LITTLE THEATRE PLAYCAST IN REHEARSAL The cast of the play which | Monday night # the Mel sugh the Oshaws Little Theatre fs | lin Public Library Auditorim Presenting Wednesday might 1s | where ii 18. scheduled 16 rn Shown getting instructions | Wednesday theowgh Beturday from Play Director Art Elliott, | a6 8.30 p.m. The cast shown 0 EXIFemE NEL, BL #8 rehesrsl the pietiure is het of Psychiatric | | Herith opinion pr Sifirst; then, in all proba i the council in widget commibiee Laursine Ogilvie, Kevin Me Manus and Gilhian Heath; standing, left to right. Mery Jenkins and Max Cottrell ~)shawa Times Photo Scouts Plan "Monique", » tworet Play written by Dorothy and Michael Blankiort. The actors are shown left to right, seated are Manreen Bell apd Jean Crook, Beated, second row ! } Plan Four Classrooms yl" 0 | Conant Public Approval was granted for the the parcel of lend 1% landlocked construction of four additions] and is not of any value to th new classrooms to the Conant city. Bhe considered the price Public School, at & special meet- outrageous, Mrs. Shaw said, ") ng of the Oshawa Board of feel the school site 1s very de Education, Monday ceiving, and | questioned it at The hoard convened for & few the time of exchange I was moments after the regiter meet: old then that we eertginly had ng of the committees of the plenty of lana board for public schools. Tend ers for eomstruction will he eall ed for as soon as department of Education granted for the QUESTIONS PRICK Trustee Margaret sidered 33075 price asked hy plece of landincked gdjacent tn the site recently traded from the Holshaw Ad The 1.22 acres would round out PETHaR the approximately fve W" school site owned hy Bung ag and Plann g Com board mitiee Chalrman Harold Arm Trustee Shaw contended that strong was requested to check Music Pupils Give Recital The musical talent of Osh: In spite of the stormy wea SWR was once more displayed|ther, the performers were en to advantage when members couraged ge # falrsized audi of the Ontario Registered Music | nce The musical program was! Teachers' Association presented! followed by a short dance re: thelr pupils in recital in the au-|eital by the pupils of the Har: ditorium of the MeLaughlinivey Dance Academy, under the Fublie Library last Baturday| direction of Miss Irene Harvey, | night, RMT | Drive Seeks $1,750,000 For Cancer [7 1 - rosie am LINDBAY "Pie Canadian @nd Boys Come out to Play, Cancer Bociety's fund objective Marilyn Bryant for Ontario this year is $1,750 Grade 2 -- Jig (Caton), Diane 000," sald Maurice Btephens, of (James; Italian Folk Song (Ber Bowmanville, the districts cam-|lin), Donald MacLeod; Yellow palgn chairman at the meeting| Butterfly (MacLachlan), Anne of the Canadian Cancer Society, | Collins Ontario Division, District Coun:| Grade § ell 8, at Benson Hotel Billie Gerrow Last year's objective was §! ape 4 re 280, 000 and It was met to the ex ay hoe ne : tent of 119 per cent, when the Toon ud INERKG) sum of $1, 581, 000 was collect Grade 8 Sleigh Ride ed (Coutts), Georgeanne Tonk s The one-month national eam: Minuet (Rameau), Hlizabeth palgn will start on April 1 Badour; Sonatina in FF (Bee Miss Mary Donoghue, secre: thoven), Bally Bedding; Walle tapy of District Council 4, spoke (Kabalevsky), Louise Wilson of her visit to Rosewell Park Grade 6 Toecating (Kabal Memorial Institute, for Cancer|eVEky), Paul Tubb; Polanaise patients, in Buffalo, N.Y. In (Bach), Susan Mason); Album January pant (Heethoven), Rrigit Phis 1s a state-supported hos: "18 n ; ; aital." she said, and went on to| , tirade 7 = Prelude in G (Han desdvibe the effielent way in del), David Hare: Gavotte which clinical work, nresearch (Bach), Naney Stewart; Ga vatte (Carelli), Lynne Hender and treatment of patients 1s alte (Lore vine Hender carried oul there f The question of the land price the agenda of the hullding and plan ning A few maments earlier the trustees han giose from Ban Hem on BPPTOVAL 18 ans committee report Shaw con. NERA & request in a letler from an GUITBEEOUS the city engineer requesting he the eity for a hoard to convey to the city a parcel of land 30 feet hy 66 feel situated at the end of Ridgeway Trustee Bhaw sald that a straight swap might er property| AVENE grre now the R. G, Geen was Me accom panist for the voeal numbers while Mrs, Dixon played for the| violin selections and Diane| Mackie for the dances. Dar:| Kadowsky and Barbaral Cross acted as ushers | lene The recital program follows: | PIANO Minuet (Bearlattl), Dance Henkelman Leslie German [son Walt (Schubert) Havald Chamara | Toads STRESSES KNOWLEDGE | brad [Frank Johansen A qivasell Honey uf Tort Hack: Man (Schumann) Jacqueline ' y § . Mengle; Scherzo (Schubert) chaivman for education, stressed Robert Weinert: Dance Caprice the impartance of knowledge. cio) Sharan Henderson: The He sald "if we ean eliminate ivnie Neger (DeBussy) Judy skepticism and fear, we have halon gone a long way in the fghtl Grade § Alt Wien (Godow- against cancer {sky), Constance Lucas; Waltz In This statement was supported! i, Flat (Chopin), Pamela Horn py Mrs. HV. Turek, of Porl| Hope, of the Cancer society's) VIOLIN . i Women's Services, who pointed| Grade 7 -- Adoration (Rorow: eady| $60) Judith Kashul out that youth today were read y| and eager for knowledge. "We siINGING should meet the quest for In) ARCT Litany (Schubert) and formation from secondary Fair Hours of Jay (Quilter), school and college Students with Rober Henry truth and constructive explana: | Aa My [DANCE PROGRAM ol Kilpatrick The dance program, 8 Sn! The Strange field secre |8he was informed that sufficient whieh tary far Ontario present at the meeting, which) was attended hy nearly 30 mem bers of the District Counedl § CHAIRMEN NAMED The following chairmen were otek elected for 1981: Mrs HV Turck, women's services; Rus sell Honey, education; Mrs. W 8 W. Breese, extension; Mrs R. Passey, publicity; Maurice Stephens, Campatgn Mrs E dent of aXpressed host of the meeting -taria County Unit "The meeting was ohaired By Mrs, Halt Holt, presi the Vie division was| featured a group of Strauss Waltzes, was most pleasing | Those taking part in the var Hous numbers were | Blue Danube = Mary Rupert, Joanne Chmara, Charlotte Kwi Bonple Crimmings Nancy = Both MeCloment, Lyn da Godirey and Lynn Lee i Valoes of Spring | Crouter | Tales {lyn Chamberlain, Kowski, Carel Brawn of Vienna Woods -- Les Dianne Yur Dale Wilson Charles Shewing Artists' Life ster Empire Wall, Carolyn For wrowp Marilyn) ander It has heen recognized for many years that the Boy Scout Uovement plays An important role in the community hy de inte both property deals a little YEIOPINE (RATRCIEY and train further ing future citizens Work Yn mark the heing CONSIDER NEW SCHOOL, done by this movement and (o The committees of the hoard helter acquaint the public with of education for public schools the work it does among the will recommend to the hoard young people this week is heing that the hoard of education start hserved as Boy Beowt Week school for the (Canada Terrace area in the ohservance of the ely A Hillsdale Terrace pealed for In heir area, the hoard prior SLL] Fhe will NARMIBE A pune Hillsdale north section delegation of vesidents ta he huill meeting of Chri in Oshawa the form of an open heing held in the council Camp this com @ ing Friday night, An interesting to display of Scout crafis and arts is heing arranged which will a general information Pv OF much interest 10 parents discussion Superintendent of And all these interested In the Public Schools Dr. C, M. Elliott, Work of the local association outlined the problems of decid ing. where school should he situated in the north section of the eit He showed the trustees on & map in what neighhorhood the students lived and wha schools they attend. He noled the eritical overcrowding of the [North Bimeoe Street School hy 140 pupils. By next term ap: Because eity council still does proximately 62 children from pot have a definitive policy on the Hillsdale subdivision will be'the licencing of gasoline service! attending school stations, an old argument erupt mo AR ed again last night JUSTIFIED - CASE a i | Board of Education Chairman [/vereit G. F gil wants ly | 8, G. Saywell noted that the resi. MIS5I10n 10 erect and operate A dents of the area had 8 Justified "ervice station at the northeast) case, 8s they had heen assured eornes of Taunton road nd) a school would he built when! BIE E BLFEEE RO | they purchased their property i the Honing Ld Hight, " ong Trustee Hobert Stroud question:| "an step Mr, Pogson from hulld ed what Assurance had heen|WE A service station, But only given, and was told that a letter C11Y COUREH Can grant him # had originated from someon licence to operate the station, | on the hoard that a school would) Without this permission, Mr, | be built. A copy of the letter was Pogson could not sell ane quart not available {of ail or one gallon of gasoline Trustea Margaret Shaw want Monday night, council turned ed to know if enough students MY: Vogson down, § to 1 with could be included in the new Md: EV, Bastedo objecting school houndaries to justify Ald, Bastedo admitted that mare than & three room school ithe. eity had power to withold a Accused Tired fake house fl Bama Bi & school hall Ima During } d students could be found in the area to fill the school | Trustee Shaw then asked If the hig prafblem was lack of money » [to build a sehool and was ney Of Society |that i was, hi i An Oshawa man, tired of so Board of Education CRalrman ciety, tried to gel jailed early |Baywell made a mation second | Bunday morning hy singing and ed by Trustee Bhaw thal fur: shouting at the "four corners ther consideration concerning Albert Angel, 20, of 164 Wil # school in the area he made liam street east, was fined $10 when bids on present schoollor 10 days by Magistrate F, 8 {buildings under tender are re: Iihbs, Monday, when he plead [turned and the hoard knows ed guilty to causing a distur Ihow much money will he avail: hance. He said he had changed [able for further school buildings, [his mind about wanting a Jail Chairman Baywell noted that/ierm it might he feasible to station] The magistrate told him he a counle of portable elagsrooms|had better behave, in the future, in the area for the younger? he would get a jail sentence, Flintatf : 44 » : whether he wanted it or net Shiliren to use until a school 1s Constable Dwight Smith told the eourt the accused had heen to the station at about 4.40 a.m,, Hunday, asking to he locked up ew em ers When he was refused, he sald he would go out and do seme ] thing to get looked up Made First Copstable Smith sald he ar vested Angel for shouting and . singing in the street at 4.4 ommunion am i Si Police €hief Herhiawt | On Sunday. Feb. 19. the pewlelonid Anael told him he Was on eonfigmed . members of Kt [velief, couldn't get a job, was Mark's Anglican Chureh made fed up with soelety in general their first communion at theland wanted to get looked wp regular # a.m, Holy Communion until the warm weather comes service The accused had a record of The rector, Rev, A, Waaleack i[drunkeness but Constable celebrated the sacrament as the Bmith sald he was net drunk] 20 new communicants, with| When he wag arrested, members of the congregation, - made their first communion as . full members of the chureh Sold Liquor Musie far the service was pro} Ivided hy the organist, Clare . Rel | Fined $200 Following the service, the new| : communicants, with friends and| Jan Nowak, 45, of 201 Mitohell] (relatives, enjoyed a corporate Avenue, was fined $200 or two) [communion breakfast served hy months in Jail, hy Magistrate members of the Altar Guild F. § KEbbs, Monday, when he The new communicants, whol Pleaded guilty te selling laquer vecoved the laying on of hands Wegally, Feb, & chs Ba Oshawa Constable JD, Dilla hy the Rt, Rev, T. Greenwood, hough told the court he paid DD, Bishop of the Yukon, at the $7 ta the accused for. 34 battles | cation, ELH \ K { the ¥, will have to decide whether the this , (4 Gordon Adair, mental iness as "probably the most serious piie health prob: fem today," A proviem exists in Oshawe, says the brief, and quotes from swrvey findings She Oshawn Sone OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 196) PAGE MINE in the last three months of 1960, 60 public, separate and) high school students were tested and 81 "showed hehaviowr eharacterisies which indicated] a potential need for psychiatric help' Some of the more genons cases were treated at the On tario Hospital Clinie at Whithy The report emphasized that the need is great among young) children, with the average at the Peterborough elinie heing nine years; this ehinie treated 164 children last year The problem here in Oshaws is serious, claims the brief, he cause Oshawa 1s the only one of the 16 largest cities In On tario without a. psychiatric clinie The Oshawa Health Depart ment is not equipped to deal with persons needing a psychia trist's care Oshawa General Hospital has no psychiatric care Wing, nor was one planned for the new ad dition Service Station Licence Refused licence when it Is "in the public interest," When asked why he was re commending refusal of the appli Ald, John Dyer sald "Too many stations," Ald. Dyer, who sits on the planning hoard, quoted the hoard's apinion that "outlets can he adequately controlled hy leensing, which is under the jurisdiction of eouneil," Ald, Bastedo argued that "too many stations' was an opinion, not a reason, "1 do not think the (property) committee should make a report unless it gives some reason for recommending refusal,' He continued: "Council is completely wrong In Its ap proach, There has heen no indi cation of a policy "If a property is properly goned, council should grant a permit to operate, unless It feels, for a valid reason, that a station would not be to the pub lies interest." Ald, Gordon Attersley said each case 1s Judged on its mer its and "we ean vole only on local knowledge" Ald, Albert Walker, who has often called for a policy, want ed to know who was going to formulate one Ald, Dyer sald planning board members felt it was bad policy to impose a limit on service sta tions within the eity boundaries and that the best control was council control "We are well over what is considered a good number (of ilations) here in Oshawa," he sald To Examine Resolution Asking Pool Future Oshawa ehildren will have large heads and small hodies, predicted the Central Council of Neighborhood Asso plations ehalrman Monday night, Chris Mason told eity eounell that "along with education must #0 a healthy body," He complained that ve oreational facilities in Oshawa are "inadequate" and ealled for the venovation of Ritson road pool at an estintated $55.000; conversion of the orig inal Rotary Park pool inte a wading pool Or, he said, a new pool, Immediate a ction is neces sary, he urged, so pools ean be used at the beginning of the COMING summer, service of confirmation on Sun. [of heer, He said he then return |day, Feb, 12, are Robert Raw [od 0 He Nowa ome, i wee detective oho [son, Donald Woolley, Jim Law NE ah WhO searches 0 | rence, David Shrigley, Willlam| Deiective Sergeant Kenneth! {Muelemeester, Walter Melvin Young testified he presented. a Bonnie Suddard, Alvin Renjamin Evans, search warrant to the. accused! peaple {Perey Colbourne, Gordon Rae. [before searching his home far [John Pugh, Stanley Bradshaw, vor, He said there was beer, Susan Bronya Mason, Dianne Ada the beer was never found The court was told, Nowak Waller, Joan Muriel Scott, Dor Was a Polish immigrant, had othy Hilleck, Mary Netley, Jac: #0 record and was married with {queline Woodeack, Olive Neil, [tw children \ Carel Louise Henry Marie Harman, June Javee Property committee will ex» amine the CCNA resolutions "Many Oshawa children need wading facilities," stressed My A GATHERING OF almost 20 residents of pitended the Brotherhood Week Dinner, sponsored hy the Oshawa Inter Service Club | Council, mt Hotel Genosha Scientists 'Are Probing Outer Space | The existence of super eivili gations in outer space and the distinet possibility thet scien tists will he able to establish communication with them form Oshawa in Hotel Genosha, The speaker was Emanuel industrial and medical equip ment division of Philips Elee tronies Industries Limited, His subject was "Is There Life on Other Worlds," Mr, Batler commented thers is not the slightest doubt in the minds of scientists that they {receive messages from outer | ipace It was once believed that the sun was the centre of the solay system, Today seientists leonvineed that there are huge numbers of suns, each planets eireling them, and that new suns and planets are heing ereated constantly It was possible, Mr, Batley commented that there are 10,000,000 suns and §0,000,000,000 vanels in the Mitky Way, It wlieved that many of these planets have civilizations much older than that on earth, Vor this reason the problem arises as to whether scientists on earth should reply to signals from outer space It was the opinion of the speaker that the time is pas for the nations of the world to unite against the possibility of [the super civilizations of outer space sending their team to earth to tell us what to do CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their hirthdays today Pauline Sharko, 1076 Cedar street; Donna Fore: man, 8 Chadburn; Luciano Dreossi, 408 Wilson road south: Mrs, PD. Shackelton, A Elmgrove avenue; Rone ald Pollard, 10 Flett street, Bowmanville; Sheilagh Har gent, 210 James street; Roe land Remimbal, 285 Rruee street; Ronnie Thompson, 176 Sussex street; HE, J Pomery, 66 Stevenson road north: Gary Duncan, Town line north; Ronald Rryant, 487 Ortona avenue; Mrs, Iva Rrvant, 447 Ortona avs enue; Joan Geurts, 290 1d. ward street; Ronnie Brown, 163 Stacey avenue; Seatd Jackson, RR 1, Rowman ville; Russell Davies, 64 Plain street east; Mrs, A, Cummer, 521 Pip Mur vay: Douglas Whiting, #18 La Salle; Danny Pettitt, RR 1, Whithy: Mrs, Grace White, § Queheo street and Mrs, B, Kansikas, 250 Al hert street The fivst five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their hivthdays each day will receive double tekets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "But terfield 8" Mason, "The city has done mueh in the last five years for the but net much for the children Representing Sunnyside Park] im and wine in the home, He Association, Frank Davis urged Mason if, "the peaple you ve: what it has accomplished in the aurice told the omit the marked bill, [that the Ritson pool be put in npesent would agree to higher! Past three years A} District Counell 3 |Burett, Susan Barclay, Dianne fovise Woolley, Marilyn Coop lysed hy Dillabough to purchase service again, "to relieve con: [taxes to bu appreciation 10 the| Czosnek gestion." "The cost is small compared 10 the benefits derived," he said, i AV, Walker asked Mr, Reports on bivthdays will he received only between the hours of & am. and 10 am, Phone RA 3:4 y more recreational facilities?' "Yes," answered the chair {man and 1 feel the money could be ablained on a doorte door canvas." Oshawa | will suceeed in their efforts to {I have heen discovering how fare with { | Monday night, The speaker | those at the head table, from | who chaired the dinner snd was Dr. Watson Kirkeonnell, | president of Acadia Univer sity, Wollville, N.8, Among left, were Dy, 0. B, Sturgis, | who introduced the speaker; Dr, Kirkeonnell; T, 1, Wilson, | Rabbi M, Kutziner of the Osh. | awn Hebrew Congregation, ~Oshaws Times Phote Co-operation To Build Great Canada Asked Dr, Waston Kirkconnell, presi dent of Acadia University, Wolf ville, N.B., urged that "we look forward to when hrothers of tevery origin will unite to form \8 greater Canada", when he spoke al the annual Brother hood Week dinner meeting, Mon |dayn ght | Abbut 200 gitended the dinner, Jews tn "ow and Veh tans | Week 26, 15 "to give cate themselves as individuals to the hasie ideals of respect for people and human rights, whic are essential to our way of life,' | Dr, Kirkconnell said, when he lived in Port Hope 60 years ago ish, "In the succeeding 60 years mistaken | was,' OLD CULTURES old some Canadian have heen found to he, He told ahout Carbon 14, an isotope 0 common carbon, and how the deterioration of this substance can he used to determing (he age of campfires, hones, ele He said traces of a slone age society, with well developed cer amies, have been found in the St, Lawrence viver area Carbon 14 content measurement it was discovered this society existed about 1600 BC (earlier than Moses), "A society, with fine stone work was found to have existed in the Bruce Peninsula Area ahout 8000 BC the speaker sald, He said another existed on Feel Fee Excessive Ofhawa may not renew its membership in the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Mu nieipalities, Membership fee is based on population and this elty's fee is $500 a year The recommendation eame from finance committee but a decision will be delayed for two weeks on the request of Mayor Christine Thomas "1 think the membership fee is excessive," sald Mayay Thomas Monday night, "and 1 still have. to he convinced we are getting our money's worth ""Hawever, perhaps we have heen a bit hasty: In the past few weeks 1 have received mueh lit erature fram the CMM covey ing everything pertaining to municipal administration," Finance committee member Walter Lane sald the decision not to renew was based on two things: The reported unenthusiastic attitude of former mayor Ly man Giffard for the federation and the COFMM's '"'seattered makeup which Ald, Lane at tributed to its being a national body, Mayor Thomas reminded council the CFMM presents a brief to the federal government, Hand 1 may say it usually eon tains many good proposals "If the municipalities are to got velief, a much more aggres sive attitude should be taken than presenting a brief ane day of the year "If the recommendations are to be carried out, even in part they should be vigorously follow ed through, and only be mem bership can this be done.' Finance Chairman BE, F fed through, and only hy {write ta the CFMM Ras mem 0 see { FLAG RULE The Lone Star flag of the (sfate of Texas may be flown alongside the Stars and Stripes but not above it, A] he thought Canada was not only| talk ahout "ethnie origin', huge, but homogeneously Bril-| term used when the Canadian The professor explained how cultures Using (Manitoulin Island, about 9000 BC, "Flint quarries have. been {found that are partly overlaid) thy moraine from the last gla-| |eiers, These must have heen {operating about 30,000 BC," he sald Comparatively speaking," Dr, Kirkeonnell went on, "sll of ed the central theme of an ad-| sponsored hy the Oshawa Berv-lus, including French, British, dress at the Monday luneheon|ice Club Council in eo operation) eke meeping of the Rotary Club of with Canadian Council of Chris| are New Canadians," The professor worked out, that Brotherhood|in the past 4000 years, each of | us would have 286, ,,000 quadril- | Batler, general manager of the! people an opportunity to rededi-| lion ancestors, "What 8 mixture) BN \we must he," he said, "and 4000 years ago was not the be ginning of it," | ETHNIC ORIGIN his contribution to our common | Canadian culture," MANIFOLD CIVILIZATIONS ir, Kirkconnell said about {1000 volumes of WMerature have {heen published in Canada, in a {language Bther than English | during the last 26 years, He said he was not. asking for a multi lingual country, hut that we {recognize the value of manifold {elvilizations | "The most valuable part of 8 | civilization is a human being we welcome an abundant variety," he said, The guest speaker was intro {duced by Dr, D, E, Slurgls of the Oshawa Rotary Club, Chairs man T, I, Wilson thanked Dr, | The speaker went on to the Kirkconnell, He said he was census is taken every 10 y | He pointed out that this | a division of nationalistic groups, Their bonds come from language and related problems he said Dr, Kirkeonnell said he had thought Nova Bcotia to he pre dominantly Beots when he wen! | f sald, he has since come to real: {lze the many different groups {there Include Germans, Irish, and French He yeealied seeing a Highland pipe hand "skirling dawn Por: tage avenue, In Winnipeg, Man, It was composed of Ukrainians, Poles and Hungarians," he said "The proper way to build the best Canada," he continued, "is not to turn every group into Anglo Saxons. The citizen should he ahle to look back on his an cestors with pride, By reason of that background, he can make Of Risks COLUMBUS (Staff) == Lt, Cal, (R, B, Smith, VD, Monday af (ternoon warned the members {and shareholders of the Maple Leal Farmer's Mutual Fire [Insurance Company the direes (tors would have to scrutinize thelr risks more closely and he more eaveful of the risks the company underwriters Lt.-Col, Smith, speaking at the largely attended 66th annual shareholder's and | members meeting said he hoped the com: pany's agents would not try ta aver insure ita risks, then ask the directors to approve the in creased insurance, REBUILDING CLAUSR The company president warn od that eampany agents and the directors would have to ask that more barns insured with Maple | Leal he put under a rebuilding! elause, [ According to Li.Cal Swith, {ton many barn fires are caus. fod hy carelessness", He said {many of these barns are never rebullt == they mean nothing to the owners, "We must paint out | [fa the agents that each ORNe | {must be dealt with on its own {merits," al there 18 Years ago, However, he glad to hear this type of ad- dress, Mr, Wilson mentioned the CAFS [variety of languages used in ut 1 § not| Oshawa, 50 much a division of races as '| Head (able guests were; T, 1, Wilson, ehalrman; Dr. Watson WiKirkeonnell, guest speaker; "| Mayor Christine Thomas; T, D, | Thomas, MLA; Rabbi M, Kuts 1 ziner; Kev, R, B, Milroy, presi dent of the Oshawa Ministerial | Association; C, Powell, past president, Westmount Kiwanis Club of Oshawa; Dr, Sturgis, of Oshawa Rotary Club; urray Sparkes, vice-president Oshawa Kiwanis Club; John Matthews, Oshawa Y's Men's Club; J, W, Lowry, president, Rotary Club; Robert Baoblg, president, Oshe awa Kinsmen Club; Elmer Wil» liams, president, Oshawa Civils tan Club; Robert Brown, presis dent Oshawa Lions Club; Bill Edwards, president, Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce; Jack Taylor, president, Core inthian Lodge and Paul Pollock, president, B'Nal B'Rith; Close Scrutiny Urged Tola losses paid out during 1060, Lt, Col, Smith pointed out, were $205,008.64, The total insur: ance in force during 1060 was §00,260,720, During the previous vear it was 107,017,781, with ota losses paid out being #303, Assets in 1060 totalled $424, 862.66, During the previous year, total assets were $430, 03,24, OFFICERS RLECTED During the election of officers, Li Cal, Smith was returned to office as president, A member of the hoard of directors for some 31 years, Lt, Col, Smith has been president of the coms pany ainee 1008, His nomina. tion far the top executive post was uncontested at the direes tars meeting, which followed ims mediately after the annual gens eral meeting, John Dryden was returned to the vieespresident's office, his nomination alse being uneons tested, Grant Christie was again elected senior diveotor, his noms ination alse being uncontested, Directors returned by acelas mation for a three-year term ins elude Grant Christie, Oharles {Hooper, Hiwood Walker and ; mn {there ave 65 Farm Mutuals in| nonald MeMilian Thomas h Ontario, and people who ean't| emple 18 secretary, insure buildings inthe outlying [FARM SAFETY {Areas of large metropolitan ols| Sppaker for the meeting was {Hes can't Insure with some of (1, Grant Webber, Ontaria Hydra the stook companies, Those poo: ISales Supervisor, Mr Webber ple; he said, ave insuring with stressed the importance of the Farm Mutual companies [safety around the farm -- par | LioCol. Smith said when the /tioularly safety with electricity [company was organized it seem-|= and what Hydro officials od aver anxious 16 get business | like, and expect ta see, electnis on its books, "Now we are find: foally around the ham ing out that doesn't pay: We! He said wiring is of the wuts must insist that more of our {most importance - it must ba visks back on rebuilding remembered that wiring instals clauses, be more careful what lations that were alvight 30 risks we underwrite and gotivears age won't do the job now back in the groove," the presi:|with extra machinery and equip {dent said, N ment in the barns, | The president pointed out FL] [N