ners buy © oe fe Is be 1 ---- basis IRA favs in one raspest from that fiend tengeport, wpwerde of fe PA Corn ge Bo pe 8 ok. Tho Ws J bo : 4 Li u Bey," ennt of the British Romes BI Milk Plan oom site mien "7 & pis Fir" Et pda n a s 3 Stirs UK YS GT rn a a wn 9B : = 8 WANTYRE HOOD Special tn The Oshawa Times No$S : y milk Aefiveries mm. Sanday, Rt; ooments : hat, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thorsbey, Febouery 16, 1961 11 hike EApYESH bieh a rrp i Tere, i Hertiovhohive, Wess, groweries Te Vis Deteh Flaws 1m siavies of [ie will Misagpent EVRY, 1&8 B SENINE RE it ot there, with # view "imamy ISTRY x : less milk (yey Britains milk io LONDON ~ Canadien house eEARMIRE 1 16 Sher parts wi Rs wor long jai heamme the conetry if there showid fe FEARFUL 9 3 SERIE OYE (RAR awite aarusismad tn faving no An serions repercussions. Opt The producers wikia He The sitwation in Britain Gl ery men, and cows, ) J ARS SSE SEER Croan of Tomato ly & P 1 ded rh = Rog: ting AVE | se varser --vmy vues, Jane. Parker. Bakery Specials HEINZ Soup 4.49. Wits B BAKED IN ABF's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Rog. # AVE 3 SREAD. CHERRY PIE -49. | jroo CHET 3-49, 7. och Ros. 1 ns Boba E » hy 2 bot loaves -29 STOCK dal YOUR FREEZER AT THIS Low PRICE HEINZ BEANS 3 Ty PICTURE OF THE MONTH | ro ot Wy ire Parker Won Woaae / . - Shugo «ta LO ao (mpgs mene | | % | CHIFFON CAKE owe 49: | HEINZ PIC table with a man the ening | New Westminster t ily Himhed dow Ls Jane Parker sulcide High on a bri dee or | the cture Jan 12 Re | wk the ba ® | HOT CROSS Jane Parker Pinsapple Twist Reg. Woo--BAVE te Yellow {der wins the Canadian Press | Constable Laurie Marsha uA a ' with a Speed Graph | OFFEE CAKE oh 3 5 January Pieture-of-the-Month | talked for 70 minu h j t qd Super Press ! . [ EINZ {award for the Yam Guyver Sin ma ho threat d to 4 i } f e used elec BUNS Jans Parker ; Reg. phy Be--BAVE Bs RD The $25 prize goes to Do 240 feet into the Fraser | ! i Heing, All Varisties EW. . Greon. rs. Ged | 3 3 GLAZED DONUTS hoofs BG BABY Rog. § tine Mo--BAVE 5s pre EE i FOODS ow INE are Su Prize Winners Asi 0 Jans Parks Reg. loaf 10c-BAVE be Fortine 9. PICKERING BEACH bres Civimgston, | Evin macket. Phe ta Girsl, age 9 years: club were we hostes @nd A : BREAD 0% Whole Wheat 2 24-01 loaves 3 3 PICKERING BEACH =| Sheryl "Ha an Wendy Barber; | s€rved a delicious lunch | hn wat mad "Coby Mate, rr VAN prcickmmm wesc | Weekend Super-Right Meats Paradise School. Winn erel Girsl aaged 810; Nancy Sey:| The skaling rink which ha las follows; Ladies' High Mrs |mour, MaryAnne Finnegan; been erected this year, apd FEATURING CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED OR BLUE BRAND Fresh Fruits & Vegetables 10, Redmond; Ladies' Low, Mrs Boys aged B + 10; Terry Elliott,| Which the Ladies' Club has been| Osborne Men's High, John a | 8 w, HK. Heid; [John Corbet; Girls, 11 and wp: | Working so hard to pay for has| dy TA gM Redmond. [Christine Tomlinson, Mary Gim-| caused considerable comment NO. I GRADE TABLE STox + On Saturday, Feb, 13, a skat-|let, Nancy Harvey; Boys, und much pleasure, The follow Ing carnival was held at the feeldnd up: Larry Webb ing is by Miss Meeker who rink. Many children turned out! A haby she was held on!teaches kindergarten and Grade| pi NA Hn bright costumes and the fol Thursday al the school in honor'l se | SHOULDER ROAST . 45 wm 3Qe wa] 50 TELEVISION JL. Jff|| nso ORANGES -~-79- i ~ | ||| SHORT or CROSS RIB ROAST +49: | APPLES "Gib/itduwd™ shutom 39c / 257 | | PRIME RIB ROAST sonar +69 | co Sin ™ RHUBARS,, tout 196 =H Freshly Washed and Trimme 2b colle bag 29: Algo Smet whale BROCCOLI Large Original Buneh, No, | Grade wh 29¢ SIDE BACON fh pk 59 CELERY STALKS Florida Pasenl xtra Largs 229: 1 Grade All Sets Reconditioned All]. LEHR | | BACK BACON "= wsu59 | GREEN PEPPERS 'it Midori 3.28. ! ner Right How " Sunshi MUSHROOMS Ontarie Grown, Ne. | Grade, White r49 1 year warranty on all new JM | || SAUSAGE PATTIES B3¢ | TRE DATES | "oinmiiome wm picture tubes, 30 days parts i | GROUND CHUCK 'm%wwee +59 COOKING | D ATES one Mot Gdn oid... De and Service Warranty, I: wd Fora-Gralitre W/cea ¥ | | PORK LIVER »35¢ i " Small Link, Pure J |--21" GROSLEY TABLE TV & STAND 4 AA 50 ||| PORK 'SAUSAGES +49: Extra Special! " Poe Wid Ta ah He8AVE 11 New Picture Tube Smoked, Pisnie Style, Bhankless y A&P STRAWBERRIES : || pork "skiouipers + 47¢ | BOKAR COFFEE /% : 3:41.00 | 4 kod and Breaded : New Picture Tube hil 49.50 SCALLOPS SQ 1 Muh | Jobe Fed SHOWED PERS {--21" ROA VICTOR CONSOLE TV 1 69.50 | [ SOLE PORTioNs 55 | 6311.85 | Ap lL New Picture Tube Sea Beald, Fish and Chip feg. 4ie~BAVE &e JAVE 4 a SAVE 10¢ 1 k HADDOCK DINNER mad: | *AV'%_ 61.00 Canned Food. Sale! More Savings al AGP Special Blond pkg BBe-BAVE 10s Ghelee Quality Reg. # ting 37e-BAVE Ts A&P TEA BAGS phe ol 88 17" Use | ALP TOMATOES 3 20-0z ting a9 abisee og: pk SPECIALS Fone? Yied JV Table . | "CASE OF 24 TINS ag SAVE Ake , CEREAL ORBITS ad AT EE Nucoa Blus Package Reg. 2 Ibs 83e--8AVE 17s Admiral, Motarele, RCA, 69. 95 AGP Ghoies ow yy tim Me--SAVE n. Marconi, MA +b pk 10 day warranty K a ( . GREEN BEANS 4 00 tins 59 MARGARINE 4 phos 89 A CABE OF 34 TING $334 -- SAVE TOOTH PASTE glant stze tube @ Qe ® BUDGET TERMS © 5 ; Wisk eet Bg ke Kraft Plain Reg. Ih 81o-8AVE Be CASE OF 2 TINS wh w= SAVE Me 1. 29 Tone . 0d, ne, [ee N Aine Me--BAVE de LL) VELVEETA CHEESE holy 39 TV Completely reconditioned I-21" GE. ULTRA VISION CONSOLE 4 47.50 | 10.00 DOWN -- 2,50 WEEKLY | i NEW BUDGET ACCOUNTS WELCOME - We Do Our Own Financing PRICE A MARGARINE 2 1b pkgs $5¢ AAP Reg Price 1.43 * TOTAL 39 TEE SUOAT ATLANTIC § PACT THA GONMMY TYR. ob B. F G 0 dz h | | ; SI ov fro SAVING AP Sv per Ma rkets MA Jour 2 28-02 tins 3%¢ 0 ri C Yukon Club (Contents Only) Reg. 2 Mis Se---SAVE Se Bk Nts la mater te 88 KING WEST RA 5-4543 3 | GINGER-ALE Jou Qe Atwater glgol drole DESSERT PEARS 2:00im33¢ toon puke . pkg of 6 3% OABE OF 24 TING $4.20 -- BAVE 48 HOT CROSS BUNS Good Lueck