SUPREME COURT ACTION Injured For Life Seeks Damages Her fw # moi sation, Aether Wi By. B.A GF who (rested. Withy Police Constaie Mite is clave S474 wi Mie 0 he (RewE {Emest SHonewman whe special Aamages from an 05 Bospital dated Ke five saw gated (We gaodest sated hel ng Connie sanor, Wilham Wan Wont swilenng from an infant ihe toed a he scone of the " . wel. # te Swgveme (our. 50-68 nes ioe on Bev. 10, 100. sasident wan 17 fest wide ad fog iv Wi He sod that snee (he (FRerom smd (hat here was omy one Ione by Mes. Mowion. Reports Wesel 16 Kiang SR IB iy was emo es Woe wowia REVET BER MA RGRg The Faiiwey were read and sop y a air - ies. ThE Raiiom Ror move in BP degrees 68 Eos ng and (hat he pessen RABE (IR (HOC Cann #6 Wey iw We left leg inslesd of gers wn Maswells caw hud " the CNR tracks mn Carden the Rove 45 Aegresy FRIAR WH & Kw i WHITBY And DISTRICT Name Committee To Study Mall For Town A seid cwmaiing as leew. 5. The (er nome (fow Re et Wp Br Why ek 19 IW CIREIT WER WOME FER HBT # PIE Enact ly I sme Ff Re (aie 1h The rhe Wy (Rawls oh ER IPR WIR FERRE fing Signet Wome and School with the singing of 0 aw IRN (speed Wek. We smd fost Mere DRE # GIR [Rak ME ARR WN BIRR. TRE IRETERaE FA Amel Wad Weg E hal 7 Aen wal le ERRERETER far TRE APPR SPE HET m. BEB IRERIRE Hwan wn Monti wrimng. Warm Han ley Bharti Kaman TRE 1A tes (NoPE 7 Bresemiation of FRE REE rail BY ARES president. (anhon Ruck te The Arivein mak wre WH eh Bh # RERIRE WH he LT WTERER RETERANE TN RoW ER IRETGRE 170g ber Muesions Ww Fowary. MW WA Lip [ie Lr Weeks 1am ng from the wiersestion Hf Brack nd Dundes street 19 Iho eh trethe. wowia mare PRED RY HIRES thal AER PEI angie pRIEIRE #4 Wala 1e-dmie haagh Lratlic bo ne Wok asmeh 15 tine CORIHILE WEE Cownciions Gewge Bronks chairman. Wikam Davide and Bobert Hastings. The IRIE, FRRYE RRA REPLY TREY Waa he E-MEGH Mertens Mr. Richards presemtation 16 cane) Ialinws Last fal the (Chamber of Commerce of Winthy became wheasy the frequen spn ERNE 10F TRINNE anh wing the 1own hms th permit the erection of # HOPPRE copire. We recognized (het (he peovie of Whithy Ado # It of ier shommng MHHAE Ihe 19WR and thet # great many of them feel that mere shoppng fac ties are needed in Winihy: The Chamber Ml Commerce set Wp # special commiiee 18 study the problem and Actes mine pos sible solutions To prevent misinaerianding about the motive of the Cham ber of Commerce in EMENng thus ares of conmientinn, et mE digress for moment. We he heve firmly the free enter Prise SYySiem WE TREAEMIE the need for competion Wi are not ashamed of making # profit, We are concerned, how ever, with any development that threaiens, Wn ANF OMAR financial stability of (he Our sim 15 certainly not 10 limit competition bul our certainly 1s ta promote & busi ness climate which provides service and economy for the customer and profit for the i n mn own 4. The marge won Raye fe. Rew. ERAN WR Ws 7. Messhants 1emis wows Be her ~ EF WO ERES WWE) on Rew ibd he We lngh wares 8 Laie Pe lal i® AIiet ows ATE DANGA WE BERET gy 1 o gE ul wes werk. Pins 19 Wer ARES FE. Rh (Rehr these lop Laaions sen Hf 18. Costs 19 1995 [8 SEF RE REV KEFRIR WAHRA IRCTRRGE {TRE CRE WIA replace IRL IRE [Tom IW CIRers IB ing is aR whl The ERVIN Hk hows That mel ow ww i we wows Rave The fbi KARR TTR Umi HORE RIKER WANA TRIB KR TRS 2. Pereng Hind K 3 One oop We practical §. The [owr EOIRErs WIA he TeRGY eA ad pod he Bae ye aid ddd f 5. Tex income wonid # lest FRIBRIB HRERRRERS b. Shopping facilities womid be gh 7. Bey the same 1 0 LN FEIRRIR IRE SRE 8. Amant of Wi iness TRAE mE iham s have money 18 pil PRe% the business iS. Town cools ERINELER i. Bae CER this then 8 summery of the brief we have prepared There are we points | would hike tn add The shopping mall has beer (ried with different degrees of sucess in hve Canadign com munities Auring 1960. The amount of sucee Was Proper WIA TRIRRIN FR ost LINErs WRIA wiA wiA ma enbighly Wh neame from new the tional to the amount of eflort presented 1a the Gide and i" careful planning pit inte let me make i clear that aimithe plan we have presented 1s Mis only preliminary. A great many factors need (a he considered in detail the Department of Highways reaction ~~ delgiled trafhic control = timing of the WA wali WATER BONE ERE TRH aR RY A mas oH IRR iAeg Wr. Richards ramen d th REAF Hw he ese VEE RB IRRPIRGN INE SEs WIRE Arias EET. BE 38 Tht Their Bad fat 4 gti e of the cn Ini RARER Phil (he am Mk Bf FAVA Aviv dd CARE. AY idl an h Re ew Brownies, Guides Receive Badges Fhe $k fride (ompans the $th Brave Pick VR. [RERiRg id aad (hwech Bal. Twenty Biowmies 1% Gwides and 17 mothers wes dd The measting was mmnel with the Brovme Fawy Bing and the Criides (rmel the Horseshoe The ntlowmg hades presented 1m the Brewis Brown Owl, Mrs. A. MacSanah ow. » wy TRWRY Mes. J. bredand Lmiden Fogp f C1minen Wom A&R By CLIFF GORDON Fromage Winey Hil rests will host the Belleville oud MaF sriende WB the HIB Baie . Eastern Owiane fr. FB 4 scrmitingle, AM Hwme of WIHINE the sens is Hed a one i. The Willcrests won the firs wwe BF last week here the Uae lok the mersie of hie local cil 45 on BRlwAay mht wm Veneyiie Fhe mangement of the ecg team Was Ie that the Aclence 1&%M fit p19 PRE IR The resi The NAAT EINE . aia] 4 rr A wo " y WET Wy Fas Playfis FAH RE wm whe YER tod {4 Owl, bes iin " od IRE # Wa Wes Wn Ime "} 0 b wwe Fn al Barbara the Pi RE hii hey ad faade Elid, Norma W simmer Badge Wh Wangs Fini bars Kibo y Birk. Dow " Hair i ' Sry RIE Wh ail Baw whit Wa p ay that ; dam fs K Hey llr 4 Wi On Rod CRA * FTTH VARA Ba Py a2 | Willgra i Lang. Dan f aj 41s yore Wil Lid (1 ip CETEMONY wes hy walk when Barbara El and Vary Wilson Baily e he Browne ANA entered the Gnae Company Fhe hy Fatrol leader Partington and Fhe a Wi FE] ai Pack gos Ws 1] fishin 1] [ Vin f 1 of #6 O11 AVENE Monday fined $0 and cose when convieled of careless anv Magistrate Crawiovd Whithy traffic court me of hve heard hy His Worship Kenneth Dudley, of #21 Rose dale drive, Whithy, said thal on Feh, 7, he had heen proceed mg west on Dundas streel eas! and had stopped in the (raffic lane to allow 8 number of cars ¢ i fi re VK greeted Mariaine Ellint nllawing hadge wel Wi ny in IK { Vire Virgima THe Wer Com TP CRM hy Caplan Mrs. CL. Pap tinglon assisted hy Lieuienant V. Eat Fire Brigade Badge Judy fee Anne Souter, Mat laine Partington, Virginia El hot, Melome Gagnon Child Nurse Badge pany L Virgin Mary merchant = dural { the Lest Miller, V [ Te return ia the main point tes uration of ie Les Hey irgima Elliott oa discussion. It would ap: period and a host of others in| Hostess Badge ~ Judy Virgin pear that there is no great need cluding costs and who should Lee Anne Boiler for more stores in Whithy or pay them Laundress Badge there would not he the difficulty The Chamber of Commerce is Elliott, Mary Miller in venting space In the new prepared to help in any way it, Neediewaman Badge shopping Plazas ean 10 bring this to & suecessful 18 Elliol Let us assume (hen that we conclusion. We will work under! Homemaker Badge mave all the stores in the four the direction of Council = The laine FPartinglon corners ares into a new shop: Planning Board or we will do! Minstrel Badge ping centre, What would he the the whole Joh. We feel that a| Partington result? tharough investigation of this First Year Pin = Linda Des I. The main shopping arealplan 15 vital ta the future of champs, Busan Smith would not he eentral Whithy = and the future of Fefreshments were served hy 2. There would he adequate! Whithy is vital ta all of us the Guiders followed hy Guide parking |" Councillor Davidson reported |#nd Brownie Taps 8. One stop shopping would be| that three years ago the Indus practical trial Commission had made a PERSONALS Virginia Virgin Mar Marlaine The four comers' ares study of one of the hincks In would become derelict volved and found that It would Committee To Study Commission Proposal Councillor Paul Goath's com: |study the resolution. Mayan mittee an applications and hy: |Bltanley Martin called for a see laws will study and veport on a onder of the resalution to permit suggestion that hylaws establish: discussion but in vain ing a police commission for the, Councillor Coath then moved| town of Whithy he rescinded. that the resolution he turned The suggestion was turned averiover to his cammittee for study and ehildean, Luey and Richard of Hillerest drive, have estab lished residence in Mantreal Ehewr feiends wish them hap ness in their new surroundings Miss Barbara, granddaughier of Mrs. I 1 Bt, N Hospital surgery complete where she TRCOVETY Mis, John Harper of Taranto Blephenson, Brock 15 In the Oshawa General underwent | street north Her friends wish hey alin Taranto as the guest of Mi tn proceed east before he tum ed into a service station al Blair and Dundas street, He said that he heard a "hang behind him and a moment later his own cay was struck from the rea) He said tha! & station wagon had struck him but behind o a A ear driven hy Ihe aciused Paul McGee, of Thickson road north, said that he had heen driving the station wagon and that he had stopped behind the Dudiey car to allow hm 0 make & left turn, He said thal he was stopped about 80 or 40 seconds when his vehicle was struck from the rear hy a ea driven hy the accused (ACQUITTED OF CHARGE David k, Heard, of 144 Brock street north, was acquitted of a My. and Mrs, Jacques Darchel charge of failing 10 wield the dined right of way while entering a highway, a charge laid follow {Ing a two-car collision hers of the Viarence group for a Valentine My: Davey party Stroll, Byron pent the weekend imily and Mrs, Wilfred Paudrean Mi A. CL Townsend tn 8 committee for discussion when a resolution to have the necessary bylaw prepared won no seconder Councillor George Brooks told [council that he did nol approve of the resolution proposed hy Councillor "Inkpen, He said that and her son, John Sr, were ve- street, 15 entertaining the mem cent guests at the home of My [hers of Clover Leal Club al a and Mys, Marley Stephenson, of hot luncheon [Perpy Sit Councillor Havey Inkpen, fol: he did not"like to see any form Iawing a notice of mation given|of the judiciary under the eon al the last meeting of council [tral of elected representatives i EW Hh | intraducei the malewiing esas If there are any nreblemes diel ume this evening 10 the mem tion |said, they could he straightened YTHAT whereas this Counetliun through the police commis: is of the opinion. that there are! sion, ton many Boards and Commis! "1 have sions which spend tax monies the police commission," said for which they accept no direct Councillor Inkpen. "1 am not responsibility for valsing, sure there are any problems to SAND whereas the Board of he stpaightened out." Police Commissioners of the! Councillor Robert Hastings Tawn of Whithy 1s one such proposed an amendment that hoard {the resolution he discussed in YNOW THEREFORE, his commitiee of the whale counell, Council directs the Town Clerk] Mayor Martin wondered why tn prepare the necessary bylaw it could not he discussed then tn vecind Bylaw No, 1872 and/and there. It was then 10.10 amendments thereto, 4 hylaw p.m tn establish a Board of Police] Councillor Hastings veplied| Commissioners for the Town of that it would take more than | Whithy," ane hour tn discuss the resolu | He told eouncil that it was Hon, Reeve Everelt Quantnili, not his (intention that the resolu: (wha had sarlier affered to see tion would go through ecouneil'and Councillor Inkpen's resolu without discussion and he add: [tion after a new motion was ed that there was no suggestion made, then seconded Councillor that the palice commission has! Hastings' amendment but it was not done a good job lost when put ta a vote, When no seconder was forth: The motion ta put the vesaly coming, Councillor Jayee Burns tion to the applications and hy suggested that a commitiesilaws was put and carried Mrs, I. MeLean, Bib slreel south, t= apening Broek i | nn complaint with BROCK WHITBY ---------- Evening Shows 7 and 9:30 Feature Starts at 7 and 9:30 Oshawa hirefighters battled a three-alarm hlaze which gut tod the medical - dental build NE on Nimeos street south, far neatly five hours today. A de My I Hoyal Hotel A. Housseau, of 15 hack home alte her spending two weeks al the Osh: [vesult of & police check | aw # General Hospital partment stare janitar, return. mg fram work frst noticed the building smaldering nlarmed an unidentified ) He | TES RT BOWIE, Third Game In Series Here Laward Boia. # prodoct of the fishing imnor Honkey Avid aption. bee Been wR Re Winthvy 1am #0 season NG #IRONEl Ph. BENE REET managed Ws fn playlf goal in Believide mm Seliidey mg Gen. Asilhy, AROIREr YOWRE fetiow making We Wg id wm Jr ROCKey WIRIARE EM ow of Tiaart, sored We First gost WH the final game of the schedule (kn, 16 another fellow whe leek that he can Relp make Ihe Isa o the local pel @ MERLY FNEN me 86 remember for playifl west, he BRIERE [MEH WHER Winihy Hillcrest host the Fehie MeFanianos mn he third game of the hest of SRYER fan # he the y # Me Wa win fie rain seimiAmal Fined $50, Costs In Traffic Court of Hillcrest Any nad heen FON Fn ge seid thal he Proceeding north on Brock treet north, on the evemng of Feh. 7 when he ohserved & cai hacking out of & Earage just north of Kim street. He said that he pulled to the Hight 1a avid the accident hut the esr struck the left side of his ve hicle on the fender and door Mr. Heard told the court that he had observed the northbound car as he hacked oul and esti mated that I was 160 feel away from him He told the court that his car was stopped when Fudge hit i His Worship said that he would give him the benefit of the doubt on this occasion but warned him to he more careful in future FINED IN ABSENTIA Lawrence Griffin, of Pele horough, was fined $10 and costs or twa days in Jail for falling to come to a full stop He not in court for the trial Pu Whithy Police Department that he had ohserved a o#f making a turn off Byron sireel al Mary street without stop PINg Kisie Margaret Anderson sireet, Whithy, was sil $20 when "she pleaded guilty to falling to come to a full step al a stop sign, | {dames Hooker told the court {that the charge had heen laid as the result of Ms investiga ton inte an aceident at the intersectian of Githert and Athol street on Jan. 45 Barry Bryant, of 028 Byron treet south, was fined $20 and costs or five days for having Whithy wah John Masen, of the Daly lames defective hrakes and 85 and/the plaintiff in a divorce action |onsts ar two days for having no rear marker light, He was ahsent when Cpl, William Middleton gave evidence The charges were laid as a on a vehiele "FIREMEN BATTLE OSHAWA BLAZE awa Police Department wha tld the Fire Department Eight doctors' offices. a den fists office and a Medical motorist whe notified the Osh | Pharmacy were destroved by | srnst ww Why, on Of, HW ih ¥ Fiaretopw as # rest of ok (RINGER aE WOE see I The | Wihol cated By, Arad {imi fox Be datence BV The feneing hegan on Thies nee reqmemg rest (oF Ion oF Andres, an igre Aira Rwy, wae rontnes Wonday andl CANES (ORY | The fiest witness called Py plant ilf cowmens §. MW. Greasy wie Mia's family Aocior, 6 W. Lindsey of Winihy Br. Findeey (estified that he find fond (he gaint impng nh Wiexding from The nose wt fhe scene of The pesident aw pm. He was sflen from # fmmetired and lacrraies Rene, Comtinion of the chest and wvasions 16 both knees, By Lindecy fonk Mints 16 We res Aence where he (repied Wm Thier Awys wiier Tresiment Mite 5 nase wowna ecame in feited and Wis knee, wineh Rad heen sworien, turned red. The nose hepled plier [ow WEEKS foivk the knee sw eiImg (mien Wie Was MavEs 18 Rew R General Wowprial on Nov. 8, 1050 with an extremely paint hem lection Ww Ihe Ieft knee. He was tregled al the Fospital and BIER | Rareatic edatiom every (mer howrs Dr. B. A Gill, & special of thopeMie surgeon was called in wm Nov, 18. VW and decided 18 pit the left Jeg irpetion 16 sraighien i. Minta's 1eft jeg re mained wm traction til Pee, 24 19 when he was released The Iotlowing five weeks were nt wt home in 8 wheelchah followed by & pened on crikehes inti! the end of April, 160 when he tuned 10 # cane whieh he ses 1naay PERMANENT INJURY Dr. Lindsey [eels the knee will have no more improvement and will never regain full movement therefore it will he a permanent disamihty WTNREE WIEN ve General Meeting | To Discu The Whithy Chamber of Com tice of the forthcoming meeting, wards at the chureh thas Aes. We will rhe ly week foson #6 the nee (6 Fe Reve paw and preve Ham wy Life at pi sad Br (Al TELIA OF ACCENT Aether WW. Mints, plant, whe 6 RR BEREIAL COMI REINY, fasting hil. the vest Ad red #t # jovat novi of the CB b (racks oR Garden street Wn Winthy, He ; ' back ta normal afler the opers sitter sid he was on We wey alter boners Ws Wiby home, He was raveiing hot I wiles per howe and slowed 1a 10 10 15 mph whe he approeched the tracks As hie came 16 the 1014608 0 chine # the (racks he sow esd WEhis commg aver the (Rcks and the cothsion neewrred. The impact took place show we caidengthe north of the tracks and We car ended wp Wn the Mikch five car lengths north of Re (TFRs Mintn testified that We seer ing wheel and front seat broke wnder the mpret which threw fim inte the hack seat, He said he had heen # general comiae tor in Whithy for the last pine years And spraialies in custom. | hieilh hovises | Statements, of -Carmings show: | ed that Mint had earned $16.08 ¢ in 1956, SI6000 in 158 and $15.000 in 1980. His fiscal yes ends in March however and since March of 1960 until the end of January 1961 he had earned! $1600 Minta claimed his leg hother ed im greatly and had confined his business activities as Well @s his hobbies # f ¥ } fi I if J ss Mall i a letter from chamber presi-| \testity for Ande ng and will lesve & permanent| dd wdd he ro permanent Misahil ity from the sesr oF of Highways wha hives st #2 Garden street slated that Ger den street was only 11 feet wide FP of the crossing, He said the road became # hottleneck shape # $t. Margaret Guild Welcomes Member $i. Margaret Guild held Hs bi hall, The president, Mrs, ¥, Jol-| a new memher was welcomed, Mrs made for 8 skating party io he I derland "i Granted By Court af 210ithe Supreme Court of Ontario | 1 [plaintiff, in an action against Merce 18 AITANEINE & meetings d of the general membership for| dent Gordon Richards urging all| \ Thursday evening, at § p.m. atimembers to be on hand for this {King Blreet Publle School, The| particular meeting move 1s taken following 8 meet: "This month we have & very {ing of the hoard of directors last] interestin and Wbartant sb-| manth in which opinion indi-| ject to discuss, | Jioposed cated that more general meet: drive-in mall for the 'Tour co | ings should he held, Normally, ners', We are convinced that al the Whithy chamber has only plan of this sori 1s essential i one general meeting annually|we are (0 preserve @ sound| with directors' meetings being commercial and financial hasis| held monthly {for the town of Whithy, | Accompanying members' no-| "We need the help and gui ance of every member of the Chamber of Commerce if the) job 15 to he done properly," he says, "Please attend this gen eral meeting and lend a hand in| this vital work "Only a broad, informed and | eritical discussion will ensure | the suceess of the project," he| concludes | Six Decrees Six decrees nisi were granted hy Mr, Justice H, A. Aylen in {at Whithy en Friday Decrees were dssued nthe PRESENTED PLANS following Al the first meeting of the Eileen MacNeil, 1061 board of directors of the chamber, held in January, # Nan was presented for a drive: n mall for the four blocks radi ating out from the intersection of Brock and Dundas Bt, The proposal contained a plan for cars ta drive along the streets at a 10 mph limit, with angle arking and one-way traffic, Through traffic, according to the proposal, wold he re-routed Thelma hn James MaeNeil Douglas Oliver Bray, plaintiff in an action againsl Gweneth ray, Carale Ellen Perrow was the plaintiff in an action against | Thomas Joseph Perrow John William Webster [de Was against Ruth Joan Webster Joyee Bigelow, plaintiff, wor lin an action against Everetl [Grant Bigelow nest Rae Woods was plain: Hf against Stella Doris Marie | Woods, 1 a | flames, Shown abave, a group of eity firemen pour win the flaming building ~Oshawa Times Photo water around the downtown section Although it has been termed a mall, It is not a mall as adapted ities where all traffie is hanned and the streets are used only hy pedestrians | in other towns and ihe wih ed He ed Dr. B.A Gill #lon testified for the defence and stated thet Maxwell had heen in Aanger of] sitlncation due 16 We facial in jories. A metal tlhe was inser. ferent {What does | Mean to Yow' Advts and childe fara " Wallis and Mrs were: Mrs , VR farshal r."fhe Milles room nce WON the prize for est menace The meeting adjourned and refreshments were served oy the mothers of Miss Smith's Vom 4 in Wis windgipe to #d eath He festified (hat there) TREINIR Bass Brooks, # mw wpervisor for the Department wast north of the rallwey cross| ng and 11 fest wide just south) SALUTE [OMORROW'S LEADER he racks Mr, Justice H. A. Ayien is presiding at the hearing which mniinues today l All Saints' Anglican Church nanthly meeting in the church ymore, opened the meeting with he member's prayer. General eports were read and approved. | During the business meetin I. Forrester, Plans were wid Feb. 23 at Winter Won. | weather permitting, | CARRI ER with refreshments served after} Learning Yo Become A Mrs, B Bustard attended the World Day of Prayer as repre: sentative of the group, The| meeting adjourned and the group proceeded on a tour of the! Shureh whist the guidance of | v, § Armstrang, Tanch followed served by the ® Your Help Will Be Appreciated committee ) EASTERN ONTARIO JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 3rd GAME OF THE SEMIFINALS (Best 4 out of 7 Series) TONIGHT, FEB, 21 8:30 PM, BELLEVILLE MeFARLANDS WHITBY HILLCRESTS Whitby Community Arena Adults 7567 Students with cards and Children 50¢ Mbace wha neannce tha wlan haEe Whe propose claim that its adaption would practically solve any parking problems facing the downtown merchants, Ted Mitton, wha drew up the plan, says that it could be adopt: ed on a trial basis at an initial coil of no more than $200, mere ly by installing proper direction signals and sandbags al the blocked-aff streets, This will 'he the main topie of disoussion at this week's meeting. Also to he discussed will be the annual Peter Perry Award for 1060, All chamber members and in terested citigens are invited to attend and participate WHITBY BOWLING NEWS FRIDAY NITERS Team standing = Die Hards 14 (AAR12); Alley Oops 11) (85,023); Spark Plugs 10 (8 342); High Balls § (86,514); Dows 8 (3,833); Molson Blue & (37 034); Wizards 8 (32 448); Spry Sprucers & (39,400) Men's high triple Bob Brown 700 (344, 010) Men's high single Spencer 219 Ladies high triple Snelgrave BAT (21K) Ladies igh single Lee IN 600 Triple Ross Spencer 1808, Everett Kelly 600 (214) M0 single George Childs HE, Reg Suk (210, 212): Dink Bye (303, 211); Bill Grylls (311 235); Rill Shearer M2. Lena Bye (3 Lemon League lack Scott 0, Kay Shilling 95 'Danis Swit. | {1er 88, Peler Van De Mala 1a | {MSrg O'Neil 81, Dot Stewart 81.! | Ross Becky Ruby SHOP AND SAVE... THE CLASSIFIED WAY ,., WATCH FOR THE MARKET BASKET SPECIALS EVERY THURSDAY IN THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED PAGE