2 THE CORAWA TIES, Toordey, Febrewry 31, 1967 'New Approach Paliament [Pearson Says Tories To Defence |: r:~ Prolonging Recession Prime Winistay Diefenbalier OFTANA (EF) ~ There pp Be Fes been so opponeh (0 ganownest hat President Ken FERAT (5 Roe Wek # AVEREHE IOROWICEIRENE (roms The Ae: gedy ee pace led an moNaHoN RGRGE TB Trent Werks WE ThE fener Repartinent. wie he pos (5 oie Canade Before he end ENTERIC ETE E oF Ac SWIG) of YSEFEss Wh San me- of fe corrent session of Fare Br BEN WARD fonds was comoerted (eo amor howd fave heen cmsidered a Canadian Press Mall Welter sion fonds tn comply with gov swel," TETAWA (CF) ~ Opposition crnment pollcy~"'g fantastic de The government was Strida Lander Pearson deviled (he cision pray fo monelary ito be wey from SERIOUS TALK IN WASHINGTON President Kennedy and Ca- | grounds Monday after lnch- | baker had Jeft Ws cost nadisn Frime Minister John Piefenbaker continue thelr conversation as they walk across the White House Dief Hints Try For eon. The chief executive walk ed with Wis Canadian visior from the North Forties 16 the y Executive Wing of the execn tive mansion, where Diefen and hat, The fingl chal came BS they ended g threehowr con ference and luncheon meeting (AFP. Wirephots) af Early NATO Meeting OPTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis: but in the opportunity it offered his "'hrosd and far-sighed view ter Diefenhaker indicated Mon- for better acquaintanceship, of international affairs.' day he has tried to persuade better understanding and a1s0 The president had revealed a President Kennedy to come out making possible a discussion of ready desire 19 preserve the in favor of an early meeting of Commons problems in a busi: "distinctive quality of the Ca NATO heads of government Announcing to the Commons that he invited Mr. Kennedy to visit Ottawa during the current parliamentary session, Mi iefenhaker also said "I drew the president's allen tion to my eontinuing view tha there are ceriain problems fae: ing NATO which will require the attention of heads of gov I | ROmIc pro hlems pluses manner of nessiike and informal appropriate Lo the closest neighbors and friends He said subjects discussed in cluded The Conga #nd the United Nations; Laos; NATO North American defence; eco food sur and the Organ Co-Opera trade zation for Feonomic ion and Developmen! ernment 8s soon as It 15 Pos- AGREE ON STAND gible for them Io he as sembled," Canada has been suggesting a f On The Congo and the UN he prime minister said "We (Canada and the US) padian - United Slates partner: ship Opposition Teader Pearson sald neighborhood is a fact of geography hut that geod neigh-| horliness is a political achieve ment "I hope the prime minister's visit to Washington will strengthen and confirm that achievement," CCF Leader Argue seid Mr. carpenters' union has proposed) Diefenbaker's Commons stale: general "ment seemed rather bare of any| carpenter over #0 years old for| concrete conclusions on & nun every three younger men em: | scribes as neutra farce, : The trend sess (5 We lowed OR of PECIERE WERONS Went remained (hat (asl. fall fe WRG TESTER (7 Weve WR Tan (® #0 FORORRCEMERt Sho iid The prime minister, ing fo the Kowse on Ws 1 with fon the rime faving wid of 7 ROAF preticiprtion iw the Boeth the president ww Washingion SNE JS Iie aepior for Comyernely, the (TeRk penis oe the possiiities of an East-West RERITRAIRENE, RLTREARERE fn short, Defence Mister Harkness 6 ip he sadde and Eaternal Miwvs Wimister Green ov of W Whether trend wil PODER COTRRG tren ieink win - MRR oT Ret, ARERR WF REIERCE REEIEISR Emr as SEyimed Some recent. Temas by Mr Phefenbaker mdicaie het he prime meter Row [is om Mr Harkness' side and thet Mr (SIREN 5 IRFINERER 16 WARNE. He swid 76 the Lakeherd fast weskend hat here cap be Ro seswnty for Candie Ww Rell pRITHETERNg IR Aefence with the miter Sintes, The Novth Amer a foe ma AIREA "NUCLEAR WARNEADS EOVEIRIRERE § CRARER IR word be Russia's stiack on the United Nations wed Ms secre tery - general, Dag Hammar # CAN'L STAND APART Let wione the wider ramilica tions, Bo Canadian BHVETIIRER cowid be indiflerent 1» the So viet Union's pitempts 19 stir wp five wn The Congs, where there wre Canadian servicemen ARE their best 19 pesisl the UN Mr, Green has heen simost silent In recent weeks on the subject of Msprmament, This is herp contrast (9 8 few months REN when he pever missed an APPOTINnItY 10 bring wp the subh- ject re This is not 10 sey thet the government. is ahandoning dis armament schemes, The work n this field goes on But meanwhile, Mr, Harkness has heen heavily attacking Wn public speeches Jersons he de- ists, unilatern disarmers and BF-CHAIF Strate: gists, It used (0 he obvious that Prime Minister Diefenbaker wis on Mr, Green's side Mr. Green pulled the govern ment away from an sll-but-firm 19589 decision to sequire nuclear WEAPONS Carpenters Want Older Men Hired TORONTO (CP) = A Toronto fl ( ¥ £ f ! contractors hire one [J Thee implication wae that (Can ada wold have 15 sem Ks two Bomare anti - pireraft missiie squadrons with meciesr wer fiends wud oan RB Rew wiser ceplor 19 replace fhe RENE CFA Mr. Harkness said of Toronto lest Friday: "The RCAF must OPEIRIE WRIDINE SySLems, Inler cept Ana 1eniiy Intrvders wn ORE RIF SPREE RRA IRRIEIR SOVERTRIEPY Over WH The previews week tn Mont rel, Mr. Harkness indirectly enticized persons whe have fiercely apposed' mciesr werpons for the RCAF Mr. Harkness recently an nounced RB new REMOTES person nel carrier will be pequired for the srmy. And before thet Mr Diefenbaker gave & hint that submarines will be wilt in Can- wd for the navy sid 16 6 Ropes the Ameren leader will address # joWE Ses sim of Parliament wivie ww OF fama Livers fender Pearson move ® motion of KORO dence in he government Ae Ca img that 16 refused (o secept and Be harge We IOPEr Te spomsiiity wm the field of mone tery policy The ibersl leader Aermanded a Inestigation We grees mismanagement" of the Unem pioyment Inswranes Fund i» lwssns Iwawrred Wy CV EITING the fund's victory bonds 19 Con version bonds in 1% fo com Ply with government poney HW. Herndge (CCF-~¥Kont eney West) described My, Per SOW 5 speech RE R "PODER TR tion" Bering only With One Seg ment of the WRemployment it wation and not the "Cannon § mort" the socialist growp Wad hoped for Revenwe Minister Nowlan Ae wield hat Be ERvE AWRY #HY predwdget secrets in weekend remarks that wn view of the wn ternational situation one cowld wimost assume (hat InCresses in taxes were ps Wkely ms 7e Auctions Tuesday, Feb, 21 The Commons meeis at 7.99 p.m. EST to continue debate on RN OPPesition nen motion; the Senate meets at § p.m West Help Urged For New OFPFTAWA (CP) ~ Farm or ganizations of the free world sical assistance for the emerg 5, Patton of the International! Federation of Agriculture! Pro: ducers said today, "Phe greatest challenge 10 he democratic nations now 1s aced in the nations which are argely agricultural," the Amer: jean farm leader told the 25th onference of the Canadian Fed ration of Agriculture He said he is proposing 10 the Inited States government g pro. gram of technical assistance in her of important problems, in-| played, it was learned Monday, |Which the "mature farm organ: NATO summit conference since are agreed on the Importance ouding nuclear weapons and last summer and proposed it to of preserving the independence pn. keis the last NATO ministerial meel- and the integrity of The Congn oeoducts and oil ing in Paris In December. Offi-| and the vital necessity of avoid: cialis here are definite, however, ing civil war in that country, that the NATO meeting sched-| for Oslo in early May won't converted into a summit conference SUGGESTED QUERE( Mr, Diefenbaker on previous occasions has suggested that such a8 meeting might be held in Quehee City, | "We are agreed that in order to keep the Congo out of the cold war It is imperative to sup- port the United Nations fully, "Only in this way will it be possible for the Congolese, in freedom and without violence and without interference from the outside, to re-establish the international stahility of their | for Canadian Tanker Sets New Record For Montreal MONTREAL (CP)=The hard nosed tanker The Prime Minister informed country and to provide a8 new steamed to a herth at the east the Commons that Mr. Kennedy will come to Ottawa at "a time convenient to hoth countries." | It was hoped that the president would address a joint session of Parliament as presidents Tru man and Eisenhower had done The Prime Minister was re-| ling cement to the political institutions se work out their political tin." The communique issued hy the two leaders after the meet sald the Canada-US, eah inet trade and economic com: mittee will meet at Washing 1] des as structure of their|end oil docks Monday to set a hours Radio Election record opening date for Mont real harbor The 4,400-ton Canadian-owned vessel was the first commercial ship inte Montreal harhor last {year when she arrived March| (16, a record date | Except for refinery officials (reporters and the mayor of) The Toronto district council of |} farm the United Brotherhood of Car: tonal |penters and Joiners (CLC) is tural Producers ean | pressing the Toronto Builders | sel and | Exchange to negotiate the guar: ers in antee for carpenters over #0, |¢ Four of the six unions that|e hargain with the exchange pre-| sented their contract proposals) i Monday, Most agreements with)' employers end April 80, The carpenter's union 1s the He recalled the aid given | whieh Canada belongs, he said the Interna: of Agricul: ive eoun as farm. those emerging nations weate their own" free demo: oratic farm organizations." Full details would he ex lained to the next executive meeting of the federation, to gations through Federation ENCOUTAEemen hy only ane seeking a shorter work| North American trade unions to week=fH hours instead of 40-|! Maplebranch and a 45 eent-an-hour increase after the Becond World Wa to compensate for the shorter|l heir European counter - parts n money and adyice--=when the hreat of Communist domina Coverage Study Nations tion had been tmmediste and real must launch & program of tech-I8 OPTIMISTIC Mr. Patton spoke optimistic: programs anticipated under the administration of President Kennedy, He also praised H, H (Herh) Hannam, president' of the Canadian Federation of Ag his president, for TRETRERT § ONRIGEY olaias Yonder Maming Later, ne said, the fond 3 financial "i fo saver woh FEEpOREIIGY" ANE "INCOINGEL (6 IERS FINE RAE" [oF PRSIonEng he Faces ly J anwery Ens He swid fhe sitaation demands nancial poley from The goers: Went 16 "clear wy some of the afusion." Commeng th "ron PGRN fit "of the Unemployment insranes Fund fast yess ons fhe fond mesrty $70,500 S06 The Liberal leader (oid the TPREE of Moving # nowconfidence me Mr. Pearson Hig $27,008,000 im this an immediate statement of fi OSE WILE BE EVVETRIENt Aecieion "When the fol taken fly 1958. fs lnown~the CHPGRENG for conversion the total lowses inewrved fond nn said (his "mis dd he iwyrsti fiom on "Wah delat fas & trated Ms ne fama CO iRGas mans ody, he sid the EOVEITRENt a auld "before Partament i 16 vegienieh the dwindling to manage the pubic fond Ach, "resulting Ww wndwly Wgh Referring (6 terest nies, erosion of busi ment fond as the ne "ne ornary ness confidence and consequent fund," he said despeming and lengthening of the eCoROMIC FRESH," "I is # trust fund financed 40 per cent by Industry, 0 per management," fiseni agent of the gov instead of in Hs nghtiul role of feyel trade, prices and employment H.W, Herndge (CCF ~Koot- ensy West) supporied the Lib eval motion wt complained that Mr. Penrson said thet in 1956 cent by the workers and only the CCF growp had sat swat: the wnemployment fonds $90, 19 per cent by the government NE "the CAnRON'S IRE on ww M9000 investment In victory This is # trust Rural Renewal fund snd Mt Scheme Costly By ARCH MackENZIK Canadian Press Sall Willer its 25-year life and has been ne five in international farm growp OFTAWA (CP)--A pich for activities, is to address the an ~and costly--rural rehabilita tion and development Program wis sounded Mondey Agn. culture Minister Alvin Hamil ion, "I will be » tremendous cont," he 10ld the Canadian Fed eration of Agriculture's opening conference session Cost might run between $300, 000.000 and $600,000 000 "over the years," Mr, Hamilton said, in describing general details of the plan to shift use of margingl farm land, provide new occups rural areas and ex and soil conservation proj across the country, | rection «confidence support of the government's ig mist banquet tonight, EARLY REACTION GOOD Mr. Hamilton seid the initial has heen good from provinces which must shere in the chest of the federally - in spived farm rehabilitation pro- #) #" mployment" only to hear # pop i gn He was "amazed" that Mr Pearson had not dealt fully with the une ment ques fiom instead of confining his ad dress (0 one segment of the problem W. H, McMillan (L~Welland) said the 195% conversion loan is sie was costing the government or a Lerest charges led the § I + Muskoka ployment is the problem in 'a and economic pictun gram, Cost shares would vary according to the type of agree: | ing nations that strive for free: ally about steps in food-dispossl tions for permanently depressed {dom and food, President James WRLEF | jocrd and 10 expand the board's ETRE advisory commitiee--now con He called for co-operation of governments, farm groups and ricultyre and a former IFAP | farmers to implement the influence scheme now before the Com: among national and Interns: mons--still in general outline and predicted that failure might tional farm groups His remarks were contained in a text of his address issued to the press hefore delivery, Mr, Patton, who also is presi. dent of the U.S, National Farm- {confirm farmer discourage ment, MAY BRING CHANGE The program is 'something ers Union, sald organized agri: that will either destroy me 8s culture has an obligation to actian individual, and perhaps the| benefit producers, J or bring the procession of extinet eivill-\yital change," he said as the unless the free world is to "join |gations whieh were deaf to the demands of their time" 'Nowlan Denies Giving Out | | Budget Secret | OTTAWA (CP)=Revenue Min: ister Nowlan denied in the Com: {mons Monday that he gave any secret information on the fed: leral government's next budget lin a weekend speech, William Benidiekson (L~Ken [ora-Rainy River) questioned Fi: [nance Minister Fleming about the statement attributed to Mr Nowlan that taxes are more government with me, lead-off speaker to the conven tion, marking the federations silver jubilee, About 300 persons gathered on opening day of the four - day convention--there are 79 official delegates representing CFA af filiates--~to begin discussion of 06 resolutions ranging from free trade to dissatisfaction with egg support prices, HH, Be Canadian fed eration president, who has been with the Canadian group during Nasty Names In Parliament OTTAWA (CP) = Harold Hump, when housing starts for | | 1060, NHA loans a | ment He og getting the right per. sonnel to run the pian is 8 main difficulty now, ' He miso told » press confer) ence thet he plans to add a) farm organization representa. tive to the Canadien whest sisting of six of a possible 11 members--io include an East ern farm representative, | Lack of cash income is the | main farm aliment, he said, The {federal government was tor in this position between providing some relief in temporary form such as Prairie acreage pay: ments of 8 maximum $200 a farmer and turning that money toward export sid thst would | J Mortgage Money Flow Maintained OTTAWA (CP)~The flow of mortgage funds into new homes under the National Housing Act continued in January far ahead in the level last winter, New NHA loans approved to- talled 8,437 in the month com. pared with 110 a year earlier, Central Morigage and Housing Corporation said in a prelimin. ary report, In the last three months of pprovale were running 81 per cen year earlier, ahead of a Monday's report was further | Indication of an upturn in hous ing activity following last year's are you a little short this month? Seaboard makes both smell and large Loans from $50 to $5,000 Special loans te home: owners for complete down payment, to close exist mortgages, end to consell- date debts, No benus, ne pre-payment charge, Terms arranged up to 60 months; Life Insurance protection, PHONE the year declined 23 per cent to Jorting on his flight te Wash-| w ton March 13 {Winch (CCP==Vaneouver Hast) {Montreal East, nohody met the 108 858, on and meeting and lunch th the president earlier Mon day. The invitation to Mr, Ken nedy was the only concrete an nouncement made hy the prime minister on his three-hour talk with the president Mr. Diefenhaker said: "This meeting should not he meas ured in terms of its duration or in the number of flags unfurled Mr. Diefenbaker said: 'I have returned to Ottawa reinforced in my eonvietion that with geod will and constructive endeavor on hath sides there is no proh lem whieh we eannot sur mount." [PRAISES VIEW He praised Mi Kennedy for Maplebranch Capt, Michel Goulet of Borel, Que., said the 180-mile passage |hetween Quehee City and Mant:| {real was uneventful though ice and intermittent fog kept the Maplehranch moving slowly fhe sailed originally from Hall fax of the Board ofllikely to go up than down, By DON HANRIGHT chairman RA 8-6283 touched off a hot exchange in Hi {| vista-Twillingate) stepped Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)=Members of the Commons broadeasting committee hinted Monday that they want a full-scale study of radio and TV electioneering=--a subject dear to their hearts, as well as their pockethooks, Alexis Caron (Le=Hull) com: plained that both newspapers and radio stations double thelr advertising rates for politicians during election campaigns, and said Bier is a danger that the same trend will appear in tele vision J. W, Pickersgill (I, = Bona: into the epening provided by his eol league -to-velterate a faverie prapasab=that such campaign costs should he mel fram pub lie funds, so all parties will be on an equal footing The anly reply they received fram Dr, Andrew Stewart, Veteran, 68 Lived In Cave ACTON, Ont, (CP) = A 08 year-old veteran of the First Warld War ved for three years in a small cave "hecause he didn't want to hother anybody," A court was told Monday Archibald Shaw was arrested by provineial police on a charge of vagrancy after vesidents of the area complained Cpl, Charles Wilkinson {Shaw was suffering fram | painful hernia and his clothing sweater and two pairs of pants, ie had no shoes under his aver shoes. Magistiing) K, M, VICE.PRESIDENT'S PLANE CRASHES 3 pial Charles Williams of Houston were found dead in this wreck JOHNSON CITY, Tex, - The pilot and co-pilot af Vice President Lyndon B Joho Johnson's luxurious private plane were killed when 1 crashed in murky weather Sun day night. The plane was at tempting ta reach the vice president's ranch when poor visibility forced the pill to turn back, Vice - President Johnson was not aboard, Har of Austin, the AT vear-ald old Teague, pilot and oo Marping (AP Wirephogp) age Monday [ton county home for the aged Cpl. Wilkinson said leave was near an Aetan dump. | about 25 miles northwest af Tar oon: on two He said the cave {tained only twa boards iwhich Shaw slept and |hoards at the entrance, which substituted for a door Shaw said later he lived on an occasional rabbit he trap fable scraps at the dump and bread brought hw hy |bays, {Onto said [was Ip tatters, He had an old Langdon dismissed the charge after Shaw agreed to go ta the Hal Shaw's Broadeast Governors, is that the hoard has no power to con trol advertising rates The committee decided to leave the question of political broadeasting for later debate Meanwhile, it heard statements from Dr, Stewart Monday Mrs, R, G, Gilbride, Montreal widow and grandmother, is re SIgning as a part « time BRG member because she is over 70, the statutory age limit imposed hy Parliament, However, she has not revealed her age, Other BRG members have been asked to bring their birth certificates to a board meeting here later this week, Only mom: learned immediately was that ber whose age could not he of Br. Mabel Connell, a dentist in Prince Albert, Sask, Of the others, the oldest is 63, Dr, Stewart sald he would like to see general legislation against the vse of deceptive ad. vertising=but applying to all ad users, and not only broadeast ers, He is prepared to ask the other governors if they would request such legislation He also deseribed as "ridien lous" the eonclusion reached hy some people that the rule ve quring 45 « per - cent Canadian content on TV stations will mean that Canadian programs will displace top-rated Ameri oan shows, Dr; Stewart said the pros grams that will he displaced will be third - vate American films, not the hi grams such as he Perry Como and 'Kd Sullivan shows. The rule becomes effective April 1, BACKACHE? ++ Not me! For valiel from backache or that tiredsout feeling 1 dopond one Dodds Pills \ 8 J same hly rated pro | Bpeaker Roland Michener {said the question was not in or (der, hut CCF Leader Argue said it was a well-established principle of parliamentary gov ernment that there should be no budget leaks, | Mr, Nowlan said there ecould| be no leak on the next hudget since Parliament has not yet passed the baby budget intro duced in December Maoreoever, Mr, Nowlan said, he had before him the text of {his Friday speech at London, Ont; and all that he had said was that no one should expect the government to substantially out its expenditures, in view of the critical international situa tion, He sald that he had also said in off-the-cuff remarks that in view of the international situa tion one could almost assume that increases in taxes were as likely as reductions, + » the Commons Monday hy call ing a Conservative hackbencher a lar" The remark came during a speech hy Eldon Woolliams (PC ~RBow River) in which the lal ter said former provineial treas urer O, M, Fines of Baskatche wan had made "a million dol lars" during his term of office and then moved to Manitoba "to live under a Conservative government," Mr, Winch tried three times to have the statement with drawn, then called Mr, Wool liams a liar, Speaker Roland Michener, out of the House at the time, was called to. rule on the CCF MIs remark, The speaker ordered Mr Wingh to withdraw the word as unparliamentary, Mr, Wineh protested there had been 'very great provoea tion" but ahided by the Speak or's ruling CEDAR LODGE A, F, & AM, 270 All M » o Masonic Serv are Q d to attend ise for our late Wor. Bro. PERCY H. JOBB 7:30 o'clock : at Mclntesh-Anderson Funeral Home Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1961 Masonic E. F, Fawow P.D.D.G.M, Secretary Clothing W, J, Burch Wer, Master | i | | homes started in centres of 5,000 pop: ulation and over totalled Hi in January, up 4.7 per cent from 8,732 in January, 1060, said that new HEADS UP Ostriches may react (o dan ger with a forward thrust of the leg or by lying flat but the never bury t hel nent in sand," 29'/: SIMCOE ST... OSHAWA SERNBONRD FINANGE COMPANY | Don't Buy Another "Til Thursday WATCH FOR BOND MeN WAIT FIO OFFER IN WEDNESDAY NIGHT 'TIMES' Stitch of Clothing of This Week OLOTHES' TERRI. Travelling WHY N - a any form of travel , We have a direct Toronte telephone For information regarding MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH, OSHAWA Quned and operated by Thomas Meadew and Co. Conade Lt Overseas OT FLY 'The modern way to travel is by air,' «+ DIAL RA 3.9441 Hine for prompt Alling Reservations DIAL RA 3.%44V