The Oshawa Times Publiones by Conadion Mewspapers bined, 86 King %. E., Osows, Ont Voge 6 Sonny, Foromry 45, 1961 Provinces Co-Ordinate Forest Fire Resources The provinces of Quebec, Ontario snd New Brunswick hove agreed to sor ordingte their resowses for fighting forest fires It is more then » comcidence thet this hes come shout only » shunt time sites Ontario hes been able to report # therp drop in forest fire losses for two years running following the nti duction of such new methods ss the wee of airplanes equipped with weter tenks thet can be refilled by simming the swrface of lakes snd other bodies of water ness the scene of 8 fue, The water is then flown over the blaze snd dumped on it repestedly, having the seme effect ss p heavy shower, At the seme time, some of the other Canadien provinces, including Quebec ond New Brunswick, heave suffered severe forest fire losses -- particularly during the pest summer. §f the Ontario method of fighting outhreaks has heen successful it is only logicsl thet i should come to he sdopted without delay in other parts of the country, And Ontario can improve its own methods through closer co-operation with its neighbors This country, more than most, depends on trees for a variety of reasons, and this dependence is being impressed to #n increpsing degree on many people, Trees not only are 8 means of providing # dls inking i igh Wineries g noes ke tions, init they benefit the ecomomy we Bunctly thyough 1wniets snd CoRsETY ae tin oA oil and water, Mo time when Consda is stismidets # a meomemmy by booning HE £EpHIS, wanes ghey # most wnpertant part. Where once whest wes the chief export for thie conmtiy, and still is important, Pipe wood hae come to be the No, | export COMmmaany. Residing 10 1ecent figures the value of newsprint exported in the fiest 11 months of 1960 was $693500 000 or nearly twice the velue of wheat exports, Not thet tices wie being cut down indiscriminately for use as pulpwood or other lumber purposes, Indiscriminets cutting is discournged in order to pres serve the forests ps a renewable resource, But careful as gll this may be, snd beneficial ss it also mey be for conser: vation and tourism, grest demage can be done, and done quickly, by & forest fire Ontario Lands and Forests officials believe one of the factors cutting forest fire losses in this province recently has been thet people whe visit wooded places sre becoming more conscious of the danger of fire and therefore more careful, In any case, the pooling of provincial ideas snd experience should help forest losses even further Calmer Voices In U. S. Many citizens of the United States have been irritated by Canada's continue ing to trade with Cubs, and their feel: ings have undoubtedly been inflamed by the comments of newspapers which have conveniently ignored the facts of the case ~~ thet US, rade with Cuba, for example, is still greater than that between Cuba and Canada, Other US newspapers have taken a calmer, more rational view, The Milwaukee Journal demonstrates this when it says: "Our government embargoed trade with Cubs; Canada did not follow suit, This has stirred some indignation in the American press, The facts are that our government did not ask Canada to join the embargo. It did not base its policy on anticommunism or any plea for hemisphere solidarity. The official reason was simple retaliation for Cuban sets against American property, This reason did net apply to Canada, Actually, the Canadian government has been meticulous in its control of sales to Cuba for civilian uses only, and has been diligent to help make our embargo stick by preventing any attempts to bootleg American goods inte Cuba via Canada, It is not fairly charged with subverting a inint interest The Journal goes on to discuss any point of friction, thus Recently also, Canada business tax laws to bolster revised its and prod the Canadian economy, One change ins creased the withholding levy on pro» ceeds flowing out of Canada from for. eign (mostly American) investments there, In this, Canade hes been #ccused of meting "anti-American" Again previously was tax privileged in Canada, in a deliberate measure to attract it, The change merely treats foreign capital now on the same basis as domestic, There can be no valid complaint about that, Canada has its own problems with balance of payments and slow-down, even as we do. Bo there is more a failure of commu nication snd understanding than an netual worsening of governmental relas tions, On the affirmative side is » bright view of those relations, Just last month the signing of the Columbia river treaty was & historie event of great moment, mostly overs shadowed in American news by the inauguration, It was "a symbol of in. telligent partnership," as Prime Minister Diefenbaker said the first time any» where that two governments have so arranged to stored international i906, facts are that foreign capitsl economie and basin, walter river SWap power in an Canadian leaders did not partieularly enjoy the despite both the Columbia and the seas Eisenhower administration, way treaties, They have a feeling that Tapport may with the Kennedy administration # warmers be established Under The Weather Feeling "under the weather" i§ more than an idle legend or phrase according to medical investigators concerned with the effective climate factors on human health, This is brought out rather strikingly in the current issue of Therapeutic Notes, published by the pharmaceutical firm of Parke, Davis and Company, It states that acute infectious diseases he Oshawa Times Tb WILION, Publisher and Saneral Monage 6 GWYN KINSEY. Sdivee The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times { lished 1871) and the hithy Gazette and & th (established 1883) Ww published daily Sundavs and statutory helidave excepted) A oC a Aa eis Pubiishen Asaciation, The Canadian Ty Audit Busey of Clsulation he Ontatia Pravineial Dailies Ames ciation. The Canadian Pies i ssehinively satitied a Wie for reaublication of ell despatched and ala the AR vights at wecial despatches are abe Ottioss: Thomsen Buliding. 4235 University Avenue Torenta Ontario: 640 Sather reat "Mantieal LX SUBSCRIPTION RATES vere By salar In Oshawa. Whitey » Bowmanvitie, Brooking fom Perry Prince Albert Frenchman's Bay, 'ph So, Hampton Liverpoel BINION, viene Dunbarton Enniskillen, Orone Leskard Brougham Burketon. Claement Col Graenwasd Kuala Raglan Blackyiock, Manchester Pontvpoal and Newsoalls not owe 4% ow By malt in [Fv a) of Ontarial suteide Sarin delivery aren 13.00 shawheis 1A pee ¥ Average Daily Net Paid os of April 30, 1960 16,999 occur almost twice as frequently in a8 In summer months For example, a large seasonal varias tion in frequency is shown by acute respiratory diseases, which oceur 4.8 times more frequently in the peak month of January than in the low month eof July Certain as asthma, show an number of symp- toms among same patients during suds den drops of temperature, Likewise, some diseases like multiple sclerosis, have been observed more often. in cold than in warm climates, At the same time, it has been found that patients resting in warm humid atmosphere shaw a cardiac output S7 per cent greater than when they rest in"a coel, air-con. ditioned ward, On the other hand, tropical climates seem to have a favers able effect an the course of rheumatic fever Even the common appendicitis has been found to be affected by suddenly ising temperature or low or falling barometric pressure. It has long been recognized that whatever the weather reports in the press, a fairly accurate barometer has been the feeling in the bones and joints of those who are chronic sufferers of arthritis and rheumatism, This further, mare scientifically. based survey would seem to indicate that the weather has ® Much greater influence on a persen's health than has hitherto been recognise ld == at least by the layman. winter diseases, such INCreasing GETTING T0 OTTAWA REPORT r . French Language By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA~What was in one respect the most significant aside hetween MPs for many weeks was heard in the House of Commons on Bt, Valentine's Day. It has received no com ment in the English - language newspapers; perhaps because i was expressed in the French language, or what passes for the French language, and this passes over the head of most listeners despite our official hi lingualism I quote the official translation of this exchange "Mr, Chairman if our learned eolleague does not fear to gel sacked some day Although speaking in ¥reneh, the MP used the English slang word "sack adding the appro priate French lermination. Bo another French - speaking MP? rightly chided him: "Please talk French To this the first speaker re plied in order to he undey stood by the Hon, Member | would have to talk slang, but | intend to talk good French The word he used, which was translated as 'slang was Joual BON PARLER FRANCAIS? This little dialogue brought onto the floor of the House the BY-GONE DAYS 40 YEARS AGO Plans were formulated for the re-organization of the Oshawa Board of Trade Bohool Inspector R. A. Huleh ison asked the hoard of educa tion to esl 15h kindergarten classes in the local schools The annual banquet was ten dered 1a the choir of King Street Methodist Church by the Quarterly Official Hoard of the church, Prof, T. M. Harvey, or ganist, having accepted a posi tion as organist of Parkdale Church, Toronto, was honored with a presentation Oshawa Lion's Club entertain ed several Cubs in the form of a father-and-son night at a han fuet and program in Welsh's Parlors The town engineer reported to the eouncil that street water ing amd cleaning services were costing move than was realised fram the special frontage tax Nine large chandeliers were installed in the Oshawa Armor ies through the generosity of Lt+Col. R. 8 MeLaughlin A masonic service was held for the late Glenn A. Henry, native of Oshawa, followed hy A service in Simooe Street Chureh The Ontavia County Couneil petitioned the Onlaria governs ment ta take aver several coun ty roads as provineial highways The Oshawa Hortieultural Soe elely held its annual meeting with the following elected offi cers: President, D. A. Valleau; vicespresidents, R. N. - Johns and PH. Punshen: secretary treasurer, Mes. J. Jacobi A close game of Indoor base hall was staged at the Armomes between the Omntaria County Regiment and the Williams Pia 70 Oa, the former team winning by a margin of one run Mr William MeGily, King west, celebrated thelr wedding anniver SAY AR effort 1a arganize an ath lojle association at Pedlar Peo Limited was under way, and Mry street golilen | Being Corrupted disaster which is averigking the beautiful French language Wn the Province of Quebec and in other French - Canadian com munities, Their mother Longue, which Canadians of French or igin have proudly preserved and treasured through so many years, 1s now being hastardized the introduction of foreign words, chiefly Chicago "Eng lish" slang brought in by US TY programs, and hy the intro Muction of English words given French terminations and pro. puneiation A fearful Wustration of this was spoken by & woman whe demanded 1p a grocery stare "Donner mol une 'can' ds heans'."! (Give me & can of beans) his slangusge has heen named "Joual", a newly-coined word, appearing in no diction ary, and believed to be derived from the manner in. which the less well educated slang-speak- ers in Quebec slur thelr pronuns clation of the word "cheval." Another derogatory word coined to Wusirate such pros nuneiation is "bhoyboyer", When this onomatopoeic word is pro nounced with a nasal Chicago twang, It sounds like the lan guage It is Intended to describe «A language entirely foreign to the praiseworthy centres of cul ture in Quebec, and which must by abhorrent to their Inmates, ROTA LIVE TONGUE Rome Quebeckers champion foual with the argument that ji hears the same relation to good French as, for example, the Beal's or the Yorkshireman's speech hears to good English, This 1s not true, Those country dialects of Britain enshripe un: usual words and phrases which are antiquities and, like the pro. nuneiation, indigenous, Joual, In contrast, is basically a slum tongue, nol a peasant speech; and its corruptions ave foreign imports whieh their users try to naturalize hy giving them Que. hee pronunciation and French terminations As Canada has enshrined French as one of our twa offi. PRARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM I'he suggestion has heen made that taxpayers be given numbers, '=-Press report, Well, all right -- but we taxpayers will fight tooth and nail te the last diteh any attempt to have us do the loek.step hy Same of the new hairdos look more like hairundones ipod news for the averly upholstered female Y'Spring styles will feature hips,"--Style note An egghead is a person whe calls a roadhog "a driver with poreine proclivities." The enjayment a hushand de. rives oul of heing the "life of the party" is more than offset hy the dressing down his wile gives him afterwards Overheard at a lingerie coun ter: "Da you want expensive ones, "ar are they for your wife?" "The average woman wants to be dominated hy her hus. band," says a payehologist, 1 80, why does she sel out right from the start to hrowbeat Mm WD such a state of submissive ness that 'even the thought «of trying to dominate her would soare him silly? BE A BIG BOY wo Cpl languages ' thet Quehee does not show sul 5 15, | Br %. WANTYRE ROOD Sgeariat London (ng) Rau For The Oshawa Times FONDOS ~~ Forty of fhe wore Ririines Figen Srways pis BOM, bave lawmched # by the state of London mrpors they sie WEPhg that the mimistry tm Hs mab RESIRERL OVET 16 BR Ae suthority before the sffect on world pir transport bas become * Bisast rons" CLAM NEGILECY The sirlines pre not onty com: planing ahowt the Incresse 8 fees, They ritack the sirport pd prmstration for neglected opr portunities to Aevelop supple weniary sowrees of income, de ficiencies ri London wirport snd lack of measures 19 attract mare tral he angry @irline chiefs, whe glready pay about $10,500 508 in United Kingdom landing fees, say The new Increnses will not only make London and Presi wick the most costly mirporis in the world, but would load on the MH seems BY front pride in its heritage 19 speak thet Jenguage. Jour! is not an official lengusge of Can fda, But it bas now made whet believe, its first appler: ence in our Parliament It is as undignified in that Bugust chamber as Frank How: ard's quaint sports shirts, Bert Herridge's metal pipe, the gen. eral hum of disorderly conver sation and the extraneous prints of comics an Opposition desks thet has built 8 prototype says and crosswords on cabinet it will et down on labor and desks speed unloading TWO BRIDGES GLABGOW (CP) args hosts may soon have two bridges, one for navigating and the other # smell mobile cargohridge thet can move slong the length of the ship. An engineering firm regarming the the iid ded I ol i Bis | h I il #3 Ii ih 3 iid 3 " | i & i ! § : @ Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co, 135 SIMCOE 57, HORTH o REGIDENT PARTIERS Gordon W. Wek, C4, RIA Bort B. Woters, £4. Wom. ). W. Monteith, $6.4, MP. Gordon W. Rishi, 6.4, RIA, Robert W, Lightiost, 6.4 a A ose Monte, 8, Eomny George £. Visthewey, 6A Bvt BR. Woters, 6.4 If you have previously owned, or had a desire to own your own business, ond would like to enter o very profitable field, we have something which should interest you. This is Sales work of a completely different nature | Car a necessity Phi MO 8-8095 To Arrange An Inferview 2:32 LB, AVR, ONTARIO NO. 1 GOLD SEAL -- SOLID ER --------. | rw CHICKENS = 39° cone JNIONS 3 = TUNA FISH = Prices effective at your DOMINION STORE ot Oshawa end Whithy until § pm. Wednesday, March ¥ 4 DOMINION STORES LTD, SAVE 4c 19: SAVE 8¢ 29 m-- w----