Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 5

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WED IN 87, JOHN EVANGELIST [2] the Evangelist | bride og the Sasgnter ou i BIS Mrs yiniam IRATE Roman Cathie Church w Goodman, Whithy, and the the setting for bridegroom is the son of Mis winter wedding of Mi Al { (Boy) Zucehiatti, To sheth Ann Goodman and Ray and the late Mr. Tus mond John Zuechiaiti, The Miss F. Foster Guest Of Bible Fellowship Miss F. Foster dohn rons cath) The Henry Byron street Other south, was a special guest of Bishop of the Bible and Medical Mission Holland Fellowship of the Canadian Auxiliar with headquarters in naira mw bishop Toronto. Founded hy Lady Kin: ¥ naird in 1852 in old Landon the| tL TOessr H. Rodgers, OBE 5 FRCS, Mrs. Mainwaring Bur society was known for 100 year #o Zenans Bible Medical Mis-ton, Miss M, H, Spurgeon, New sion, # work for India. At the Zealand, Miss B. 6G. Morton centennial gathering in Tandon, | LL of which Miss Fogler was pres-| WHITBY PERSONALS ent, Daryle daughter of Mr i H gl Ehensed bd #hove A eoipeide an hint waligy af the sn: {Mrs 0, Ockenden YERFESEnLBLIVES Bre Lahore, Sir cu The Tard Kin ET, KBE, The Arch ol Bydney Australia ary The meeting was held at the Canadian school of Missions on Bt. George street, Toronto. Pro ceeding 8 bullet supper a husi ness meeting was held with) yr, g three of BMMI, representatives vor the occasion from India, with Lieutepan! Colonel A, ©. Norrish, Hey fr, and is eele attending the partly is Mrs Hallwel, of Toronta, who Is Nicholls, Mr, Dennis Clark wha) oo ¥ -- are paving a flying visit tn New | nding 8 hock 8 id eeh York, Ottawa and Toronto prior i | in ture for England to returning io thelr work E. Thrower; of Kent India Mr. Norrish trained the street, 18 in Oshawa General Missionary Training Colony InlHospital. Her friends wish her London and during 1988 wasia camplete recover Mrs called into the Indian army and Field street south, is opening served for six years In the (iurkha Rifle. He is now f Secretary of BMME in India [home to the members of Bt He also serves an the Govern: Andrew's Preshyierian Church ing Boards of the Union Bibli-|WA for a work meeting cil Seminary of Yeotmal the Whithy Baptist Young Pen Christian Medical College at) 5 Ladhis nd the executive f|[Ple's group me for a skating the Tivangelical Fellowship of RF 81 North Oshawa rink on India YRREElER ' |Baturday evening, A fine lime Rev. Bruce Nicholls, MABD I Ealayad by bh Whe attend: fram New Zealand, eo-founder hf i ids FERINAP af the Mashi_ Bahily and is on meetings in the church Sunday the Liters a ¥ tellowshin sehonl hall Sunday evening, RAL Ay ah and third Sunday of the India. My. Nicholls teaches . al the Union Biblical Seminary al A hearty wel: Veatr 4] came Is extended to all young Mo Dennis Clark fs cofaund.|PEARle wha wish to come oul ME, dennis Liat Wand enjoy 8 time of warship er of the Evangelical Literature \ : : and Christian Fellowship Society of India. The three the BYRU visiting speakers told a erowd J ed audience at the evening Me. A. Riddell left on Sun meeting of the resurgence day fram Malton Airport for af Induism, Mohammedanism, Glasgow, Seatland, ta attend the Buddhism and of the millions of [funeral of his father, the late attractive eaples of Communist GG. Riddell literature heing poured into India Mi ach speaker stressed the wired congratulations on the Wrgent necessity of fansecraled|neeasion al the marriage af skilled young men and wamen, | Mr. Turner's brother, Leonard daglars, nurses, teachers, ete, who was married in Lincoln ta give thelr services to needy shire on Saturday, Feb, 1 India while the doar is wide an The Mrs, M. Carleton, of Ker open, They alsa pleaded fo Nea York 1 visting. al Ww for Pakistan and! HE Ravkars " HRIALA Ae the hame of My. and Mrs, A Rev, H. Halden Rousseau, of Palace street retar for § anada, spake hyiel Mr. "and Mrs. Wilfred Cleland ly. The Secretary of Cevloninvps H. Cleland and Mr. Mop India Mission read the Seviielols Cleland, of Oakwond, weve ture message and Rev, MM. guoday visitors at the home of Anderson, 8 George's Angl:ay and Mrs. Bruce Shier, of gan Church in Hamilton elased! Githent street west the meeting with prayel Miss Foster was seoretary:| Mr. and Mes, Lou Wilson, of treasurer and deputation seeve| Thamesville, spent last week tary far Canada of this society lend at the home af their par fram 1017 to 1M7. Mes. G. Gents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheri Gray, Tarante, is president. (dan, of Burns street eas Mps. T al George Siott, Byron and Mrs. Vie Turner Lreneral hel WHITBY And DISTRICT Reserve Judgment lon the Belleville hrating her 18th birthday 10day | classy fellow spent 8 total of 84 a party has|minuies in the sin hin for the Among Buests| {would have {spent less time in the sin bin | {runner-up spot {made up of 16 goals and 98 as: hig red lite In Chicage, Bobhy her Bn fans we make § ples on with) § BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 pm, WHITBY Flature Starts -- 7:20 and 9:45 v - \ far vine wan SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Sasimen © On Breakin Case Fh amash. has WER TEs ETal fWETIRE WEE Smpsnk fy Bia I Wk WEEE B TRE FRR FB WRLR NEE WE Tk) Warr FJ Tht Nh BRE. Joie KRG ER. IEEE # RELRITRTE (Sipe With RIREERE #5 Bed Fail sak Be Aa 7 EW FALE YR He seid Nid ee oe hye as. MB RRGH ph ad (IETS WRG BR ar wiih Wiz she or wrk lie HAVER 1 5 fe HARA Wey po Wana Witnesses Describe Pedestrian Mishap 7 i= senses ; Ble [oH SOWIE RA TER RCE FRR dd Hang 1 Whe WANE WH The ines waning Ww lio of # car. Boker 1olmeiom. 18, Ben oF ment 16 pokes i dtu PPAR [ido W Ramin heriell i Whe beck: LORE, Wis BEAR Rah 1h BE out of Same Eons 6. 6. Wiamonk, whe pest." sad Mes. Watts Hla 1 Tht SAR FIRE BE Py TT arias wi. tk sane HIE #5 ihe Brien of the car i fae. BE. Thomas Chaiieis. of RE fer som. Rak Bess ws feed Ai. 76 18 45 im, Mri 16st of the Marden velnaie, Gary Fer Vinee DIEomitiment, 680 sae snk bak owe io pk ot WA thet Mahler's (RF Ws WEkumil. of (huni, sil Ie TR BE ORRER # HALA GW pW LOR TRESTLE RR Rtas sh somes Sunline mh tw HH Fre Ww VIHAR We ROW. Joknsion. whe arn on bit. the REWIng (IOm BRIER lughiay 146g PREIE iit" EETRE the Foren Fret ond Smetholaly Weremng Reh oh SETE SAR We TRE Gx Tt Wie Imma le camigh tn TONE IHR t 08 Fol. 1 ol IE Bud inal ink Whe cows th wih KERACTER TRNETr thal NEXD swerve wimih her oe Je re Fag pssrnsy' a bah bw nen fine Lar thal A vison, Be shen smh tet 5 coil sexy wel be in My TIE HER 1 PORN TOF U0 Sosa pak lak ERterin (66 phe AR, EET SRRER WP RHEE orders sont thon host # wit 3 IE BRA Whit Fae #08 gone wd bed (o5en the Lrpe the safer , : gy FREE TE IRR Raima ies WR WW aries wal hen Fei i bia op TEBE 08 We Case)" wil Bel foray and sb owek Im 5 se Bros home RE REEE Ih WRIRER 8 E30. 4gr Kounicel sai foe Thich WIRES on Sherbosme $5. where they 4 my Femmes Muion, WH 10 Deesev round yuh the intention # Ik med tn Rave seid the mal [HRS Wot remanded tor sist, (hens, ested wt 40g kx olf the Fons hs. Weer Su Feat nt " he puis 1 any) a there had heeh We Kars sgl Mrs. Kwlcid, who was in the Bins, ih 106 09R Selence, sok piso a harges W pimechine the Maren VEOE hchand, testitieh thet. Jmsiom Wek Morrowind 15s yu A oie Meridia shortly Iulore He a pu He thet dhe saw SOREIRRE Wh the £71 el Want sid Bas 1etRInes WE Wine Mey aid on Ae h @ f y ialer with he wn § hers . iw bom ok the second ens Rests lene coming Lom one CELTIC Be" skimmed MRITIONAY, WHITWY SEW Hk TEER WothE PHEW henime. We Wiesel Ihe WR Whe Wee ON PAGE 4 Heh hat Be FRY # PETER OB {acing the the highway wi # Sstance of 1HORE IRER , -- awit. Wh 1egt The Associated Viniessnr # Aphied Vhysies a the Vuiver BAW ALCIIENY sity of Torin, Pikessor B A ERE BRIN BRIBE BE Henderson win bas lane ye Kah and Bahwsy Be. 1 insination ler the W years Dale Bobipeon, said be saw he was the Babing expert for th SHINEE #0 TOW 19° defence in the ivi is ward the north side of the bigh Mr, Henderson said he hed) as Marden's. vemcie veeieh checked the scene of the Ree Ani RRA hat 1 RRFE BRET R ANVER ject wt 19 HEME WEIR WIA reduce the He said the brigh A col stion by Wis. MW Gennes Wek RIPEN foarimmmins pawns IK. kB. Wa Aik Wh Fhe @ KIwiimiah ih Tis PIELER ihs Me Brie Lait wb Wighlpy Wahu ihay The sling simi (IR # ARE ERE FIER RRB IR Rn #) Be. 1 cast oi shaw Ww A i. oh Pr. B, Siie, wn igre Wee Pal Aociar, where Mas, Genioy AVE I HaUmg Ses he Mis, GRBOIOVER Was repels of 1estiying wn her behall. Bhs Was BR ERNIE Mrs. Gerigrow sii, whe Was i JES I IRE RECAEIE RRA 14 SERIRE RaIRagrs IM aiing WIE} #21, lestifies Wh the chambers mf Buireme Court Justice KH. A Ayich Kenneth Marden, the Reiens ant, 1estificd he was the SNvEr HE the VERGE WBYHYES WINE collision. He slated he wes 18 IITHRE BORE FEn TRE BERRA dale with Mrs, Marden Jie WERE KRENEK TikA TELLS OF ACCS BERNER BIR Tk west on ehway way hack tn Lshawi ron Wi manvitie. When be si sipith the scene Mf the Bean em wm Mu BRIBE ERE DRssER Win RRA Bh Vision was Wmiled. When he BOCES BR IEEE oR hs way shot W est Wm fron ol ad he he i knston 1 Tormin where the IGRITRRES WRITE SA RIA WhE TRS hn ik Yar oN TENDERS WANTED The Whithy Public School Board will ap- preciate tenders on an inter-communice tion system to be installed in the BR, A, Hutchison Fublic School, Persons interes ted contact the Secretary - Treasurer's HIRE aes th £ OR Was beihg PY To be vo Hadise Walls, former oF Bf # FEARRIRI. BL The of He testified RINE 8K} 4 aller & Lom wo WIG SRA feet. When Present Bowe ion greatly W Fr IRREE 173 Es PERIFIf LINE | Wis 4 y's EE heels Gniding A Mam (rasiomsion "are wax of Liles Aerie 0 the Sacomh Wovid West, . Lon win Bove hes flares She Bish Ses hai Ars. Geumrowskl had threaten £8 Ber WR WE WR BEVEIRI WE CREVING Wim he swerved 1a the left toy EOI Pr i he struck Mis. Geugrowsky Marden said he Bont 4% mph Jr. B Playoffs Open Tonight By CLIFF GORDON the Whithy hockey heen walling for sll finally come ing being. The playolis start here tonight when the Whithy Hill crests, second place finishers in the Jr. B league standings, will play hast In thelr areh rivals the Belleville MeFarlands in the first game of the hest of seven group semi-finals With many thanks ta Garry Alexander of the Belleville In: telligencer, we have some dala team. They have one of the fastest skating teams in the league and surely hes abe hare iting clubs, ¥ nk-getier over | season wes hard-working Mae Hunter who had a folal of 24 goals and 21 assists for his sea son's work, Besides this, the office, Kathleen Rows School, MO B-8362, View WoRid Aecrepse the sens Byiy of the gy The nal conbipuss the Ontans County Courthouse CORERIEILY Wi day wl was 1 gna aveihng Mrs &l What all fans have LRBON COSTS LESS Jigs Foods Festival a AY 4/49 3/49 Famous Adliihs CAMPBELL GE TiN TOMATO SOUP CAMPIILLS Vegetable Soup Tin LEI STGKELY 8S FANCY 18 Ls second highest total on the team 6 80 no telling what this fellow; compiled had he HARVEY BURKE gardiess of the size of the op posing player. He plays the Gary Goyer finished in the wing and 15 capable of potting with 48 points the well set up passes of his headed centre, Pele [sists, Third spol went to Honnie| Shearer. The latter has heen al Hull, heather of the NHL, favor tending college in Waterloo and Cream Style Corn STRKILY'S ABSORTIP BIEN YP PEAS FANEY V8 BF, TIN FULL ROUND = RUMP Tink SANA Vids, Tinorokey, tarry 6, $ ' ssl aan FRAGHE (Rewari Tia pe on ad lsd ion Farah By # Ry ARNOLD'S BROCK MW, Just Pisrtto of the Four € PRL rg Ansar Ag Rind Fo 4 PRIME SHORT RIB ROAST {Cooxzo man .. sor) wb 74 oosy | Fo" | 35.) 39: 290 59: Bonsiers Roorst FRE Vol PORTERHOUSE ~ 7 BONE WING - SIRLOIN ) Ronnie, has missed several games hut in 17 games, picked up 80 goals, hopes to make it for the hig ane here tonight 3/49 14'] dH READY 3/49 449 2/39 AFFLE GRANGE GRAPE 4B OF IN ALLEN'S DRINK 180% TIN hehalf of the fans in this areas 10 gel oul and support this hard working hockey team. They ave striving to bring Whithy some: thing they have not had for a | number of years, a Jr. B hockey | 4 (if championship and 'that. goes | E: : hack to aver 1100 hockey games : p ago and covers a space of well : aver 1b years as that is how lang | ; | we have heen connected with | / | hockey in this fine town, Be let's | ' ih see a banner erawd out for to i { pight's game and show the play- | % ers, thelr manager, their each, "ny i and their sponsor, Hillevest 50 Dairy, Just how much we ap: 4 preciate the fine effort they have A put inte bringing Jr. B hockey 3 col WORT LLL he Beans with Perk < LIBBY'S FANCY IN THE ih OTF IN TOMATO JUICE ATLMER GHOIEN TOMATOES oi. AVIMER WITH PECTIN HEW ARRIVALS 448 OL. JAR 5 Ib, Collo HICKEN BASKET 79. 89. SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls. 590 STEINRERG'S « KITEHEN FRESH 39 Pizza Ple .. 530 JAFFA Sweet Juicy cur FROM SUNNY ISRAEL ranges 59 | FLORIDA'S FINEST RUBY RED 6 STRAWBERRY JAM 39 | tn Whithy. Remember game : ' time is 8.40 | | | Student Minister BH PETE SHEARER | At United Church {seennd highest an the team, and picked up 18 assists while spend:| Mr. Jim Lawson, BA, the HAR IMPORTED Ua NO, |, Sane (\ TEA BAGS CARNATION Hing 30 minutes in the sneezer [student minister adapted hy the Larry Lavely, despite being Whithy United Chureh in his line had man of the Belleville mission work at Eadiang, Al iy with 108 minutes in penal: BEFIa, last summer, was guest 6 Gd TIN Evaporated Milk MONARCH POUCH RAK 4 CHOCOLATE #1 OF, PKG, CAKE MIX" 4/49 fies, managed 10 finish fifth in| sheaber al Whithy United on their team race. 80 one can see SUNAay morning. Mr, Lawson lfram this valuable data that[3Poke af three phases of the Belleville has not only a serappy| Work of a student ministes [team but a 'mighty dangerous Namely, preaching, visiting [team when it cames to goal sear: | Christian education ng The flowers in the memarial | Pete Westan, another af theip| Va5es Were placed tn the mem tap point getters, in finishing ary of Mes. W. K, Canke hy hey fourth th thelr team standings, |WWshand and family [had only elght minutes in pens| On Sunday evening the HI-C [allies for the entire season. SolGraup invited the congregation they have some clean players/ta see a vecenlly - released alang with same of the more ag-|mavie an the work of Fred gressive type [Vietar Mission tm Tarante, |" Manager Ivan Davie of the/where Pr. Wesley * Hunnisell Whithy team is looking forward and his staff minister 1a the to the up and coming series si spivitual and physical needs of is his very capable each deste homeless men, The Gagnon. This will he the fivst/film showed the mission's di shot at Jr. B playefl competi:| verse program of warship, tion that either of these gentle: study, serviee and rehahilita men have had. Bus however has! ton for men and families had pra. All Ontavie, Dominion! Me Jim Lawsan alsa showed and warld championship playoff pictures of Mherteiaaud ng playing and coaching hehind/seenes fram his mission faid him 50 he is well voiced in just/ HEC members eoanducting the haw much pressure there is on Worship were Joan Farman Ia plavelf team regardless of the! David Hoag and Pal Carman palibre of hockey Next Sunday morning, Rey | ! I. AL Smith will begin a series (RACK IN LINEUP of Lenten wiessages with the Twa fellows whe are bhackitheme "Thoughts Abont Relig after an absence of same ime lion. Next Sunday evening the that will hear some extra watch: Wali Cubs and Rov Scouts will APE Harvey Hwy | : Anduetl Thair AanRaal servies Shearer. Burke is a dead game! Scontmaster Clarence Freed CARROTS BLUE BONNET QUICK BAG T 1d MARGARINE 2/5 9° BUY ONE GET ONE FREE FETRAWITH FREE GLASSWARE MR 5 SY | DETERGENT i DTO RETERGENY OF 2 PEG, SOF ne LUE PINK WHITE YELLOW, GREEN : TOILET TISSUES n a7 BAY § IRA INKY S1ANES STAMPS IN MURE BRTAIY AND AKA PINKY | STAMPS ATRA PINK STAMPS BNA } STAMPS 25 AA ARS at Til Qt ST LAWRENCE CORN OIL " iy 25 BS. A Th W GHSHA ALRACORS VI TUNA NS QF HENLEY CHO Fruit Coektail IY Hghler whe fails 10 give ub rel will be the speaker, owe gee GRAPEFRUIT 8/370 | BROGOOL, TD IMPORTED U.§ NO, |, CALIFORNIA BUNEHER VOTE for your favourite Cashier A RA BINKY STAMPS - IMPORTED U.S, NO, }, LARGE f SNOW WHITE HEADS 2/25" CAULIFLOWER 25° } A » anvuar. "Checker of the Year'conresr, Your vale makes you eligible fo win. fabulous the sander ful v sy Phsswerd, STEREO © ANCFM « @; PORTAME TV . @ TO on PLUS A GREAT MANY OTHER WONRERFUL PRIERS ANIRY FORMS ARE AVAILABLE AF YOUR STRINBARG Ri0KEs LAIKA PINKY 5 AMP OPEN THURS. & FR, UNTIL # WN , Wt Rouge Nill Sa Whitby

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