murists had 11 candidaies last |yenr there will be 19, Candidates | | CLARKSBURG, Ont or (®) ers lon Merseyside will increase : This village's froin wine last yes to 1, M | ohed at yo EDMONTON (CP) ~ ResMs| By WM, MANTYRE HOOD didates in the isle. This year Stoke on/Tremt, the momher is bandit Wednesday } fly torts periormed Li 'Special to The Oshawn Times they will have "well pet ii being increased from 4 19 7, | posi , Fe cash In the y hy |" moAorish w Although Bait, SEEKIng mmumiciprl council pests. EP) ~ Balery , locked 4 lice mre pot food i ony #9 roy AMoueh he Beit And they wre hiopetwl of making, CONSERVATIVE AIM lerenses totalling mine nor rept DE Hell in the {ence unless "they are estahrigi TCT re than thes EAE BL the expense of both of The Conservative DRItY 6 OF were annonce W Vaving We ow {lished ms being voluntary in the | onthe "way. & battle royal bs he maior political parties, A ganized (oF an Al-o0t DIA 16 WIR night by the CRC for Ms 169 members of the sme IARREE Be WSL BR FRI CCl lng 1 win away IIWETRL SPOKES, EOMmmEnting FON} OF ERY IRIDSI COW pews service employees, (inn salt (or writlen statement," Mr, Jus rom Labor, volers who fre Fecsnt Eyelection results ais now controtied by |abor A ! les within the Foil One of these 16 the LORAOR Coun|o trey ol #" : ty Cownerl, In the elect for, FErng le I thie: "We are getting votes at the I Comervaren erm ono wake Hopute WB coud" locked : expense of both arties, We wre Lon, ("uly Cs ntiol gains (10, 0eden Wire Service : V g happy 1) Epes] 3 mi : dence by 8 cout wiht he hoi eon hey me be held by th flay cireumetances wirTounding thellighiving Labortih who, look COMMUNIST BID dole the momber of eandl- ests, "would be & disregard Roig mg 3 ily Bis By particular significance, Oates in the London horough for the due process of haw' andlCe To "yours ove mapping MOVEVEr, Is the seonger Com. hon they had last year, {would eontravene sections | [Ap . big campaign 10 have Rs munist bid for support, Last, This triple challenge is caus! 2 of the new Canadian Bil of (oe 0 2 share is possible of the 7°97, It had 145 candideles Wing conaderahle concern 19 | Rights, malcontents in the Labor party the field, This yeer, i has el Labor leaders, They have #l | Mr, Justice Milvein made ecCamenis i tn Ca ey ready mrvanged for over 490 10 fear thet this effort (0 take ad-liner cent Noy this ruling In on bm Targest number of - candi Ve Pominated, 'There will be con vantage of their fog squabbles |, " paired driving convietion C8 EEO Bn the field ("Fed Efforts In certain areas on the part of the Liberals and] The CBC aise sald thet It has BEF 578 iain Could be ma (against Marcel Martin, of wb hoping to wean wey Iefowing where they hope ta win sirong the Communists will spit thelagreed to reclassification of the under-channel run 19 F urban Jasper Flace, Abe Mil-| tr oy ahor standard, Support from disgruntled Labor anti Conservative vote and lead certain news service employees, |Win five years H his ler, who presented the sppesl Supporters, to substantial Conservative] The CBC declined (a make PRNY'S Project Feceives gov in January, argued thet When| GAINING FROM BOTH In Sheffield, where the Com: gains, With the wind on public of the salaries menial wire bY 0 Mig? 2% eH a TIES, Thorsdey, Febraony 16, 196) i [age Bales 4 3-Party Wooing way ine sis OBC News For yuk, # driver is requested to walk | In the 1960 municipal elec. munist party contested only anelopinion Wowing as it is ioday, involved This, # STAD i sald, was ngainst poliey, |Channel Tunnel Company, line, pick wp # coin oF PrIOFM | (ions, the Liberals had 060 can: seat in 1960, it will be ehalleng:|t 5 any other test to determing Wis = ia would not ve pring sobriety, he Is being asked to in evidence against him, ri i i ; 7 Open Fridey Wight "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refune missible as evidence In court RL----" SE ; a ZORRO CAME HOME 'Wants Transport incriminate himself, He eon RS E55 hY Hesults of such tests, if done | by & motorist whe has not heen i Pa irs, > Wir i | proceedings Mr. Miller said, ( £ Zorro, the wandering rac: | rescue hy Humane Bociety of | spite of his tender age of (J {FF enon belonging to Marvin Hag: | ficials from a porch roof, | nine months, ni ere th of Windsor was hack | Wandering 1s one of {he =(CP Wirephoto) | oprAWA (CP) =~ The Cana: itended that the matorist, hetore + To / : in v ' i 7 0 i 2 Aning the tests, should ig ay : | 4 hy police that his actions will ) N IN / Store Mourns he observed and may he given afi ' -~ » 80 am, 10 6 pm, A H i ww 1 1 ' / ; warned hy police, are not ad A i y ' : ; ome last night following his "eoon's favorite pastimes in Le Lian Biotheriaod. of Hallway. -- Transport and General Workers [} Ld (CLEC) proposed Wednesday that all forms of transport in Can 1 ada--rall, truck, ship, plane and pipeline=ne placed under (he oo) authority of the hoard of trans: port commissioners West Medical Pla: L In a written brief to the Mae: Pherson royal commission on transportation, the union urges i that all other regulatory author: Premier Douglas said a Lib-|wasting hundreds of thousands) 1060-60 fiscal year current ae ities in the transport field be eral victory in the Feb. 82 Tur-of dollars suppressing social counts showing & surplus of abolished . SLENDER 4 SEATER SOFA SETS tleford byelection Will he 4 Vole prahlems instead of (aking pre: |§325,000, | The propos! 3 part of " Re. -- - postponement of the Baska entive and curative actie [over-all hluepri 0 % i { { i for ponvanemen: but proposed y Nive and Sr. ao Ma John's rt Proghesiive in Canada advocated by the 40s i hil ! fr Use the long sim sofa against a wide wall, er as a room divider, Not only medical care Pian Miguipti By (Conservative bill to extend lee: Goo amber union, : } will It become a focal peint In your reem, but four er five people will be able The CCF premier lashed out ™ Lo 00 ots ment mem: HON €AMPAIEns in Newfound:| The union suggested that i "to sit comfortably en its four plastic foam cushions (goed for TV viewers!) at Opposition Leader Hoss That WHI pe ae Wall (PCasAp. land to 41 from 21 days was re:(a permanent federal techni: Wo I An outstanding Semi-Annual § er, It's sturdily built with dowelled, glued Sher in the legislatures throne et Sranosed @ deduetible/iected by the overwhelming eal fransportation eommission ! aie el and mortised frames; decks beneath the eushions are covered; and the highs i Si ' oH ; | Liberal majority of the govern:|should he established to look " fashion covers ar btly tex . 4 ar Linea sor oie i, tal fog apr ma f fon sours ar ly tatu. sonido an in gees of grr bon of urging postponement of the '"t! Be PA PH rr-------- perm a ---- i own, 9 y 8%, aqua, colate, coral, sage, enampagne, ehar-bBrown, lan as & favor "his doctor|PAY Pills only after they sur: : royal, EATON Semi-Annuel Sele, seater sofe wit 5 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Social Credit government of Premier Stanfield tahled civ' ho fini 4 (34 ier a | ¥ marehing cha, pan Vo oY vivre. TO eral election funds i p ) ' aet (WOU put "a brake on the ris: jy i EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 470 L E a Rouglas said the Sart ing costs of hospital insurance," J ¢ i 1 v HONE RA 5-707) plan is still 1062 Quehee = Quebec's Liberal Developments In other legis: government introduced a bill tures that would completely overhaul Vietoria=David Barrett (CCF Legialation A0vérning uanine: roused 6 B.C.[ture and sale of lguer or: =Dewdney) _BECus | BL ! [ney » General George LaPalme {proposes less restrictive liquor Federal Suit {gelling hours and, sets down 2 A specific types of permits to put ; " some order in liquor selling es: Against Liners |tablishments A Malev ravision What do you need most nw alls for establishment of a Que: OTTAWA (CP The ently Liquor Hoard to replace the 1,000,000 damages against Man: (¥18ng Quebec commission i chester Liners Limited of Man. | Would const of # Judge an chester, England, is expected toltWo contro RP, be heard in the Exchequer| Walifax--The Liberal opposi Court of Canada herve this Hon remained silent as the spring, justice department offi. Progressive Conservative gov dale maid Wednesday, (ene eonitued the, tions A HANDSOME WROUGHT-IRON EFFECT PIECES FOR LIVING ROOM, DEN ! 7 81, 1057, night collision in the Kt (sald Tuesday they were with: BOOK TROUGH BANDSTAND BOOK STAND 3:5HELF STAND ROOM PIVIDERS Lawrence River near Trois: [drawing from the debate, less Rivieres, Que. between the{than a week old, 10 give the LOW COST Greclan-design flat metal top, Assembla records and plaver OF Fiat top In mesh design with back Tap and second shelves In mesh Staggered height of metal red freighter Manchester Port. and government -a-ehanee 10 come YOU CAN BORROW AT Wihuoiin effect mara bit Fred Ton molds machine, secs ough and lower shelf in metal design metal, bottom shelf fn MeIVES Provides many uses SH the Canadian destroyer Resti-ito grips with unemployment and THROUGH A White plastic font," Apprex, overall ards or tapey may ba siared IN rod gonsiruetion, Approx overall metal ted JEonutrtion, White {Ram ofuvider or opoitas Sot n| pr bee 1813 x x 2915" high, lat oF at en bottam shelf, 4 & 0, - QTE Wau Andies for sad n o ht Rouche, FETE = x (coal industry problems, L) E] Nats f f size 16)% x 111s x 23", Rubber LA Ans aie ire 3516 x 10 x 238" high ree tm EATON Special Prise: filling, nandies foi ube UPERH wiped feet, Wrsught-iren effest Wranight-iren effest in black tine KATON Spesial Prisons Oi alla il 8\ [@ Boek finish, Nah . Black finnfod metal in metal in blagk finish, ih approx, 1614 x 11 x 93" Black finish, 6 90 "e wrought ren effect EATON Spesisl Poi Ig! "sl III IL L] | : 0 BATON Special Price, eh Jo ly 3.00 : a renner: THI SAN 808 \ 308 ML 000 BE RIGHT LOAN BATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 334x PHONE RA 5.7373 Haddon Hall Severn Broadloom Low sale-priced wool-pile Nardiwist A splendid oppartunity ta buy this broadlieom at a special low price . ++ a wool pile hardtwist that assures you of good wear and resiliency, Moth resistant, this broadloom should keep its attractive appearance, Yes, at any branch of The Bank of Nova Soot i cc even after long wear, Choose: green, mushroom, 7 39 spi andalwood, beige, vellum, - can horrow for worthwhile purposes--te X EATON Sl ale, ' uy or refinance your car==to fui ha new SATON Somidanuat dole, °° home or Toem==10 PAY YOU taxes oF insurance : premiuma=to consolidate debta=to meet 4F a Nowe 4 x 12' rug (bound), 95.58 medical or dental expenses, TANIA INNS And your loan will be life insured at no extra ; 4 ' ' of BATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPY, 373 PHONE RA 5.7373 WHEN YOU WRAP onto Yo 2 | wranping parcels for postal delivery Is easy, i " Losi Come See the "Mary Maxim" BULKY KNIT DEMONSTRATION * Ye oped rdaeant 0 Noy carton, nt MRS, HELEN GENICK Stylist and Knitting Consultant for 'Mary Maxim', will demonstrate new # Tie securely with strong cord, : - YA bulky outdoor knits in our Fancy Goods Dept Ut Sealey Sout 4ddvom, ko ' 8 FRIDAY, FEB, (7th, from | p.m, until 9 p.m, and ALL DAY SATURDAY, FEB. (8th, . I re areas d he a Mrs, Genick will be happy to assist you with your knitting probléms; and help and advise you in your choice of pats copy of your address inside the parcel, tern, ete ® Fur Sarieet Saude hive Whe puree] weighd Srv 7/77 BANK MARY MAXIM 4-PLY 'NORTHLAND' WOOL MARY MAXIM 'CLOUDSPUN' WOOL Sea the yellow pages of most telephone In a wide range of lavely colours, 1 10 A tetteniexiured Sly for bulky-knits, using the same pattern directories for complete postal information THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA TL ee Re | as for 'Northland' weal, , \' wiap=1t speedy delivery, Approx, 308, SKOIM aur nraarrrararanavassnnsy WN A NN ! BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 324 PHONE RA S737) | : aha | A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND ABROAD | Wa CANADA POST OFFICE Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 | Manager: Oshawa Branch = Kingsley M, Hume