2 THE GHANA TIMES, Sevardey, Febery 3%, 196) GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN SWIMMING FONE DEED STRESSED The gion Baga of Oshawd s pilic swimming poms 0% wally neglesied wy bygowe City Cowneils (specialty the GNA ark) hah FEA RET IHC BEBE (16 Wark; This was wheal Frank Davie snd Chris Mason of the Srnryhie Fark Beigoboriong Association Lirnes wp # City Ena They wanted money to fe bidgeisd immediately #0 thet Geter swimming facilities lor kiddies cid be made sratleble in 1961 They wanted (he oid Ritson wand Botary pools FEROV RIERA 16 case the whoriags -- Hf Reseery, they wanted # new poo Ther langue Be wie rong, (and pointed in the direction of Council) and they made no secret of the fact that thelr sentiments were sipporied by the rent merivy of the 260 members of the Centigl Council of Neighborhosd Associations, of which Ma- son is chalrman -- -- -- Ww" NOTHING NEW, LESLIE FROST TELLS Compulsory Help For Alcoholics Sought By BON BEENEY : wie, Tine # Sanadion Frese Sia Wekker 'case we far as menial wd TH #04 have fne Bornes VEG (EF) ~ Mi Angle patiamts are comin nes oF another Bx months, tit he LAR Her. The 15 Ben & Mr. Downer seid wiless het WORE S58 have oy we sey member of the B AIT (af shins 16 The Grobe WHE HHIRRERE agmndl Tm . hones, 194 the ® Fri were fond, the government. Viper the new legidetion #» Ray that the gw ermment EE RA 1 RESESEREY 16 165 addisional Winnie WWA Kaw erect legion (the CHP as 16 restniat the sale #8 as # second WERE ARR Fes $ILY Hkhtmant 0) Mleshoiey nn a RS Siler penetier, " % Lome ABR, A . 7 (EEF = Went ey A DT ELL WERORL FLV... oh Eo o,f 3 arin 4 Sida # JERE PEE sage 1 thet / f Heh ph ra com eek het. the " ETE. how Reghiinie i» reporied romp iotion syiems for free | He commended the pitorney- support of a9 Troy (1s b $19 Satine Mn gover gener) Io Ie ProgIam of Kom pig) ery Lreatment oF (hrome Mr Tor. A WIE weilpin pesistance A With fares conting 15 cepts # Arimbenness lena zs, It 68, of Wopth it was 01 Bo help 19 09 per cap whase home 1595 ticket in mont (tans camires hes wlasady vHe8 an unempioyes PEISOR WOWA oA the glcohahes whe Beyer reached Magmiaie s (ows #4 FERRY HE TIER WE LEHR REENEANEE tn suivort of funder, WAI have 19 pay WB cents for # re due » BIR thet, would ioyide an are 16 lon fof oy Ld mamcipnl wa: 7 means eh # "Eh Racin, Showia he Be 6 or supoies by local ie shun p Wis allowance thet # ig ord het wy ment #hA i pa an 4 a pit # indica if ir il ' | Ak beter [Eanapart ating wil be ensured os 5 result of the iran tha Pury A Fpl, Which weged (nian 19 portumties" Wr, Gishorn OJIBWAY STORY Lid ad legislation or oh Mason seid the Ritson ! A PPP nr renovations could he done Premier Teste From of On ! blacat Combereni in Mas his Aciegation still is consid: | income tax. We Insisted no or GENESIS on ayn bi ys ind RESERVATIONS M for $66000 -- he didn't did ny Ia reporters FidRy fei REE EOVWIRY | cing federal proposals that @ Aecision has been made den (CCF-"Yoromin Wondhing) Po y whe SErowndend Wm fs he | premiers, saving he had mo TOROGWEO (CF) ="The Adam bi 4 : think the CCNA members heft the | Viovinicial ews. He added, however, that | Oplgria sel up # PEOVIRGRI {'F Wirephatn fing 4 wad amend the Howes of Work 11] EXTRA cosy J he Briain (11s, fi Wy and Eve sary ic not for the and Vacations With Pay Act to si (hineludes 16 parks) iikways. As Lorena CWel reduce the ma % mum work CHRIS MARON would mind 4 tex boost to Wig lianoe of Grordns 15 week from # 1 4 howrs * HOTELS meet the expense, He thought much of the money £6 iid Church Home ritis u land's Indian hand told It at # | Transport Minister Rowntree . be raised in 8 400% tio-Aott CARVES ore iupercuiar Wrotherhood Week mecing, introduced amendments fo thed* AIR TRAVEL 4 the fact thet Oshawe would have the creation = happens # Highway Tralhie Davis deplored ihe 1nd : ht ps Rh or gee eat own way permit the interchange of cer- 2" BOAT TRAVEL only one PH post » The Great Creator one day [Lain offences (or the purpose of 8 W years ago d f LONDON. On: (EF) = Jad : | LONDON (CP) -- Britain's cast an image owt of Cay In | INCFERSING penalties BUS TRAVEL eu si there wee a seoommatetions or or mi esos owe toe R@fUG OOS AITIVE iii re th gn he pt la | } partment reported Fr We likeness ana had ) p ; a * ; swimmers and toddlers in the new Rotery pool, He for the past three years has Bos hd VL Pulling it out of the aven tog VI FEN THE PENALYY CAR RENTALS : heen & Fetus nal day W712 persons died of infly ' Under the amendments, crim couldn' see why Osawa ehildren should have Wo go lo heen & refuge comp In Waly nia 0 England and Wales in #000, He lound i hell baked. |i peniicence, drunk and im-2" TOURS AND b " 5 5 TY MH oney Mf & J CIR WRIE #hH W i MH NREAVEY HL EVER 4 u fe all § 4 ' Port Perry and Uxbridge to swim, He ssid there were Lo " ud i 4 ht ol A iL. FORO yi (EF ~The dodo nd " WEAVER Hh EYER (he week ended Feb. 1h--a de Let's call it while and send paired Rants and motor man: CRUISES recreational facilities for children, but that the city had 2 o wi H pid 4 fh 4 o . V scenes of tears, oy examen H have oo fre the ETERSE of 421 from the previo " north rivi another slaughter could he used 1a ef hi p. , : on' WIFER Eran The WOR and fear at Mallon airport Fr 1eft Lalvig because m We ie Creglor se of andatory Weence £ # done little to provide these (outside of the Children's [Go nly viizee of Crediton day as the third "mavement" of Communists," he smd. "1 lefy EE The next was averheked feet longat it y NEW YORK Arena.) Mr. Maksinovace aroved al uberemlar iefugees arrived inihehind my wile and three chil Fhe epidemic appears 16 he and prompied the crestor 19 | At present, # driver convieled THEATRE What the two spokesmen didn't appear (0 know Was London airport Friday night ( ada dren. They may still be -hve es reasing," a li an S818. cali it black and send it south of drunk driving might have his TICKETS thet the new $68,000 Rotary pool (completed last sum with Wis family and wn other Friends and: relatives wressed But for other families it wa Phere was # "marked de: gpg ask for » new try licence suspended (or mx mer in time for an official opening about Labor Day) (refugees brought to Canada unc Corin Soles occ nd wept ne of the happiest moments of a Ta dig 4 Ihe The third came out & beaut: | months, Later, he might be con: will need considerable repairs before it is reopened der the Drogram ta aid tuber he refuges. Youre and all. Er Hees pg Ag a Hhaon Rr Re yuats ful golden Frown sad the : ap / wold water for (FHIONE ddd lane In siart & New si i ge od 4 WAER | chief with & hig smile across It does not appesr to be able to hold wale His wife was taken immedi he ft the plane tn } EW MET HIS SISTER London had 74% deaths in the his bronzed face, and the Small T vel Service lengthy periods despite HE REWness plely 1a Beck Banalorium, Mi te For Benito Dukie, (oF exam: week ended Veh. 16 compared, Creator said: "Now, Ve rn Alderman Albert V, Walker has inherited the wi Maksinovie, a Zi-year-old car. Some of them had not met for ple, it meant he wis meeing Ws with 61 in the previous week, | made & man, Homes 300 PUNBAS E., WHITRY happy ioh of getting the pel In shape penier from Yugoslavia, willl 14 years nr mors iter for the first me 0 380 ope figures brought the win. The moral, he says: "Clas: big WHITBY -Q5HAWA-BRODKLIN As incoming chairman of the property committees move inte hs new home with As they entered the immigra- YE! ter's Intal death toll from influ- sically, we're all from the he (and his group) will attempt to correct the bumbling (Wis (wa sons, Dragan, b, and tion office the strong hand of Pukic, 28, a paval INECHRINE ose in BAdh--mostly elderly same clay, The aly differ: || Business Ph, MO 8-3304 and poor planning of the previous committee so that the wasn } % ia fear still gripped some of (them from Hom uk hiring to PEFSON ence is in the baking." A RA M5100 A -- y . N . 18 NOME Was migines Wy Fiderl Tani (ilazer a la B ) LAanans YERIE '~ a "of peal ean passibly Be ready for the opening of the swims | Bh members in me tubarculonia: stapod 4 | LE ids IEHHHEFR borer fram Latvia who had!!!" id dada he I Ming season Crediton, 25. miles west of lived in German ince 1044. Mm INTERPRETING THE NEWS Aldermen Walker a today i hs Hin Joh il Stratford hid his face from press cameras He and hi pretty wife Monta 3€ 1a DEINE In BR Professions! ENEINEES i a rough 25, were averwhelme ) ne appraisal" of the pool before he can make any decision fuss heing made of them: The as to what should he done F P . ] coffee, the cakes, the words of » eener rica mpathy, af encouragement » : " 4 Hugging his two year nid 15) 1na n HOP n | NETAILA OF NPCL "OPTION" RELEARED daughter Loredana and his 2 The City released details Friday of its "Option ino elght-months = ald son William Ind " Purchase" granted recently to the Nations! Proprietary hie talked of the new life thal ng. Corp, Idd, the firm that would develop 148 acres of n ex ee 14 Awalls them in Canada aller city-owned land in Industrial Park (plus 276 peres of he is ened of TH O aces privately-owned land nearby) into a $21,000,000 mer» TORONTO (CP) Counsel for, In any event, the chief Sustice he n he saw his sites Mrs PRESENTING : chandising and bonded warehouse project Owen (Mickey) Feeney, charged! said. he was sure Feener would Bl anol Martin of Taranta and By HAROLD MORRISON (bring Red China Inte the world pr : - N « (With murder in the stabbing of get a fi P yi yr: (TE EVIE y f rin p ) ILL I Iuast fwo Sicupen cites In he eves; Kay hmm ni il Timmin i r he Ri pt By Wa or rp refugees, 80 altogether, Canadian Press Bialf Writer assembly 6 Dream Homes Featuring: J ' 1 0 1 | ada . : aly { Ao! alm : Er Ink October, falled Friday tn) Miss Chouinor, 28, a domestic, @01ered Canada under the spon: oid friends and allies of the| The danger for the United Displays and demonstrations of NPCL fails ta live up ta its committments; gel his trial shifted aw from was found dead hesid hush. Borshin of relatives and Cana: tpited States are placing the States is that Brazil, as a ma i The option will expire if NPCL fails to furnish (in fin away tramvas TOURG dead heside a Ish: |g oe tare organizations. will fies are placing | : R the newest products and ideas in the area of the killing In North: {land road near Timmins Oct. § f J LL American government In an em: ior Latin power, may influence fashionable livin the satisfaction of the city) hefore June 15, 1061, as ern Ontario Bhe had heen hit on the head he coaperation of churches and) harrassing spot on the Hed|ather Latin countries -to follow g surances that financing sufficient to ensure the coms Chief Justice J, ©. McRuer of (and stabbed eight times, hut "eTUEeE BIOUPE China issue (her policy. The vole in favor of pletion of the 7H0,000 square-foot development == [the Ontario High Court denied|had not heen assaulted sexu President Kennedy is ve-[the moratorium narrowed last LOCATION . described in paragraph three--hy June 1, 1868, has |@ Motion for a change of venue ally . ported / be looking inward folyem The Hiited States wil ' heen arranged hy the company, (and ruled that the 4-year - old) Feener was charged almost ar lament is April meeting with Prime need every vole she ean ge (ran building Sop has heen issued and founds lahaver and miner from Halifax|immediately, He was already he Minister Macmillan in the hopelshe is to continue her hatile Beau Valley 4 | al # P ) i Cirkli y f 8 ANE rie China, | f i | ation foo constructed by dune 1, 100k, for the eres |" 80 0h tna the suns ng hold ul Kirkland Lake, 0 of tien, i, Adal Adriaan eesiot waniond Chive "Cohawa's Maw Fashionable fa : . J . | L hb Hh § dial : 4 ne ] Bp ] / tien by the company of a Merchandise Mart building rejecting his lawyer's claim li charge of offering indignity ta t- » ance lissue of admitting the Chinese kennedy administration 1s af dential Estate" (Rossland Read East of at least 800,000 square feet and for the erection of |(hat he could not gel a fair trial|the body of Kathy Fssers, 84 mainland ta the United Nations: [joast considering a twa + Ching + +1 Off Simeoe North) ronfed=in warehousing buildings, ar other related builds - there ) (model and dyes designer of By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Prominent American anthorl: | policy--invalving UN member: ing of at least. BOO000 square feet, the option expires Phe chief justice, who will Toranto and New Glasgow, N.8., | Friday, Feh, 24 Hes say they sHI1 expect ta presighin for mainland Ching as well PEN ' City Engineer Fred Crome said that the eity's [preside personally al the Coch: found beside a road near Fred Agriculture Minister Alvin Ha: Vent the Communit from ak: as Formosa [ ' initial expenditure in the project would he ARRFOXis fe aon, id . Iv Sun [lerietan in Octobe millon appealed (0 (he railways Ini th Chika " iy iy " the But there 15 no evidence that | mately $1,072,000 this would he for sanitary and [[0EN Latimer of Toronto somel In argiing far a change of (and (heir non-operating employ: question eon | eR communist Ching would agree! Fram A {leeway In the timing of thelvenue, Feene counsel said| ees to settle their wage dispute; (General As 8 embly, probably : Ad storm sewers, paving and for a subway at Farewell and § pie; | y [ta such a policy 2 5 d7+-9pm | Wer, | A Ah } y (trial, saving it would not start{publicity wm the Cochrane dis [a rail strike would he "catas [next September | ] . pm, an " pm Bloar (tn east $344,000), Federal and provineial grants (before Monday, March: 6. Mr trier had heen highly detrimen:| trophic' to the western farmer.| But they admit support for| would veduce this amount ta $707,000 af this amount, had asked 1 he chances of the acl Citizenship Minister Fale such a position 18 heing whittled | {Latimer putital to the ment estimates duced suggestions fo [impetus ta historical an the careers of eminent Cal and additional services required, but, by the same token, the municipality would be resimbhursed hy way of news found revenue fine { venue, Chief Justice MeRuer/mins Press and the Kirkland pending obtained from Cochrane Crown Lake Navthern Daily News When Mi $500,000 would he dehentured far hy the city in 1068 (over until the next assizees, for|oused getting a fair (rial there [Clough Indicated sympathy forlaway hy various public declara: | 1) VISIT TONIGHT and the halance in 1063 reasons which he told the judge] He said newspapers had{7eauests that the government tions, including that of Lord % of ALL Mr, Crome sald the city would he invalved for In Brvau printed sate ments Inferring ase fA Saiyan gn she po Home Brians foreign Tl to . . ht a While rejecting the defence! Feener guilt, Mr, Latimer] M800 He ational Lihra tary, wha earlier (his month anther expenses progressively as the land was developed leounsel's plea for a change of imentioned tnecifically (he fit Debate on citizenship odepart- said! "Phe facts of interna: | HEARING . FO [anal life requive that Commun:| Beatrice Ohina should he seated in LOSSES Helped by Newest Prosecutor Samuel Caldbick an Latimer read same roNeaTeh | UN." CARA] [ NOTICE City Assessor Eldon Kerr said he would be unable [assurance that he would not use|excorpts from The Press the | qians Now Bragll, which long had ta estimate the eity's potential tax revenue fram the [Jurors from the Porcupine dis:|chief justice sald they were | Monday. Foh, 87 [supported the American - initi project until he definitely knows what buildings will he tied yond inning, here ho King and that a newspaper] The Commons meets at 2:40(ated UN moratorium on debate | Put up = hawever, the eity weuld get between $300,000 Fo Lalimer contended feeling making such statements should p.m, BEST to debate budget ves- of seating Communist China, | and $400,000 tax vevenue (including business tax) an» | AHH Foner had heen 1: have heen proceeded against by alations, The Henate in ad as come aul in faver of ending | SUPERIOR 000 nually if NPCL had floor space of 1,800,000 square feet flamed hy publicity last fall, (the attarney-general javrned until 8 pom, Tuesday the maraterium and there ap:| HEARING AID pa 1a00, \ [parently 18 50me support in the r new Hrasilian administration to See It Today at . . . MART-WAREHOUSE STIRS IMAGINATION ae TY al Plans for the proposed $21,000,000 merchandising Looking for " I MAI co \ EYE-SPECIALIST marked and bended warehousing project for the Indus= : PUBLISHER | HEARING SERVICE | trial Park avea certainly stir the imagination, 10 YONGE Ty TORONTO TT Ri TARE JA! coe, Taam tien © wwe | ; WA 53317 '| Due to the destruction, by fire, of our hare an the subjeet this week, I aur book ean be published 0 [| Shure on the subjest this wi lh, explaining ht it would aramared, oH BW f NAME ii aranisnnnen | office at 105 Simcoe St, §, a temporary si ah campan 5 Oshawa Harbour Warehousing Offers Really Efficient neta fr mes pron! ® | ARPRER ni office, pending completion of the and Low Cost Bonded and Free Storage With Side AL Td BR | CITY yyi000, PROV | . Benefits and Business Aids Never Refare Offered") FHA dA TR HA OMY Medical Arts Building, will be located Here are same af the services listed in the hrachure [aly Hew You isnvun y h at,,, far tenants | Trunk telephone connections direct ta sueh paints | J a Kitchener, Belleville and Kingston; membership in | mcoe \ 1hmplayees Recreation Association 18,000 square | N 0 T | C E ! I he ' | oot swimming peel building with steam baths and : I | 18,000 square foot recreation building: a hotel ta he | Demand for Gavernment Controlled Rental $73 00 (Above Canadian Tire Stare) } known as "The Trade Winds" | J The Brochure includes a plat plan (prepared by 2 BEDROOMS 1 3 : RA 39101 TELEPHONE UNONANGED ! Jahn B, Parkin Associates, architects and engineers) of 3 BEDROOMS . 4 $79.50 I five propesed bonded and unbended buildings "where Insludes o heat and ianiter servise, Any or all Childien J the trade and industrial buyers ean do all their cams neludes drapes, a Fortunately our records were saved and J parative shopping and purchasing in ene piece", | The project would be used by manufacturers, im» | J porters, exporters, agents, brokers, jobbers, distributors, wholesalers and buyers CHAMBER DINNER PLEASES 22% LOCATIONS: | practice will be resumed on Friday, March 1, NEAR CEDARDALE SCHOOL (Simsoe St, §) 3, 1961, 2. PARK RD, §, AT ELMGROVE 1 Patients with appointments on ar after REQUIREMENTS ! March dvd are requested net to call us and A There was visible evidence again this week ti | a h . 2k that | Applicants Yearly tnsome Must Not Exceed $3,750.00 to keep their appointments at our new ad- I the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce is composed af an Brod T 5 Wey Sy and he demand even | : " J ARTONINS, SlvIOTIRdSd TOmbeIhiE. wit aan | somitrustion sowld possibly Be started this Spring, Wt yew dress know-how and determination to get things done for th e ] benefit of the community, | The annual dinner-meeting Wednesday, was an | J impressive, well-planned affair, ane that augurs well i for the Chamber's future Those with appointments before Maich 3rd should contact us to have their appoint: ments changed, afford, this is your sppertunity to ahtain lease. Hl in | aut name and address, ote, helow and Toren 19 ELLA HAWA TIMES NAME i need larger, new, made accammadation at 4 prise You san | } Surely the choice of Captain Joseph Jeffery (presi | " ADDRESS Patients with no appointments are re- RRA Wh ah ra whet of Cummatte) bt gueet | RA NR DAGWANEU PHILLIPS AND FRIEND PHONE CITY OR TOWN quested not to call until after March 3rd } ¢ \ PW men contd explain so | A : XEC@ p ) I sloqugnily the true Tole of a Chamber Wh the life of & Mayor Nathan Phillips WARS Onguay (Mohawk for | phate he chats with an wa pny bh 4 HA a EXCEPT IN Case OF emergency Wayer af all the ceremony at City identified Mohawk =UP Wirephoto Toranta was Thursday «J | i: community, Ohiet Aa Na Dagwahen Of WOARIe ) 4 Fiall Tn this |