Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Feb 1961, p. 4

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TIES, Monday, Pebrwary ¥7, 4 The onigingl of the o atau wip Min er Michael Spry Seinrday ahs "ay e 10 Lah ne WILLIAM BILL NEWMAN Pi left, wha will he the Progres SVE © CORSEIVRIIVE Lanfingie for Oshawa Nong in the pest Provincial election. presents a replica of # 10-year-old In STARR AT PICKERING Urges Co-operation Management, Labor J wih ael WE ! Bian FE fons sl Ihe £1} oH» bh Ww 4 {4 Pi tf) The presepiabion vas EIR fn My nT LEA MIR ng Tow f Ma) Rk i f rd EYVIRIE IDE men ) Wl PICKERING (Siaff) £5 16 hel al Labor Minister Mic he seid urged that Canadian Labor and have INF0suces oiner meg e the problem and | £ the re hi ne immens ale of suck cies RFF em Bins howd co: 48 #0 in fing Ihe roniem al Eri management nperale with each nines uit anaed yeachion (BEE Lime 19 pes Ing # way 1a help so Nid: those Measure there | 7 unemploymen on Hon al a gathernng Progr VE £1 f Fl ult measine on fated The Ds ying baturda hit ariment of Lahn I" shirk Wis guest of the inner The ministe a South Pickering Progressive Conservative Association in the Pickering Parish Hall management he Ve in an promem 0 in he frKs ihilities in solving { unemployment aid hin Are AIMINE create an atmosphere of leader shin that will give incentive 19 and management and, In all Canadians a co-0pel nor and the problem of un ni empinyment may PLANE CANCELLED When the unemployment sil The a learned iation analysed hy the Depart: Mr. Blar from ment of Lahor in 1957, we tookhad heen cancelled and thal he Courtice U.C, Group Meets COURTICE Fh meeting of Courties United Church WA was held Thurs day evening Veh. 28. The presi dent, Mrs. Horace Velgal, wa nm charge. Guests from Ehen ezer, Maple Grove, Thornton Corners and King Blreel were present. Twenly-lwo member answered roll call Mrs, George Reynold votional service sted h Mrs. Bruce Johnson. Mrs. Cla ence Penfound played the piano in the absence of Mrs. (©. R Mrs. D. H. Lander of Thorn ton's Corners sang Galway Ba and The Irish Lullahy accom panied hy Ms. DB Beall al the piano Mrs. Cecil Bimmaons imirodu ed the guest speakers Mrs, W (Ives, Mri. A. A. Crowle and Mes: I, FF. Richardson the Oshawa Preshylery who oul lined the coming amalgamation of WA and WMB groups In 186KY In In Known United Church Wamen done hy. panel hy use chan INAWETING ol Ll WE Lahm and should get together so that they can produce articles of quality that are competitive In and price with the pther £3 ing nations an the world ket' he stressed lah Hat ality AHRNIY ate lve thal (iawa Qeiglion MICHAEL STARR had hired a car and driven down {tn the hanguet ices 10 the Conservative the Pickering Associalion {sented the Minister with a earald Indian thal from the Bite he vations of an Hage most Pickering rely he Thies Ll mental rine Bey party re 1h had LIN] m In appreciation far hi Me Milley Indian ame fram the Hoo nrovidend will ENE thanked contribution hy Mi an hehall of The president meere thans tn the Preshyle) far their mush its from the After he friendship ng of ri Manny question information interesting more hie they Hobertson memhers { ed rom Vil and Conservative ental My (Taranta Parl Hussel Moekeown (Pi HB.) and Mujra smith arith) al the head table Down of the Oshawa Mr. and Mi ell Oshawa: fulure pra vinelagl riding candidate William Newman and Mrs. Newman; (he Hon, amd My Michael Blar Plekering Township Reeve Shey man Beall and Mps. Beall; May William Parish of Ajax and Parish; Pickering Village Cyril Marley and Mis and master of ceremn Deakin and Mrs aria whn were 50 as Lime reve p Ini 4] he Alen the In and Isler Mizpah Ire BUEBIS WETE pad In Blar Arthur Malone dale) tau (Winnipeg | YOarman Po Asin Fraser of nre lade the 1h (uf Ver led de lade he Bus churehes Henedichion b made nment Mr, David d Eur MAOFNINE Service welcome Hi and i 17) fre Bavage of Osh Ln the pulpit fm FFeh. 26. He | visitar at Courtice talents are always appreciated hy Ad 0 Mi Hepve Marley nie Hnss Deakin Chureh enjoyed aur eammunit ol and My vacationing Harold mn Reverend Alainton Florida I'he County meet al holing March 4, fm ih pom Are ART EXHIB work of Canadian artist Iahn Bechtel, Toni Onley, Jack Reppen and RB. York Wilson is currently featured in Toronto's O'Keefe Contre Couples Club will I'he Hall Haturday nol liek supper followed dane Fl I'hi discussion alan hy umeraus al Ng and nf AJAX PS ORATORICAL WINNERS are My contest; Hugh Hydra place winner entative vd MeKen idl place w Se han hal, 4h of Anna Met Laurence, 2nd and Mr. Ron Wf Breakin Pah Winners af he Speaking Contest Parkdale Publ hoal, A ednesday, pase with oh fast WV ficia® wha assisted in the a ganization af the contest. Let Pubhlie held in the 0 right nant Roger (a Lammissian David Smith wer, rene Paris vl op winner; Julie | of the cities! hy, winner of | contest for students | \ Wa na \ The semi-lina for fiom all g Ihe i Mol ; At Meet KEAWLPY AGFA RR | WE 7 ers of the Beowme nd (nds Uhlir # haimiiniion wf The INE Fark #68 (RGR #IERAeR # We menting wt he home o Wis # Semis Ogee mm Wetneskey © REE ¥ Me aul Wi 'Balsam Personals BAIELU sh WY The Active Beyyicr (igen Mm foe lw oF Wis. Jack EAN Gann me WERRKIRRY £5 KTVRE WK Se president. Was. (en Wan Aerio, Wh the hwe. Mis. Io FRET BIR Sd ol Mis. George Wien 68 PRY RE The Revsiions) mm Jess the |ight of the Word was Den wy Mrs. Baws a AR y ik FARA NR FEL pI £ bra Cad 2 EH Wowkime. the pies GE ARGIER HE Re mess Mast of the Weness mart WE WES WERE WR IRENE rane for the Wother #h8 PIeniies Bananas. i Was RERER (8 Ravk id #2 po Ck SWIDEr RERW Lo GRRE oR 7 TIEeRey £9EBRE Hay Piakiini Ke BEBE MEELIRGE eid on Apri # This week (he Pack held 7 Vales Re EES or # of RAMEE. IRE VRITIIREE WETE LEER. | pen erved Wy # re of the Wider gir Fires Aa Hovkins. Margret Maidmas Rosemary (reer and Jamies [1] A ak hihi Ling oR JA, Fak wm g Maple af fads 4 4 re i * A # # Pr Yalentine WEIR FRYER Dainty servER Fhe NEL RII E wt Jones. Mi lego y. Ima w JF LETH AP piak REA Newt mec bd Mr. snd My son had Sunday nd Mrs. Geprgs Wa by rer " W la fie nr wh we Vary # & Liam Af RENE ddidd sans 7G 7 # #ew WBE mM AL xB g tha oiren fom. ¢ SRtiingYy Fit i % 4 ad # IREI RI 4 pa Ld fri ¥ ¥ Bir oR (Ld 4 Ww 14) ¥ i ERersy ih Ahh Rr R fm speial fei WrthazYy Hopkins ner VREVHE Whe WR FRA Wh birthday A f i oR AN and 4 FE BERNBIRIE horn 19 Mr. and Mi ball of Pickering Pickering Dinner Held y EIAA STORRKRY i wo ma hig #5 he desenhed i, Poker Township dinner than ever LownRsmp Friday wgham ana f Ber mes Ih RARE RLER Ihe WEgH LILA Va RODEO IRIE CREE BIB LRIRIHANY KEDRON Fhe sound of 1# WERKENA FUPRIBE ln Ary LIEN hg 4 oH more Wk ame music, Many howsehaider heen forced (9 Wy 9 Ihe first Lime 1 ind about # third of he have had hig IREmseIve i Bimal Nave Wig WE A IRs Ew JERE B w / Fam ana Wale) © prenni Wis wel wale Winer farm fF 4 ft Vk BROUGHAM man Hes master her Bett wa HLETE wale for the NEER notices find imparted ia their hk supply. A they ai Quaniinie evening of Vereman h £1 Ih momes at a 'hetier haul hivestork that the WRILEr Men ng than their weal eas BEET hat EFeRglEr Eninyahie held Friday evening canveners were Mi William men Miss Mahe! Bahinson and proposed opening of My Faster Snowden ewer system inl There were enough of township SEVER Lah ow wthicial apening of a Picker for hgh hy 1aura Lownship museum. the new! Waller Beath and noting that ould celebrate it FIRE WEE AWRIBER Bill Stack and Mr. Marley of mimeipal Another card part / March Hie ha Va fif hah mem Fi hetore, in he Brovgh Ladi " from WB WepRrea and from I gue 1] fig Ihe Me Zalon Cryer hot meal of thank cil and some Reey an anticipated - busy fhe waler fl yEFY Ww ol card NON Gh the reeve, coun PF al f / oil spake briefly oan (71 niry Hanmg Ihe mayer EHENFE Eire won Willson and Mi Consolation Mrs fe ana fl Frives 3 oulh par the Were gh schon) ow nn government this he of the io fishin RINIVEVSRTY Willegal planned fo Mrs. Earl Hurst assist Mrs. J many calls hal connection with the Cradle department PERBONAILS Mr. and Mi guests of Mr. and Werry sl a dinner meeting of the Jerusalem Masonic Lodge held in the Lion's Community Centre, Bowmanyille Mr. and Mys. Murton Walle entertained Miss Dorothy Tren with of Torontn aver the week end Many Kedron people called on My, and Mrs. Norman Leach, of Faunton, on Wednesday no of fer their congratulations an the aecasion of their golden wed ding. Among the callers were My. and Mrs. Everett Moun! oy, Mr, and Mys, Hugh Gannon My, and Mrs. Perey Mountjoy Mp. and My Will Mountjoy Mis. Btanley Ogle, Mrs. John Sutter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross |e Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hephurn, My Merlin Hephurn and Harold and Mr. George Beall Mrs. George Beall, who will snon he celehrating her awn gol on pint siged ac den wedding, was unahle to al versatile come:-tend because she has heen con mn ealor Mp. fined (a the house after | Highland lous fall the delight Mrs, Emily weekend gues! and son-in-law | Lille Nahi My. and Mi Oshawa, were Mr, and My andiday evening nl I'he regula te in the area this week with Brooklin in charge On Bunday afternoon Mi Mi Reginald Norris of Osh awa entertained a grown of the family and friends of Mr, and (Mrs. Jack Francis in hanar of [the Francis' 2th wedding anni VEIEATY Mr. and Mys af Oshawa, were ner guests of My ville Cree An impramptu birthday party was held at the hame of My and Mys, Ted Dixson this week when Mr. and Mys. Ross Lee spent the evening there. 11 was the birthday of hath Mys, Dix son and My Lee 'Fear Poison In 2 Deaths TIMMINS (CP) = A has ardered chemical of stomach contents nn the deaths of a wan and woman found twa miles apart Saturday an A snowy tral leading to {10g cabin near herve Thomas Joseph Boucher, 41 af Timmins, was found alive hy Rene Chanter a few vards fram the cabin. Boucher died shaptly afterward Chenier then found the of Mrs. Eileen Fitz, 40 trail, on the same rail Caroner BR. MeClinton avdered analysis af stomach followin apsies sunday ' Bui INEIAED memner AVious hoards and com mikkees and heir hushands oy wives, and introduced councillors. Depul Hes Edgar James introduced hose former reeves of the township who were present=Ralph Mow bray, Blake Annis, George Todd William Wesiney, Witham Law son, and ast dept reeve, Ross Hawthorne, Council lor Ross Deakin introduced the) Planning Board: Councillor Mil ton Mawhray, the Court of Revi sion; Councillors Harvey Bpang and Harry Boyes, the heads of admimstrative departments and Councillor Clifford Laycox made he sembly acquainted vith member of the office laff he Claremont tained the gathering hers interspersing the introdue tans. The musicians were inten duced hy Cauncillar pang wha| A committee chairman of the! dinner Beputy Fie dinning wa HIPs Billy Meek the bagpipe cordions. The han sketched Glendinning In wme, much ino the audience I'he id ii in ihe n finll Lireer ann consented with f Mar WEIS hy made are | pe My Mian ay Ha Band ented with num Chief Jim Glen Ingled out, ta Wi anslal camedian| with a rendition of In [] nl Blavey nf het Mi Wis daughier and Mrs Pickering Township din ner has hecome an annual event, merry and relaxed, and pays tethute (a the many resi | dents wha give their tine effort taward the progres thelr township H dinner Hass 1.0 Vdgar, of guests n on kn al eal Way ol IH 1 gnl 1] Hing unde gan Stanley Moffatt Munday din and Mrs, Or caraney Analysis hody af De James chemical vantent WW HELD TOGETHER LONDON (UR) \ crown how sured toy £30, 000 exhibited Lan fon with ANN nau \ padden fram \ on Cy al Oshawa wit i the Kathie Ha Neh Whit Phata aver iin \ wa 1] m th Ih A he 1 non tal W\ odne A mantied fa AS | Ma pardi day studio Rg ranspartation ' Rng Honey Hatiow Ke | and ! {and " THEATRE GUIDE Martha J. Knox Yechmiening. Festuwe how Aad W100. 500, 540. 799 899 pw. | ast complete show ie ~~ "Beever I# Be 39 75 85 pm "Wiege wi Bidwey Borst", 108 $8. B58 pm. [an romplets how 819 pw fo Becomes Bride dd Ab IaiLy WERRE Evils oF i RA IReR # COW of [0H IRETRst RE IRR TER. Diane (ast. towel he akan. He Works = | Faced (or Winte ow Betwiney, Femwery 4, # 7 oon seid thet the entorcement. I 15 660. 808 pm. "In Lave IY the Brivation Army. oh the lew wm he # sof hav #8 War', in Techwicoion and Chwch, Rowmanmie, by Cap ng # Reenee 9 Enlonies Lnematenpe. 15%, 88. 45% Lan Dorman Love, wien Marthe 5 Ws ees #5 well #6 in #0 BI. Lael compete show fine Brox of Crome, Renamer sess of the province mpm of Mr md Ms. Chenes Knox, became the ride of War TIAN CAMPAIGN With the be ge othe all Easel, Jr. som of Mir. nd ? Urs Uarshall Kanst, rome. THOR of Marsh he Dione Res : thers Wanei LVR Havel the wed TNE RR BEES # go Hewthe Fs whe HERE 4 ud we # Flare = "The Baya Ballet Eastman Color. Watiness IW pm, Tues nd Wen Foknmgs ~ bm lad Ym Tues, wd Wek Special Hy dent Matinee Wednesday wf 460m iW RE SIRE led Wa AH rR BT THE ROYAL BALLEY Susy MARGOT FOWTIIN ot Matines Wednesday, Mar, 164 AT 4:46 #1 PLAZA THEATRE AYA VICKETS 7% FRM Tik Harvey Dance Academy OF AY STUDENT ven i mrrniege by her (7 Ber. the DNae was 10am hy WEY WR WIE vElvEL reel HE BPR, WINER Was AERER KA WIE [ORE [WIRER SLEEVES RIA is # 7 SWEETER RECKIAE. She WIE : # necklace of cities pears IRRIRAEY it 66M 19 The Canadian and karried i bowanel of wine TTERIRION where #15 wield 7 hielo RIA TRARY E | HR 9 meet the fikh ha ol REFVICES Wadclon Madill, Oran, # RTons Canada pnd the word was hndesmiad, wearing ser Locally the Orono Bed Cross We nylon over 1pileta, Wiest. sponsors # mimber of worth Enh ress wink Wises Aiipitar while projects wiih oil in tw anes of hue need fimancinl Wacking. The 16 LRINEION Wailer Salety and Instrvctions) rons. #h- cowrse which is Reld each year PEM TAR. at the Orang Bwimmng pan with BEM In Ihe costs in the negihomond of New: 640. This cowrse Gves every IIA the apporiumty of esrmng taken tn swim and wien hinges helore #04 them the hetler waler Practices for good. sownd waler safety The course of instrnetion 14 Laugh by » aualihied swimming instructor with Bed Crass RETROTIE RERIMINRIIONE CONCINMRE Th # 4, MERAE cour oh of Enraiment Browmes LOCA, GROUP Bnd [RIhers were The local association of Girl Guides held thelr meeting # enrolled hy the home of Mrs. Rows Gil Joyce Simp: hert on Wednesday evemng of Nicholson, this week with 1en members Buther: present ne Johnson, Hesther wun new nee Wallace, EOD yicholson and Rraline Adams yore welcomed. Aso the Div) indi Barrahall, ion Commissioner, Mrs, Helen Caroline guddell of Newcastle, wha paid West and a visit ] en vg a Secretary (ladys Gamshy and Treasurer Alice Cobhledick gave their reporis which were met on afapled day afternoon nthe, An Invilalionr> was United Church when from the Girl Guide Company Alin first led the group to atiend their Enrolment Cere Wission Band Hymn mony which 1s (a he held next! fission Band purpase| Tuesday evening at 7. Miss! on hy Carel Githank and 16. Foster is tn he the speaker BE KR wil Bare an ive of Yio ww order thet Regent they may CRITY OR Ihe work ~ AIRE The Cong yews (Ff the SINS ohiective & ood maionty went locally wile the re 4 My 7 A abil} LI NR Win f FEL ! " fauram ARWLT ENTERTAIN WAS My n frrons REGULAR MES Brownies held ES hie heir regia wW THEIRS WAS THE CORRAGE THAT S100 AGAINST THE $100) RATION, GRSTER ! £ JT wm im WHORE TRINKET wi 1GFm En 4 new a (10 Brown Brownie wl, Mrs Ian Drinks Lynne WEN f members, Mabel Ama Mitchell yah Li Hugh BIRLNICE Lois Phoenix finda Melaren Frenchman. Darien Barbara Buri hi ralment Brings the nla) her hint Lana Wein { ond OSHAWA'S swn TERESA STRATAS ln #8 five Mi COLOR CARTOAN TRAVELBGUE IN EQLOR FEATURE AY EER ERE] members of the wn Band received rann 7:86 Widron the Fhe mn ALTING Bones 4 oo ¥itom ment! EBLE bogey LLU TR yo FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS TINE LIAINOW PLAYING! FILME ENTIRELY IN SASKATCHEWAN COLOR BY PELUKE CINEMASCOPE TODAY Wid Ai i mh ETT ETO] gi Mel intrnduced the at this special meeting pear 1a Ihe RIGUPS ing and reporting an Ihe HEN FINES 1AONS WINNIPEG (CP) ~Canadian Sharon Allin also led in PEAY: (aothall commissioner Sydney er and yeud the Scripture Ves igiter said Friday British Corl on. Collection was taken up h¥ | lumbin Lions of the Western Gieke De dong and Dale Chall Conference have heen fined $500 Dovetta Chalice closed Ihe! for a breach of the CFL, waiver regulations Committee of Halter suid the fine results the Orona Chamber of Com: from (he signing of Guarterhack merce called a meeting of hel Bandy Duncan, formerly with husinessmen of Ovana on Tues: the Lions, hy an American Fool day and were rewarded with #1hall League team turnout of 12 who attended the Duncan was not waived out of luncheon meeting & the North (he CFL 8% required hy 1eRgne way Restaurant My. 1 vegillations Samuel, chairman of the bom Halter had no comment mittee, chalred the Mecing: 1 ood ime hare announcement Ir opening the meeting My stated thal the purpose; meeting was tn promote in the Village of Oana and (0 gel &n ApIOR fram the gathering on #& Sug: gested proposal fram the Com: | merece Committee, He said that| the committee had met and had recommended consideration of| holding a promational sales day | in the Village of Orann in the manth af April. In such an offort it would he the wish (0 have all local merchants pari: pipate ina sidewalk sale and also tn hring other local velall pstahlishments in far the day It was suggested that the Orono Municipal Centre could he used hy the local industries (a dis at] hee meetin he Commeres When he he ymuel af the COMmerce SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER ABULY ENTERTAINMENT LAST PAY: "RODE" her In his arms... she had crosse IN LovE LTT plus "BLAGKEHIELD OF FALEWORTH" plus "MA & FA KETTLE AT THE FAIR" J A COLOR by PE LUNE CINEMAS sami ee play their products and alse in add other services which are avallahle locally, The sugges tion alsa allowed that the Main WA treet in the husiness section] could he closed off and &r rangements he made such as a mall with a merry-go-round and ather entertaining features A motion hy P.M, Lunn and ( Fareester moved - thal sich a promotional day he held) after same discussion the mation carried, The day 1s 10 he held prioe ta the end of May A mation hy Fred Lyeett and H. M. Mercer gave the eammit:| tee the go-ahead tn appoint sub-eammitiees ta act in the promotion and alsa that the main eammitiee he in charge of arganieing the day NAME OFFICERS West Durham County 101 met in Blackstock an Tuesday and elected the following offi | ers far 1061 County M. Wa Aen, Wes. Taylor, DOM, Wm Rin. Ray Patten, Orang, hap Wai Bea. Hartwell Lowery, Opana, CR Heo. War Bra. Ray Ferguson; CO, Treas War. Bra. Geo, Martan; Orone (Lect, War. Bra, R. Gihbs (, Marshal, War, Rea. W, Muy phys 0 Audiotes, H, Swain and I. Devitt: ¢, Dep. Lecturers for Clarke, ¢, Henning: far Cant wright, 1. Parvell; guest speak fhe Grand Master, Most Canon Ashmore CARRIER Is Learning To Became A BUSINESS MAN Your Help Will Be Appreciated ENINGS -- 8,30 PM {it SPEEA 1] You pet MONEY when you [} need it! NIAGAHA Upto LOANS $2500,00 Ng aometimes mone, NIAGARA FINANCE WMPRANY LIMITED fr Wo PAY FINES Hunting without cence praved costly Part Hape and twa hunters when the four | lal of $79 in fines. This fine was laid as the four were charged with hunting without the autharily of a Pravineial gun heenee. Further to the fine WM peed with values PURI $30 10 aver Si | Fawr charges \ far the ove awh gun NW far (we Newcastle paid a SWAN WAKE ACT Mask HE FIRERIRD Whe By lg Savy | ONO TTS A A N BUNS Wer fram oh may LN men mn he mar { 304 King 50. W. RA 01404 Closed Saturday Open ta & p.m. Friday Branches throughout Ontarie Al hantin W ast Ane ation Clavk a nn of he a Ae We { \ ha \ fnee MATINEE TUES, WED, ~ {iE WORLD 5 | Nehci an - MW yA STARTING TODAY WAAR WA 2130 PM, VOAND PEREEL TUN ALLE A 1) HALLEY Mus! HEHOWHL ) th OV £3 / iN FASTMAN COLOUR by SOMES aN . \ NO MEMBERS o NVA ur FT ay ane must have hedn 1asued one

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