14 THE OANA TIS, Sarwniey, Iebrvory 18, 19) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 2 RA 3.3492 CLASSIFIED AD RATES of 34 is in 1.44 yi 80g ve oil Mga o% fer, lad oo. for foi tg Rand § Kirk Ae § rey VA 1 dd CA PTA, SE, ey wire oh 7% A ART RTA [iF Yc # fore fa oh oF om. Cty om ofl i nA [ "iawn 7 tf Hn Tures Ly A ke ig ind herd pick 4 A wiking. mn we Haman # me i Ee aeatied aan, And de HA id er 10 Slosity aa eiisrg sesciding He oon pial eahions In hg cote of dwg RAveIik VE liad d w free » ned be hele 185 reiie | sce hen mel on he stl Sw neces. The pA HEE BPORR TN 5 ia # ol admeng mole canreetly od pares ne heey f ay pEugese wm oy tom CT Re hergn " whieh V9Personel IF EOL Arik that's gave business! I Sou want lo Map, hal 18 BF Bushes Wie Fr Bok 5%, Whitby 442 +44 wanied a Faropin Won Map TRephme wan 0 the BEEMAN pestle in taking the Indy 1hemived In| the Ber dent a The forngf of Eastiswn Io od King mn H th Hd i6, ta the Bn wy Liehers asiikal please rN BEIM lier § pi ELECTROLYSIS hair fg add wi in {di Removal of Marie Murdut! will be in Oshawa, March 14h and 18th Phone Genoshs Hots) | SpE 1140s on these dates far appoints ment oo» AERP #iiie yas {el ark, Boe MAN waned for | Bell ta 180 Iaimilise hustiers. Wille Ldpy Bink, WONRERPYI i A LPN Ay Sn Ei 1 tres boll $5 Retr Eo ig a "4 a w, kd mE Seated fi 4 Cthoter igre iiik 7 WE App tu own ll worry = ho8 7 Jn, gran , # hp 1] i rer of TWF hi Yt omole Jisis Wotted (4d= Heures For Rem woes AF FPF HIER "» dar ww 4 J or gy y vi? #4 #14 A tt, Wh nls or re pn 4 (ALY ed iad ee 2 i My i Site Wh ho i rE LICENCED HAIRDRESSER |seites, ith goed Steady Empey) formation WERTH met For RUDY'S ASHION KHAIF STYi ING Ww WILSON SAITH PLALA RA B-2351 Invoice Clerk Fully sepsrienced, required ly of Elections menilectirer £5 pment in Migr PH, WH 2-2120 "ty, Il sme 8 MISE ephine RA bE Wor 10 bith) Ww LW Jobo orm 1shon Bt Ws iche) 2) Personal Service OUR BARB oUEp CHICKEN halt chicken fish and het dogs, Chicken plate with french frigs chips, hamburgs milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER ~~ RA 5.3887 a5--Pets ond Livestock if Mh eight manths a # kond hams d, ih kA A eb he particulars ihinone it l hans ARE Bins Fanged. Bi Oshawa WHEN ANSWERING | HELP WANTED ADS Send copies anly of references and ether pepsrs, ond gveid possible lass of erigingls around | mah X wh #41 Td (bloribie la lal | " a ae ant wirk on Canpin hd For winied la wo ver ¥ [47440 #74444 Figs Ld il] isigh dd Imes ot TT ole Help Wented H Kindly SALESMAN with si a ies, " prope ofits Toes. | | he : : ¥ ENCED i ing nd HARE Avil BIve cos North ve, LA Ua mim gt, gw TH) Rawielgh Ld prs Woniteht Ftnity for Be ol he | ne! of wll nh 4 ee Mid dad 19w rw FIVE (Hib ko A Vhiik Fin Eo 4s Resiid, heh PEE rons, HE on Bee 8 bai Rages, Ty Lipiy lasplad, is 160. Toisypnone BA § » we Wit Wr Ys ad wey tw wale! Assnue. BA Gum TORY nr Wh 4 JER, KERTH BRA TERR 12 CUR RIL WEEE Baad, ed pr (oie ihe Ye po SVEN 1a) Hep Blinn ply WE Fide 4 ill iy w w ' pli aad wh hiss g Labiie Mid Eliret Fast Wikiky LARGE sare Avwniawn locsiion. WI FURNISHER tvs # had tg wl opens henisd. Tele bane BA 40m lor Tether patien-! bas oom brick haves ta reels tan Li A Wis WOBEMERL REEN ALR Binns East, Monde) Wrmigh Vier ! SENECA Brest Barth, pew hang ow, hiss hedinoms, Wyih 79) Kichen ond bathinam nib, aie Hn medialis y | BA Kun OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Appraximately 12' by 33 or Igrger if preleried APPLY 23 CELINA §T, Apily Yd id flouis 4 he, nll J yd apy Tr, EEE 7 Weds, HAY | og Fhinee blisel, Felephone al slast 1418 J 8 mani y, hewt pnd {411d 0 \WEW model 90 hehioem Apply W110 pew Bpaiimest huliding ud A fA Flots wow rs ed ye Co ara ws WT ity dH CE ed LL i A par fo booed Ah vy: a rman vis I or ud Hipstien, a ye al |4sid Whine RERike, BERTH, i MEL, pRrng tise BA ENS or BA / Ary by tid i WrTihed Ayiitm Tansy ae, WEAN Eph pa Wide me Aha, LWA kb EFECIM. hacheloy pr ent, Wm Apr EDL INRRE 4 Ar wl bor pe WE £1 i Vii ing (yw iby BEATER Ladd hiss ww. ie TAR BIR I H6 CARH, nd hi 4 Gh Hi REWIRER y WREhEIE RpRitiment. lafies £, IRIVige) Biay IRTRE Fintkls, Rib pg A Aswized +0 added (THREE JIRA Flom WE Bd ENR IRE, AYR Bear dooplown. Telephone |#lher LA 2 (ry ale Beall to sh 4 "Wh Fi yh Fim | [Heiser par, Have, TY WANERE Machine wn IRarking sppce. Apmis |e 184 Avg BERL EM einige Bar wid Move. waved LaYEING ' minier walk 1a General Motors, #9 Mani y 485 Malags Hoa. BA Sai7é | PRIVATE thes fv 5 parking. Wi bi Bowel n, Cul apertinent PV biel nines fing Mery Wh [84770 |THRFF Entrance (hen rnp | fell TRAM BARRIER EUPMORIAE AAA Bik neavy Auly wining, me Sekine contre. Apiiy 184 privalg LL Lid lL 700 i Four-ranm walyrni shed [BpREtment, private eptipnes. Telephone {KA S3847 Tor Further partieninre IFUBNISHER apartingnt three rooms healed, cledn, Eardgs, pieisant Br ndings, BALE, Rhstalners. Ean [MAA ts, & Flats or Rent NEW modern protessionally Ascarsied nn hedianm apartment, electrically ph neinding Tike whsher anf yer. Class lo Bhhpping Conte Apply Fi Fronisnse Avence, Apt §7--Mals Help Wanted UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESMAN OVER 30 Opportunity fer quick advancement, high eammis sion earning and selid future with a growing come pany. Sell world famous Goodyear maintenance pros ducts to industry, institutions, gevernment and farm acceptable ta star of trade. Products accepted in aver are exclusive developments and non-competitive, All products are repeat items. Age is no barrier of our best men are 60 and ove essential, Our top men earn over $10,000 sales because summer ling. Full time man wanted but part time Complete Canadian operation 80 countries, Many many Automobile is Year and diversified winter ineluding factory and 6 warehouses assure prompt including fr Paint & LL] deliveries, No ea ol required. Many fringe benefits Insurance arnish on Lid, Cleveland 14, Ohia, U5 A Write Cansalidated Egat Ohio Building, Wanted 4 L] Li or My NE hound, 10 weeks oid, 1arge breed a8 permanent Inoculation poly #1 oatrice Slrgel. WA 5310 BEAUTIFY] baby histgier hf hi Wood" falling air alin Apply Mrs | road, 114 Elgin Blreet Fast FAR BALE = Fel dog Tetriever, Ta padlor, Blagk male. Telephone RBA 83 Ai) IAF any Iither particulars COCKER Spaniel puppies, fish ied very alfectionale Telephone J hi Fo--Farmer' s Column LARGE quantity of hay and raw alephing HA Boned BR SALE thes #leetrie headers ehigk capacity, alg twa seal hum ing hrondlgr staves. All in goad Fie Hon LH (rorge armel ne mile YR aglon Dliver ¥ AR farm stock pigked ee inh shllgot, Janeen [Sal a 1 Farwill Pur Farm, Tyrone MANURE for sale, also ang horse, Tele: | phan BA §6053 | Wn Trailers th INE GEENDALE fraller, 80 5 8 eandition, hrake altachment for $4005 ar best olfes Phone MArkel § ail 0--Svep & Barter ih SWAN BRU TR twa slams, Ane siplpl haliding, ane alse for vaults in any eles hanes in fish [LL] i. TIERRA AA BARE sven | ings WA -- 32-=Articles Wanted RARTED Ww hay al 1 IT ole Re wall + pm A aw MARY ils . 4 Rh waned, Mr make ar "| rash. Wile Pike, 18 Lara aire eke te ar le fleas pallipt BAB 1841 » YALL fain and Stamp Sars R gh West, Oshawa. Wanted 35° niokel, susan Viglana enind of Canada Wl pot Badly Noh, Wives dnl \nbs belaw Uh asap | i, old Cans Alan and other taken, gold enins of BAY cQuAtEY In ales eandition, alee a * aren Sinstie A Ring Sue fl 10 eli ieee ol ooh ls Bair HY Pia WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS |. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 your h fk -- pheck IF YOu woul LIKE ¥ pei hh Fhe Clasaified Bgorion right wh ¥ 10 SUPPLEMENT YOUR $150, $300, $500 PER MONTH INCOME BY § OR MC our leisure time, eur awn heme during fram 80, ORE Write P.O; Box 56 far further Oshawa Ont infarm alien $4200. $4740 COMPETITION 61.7201) CLAIMS $3210. $4320 COMPETITION 41-72010 Unemployment Commission EMPLOYMENT OFFICERS OFFICERS Insurance Various Centres in Ontaria Details as to residence urements tans, al or nearest Civ mission Office hl on Post IL and qualifier ligation farms Offige, National Employment Office, Servien Come ___(sellest) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wants sars for wiecking, Pars for sale, alia scrap iron and metals, ete. bought, Open Saturday all doy. Phone RA 5.231) 89 BLOOR E, B -- ar -- thang Ll "waned, cleaner Phone A [A wo } A'S hag wail hms Ady Wilh ay COTY ae a TeFomals Help Wanted NITY Ll LR an PRI. public . beat! i hp a hoaokk We paTlie oh ne, - Heaton a Bat SI Oehawa Tones WANTER gt Ha Hey Falianie WOMAN 2 ook afer § fem Ww Haat Wi for a gy N BILE ae So Vi vate AY mn ANN home or yours | We OR EE Re sa 0 haan, ay nen, ie AA = i, i oh yl oud We, or ¢ +48 Bhai, whale 41 Roam & Board ROAN" fi BRR oN Ki or twa " | we ar IRE ont nly ie Nbr] EN oe awa, RA SW gl Wend To Rent (ERGY MA Wana AR wa 7 hh Aa ls Tn [a Phone RA») & Wise. wt Nari Sim Witla Bon $4 Qahawa Tied Tons APATY (IN The mathel Tar 4 Meobihe . Wn check the v w Ll Ey | small farm hiv four Wome? ge A Ave: | ment, park Ean ----r | | 30--Mals or Female Help | §8A--Ants, & Fiats Rent [a Rew Ena + hedropm apart [heat BARAT ment huwliding, refrigara fi, above paved paking.' 89 Park Haba Bauih, BA Aas18 PAREMENY apartment, In modern ham, eampletely Beivale, radiant heat Far MONE bargain ta fespansinle souple. Garard Hos ares. Telephone RA 3-810 THREE ranma, hardwood floors, seps FALE enlrance, slave, refrigerator, use| of washing maching and telephone, ofa: | tral HA MORERN twahedioam apart ment Wiper hall of duplex, washing faghi Hed, hambien drapes, agrth end hus and season RA Bi IMODERN heated, two ane bedroom apartments nelle slave, religeralag, TV anton A and laundey, Thamas and Cedar dis frie ARWIS preferred. Telephone KA ERAL] FIVE wiring, tlavision aulist LLU ib tel Apply iE) ENT = Thies LA hath ined, WRITER y "hs am he antle, \ Alles dawniown Ra dt Inpated BEEN Mapu, Immediate pos heavy duty, our plese hath, hart Stpeal mam apartment, tant bn oom, manih) phone THREE lav Auphaards, OFS: VOR A 0 Blinds ri LLL af, clase We BA S080 LARGE, Woon three WARE aie = eanditioned. saith en SI, TA S331 ar BA 53008 MARINA apartments. 341 Sioa Sires | South, three roams, reirigeratar. slave, Sitka Mareh ai olephone RA Hm hs ® part ". Lr onus, slink, mn TOAMed apart THREE oe Aa Redvy wi A Sree i Whee' wa av town. Tele roamed | | By [) en " a AAS Telephone TaRvE TNE SAERErs. ASIEEANIALN |. Aecarated. Telephone [1 LANL OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT slavatar saves ing. Contrally toe MAWRIGWA ales nt Leasms new avaliable THE TIMES BUILDING Contact 1, L. WILSOH Phone RA 3.3474 Passenger Naw build) ated Ful wan ww | One and Two Bedroom i hehee) had oe Sohee we SAOORMORAY hws 4 Times APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6485 Noy hadenam and PANVERIBness - Rariwend of Ri ROM ARaTiment, we hacky lend. Telephone KA 545833 TWO - bedroom apartments in mode er | sppitment billAing, avaliaiie MO 8-493 | ier § p.m. 100 oad, Apt "| With FIVE = tonm upper Auples $60, radia: | lor oil heat, reliable adults, stove, re Feinigerptar optional, closed In phreh Sultahie 16 share, 8 Charlies direst "lewWn Bedroom spariment in new Bedeogm buliding, hardwood through | ond ineatisn, Avaliable naw {Elgoe 1a Bus apa schon! feitihne Wi ELL (THRIF mem pell-contpined hase {ment apartment, We Noor throughout, Burtiing, drapes Yensiian hinds wl | (plied, TV aerial, 1aundry room [ellities. 503 Ritson Road Wort GROUND flasr, new, LI) aparbinent and Wath, gt ed, cenlral, B85, heel, walsy helied {Big child welohme, ial KA #6804 hi hedroom gpavtment Steeet Novth, lly saulpped. Telephone | {BA BBI43 between 0 bm. and § p.m Five TOum Private apartment, thee [place hath LL) TV snlenng. Avail! {While Maren tA B11 HA 81344, | TWN ram apartment, fmished ne \flgeratar and rane. Ver eanty [Eines ta hub Apply 143 Huron pd MONELN self-contained aperiment, |; VEFY ceniral, WB per Banh Telephone | BA 58435 ur RA S435 EL) CONTAINED nyt FORM Apart ment with slp ne Bauth ele Phane HA Ani 1 oy iH ying [Five pom Dienished apartment, ng Lolidren, alsa (hres nm anaitment Li gloss 10 hus. Telephone HA | at! Faydan {Twn OF thee = roam apartment, fur Inished, warking person ar couple pre: {Fora Feasnahie. Call BRA BA6T8 wr {apply 183 Centre Bireel AVAILABLE new, desirable all heated awer fiplex far twa adilts, tied Kile en. hathream, reamy puphanids, 1efrig SIRE, SHOVE, bWn eRLI hl] ane aul te pabin, parking BA 34040 | ADELAIDE TERRACE | * bediaom Adelaide rigs, T.Y inelydes hat 199 Mew meds apgariments Ave. WW, 5 outlet, drape water, parking spaces, and laundry facilities. Apply Apt | No 2 | PARKWOOD APTS, Corner af Park Read nerth and Saguenay apartments. Apply apartment Ne. 11 8 Adults enly RA 3.9776 ~-- RA 3-2508 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Maden ane = and twa « bed: roam apartments, $88 and Twa hedram or a fet iene, 15 FROME; | | Vt ur § f of & Flats MAA hepry ES Hd HE Hed py dy 4 rma #5 FEZ te he foils Er A ye "ig ag sid me Von tom: Werther Wr A oH "E LLY f So ear gt fant lh ra a Sam x x id AR i yi EEE, % [a2] BUSINESS SFRVICE RECTORY. Aecoumtom Hon © lad) fiir £7 Copan al rd PH " Ki i, seet West. Bh 7. Wes, RINE p24 od! » Co hagas 7 ¥ Shave, H Ehprisiss ard Chi WHAGH mod BURROWS rr we hh momen Wyk Ohsre Hopwid V gv 4 [1 Cosine, Gh BA #5) ¥ WAR and £4. Beshyplapis " 19 Ag i Glen BAK, Wn tasie ys Lehane, Paps (7 i FAK nF FRIED) ABNER, WY J Wd BA EEIVARIE FIA Laken Frusien mn Bank Ly Bing bires! Fast, Ahan; B. by Tk CA} Vredlonaer § Lomm., a MONTEITH aid od gf Us RIF ne Kh Charieien Becownlppis wi Missi ooh wn a £ A bi 1h ke é Ain wil iad [Articles for Rent } FLOOR SANDERS CUPBOARD SANDERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT REDUCED RATES 80% discount an famous make Enamel and Faint WEBBING HARDWARE RA 3-4873 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Haespital beds, whee! chsirs, invalid walkers heasides, commedes, crutches and canes, alse roll-awey beds | Phone Ald Rentals RA §:1644 Auta Parts KENT'S Western Tire, gunraniesd ay Homotive wiris and wcoessaries, 1 Bing Bliss! West, Oshawa. HA § 17 ] "Five BeEvies Baye 10 MEive You Barristers Bawa ay PAYIR Ly Barvisier 3% Bimeas Bouth. KA S-960% Hes | ee RA B-Ab KIA RON te # ars. CHepty 1] ANY ni; Barristers, | funds available Tor on Wimaid [nt ptr 0 Slimeos Bieset North. | sive way Loak over the barks) A S360 Charles ©, Melilhon, 85) Hasigda, 8 {HOHN A. CAMERON, harvisier, soliel Lay anil Bolary piblie. 18% King Bless ask NA 30000 NIA and privaty | meriuauee aiipnged | THOMAS NM. RENRLE 107 Ant hatary bible Blrsst East. Phone RA B-1763 [HUMPHREYS Bayehyn' and Hillman Barristers. Boliginrsi nN, Hum phrevs, BC; 6 A Pakehin, BAW A Hillman, TLE A it Sires Fark hones: OH iA Wi Bes Wid or Whitey, MO 83761: BA § as Balle Maney 1a nan finy Band Kell Barrslery, ih i i ol L1 nh IT i Ter barrister, soll Yity vi Blimipne ial iA LR Rediduots, M. Greer. B {anes V Kally, FA "hi hy We LLL] BALPW JONES, BA Themes |] fireer, Assapiate Barristers 1] gliaks, 10 King Strepl Fast, § A J L] Martins loans avaliable CRETG iN po ASE, BRYNAN and i fil Barristers, nolieitare, Je fury Hi Wank of pammeres Hi Rn 35 Bimene Street Nath HA bi BK. Upeluhitan, Wt Nf fi, K Prypan, 6, kL martgages FIARgd MANNING AWARTE Salleiin Maney 1a 1088, Assn glate Ries Mapkey, Hen Black, 64, Wing Sirest Hast 1407. Residence, Dial KA 54088 JAMES A, MachONALR, BA Notaty 140.) ORL LLL Barrister and Solipiter aod i Molar Bl lg The Cammerelsl Biliding ng areisier and Fah kau] hing Biresl Kast, 4 Hahaws RA § Hy LL ji) fi am RA 3am A ihr oe NUN i fie ihe Rg files RA $3011 up. Best location, Phone RA 8.8676 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD A KING &T DISTRICT) Quist, meaidential stream 1 & 2:bedioom Apartments Stoves, 'figs, TV. eutley, drapes, parking, ae Rents from $90 monthly PHONE RA 5.5747 RA Shiviva 5 Finest Park Lane Apts 2-bedroom suite, ele vator service, control entrances, early pos session 5.7373 | contact DON HOWE Rental AS )€ RA 5.7 | (Opposite Hotel | | Ww 2 Weal, Dahiaws, Ontarie, Chaat park ing avaliable RUBKELL 1. MURRAY, i Ble aah Oshawa, Ontarie, BA JOSEPH PF. MANGAN 8 + salieiinr, Maney fa loan Anes 1414 {ME Reslaenee 1) nas BEAK PT LU LL WW King Strest AAWMAN. David 1. Ba a Falla iar, a Rh win WN HH an [A . hi allel fo hi Vil Building Trades ROOFING sepales of all Kinds, 8 ah iy yi Buarg os » Free eullmates, RA 46818 NAME Owaery i subing. "#8 net Wargar, onthe ure Ih is owner in | Boliel Bing | Fr Murdo on i Barrister, | Fy "Wal scr Vrodes A ving, heslhe Bh mh 44 ra ip ak BLikel Bowin HOW 15 THE TIME 10 GET MEH AT YOUR C4 REFAIRS OR BEMOLEL LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAK==THAT'S RA 85103 110 KiNG 87, E., SHANA AISLE BERAIR ANE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Tookheeping / dd ALL COMPLETE SERVICE RETURNS 6B6 OSLER STREET OSHAWA, OMT, RA 5-9953 (Business Opportunities ROW HANY ILE = hesind More ii sheet, Wil Aesorste to sib 43s vi lw FER Walker, J 1A | wt 7, MArket 35096 [FIal BA 33408 for # heiptul AS Writer, | {1re maggie! Oohavs Times Classitied [Ads will turn the sor yoy apt 1a wei ita eaeh. BIg BA $5408 today ta say YONE BI WRIKIRE 197 YM EBM: sore (Teg SOmmunity, 16 miles frvin Om} awa, Nive - 10m BRARINERE (07 HWRES, 14-0b0nl Tuneh soumer, Unie gocery ond hardware ment, 40 5 8, Tully suuipped BUSINESS AYEF Sight $00 dawn, Vine Mark halenee p nartgage. For Intormalion, (Marner) RA B01ES, Misr 9.4 BOOKKEERING INCOME TAK | | | i ig [lid git "Hi RIGATY now 1 the oo" Hm ne bo your farm. Take adyiniage rid tabi EE io I! Warme for Bale" dally, Piel BA 44 BEL Your olier ta Hem E: EQUIP your nlfice the easy, Ines uf i ed under "Olige Equipment' Asy's Clagaified section BEORE for rept 30 5 8 or WV Exelusive northern Fenidenigl Han, Facellont heaity Batlor ae Dogupaney March Pet EXCLUSIVE PHILCO-BENDIX EQUIPPED Coin-Operated Launderette Has Amazing Prefit Potential with Double-l.0ad Double-Profit WASHERS and Coin-Operated DRY CLEANING MACHINES For Information Withaut Obligation Contact KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, LTD 20 College Street Terente 2, Ontario Telephone: WA 5.4515 Cartage _ : Ln Mivint, Jd Moras is LT L LG) thawed. Phang. AN : | ACOTIAN wi { A i ade gp i XA i! en Pd wu A 0 hiner a rad, Fy AttR | A nu Pes of bams veRAIEE And Abdel ailing. Recreation hl Bh Taka Wal BA 44 BE ea wa Hi "W A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? ; Drom hy Ae WHE i A ET A TRATIONS Ll ads Ws AR, RAVAN Gain wea vr Fuel and Weed MY Wardwad, sade 8 Juable P88, slave i nad delivered hans BA 8 3 TECER of haidw a FA ah Tm LIN AL A BOATHOUSE? Food Froener Sorviems A NICE GARDEN WALL? REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OF SMALL CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL RA 8.5103 110 KING STREET EASY, OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD. Ty STOP HOMARKET Food Fregzar Company now in Whithy. Otfers the finest food seivies in Ontaria. All name biand areceries. Steaks and roasts 10 delight the sve. AV ow prices. Hind quarness sub od wiapped, A%¢ 1h, fants ¢ Ih: Wa have specially des ns HOMARKET home treasers hom 294.00 Ne deposit. Lifetime wamante. A and gd SCHAPELHIUMAN! #nd lunsh ream nly alan, day, Bathrdsy, Telephone WA 197k Food Frasner Services Morigege Hew VER a ry Ry ovr refit 3411 ig vi fae From CAAA fod i With AA Weties [ HE YP rR 4 sep rd 72 iy gh rR Vevment b lla e 4 Weiler Comers ha on ¢ fhe , ih wisn Bink" AF Weotth Ws math, 18 own so Bold % Bd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE wl rremt Inerast Roies Fost Confidential Service wth Hidden Bonus Gardening 'and Tephe i EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Shaping, Thinning of Fruit ard Ormamente! Trees Van Belle Gardens MA 35757 - BOWMANYILE (3 miles East on Me, 2) HAW A, | i 05 HOME LANDSCAPING| frit trees ond 1/68 Wirgery end 8rd wary. guerre Muning of | smementals, | remove) | antesd RA B-6366 Hg Chettel Mertgeges tie Covignern Payments te Suit Yow Fudge webs hinely Me Cost To You Unless Marigage Arranged, ALLIER | Hi RIMENTS 81 KING STREET E, Digi BA 3-399% Anytime For Boy or Evening AERA mes 17 Pridoid) Ad (41 pd Membr Optarie Mar Brokery p ii rhd sud Insurance ny HOILWEN ~~ Wally fo' Aer [{Hhaws dl TB i fs) Services Fan ARE toi, AASTATE ron Jnsuranés 9 5 per sent WE" s fv od A wh, wl A (Optometrists : nist Please YURN sors io' ol Advertise en i . pale [iil your pil IZ KiTWaRD | iJ ALK: PRIVATE 16 yepry Hon 0) {| E0i ka hid wl rite .. vi E | ing © RL Bf te ready made Hnes 08 Ladsy 1a part your am irony Rios WAR uA on donee gh a y y [1 dlr, cher, sud i "i i Ast naw. Ni ARVEY wn [Y. OF AOARENY gion, Tap, Reval An ut A HEhiand a HHA" now el Annee, i i iA Sek ST Es HE fn ats Et Vil i PLB he Bw ed Decorating Tl uf! i 4 fe 41 Teh ee hl i he TROrERIOn NAL of ERE W vine lt edt olivier. A char! 9 yi a Li Mone 0 Loan Alanis . Bi on y: and and alsa "i pm hire | ar ft TAT | Whith by ot Hi onal FIRKT ad LR] ikem ih pure ix LL Henle Bivees East CLTENTN 1:3 wage, Martgage an puiehased. NHA Erelghion, Framer, LLL] CULLEN 0] inihy Turn ta "Fels a Clamnifind section to A Wael, 0 oi "Neo nd Maries [iT Fs i oh fir agreement Pies " "dats oa eid [] pel PHONE FOR A LOAN $50 1a $5,000 RA 8.6283 CO. OF CANADA LTD, 294 SIMCOE §T, §, OSHAWA ath if wirthnd fy bri Ul i L1H nd Just ho Seaboard Finance _IPAINTERS & DECORATORS Induptrigl re mmerele!, fe wiltpeiny on oy Alterations Inishi ing Heme nd Office Fumiture , PHILPOTT PUNBARTON EVENINGS or Ge'vates DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING Fapsrha Gyptex, fll Wi My y Yh baintin 'Ry WHITBY HH LA VRON § NIGHTS Ka 5.7408 Personal Service fe J w Na Wie [AT if SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Sharten er lengthen garments Cults and pockets ron d, Complete stock of buttons 'S GILLAR CLEANLY SERVICE LTD. T BainiTe \ MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mart gages for first and ed mor on all types Ba the oa vasant la | then wm mer ides; fimt an bo a V4 " King ie slephens R merigages and for sale Psa M, Swarts, 2 hen? Oshawa "|Piumbing Heating "EEE i" rp 074 hii Joven - ln Ta HA LA 74 Erion dri ih Lk SEGERS R ue and SIMOLSTERY CLEANERS Professions) NG--"' » RATS prices 5:7488 Ww a mw, RAD, A ow a Gaba eri Hd, TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS E-HUMIDIFIERS He Rion I SMAPS RA 3 55425 SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA B-8180 OSHAWA TV, 361 GIBBONS SV, 40' TOWERS $48 30 ROOF ANTENNAS $30 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 Completely Installed With 2: or Warrenty LEN & LOU'S CITY T.V. RA 5.7844 802 SIMCOE §7, §, nleY, Service Colls, $3.00 SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE Selevision Mig 2 Washers « 88 On 0 Conia Renals ys bac i " hia) STREET Fast Service Sensible Rates TV TOWERS 40:1, selisupporting tower, Het dip wolvaied We Int, Complete with new Mering al all + channel antenna, price Total Installs guaranteed for year AN Als prompt set servies TV Enterprises 253 Draw St, RA 3.3683 NOW , | , RAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS Complete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 57844 01 RA 8.5804 SERVICE Mn YOU W, NY "TV. and RABIG CALL RA 68-5286 All Yi Guar ) Wa pina ks CLAYTONS Appliances and oil burner wervies, automatic washers, dryers, saves, wil hymen, space heaters. 24-hour ser vies, RA 8.1064 BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, RD PUMPS, 55 oil bumers, het water and ad 00 00 to $30, ediate loan on Hint end toad Mortgages, yi ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen tial and industrial sity, sub urban and sauntiy, and Sum mer gotiages. | Summerland Seeurities Limi ted. 113 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone RA 3 3368 Motgugm MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought, Sold Company and Private Monies 0 for amily of our san lve well and awn a fies $18 00 LIRR 84830 Richard Mayveck RA 3.7460 A 3:63 44 BOLANOOD Limitay Reale Mambey Ontario Morases Brokers Anosiaton MONEY TO LOAN fared air furnaces, bathream fixtures, Fo and servies, TN NG AND HEATING oN A yo or Ni Ne Natale Intery Savion and i, MAMI L W» LH) Todd EE Find RoR RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANE fessional Lisaning Plam Me bars of the National intite of Rup i, Stand DIUSWAY wm RA 8-468 1 Wi hol fii Pic Home @ 5 A Te ba SE Wath Repair _--- HY THenares RANEVAN AND F Fionn" RA i rhs oar tt Eh i iL Tah Ro Ay WwW Masi. a Sa WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St, West Specializing autematie watches RA 3.4548 Well Drilling W. WAR WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2543 = MO 8.3800 204 CHESTNUT ST. W PO BOX 32% Women's Column PENCER foam Waally designed Be] saraiin Admiral Ry pd Rh he il .