4 12 ™™ AHN h Tiss, Sorwiey, Febery 35, 196) IT LOOKS SERIOUS -- BUT DRIVER Wes Morgan of Alexandria, ( two 100-mile races yesterday Va, flipped his 1960. Chevy slternoon st Daylong Beach ond. over-end aller a collision | in the Dayions international th Dave Mader of Birming: | Speedway, Morgan was taken Tam, Alshaind, in the first of | to the hospital after | the pill 1SPORTS MENU By Geo, H, Campbell SPORTS EDITOR "Everything From Soup To Nuts' WEEK-END HASH; George Avmstrong, captain of Toronta Maple Leals, has been told hy his doctor that he'll have to sit out the rest of the schedule -- and the playolis are merely a hope, Don't know what the rest of the hockey experts have figured out, but in our opinion, Pulford's injury was a serious blow to Tovonta's hopes, An injury now, et this stage, to George Armstrong, hits the Leafs where it hurts, Leafs have Bower on the sidelines with injuries and after the game Thursday in Montreal, they find goalie Gerry MeNamara also out=nfs action, They've called up Cesare Maniago, former Bt, Mike's Junior, to fill the gep but the facet remains, Leafs are short on goal-tender spares and this ould be the deciding factor in keeping them out of fivst place in the NHL standing, Tovento fans are teking a keen des Nght in the showing of the team, in the NHL race and the showing of Frank Mahovlich in the individual scoring race, But the faet vemains=they (the Mapleos and Big M) haven't made it yet and it becomes ohvious that a couple of key Injuries == to other members of thelr team == will be enough to keep them out of the running, The Ontario British Consols single=rink ehamplons ship at Ottawa has proven quite an affair, In the sixth round, Woodstock beat Jake Edwards of Kingston while Belleville's MacWhite topped the Orillia Sputniks and Guelph defeated Joe Gurowka of Dixie, That was had enough but in the 7th round, Jake Edwards beat out Guelph and Dixie won over Woodstock so when Jake Bdwards. of Kingston, out of the running, beat out MacDonald's Guelph vink in their final game, it didn't mean mueh ta the Kingston foursome hut it did ereate a three-way tie for fivst place, between Guelph, Orillia and Belleville, Tom Calwell's Orillia rink meets Guelph's Don MaeDonald in a semisfinal sudden=death ame, with Mae White Belleville meeting the winner n the deciding game, This has been the tightest Ontaria Heights" playoff sinee they stavted and side-benehers agree that na matter wha wins out, Ontaria's represens tatives will not be tea strong, Prior to the plavaffs in Ottawa, Jake Edwards of Kingstan and Joe Gurowki of Dixie were regarded at top favorites, Both are out, BRIGHT BITS: ~~ Another reminder = Oshawa City and Distviet Bofthall Association, via president "Win" Hall, has called an important meeting for Sunday (tos marraw) afternoon at ane o'clock, at the Rundle Park elubliouse and all Oshawa OABA teams ave urged to have a delegate an hand , , , SCHOOLBOY CURLERS, out at Prince George B.C, had an upset win yesterday, British Columbia's entry, from Okanagan whipped Ones tavio in their 11th round but the key game that deelded the Issue was Quebec's brilliant foursend vietary on the final end, aver Alberta, ta decide the ehampianship, This mavked British Columblas first time win of a Dominion Shampionship and needless to say, it was wildly acelaimed , , , MARIE PEPRER, who suffered a fractured thigh in a ear accident last year, 1s finally up=and-about again and intends to try for a berth on Canada's 1964 Olympie team as a discus thrower , |, . OSHAWA LEGION Minar Baseball Assoe, will meet at Legion Hall en Sunday afternoan, twa a'cloek ta organize for the coming summer season, All persons ins terested will be made weleame , , , JIM VIPOND and Bob MeLaughlin, the latter af CBC, will join the Western Canada "Newsmen's" pink on the trip to Scotland, for ['} al eurling session there , , , THE BEE HIVE SLALOM ski event is this Sunday a Collingwood with # total of 27 of Canada's top skiers entered in the eames petition, Varsity Shuns | While Alberta has olinehed the Western intercollegiate [Champtanshin, there still is al Western Bid abi of Laval University nishing In a first-place tie with TORONTO (OF) =The Uni! the Rives fueing A playelt afer vert of Taronte Friday/Mareh 4 Faculty vepresenta down an invitation fram itives felt the players would suf niversity of Alberta to hold fer academically hy further ab $he Hvar Wier «+ oallegiate/ tonee from studies so late in Rockey championship in Edman: the college year, | Jt alsa was folt the idea of an proposal was for a Best atkUanada championship shank abihied series starting March be approved hy the entire Rast B, With alr transportation costs ern senior lo MEWS, Which in orhle Sanaidered several Seda MoGil- University. andl TRIOCUAE the invita: the University of Montreal & APOKSIIR Sal -(well an Laval and Toronia, ul Swedish Puck Star Is Syed As Pro FIRM (AF) ~~ wed fut Italian Swedish snd intern ationsl Tohenson's lower (id previensly indeed Sar 4 2580 4404 HH wih 0 at aa d a GE Jr Led Jus put SR, whe, however, i a 12h te Gk on. { B y 4A CAAEIRNY Korb) dent 1K conid not i fi ed Tittus be i Bo [for_using yh 'Women Curlers Vie For Honors AWA (CF)~/Phe first € | i Women's eur kd plonships start Mon with| ries Lig all pins Nees he Wig question--in the wh Wo ny wseful national form ehiri=seems 10 he whether | the Prairie ladies will take fhel same stranglehold on the annual event thet yr menfolk have tended to exhibit over the years While this is the first nations! (women's honspiel, statistics of the contending rinks in the round-robin event show years of pring BAVY winner should be known Thursday night after the ninth round and there sre plans for| two more Friday if tebreaking| {18 necessary, The program provides for # lot of eurling hut the social side a5 might he expected = Fing| heavier than nthe men's) | Phamplanships, 2 Yard X | The first round Monds ve im #0 am, E87» tthe WASN'T HURT but was found to he not ne ured seriously, "Fi ¥ ehall" oherts of Dayions Beach won the race (AF Wirephota) Buffalo Bisons Buy Brian Cullen BUFFALO, NY, (APF) ~Bul- fale Bisons of the American) Hockey 1eague purchased Brian! Cullen from New York Rangers {of the National Hockey League| | Friday night for the #20000 waiver price Cullen, an Ottawa nati join Bullalo for a game Vani gt Cleveland Cullen, 27, hegan his pro es veer with Buffalo in the 1951-62] and the 1952-68 seasons, The next year he played with hath the ald Pittshurgh team of the AHL and with Toronte Maple Leafs, In 100566, he played with| Toronto and with Winnipeg of| the Western Hockey League Cullen plaved with Rochester] PRINCE GEORGE, B.C, (CP) of the AHL and with Toranto| British Columbia his captured during the 1066-67 season, and la fivst Canadian eurling erown during the next two seasons hel Jervy Caughling 16-year « old Waved full time with the Maple! skip fram Oliver, consistently eafs, He was traded to New|eame up with the hig plays to York for the 1060-60 season, guide his pink to the 1061 high making this his se ond year school eur ling championship with the Rangers Friday. Hampered by injuries earlyl Defending champion Alberta this season, he had 11 goals which entered the final draw of and 10 assists in 41 games, Inihe 11 + pound event ted with| 4 games last season, he Wadig 0 at 61, was upset B46 hy only eight goals and #1 assists, Quehee fame Auestionabie FT OCR SOnTTe™ (harutid dbety Ai AND STANDINGS Andy Hryeko to overcome a twaspaint harrier coming home By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ameriean Josue WELT and count four, Williams and Canghlin had! F ARM 1 476 167 70 MIDGET LEAGUE 0 164 158 60 4 206 184 0 #174 167 hh Ouehee UA HE 0167 ROA 48 Providenes 20 40 0170 8706 40 Friday's vesulls Bulfala 1 Rochester § Hershey # Springfield 8 Tonight's games Buffala at Cleveland Quebec al Bpringhield Bunday's games Cleveland at Buffalo Quehee at Providence Hershev at Rochester Eastern Professional WLT I Is Ottawa 80 10 #0 20 ih 08 gi 25 28 oh Bpringlield Buffala Cleveland Rochester Hovshey With shortened the regular aehedule hy one game, the twa tap teams all ted up at 10 points apleee met Wop hing night in & winner take all battle far the tap spot, Kinsmen prov ed 10 be the epportunists as they eashed in on three break: Aways to defeat thelr arch ¥l vals Canadian Leglon 6:8, Local AM A814 5 237 141 81 UH 99 HB 904 161 64 46 25 10 101 184 A0 29 80 6 217 233 Hl Sudbury 80 41 F188 202 4 Mantreal 17 8111 141 156 48 Friday's vesnlt Montreal 6 Sudbury 4 Sunday's games Sault Sie, Marie al Kitehener Kingston at Montreal Sudbury at Hull-Ottawa OHA Kenlop WET FP ARM 2411 2104 149 AO I 410 1a IIE 6134 1 1020 1 147 168 AY Strathroy 12.20 6 132 160 20 Waoodstaok 19 95 9 195 104 80 Friday's vesulls Galt § Woodstock ¥ Chatham § Stratford § Tonlght's same Chatham at Strathroy OHA Junior A VLT FARM #200 155 Hull-Ottawa Son 81, Marie Kits henep Kingston with a 88 victory over Lions, Meanwhile Rotary took advan: yage of Lions' oss to pull ahead of them inte fourth place with 3 end squeaker aver Kiwanis LOCAL 288 §, Lions setting a fast pace in the Hest period built wp a 50 lead on goals hy Tam Seton and Bil Nichale before the Union bays eauld get untrack: of, Then Local 238 struck ek hard and fast to go ahead 42 with three quick goals, hy Doug Sutton, Pon Bamoeski and Job Waite, Nichole tied the scare again hefare the end of the first period but here the Lions at tack faltered, Local 333 with goals hy Bob Robinson in the Ind and Jim MeGraw in the dnd won fairly easlly showings good fareheoking In the last 4 146 138 8d [twa periods, SIST100 40) LOCAL, 238 = Lupe), Rradiey, ami WIN FI0E 2 48inionne, Barmoskl, MoGraw, 81, Catharines 1523 5154 190 33 Kidd, Balsam. Robinson, Ei Peterbara 1484 7100 181 38/1ialt, Waite, Leach. Loaming, Marihoros LRU REIRLIR hen, Noakes, Stroud Friday's results | LIONS == [Hamilton 1 Guelph 1 aki Willoughby, Ketlela, Se: Peterborough | Niagara Falls 3 ton, Spencer, Hibloek, Hall! Tonight's Hames ving, Wilkins St, Michael's at 81 © atharines | FIRST PERIOD Sunday's games 1. Lions: Seton {81 Catharines at 81. Michael's (Rpencer, Crassmas) «7.00! Peterborough al Maribaras 2 Lions: Nichole (Chapman) wane 100 it 18 ton late In the season tod Lop, 383 = Sutton [begin negotiations (Loach, Loaming) yyy 13.08 "We will definitely look tel 4 Loe 299 Pamnoskl «vy 10.18) the matter and atlempt to ar! § Loo, 382: Walle yyy, 17.80 range a plavelt far nest sea: §. Lions: Nichole y 10a SOR, sald Warren Stevens, Tor] Penalties -- None ante athletic director, but there L SECOND PERIOD AT WARY problems the Whole 1. Leo, 3230: Robinson league must fst loa out (Walle) JONS 3 Windsor Chatham Gal Stratford Guelph TH St Michael's 26 13 Ningara Falls 22 18 Hamilton 1018 | DRE RIES RIVORE "4 Aamags Ins # the key Ld Feta t a i a ) the re ol or Com ia Wand we demand eatistaction" Hor B.C. Schoolboys 492 made sure of third place Quisale, Chapman, | F Rot EOREETR a (EF, (Ws ied tha By = Soast lo 8 # = fn he AF A Tonite how aT Wy he a wi py (A hari py ingrid CA a ike [£3 r (60 19 aA the besh Harr Wits, we ask you 19 ve the Johansson case With wend RETRO ER, RAR phe fs sports in mind," A if A , He has 1&ams in --" Maniago oins Mapleos SURBURY (OF) =i Lx Hunt Club, # combined gol and |g "rent Loronta Wart Ta ENENRE El Fo fi There ware two rounds Mon the hig ; - doy, twa more Tuesday wand " |Vednerday and three Thirsdey | | Rani ge yr Activity in the whole program, paid th within four verned by the Canadian 14 | fon ihpleee ha wn ne of | ies' Curling Association, begins! gee | 0 the tig non 8 today A the Eamern Proles There are practice rounds, Rs: berth okey a sociation Meehan A prog on The ry 0 service Bl Bl, GEQIRE'S AN Fudd ghiean Chirch and then the of he 1 shots to "oot i fal ficial draws, shutout » [our games mince AA Next morning the opening! (eving & he Lan 1 ceremonies precede the fist | oo le 4 a Analy oi round, There's an plternom re | injured , Johnny " Bowpr, (eeption at Government House |MAFR 1LEF WAS Bu Tuesday night there is & dinner] The Wolves fired MM and the CLCA annual meeting Claude Fronovest in one of § the next morning, an alternoon tea, Friday night| members of one line, Bam [there is & reception and vietory!tio, Jack Martin and (anquet Morison, and Ken Girard, The Ontarie whip is Mrs. Em: [ily Woalley of Toronto and Bar {Girard it was his nla, Bhe's a three-time provin:| season elu) champ, | the sixth round put the B.C champions behind the hall, In the next two rounds | yaled ahove the B.C, heat them, Title heen expected to force a sud den-daath playoll and the draw| committee had pearvanged the schedule to allow duel, B.C, on top with a 9:1 record, Alberta was next at 88, fol: lowed hy Manitoba and Suskat |; far seh 8 grunswick weve Bh, Nova Bear } tia 44, Ontario 26 and PEI (WATE H RIVALS LOSE and Newfoundland 149, Caughlin, third David Jones, 16 second Jack Cox, 18, and Pinel Standings [lend Mike Shippett, 16, sat on the sidelines watching the last end of the Alberta « Quebec mateh | When Hryeko went in with a take-out rock and ent out the only Alberta stone In the house to count four, the B.C, team members Jumped to their feel and cheered | British Columbin Alberta Manitoba Baskalehewan Quehee Northern Ontario New Brunswick Nava Beolla Ontarie 10] Prince Edward Island 10 Newfoundland 10 | | | The Alberta loss ended a two: year velgn for the provinee, { = [RATT DSI oS TTD ETO BW wT Kinsmen, Local 222 Protect Chances fi, Kinsmen: Ryan 4.50 ¥ Kinsmen: Kitchen H, Kinsmen: Ryan (Anderson) 0. Kinsmen: Kitehen (Handford, Penalties == None, ROTARY 4, KIWANIS 4 The lowly Kiwanis crew look: teen! Penalties = Wilkins, Chap: THIRD PERIOD 8 Loe, 388 -- MoGraw (Ramaskl) Penalties Bal: inm, Orossmas, KINSMEN 6, CAN, LEGION § Throughout the first twa per inds this battle hetween leaders was a real hrusing hard eheeks ing battle with niether team giv: Ing way until the seven minute mark off the second period when Loglon seared twa quick anes, Kinsmen not ta be dented came right back with goals hy Gary Kitchen and Berny Ryan to tie the scare, hefore the end of the second period Chuck Love the league seam Ing' hing put Legion baok an top at the twa minute mark of the final periad before Ryan and Kitehen began thelr per sonal assault against the team that had given them sueh a tough time all season, These twa litle 8 Meedriers tnak turns seavin reakaways to com. piete Noy hat-tricks, Johnny lelding In goal for Kinsmen alsa deserves eredit far the vie tary as he came up with several shecthouiar saves to hold hard 8 Orathers Moare, noting Le i orew at hay furkh Lhe nal Reried a 3 elding, She: (lor, Ritehie, Knapp, - oy Nora Ryan, Jo JO Carey, Partoaus. Mo soph, Anderson, Kitohen, oul | CT lon, Sandford, Brawn, Billing: 1 Mitehell ham LEGION Flintoff, Aras: | (piek, Pineh, Paseos, Talling, (Lave, Whitslit, Conlin; Sheri: MeDonald, | Smith, Wright, dan, Fair, Andrews, FIRST PERIOD Soaring = None | Penalties == None | SECOND FRRIOD | 1, Legion: Talling (Lave) | 3 Legion 8. Kinsmen 4 Kinsmen: Ryan Penalty Lave THIRD PERIOD § legion: Lave (Telling) LLLTTTTTINNY 1K) Leaming, they bullt up a 41 lead first peviod, In the second per Rotary seared the his second of the wight, Rotary finally started rollin in the final Period and R. pital feed on a couple of Kiwanis blunders to tie the soave, John nw team up inte fourth place, ROTARY = Harman, ridge, Brady, Sudan Pilkey, Orawlor Plows, Mitehell, J, Gow ek, AEE Melk, 8 ; Rvan gd a - Hentlg, arvis, Kay, ag I, Gods ad Rotary (Plows) 5 Kiwanis us (Supryka, Crathers) Kiwanis: Pateheson |} 4 Kiwanis: Moore § Kiwanis: Crothers (Taylan) Pennlten n we RL SECOND PERIOD 00 & Rotary heheh A (Suddand) y 1035 Penalties -- None y BN THIRD PERIOD T. Rotary: Mualk |. | § Rotary: Elmhurst | § Rotary: Plows Penalties = None, Fale Kitehon "a wins § te tap efforts of the season, Three followed byiiop 6 } ol | Mankger Winse Bradley ex eke pects rigid competition from the eight | hey | met Alberta and Manitoba, hath rink, nd frames, #6 they built up thelr The final Handings showed | chewan at 78 and Quehee al (i-4, Northern Ontario and New RIN. vereene 1040 Cullen) + 10.50 " Af though they were going to make It a complete rout as in the ind they continued to aut skate and out eheek Rotary although only goal When Dave Mitehell poked home Plows was the hora as he line and made ne mistake as he drove home a wifling shot with only 4 seconds remaining to Win the game and mave his Black, Elmhurst, Soccer Market Gives Players Big Deal Lod EE a ie i Ln Oshawa Majors Have By GERRY BLAIR Ohawe Ly i i thle Ber OL BEYER a uray or 2 (| akeshore semifinal senes with ithe Lindsny 1umbermen n |elaiming # closely contested bH {verdict from the Lumbermen last night in Lindsey, The fey me goes Lonight in the Whithy FoR |Community Brens, saring st BM pan. A vin by the Ma orp will give them the series in fou Sraight games and the hi § to (| mest Toronto M Subd, Guan LA pir z5 Lindsay On The Hook Ist Period (leet ond Tran 1828, Grahem §, Oshawn; Ww Ww ) reeer B06 4 Period Shansen, ¥. Lindsay; Graham ( ogi wi (Mei creeeeeeenenr ¥ Oshaw LAndeny; MeGil (Dart, "vei reeeeeeee AM ( Penaltie i, Oshaws: Maclesn (Fran, Romanuk) +00 BM or i ii rereee ww wil and Edwards oh Rew ray of 7 dio 4 A (miner and a] ar §, Oshaws: Wills (Macl enn, orp gd id Mi en = Neal and Ashton Ashion 8.98, Jewel 1148, [for the OHA Intermediate "A" (Lakeshore championship, |Lmbermen tonight, and by nel [se wored (he Budhury gonls. ¥orimeans 1s taking the outcome for | th of thelgranied, In last mi fh '$ Brae tion, the Lindsay mhermen,! down 440 aller two periods of A 65 loss to Baskatehewsn In play, were spurred on hy 700) [excitable hometown fans, wd rallied for three goals, | The Majors overpowered el Lumbermen in the first we {convincing 40 margin, Three of these goals came in the fhemad 0 minutes on gonls Homanuk, Laeky Wills and Garry Lawson, Lucky Wills scored hs second gosl of the night, for the enly tally in the middle period, John Graham broke Mike Civka's bid for a shutout, early in the third period, Boh Medi narrowed the gap to two goals minutes later, but Gerry Lean salted the victory away with less than five minutes re maining in the game, Beconds Inter Mike Cirka suffered a deep ash behind hig wight ear, and ad to retire for the night, George Robinson took aver for the remaining four minutes, and stopped two successive shots from the stick of Bill Kelly he: fore he vitled one In with just 80 seconds left to play In the game, Cirka was taken to Lindsay hospital and recelved six stiteh: ei 0 close the wound, Ken Courtney will probably get the ned for tonight's contest If Cirka Is unable to perform, Hd Romanuk's opening goal was his fival sine yeturning to the elub after several weeks of nursing a hadly damaged knee, He also picked up two assists, MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS w= The Lindsay Lumbermen are still stelving to elalm thelr test vie: tory aver the Oshawa Majors sinee opening night in Lindsay, Nav, 85, when they dumped the Majors 6:3, Hhould they come up with a win tonight in Whitby, the fifth game of this best-of: | seven semifinal series will be Nite Monday night at the hithy Community Avena & , George Westfall, seheduled to play Thursday night in the see: ond game, was unable to make it, and will be making his frst FH 0 in the series tonight, ORHAWA: goal, Clrka a Robinson; defence, Smith wards, Ashton; forwards, Wile A Arnold Mills, M oh Lawson, Ronniek, Romanuk; Tran, Mag: | HAN, LINDEAY: goal, Kemp; de nee, Williams, Hennessey, Graham, A. Pierson; forwards, dowel, Dar, Neall, Smith, 7, Plovson, Crawford, Horton, Kelly, MeGill, Hutton, DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 AM. to 6:00 P.M, TAMBLYN DRUGS 6 KING 57, EASY RA 33140 McCORDICK DRUGS 126 WILSON SOUTH RA B-8710 JURY & LOVELL LTD, §30 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 5.3046 SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. MeLELLAN'S White Rose STATION 38 PRINCE ST, R, J, TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE ST, NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S Sunoco STATION 215 KING ST, WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE ST, T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING & RITSON ROAD SOUTH KEMP'S ESSO STATION 200 BLOOR ST, WEST George Brown's SUPERTEST Station 334 PARK RD, SOUTH SEED'S B.A, STATION SIMCOE ST, N, & TAUNTON RD, SOUTH END TEXACO STATION 506 RITSON RD, SOUTH \U " (Cooper, Moore) ,yiqy 108 (Conper, Patoheson) | 10.80 { yng WE LB) 804) PLAYOFF HOCKEY (intermediate 'A' Bost 4 out of 7) Coaeh Tod O'Conner Loads Nis osiawa MAJORS against LINDSAY TONIGHT 4TH GAME SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23th WHITBY ARENA 030 pm, Admission Tie