THE OSHAWA TIMES, Serwriey, Febery 15, WV 17 Want Vhestrs | TELEVISION LOG Wid ow Ye WORTY Channel L~Batialo WRENTY Channes bolallole = vie Docs's Work CHERTY Chane Ii--Nomiion CRINTY Chommel blmonts 5H" WKBW TY Channes T--Butliy WAY Channel t--Rachnsior CFINTY Channel Toronto CRYRAY Channel G--Rarie | S---- w-- SATURDAY EVF | 1 a. i Zz 225 "ee ) Lui | Fas 2 ind bares Inastse ff vo wr pe. Ya 5 sikh vo welll on alk dp sede F/ nels 4 Re SEE om Hi 2 lle Choice | 1h AM, , | Ptomisatis iS wy eh Er =k I Co A gr "i . 4 fie, W E $A V srry Barn A=Muining Wor PATA RL, i £1 : 3 SOIT a oes Centuoy , Enoch , AoW a - VER BLAST THAT G17 ; ; of (lA AN me 4g, Veta" Vite IThe Big Bascsis Wetter Cronk dough KEEPS TOSONG 1's . 1 wid benders p ba b-Lolones Plack © | dette hal | SG UL LA gx' hel | [255 Seber ht tt tering hb i 0 PM, / | VY ART} pert Wi chiibre of howling seems te be 13 Notionsl Vetves LA A g H oe wd 1 oH bolle $~The Things We bes | y Aoup | LET J ; An Vou have to Kom | #=L asst of 3 x 5 -- 0 4 27, CORIERE whet, vi ore 4 dong. There | Seite Temple Show tion 26, Crude ¥ ht: A 1] fd £lamen! | Ti PM, ' ' 2 % i determination will changes b---Doonna Weed 80, Masurium ' Virol 1 Wome I= Maverick - | ; (abbr) A YY ---- | Af " . ion pod 748) Fike yi i. i 7 a 4 » fq i. be Vsont Gears | 18 And (LY 81, Hardened : a el | [omit . Phetincr Tes, GM's 10 y Dennis Fhe Menage {19, Pertaining 37, Part of $2, Subtle v , 2a i Y > #1, Cadillacs 16-44, ALL) i Orde \ I m J : h \} 4 #, Chevrnlels b-49 and Vhuse #00 FM, "to he' emanation 42, | g A 4 + | / halls 6-40 Mike Wollace | 12:15 PM, Hé43=F4 Silliven | 24, Exclamas TT wl, ' Ns far AG Ap esame weaver] Bone Special Day | 9-pcademy Pertorme tion TLL A, ; "ay Kz AW , " » Wis PReniPiiiiig b=Have Gun Wil Travel| Go Conuress sage bar | 25, Ahead | A ' " males J Carey nd Bil Reon? tent Time $a-Nationsl Veive oN } Ian aden rans' A. Wr |r kt PA, |e, Hulme 7, 0s elon wd Mr, | 6=Blories For Sundsy | [ZHAI steal ye? og -- Th Honter Ehow . WE T=Haller Derby | 9:00 P.3, 95, Compass hi igh Lod Yad 74 LAA 5 PM, b~Comedy Capers 184 lanet leo ink Wd im ¥ Academy Perform. bo [When 4 othe gd as poh fitena ry Rt ee oan Be) (abbr) . y dennis Corny) was 10:30 PM, 12:45 P.M, folks Rohe M, Victorian comararuamions,| [Bur wow Eh) LL, GRANDMA, § KEFT "WITH A SPOOF @ COLD || |ikh nels, in Ma Riy anads food City edd id Wem $8-The Deputy PM, | $=Fopeye snd Poly ah | 4 metal 3 5 V4 g ¥ Fé aid r, How i» id of Muse on ory hn 7) : / 0, od arpa dug pin | | todregs a-Che Bhi A iy ' f oe with VCore of the Romp | §=Fg0n end Renew | STEMI 0 BLL, Of Wi | | MANAGE T' ouTiein WEI Yous Welt RiHT frie REAGY'Y JAM DOI A us, Blue Angel ap , Gree TH SPRINTERS TH LEER BOVEY BEHIND MB wm MY THROAT, ied Comm wis, hg | 1100 P.M, om i EM, bd Greek TROPHY LAST Week/| |= ri ir tt Godlres bidy [| He Univeral Kile ana | [The Inande YP rokram 4} Jack Guy 4i0, Bose Godirey 310, Mar Learnin 88, Concert 5 ' ion "Pyreell Uh, De By Weiss a o-ing wir 0 Grass Roots 10:00 P.M, : Montpetit 201 pnd Wie A 83-Good Ife Theatre |1163--Angel hall cheep o y There were shit 7 nthe oh Sows: bBtar Bowling O~--Fanel Show 89, Incite - - " % bamon Fastin Sather aad + Pans Plamanon 84 hotstia Yours Show | 41, Make 1 , : ay or hes Jha 16 PM, Candid p > : pr 1:15 PM, 4=Film Featurette 10s PM, amends A d nis Hing nm 4 hens ('s MaNeows, Weathers 1:80 PM, i Debit {10 id for te 3 a 4 i Ex bo wd Bappy Bevel Sports 116-3--Country Calendar | © Sports 4 43, Coronet i A i gy CH a \\( =) "fsa veg © | 1- glia cpt = | 4 hing ' : MAKES WINE CHANGE Bpon tre T=All Blar Gol # Lkniong Words ' oh 5 " AG y BOWIE, Ma, (CF) = Trainer iin b= Bowling for Off Fah Wire | Don Yates didn' want | " enter $=News 2 f - ) A ' ny I . § horse FVine 1! enture tM 4 Hise »M, Tak cin land 5 race at Bowie Race Track Wed. Man Hunt-My sts, ale ud | dad Hi PM, nesday because he figured it A --- Pi ireien ving ng mtn 46, Courageous wasn't vendy. Facing weeres Award Theatre Festival i Bp tary John P, Turner finally pers suaded Yates to enter hecause EARL SCHAEFER HANDPICKS A QUALITY GOODWILL CAR FOR YOU iii x 1957 CHEVROLET %-TON PICK-UP Aveo money maker, BTO5 [snuirs sms x THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, 20m sr.w--a sé! ---- RL THIG IS AN OR HOUR TO . 176 ol BOLLE PATTI CREAN S W' COME CALLING, CHASE, ' UTMOST LRG ENeY TROY J /4 Ol \ y Pu BEEN IN 4 / THAT LTALK Ta y PES TOMORROY! 97 : BED FOR od TULIP, MR, BE DEVIN IN =AND THEN . 41 BRE 1 MANGAR v , SUB A MINUTE, all they're sUIL coming tnd some of last year's bills," GEN ERATORS ond [me---- - Voltage Regulators Poe LARA i ! [| ANAIA BT TE iz S61 You wou, N'Y baTRN dh TER We repaii any Mb or made! WW TIVNLE d WALNUTS, MARE MAL LOW i R THAT hl, iil Phone RA 5-684] He 1) De i % : CHERRY AN vs » anytime Lee) [ETE A ~ ZL > 2a. 0 Or 24-HOUR TOWING OR : 4 J a SE (Oa VICE CAL Len Wall's White Rose Simeoe §t, No=Oshawa (73 TELLYoU Y Hoe x NLA NV = = When you need p a BPA rasam "NOME-NURSING" 8 Call a V,O.N Nurse RA 5.2211 Home RIT MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA "YOUR ONE sTOP CENTRE FOR * WILD BIRD SEED * WILD BIRD FEEDERS ~ bl ; pp i 0 Ly 108 SALY PAGWOOD, WELL, HAVE YOU THOUS KS wear po you | RN oS BUT . A PAINTING THE WELL THINK HE Ss PAINT THE SCREENS 7 i$ MGT HAVE Al r h : ¢ WATER SOFTENER SALY IRA, IT MAKES Un SENSE { SAM TON | CONCEALED? THE ORAVER 19 FILLED oF aca Tonans | Il « SNOW sHovals MAY HAVE MARKED . WITH RAPESEER BUT | g PACE. FE THATOVE AVER \ (C BO Oc p ENOUGH FOR PAPERS : * RABBIT PELLETS AC 1 pW) fi ts {NPERVEATH ws { R. RARE AES on He , ® MASTER DOG FOODS aur To coven: | Je } oT ¢ BULK CEREALS NM) SAVETHIVG { 54 CHURCH ST, DIAL RA 3-2229 Pree Customer Parking