the| (And) defeated Cockell (WCC) Teading the three games-out: 1paund: Johnson (WCC) de BROCK Evenin TRY WHI ADULT ENTERTAINME HELD OVER 9 Shows 7 and ® pm, he held at Winston Churehlll (And) pinned Smith Grant second period. They sooved four Collegiate on Saturday (WCC) whieh brought the final in the last frame 88: pound Paul Naulnier|™ ting four goals, Fred Clarke (And) pinned Drahan (WCC), Revolt A . t assisted an two of the goals 115 - pound: Diek ya . Weatherlee, (And) pinned Nushett | (WCQ), | Commercia Toronto gained both goals in | Todgham, president of Chrysler Scorers Corp, of Canada Lid, Monday Penalties were few: Wayne soll too hniques in television Brant of Caesarea was given commercials the gate far roughing micks are offending public taste ham Oakins, Al Crawley, Rayee and credulity, Toa many of Weathorles, Wayne Venning, [Ing cynieal" Gerrow Speaking to the National Sales TORONTO . R. Dockson, A o A TV commercial is, the mare Young, Bruce Kellington, Wayne expensive it becomes. "Or ta Duty, Doug Vernon, Joe Sar hest of their ability in the On. 3.0 of-five final series, Caesarea Following are the results ofiscaring to Anderson Street 3, Wayne Venning was the tap 106:pound: Doug Long (And) Other goals were scored hy Is the last period Don Marquland night predicted "an orderly but Dutty of Toronto was waved off "IL is my opinion" he said, CAESAREA . Jim White, them are becoming palpably Gord Gettins, Don Brant, Dan Executives Club of Toronte, he Howie, Tim Harrison, Ja phrase i more hluntly the gent, Red HRames, Earl Nose tario Championships whieh Willi geavvweight: Grant Smith tallied two goals in the first and the Friday matches and Winston Churchill 16 marksman for Caesarea, net: pinned MeVeigh (WCC), Frank Brass and Royoe Jeftre TORONTO (CP) « Ron W. and Jack Sheedy were the firm publio revolt" against hard: twice during the game and Don that many of today's TV gm. Frank Brass, Jim Luke, Gra y-aRd the publie 1s grew: Forder, Fred Clarke, Dave that the more contrived Sheedy, Don Marquiand, Rey I the oasthier. worthy Bring Up Juveniles To Bolster Hillcrests By CLIFF GORDON Winthy Hitlcrests wre faced with the task of Coming Wo With iy ' THE OSHAWA TIES, Guild To Vusshey, Vebmery 18, 1961 § resem P 'Therese This Week The Whithy Theptee (id ist Wisy pHLLIBE The fimelng towiches wn their protection of responsivie for some of the Aciightinl period costumes Beryl 16 a valuahie member of WIN Omg or _CRInng ats ""Fherese' ths week the growp as she does § great for the sesson. The Belleville Written by Emile Toba, the desl 19 help wm backstage peo MeFariands will invade the ipa has been 6d fon the Suction ss well the local srens 19 try and maks | | moter wage by gc JW. Lilien Lane is & new mem i fowr In #8 Tow over the ses E The story grips the sudience Re her of the thestre pnid. She ond place finishing Winthy the (ale of decent, passion snd previously weed wn the one a rage y evolves wel play Des r Departed" The locals won the first game 4 ently, the group was ad which received an honorable nd prom there on Jove hed Bdicated or Members oA he mention in the Oran Festival mors » cellar % ad JERE ARENE 6 2 a ve & pieyoit club, They have not i their pertormance was aweided wis Tompkins and Day well or played the wey Ln wei evement (TOUR). JOR bers of the thearte guid and they @d all Viv However Hill, & member o the cask YE their performances sre piwwys Conch CRghon the fellows Y Rlisn awarded #0 BORITANE opioved In Therese they out for # oil workout last ; Ention for her pets L assume the chersciers of Mr might and has hopes of his 16) 6 Thewtre Gla wis 195 Griver and Inspector Michoud that he is Wonging wp al least three Juvenile players for 19 weght's game. They will include Bonnie fore and Brian Fletch EF, two high sconng forwards with the Whithy Juveniles, Both have seen action with the Hill Crests previously this year a he wither player 18 Lorn Campbell, & real hard working EoRl tender. Fhe management has not ween 100 plessed with the playing of & numner of the regulars and as coach Gagnon said last might "We have got 19 get some Wie and fight into the team!" He may use one compels Juvenile ine for the game 19 night, He did not elaborate any more on his bine up other than the fret that the three players mentioned shove would he defi RON MOORE They know what it is'has not besn as effective ws he BRIAN FLETCHER while 9 he down three games 10 one. shold Burke is back and and come hack, They did it last may dd that spark 10 the line CRE BREAN. Newmarket and with Shearer thet has been went on 1a win the all Ontario missing of late Godridgs hamponstnp. Perhaps they can has heen far below his league An I again. One thing we are standings when he has the see wre of 1s thal they have got ond hest gosls against Ryerage thelr work ent out for them nin the league He appears this Belleville team. They have nervous and lost hs confidence some mighty tough lads on thet As & result he will wateh eam Including the Hull broth: tonight's game from the side ers, Mavety, Hunter, Asselstine, line Ken Roberts, Dave Goyer and many others, Their Nicholishen snd McCullough ap gorlie, BILE Moxom, Is one of pear tn he the only players who the tops and is hard in heat, have heen playing anywhere nite starters, CF CHIPS We wonder MEAT their form And ps Getting hack 10 (he Team as just how some of the players Wk Would he against us, Me on the local team like Napior- Coneh is in Flint, Michigan kowski can play Sunday hockey and will he lost 10 the team for and gel four goals in one game the rest of the season and then cannot even avy However, the (eam still has two good shots on gol In four PIENY of players, good players games in plavolfs with the Mt they want to pit their minds Whithy team, Whether some of '? It #nd play hockey like we the fellows are out for a skate Know they can Bo fellows, with the local team and to see Mere will be a hanner crowd in how much trouble they can get that rink tonight, let's not send inte is heyond us Lynn! them home disappointed Middieton who wes & hall of Ad Also yours truly is getting fire in the regular schedule has ® Nite Dred of writing up fizzled out and is almost an also losses, especially i it is the ran in the playoffs Hig! fourth in a row, We don't think linemates Luke and Tran have that we ever had that fate in not heen much hetter Tripp Our many years of covering while a good skater on defence hockey in Whithy, Whitby Rifles In Top Three Of Metro Test Out of a total of nine Metro Toronto sporting rifle clubs competing in the postal Metro: politan Sporting Rifle Associa tion Match, the Whithy Rifle Club placed Brd in the Novem {her competition and 2nd in the December tourney, The Ajax Rod and Gun Club, placed Oth and Sth in the com-! {petitions The experienced |easide Rifle {Club proved to he the hest of the November tournament and blasted their way (no Brd place In the December competition In addition the Leaside TAHA shared even greater honors hy (aing first place in the Decem: her shoot and second place in {the November | | The winner | | of the weekly! Whithy Rifle Club Nweepstake Competition was Stan Landy: more with » score of 100.X8 WHITBY | PERSONALS Mark, son of My, and Mrs {Fidwin Probert, celehrated his fifth birthday on Sunday. For the occasion a party was ar ranged with the following guests: Busan Jorgenson, Boh and Michael MeKnight, Mary (Jane MeKnight, Robbie Avis {and Mark's sister Lynn The public is invited to the Whithy Baptist Church an Wed nesday, March 1, at 8 pm. In hear Rev, Vernon Kimball of Angola, Africa, who has speni time under Canadian Baptist Missions and who 1s now home on furlough, Rev, Kimball will [show colored films of his work! [The following took part in the (presentation of the "Roaring [Twenties Revue presented al Fairview Lodge under the aus:| plees of the 4 W's of the United Chureh! Mrs, Reverley Me Ewen, Mrs, Margaret Connelly, docAnne and Harmen Niersma, [Gordon Mifflin, Jack Switeer, [Marilyn Broughton, Iris Raker (Anne Macinnis, Clare Freek, [Darathy Quanteill, Jean Millar, do Lintner and Muriel Ash worth, Mrs, Marion Williams was the pianist for the evening, Deborah Anne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. Silverthorn, is celebrating her fourth birthday (today, Guests attending her {party are: Vivianne Treen, dane Treen, June Treen, Deborah's grandfather, Mp, | Flix Tremblay and Miss Marg | Hun {couple of weeks visiting at the | home of Mr. and Mrs, Alfved {Th son, of RR 2, Whitt Ladin a ROUND TRIP FARES ARE LOW On Saturday, Mr and Mrs [George Nohell, 144 Hillorest | drive, celebrated their 11th wed {ding anniversary. For the ocea sion they were entertained hy (Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Meneilley, {of Port Hope, sister and brother finlaw of Mrs, Schell, HAMILTON . . . . $435 PHILADELPHIA . . 30.55 Gary, son of Mr, and Mrs BUFFALO 8.30 Alfred Tripp, is delebrating his «wv 9 " sixth birthday today. His friends | wish him many happy returns of WASHINGTO 0 the day K * . . 33. 5 Mr, Douglas Beyant, senior] protection officer at General | Motors, will he the guest speak or at the Hiller Home and Sehoal Association meeting to he (held Wednesday, Mareh | NEW YORK 31.65 HAYES, England (CP)=Twe te in having Warry ehap- men Rs guest Sirscior r § Chapman has had # great degi of experience wn the world of pmatenr theptre and ws well known in Oshawa for Ws fine productions of sweh plays as "Charhie's Aunt' and "Christ in the Concrete City The director was wien respon sible for the set design IN THE CASY Taking the part of Therese 1s Jean Varquharson a neweomer 19 the group, dhe recently por frayed the part of Laura in the play "BUN Life # role very ditlerent from the one she plays now Bert Heaver | Whithy and his performances are always enjoyed, He has acted in many plays including "Shop at Bly Corner' and 'Wishing Well" and iso responsible for lighting, His por trayal of Laurent is 10 he commended The part od' Madame Haguin the elderly owner of a hat shop 1s played hy Joan Hi. The role, an extremely difficult one has heen rn challenge for this member of the group as she is remembered for her many com edy characiers, Recently Joan turned her hand 10 directing and for the past year has heen very active as president. of the group Cyril Garratt, business man #ger of the theatre guild, does an excellent job of sel lighting and his portrayal of the invalid son is very enjoyahle Beryl Garrall takes the part of Madame Louise and is also well known in uit wt iit Mone 20 Spend for Fam. When you NORTH BAY . SUDBURY . . BOSTON . . TORONTO . . The play wold not have achieved the Wgh standard of perinrmance commended by the adjudicators without the back singe help of Mrs. Bergman, Marcelle Brunelle, Joyce Wain wright and other members Egon Ver was kept busy ss wage manager The play 16 10 he presented wt B. Jobw's Wall in Whithy on Friday, March 3 snd Saturday March 4 The group sincerely hope that the pesple of Whithy support them n their endesyor io reise the standard ematenr theaire and #t same time enjoy an evening of entertginment wil { ow the HA------------------ ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION WHITBY BRANCH 112 MONTHLY MEETING Wed., Mar. 1 8 p.m, to be discussed need Members, Ma jo of oll Legion # special alien to attend There are still a tow new members ship cords and badges to be picked up, Please ses the steward Items views and sup go ty 'Bld i $5.45 v + 1480 vv 1638 «vv 350 ' + 304 time See your Local Agent for all Bus Thavel Information Middlesex schools are to he linked hy closed - civeuit tele vision #0 that lessons in one| sohoal ban be watehed hy pupils Wm another, Sound will operate! both ways so students can ask| WHITRY AAX = OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL, 18 Prince Street, Phone RA 3.234) - Hate Donald: Agent, (South) The Cattes Cup, GRAY COACH LINES 300 Dundas St. E, Ph, MO 8.3473 Ph, WH 2.3940; (North) Ajax Cotten Shop, WH 2.37%

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