E. V. RIPPINGHIE presi- dent and genersl manager of the General Motors Diesel 14d, Landon, Wednesday might stressed the importance of safety ~ the responsimiiity of Safety At IAPA Meeting Yo meet the challenge of change In salety programs for the "80s" industry must first last and always have manage ment that will fully assume is responsiility and provide gen ine leadership, ¥. V. Rippin gille, Jr., president and general manager of General Motors IAd., London, sald Wednesday might Bpeaking lo the Accident Prevention tion's Oshawa Ajax section Mr. Rippingille noted that in GM safety is serious business and is the constant concern of everyhody "Safety," he said Is an every minute job. I is the re sult of well founded policy which has as is basis six principles management must have a #in- cere interest in the safety of is employees safety must he an integral part of the dayAoday amt operation the, safely program must have the enthusi astie co-aperation and support of the employee each super: visor must be adequately train ed 0 earry out Bis safety re sponsibitities the program must have the guidance of com: petent safely engineering per: sonnel and there must be disel: pline and respect for safely rules and safely practices "Industry's responsibifty for safety is a vesponsibility that goes far heyond vague general pledges of support and heyond the legal requirements, It means a responsibility for a def inite plan of action which makes safety a continuing and integral rt of the day-to-day, hourto our, and minute « to -minute job," Mr. Rippingille said "Ahout 15 or 20 years ago" Mr. Rippingille noted, "it was fashionable in some quarters to introduce lahor : management committees for the purpose of inducing co-operation and shar: ing responsibility in a host of areas and one of those was safety, This," he sald, "was a mistake "Management the obligations Industrial ASSOCIA ' evade I cannot and duties ECORATION AWARD Sgt Charlgs Hutehings \ Kay, of RCAY Station Park, Alla, nadian Fo fram his on Group Cap? CD, Sat the RCA Lincoln elves the Ca Decoration nding officer { I'rites Y enlisted in served w = and has that time Retin. sinee Od Al cm -- A] heen station units ACTOS wi OV Orseas 'New : : 1 The Bank of Montreal will erect ® large new hiding 1s | germ modale Ws principe Om Lawn branch on the site of the oid Belt entale property of he {Rerth Wes corner of Simene and {Aho streets, James Me anoh {manager of the ranch, has mn fenin ed Mr, Mcansh said Actatied plans for the largeseale con sirwetion project have not vel heen settled but that lenders wold he called for the Joh of the earliest dale The property was acqnred by ithe bank in January, 1900, and ithe accnpanis of the iiding re mained on # reptal Dass ntl fire caused serions damage (9 ithe Wack on Janwary 19, 1961 {Wark 10 demolioh the Samaged ihwtldings has now heen com | pleted The presemt quarters of the man Oshawa branch of the Bank of Montreal at 29 Simene street north were erecled Wh i918, Although BUMEroNs Fens f General Motors, Bome WH Oshawr and Bistnet Indus irighists were present ta hear Mr, Rippingile's addres Oshawa Times Philo Anca Firm Plans Move Anca Pharmacenticals fOvaltine Food Products ions of the Wander Co fda 144, will he Tishawa location freet south ims year Construction ix slated in hegh A, Washington ger, Omtane Heel Products i4d., Arnold ¥. Rosch, safety supervisor, Genergl Motors and Byron F.ammdson Manager Snel BETYICES plant mana IRARREEMEIN and of the individual wt Indusinigl Ace dent Prevention Association s Oshawa Ajax section meeting | Shown with Mr, Hippmingiie (second from Jelly sre Harold Talk Heard being handied, Mr. Mi sain The branch was first estab fished In 1EMPpOTRYY PFEINIGES on Simeone street hetween King and Bond, in 1918 and remained there until 1921, when it moved tn a converted sore at the ROG couth-west corer of Simeoe and MIE Bond of Can yaeating if "Sime mid-summer PEAS jit anpsh That 15 as MH should he hy speaker sad Sut in spite of &l these must assume for the safety of rile employees hy sharing it with the others. IE 18 quite proper 1a en fist the co-operation of all em: effort there are same em: immediglely on #8 new east-end ployees hut it Is not valid to ployees in any 1arge group wha Taoronte plant, said to be about try tao shift to employees or will not go along with the rules, 50 percent larger than the pres union, through joint commit: They either resist ar defy ent location ltees, responsibilities which are them C.K, Bchlimme, vice-president inherently management's When this happens, we can and general manager said 10 "Much of the confusion A this not overlook the vialations day, recent growth of these two whole area of labor-manage:| Management has # responsibil: Wander divisions necessitates ment co-operation on salety has Hy and duly to step up to the expansion into larger quarter resulted from a fatlure to dis: situation, I necessary, manage: My, Schlimme said there are tinguish between the basic right ment must resort 10 Msciphne. approximately 70 persons on the tof challenge, which should al In assessing discipline, the payroll here and it is the comp ways he retained unimpaired " Prince! 0 he ree hiniked any's hope that all will Mmain hy the union, and those ye: 18 Hil We Purpose oF G8 with the company after its move anirements for joint action ov|@phne 1s not ta "get even Wig Toronto By BRIAN BARROW joint agreement, which | 18 1a correct misconduct, This he viee-president said Ancal CAPE TOWN (CF)--A Na frequently advocated by propo eng the discipline should) chose a location at the extreme tionatist cabinet minister sad nents of the joint commitiee|Pe Just severe enough (0 Wc gase end of Torontn, near Wigh|after the Sharpeville tragedy approach in the administration! Press the emplavee and ae Heve way 401, in order that the staff that South Africa would never of #& safety progrim correction of Ws IRONIC ay "commute to and from be the same again : p For wminar vielations, manage wo te suid the company has| So far, time has proved him FPEAKER RESPONSIBLY Latfered subsidies ta all ts em-| wrong, To the African, this na: Management," said ment may begin with a verbal x p g 3 § | gh I (he (warning, and If the vielatons| co oe. "0" croourage them {aban 18 the same as it was he speaker ig vesponsihle a Famain | establishing safety policies, and| reprimand, Progressing 1a al fav persist, follow with writien with Anca after (he fore "we 0 . Nearly months is responsible for warking out | shor ayatt and long patie In "Mr Schlimme said the offer killing hy police of 67 A reasonable safety rules croamng In severity WIth Teo ean didies "is an honest asat Sharpeville, the repor tices and regulations peated vielations well as a selfish desire on the| judicial inquiry has heen "In the enforcement of safety "If the employee is not im art bh the ik any tn retain| lished Lutes, the same general prin: pressed hy a long layolf, dis Bef Poli ato MH has failed ciples apply that gavern the en:| charge may he the anly alterna: "1 To, 0 ta housing the ex.|make any kind of Impression. forcement of shop rules in gen: Wve. Mr. Rippingille sald soutive offices of Anca Pharm. Few consciences have heen eral, However, there is one "To achieve success In fg) ECW Ye o eos ob ned arm stirred. and. there have heen important factor which in |wafety endeavors, management | 4f euticals and Ovaltine Food hardly any letters to the Ifiuences the. general appioach| must have the enthusiastic co Products, the new buildigg will Thousands of people iby to enforcement of safety rales," | operation of its employees, He {provide laboratory and manufac ind in South Africa still want to (Mr, Rippingille said gardless of any approach touring facilities for Anca lk aw what the factors were that F. Hippingitie groups of employees, our basic] At preeent, all functions of a Yo those few fatal sec: Ordinarily, a shop vile vier goooaoh must he (0 the em: Anca are located af Oshawa | 10 w on CMaren 91, 1060, The lation is an offence REaINSL loves as an individual, 10 is! Manufacturing facilities for Oy. [0048 ON management, Loafing, for ex-ipe" aqividual employee wholaltine Food Products will remain | ample, is 8 dollar and cots woris safely or gets hurt, Ttjat Peterborough fence alin / Brian Barrow is a Bouth African journalist long ex perienced in reporting on the problems of his eountry, In this story he discusses the Sharpeville report and the canses of the (ragedy, are { 50 after the He | pub campletely to man inquiry made no attempt [in his report ta touch on this vital question He indicated that under his terms of reference he merely had to weigh the evidence and establish what happened that day==hefore, during and after the shooting. This he has done with clarity and fairness But he offered no findings, made no recommendations. His reason was- that he was not obliged to do so, This is reason why the report has failed ta make any impact Its whole effect has heen 16 write finlg to a calamitous epi sode whieh the governmenl would like everyone to forget as soon as possible, This is unfor tunate, for a great opportunity {vations have heen made during, | judge appointed to make a one-| SECOND SECTION For Oshawa Woman Injured In Car An Oshawa Woman wes Wh: jured in a two-car collision wl King street east and Kastiawn avenue, early this mormng Mary Wrangall, of 49 Kas law. . AVERNE shah ' wis taken 10 the Separate School the years since that time, these! Oshawa Genera. Hospial With was made at & special meeting qnarters are now unstable and soalp lacerations and abrasions | Wednesday evening ton small for the volume of Wisi: she mas sulfening from HEM (ross 4 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 196) wi The Oshawa & es PAGE SEVENTEEN Annex Planned ity School Plan Tenders [Fred Carey Early Date The Oshawa Separate Schoolisoon as approval has been re- Nel Board will build # fowr-room) addition 1a The decision a Holy School, The hoard was unanimous on the necessity of The accident es eurred al B40 the school addition am. Damage 10 Ihe CRIs Was estimated at $450 wWaman was ANving The driver of the oiher car was Halph north ane ear One thing was, however | | Changed S.A. | well Company 14d, by which it is| The hoard hopes to have the The injured IF new classrooms ready for the Fall Fenders in Beptember he called for as erm will Hen CEE Pilm: Shown Sharpeville To Builders A film to show the importance of acenrate estimating for resi dential ilding was seen by the Oshawa Builders Association al Hotel Genosha Wednesday might ceived from the Deprrtment of Christopher's Education, snd the school de| ! wddition 10 $i Chie ot etted the fol hentures sold The new tomer's school will solve the overcrowding of the school and eliminate the spht-shift now in operation The preset enrolment of the school "is WT children in nine classes using eight rooms. The addition will accommodate an other 160 pupils The need for the rdditionsl class rooms were clearly oh vious and the hoard considered the possibility of another Sep: work that had heen ac arate Bchool in the north west ares as an aliernative, How: ever, since the land was avail: while for the addition, the new school was ruled owt The new wing will he added Is President Fred Carey wes elected pres. ident. of the Harman Pork orb on meeting held recently, Wesley Ogden, assistant director of recrent of the CRA staff, 164 the elections and in owing exeailive, Past president, Gerald God frey; president, Fred Carey; vice-president, Albert Carey; secretary, Mrs, George Thom: son; treasurer, Mrs. Roland Morris; sports chairman, James Curran; social convener, Mrs lack Rukaruk; central council representatives, Boh Lewis snd Albert Carey The reliving president con: gratulaled the members on the eamplish- ed during the year and thanked the executive for their splendid oh-nperation Various committee chairmen gave their reports and i was noted that the Teen Dance held ' 4 This was the first of three con {to the south-east end of thelin the club house every Saturdas secutive meetings to he sponsor: school making Bt, Christopher's| night was successful and wi ed hy the Canadicy Gypsum! an "1 shaped school George C, N, Tonks, who has known hetore the weport was hoped that local builders will be| designed other schools for the published: That those thousands shown how ta profit and yetiphoard, is the architect Rey of. Africans who gathered at|leep prices down by hookkeep:| Sister Beatrice is the school Sharpeville were demonstrating Ing in building, Successive meet against the pass laws Officially known as a reference hook, But th AMricans It will always he a pass--~to them the worst of all four detier word AL na time of the day ar night may the urhan African he with out it, fer it he Inses sil status and legally ceases to exist except candidate far a prison cell Without a pass an African may not leave his tribal home may not huy # ticket al & rallway station married; he cannot. gel [driver's licence; he cannot en ter an wrhan location to visi friends or relatives; he cannot office the pass today is| Planning and Budgeting" when he hasn't gol sociation As a { fricans and travel fo the city to find t of a employment Without a pass he| ings will he devoted to 'Profit m Thursday, and "Expense Con trol" on Friday, The meeting on wednesday night was chaired) hy Alan Banfield, past president | af OBA, and present deta of | the National House Builders As: Mother Of 4 Is Missing A Bl-yearold Oshawa woman he cannot get|was reported missing today hy alher hushand, Wednesday, | wes, [open a savings acoount at a postin (a go to Sarnia for four duys Mrs, Vera Alice Bastarache, wife of Donell Bastarache, #0 Nassau street, left home Feb, Mr, Bastarache told the Oshawa principal, At the special mating. the Oshawa Separate school hoard, for the first time, made ap: pointments to the Oshawa Plan- hing Board and to the Oshawa Traffic Advisory Councll, Trus: fee W. Clarke was appointed {o the planning hoard, and Trustee A, Lawrence was appointed to the traffic advisory couneil atiended, Mr, and Mrs, Bleve Hadiuk are In charge of this weekly dance, It was decided to hold a Social Kvening in the club house ¥ri- day, Veh, 17, in the form of » dance and box social, Mrs, Fred Carey presented a first aid kit to the mssociation for use in the club house, which was donated hy the Ladies' Aux. itimry. Refreshments were served * CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resis dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are eelebrating their birthdays today; Wayne Kewin, 70 Windsor Ave.) Kathy Cayley, M1 Nip: { In some paris of the Union Police Department he has nol where the curfew applies he ean seen her since, he arvested if he is out after § p.m. without a permit He must produce his pass reference hook on demand, Fe getting it at home Is no excuse, If the pass is not produced, he (18 summarily arrested [The f@feremce complicated document A permits the holder to remain in an urban area until his em ployment contract expires, If the section does not hear the stamp of the local registration officer, the holder is arrested Section B must be signed hy the African's employer, Beetion (shows whether or not the African has paid his poll tax (1 not, he is arrested | All this 1s bewildering enough Wednesday on charges arising tn the average African. But the aut of the aperation of an $80, [consequences of arrest=invari |@ OF nair (shoulder length), She is I five foot, seven inches tall and hook itself 18 a|with a small collar and & belted Bection! hack In Car Theft Ring bly his wife and children dol Another man his heen missed to find out not know what has happened (0|Crown counsel Herbert Langdon him==are enough fo disillusion ances are and to take steps to him for life, Many thousands| m right {are arrested under the pass laws every year | | Often they can pay the fine| of £1 or £3 which sometimes amounts to hail a k's wages, | Hut many are still "endopsed"| out of the urban area and sent hack ta the reserves, leaving) their families to fend for them: selves With the hreadwinner gone, the women often turn to selling illicit kaffir heer to make a living, If they are caught they [go to jail and the children ave [left an their awn, THOUSANDS JAILED Those who cannot pay the fine | {ave sent to jail for a few weeks lar, in same parts of the country, what the urhan African's griey and was transferred ta Sin Lincoln Park in Dec, 1938 His wife, the farmer Belly Joan Brawn, of Oshawa and ther twa children live at the station. The Cinadian Farces Decoration is awarded to sory ice personnel whe have com pleted 13 year service and is the individual employee who {safety rule violation may also) must know hawt to work safely] py {he an offence against Manage: on pig job and who must con Girl i Breaks iment, but it can he a more candy "recognize the impor ' | HeTIOus Ditence against the Ly tance to himself of working {ployee himself or against WS | safely, It is the individual whe GC 11 B {fellow employees, He or they! must co-operate if the safely 0 ar one suffer the greatest loss when | peagram is to succeed, He can: WHITBY A nine-year-old! an accident resylts from a vioe pot delegate someone else to] Whithy girl was taken to the lation, This fact logically sus: work safely for him Oshawa General Hospital, with gents that we employ more| individual employees shoulda broken collar hone, after she {salesmanship to put aver the have an opportunity to effer|was struck hy a car an Brock {safety rules before vesorting 10) suggestions, advice, vecommen:| street south, Wednesday after discipline, Industry uses post: dations, and co-operation an the| noon ers, slogans, contests, plant improvement of safety, The] Jean MeQuat, of 021 Centre papers, safety talks, signs and union, as such, has a similar| street south, was crossing Broek other media, to sell the safely gpportunity, Union representa street after she had purchased tives should take up safety|a chocolate har for her mother matters, directly with super: Bhe was struck hy a car driven vision in the plant, or take hy Kees Post, of RR 1, Brooklin [their suggestions, adviee and The car was northbound at the complaints to management Injlime of the aceident the regular meetings with] Investigating offiders were management, Any suggestions, | Sergeant C, Partington and Con. recommendations or complaints] stable J, Mason, of the Whithy|Put the submitted in these meetings| Police Department A should be taken seriously hy . management ple in management must acoept Si ns ow "Unions also have excellent the challenge of that responsibil:| h v opportunity te promote safety | ity It is a 'Challenge of through their union publications, | Change', 1t Is the cardinal ob {thier union meetings, and their] jective of 'Safety in the Sixties' £e sters | Ld sdutational programa Aland forever," My Rinpinaitte] number of unions have been! paneluded : i " quite active along these lines! Some 338 industrialists from \ ANCOUVER (( 2) Any and are to be commended for| the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Ajax C1010 SIEN that warns of a rn ihe work which'they have done. [and Whitby were on hand to/4ar speed trap ahead is good There 1s an opportunity in such hear Mr, Rippingille, The speak:|/07 about three days of speed: an approach hy the wnion 10ep was introduced by Byron 8.108 = free traffio, says an ROME [stress the importance of eom:| Kdmondson, manager of the GM radar expert pliance with established safety | personnel . services department | 1'ar fram boing an annoyance, (practices at work, and to en: Harald A. Washington, plant signs erected hy disgruntled {courage employees 10 guar manager of Ontario Steel Prod: motorists are weloamed hy po against that far larger number ets Lid, expressed a vote of lice; he said, When a sign goes af accidents in the home, ni thanks and presented the speak:|up, speeding goes down Wniry the highway and in other ae:iop with an initialed table light! "Our basic purpose, after all, [¥ent to work for white fiimen. Hvities outside the plant is to discourage speeding, not| Hefore Bhavpeville, pass ratds "Hyery experienced plant Head table guests included (to oolleet speeders." were made regularly. Families manager should know that it 1s Walter Beaneh, personnel man: Police here say the threat of would he awakened in the. early goad business ta acco safely! ager, Fittings Lid, WI (BUD [pacar trans during the last few hours and DANSON fomanded AN A major management Tes Henry, vice-president, Oshawa lvoars has reduced the amount | Men might he dragged away in ponsibility, It is the manager's Wood Products, D. G. (Des) oF EF soi a For example infront of their wives and ehil responsibility to establish sound! Newman, Camotoid Tad. Ajay. 0 S00 " a iy Lora dren, Rinee Sharpeville police safety policies, procedured and W, R, Anderson, works mana Subrhan rnaby ) here Ming | MAYO heen more lenient, But the pracioos under whieh every ger Du Pant of Canada Lad, [®) Many a hi Rpeet dd raids cantinue | member of the management ar [Whithy, W. R. (Bill) Alger, charges a month until rad ar Even many thinking Afvicans ganization will understand that! ppesident, Alger Press chooks were introduced FOU will agree there is nothing safety of employees 18 a Richard F. Matthews, manager, | YOATS #80 {wrong with the idea of pass primary responsibility at All| Andrew Antenna Tad, Whitby, "7 doubt (hat we get 400 injjqws, To remove all restrietions times = a vesponsibility Wheh | Edward G. Storie, vicespresi: One month now," sald an oblan the influx of Africans from cannot be evaded ar trahsforred! dont and general manager, Fits/Heer The average is below! the reserves ta the towns would to others tings Tad : that" be unrealistic, Hat it is the YPhis business-like approach Harald A. Washington, plant he officer said that although way they ave administered that means building safety inte the manager, Ontaria Steel Prog: the public generally has ae [Causes great misery and hard: machines, equipment, 10als, Prociyots Lid, Arold BE. Roach, cepted the use of radar as nor|ship | Semis ant the relationships Wl chairman, bi Safely Np mal procedure, individual me There an eat sn {the we Ace visar, Mi ipp os a : e when a drastically k IIS an incentive APRTORch! Skinner AB Lge oi tarts SHI try to thwart vada fi PASS - system would have because IL rowirds a good sate manager, Houdaille Industrie H's easy enough ta tell when heen: acceptable. to Africans! {ly rocard earned hy co-operation; Lid, Ryvon 8. Edmondson, man a warning sign has been put Thad time now has passed, The| af all invelved ABET, personnel services depart un. Traffie that had heen E0ing application of the pass laws has 'Nfely 18 8 Brass vous Ament, GM, J, RB (Hm) Reid, [2 few miles above the lwmit|CAused so much hatred that to.) proach under which decisions] vice-president of finance, Podlar|S daanty dranned to a few mites 48Y NOUNIRE shart of total ahalk:| are made, initlative is shown People Lid. John M. Simon nddeniy dropped 1a a few mite ton will satisfy Afviean de and action is taken hy Manage general manager, automobile belaw it mands ment in thousands of work| division, Dunlop of Canada Lad, [When this happened, instead "iinfartunately he judge whe places throughout the country, | Whithy, Angus Brennan, person © Seeking the sign, the OTOW hoard all the evidence was told It gives a full opportunity" fori nel manager, R. D. Werner Ca. [SMI moved 1a a now 100% hy the government not to vefes research and development olla Graham Coulter, genera' Hon io the lesson of Sharpeville, And new ideas manager Coulter Manwfacturin PRETE'S 10 SENSO LYING WR & the gOVOTRMEnt, even Mare wh are efficiont and in every.way It places veaponsibiliny for Lid, and John Reid, plant man 4 machine when somebody fortunately. has shown that it deserving of the award [results where it belongs, on the ager, Duplate of Canada Lid sOpped the speeders for has na intention of learning National Defoe Photo, (shoulders of Management, 'eo:| Oshawa {fram it has you," The missing woman has a ark complexion and dark hrown weighs about 180 pounds, When she left home she was wearing a hlue wool flared overpoal, Mr, and Mrs, Bastarache have four children; Donna, 8, Thom: as, 7, Michael, 6, and Robert 4 Five Convicted TORONTO (CP) = Five men and a woman were found guilty igon Bt; Debbie Tubb, 815 Clarke 8.1 Adrienne Johns, 868 Finucane 8t.1 John Pune can, 6 Townline road north, Tahy Wodniskl, 870 Ritson road south, Mrs, Hvelyn Herrington, 88 Adeline 8 Tommy Horrugey, 300 Chad: hurn Bt; Jeff Bievens, 726 Oshawa Blvd, north, Kim Roattergond, Farewell Ave, HR 4; Jim Bpiers, 487 Miller avenue, William Robertson, 188 Ritson road south, Ter: ry Hurst, 368 Montrave Ave, Mrs Martin Cassibo, 406 Coureellette Ave, Patricia Iris Long, 901 Bimeoe Ai, south; Cathy Weeks, 288 Pine Ave; Peter Miller, 1208 Meadowvale 8.) Mrs, Ann Hehee, RR 1, Bowmanville, Brian Williams, 100 Huron Bt.p Kathy Fear, 480 Finu- 000 car theft racket, described hy as an innocent bystander, was acquitted hy the general ses slang jury } Convicted on a joint charge of conspiracy were Lois Fry, 21, Michael Norris, 20; Joseph Natale, 95, Donald Clarke, 24; Peter Hereili, a0 and Patvick Perry, 80, all of Toronto, Judge Robert Forsyth re: manded them to Feh, 33 for sen: tenee Acquitted w tina, #9, a Jou Constan: cane Bt; Michael Hughes, 1 Olive Ave; Mrs, I, C, March, 78 Chureh St The first five persons io inform the Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current attraction 18 "The Ruddy Knox Stage and Seren Bhow", Reports on birthdays will he received only between the hours of # a.m, and 10 am, Phone RA 3:0474, CLARENCE M, PITTA Grand Master To Attend Centennial At the regular meeting of 1 hanon- Lodge, AF and AM, Tuesday night, M, B, Jacohi, master, announced that 1061 is the centennial year for Lebanon Lodge, The event will be celebrated in May with Most, Wor, Bro, C, M. Pitts, grand master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario, as guest apeaker, Mr, Jacobi said that the num: hers expected at this funetion would be more than the capacity of the Masonle Temple and that the celebration will be held elsewhere In Oshawa, _ THREE GENERATIONS MARK HAPPY OCCASION Three generations of ane family are active members of Court Oshawa, #1, Cana: dian Ovder of Fovesters Harry Manning, 71, has just comnteted 3 vears wl om bership in the Order, He ve cently received his Mhyear | membership pin and was proud to have on hand for this im. portant aceasion his son, Wik fred, left, and his grandson, William, right, who have heen members of the same Court for 14 years, My, Manning, | who resides at 47 Albert street, is shown centre as, he displays his piv. He was eww played hy General Motors here for 49 years and retived SIX YOals age Oshawa Times Phot