Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Published boy Canadian MWewspopers Limited, 86 King 5. E., Cshowe, Ont, Page 6 Windey, Feorwery 37, 196) Better Education Seen For Canadian Indians Canadigns have been quick tg dege white trestment of Negroes in various ports of the continent and the world, but sll too often have conveniently ignored our treatment of Tndigns and Eekimos in Canada, Now, finally, thet 8 constructive effort is being to make wp for the deficiencies pest. Jt is still & feirly modest but st least it is being made, , Ellen Fairclough, Minister of itizenship snd Immigration, in tig: ducing the estimates of the Indien Migirs branch of her department in the Commons last week, described the objectives of the government's progrem, These sre; A "continyed peceleration of our educational progem so thet Indien youth will be sesured the oppor: tunity of & full academic life snd the opportunity of lesrning those skills which sre necessary with which to work and progress in our netionsl ie"; the development of projects designed to enable him to take full advantage of knowledge so gained; the improvement of "home snd community facilities so thet he may walk securely among us 7 #8 # leliow citizen Wiessed with & proud heritage" The improvement in educations op portunities piforded young Indisns Ww probably the most significant pert of this program. There hes been & high rete of practice! if not shschite literscy emong Canadien Indigns, not because of any refusel to learn but because of sheer inahility to pitend classes -- thers were no classes to pttend. The situstion is changing Mrs. Faiclough told the House: "Preliminary reports indicate thet the pumber of Indien pupils receiving sn education hes now reached the figwe of approximately 42500, of whom mere then 10000 sre emiolled in nondndien schools, universities, teachers colleges, commercial snd trade schools . , , It is anticipated thet st the present rote of increase during the fiscal year 1961-62 pupils attending such institutions will number in excess of 11,500 , , , Provision is made for the construction of 109 new classrooms of which 40 sre for the replacement of existing units and 40 new staff units" It was # cheering report Northern Development Reports of northern mining possini- lities have renewed speculation ebout the development of Moosonee as 8 port There is talk about around the James Bay ares and a 830 million project in the Timagami ares, It has been suggested that the Ontario Northland Railway would likely haul ore to North Bay, but the Sudbury Btar thinks this to be unlikely *what could happen is that the ore would be hauled to Parry Sound over an exten sion of the ONR, or more likely Depot Harbor, which has already received ship ments of ore from the Sudbury Basin won ore mining and Thus it is possible thet Parry Sound or Depot Harbor or both could develop inte port cities, Bome ahservers, how: ever, say that if the province goes ahead with the development of Mooso- nee as an ocean port it is logical to assume that ore from Timagami would be hauled to James Bay, particularly ¥ mining in the James Bay area hurried he construction of necessary docking and loading facilities at Moosonee, The Btar says: "In any event the province stands gain, as it already owns the ONR and the Moosonee port seems destined than io to become & provincial rather federal venture sed 18 mn Northern Ontario to stress that regions The speculation being need for better transportation facilities to help hurry development of northern That is It may explain, too, the curious fascination FeSOUICEs understandable with the possibilities of Moosones as # port Apart from the consideration of mars kets for the ore the southern route would be the one used for Ontario and UB. mills the factor of weather and geography works strongly against Moos. onee. To reach it, ships must navigete some of the worst water in the world; James Bay is ice-hound a good part of the year, and floating ice is always 8 hazard; the bay is shallow and becoming steadily shallower with the ocean floor rising a little each year, If Moosoneé is indeed to become Ontario's first salts water port, a great deal more research must be done to find means of com batting natural disadvantages, Biologists Well Ahead "new" biologists working The slong lines that will lead to complica: Ale tions rather than solutions of problems now facing the world society, The "new" hielogist is net content ta be an observer who sees an event and then seeks an explanation for it; he is more and mare the active experimenter who seeks te change events in living erganisms, The ability te change has come about through a better knowledge of the living eell, the "atom" of living matter from amoeba ta man, which has in turn led to anew approach to genetics, the science of heredity, Fundamental is the dis cavery that aH cells, whether simple or highly specialized, behave much the _ same way; if a bacterium reacts a oer tain way under certain eireumstances the human cell will react in the same general way, This is important in gens eties both because of the rapid rate of reproduction of bacteria == a new "gene @he Oshawa Times VoL WILION, Publisher snd Sansral Manage 6 GWYN EINSEY. dive The Canawa Times bis] Sthawe Times sambinis lished 1871) and th Mithy Gazgtle and tele (estabianed 1883). Ww Publaned dally (Sundays aad statutary helidava excepted) bed ot Canadian Daily Newieapsn Fublishen The Canadian Press, Audit Busey of he Ontaria Fravinsial Dalles Ane nadian Pram a exclusively entitled vie for publication of all wws despatched 8 pope: credited ta hoor ta The Ampciated pase & Reuters and alia the heal news published therein. All tights of esial detpatchey ate alse aerved . fons: Thommen Building. 43% Unpemsity Avetue To Ontane 840 Cather Street, Montreal [XY SUBSCRIPTION RATES ivared by camila In Oshawa, Whithy, Alex, . Bowmanvitle. Brookiin | art Perry, Prince Giove. Hampton, Frenchman's Say Twone Dunbarton Eanikilien, Lessard Beovanam Burketen, Claremant § bus Greenwedtd Rial. Raglan Blackateck Manchest: Pantyposl and Newsoitls, net sve 4% po weak. By mall lin pravines ot Oatarial svtvee camiars delivery sean 13.00 ehewheie 1300 pw Lad ' Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 ,16,999 fife a eration" every 15 to 30 minutes and because of the ease of using bacteria in biological experiments, Philip Biekevitz learn to Biologist "When the genetic properties of bacteria in the direction we wish, there is every reason to expect that similar treatment of human sperm cells would produce the same results, Genetic changes in human beings could be produced sugenically, of course, by selective breeding , , , The bialogist will eventually be able to produce such changes over one generation, First will probably come virtual immunity te disease , , , Supposing we succeeded only in eliminating degenerative diseass es, or only seme of them, The social consequences would be incalculable, It would mean an enormous acceleration af the population explosion," explains; we alter The search of the biologists and their colleagues cannot be stopped, and ne attempt should be made te stop it, Presumably other scientists will discover new sources of supply for the explosive population, But in the meantime the social scientists, the experts in the huma- nities, the political scientists must res double their efforts to ecateh up, They are already far behind Bible Thoughts Moses knew not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him, v= Exodus 34:29 Moses had been. with God, and he reflected the presence of God. No man ean commune with the Lord Jesus and aot reflect His glory, And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, In wisdom, In understanding, and in knowledge = Exodus 35:31, No man can understand the things of God until He by faith accepts Jesus Christ the Son of God. (1. Corathiane fa:14) > DONALD IN THE LION'S DEN REPORT FROM UK. Thinks Australia Owes Him Money By M. MeINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON A Beottish miner and his family are migraling to Australia within the next two weeks, with great hopes thal they will immediately find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They are sailing there BL Ihe expense of the Australian government, on the $26 assisted immigranis' fare The family is that of My Mrs. Henry Clark miner by occupation, and he and his family live at East houses, not far from Edinburgh The total cost of the trip to Australia for Mr, Clark, his wile and their three children, Henry §; Peter, 5 snd Donald, & months, will he $58 fares of OTTAWA REPORT and He is @ $8 ech for himsed apd his yife, with the children travel ling free of charge BEEK COMPENSATION The pot of gold al the end of the rainbow for Mr, Clark and his family 1s tied up with his helief thel a lege sum of money is owing him hy the Aus tralian government in compen sation. This money, he has heen told that it will be in the neigh horhood of $8000, is money said to he owing hy the Austra Han government In compensa ton for some land which Mr, Clark's great » grandiather pur: chased in what is now the eily of Melbourne, many years #80, for shout $1.50 "The money will truly be » gndsend," said Mrs, Clark. "We had not even thought of the pos sibity of compensation for the lend until six months Bg, long #iler we spplied to emigrate 9 Australia," GOVERNMENT TAKEAVER The land, which was open countryside when it Was pur chased by Mr. Clark's grests grandigiher, 1s now Wn he centre of the city of Mel bourne, Some Bme REO, NN Wis taken over by the Australian government and it is compen sition for this that the Clerks Bre now seeking "We have heen told thet the amount of compensation which will he owing to us in Australie should he #1 the minimum $26,000, snd it might possibly he as mich as $42,000 = in Aus: tralian currency," said My Clark The deed to the land, which was purchased in 1868 hy Wil liam Clark, sn Australian gold miner, was discovered In # sideboard after Henry Clark's brother, William, was killed in the second world war. This started inquiries, which have now culminated in the Clark family having heen given some gusurance that the pot of gold awaits them on their arrival in Australia Ministers Caught By Opposition By PATRICK OTTAWA=It looked as if the Diefenhaker government had #gain been caught with its key minister at the far end of an alr route, when the first supply mission was moved this session On the first six oceasions in each session, when the finance minister moves "that the House Eo Into committee of supply," the Opposition may move an amendment. This generally takes the form of censuring the government for its policy in some respect, and leads tn a two-day debate closing with a vole of confidence in the gov ermment Last year the first of these important occasions arose on Feb, 22. Wiliam Benidickson attacked the government for its fallure to introduce a system of agricultural parity prices. The minister of agriculture was then Hon, Douglas Harkness, now the quick-aving minister of na: tional defence; he was away In his home town of Calgary, and had to be summoned urgently hack ta Ottawa so that he eould speak for the Cabinet in this important debate--=which he did next day, looking less tousled than he probably felt after an allnight emergency trip Then on the second motion, on March 7, Hon Li ane! Chevrier, a former minis: ter of transport, attacked the government for its eivil aviation policy, On that accasion Trans: part Minister George Hees was roaming southwestern Ontario, and had ta be summoned hack ta Otlawa post-haste CEANE LAROR ATTACKS On the first supply motion ths year, on.dan, 3, 1 seemed # certain het that the Liberals vould launch an attack con cerning unemplayment--and La: bor Minister Mike Narr was Away making speeches in Van couver. He seemed destined for an eastward hustle hy plane tapough the shortened night. Bul surprisingly the Liberals eri olged the government for is tax-shaving agreement with the pravinees, and they found Fis nance Minister Donald Fleming and his colleagues well-prepared and they ran inte a devastating oratorical counter-atiack On both occasions when the key Conservative minister was caught absent last year, the Lib. eral Uppasition gleefully drew Allenton 1a the tactical vietary ey had scored, Indeed, on the NICHOLSON supply | Oshawa second day Mr, Chevrier tartly read the cabinet a lecture upon the duties of ministers It is, he asserted, the re sponsibility of every minister to he in his place in the House during the debate on an amend ment tn go into supply hecause on such occasions any matter may he discussed which affects any department. If the minister 18 not in the House, it is not the fault of the Opposition BOTH RIGHT Mr, Chevrier of course was fully justified in making that criticism. Every minister should always be in the House on such occasions, and it is the re sponsibility of the minister whe Is House leader to ensure that all will he present My, Chevrier, having served in the cabinets of Prime Min: Isters Mackensie King and St, Lawrent, Is familiar with the practice then ruling, which was that every minister must be in the House for a supply mation While (he Conservatives are remiss in this vespeet, they are showing a greater courtesy to the House than ever the Liberals did in another respect It was usual for only one Liberal minister to he in the House during the average de bate. Well do 1 recall haw one minister, when the lot for that lonely gy fell upon him openly showed his boredom and eon tempt far the Opposition speak ers hy putting his feet up and: thumbing through the pages of glossy foreign magazines, ogling the lavishly dressed British duchesses and the nude and nubile movie starlets, In marked contrast, we now always have four ministers in the House, because Prime Min. ister Diefenbaker instituted a printed monthly "confidential roaster specitying dally House duty PREMIER'S PLAY RANGOON (AP) = Burma's premier, U Nu, has published the first of a series of moralist plays he has written in the English-language daily, The Na tion. Entitled The Wages of Sin, the drama tells of a earrupt cabinet minister whe eventually - is shot by his own son far his sing BY-GONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO A Toronto srchitect prepared tentative plans for » proposed four-room addition te the North Public School, Two hundred and forty pupils were being accommodated in the ex. isting six rooms of the school, Dr. John C. M, Fetterly, of Oshawa, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Queen's University, Standing highest in his year, he won three scholar: ships Thirty - three Oshawa Boy Scouts of the 6th and 7th Troops were the guests of the Bth Park: hill Peterborough Group and were taken on a conducted tour of the Canadian General Eless trie plant A new Industry, known as the Reynolds International Pen Co, was to locate here with quarters in the Alger huilding, earner of Athal and Charles streets Stephen Saywell was re-elect ed chalrman of the Oshawa Sal vage Board for the third cons secutive year at the board's re organization meeting Richard McLaughlin, Oshawa skater and Miss Marnie Brere: ton, won the Canadian Junior Pairs Championship and the 10: step championship in the Canad. fan Championships held at Sehus macher City council passed a bylaw striking the tax vate for 1948 at 2 mills, which was an ins crease of 1.5 mills fram 1048, Byron §, Edmondson was pre. sented with a life membership in Cedar Lodge, AF and AM, at the lndge's annual Ladies' Night, Twenty » five years agn the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Home and Schoal Associations was founded with the fallowing elected afficers: Honorary Prests dent, A. R. Garbutt; first vies president, Miss B, Squires; sees ond viee:president, Miss Sie» Hing: secretary, Miss Jean Gam vow and Miss Gevirude Argall, treasurer The executive af the Oshawa Rehabilitation Council was ap: pointed far 1M8. Named as chairman was 1Li-Cal. R, RB, Smith; vice-chairman, T. K, Creighton and secretary-treass urer, Li-Col. EB. Pearson. Steps were taken at a meeting of the Public Library Board to extend the library facilities to local schools. A distribution of books among pupils of senior #rades was plannes. OUEEN'S PARK Strong Support For Fluoridation By Tews 1 EARN VRPT) ~ Tht Emyaymmsnsii kas 4s weer ws forhation # RETTHATE WW | PRET farty the Wnnhen 1a501 Bt i was py emphatically a 1o700 Of FrummriRating Wowsipw Ver spies thet (hers is Betie chock lor the gm ermmant bi to act om 8 Anh from there BRbiAisorita Vinal s i The By) ERIBEIA. Finke Ince pt rr They can wigue thal po med feet #9 Ry Bele ou rely Wetiky such & find g They can recall thet the firs report ever made here on fw | RE RTE WATWRE MW wel iid pull arly Bit. the COI IaE Wis 8 BY ETRIGAI RARE HAY RIG Aik This (hay Goves HG Sank WE WIRE op EERE RAYA BET REBAR Ut las hesawns oe PIRATE 14 BIE TROIS [IWR PH RIO BAIT WIR [8 TRATIARY CAN PROTEST The commitiec's Prong i BRINE FRIST o_siding of fiwonde po 1 resngrires that Gionifation f& essentially seiRE BR prece Ed Bit it lakes the position thet the gresler pwc good shows preyed In Strange Places Ay BURTON WH. FERN, M.D ARE SCIENTISTS yom' How shoul the trained mind that prefers prong eel lee tneity te helping humanity? Shocking Through serendipty, may help humanity more then #H the cancer and' hegrl research ere in the world. You never know That's why' pity #n -, Yl WETEN't Some ye hack, » Aocior took off 1K 8 cockigll peity instead of going 10 his lahore tory. Over martinis he hegid R® Veleringnan compan sho spoiled hay. It interfered with blond-clotting in cattle The doctor had heen search ing for a way to prevent blood clotting in humans. He found his secret in spoiled hay Who knows how many mil Hons of heart sitack victims owe their ves to thet eockigil pariy! MUST BE RECOGNIZED Gold mines of information surround us all, Bul gold re mains worthless if valuable ore BOES unrecognized Al the start of doctors and nurses watched # scrawny toddler dump salt on his fond 8 half shaker at & time, Diseased adrenal glands kept the lad in the hospital, A strict nurse took away his salt shaker and he died Years later, doctors discov ered that sick adrenal glands increase the need for sall Seeds of serendipity grow only when planted in # fertile mind PENICILLIN While others molds whieh chesting § CREA pErENS cdeniagl rewind ing for the century, complained of killed test-tube bacteria, an English scientist molded molds inte medicine, Fram the troublesome mold he extracted a chemical called penicillin In Baltimore & housewife re marked that her carsickness disappeared while she was tak Ing an allergy medicine, A young interne perked his ears, thousand of soldiers were test od and & modern cure (or ses sickness was found CONPRENENSIVE PROGRAM Today, mecidents mre heing set wp Bike crash programs Beserrch (oundations sponsor conlerences where experts (rom Aillerent fields comprre notes (her exports mie Ry for the magic which fertihzes minds and helps accidents grow into modern miracles Is the men with the electri eel cheating you?! Whe knows whet he'll turn up? A cure for multiple sclerosis" A revolutionary way of produc Ing elecineity? BG MIVESATIVE Premner Five Fee See bad very Seng pein feel ings mh Tine RES ime He wow's ix the rept. Yow wan lke that for grawies i fe wold popes (4 Rave A chiar Kak 1H BF Hg wis i Aocaw't lesove fw # wr le mative The wie HRT GOSH KATE pli yA -- ada J ker 5 ong 1ikk WF SRNASIRR HIE Eat the comuntiee hee Bo aba PARAGRAPHIC WISDOM Inserts wie far move wonder fuabds ) ; brtier adainen 16 Rwg on thie pla a » Rye #2 cientist Thess facie ge man ooh for theweht, wt he fo sch 8 colossel egne Het W's impossible for im 9 Migest 4 With reference 1 frequently BCT ROIRE REESE, MW VRINWNS EOVEIRIMENS RIE mistaken Wn mamiestly posing that the sky is the hm. The hit is te tio of the 125pRyer's PKA. COMPANY has "A mar fim ' agents 1a Ms Yi Fes continue the wse of superna tives." Press report, Thc order dowitiese leaves them virinally Bee hiesE In Calania, Sicily, » man whose family Ignore bis re quests and commands thet they slop welehing 1elevision sue. ceeded In having them ao so by resorting 16 another tactic; he burned the house down. (P 8, ~ people have mare fun then anys hody) MODERN OFFICE SPACE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ® AMPLE FREE PARKING ® RESTAURANTS NEARBY ® BEST SHOPPING FACILITIES IN TOWN PHONE RA 8-6231 RENT + If you have previously ewned, or had a desire to own your own business, and would like to enter a very profitable field, we have something which should interest vou. This is Sales werk of a completely different nature | Car a necessity Phi MO 8:8005 To Arrange An Interview CLOTHES CARE RULES To Look Your Best, Have It Cleaned and Pressed, Your Dry Oleaner Oan't Work Miracles Your dry cleaner con't work mirecles with badlys-wem of damaged garments, He ean only help you keep your clothing and fabrics in fine condition, He cannal resto lite where it has been neglected before, Satisfaction Guaranteed by the following members of DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS INSTITUTE (ONTARIO) and CANADIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS LTD, BOWMANVILLE CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD,, Whitby HARWOOD CLEANERS, Ajox PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS, Oshawa WHITBY CLEANERS, Whitby ALDSWORTH CLEANERS, Oshawa

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