Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 3

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THE GIMAWA TIES, Thwrsdey, Febreery 18, 198} § (CAPSULE NEWS Fishing Net | Poll Sought WHEATLEY, Om. (CF) ~ was Acfimitely caveed by gas Uembers of West rie Ficher-twt he was wnabie (6 Arpoint wens Association claimed Wed the sowee ov say how W was neshay that tiawl pets ailowen ignited federet 6 8 : perimental sation Thermometers howd be ex for experimenter AEH SE WESVIATE WOO OFTEN | wre, ws cxeaper thermome posed to the wind ink shielded sin ps we. lorur fish, The VOBDOS, OR, (CP)~Cana- eters and those not propery irom the sm and (rom by pid vB decided 16 ask the Wan _manvlacturers (09 olen paced often show # large ver fest. Weather office V lands and forests department 16 77¢ RETA in INTORGEng Rew ation from the expenmve in mens are enclosed in # a oil commercial fishermen fox MesHEns wid 7ies om the EXPL AIHments (he WERIRETIRER Wee, Scrann and wilualed wt leant Heese ooimions mn & tigiaming Terkel, Trade and Commerce) <The aMierence in (empera fest from amy widing so controls on trawlers and on Te VIRAET Hees sald Weanesdny (wis reported in venous diss Nite interference with ai) Hong the BEARER mintmm MEN. "AH (56 tien our ROT! (rics on ® pRrticiiarty cold covents, ! Bm on perch [RETR 16 1 wat willl the HIE morning is In most cases Bue, Aiud wise is 1 Ket, OF With we think that #11 insects thermometers, he factor, Wr, PLAN SCHOOL, 13WiY Aesigh Ie # sire (Hing before we sayy TORONTO (CF)--h pian to FL io production" Mr, Hees The more costly merewry Frond il city schools with (08 & meeting of the PRICas (bes have a unilorm bore that a stl, ERE tive To-mile-anhowr speed Ih Agents AGROCIRION OF WES: ensures am RECHERIE TEAMING. HeRVIEr i mit witl he simitted 19 ety FR ORtene henper honsehold thermome: ground, On & windy might hifls connect by the phe works OIILEE fers en have an brregiiariend valleys will be mor 8 ROU hore, ad the expanding Nama eqns) in , TIMES APPROVED B GHAM - BROUGHAM ~~ February 2 TOROWFO (CP)--Bubject 10 4 aity co nnel Vs approval, the we sonic tnt ney for Yih Indians m Fried Meal" short course took Prospecting Art : 19.50 and common 1459 i 'Thermometers py | (MARKET PRICES 7 0 2 oe od Aren't Accurate Tro A CRARBIOVTETIONY (CF) may We alashol instead of mer We wesk on fhe ithe thermometer onside yom omy, Hoch erkets window Aocsw's agree with the. Wr. Bwrms saps the 9-com Hendy, ARIE wether office ge 7RrEty may We FERsomamy Lop rr these frosty mormings Aol he cweate in the range hetwesn Big and 09 Acgrees wi WH wren Burns, head of the varies widely in extremely metemrmionicsi rection mt the or hot weather # # ed weather is still dominated by | # lerge Wgh presswre ares | VEE ROTHER (Wana md an oAher plegsrnt sunny Gay is 0 E! 2" BEDROOMS + + 3 BEDROOMS . . $79.50 drapes, hoot ond lamer service; Amy or AR Children LOCATIONS : 1. NEAR CEDARDALEZSCHOOL (Simcoe Bt. 5) 2. PARK RD, 5. AT ELMGROVE REQUIREMENTS ! Applicants Yearly Income Must Wot Exceed $3,760.00, Woties! iA is yh ua A ond if the demand is construction covid piss Fo wartsd this a he Dr og ie? ies ord, Is [you waity 19 sin W, 6 hh or ad Ro Sp below and return to BOK 34 SHAWA TIMES, NAME ADDRESS PHONE WEATHER FORECAST More Snow May | Fall In South TORONTO (CF) issued by the wengher office pl Vem ESI Synopsis--Snow and moderat ing temperatures will spread through Nogbern Ontario today with & retiftn to sunny #04 colder weather Friday. South ern Ontario will have somewhe! wilder temperatures with snow ond oceasiongl rain tonight and will Enlarge Friday, 5 he followed by colder weather late wn the day Lake Ene, Lake Huron, Hi agara, western |ake Opigneg re @ons, Windsor, London, Ham ion, Torontn: Mainly sunny and cold today. Cloudy with snow and somewhat milder 10 night, changing in showers Fri day morning, then becoming enlde with = snowflurries 16 wards evening. Winds light, he coming east 9 tonight snd smitherly 2h Friday, then north west 15 hy evening Furecams PIES AFTER FALL PORT CREDIT (CP)~Peler Hickey, #2, of 1akeview, a 1a INCBITEEN WETE William Westlake silake, Iven Hichards son Richards and Jack Cox rrrreree verre prrrrrERELY vr. CITY OR TOWN prospect, home cond 1s fore: cast for Friday y ~F Wirephots hoard of comrol We or Pp moved Dayle Saving Time place at Clare y #t Claremont, 126 Wom for 166% 10 hegin VEO RIB. oils Institute members miiend ed, This included ladies from FREDERICK. ROY RICHARDS Sundays ii Funeral services were held : : da, Reach Port Perry, Myrtle WINNIPEG (CP) ~ Indians companies in the possible pur from the Gerrow Funeral Chap CRUSHED T0 DEATH and Kinsale J and Metis in northern Maniohs chase of their finds SF, CATHARINES (CF) The ladies' met ot 11.00 om RF 1ERTRING the Bit of prospect While the primary objective died wt Oshawa General Hos: Operator, was erythed to "ath ital, Feb, 6, in his 7nd year (Wednesday might when s pece cen Tor tile also fort of the Indian affairs branch Rey. Frank Ward, minister of of hervy electrical equipment I Lo i of the Tedersl government ond fe 10 ie Bons hou they had learne the # number of provincial govern-|'e country bunting, fishing and ey ha med during the of Previn i rapping, it 1s ise hoped the f Mount Lawn Cemetery Ross West very attractive buffet It was given Hs origingl Im : fa After lonech, Miss Smith, the pets hy A Arthur B. brwin! © WH. Whitney, minister of borer in 8 wrecking crew, died ome Economist for Ontario supervisor of mineral resources mines and natural resources, | EVERETT JONES ove y ; : ar ol OVER to Mrs, Carruthers, Com Everett Harold Jones, of 381 frozen ground Tuesday near a|7'" 4 b Phe Sa I Elizabeth street, died suddenly hilding he was working on in fies were Made La each Wi Ay diy larige sete PIOh mation in the development of 4 BRONSON, BAR 4 ' J Manitoba's natural resources For this they would be com! rene rrrrere April 9 and continue 1a 12:01 FUNERAL, OF aa, Oct, 1. Both Bates BFE Claremont, Altona, Froweham i¥Bandlord, Ouaker Hill, Bethes | ol, Friday, Keb, 10, at 7 pm 1, Bolster, #5, a WitAruck ' {or Vrederick Boy Richards, whe John ier, 40, A a ERch Instituie brought casser id ana ore Mentification i% to provide the Indian with » oles, desserts, relish trays for, The project, & co-operative ef remunerative skill thet can be Westmount United Chureh, eon toppled off his truck and fell on ducted the services, Interment im course, The Claremont ladies ment departments, = got under | : : / Reting rs hostesses set wp a way in January Filing may quality wm 10 work with survey parties I aw Wednesday of head injuries suf rig (8 Made 3 Jew comments for the Indian affairs branch in said trained people may supply fered in 8 winedont-Aall onto r 4 Calgary valuable supplementary infor | at the home oo neighbor, Wesg his Toronto subirh ford, ladies entertained with alheld at seven isolated centres f y fy L) & po : nesday, Feb, 15 WOMAN JAILED plane duet and trio from| Dr, Trwin lectures st the five: son of ¥ Plant Tank Pediar FPeop mission from the Cammiies of Adjustment Thursday nl in enlarge # wed for dipping metal molten tar Section 38 of the Zoning By law calls far Commitiee Bppro val in writing for changes in industrial buliding kely to crepte danger of fire and ex plosion £ pei { 1 plant tank NPE The Fire Chief's report said; there 1s 8 definite fire Naz ard and safety precautions must be taken; twa recommenaalions were made gfier gn inspection both of which were sgreed to by the company 1 The north wall of the dip tank room to he of fire resis tant eanstruetion § Openings in the other walls closer than 80 feel (0 other Er " i Eleven area homeowners op ed the application, complain ng of alr pollution, fumes and | YIf vou enlarge the Lenk, you enlarge the air pollution," said man he hoard ruled the question! ta' he dealt with was nol one of air pollution but of safety demands in eannection with a dwlvert dipping operation As the company had agreed| td carry out the Fire Chiel's| reeommendations, the Board sould see na reason not to give written appraval COMING EVENTS tA i . i ORF ges Vina i sien 80 can NANCE win a Abreet Oman wld win hockey da a Tierney's Ovehestia, veire 58 per couple. Tickets avallahl daar. Everyone weloams BINGO 80 Harman Park phstoened watil Maieh 3 NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING. 8 P.M at 57. GEQRGE'S MALI (Albert and Jackson Sts.) : Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled | $160 JACKPOT INCLUDED prize $18 will he a ummese sale In ihe Army stare Basement, In Thursday a1 day. February Seaut Hall, Gibbons Friday, February freshmen! and | 19. 8 Admis | y, February 18 Unlen Bond Credit Per shments at the Assopiation EASTVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC BINGO | AT THE AVALON | Fen. 96th BPM Thurs 30 regula §é games al and $10 Six jackpots $40 Ale Share the Wealth BINGO AT UAWA. HALL FRIDAY, FEB 17th b 730 PM 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF 320, $30 - | $40, $30 ACKROT ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH OLD TIME DANCE| THORNTON'S CORNERS | COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY, FFB 18 | ROY GOODFREY 'S ORCHESTRA Eastern Lake Ontario, Georg ian Bay, Haliburton, Kirkland regions, North Bay, Sud Sunny and cold today now and not quite WHERE. Bn Aceasion ed with freezing rain changing to snowfiue ries towards evening, Winds light, hecoming east 20 tonight and north 20 late Friday Timmins Kapuskasing re gon: Sunny and cold today {Cloudy with snow and not file eid donight and ils light, hecoming east 95 #nd northerly 25 late ale hitry Cloud ith 8H coig | al mi Friday Forecast Temperatures 10w tonight and high Friday Windsor Bt. Thomas ,, | Kitehener y 25 0k ¢ 20 2 Bi | Iharn father Friday ine {{Ruth), of Morgansion, Onl, He lene was born the Harry Jones Jan, 21, 100% amahe Township in Colborne, April He and Mrs fon, Om mm i mers q 192k fir Castle He was He 4 Aecensed 18° survived hy wife, the former Greets Haynes: his mother and one daughter, Mrs, K of Fort Credit; four sis Mrs. A. Barrett rene) Grace Peacock, Mrs Davis (Hazel) pind Mrs, Harry Raynor Ti his Olive But Iers, Mrs thi i plea survived 'hy three ho Frank, of Colborne; Clay of Oshawa, and Donald of Castielon, and three grand children The body 1s resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh Vie:| all of Col Bs London , '"e WInEham «osrpresns Toronto ,, wm fire | LeLerhor i Hamilton Killaloe 44, bi ' } +e Muskoka ,, Karlton ,, Budhbury Kapuskasing White River , Monsone CUBR 11000 Catliarines ,, V7] Hl 20 16 Ih re 3h ve 26 h reenene ' North Bay 1] A0 nh SHOW BACKERS 'REAL GAMBLERS Your chances of making maney by backing a Broad way show are pretty slim Bul if you hit, you may hit hig. The magazine, Theatr eal Investor "mw productions has ¢ offered hecked in Investors in the last A years Only 78 showed a profit but ti 16 hits returned average of $218 per $100 in vested Smart take Oshaw ds hij f Slant chances more profit every day with Classified tment amall and the returns are [his mother's funeral, He took a reaching where businesses They Times the inve don't gn toy your ready-made audiences now hy dialing RA AM 02 he tween 8 am, and § pm 4 s a This is downtown stone wn net Manhatian, downtown ROAD SLATS wo bat a Oshawa « Ouits $100 Jeudenie 506 | Wednesday night at the peak awa, for service In the chapel, | Saturday, Feb, 168, at 1.80 pm Rev, H. A. Mellow, of North minster United Church, will conduct the service, Interment will be In Castleton Cemetery {al approximately 3.80 p.m, Mr. Jones resided in Oshawa far the past two years, Prior to {that he resided al Bowmanville [for 18 years, He lived at Whit hy and Colhorne hefore that He was a mechanic at the Ontario Motor Bales. Previously, he had worked for CHIE Mills Motors, in Oshawa, Rohson Mo {tars in Bowmanville {In Bowmanville Canadian Dies On Belgian Plane VANESEA, Ont, (CP)==Vietor Maes, anly Canadian aboard the let airliner which crashed at Brussels, hoarded the plane gfter missing a flight he had in tended to take from Montreal, Nends sald Wednesday Mr, Maes, 30, a shareeropper on A tobacco farm south of this Narfolk county community, was ri of the 78 persons killed In {the erash He was on his way to attend ill-fated Sabena plane in New York | He leaves his wile, two sons, [and a married sister in the Ti {Isonburg avea High from Toronta to join the C a of a four-hour storm that dumps Thre Whos af saaw On. the oity and district, slows od traffic and made 10d con i | and was! {with Pepsi Cala for eight years, | TORONTO (CP)~Hookkeeper Mrs. Ethel Gensen, 85, of Oak: | ville was given an indefinite 18] month jail term Wednesday after pleading guilty to stealing $20,000 from her employer over the last 2% years. Det, Galvin Carey said the largest single sum taken was $17,067.02 in De cember, 1960, just hefore Mrs Gensen left the firm | MARK AN IVERSARY OTTAWA (CP)=Fifty years of eollecting fingerprints--hack hone of medern crime detection will he marked &f RCMP {headquarters today. About 750 on Canadian and international| {eriminals now are registered in the national fingerprint hurean The hureau was the first In North America ANTI-AWAN HOUGHTON, England (CF) Power lines near the Ouse River are being insulated and strengthened as an anti-swan measure, The birds have caused 2 hreakdowns in less than a month WARM YEAR FREDERICTON (CF) = Last year was the third warmest in| BO years in this central New Brunswick area. Average lem perature was 44.6 degrees BLAMES GAN LONDON, Ont, (CF) (ias was blamed by Fire Chief Mil: {tan. Mathers for an explosion {and five Wednesday which hadly damaged a eily apart {ment building, injuring twa per: {sons and leaving 17 homeless Chief Mathers said the blast NEW DROUGHT, WORK PLAN | TORONTO (CP)=The On. tavio legislature's agricul ture committee heard a sug: gestion Wednesday from Gordon Greer of Oflawa, former president of the Ons tarin Federation of Agricul ture, on how to lick the drought and unemployment problems at the same time, "Just give everybody a shovel aml have them start digging a diteh from James | Bay to the Great Lakes," Altona was enjoyed hy all The afternoon closed with hearty vole of thanks to the Claremont ladies for their work as hostesses for the day On Thursday evening, Vehru ary 2, the semor pupils Brougham Publie Behool along with their teacher, Mr. Challice joined with the senior pupils of Green River and their teacher, | Mr, Bhepherd, party at Cedar port & good time in & skating Arena, All re The local "Cubs" attended the! With little or no iday courses. 1. 1. Keeper, lai- Pensated Rison officer for the community of| development serviee of the Manitohs health department, serves As assistant lectyrer translating the lectures into y | Cree | IDENTIFY MINERALS {The first two days are devoted | to providing some of the funda mentals of the theory and prac {tice of prospecting for those edicationn! | hackey match in the Maple ent background, The final two days| Gardens on Sunday afternoon. are for more advanced instrue:| For most of the hoys it their first trip to the gardens Miss Anne Gibson celebrated her sixth birthday with a party on Monday afternoon Terry and Peter Hughson had their tonsils removed last week Terry spent most of the week was Hon The aim Is to give the stu dents a knowledge of the var ious types of minerals to bel found In Speoific areas as well #8 the ability to identify valu ahle mineral deposits in the NOTICE...! HARLE WELLS founder of HARLEIGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY wishes to annaunce that this Company will new be conducted from @ new addres ond is not connected with any other business of a similar name, - HARLEIGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY will sontinue te offer the same high quality merchandise and service they have been giving their valued sustomers of Oshawa and distriet for the past 14 yearns, {groups for the Bay of Quinte {their billets went there for sup in the hospital, rock formations in which they ; are found, On Baturday morning, Febru ary 4, & number of the Broug:| Mudents are instructed in ham and Greenwood young peo: how to stake a claim, how to le hoarded one of (he ruralliook after the claim and how hate for a trip to Campbell to approach and interest mining are ] : a Alt Camphellford they were joined hy other young people's We are proud of our reputation fer quality workmanship end integrity which we have built up over the years, end wish to thank eur many sustomers whe heve made this possible, We are particularly spécializing Ins i MODERN DOORS ~~ RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL MODERNIZING KITCHENS, BATHROOMS, eto, OERAMIO TILING ~~ WALLS AND FLOORS STORE FIXTURES SPECIALTY LINES IN THE BUILDING TRADES We are as near as your Telephone Bnowshenaniging They arrived in Campheliford ahout 2 p.m, when they regis: tered and were given their hil lets, During the afternoon all got acquainted during a skating party, Those elose enough to BROADLOOM DRAPERIES INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-468! NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET per, After supper the hus took the group to the Campheliford District High Behool, where a dance was underway, HOLD MEET The regular meeting of the Woman's Association of 8t dohn's Church was held on Wednesday evening, February 1, al the home of Mrs, George Perry, The president, Mrs, Will: son, opened the meeting with a ward of welcome to all The devotional was taken hy Mrs, Perry and Mrs, Plaxton, During the business period, several items were discussed in eluding tea hags and recipe hoogs Roll eall was then an aweted and the meeting was turned aver to the program convener who gave a very in teresting talk on the composing of several well-known hymns, Lunch was served hy the host: esses, Mrs, Perry, Mrs, English An appointment to discuss your problem places you under ne obligation, Harleigh Manufacturing Company 34 LA SALLE COURT OSHAWA RA 3.7509 WERE HAZARDOUS ditions treacherous hire taken at § na al the Fr Corners, The Damian: | ian Weather Bureau forecasts | This pie- and Mes, Mathews TROUD' FOOD MARKET 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ® HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS ¢ 5%: '"" "THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS Mushrooms 49: PRIMERIB © 5@Q. wu. = 0 67: SIRLOIN, T-BONE & WING RED BRAND BEEF LB, 79: CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEP BUTTER STERKS BREAD 2 5% 35 59 Lamb Chops 39: Digestive 19° 99% | CHEESE x 27° 69 . CENTRE LOIN MAPLE LEAF SLICED 39 Delivery Service Lamb Chops 49 Shop for your $20 and over FREE 33 LEAN MEATY BLADE LEAN CROSS cuv SHORT RIB LEAN BONELESS BRISKET ath and Tih 8.01, ¢ ® PKG, FRESH (LEG OF PORK) HALF HAN a WHOLE ROASTING OR FRYING wie a $10 te $20--28¢ Chickens delivered $3 to $10 -- 35¢ 24 TO BAR, AVE WERE, Under $3, = 43¢ more shaw for tonight. Na serious radfic mishaps ware reported W ednesday night de apite the weather,

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