Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Feb 1961, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tiusdey, Febrvery 18, 196) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM, 1s 5 P.M, ri ed 1 (A SIFIED AD RA TES "wn go oo . Crave P44 376 44% 7 dam tre vy 15 srigproh werfiorg, ¢ reed 6 AS 8 rey Signet ig Female Jy Wonted (44--Hiouses For Remt CLERK rns, Seedy i mos wm gr # or a id ma fai in i CLAS od iP wors ak fa An iy ' ra F FE ad o i » ba iad wo aa amiga, Fi HA ie for tow We Mira We Frank ln wi REY HER fabri slaest Fas tah FARLE hig, wen Bi oe, Ww #7 Vissse wine Tihs Aeiods ° BEIIARIE wars, bor for kot Y didad dd SATE ROW HAN Y HAE ~ hawish hens ytd re lBoirid dun So istinei. WAL Aecorwis 1s p 3 ached, Moiks. sees By FA Fine paring. iow ie. W alusr For (7 fiwsaw: }iines West, bid 7. Ariat 540% PESTM, Bares reity = fp EEDTRAT pre HARE BEE, TARE HEE, BEV HATEY limes for past wis prs ML Wavy wid sWery Eapesien. | vy {4 ap Soares. Wie Bus Wh Dehame bikie o dole ws Wan, 1% tH wd iA Ares Ww for # y os $45 tev» afaed PAR WA--hpts, & Fiots " Rent WRPERN 1a of atagund FEL port time fem uia spies hel Ladies of Rept #7 BE Fe F % sell tor foto Cats Ry ERE BLA FEY £58 commissions pea. Fiksh Box Be 1 holed OI RIBOm BERITIRGIIS, CIRYE 8, IRIN gE or, TY ides. Thomas wid Adits preter iin 4 Han Yiiia ApEn + Cedar rLimE fora Yermr, ident Hoe in Won BA (vi SRI1ABLE #1 or wngle be fond of EREAIER, Row Live 18, good Pome | ddd LAM needed lo promos ssonnel make wp lo § OF Ie YIew hans BA #4531 maAheriase A wie, a deride NW floor, © LL a' arivewsy woe #liey 7 4% Pr # wim. | BA bine tment, » Pl dd CRIT Bb FA Shin (Lr a 4 § # or Ph ness ties which Ser ve ing ngnt § ecsrdng 19 wa we lies J Tp FEMALE glers ype wi Fouling Autis, Bod RA 8254 #lixy EXFVERIENCER malic mastic work. Must Rave ehees and speek Engler ares Ne WY § vale nuarieis, lop Peis) £8 Boss. BA S64 GEIB ary Vom § 06, Okave Tine p bedroom BpRItIRes 8 sonigingd - -- 4 £1 EN, FRIIRET BI parking | SHORTHAND $a | TYPIST Ww You & Your business For JON want GF BUBIREss Ajax experienced H iment, pvpial Het, Aryer, hes professional Write Pir Box 64, Whith | : only a second Wont, 7 ! V/ritg ' ' ¢ i, $78 ¥ month. Tele BOX 508, OF OSHAWA TIN | 37 --Male y Help "Wonted port | Bme or Il Up if THREE la mie for arg for reliant ¥y 4 v8I1 sr of be held sacs tran sets! srer i i adveriising meatier " ' p p ent BuNbing, relsigss FURS Lorn frenersl Motors, Free ww Y9--Persons! W fice f dd Ladin se cxlips sis, Lb hesith Nature's Lod | for to VALUMWGLE | minded pe Heallh, | flee Bs 3, Oehawe phone HA Karis for rent, doubles » ¥ Street East ¥ feaving Oh | Telephonns BA COLLEE TOR ELEC TROLYS 15 CORCETR, FEIN ent of supsrflucus halr 9 wanlied EJ PEFR, . ch 44h ved oiketion Front Strest, Bulle 304 RAWLEIGH business now open in Oh | bath laws and Durham County. Trade well feats {established Excellent opportunity, Full Wrile at once. Rawielgh's, Dept. | TWH 06 Richelien, Montresl iy . siation atlendant, Write Boxigis A Himes MONERY PRAPRTY hanie wanted Ape lal Felriger ssher and dryer Bowman pt | ne RA # parks iA li rnished het waler, pr pace Remov Marie Murdutt will be n Lipie Biikiee SEBVICE 4i2, Oshawa LICENSED body m [ply Robson Molars [BALESMEN Good position, opeh Tor | plead oF part Hime, Bo age Hpi. Mast \vwn 1} & Ear Apply sinbow Aluminum | frigersin Yanulscturihy Co., 35 Brock Best Close } i North Whithy: AVAN ABLY Iwi | 0 Oshawo, Feb. 216t and 22nd Pi ening ne (of ha Hotel on hess dates | intment $100 REWARD hundred daliar hom mn Blreet May: v 14H 8 Haws oan fir & name of 9 pean 36--Male or Female Help | li Wanted Chdves | ATR RESSER gil iieniete or [Mayisir Belon, BA # 0. 2 High (ORGANIST and choir leader required |#%a. RA ald Drone United Chireh, Bend WOUER IFHBREE - son spartan) ta Arthas Drummond, | cupbonrd ink ip kitchen paid pnb: Cla Tipit 4183 4 people, whe 166 me se fo ' NEW thie eom apartment ns a lease for 8 med party y he | tile bat hen, pi A centrally located apart able rent Gshewa with Bo 164 Jl ard fi UE EL application | (rome ts (Em bullding supply yerd| 44 Toronia Avenue, HA Write " Appl Time 2) --Persohal Service IR OUR BAR B-OUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with #rench fries, ¥ish and chips, homburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER RA 5-3887 wishes 18 # ta thelr present Soll {LOWER duplex, heated, twa large bed Experience Ib bookkeeping, sales 808 | rooms $ani-piece hath {purchasing preferred. Yap earnings 105 large ving room with Uieplacs, Bich right person. Welle Box 310, Osha Ww 8 [os sement. Bus slop Times reel March 1 RB COUPLE for home, Man may he other: | NEW wise employed and do gardening, ele. meal, {in free Hime, Relerences snd English |1o/ ave, pi essential, good wages and living #e- | bi RA 33418 [sam imadation Write Box 807, OWRAWA [Lo ouisnin we Veith f {private entrance, reivigerstor | 4T--=Roam & Board TV al, parking space, use of wash ing maching, Apply 184 Beatly Ave == eee | ROOM 30d Board In private home, he i parking facilities. For mors Iniorms 1 Tuding 24--Market Basket tian, phone BA B-H504 quiet glean h TV outlet ora rr Crescent Rin potato 5h, twa dol |HA00 PER WEEK, room snd board for i fn i v ied § br A bi As up " two gentlemen to share, single beds, [AF ARTMENT 1387 Ritson ad North. Phone RA three meals per day, central. RA 5-0067 business fn 830m ROOM sod board for two business Ld fo yl men ------ ils or teacher, fivedday week, close ull 25--Pets and Livestock nipping (sire sad ochonl Tele phane KA Crass between German | youNG 8473 Labrador, elght months |ooiviieges HA A798 twin beds, parking space. Telephone | hidgies ready for BA 58065 for further Information, | TRnEs rain AWRY MES ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, nice Brest East glean fuiet heme, good Toad, Telephone grown females | BA B34 | | ROOMS avaliable for three girls, single | days with ehosels large h Aviallahle bd Irn, Iwo ment building me apart ith shartment oer - roams, in Kitchen, In refrigerator, close to bus. Tele washing ne RA NEW I Ritson Teleph lar In J 0k 8 dream Haoad B verlk ne RA Bing for partment In arti gentleman preferred, home | single oF room lo share Boa for, Shorthair and old, Telephon BEAUTIFUL 1 training Broad POODLE fn while also eight week puppies, malp and fe male, All 8 d slack, Reasonable Phone Cerda Kennels, RA § 6082 laundry, board optional, RA & 6067 BAMOYED pups, purehied 4 $l ROOM and board for gentlemen, will | Dynes, Ushridge, Ontario, Phone Ul [ne se share, good meals, lunches pack. | | Ald led, close to Aowniewn iA | nUNn Beagle and Walker, good |3-7187 ing kaon deer, $30, Tele __|43--~Wanted To Rent | | FREE, or faut: hedvogm modern | | | MODERN sell relrigeralar, supplied. Tacaled {Oldver 84 contained duplex, | " washer and dyer talkis at Biooklin. 14 Ely B ADELAIDE TERRACE beds, fo share, five: or seven | beds Adelaide frigs, TA Includes hat space, and Apply Apt nm Telephone parking ities 26---Farmer's Column BAILED mixed ha sale. Telephone RA 68013 kod up promptly Ehthas 523701 rans viginity of North distidel, near an alialls for school, Phone BEImant 1-465) Taranto ONE MONTH id foam hper} R RI E RE NT three hincks of N 'd twa 08, Oahaw BALED wheal straw, Telephone COa% (1 00, fhha uf bite $85 and Ei | 3 | Phone 50. Swap yt § AF oF hres Maren | R A 8.8676 APARTMENT April 1, within twe or three blocks of | WILL swap equilh In two stores, ane ha PRIVATE two, or three ment, hath, hy Msroh Hulet, within two or WE gainers. Apply Bas bed tian vi cainers. Apply Bos 408, Oshawa industrial bu ne house far equit Times in any athe In Oshawa ares Teleshone iA @4--Houses For Rent FIYE rooms 32 Articles Wanted {shaved hath, Mary Street PIAND 6 pm or sles, al OFFICE or minster 3.0479 proximately Tarenio freferred WANTED two WO Te campiele 8 or remad 1 RL WANTED twa Boy & sizes 14 and 18, Reasonable Oldver 53004 KH entrance I kept bullding stave SLI aller with separaly heated hy Telephong RA avide |} M Excellent Balcony Paved parking Complete laundry facilities ts of dary cupboard spac anted Immediate] any make ash. HOward 63513. AX Wu LL | East, store space for rent kitehan 12 hy 3 ar larger Apply 83 Calling Street 1478 en tleor plan Brownlie inifnrma 10. Telephone 0 apartment, healed Privaie hall Ample parking preferred. Telephone | am ted ghtranse cuuple Private Beout uatforma, dle-aged Telephone | RA 54383 REVEN - roam house, recreation ream twa minutes from hus, Available March 103 King Bast, WA 50863 after 3 nm ET '} Lentral logation PLEASE PHONE MO 8-4770 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS cellars location. New bulld With or without lease LLOYD REALTY _RA 8.5123 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT AT BUS Stop SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Stove Mingarater parking, RA 5-3302 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger New building cated in Moderate available THE TIMES BUILDING ntact T. L. WILSON "| Phone RA 3. J474, SHAW roam hrick house to reliable AR 3 AUTO WRECKING C( tenants, $45 monthly, heat and hydro | Wa f Wg included, basement acoupled. Apply 407) P : Bloor Street East. Manday through Fri arts for sale, alse d ste. | nts f wreckir 3 scrap iron 1aht i SENECA Street North, new bungs threes bedrooms, lying ream tchen and bathroom, $80 manthly silable (mmediately, Apply 83 Sim | os North. RA #4308 OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Appr nately 12' by 33 or larger if preferred 0143 RA 1374 | APPLY 2043 RA 3-374 | 93 CELINA ST YOUR FRIEND IN NEED bicycle, and met Open Saturday all da Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E WANTED POULTRY TICKS IRON A Fi ER TURNER Want to sell a house, car, saxophone, dog, stove, diamaend ring or what-have-you? Want ta buy ' The Oshawa Times classified sec tion helps vou whether you're buying or selling Classified advertising does nat cost--it pays YES! A FRIEND INDEED CALL RA 3-3492 35 Employment Wanted 4--Hous . For "Rent wovin | three or four 888 WANTHLY five ream hun galaw ars old « afer In owa home, heated Apply 3 Pacific avenus, 107, 130 to 3.00 (telephone RA 038 evenings elevator ervice. Centrally low wWRiown area Leases now o tent ke git ¥ yal rong hot i id rng ! Ee -- WRF Grtinant paper fp A g J. # ttn, Lo Meri pro omer, iA a sie a LWigAng i wsiad, "Heres ne Bh 59h Hart, MER toy in" EVI iE, Rew wn REASON ARIE Tent Tor Wires RR 4 Felepnone FOLK - » vey Bir {macs Jorey i po | pniina, Vevice yi GERLO WESTER Wacheior RY fos KER i, tay besroom idl ws, wi fur #4 busingss, centisl 10 HA PY A THRER Apiy niles east of Osh: | pv MEOOND fom od lal sparta aerase [apartment hullding bedroom spark retrigers {TWA + d parking, 83 Park Ropd (apartment building, a slave, HA Bani) Bitllable for counle of | Hotel fiend slave and | fur ther of & Flos wie for tw a ad Nuys rom pres Cs 77 , iz] Are) | Five radia or # pio wh ERaiias po x H RUDY Ff HAIR Wit ioe Clase 1s Tose dt Vil Face! FRIVATE apart wg nn RA By £ownik. BA FH FRIVATE maw Irs Rooms, Hae yyy Ton SE LAME FAL Haws Aphitament Frigauive od ¥; inl br + 9 dd biraiasang for IRERTIAR] "4 fac " Wa yl Saent, FLERNISRER a0iits aa BARBER and FIRETRINE, Wigs é Fheiiviian yy w T Every #il y FE athe i" 7 hk Lebar For Sipe a] ' hdedes id PILIRERL, CRIMP IY beimihed, in £2 i WEEE Ir Any rare I he Eh Teles hone BA 3 fo f Monies Brand Tian pant Ek mae oot 9 Hh BA FRIAS, TER Vien B75 idine frist. i, i ERY ERRS Paris wil vio dauss d V, Mave, Ieingeisier. TY id i Svpiiine Feta Wy. Telephone RA 5518 ATMORERN Tovr - tom bpsriment, Mews [Shopping Fam rEiriges lor aE. Avaliatie, BAS 74 ¢ Lom aot | 0 A, Is, 4 BFFs it ibid i orth Fh EEFVIEES, 4979 or RA wa Hovk, THA BHA popnved Wis Teieimnnd BA 4 ' 4 [75% ne PEGG Brick M E C DRY GOODS FAG fr | Reel § Estate For Sole Ab--Real Estate For Sole fii $9 NEW BUSINESS | UNLISTED NUMBERS ! } ' YLING AD BARBER SHOF Afters the newest 85d best in snd family FIA GFAREA wohl Bh 619% DRAPERY MATERIAL aes of JET ft oo LL) FOUR BEDROOMS hey inion AG G0 $75.00 166 id, centre da al THREE forge soo Ld y hewvy , yu RENE A bom] BOREER, (he Ewald re wEnis In new aperiment Fark Raed pide Blieet, Winid Pp Lasiatully deen sied cores 14 rEIrIgEr ably iove, washer, Wr FA ad Jemies Must see lo RA #bis y by nh » Ad Twn RILERt, on Bimess equipped. Tele hone Gm aed 8 pm nekr Bouts sion headroom #j f North, fy BA S643 Lheiwes TRREE anam apartment GM plant, immedisle posses Bf Malags Ford ¥ pe mF iy ing 7 Ke /6 beat { i] ' nm a ated, 7 #7 or at HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE RA B-1679 | MEAT MARKET LE MOULIN ROUGE | MATER CATERERS BOVNAING BARCAIETS HELENS PRIVATE PARTIES RA 8-436) LANG'S £71 PLBERY ST HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES OUR SPECIALTY WE DELIVER--FA E247) # Mgr EXCELLENT £ITE On Glendale Ave RA 5-4939 FOR REAI PON § ESTATE SMITH Yitkery Este Bus Fes mom speriment £round ale Ladd reason E TEN aliahie March and | pr BUSINESS * SERVICE DIRECTORY (Ap--Reol Foote For ¥ k r Bole (#5--Aeel Estate For Sele (45--Resl Estate for Sele FARRIPDG Bisagi kh DEN Wah $08 AWE LLOYD REALTY id LIST WITH LLOYD ILUCAS PEACOCK [cme see Tey REALTOR alo THER CALL YOUR MOVER RA 5-4330--RA 8.5100 INCOME HOME "HL Ser this sight reem 2 Goerts (RB R rh he ER OPERA #8 #5 § 7 BUSINESS OPORTUMITY HL tment brick home, with Rat Grad TRE Hines - Radia , ih Rg rent Edo BA G56 act ori adtidsed Fv eh WE hepRe, Fas ad Festa ond Snack fq, IIE EI IGIRE. om down pyr aepronimeiery tive veers od, mend of $1,500.00. Wi care WA 4 Ui ir Wo Wilh pa AER, Yell established knpngss, with ry Heal. Close 16 donmionm, Awwh WERE WF weal giv. Bib TARE sien Aoewie. BA BOW uF » ih aed aad foe Fk, FAR Ligwi Fark Barth, reshy 16 move Low Resting cov. Welk der y fring IRIs £ . , Plenty ot rr neg SI88, sd hone Roop # 4 i ream for GAG Eqey 44 JA of A'S. 5123." financing 7 property is o i Felephone BA S008. Tow Aown hy -- ------ SIE4 0 & Mein hers loyd Reavy Lid, Reahton Flease coll, Jon Miller, wi 512% TR Afri 655 DOUGLAS L fh $2994 fA ka GOWER SIMCOE ST, or SANDRA REALTOR 101 SMEGE STN, ___ Ad you ike © lorge fully OHM A, J 41 GLADSTONE AVE me err kitchen? Ehming room BOLAHOOD RA B-446) # mist? iL yous read three He 4 CE (PSLRA AP MCOE §, £ q A bedrooms, atigehed Garege, $8600 down, $6200 fill price, 8 thee 100m basement 156m%, GI EORYEMEnces, 5 self comtgined v4 cre of land, gar Jr iad finencin tt be £ of 16 shod snd Bis RAB PP seen, Coll Fat Fatierson, APPLE HILL | $4700 4 bungelow. Mn focabed y home, with 8 Peed ng ream, & hy Mary Clarke er tively deceng $766 scetient fi Kis only 181m i" GEGITMEIN I Convenient | lene Brown, LIA REALTOR 167 RA 5-6544 JUST BEING COMPLETED Sorcom stene and brick home with atiached gorage, located Apis Mil disingt. Yew TEIHY custom bulls, this eng now, call Ane any Sibloek, RA 5:6544 or 64362 ALBERT ST Twa-storey brick, goed look Ing house. Private ae iid wares Asking alt oh $600 down, & Verge rooms full price smelly term GrranGed clearing. Call RA 3-3889 ak a fom na rea Brick 0] terrific Ed dd ' fe glow, leaded with $12,400 with Cal Selly Wel alia a Wy large Lee v pricipgl and is call Phyllis 1240 In 4 10 $7500 $65 per month, $75.00 year. Don't 6 very goad is Martin $950 de ll price taxes anly miss Bs I Call Oss PHONE RA B-465) "Far Buying Power Call Doug Gower" Wn, ne, FA FA 454 §:-3240 BA 6-3847 RA 3-3240 Cshawa and Estos Bogrd by with $1,500 down Ratcliffe, RA 5-654 Member of haan, Eistricr Real Estots and Board feal trict TWH farm Bire FROM BRRIIIMENL, EAMIARE downtown. Apply 71 Ontario 'Accountants I hed 5 THERES 0m URFIRIshed Bhar TAH HOFKinS and b treet Eg BA BIN 54000 Keeping ron Apply #6 Drew Sirs 8pm WisON snd BERRI nani Hunn wand Buriews "HEWAR "and ditore. Cedar ( t A.A Osha MORERN i apartment three ¥ warm privale | "a § ( ant Aus ri HH ue de 1 Road Ai Foam apartment th, sel four plese | ¥ 1 ' plained, henied Fork parking ares, nell doensed om bus. Available, BA S818 IK ng Bt $i Falrienh Avent 1645 § id | | MONTES Of Bir Adil anle Trasite pe! Kas ¥Friediander ger onl pletely furnished duly range and pefriger aio entrance, | 19 bn Ail child welcome, 67 Montrave ii i Wi 40k (BIE IAL LANG ¥ tL] CULT | non fmt ervices erviees dor treet West saidenee, Dachielor apartment in private, ideal gouge, slave reirigeralor ineluded |TV outlet, parking. RA 34245 bedroam apartment in me worn | allahle now nl Craydon Ad Room | RA Ma 7808, (Barristers CAMERON Publis |RUN0E after pm Apariment § THREE mam apartment snd hath Hon A near Power Blore, heated, heavy duty Ya a' RAtar Wiring. Also voom for ane gl, Apply (4) tA ad 145 Division Blrmet OFIEAEES B1TRNEE ) [808 MONTHLY edronms erator, washer [Han Howe, He J 4360 on Rossland Road, twa THOMAS Kitehen, slave efile: |Elor and dryer, parking, © ntact | Bleeet Bast allar, HA 89702 ail ! He AREER GREER end Kelly liars, whe. 1b Dial KA 5-3278 Aanlained J 1) I BA 1} 4 arke notary MESRABLE second finar ~ downt Bi i nA if unfurnished ) of ¥ A adi) and hui [heat and ule April 1, 860. RA 68176 NN Fringe Street, Baw roamed heated apartment Hi private three plece [RALEH JONES (ress three | eltars 1anville fully mad hath Tele 130 Wing Birept | woo u Funli Rarrislers YW unfurnished large ronms with table for couple {vate 10d Bruce [#76 FOR fous ar parti furnished 18 hath, parking space, | ith ene child RAY Crels N fitreel fh, BK. Dynan [| marigages arranged Marth yoams and hath, new! renovated apartment, very eentral. in cludes heal, water, stave, refrigerator, |Salicitar, Notas Bea M. Kowzap, Johnston's Tid, 8 Bim: [ciate Hiiee ene Narth Hiack | 44 "Rooms For Rent | oo. Wo fun MANNING Maik als He Dial [JAMES A hed roams, sultans or working eouple, close ing Centre. RA 60367 for | tallle. The Cammercial Wi il | Weal, Gsha Ontar Ing available | VHREE anfurnished 1 nk and euphoardy nar rani, heal and h | Arty il Gilbane Street ISINGLE Furnished eping [with refrigerator, sullable fa | gentieman Apply 253 Athal St EXTRA large furnished {toam, suit twa gent [468 Simeone Streel North FURNISHED house whims an hus line televis outlet adults HUBNELS fi East I ne Ushawa, Ontaria MURPH " rrister ulieitar dra HISEPrN » alieiiar. Maney King Street Fast | Hesldenes, RA & BLAKE at akgitar, #6 (olgplione: Business HA 88474 Lisl iA housekeeping ISTE OF enupie {RONALD RA 57400 keeplug ranm, sink {eu hoards, elase North Flant and | [dawntawn. Suitable for girl or young | wa man. Telephone RA & 0558 FURNISHED gentleman 1.0935 Ki dence alieltars, Clients' Hirst marigases sult [HA 5.3566, Charles § RA Edgar F. Basteda, Qa : [ROWMAN, David 1 housekeeping (tar, 34 Simeone Boulh earmers. Apply 23 (deres, HA § 0364 HA S784 HUMPHREYS, Bavehy TWO aleely furnished vooms, bed sit Harristers aniciiarn) HOE roam and Kitchenette with sink, re: | phreys, QC: 6. 8. Baye frigeratar, stove and ouphoacds. Ab. | Hillman, LL# sialngrs only. Telgphone NA 30378, I (iflon KA § ream central with. Kitchen Telephone FURNISHED |uriviieg {Elgin Street Bast rooms ONE large dnfurnished room, rvesson 14804 ar Whithy able vent 34 | Maney fa loan 4h WER sliting roam for giil, nrivata (#7 Bath, heoadionm, everything supplied, 10% ele, 18° Blmene eoaking privileges, better home, near Laiddiad HA § JAR hospital, WA A S00) " LARGE voam with (wa single Tes [Nursing Services full ane or twa gentlemen or Alin ane single voam, coaking gos Apply 88 Warren Avenue FURNISHED bhedraam In private hom \$ sultable for one Telephone RA 3 ONE frmiahed bedroam, sult working | HOARE man, hus at door. Tele Optometrists FARGE roam, suitable for Ughi house I! RICHARD BiA¢ Keeling, every convenience Parking 1 ¥ aay the 0 cilities: centrally Joeaied' | Teleha ne [SDMA a iing RA S-8580 for ware information tila Yelings ¥ housekeeping roams Kllghen, with refvigera | a RA S410 urnished ; bedroom and NERKAR, NRE. 0. far, slak and cupboard, private tailet, PATRIDG space. Apply 186 Agnes Street Suite 4, The Dundas W | Went, Whithy, TWO or three unfirnished roams. heavy wiring Avallahle 0 Tyler Crespent rings Street PAVE lerly people. RN {Invited veasonahle \ Jitteman, abstaine |FEav WT yi releren i ay Rank or amined at Burk home de hing. Apply RA wate TAR Dial «REN sitting and ! sampletely furnished Dearhamm Avenus telephone saw am Kltohen for A i5 | Surveyorn RA DONEVAN AND taria Land Survevar Fahad 13 Bloons lh Wa PROFIT hy reaching Idaity wilh & high inlets payment Oshawa {Dial RA 3 5403 now NFL Suveyars i \ RA T. RARTON Su ! ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS I Avalle | | 82 K R | between 5 RA 8.8671 A5--Real Estate Tor Sale FIVE Brick ved ! ne and Trollope \& + S81 and ne 6 and tard gloeering. We Ww Abia yo MO S500 Dundas Als roo buRgale A RILLIARD down Ate i sagrifics ROOKSING ha eament compleie smal busines: Office KA 40807 M. BUNDLE pithlig, Phone RA B:-1763 BimMene Hesidenee MacRONALR | Barrister and Baligitor and Nola funds 36 Kin MO #3671 eel Adelaide on LL Wi fer in tena Chit ered BY na {Bont (1 BA B41 » i: Aceaunianis |Fhote. Mi iO #0 Oshawa § |] MONTEITH i " dad Accountants com Bliss North, then Alss | Car ia hurnsie Kin YHA and p¥ hy har Harvisiers, Blieet HA HA Th Associate Barristers Vas, WA 30840, | st8]led Mortgage loans available | mites Bali i, HA { EWARTE Maney ey, BA, al ool HA ding 0, Client park: Well Drilling iy fk RA § MANGAN Qf to In nanns fg 5 HA 3301 Met Barrister Faser Murdagh. ha Hag HA Business Opportunities HY Kip gious peisen Can he taken pvr m Tl CA! $00 ot nly HUNTER Auditars | MAEBRATIONS of #li & 4 women Heversibn spleto- rupley i 1 nm, OF # Li Yale, A ad , hocaniting 134 ire val ister, ily sal Bout phan A VAR08 ry amas and pitas if Commeree Bidg 3440; Harriste Nal, Asso Henry Fast 34030 266 Ki 1) ing B71, biel oii honkkee ping Band Femi "Heating | ALL. gavestron ks el € PLUMBING | ole] n | da bs EXCELLENY New, (Hags Wiig ing fram | EH {nlarma ti nPRAFY in Fully equipped iy with sn dd BB HA Ham AL] 1) Cantagt H Bimene - Baulh RA 34711 FER month walling for $7800, Make aver 11 M 47 Ieliery, BA B6178 you per sent Tel taria Blreel, Oshaws Ontarin HA Baa Dre making FIIENLANRER ds fos snd enlidien. Formal dresien & apscially FURRIER and DRESSMAKER Alterations Frice ROWE ETREET RA B-A&706 Remodelling 22 rouling pei huliding ¥ ohm Pe repaire firepinoe RA B0504, Gurdon Ma and fixtures, new Bi f nang Link Installations al seplie [ A Ee PEAS ANE in and estimate ¢ of plumbing HA 434 Freres Trades H. [YOUR Jagal ching ney Ball [hone MA 38100 for farther informa: |OREIGITON, FRARER, RRYNAN nd Fi 4 bd 7 jC (PERAMI NHA klighen, ely Ia Wark fully gharanteed ol him In esih ry 8 lit and vepaired furnaces RA §-40y 8 lining Bas aeuumed, Free heating supplies Harold HK, BEar heating and engineers Hireel Boulh for §i18 an Free stimate plumbing and HA inal Plumbing Bd Bimens tiles hathream far wall Telephone HA 80000 males, {HOME tinughing Huh | Harper ig Hariinter ities 14 RA #84 Ean | MO 8.2 11] [ MeIRRON and MAETERO Barristers. | available 0 Bimene Street North, | bbon, Qf for | 14 4 | | Holle) HA 50303 Heal hyd, A ih BALMERS, WA BATT Stre Residence AecRIsaATY Telephones RA ho ie. KT nation neon hy dg in WA FLEISCHMAN ammereial ine CALL RA Bast loan st On RA Re Lt Hes, Nard! TA \ bill & and Hill an, wa A MO R381 RA 5 ff. y Joliet tadies. | STTNNVIRAE, of Oshawa. Care for oid supervised rates welcomed In aur hams. | inguiriey | Excellent Yogtar of Narvik valids SAR Al {modelling Workmanship SPECIALI Pruning f ermamental rem anteed SIDEWALKS types of home Fey and re Recreation roams, roofing Suatantend Free LLL BIE saves Pail Iling inting Owners rafing nstlation, pe Whithy, MO 84508 WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE ING IN TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO 63 MO 8-3809 CHESTNUT ST. W PO, BO 120 <04 Gardening and Supplies : fruit trees and tres surgery and al, Expert werk guar OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 =SNOW REMOVAL CLEANED FAST SERVICE - OSHAWA HOME| | eyes, sppaintment RO, antometeisd, | 306 Dundas | Closed Wed. | HW TUCK, BO, aplametris Fiosse | seoaunts st downlawn Daminion | reel | in| wroapecis aria Law Avenue Easl Associates Stree : priced 0 Land Survevars, Professional En 4 | [Teasanabie Pees. Far further informa {tan call RA 5800 --- re BOY his | Business Oppartunities \ 1] he Lontact 4p RA 3 aller Whaithe \ leuiaved aw moafihly Times Classified Ad | il NOW fo AT REPAIRS LARGE (R13) LANDSCAPING RA 8.6366 | IS THE TIME ARR THAT RA BR.5103 5 ALL AWA 4 AND | AMITED CO (Fuel and Weed oF fii g JOHN'S Alay PIECES of hardwood fewood. AL h pod ends, suitable fo BE ARG 5 Reasonable aod laaured Phone MM BY | Fin §-34b6 { neatin ¥ fit | "| pODPD & | WEBBING HARDWARE Personal Service SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Sharten or lengthen garments, Cuffs and pockets renewed, Complain stock of buttons, GILLARD'S CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. RA 5.3558 TV « Radio Repain TY, BAIA, ear sarin ros makes, Thompson Elsels Filioll Avenue, HA yi ea), A0' TOWERS $48 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22 Completely Installed With 2:-Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY TV, for 8 fot ar seed RA 5.7844 B02 SIMCOE ST. 8, MORTGAGE | ---t.¥ teice Coin, shoo MONEY SAMSON AVAILABLE I.V. TOWERS RA B-8180 Rates OSHAWA T.V, J61 GIBBONS ST SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE Television Radio + Range Washers « Dryers and Oven Cantral Repair Specialists PH. RA 8.4873 49 BURK STREEY Service = Sensible Rates TV TOWERS 40:11. self-supparting Het dip galvanized. No paint Complete with new Marina él all channel antenna fatal - price, installed and guaranteed fer year $57.50, Also prompt set servies TV Enterprises 253 Drew St RA 3.3553 NOW , , PAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS Complete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 5.7844 or RA 8.5804 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT = DAY OR NIGHT] IV. and RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 All Werk Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Women's Column SPENCER foundation garments Tadh vidually danihed Als sprirella [Money to Loon FROFLERERE BITRE ®t Bioket Mo Cartage BEOTIAN Cartage HA B04 for fast dependatie| IFIRST and second No Job lop Wig oried. W. Behalemann, Murigh Whithy Finlessional Bullsing w | 43 ay ded Rug "and Upholstery FIRGT and second mortgage, sale AgEeementy purchased and sold. Hen Ld £k Cleaners . and Henniek, Barrisiers, 31 Wing UPHOLSTERY ot lis best for less We blreet Ensl, RA 3704 chesterligids, recovered, | Free astimaies, (CE NIE ln Purchased, HHA Creighton, Fraser doch EIVICE ton adelled, Er ferme, KR |{EHESTERFIEARS rebuilt, recovered, Hee pe wi pay mare? Bur rates WE seasmaiiie, batisfaglion gusrsnieed Matticssen rebdit, Oshawa Dphelslery a. Wh Bond Blieet West, ial BH ¥ ba loan an first mort ARG REIeemeit ol snip moilgags srianged Heinen and Mur aired 4604 MONEY 10 LOAN $2,000.60 vo $50,000.00 far immediate {ean en first and Becond Merigage Agree ments for Sale, en vacant and improved property, residen tial and Industrial eity, sub urban and country, and Sum Lain |OHESTRR FEL and old shales re avered Hike new. Get the heat for less 1st Modern Uphalslesing, 143 Blmeos [ Bouth Call BA 48450 ur & free ssl male FURNITURE repaired ond re-uphil stared. Ber our materiale for ve-cOver Ine Hruce H. Dilan, 78 Onaries Sirest LALA mer -ealtages Summerland ied 112 North, Oshawa 5.3568 " Ff Lime 5 £ AMcae vires Phone RA SULrites | RUGS & CHES TERFIELDS | CLEANED Fr fe -------------------- Home ar Me nbers of Institute af NU-WAY Cleaning Flam the MNatienal Rug Cleaning «RA B468) SEGERS [ RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS cleaning arees RA 5.7468 ! Painting and Decor ting PFROFERSIONAT guaranteed Free estimates Margagus __ HUH AVAILABLE mortgage, private sional | | Professional at lower Current Interest Confidential Service Bonus Fast =Na Hidden and and Canroy, palates work Al PARE mate RA =MNa Chattel Marigages hanger rial Re FAINTING and pales. 3, Goulding Valephone WA 5 7357 Na Ca-signers paperhanging, Inter £00 Careh hibb Payments te Suit Budget Y our Absolutely Ne Cost Te You Unless Merigage Arranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY KING STREET E RA 33-3993 Anytime SOUTER FAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Inting, Paperhanging. Full Wall Murals, Painting B RON ST. 8, WHITBY DAYS MO 8.523) NIGHTS RA 5.74264 [PAINTERS & DECORATORS Industrial, Cammaerelal, Pomestic and Alterations Woaed Finishing Home Member and Qitice Fumiture Brg T. W. PHILPOTT CO PDUNBARTON DAYS MO 8-729 EVENINGS en TE 9.2364 Articles for Rent FLOOR SANDERS CUPBOARD SANDERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT REDUCED RATES 10% discount on famous make Enamel and Paint Fast 51 tawer Dial Far Day or Evening Appointments AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO 17 pales Ontaria Ass Mertgage lation hers Wateh Repairs WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St. West Specializing autematie watches RA 3.4545 Auta Parts RENTS Western Hire, SuaTanteed EI nove and va RA bo \] 4) § Street West, Os Fite have by $0Ive you Anstrustion CE FRIVATE teacher, student sovnssiior 16 years' eperinhe , BY interview only Ast naw, RA S104 LILLIAN Mae Marsh, anes eaducator, HT] Salis Hp we by HA 0, Preschool, oharacies viday % slered parsebier. Mis, Header Re Mini Temple, RA +0 tH) Admiral Tie y HARVEY "a Balen, Tap NOE ACADEMY Hlehling. Re aval Asdems, Want | Food ¥ F eeRer Servi STOP Regisier now PEOPLE who need sour services | [reading Sataitiod Eh now. Dan 1 "| his ready-made Business. Dial A FH 1day 10 start Your Taw oot ad. H OMARKET Food and Lompany now in Offers the finest feed All name aleaks and ght the eve. At QuUatierns cut RA 34 [Insurane NON ROLREN a73 Fire, Sul. And caw walty faurance 81 King Street Baal, [Oshawa RA S601, Res. BA te ALLSTATE Auln Tnsurane Xt a oa a 30 per cents als manths me, eal POIs RAl seivige al your RA SH Money to Loan WE BAY far paps (Tenis Wanles Svalatie aw first and second mortgages nd purchase of morigages and |g Agtee ments of Lowls 8 Wyman Wi Ring Street Bash, Oshawa. RA Bookkeeping MONEY 10 | SCHAPELHOUMAN| LOAN COMPLETE Wh orie PING | SERVICE COME TAX | WB, tants ' 15 ! Wa have specially de Re URN! HOMAREET home 686 OSLER STREET from 29400. Ne OSHAWA, ONT 3 toe waranty, A RA 953 We can dive well Personal Service 314.00 nation PETER Pan I Nursery, all or hak § 9 33 Bl Slmces Noth i sale Wai TIEN yv Ontawie Moy al types of t Hest Jd second on all types of real ing luding vacant lands sm morigage oe second mort a any mortgages | | and MO ESET 1

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