Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 4

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[| Attend 100F T The Whithy Independent 4 Order of Odd Fellows (OOF) 4 hid is armiad Past Grand and) rol gall mat (9 B ReRy cape wf ee aiduios ! cing Bobie Grand Bro. B Bow, welcomed the large Howmber of visting others ii from Port Perry, bcarbors, C6 bowrg, Oshaws, Pigks wh Blan vila Indges wong ad He iy roll call was exiensive keeping general business 19 # WAT m, RPFIEmAely Mi per cent of the otal membersing of i hers WAY 1h aiiond da ¥ ineipiity i Phere were wn bg Grands pesent, slong with aR RpPIoR or over] lal attendance of Th TRETRNCES Prior to the opening of lodge the monthly predodie supper was held and, once Rgain, Vas well attended, Following the SUPPER PUINEE ACCHpIER Bey eral tables of euchre, while others enjoyed a friendly emn Aorkaliast 1s open 19 al mem i eral pubic, Lunch is #lso g thelette Pg JT, Sd vires Oshawa Rink Is 1552.5 ria sil A (Rose Bowl Entry &772 5 62 ia Foie ues Onded thoes 4 strong Oshaws Hek tr The WHE Preshyierisl mest heid 2 evchve iathion lodgs, Osan, Buy Weohed wer win Mesics entries DES GRO Jack Taylor, ropounced Risto win the Bose Bowl Metriet 4 inher wonh le puting em the iayhowns wh the Wikthy Corl Wend thik degree on Thortdey eve wg Cb m Wedneshay aller Feb, W mag Fon 2 4 CHLBRER &F fm Kaien PY pg precept onl Sigg by Rev, J. Pereyme inves 1 he OFWs Pk Howes ok or ie bri Midains, snk any ohers in wis WE, 10 be resent In (hans Hiky 124 bn the fine gome, Kher . we, | 2emhers of the W hk ¢ Was mien spnonces helyere: George Compe, Hrs, 6, Wier fe onder mark cs aml od Wo, W, He # 0 0 10 boll woud be this coming unl""" eve WHS ELFEN 30 Aa SL Amro, js % SCTE Kins iets, thelr friends and the pub ip), Mrs. W. Legros, B. Betts WHS w ot the ge ganermy, and wilh consist oflend Mrs, B. Belts, [is Sualiart Com, [h CRs, loast, marma| Rinks from Capvinglon FF bith 4 8, Set et 8 She rion wd Botan Weve lo egos ened i on Eon mr Sl "uray set oy {LL Ee PO f "Cannington on March 8, |Heve am, or will sil are served A film COLUMBUS The regiar Friday evening suchre will also be held this Week commencing #t B pm This eVening cards and oo wine the FvieS 15 RISO BOE : ANG ie KR COLUMBUS ~ The Felwusry|it was decided to finish 8 quilt | Congratulations 19 possibility and the evemng meting of the Woman's Mis-\for » mission bale, which hed Mrs. Pongid Fle om hold be well spent and the Monery Society was held at the been donpied by Mrs, Charles srrivel of their son, Donald Jel- "yy, ; little extra effort necessary to home of Mrs, 8, Flett on Wed- Henry, The quilt will be Gone at (ery. Prous grandnaremts (OF ieife and Ware wet the friends out will be wellinesday afternoon, Mrs, B. Ral-|the next March 8 gi the the first Lime are Mr, and Mrs. (ir. and Mrs, How) worth the small expenditure of ciifle presided in the phsence of home of Mrs Sopa Vebher, |(Murney Fleming. and family, Franklord time spent in so doing Mrs, Hay Beolt, The meeting) Bix couples of the Columbus Mr. and Mrs, Edwerd Lovie lew minutes on Sunday, t lweg and Aarts Upon opening lodge at ela # oelnck by the Past Grands # | double row of chairs ringed the {lodge room yin the corners i » 2. were well fille Vere Wim. Vind kiss, 1 me exemplification of the We u oe TS, 4 SCENE OF TRAGEDY Firemen walk through the | in Chicoutimi, Mrs jue are smoking ruins where thie | Gagne was taken to hospital | 12 ENE WAk 1BKER 19 hespiia #, * ehildren of Mr, and Mrs. |e 4 io once Gagne died Wednesday suffering from shock and se treseed which should remain in| Celine, 1), and Guy, 7 ond degree by the Past ponds (CP : some of whom have net pert (CP Virephote) lcipated in degree work for) some years, was well received by all, including the candidates) who received a lesson In| humanity and relief of the dis-| " ' 2 precision fleor help of every corporation, club During the pr PUC P | T and person in town work the degree eam WAS) ni Tr 2] p oat ovation upon retiring i ple will he called upon to con EF ER f f Eribiste, or no buy, Jig hare Upon the team resuming thelr The uniforms will he ordered Electrical Heating Association has come to the attention of the in accordance with a union! of Ontario | Home Canvass Committee of Company. Color will be left up| that this type of training INE home canvassers during the ini (WHITBY MIXED BOWLING to the PUC Chairman Harry|a eurrent need and will make ai tial canvass, and the follow-up High Singles, 215 and overs=| stalled in two PUC trucks havi ot there are well over 1900 homes) : ; 282, 226, J! 4 A | same course would he beneficial] lt" = 57 54, Wiggin 28%, ' proved thely usefulness during oe Taupe ilies staff, | | @Partment units in Ajax talidiow 066, 981, D, Hancoek 299, Over the next few manths| somewhat handicopped iy A many different projects or ac-|the NEA CAPREIY CFOW | i ? 4 J the name of the Ajax Commun this was overcome nicely re-| | chal es voiced thelr Whithy Public Utilities per-|Keag will attend a specially pre- or (a co-operate in each and chairs oll lodges Lo efion nnel will receive uniforms oh-| pared course in electric heating every one of them, "Whe eided at a meeting of the PUC nucleus of electrical contractors HOMES MISSED agreement during the last nego-| Rince the course got unde rway| the Community Mi moral Pool tiations. They will be obtained] that there were a few homes) Simpson who will ask his em:|(remendous contribution to the|later / 4 28, | | p ; M. Peggs 216, D, Peggs L Ployees for preference | future progress of the electrical| Actually, this isn't at all sur Howis "006, 20, 7d, Steer 148 the recent installation of new {call upon, and that it required| or Naskett 226, | p ontractors ! 1, Mclvor 226, B, Plaske | Well over ow contractors en: a volunteer force of better than Ay hor aa a rl TH I memory for some Years i tivities will be laking place in|ing the floor FpREE, however | ity Memorial Pool, and the peo (sulting in the team receiving Al ined hy the PUC, it was de-|aimed al creating & qualified] The Noble Grand from Cor| Commissioners Tuesday night, eligible for membership in the! Over the last few months it from the Sunshine Cleaners M4" utilities have commented ina avertently missed hy the Two-way radios recently In heating Industry and that thelRrising when you consider that 21 J, Kivk 918, D, Walker os) conductors on Dundas street hree centres and! is) canvassers to conduct the f west, it was reported by com-|rolled in the Sh / MORN 011' M, fromis| campaign, The organizing effort Des, Denyer / ( missioner Simpson [the majority of the participants ) Tote' Hanel The mill rate on the town's|were successful in the final ywac's Targe ane and sil efforts| Sih 326, J, Whi ' fire-hydrants will remain at one-| examinations last year, were made te cover every home and-a-half mills rather than thel Mr, Simpson could not attend hut unfortunately some who previous $200 per hydrant, It was the lectures due to business wanted to give were innocently 8, 248, a Morharsl , ant 2 , 00 i if " Wiack $25, i, eae sden 281 V. Tgglesden 284, 480, TOMATO 3d KETCHUP Best Buy = Save 12¢ ~~ HEINZ Pp TOMATO soup Best Buy Save de MONARCH MARGARINE Best Buy -- Save 27¢ 49. TOILET 11-0Z, BOTTLES Fresh Pork Shoulder 10-0%, TINS 1-LB, RIB LOIN PORK CHOPS PKGS, SLICED BEEF LIVER "*" SWIFT'S BYERSWEET RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD As a matter of fact, it has al ready heen publicly announced in the press that they 'are pre paring for a start of the con itruction of the pool and change house early next April. The hullding committee will he re ceiving tenders for the pool and DAY-BY-DRY DUPLICATE BRIDGE North and South: Mrs, Hunter and Mrs, MacGillivray, 00; Wh Triples, 600 and aver = Ri ia, J, Connor 24, £. Clark 094, K, Brueckle 621, H, Hansen 740, WH, Hansen 81, B, White 787, €. Gill 726, M. Jordan 807, W. Holwell 607, nD, Dafoe 606, WR, Pascoe 4h, G. Johansen 628, W Anthony Mrs, Spratt and Mrs, P. Irwin (660, C. Watt 010, A. McHaffie the pool plumbing by the end Bag; Mr and Mus. Staples. 70) #44. N. McCarroll 867, J. Me: donations to the pool. The com-| Johansen 288, 380, W. Anthony concepts of the campaign for|They ave confident, without|' make a donation at any bank|a7s, HW. Hansen 849, B. Collin of the last six months in terms ; of this month Mr. and Ms, Winters, 70; Mr, Carroll 640, V, Taglesden 636, R, ort has eontributed almost) However, it 1s conceded by the|and- Mrs. Baker, 68. Hast andl Black 678, M, Bemis 672, Hazel decided by PUC Committee, pressure at the Whithy Public deprived of the opportunity to ibh 21 20s, C, Rex Hopkins and David Me: Utilities, contribute, " y M Kntb i Rote 27, gi In the meantime telephone|Sandford 228, A. MeHaffie 266, [] . calls and personal contact have|N, MeCarroll 258, J McCarroll Ajax Pool Drive mittee would like it to be known |266, W, Holwell 885, BD, "Pafop * that they would he very grate:|o54 R. Pascoe 828, 296, M, ful to hear from other would-he|Pageoe 265, B, Gill 238, A, Viet: n na ages contributors, who can call eith:| enheimer 384, M, Jordan 260, ar dak Reld at WH 2.2308, or|227, 811, €, Gin 218, 287, 271, B, funds for the Ajax Community over-optimism, that the eam \In town 20, K Brocckie, 36), an Memorial Pool has heen com:|paign will meet its objective | man ig da7. 1, Clark 396, munity-wide participation} WHITBY Connor 437, y M, through contribution of both ef-| START IN APRIL fort and money of fund drives, publicity and canvass, all indications are that the Pool Project has gained support in many different and diverse directions 40,000, Nevertheless, by this) swimming pool committee that| West: Mps. Baxter and Mrs, Moore 678, ©. Moore 668, Des, spring another $24,000 has to belt will he more difficult to ob:|Lave, 80; Mrs, Watts and Mps.[Denyer 786, B, Plaskett 086, J, found from other and New| iain the final 820,000 than it was MeDaougall, 784%; Mrs. Pringle/Mathersill 718, M, Pegg 601, €, saurees [far the first $40,000 and it is in|and Mrs, MacIntyre, 77%; My, |Hewis 677, Ed, Steer 728, JI, The fact that aver $20,000 hs this respect the committee mem: and Mrs. Wilson, 77; Mrs, Bow-|Kirk 608, D, Walker 600, resulted in quite a few further|247, 288, M. Pulham 22h, MAX = One of the basicly worry the pool committee Wally 'Henwood at WH 2.2815 White 976, 260, 281, RB, Hansen Looking back aver the record At the present time that sup yet to be obtained does not aver-ihers are asking the support and|{ man and Mrs, Odlum, 7014 4 Winging 067, J, Callow fin, SR VERY FRIDAY EVENING and SATURDAY at BEAVER LUMBER THIS WEEK'S - SHOW ny 0 BA BEAVER LUMBER CORNER DUNDAS snd HICKORY ~-- OPEN FRIDAY TiL\ ® PM. = SATURDAY TILL 4 RM. -- MO 83818 A] HOW TO INSTALL FOLDING DOORS ANP GAIN EXTRA SPACE IN ANY ROOM SE how vou san add nine Muere to winging doar with a Moderafold or Spacefaster Folding Doar, 10 aftange funiture --add more living space (alsa re-armange sleeping spase in bedrooms) large reams san be divided with a Folding Boer = making twa sepaale foams in samplete privacy, TH FOLDING POORS YOU CAN MAKE SMALL ROOMS LARGER we LARGE ROOMS SMALLER w= H NOW THEY wt AT BEAVER ~ HIN, HE FAMILY] om rh Valk pA PIPINDABLE QUALITY & SERVIGH SHOW SPECIAL 5.00 FOR YOUR OLD DOOR WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY Spacemasier or Modernfold Door MAHOGANY SLAT ? 14.95 v FOLDING DOORS NOW ONLY. 7.95 BACH able space In many reams simply by replacing en Fo AEF how eaiy It 1s to de, youl be 9 how | SHOVELS Tissue @ MU 1) 0. WHITE SWAN---~WHITE OR COLORED PORK SAUSAGE "At Er -- CALIFORNIA ORANGES >: 39: QUICK POT REARY = NO, | GRAPE SPINACK 2.0%, 88° REFRESHING GALIFORNIA © 6 for 20¢ LEMONS NO, 1 CALIFORNIA SNOWBALL == WRAPPER CAULIFLOWER wr 90° FRESH, NUTRITIOUS w, 80° ---- ANGEL FOOD OAKE "Ii yu y 90¢ LAYER CAKE MIXES ] 1.00 | hANAM WAFERS vw pan age 4 1% 1,00 | OIOARETTES o"yith MAY BANE 8,19 Tek 70¢ | BOOK MATONES ove dateh 10¢ RLLEN'S DRINKS APPLE == ORANGE -- GRAPE SAVE 40s r NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE * off wor gg | FROZEN FOODS OUR OWN BEND 00h PACK via ge | han 8 UE 409 BEER sane "5 000 20.08, TINS FEATURE~--~ROSE PICKLES | BREAD 'N' BUTTER PICKLES wat 28° SNO-PUSHER TYPE is 1.98 SPROULE'S 20-08, TINS FEATURE == SAVE 4 | / 4 CONTOUR-FIT NON SHIFTING IRONING SET NEAT RERLECTIM ONLY Silicone ho 99° 18" RED ENAMEL BLADE REGULAR 3.98 With Order SPROULE'S MeKENNA'S MARKET KELLOGG'S SPECIAL "KR" CEREAL $4.08, 25¢ | BH rans Ra a hbase hy 43¢ POLSKI OGORKI DILLS Wee CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 4 of donierd 4° ROVING BOW AROOKLIN MAPLE GROVE i OVER AND FOAM GUSRION PAD | BROWN'S MARKETERIA | MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNER KING AT RITSON $48 SIMCOE ST, NORTH G0 LIQUID DETERGENT ' o Mex PKG, CHOICE DESSERT PEARS Sous, 8 | DILL PASTEURIZED STRIPS ner oi 7 1 4 69:|

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