18 THE GIHAWA TIMES, Series, Febreery 35, 196) EATON'S SPRING-TIME pportunity MONDAY FEBRUARY 27th -- 4 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIALS ON SALE AT 9:30 AM. RA 5-7373 40% Off Regular Prices! + NYLON DRESSER SCARVES AND RUNNERS Please, ne telephones or mail orders Dainty runners for dressing table or vanity; of sasy-care nylon; In maize, green or blue, with all-over florel design in white nylon lace, UMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL: 50 x 12", Reg, 2.76 each 1,68 #x% 12, Reg, 78 ech 45 10 x 14", Reg, 1,00 sesh 60 12 5 18, Reg. 1.50 wach 90 24 x 12", Reg, 2.00 sesh 1,20 84 x 127, Reg, 2.25 such 1,35 43 x 12, Reg, 2.50 sech 1,50 TUSSY "BRIGHT TOUCH" SHAMPOO Discontinued line, much below usual price Please, ne telephone or mail orders Easy-to-use liquid cream shampoo that cleans hair thors oughly, leaves it sparkling with highlights, A discon. tinued line, cleared by the manufacturer at a big sav- ing. Approx, 12-0z, bottle 1 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ] EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 SOIL BUILDER Please, no telephone or mall orden A scientifically formulated soll builder == a combina- tion of humus and fertilizer to encourage growth of luxurious flowers, vegetables, lawns, shrubs, efc LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Two Va-bushel bags, . EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPY, 280 Read the Circular For Scores of Opportunity Day Savings EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPY, 234 REMNANTS TO OLEAR! Please, ne telephone or mall arden Exciting values! Ends-of-bolts, ends-of-lines in a wide variety of fabrics , cottons, rayens, nylon, 'Terylene' and more! Widths from 36 te 54"; "30 from 4 to 2V4 yards 0 to 10.00 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each » FATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BOWLING SHOES Broken size and colour range--~Reg, 4.95 Please, no telephone or mall orders Well-made shoes with Kip leather uppers, lace-fo-toe; styled with cooling air vents, white rubber heels, Men's sizes 6 to 12, women's sizes 4 to 9. Colours of black, tan and red, but not all sizes In every colour, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, pair EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 26) STEEL HOLE SAW Fits any "4" electric drill Please, no telephone or mall orders Good quality steel blade cuts 1" to 214" diameter; makes its own starting hole, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 25) SHREDDED FOAM RUBBER Please, no telephone or mall orden Stock up on non-allergenic, resilient foam for stuffing pillows, cushions, toys, chair seats, All-white, $9 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 2-1b, Bog ..... * EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 224X Outstanding Clearance ! 54" NOVELTY WOOLS -- Reg. 1.98 Please, no telephone or mail orders Tweeds and plaids , , , ends-of-lines in quality woellens to make up Inte scores of Spring outfits for you and the children, Blues, Greys, Beige, Pinks, etc, Shop early for best choice! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, yard EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 233 SILK OHIFFON SQUARES Special Purchase! Exceptionally low priced! Please, no telephone or mall orders Soft chiffon squares for head er neckline; with hand- rolled hems, Wide colour cheice includes yellow, brown, gold-colour, beige, blue, pink, white, tangerine. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each vies 8 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 203 "Finesse" Rug and Upholstery Cleaner Exceptionally low priced for savings ! Please, ne telephone or mail orden A useful preparation , , , simply mix with water and apply; use to clean rugs, carpets, upholstered furniture quickly and easil 1 00 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Two B.0x bottles Nw EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 275 OLEARANCE OF DRESSES! Away below usual price Please, no telephone or moll orden An exciting selection of daytime and afternoon dresses; In an excellent choice of styles, colours and fabrics, Come early for best selection! Sizes 12 to 18 and some half sizes in the group, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each BUDGET FASHIONS, EATON'E UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 345 "RELDAN" GIRDLES 'Seconds' of higher priced line | Please, ne telephone or mall arden Two-way stretch pull-on girdles to give light, comfortable control, Sizes small, medium and large to fit 25 to 30" waists, White enly LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPY, 409 ATTRACTIVE MEDALLION NEOKLETS Reg. 2,00 , . . clearing end-of-line Please, ne telephone or mail orders : "Meant for each other" medallions; gleaming silvers coloured metal disc about the size of a quarter, ene side with raised silhouettes of a bay and girl; the other has twe tiny hearts for engraving if desired, On a fine sterling silver ehain 0 . LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 213 ROOM LOT BUNDLES OF WALLPAPERS 10-Single roll bundles = priced low for clearance Please, ne telephone or mail orders Pre-pasted wallpapers . « , 80 easy to apply; all are plastic-coated for washability, Each bundle contains sufficient to paper an average 10 x 12' room; all papers are semi-trimmed, Wide range of patterns for every room; bundles come complete with water box, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, 19 10:single roll bundle with water box ......,, "Ws EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 274 NYLON TISSUE TRIOOT PETTICOATS Reg. 1.99 , , . end-of-line clearance Please, no telephone or meil orden Dainty white petticoats In nylon tissue tricot that looks so delicate, yet wears so well, Quick to dry, needing little er ne irening; styled with elastic waist, fine lace at hem, Sizes to fit 24 to 30 walsts, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ......., fn EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 209 G00D QUALITY TABLECLOTHS Reg. 1.49 to 6.98 , . . ends-of-lines, greatly reduced Please, ne telephone or mail orders Cottons and linens in an interesting variety of tablecloths + +o Gay prints, attractive plain shades, frosty white in cluded, Sizes vary from 54 x 54" to a large 60 x 80" LIMITED QUANTITY SrEciaL, 39 to 3.99 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 234 BENSON'S ASSORTED TOFFEES Please, ne telephone or mail arden An assortment of flavours In chewy, creamy toffees. Individually wrapped for freshness, 49 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, ib, vv vvvs . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 214 ELECTRIO KETTLES with automatic shut-off feature Please, ne telephone or mail orden Gleaming chromium-plated kettle with Bakelite handle and base, attached cord and plug, 2-quart size, 1500. watt element; kettle shuts off automatically if it boils dry LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each . EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 277 Greatly reduced to clear , , , Women's OPEN NECK 'SHAG' PULLOVERS Please, no telephone or mail arden Popular casual fashien , , . long-sleeved pullover in soft lambsweol-and-mehair; with collared open neck, In green or charcoal grey; sizes small, medium and large in the roup Limiven QUANTITY SPECIAL, each SPORTSWEAR, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 244 MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Outstanding special value ! Please, ne telephone or mail orders Imported, good quality combinations with long sleeves, ankle length legs, A well-knit mixture of wool-cotton- and-rayon for long wear and washability; cream shade, Sizes 36 to 44, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 920 TABLE LAMP AND SHADE Much below usual price ! Please, no telephone or mail orders Handsome lamps with gleaming brass-finished base; stems have walnut-finished 'breaks' at top and bottom, separated by a distinctive glass 'break', Shade is lam- inated 'Fiberglas' in a beige floral pattern, 8 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ....,., ©» EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPY, 377 - 14 Price Clearance ! SPRING HATS--Reg, 3.98 Please, ne telephone or mail arden One-or-few-of-a-kind , , , millinery in smart new stylings, Straw braids and fabrics; perky sailor types, cloches, pros files. Colours include green, blue, mauve, pink, red, beige, orange ice, white, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ....., a EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 204 QUILTED OVEN MITTS Very low priced to clear! Please, ne telephone ar mail orden Sturdy cotton mitts, thickly padded and quilted te pro- tect your hands when handling het dishes; with attrac: tive gold-colour cavering, loops for hanging, 09 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, pair ....,.,, ® EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 222 Save 3.00! : FOLDING BRIDGE OHAIRS--Reg. 6.76 Please, ne telephone or mail orders A discontinued line , , , handy, sturdy chairs that fold for easy storage or carrying, Metal construction, leas therette upholstered. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ....,,, Wn EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 470 BOYS' RUBBER RAINCOATS -- Reg. 2.99 Please, ne telephone or mail orden An end-of-line clearance, priced for a notable saving! ) Waterproof rubber raincoats in black, with two slanted kets, metal fasteners, Sizes 6 and 8 only, 00 Limited QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ......,,, §s BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 332 N \ Special Purchase ! ATTRACTIVE FRAMED PRINTS Please, ne telephone or mail orden Charming floral prints in handsome wooden frame, white with flecks the colour of gold. ' Frames are approx. 1 wide; pictures in two sizes, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL: tor 188 14 Price Clearance! Metal Dinette Chairs Ends-of-lines Reg. 7.95 to 13.95 Please, ne telephone or mail arden Smart chromium-plated and bronze-finished Shei ~comfortably padded on seats and backs, and upholster in washable plastic, 3 1] to LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, cach Ww EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 0], IY. 14 3 AT 9.30 A.M. and only while quantities last Please, no telephone or mail orders %2_PRICE_OLEARANOE ! | QUALITY BEDROOM FURNITURE EATON Ki REG, Value, POR WAT HRA Tn AN MR: 9950 49.78 41.80 1 NL 5-DRAWER CHEST, WALNUT 95.00 19.95 39.95 36.26 2 ONLY ~-- ITALIAN-PROVINCIAL STYLE CHERRYWOOD NIGHT TABLE 1 ONLY --- BAR BED, COTEMPORARY STYLING, 54" SIZE in WALNUT Finish, 72.50 ? PONE WALNUT Pn 0 89.50 44.16 45.00 ' ARNG NANodARY rN 90.00 32.50 16.28 10.00 140.00 109.50 - 54,76 135.00 61.50 20.15 4 ONLY -- ASSORTED NIGHT TABLES 59.50 TATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 4 ONLY we ASSORTED NIGHT TABLES , 2 ONLY we 4-DRAWER CHESTS 2 ONLY =m 54" PANEL BEDS 2 ONLY == 54" BAR BEDS