sh, I». rd 2% SKIP ASTUN MURRAY HOLDS FLASHLIGHT AND FRANK LONGE DELIVERS WIS ROCK MAJOR LEAGUE y Hotspur Beats Villa VIR GUANA TIMES, idey, ebwuery V7, WY 11 MUTUAL HELP Ww. £ wowid not Be surprises close 16 (he TEICEEUON 1ANE Ww Find most. of hem ERERg Ww Aras Shefficid Wednesday To The Oshawe Times showid have me time 7 Swan: LAST ~~ Tortenhem Wot: ses, Biwmiey Reve an Rasy game spre pre Row Quotes pt 44 1a #t Rome (6 Bwances. and New win the League and Foothall castie Epis shod accom for Civ Ae, Sometiing Wineh Soke, Bul Grams pie qie fie: thes not Been Aone since Aston by Ww the Rarnsiey - Eaton, Bir [Vth won both these competi minghem - Leicester, Borwich Br W. WANTYRE HOOW Fondon, Engand ' These were Maison (Rams Paring Rian ERT AE. [ETT ans smoiies: on Peshies Bovges by 191 at! Easter Road, Joe Baker, thelr Enghh wiernations centre forward, scowwmg mae of he gots. (her teams sale br theowgh 1 the eA rowed wre Aberdeen, Celtic, Mother: well, 8. Mirren, Partick Thistle, tims awRy back in 1897 Swnderiend, and Sheffield The odds tightened wt once Knieh - Blacidmrn games, while lohan the Spurs best Aston Vita the top game of #¥, Sows 7% 24 me Le game, Bor only Aston Villa, covid quite easly {Mid this tighten fhe ¥ hold wise end nv # Arew im the league fendersiip wil Ne change is the order of fhe herd By » WerEw eight day in al The leagne leader points over Wolves, but (he ships, AB the IeaBng teams Ww game was # preview of the cup the four Mivisiong won. with the match between the seme two exception of Gueen's Park Ran eames in the fifth rod "vy berien 30 by Grimsby | Seturtay the Rangers wre still three LW was # meritorious win. For powis whesd of Bury ot the the first heilhowr, Aston Villa In the second Avision, Sheff pt on ternfic presewre, Only United, Tpswich, 1iverpoot and magnificent defence Wy Blanch: Sowthempion lezd wh that order, 7 Bibi flower and Mackey held the Queen's Park Rangers are fol P00 leams will meet in two Sours together, Then they Tal lowed by Bury, Grimey and Thee games, probaly at Yan lied, and two quick gosls early Bolts' County in the third, In COEYer Toronto and Montreal in the second Bell sew them the fourth, the leaders are (George Mithell, Aberdeen's through, Can they repeat the Crystal Palace, Peterhorough, Wermationsl muside left, has dose Wn the cup game on Sauer: Northampton and Bradiord, #oked for a trenster, Be wants day? Cuptie Pay 1s very f- They are well out in front, and to Seme Eagan foothall, He fevent from 8 Teague match. should linish in that erder to 15 In the $65.00 plus class . , The Spurs, Bowever, Wave $0 win promotion Alten. ? Wen, Bromwich wily mich talent and skill in reserve SCOTTISH CUP WWRIG, Ad i ba Falkirk, who sre making # fhat hey, sola, harms ad Shock resi second strong Wid for promotion hack BIRWINGHAM FOR CANADA Birminghem City, Frgheh first Gwision team, will towr Canada Brng IRE CIRE Sm. mer, They have heen chosen 19 replace Aston Villa, whe with i from the iy last month FILET RECEDING inital Seottish team, Third 14 will alse he playing in Canada nd the United Mates, and these wn the . » Clyde, And Odds Get Boost | Rangers won at Irie Wy 55.1 the only first Punfermbne ind Thad |anerk, » Pro Sport Groups Have Special Disaster Pl BEW YORK (AV) ~ Beverwi(ides thet Sid bt Detter ed hans 10 lake care ney resting from # ir travel aacident such #6 nesdays PIAne crash het ov wiped owt the U8, figure shat ng 1eam ALA in the American League, mh sioner said ETETRERCY Wold cnet 0 Aig event of the depth or Msabiity : 19 SEVER OF OTE RIVE PIRYETS [io ver 4 2 ull ch Ino wl fist as pyatiahie » players lian soccer team Wn 19% | The selecting team wowld, In the event of 1olal disaster lake pt least one from each to an NBA team, Eoch of the clih and no more than three. surviving teams would be abies The payment for each player io protect five of is 19 players, would he §7509, The other five would go nts # The Nations! League has not talent pool. The team thet spelled out any exact plan, The needed the help eowld then pick iden for mn plan has come wp & maximum of 18 players, ne for consideration at several more then twe from any me meetings, wt league policy has ciuh, The price to he paid wend One-Armed Curler Almost Blind Has, Flashlight Target (CP)=When ways makes sure | have my rock okay, My teammales and oppon ents are ternfie, They tell me how my shot went and if | took oul any rocks round of the Scottish cup wasts the first division been 10 wall fos see, with the be rmined by # commiites y Ihe dete ' 19 the next r the defeat of Kilmarnock, tt faced with relegation, have sign STIRRING GAMES home, by Hearts, 21. Kiimar- ed Mclean, of Hamilton, the Some stirring games pre as nock wre second tn Rangers in leading gorl scorer in the see sured in the 1th round of the'the league, while Hearts are still' ond division OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS capining: There witli be # ; held st Motor Ely Lanes, 7791 Very Bond 00s, Asy Feb, 0, 161, to Mechss sad Eipie isk: | sity finalize the Aetasis of aor Bowh Huntalie 680 hanauet snd seg. Fiesse stiend | F (age, 23k), EA Salmon Wis (205, G36, Lime vf the meshing: § p.m. harp, Foints | ghen Smulen 4 Prices 8,215) Helen Read B66 1027, 62), Me fad Foners 2 Hien 2 Mekarianes Vo Tavlor #64 a, Br vee Pailon d UNITER WTEEL WORKERS . . son's (214, 284), Fdns Raker CAs, 290): 1 High Tries ~ HW. Canfield 755, . Total 54,1 mens High Single, A Price 05%: Wgh Harry Beys 640 (20, ahr; Bill Boker | Wilson hh Spencer f+) M, Brudek single wh, Al Price 256; Wigh tome, (693 (24, 0); Bi Crisanks P38 (205, 686,°8, Bonehem O18, F, Batnor #15, A hh oson B70; high tiple wh, Jim 259); OWve Morrison #04 (290); IAY | Raliaher SRE Wichard 632, M, Wed Anchen Ree 616 (208, 214); Dot Paradise B11 picks 608, snd BY, Boreham #6 (am, as AY Haley 609 (006, 20815 FI8 | pn aioe aT ane 4, 6 Lovelock 602 1235) and Barb emit Lo lor 240 as ¥ Pov 1) yA Wie, us) } 1 $0, tg he / > 49, 1. Cooper ta, W, Wiohel 836, 1, "on Games George Tavigr 066,177 ' # pres wekss, wo, Tf ous S00 coy icmen, ED, opr" cM a: | Bill Barts U6, Eva Borry 28, Charles | fares ' Pl the # ed f : AJ hi wi Weieht 236, Kian Johnson 265 "u, FE Kren 24, T, Mosolaperit cut this margin and take 8 2-| CLEANERS WIN triple wh, | Alexsnder 295, Wianche Norton M, Th tof Ravi Bik, I. Huey point lead, hut the A's fought) In the final game of the morn- ren' simpson 66. {Miiared Wright B11," Eide Smith | ey alr Watnin sh lerson 205, hack in the closing minutes 10ling, Modern Dry Cleaners de-| 175 #88 over -- Alice Ghimour 186 | SX Alexander ats Us Harry Favie| ®0, 5 and K. Lee OH fake over the lead again and feated the Kinloch's Men's Wear Chive Thomas 100, Fron Simpson 100, 00770 eik MaoConkey 242, Liars Barth Lemon league -- J. Bolteher 63, B hold on for a close victory, \42 to 23, The game started out! We welcome # new member to the 14 Lid a atte Whiley (DEFY 8): oy a att fhe Ontario Steel A's were led to|at 8 slow pace with hoth teams| lemon Iensue; Ted Toier, Rav Branton 310: hem 96, 0. Dove 96 4nd bi Keeler (4 y hy aha p p , sly ) | Bill Gutsell 211, EA Teshie O06, BER Team Stapdin J victory hy Graham and Ander playing cautiously and Mod: ny EADIATOR PERT. VEAGUE (er Gn, Tan Grav don, Ensiiiele hm Sa de = Down ana Outs son as they both netted nine ens holding a slim 18-40-11 lead,| Team Saniings, = Fess Tels 4, | Johnson 4, Tock Bota 94, Veknie|lolls 2, BIghinalls & Bix Aces | And paints while Goddard hooped no| but In the second hall the game|Licky ix 42, Sleepers 37, Gutlersaipes Evie 08, Gwen Mefunker #R, Far (ime 6 less than 14 for the losers burst wide open and hoth teams] ged Has Bins #2 hn ol, RB Group = Lucky Wits § Menlars 3, Ontario Bteel A's--Graham 9, gunned for vietory, Modems out Ann Cornish 1 s mA fh wing arapwed com | Fotnls were gain ah ane | Mded ig A) LLB hh Bums 9, Dejong 4, Dulny 6, Mewitt 1,|scored Kinlochs 29 tn 12 to walk Lid Rowden 7, Miklas 3; Anderson|off with a well-earned victory Sderahly this week. Jack Milne led the |Tiddie Winks 8, Beehees MOTOR OITY SPECIALS 8. Total 58; Fouls § for 14 | Moderns were led to victory Bix Best to 8 § to | win aver the Kihow | F008 1) RRIF oA Fo dermites i i ' 4 1] Led Ld } | 3 the Hangelies, ihe the ¥ i ol Ontario Bieel B's--Goddard 14,/hy Goldstein, Tunniclitfe and thi the Coolers Saramak 2, Milosh 8, Lee, Stim-|Kutziner with 18, 12 and 11 with Jaycee Rockets Topple Leaders | There were three more excite: land knock Wall's into a tie for ment-packed games Saturday first place morning in the Y's Mens Major Rockets were led by Clarke Baskethall 1eague st OCVI Kelly and Eichells with 18, 1} In the first game of the morn. #nd 10 while Esmits and Nichols ing the two "Steel teams met Bo 13 and 12 for the losers with the Ontario Steel A's down. Jaycee Rockets Brady § ing Ontario Steel B's by the Fichells 10, Breen 6, Clarke 18 I score of 39 in 84 Kelly 11, McHugh In the first halt, A's played Fouls b for 14, like they were going to run the, Wels Barber Shap B's out of the gym, as they built/%on 2, Derry, Nichol 12 up & 21 tn 12 lead, led by An? Tamits 15. Feeson 2, Wonds derson and Rowden 9, O'Reilly 6. Total 46 The second half saw the B's 2 for 12 (705 (236, a1 8, 218, WH EE WEIE Wine Bert Mewrit #04 1258, 24) hs O89 (62, 251), dim Fin RIFTERS What happened, howiers? A few men had good scores bik the Indies were ler rile, Won much Rowse cleaning on Fike Any SUDBURY, Om Frank Longe prepares to de fiver his rock at the Tam O'Shanter Curling Cb in nearby Garson he's guided hy # flashlight instead of a broom Frank is almost blind, just I make out gil right tee #hle to distinguish between light seem 16 have good weight 19 and dark put rocks in front of the house, Where other curlers would but | guess It Just comes from take aim #t the broom held hy practising lor 50 long their skip, he sets his sights on My delivery is the same as the beacon from the flashlight everyhody else's, You just gel placed at the other end of the the feel of the Nght movements wee by Austin (Aussie) Murray and IL comes natural 16. you Five years ago an explosion Longe either plays lead or al Garson nickel mine left second, He helped Murray's Frank almost sightless. We he- rink win the third event in the came deal in one ear and lost turkey honspiel at the his left arm and one finger on Sudbury Curling Club his right hand Um ceviginly not the only Fitted with an artificial limb, blind curler around though," he joined a group of blind howl: says Frank Winnipeg has & ers and later tried curling, a blind curling league. But they sport he had played outdoors @ sighted skip and a spe before the aceident instructor to line up the The artificial limb permits "Hrlers before throwing their him to hold & broom while de. ¥9¢ks, They don't use lights as livering # rock in order to main M08 of them are totally blind, | ad 7 Ban Bim KAmona- [G2 on M2, Low score, Wek Hickey #7; low wh, Ted Torer #1 20 and over ies Smale 223, 230 Fouls Maurice Richards 27; dim Barron 35, WIE 20; Ram Toner 116; A Price ©, 04) |Sian Simpson 048, 29] | Ladies Wigh wngie single wh, Fran © wie, Chris Thomes CUSTOM BREWED to fit your taste Something great has come your way In lager heer! its the Kingsheser flavour=the sparkle and lively zip yourwant, Because Kingsbeer is brewed the careful way , , , brewed longer, for finer flavour, Next time call for & "Kings." Clear and lively Kingsbeer=Custom Brewed to fit your taste n # Yorer ail not 28; high | mpson ik; annual Keith Whitney 212 Nave cial INGE DEER so light... so right... Jor the Young at Heart Fai § and Modern Dry Cleaners--Gold- stein 13, Tunnicliffe 12, Beneco 2, Harrison, Ferries 4, Kulziner 11. Total 42; Fouls 6 for 18 Games scheduled for Vebruary 16th 9:25 a.m. Modern Dry Clean: ers va Wall's Barber Shop; 10:08 a.m, Ontario Steel A's vs Jaycee Rockets and 10:55 a.m, Ontario Steel B's va Kinloch"s Men's Wear Minor Basketball Has Keen Action but one nn the Temin Ieagus, has not been there for somes Hime The Hol Bhols for Ne, 7 were Al Hops 206, 836, Eleanor Armilage #60 (218, 266), Irv stahronks 686 (800, 904), Agnes Clement with 188, Annabelle Cobh 210, Dan Clement 209, | Morris Lave 240, 205 had the best games for the Lagy Ones Boh Shearer 223 for the Givers Madeline Gregory 201, Howard Mae: | Fond 608 (216), Yivelyn Watlen #36, had the high games far the Orfuns Our alleys could aceammaodate pocial howlers #5 16 bowlers in all "howled off" and five were absent, With 21 ab dent bowlers in a club of 60 leaves many vacant spots, We are beginning the last section and members are ve minded to support your team, which you Joined, and therefore keep the spirit of the elub as It should be, » DOWNTOWN INDUTRIAL LEAGUE MeLaughlin Fuels still 'ead this see tion with 16 paints, closely presued hy Jury and Lavell, with 14 paints, Mane tanians, All Stars, and Allen's BA have maved into eantention with 12 paints Slow Balls 11, Blue Stars 10, are still in the vaee, with Peacock Lamher 8, Righmond Tipe #, Pleasure Valley § Foal Office #8 and White Stars 6 High Triples Malt Bell ied the way with » tremendous 850 (508), fo'lowed by H, Kalnitaky 798 (386), Fd. Wilson 745 (384), A. Greene 793 (316) and 6, Burgess 790 (340), (G, Burgess has new Higa Aingle with Handigap, #68.) High Singles Al Spring 308, BR, Bell P.O, 860, D, Smith (slow Balls) S48, O Gioguen 280, M. Bwarts 864, H. Leger 268, 8. Himes 268, B, Sherman 868, 7 Gregory 440, 840, K. Simkine 234, H the lemon lenge with 81, Bl snd Next week, he's going to try it with his eyes cldsed, Does this mean he has had them pent Other rave of sin: shine were Wayne Thurtel with #i, Winaton Fetch 94 and Frank Sprack: elt 07, ' AUR, 8), UAW Only ane double, four singles and 17 Fomons, We would like ta mention ene tiny Lemon but we'll skip It this time, yours truly Just missed It hy 8 hair, Ga-Getiers moved up on top, Mary, ex cuse please, we missed your double last week, We had three white washes Busy Hees took 3 points fram Haney (angi Go-Gellers took § points from dean Saywell 5 and Irene Adams M, ADAMS DOES IT AGAIN! Adams, the distiller whe made history with the | now famous Private Stock, has done ; again! Adams now presents Gold Stripe, another Custom Blend, at a moderate price, created especially for the Ontario taste, Next time you buy, try mellow custom-blended Gold Swipe in its tall, handsome flask bottle in 25 ounce and v2 ounce sizes, and you'll agree, Adams has done it again! Tend nd now only three paints | separsie Jhare we ii tame wir JIL RR RD Bashers Hi polis. | he dots soon eh " ree points and he the Sleepers hy the Same Sears STMOUNT UNITED CHURCH High Triple was Innis Delong ph " / i Bil well enabled the Has Bins] WESTM 8 fh 21%, 88) 0, But he doesp't| "And there's & chap in Ka ; Total! respective Lia gain B twanll split with the Aley| The second section ended with the Hi: y #15, #6), tain his balance, Bul he doesn Louskasing whe has Jum enough| TINE 4 Gunn 8, Barlow. Total points respectively while Win to Kein Aad 1 A wraight week (Los 97 points, Lazy (nes and OFfuns High ingles ~~ Myrtle Walle 88, Join in sweeping | i Mi Fouls 4 for 7, ers with eight was best for(i sil has come up with & Wi {i Forlye di) Spipguinks and buicy | Shirley Mor) larence Russell : i sight to see his skip, He curls| Kinloeh's ly RE a WR RR LR Bie 15, Canriare SAT] Brave 10 Wot | 208 sha % Mullen a, HAR, GOOD WEIGHT without any aid but he has tol ROCKETS TOP WALN'S | Kinloch's Men's Wear--Win.|te range tor of the ovoniog |" fohn Warela' 356, Algs Mucins 305 | Lsndramets 1h Freerats 8 Coolers 1's veally amazing how peo: ask for help in lining up his| In the second game, the Jay: ters §, Sparling 4, Hooey 2.4 h Rid oy ook 8 lors 3 te 1 gal, Hagel Dunn 846 iad the highest Rangertes 3, " 1|the 6 P i ple help me. An opponent al shots, cee Rockets knocked off the Chute, Bathe, Brian 2, Rudy 8 decision from the Lucky Bix, Dougie games for the Cousters LADIES MAJOR "BI TT ETT -------- pT -- --- =Heague leading Walt's Barber Burke 4, Tol Is 23: ¥ HWavior was the pick of the wvielors,| Ken Cobh 236 was the highest og rd BR LEAGUE [& } ! ; otals 25; Fouls 1 for|uhlie al Perry was in Bis am ilar for the Hi 108, Harry Bennett (342, The beginning of the (hind section, I" the frat muir, Walk' hla] rif mowing wh bot fe Voi 3) Wud ve 1, i, Ef unto Sad tit tae $1 Vt p AL's hel eal y om op h Py a Hetty Love, 368, was the high one for Outlook Black For Rapin thiol, lend 1s wi 37 oe SEH RTA fF oe, Thi Mie, Mas, Mer Gi, ph Hioekels were 0 a hy Al #06 (869, 877), Diougle (Owen &04, 206 had the high scores for A y on their Ware having tough lick Vavior ny , 2488), Jhek Milne the Chipmunks iin fd Hasiers, Saywelle and Hints fons hd | hooped SIX points in this half de damiston $18 (60) 0 hy rig Af AN 7 ig wha Way Lunch with one point apiece i 0h » J h lio lead his Lean wayne Patterson (851, 808); Willard Standings -- Whites 4, Neshitty 4, » 4 | In the second alt the Rockets Aue RAL Snards 1ubhard oy Near b daluells § kA d . d Ke Wes Keenan 244, 207; Ralph Glover 243, of t t d . " {piled in 83 points as Wall's com: Wayne Thurtel 824, Roy lan 4, Heldorsaae ' Bg ia nd, NEW YORK (AP) ~ "The Pierre Brunet, coach of Carol pletely fell apart in the closing frre "hon Catal yi) Len Mary Nighols 870, dune Bimpsdn 648, United States' faint hopes of re.|leiss, Olympic women's cham:|minutes, The Rockets, led hy 216, Norm Dawe 816, Walt Fry 818, Bea Northey 697, Anne Sim maw Li no d other lead rs, | Kell d Clark 4 Blicky Mosier 212, Boh Dove 208, Jack Mar) Carswell 608, Fhoshe Mullen #08 taining & dominant position in|?! ANA other leading skaters, Kelly and Clarke, took advan Dawson 805, Oude Weeks 201 and Ant Autrey Hadieon 60}, , h a y x sald: UIC will be two Olympies| age of it to pull an upset off Jahn donassen 01 Alalp en or Helle Baker 840, Frances world and Olympic figureskat: pefore we can hope to have a - - Wiltie Weliar once wgain dominates Neiman 249, Give Valiansourt ] a Ing rest on the speedy develop: strong representative team Clots Wellman 438. 807, Marg Mens ment of promisin § Young again." io 1 olla 24 Fu H lexander skaters and the unlikely, possi lim Brown, who escaped the Lemon Iasguers aud Clarke "| bility that retired stars will re: crash because he withdrew turn to competition after placing third in the US Still stunned hy Wednesday's men's championship, said he plane crash at Brussels which! has given up competition he illed 18 members of the Amer: cause of a heart condition, He ican team, prominent coaches/is the best survivin male r Lei and officials surveyed prospects skate L In the Minor League game(as close as the Firefighters | yea pros ler layed at OCVI, it I for the 1064 Olympics and found "Phere "og Play hong Wi the slowly widened the gap between Wid Ly my eve wast any point infront «= running CKLB and the|the fw teams and came up little encouragement taking a visk," he said, Brown| Jaycee Blues. The first half was|with a hig win, 20-10-82 The US has won every In:is 28 and, although he said hela close - checking affair with| High scorers for (he WINDETS | tram da ebids ivi I PER dividual men's Olympie title has quit for good, he might re:|the radio boys coming off the/were Johnson with 12 and Bar| mints fram Union Maids since the Kecond World War turn hy 1064 floor with a 16:t0-18 lead, iow with §, while for the losers ainibies = KI E aN0 (304, 288) and the 1056 and 1060 women's Tenley Albright, 1058 Olympic| The best for CKLB crew in/lt was Goodman, Palter, and] Ningles Ann Black 243, M. Ineh championships, The winners alllwomen's champion, and Barb: this halt was Kolesnik with| Wayling with nine, seven and fll # Mutherfora 211 wad J, Braiden have retired or turned profes: ava Ann Roles, third in the eight while for the Blues it was|81X points respectively |" Teams Standin fa-Getiera 17, sional, 1060 Olympics, have retired and I, Pianche also with eight | FIREFIGHTERS v1. |Uinian Maids 16 L Te if, Taiekien piss ; JAR + THAVE | J J J i H TERS » Cole, iy ( 1, do'sttes 8, B These were the finest skaters aren't likely to return, Miss Al:| The second half wasn't by any|Chaytor 4, Floming, Barlow 8 bees 1 Moosneame ser b Wey in the country=(he best three bright is a medical student at|means as close, as the CKLB| Horne 3, Dobbins 2, \ 1 All in every division," said Carl W.|Harvard University and could RH PLAEA FAMILY DOTRLEA DISCONTINUED INE We have been instructed by our Head Office to DIS: COUNT DOMINION ROYAL SAFEWAY and AIRIDE RAYON TIRES presently in ; wack by ' 0 This means these tires will be discounted by 10% PLUS YOUR TRADE:IN ALLOWANCE - the Firefighters = Camp: Love ¥, Total 2; MH AND EXAMPLES: 670/18 4ply Air Ride bh aah Sivek Reg, 25.55, Discount NOW 23.00 " v 23.00 conan 19.98 Ge tae a TERMS: DOMINION 2.00 Down DOMINION ) ROYAL 750/14 4-ply Safeway Tube Tubeless, Black, Reg, 35.33 ig Discount NOW {J desi i 19.96 MANY OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE TIRE STORES 2.00 Weekly TIRES 48 BOND ST, WEST (Comer of Church) RA 56511 team slowly pulled away from! 12 Total 20; Fouls 8-for8 The annual dance for the howling [Gabana 233, B, Yoo 840, B, Lambert 847 Gram Jr, secretary of the U.K not easily give up the time|the Jayeees with a final seopel MEDICAL, PHARMAGY [sith wae & mest entovable aight for and P, Francis 346 Figure Skating Association needed for practice to regain The hig guns far the winners, Hryoh, Shady, Burke, Total/te, Owe satertainment committe 18 10 for this week, and iis none othe than were Calder with 16 and Kole: 3; Fouls 6-far-11 {he pongratulated for their fine affavt that sterling chavapter, our helaved and kids, It's a long road back," |marviage last summer, (anik with 10, while for the log: The final game was between ie nih nailer Friday nine was | or Nive gone Bert son fae oo bios Bahk -- : ors it was Planche with 12 Rolahoods Sportshaven and thelene af the ladies, Madeline Morrison [made this eelumn! hd . 10, Williams 4, Filletli 8, Bell. [was a nip-and-tuck battle with (0) ce (o) 5 in Tatal 32; Fouls, 4-for-h y Supryka (11 to-10 lead 4, Boivin 2 The second half was nearly as . . Gaateh, Rlakolmer. Total, 18; [close as the Sports boys had the arts-Service Tie {advantage this time hy the | NT, JOHN'S WIN soare of 8 to 26 in favor of The first Minor League game) Holahoods \ '. Ri » all Ing In the Y's Men's Biddy at 7 to 7 thee St. John's Cadets and Pro: Burnett and Miles with 16 and Basketball League, the Police] In the first hal, the Firemen Vincial Tile, The first half WAR 10 points respectively while for dinger team by the score of [the P. and 8 bays as they took [PWENShad aver the Tile bOYS 11 and Love with seven for a hall time score of 310: ROLAHOODS Burnett 16 by Cornael with six : Police squad took a slight 6 10 2 ! [The second half was a repe ' > Sef i A repeat Ramana 2, » 3, Dayle load A they outplayed Aid oul Pub Jn the second halt the gf 'the first ax the Cadets out Total i Foun oh 19, np : their talent at putting the np h In the second halt the Palice in (ho basket and My a Mo for-a final scare: of M10 holt 4 Hravanyk 1 " Karobit, Stianiak Accordion hays and again Wb players Bole The high soorers for the win § soared them, this time by a J . OF Ihe game ners were Clapp with 19, King * Games sehedule , | A mes seheduled for Satu Ti 1H, and Kooho with 13 while fori gay February 18 -- 00V1 8.45 flo \ { J y . y ole Police team wa lod by COUN RL With six and the Parts|12 and Davies with six vs Firefighters at Simeoe Hal! | ement WIth a, and Morrison g x n 4 y J ASV and Smith with 2 apiece Sawyer, Bombing with five and|18, Carhy, Smelka 3, Koeha 13, am. Jaycee Whites va A team he FIREFIGHTERS Clapp 19, Hranton, Total, Mi | Pravineial Tile vs Javeee Blues only scorer was Haivin with 2 ' : and 10.50 CKLB 8 N 6, Howard, Wry, Eldridge, War PROVINCIAL TILE Jo WY KLE vs, Seaton 12, MoeConkey 1 Lee, Bumett, Manser, Lynch, po \ \ | N A : Ux, Stewart, Total 7; F vassart 1, Tullock 4, Total I , Sargent, Sawyer, Call; | a ouls | \ hh 1M Mensink, Sarg ye 1for-2 Fouls 4fap1a REMEMBER WHEN? " Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS | Chapman, Morrison 2, PIO | Fenders NR Henderson, Clement § Smith 3 Total 4 aah 4 0, Coekorian. Hall was between. the Medical | With 19 years of ving experience ouls ford Pharmacy, coached hy M. (behind him, earned a draw with ™ RALLY BARNA TR thel My 3 3 Am, Firefighters wll hall was a close affair with the his welterweight boxing title The Ny | Mundinger and 9.00 a.m. Parts! Firefighters coming off t helRritton lost the title the ao of 82 tn 18 Palter 7 Wayling [ Goodman | iNese who attended, There was plenty | Lemon League Lo and hehold, only " ) » ) 3 rR ! his elite dep 4 Mi. we will hye to start from her winning form. Miss Roles | tn eat and the hest of music to dance [one member of this elite department eo he our 'h {career ) ginning with our juniors skating career ended with her da Very supeessful evening | president, Bert Smith, with a sparkling OKLB = Calder 16, Kolesnik/ Jayeee Whites. The first half Wh soe (341, 64, 2305); Howard Read! NOTICE fo all the exeoutive and all the Whites ending up with an JAYCEE RLUES Planche 12, Morris, | Fouls 0-fort {icare of 24 to 15 and a final) In the first game of the morn: against ) J eam at Nimeoe Hall was hetween| The best for the winners were Association downed the Mun: looked as if they would SWAMD one-sided as the Cadets rani ihe losers it was Hrayvanyk with # to 2 In the first half, the? Commanding 7-to-h lead, led|jq Carby 2, Heholt 3, Miles 10, | A n and 8, Squad finally found | soare vial T 188, : hustled the Mundinger squad ound spared the Provincial Tile 19 to) * JAVORE WHITES hoys continued to out play hel oheoking an the part of all its \ Fouls 4-for-13 ATTINE 4 to 0 count, for a final scare of hal 4s Ne erghtors were lod bythe losers it was Neaton withig Rolahoods Sportshaven | and Service team was led hy ST. JOHN'S CADETS -- King while : Medical Pharmacy; 10.10 am, | 1 PSO \ for the Mundinges VO respectively ; Corneal Fouls 4.for-12 INDINGE} Aoivin 2 \ ' Davies| John's Cade MUNBDINGER Raivin voi 1, Boivin, Melnray Ruch 6 \'a ahn's Cadets len, Total 3; Fouls Sor) PART POLICE ASSOCIATION cA IR AND SERVICE FIREFIGHTERS UP ; IN Crowell, Bombing 3, whe Second game at Simeoe! Jack Britton, 3 years old and Rajkovie, Conlin. Total §; Fouls Lord Lames scheduled for this Baivin and the Firefighters, 19-year-old Dave Shade 3 years COMING (Saturday, February 18] coached by E. Derry, The first 880 tomight at New York ta hold Service team comeland Se \alica 2 i Parts oe a oan a v tieltion orvice va Police Associa tioar With a slim 10:ta-9 lead, [year when eutpointed by Mickey fram | The second halt wasn't quite! Walker (