Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Feb 1961, p. 7

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" ¢ Hom sid IT'S FUN TO HA Happy young son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pope, Cochrane street, Whithy, is Brian Albert wha Is celebrating his second birthday today. Brian is the 1 VE A BIRTHDAY" { grandson of Mr. and Mrs | Ernest Pope, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wood row, Whithy . Photo by Ireland 'Wing 420 BCAFA Valentine Dance | a mess hall of Bing mw! AFA wae (he geene of # £9Y Ynlentine Asner last Satwiey WRER OVEY SEVER Y IREMIETS. and friends Aanced tn record I dstshe sani of # Taome : font Aonces were wow by Ronaid Brawn Donald Conrtice Whithresd and Mr Wr. md Mr. ond Mrs, Gen, dd een ARmcing ond Mrs, Gordon Mr. snd Mis R he og pi IR ) i' ne (] » Mr.» Mrs, Charies Bolton, Mr. md Mrs. Nelson Johnston, Miss (ign Blaskn, Wiss Anne Bian Mr. Fred Feeney Mr. 2nd Mrs B. Vitwin, Mr. snd Mrs. BR. Me i nd Mrs. George end Mr. snd Mrs. W.. Waris, Catharines. Myr. snd Mrs A B Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Dongid Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Havwerd Murdoch. Dr. ond Mrs. W. T Warren, Mr. snd Mrs, Perey Jackson Mr. snd Mrs. Kenneth ¥orves Mr, and Mrs, Bay Melntyre Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Varrell Mr. and Mrs. 1. MeMulien, My and Mrs. Donald Comrtier, My end Mrs. KW, Wilson Mr, and Mrs, W. K. Beamish Mr, and Mrs. Rongld Brown Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ramshaw Mr, and Mrs. Witham PBallan Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Paterson Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Reddock Mr. snd Mrs. Benjamin Vield Mr. snd Mrs. Witham Cox, My end Mrs. Witham Brownell Mr, Wnox Hawkshaw, Miss Jovee Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Robson, Mr, and Mrs Robert Reid Frances E, Willard were: Mr © ; PERSONALS Set Fine Example Revered Today Square and round dancing 10! inald Norris, had decorated the (he { In 17 #lmost world In SVRLY rOuNtYY on February the music of Bill Askew and his hall in red, suggestive of Valen: women pay tribule 10 the mem orchestra provided an evening Club of the Oshawa Public Util ities Commission. The social event was held at the Avalon Dance Pavilion on Saturday and during the evening a numher of spot prizes were awarded, My William Duffy headed the com ani get-together A Valentine dinner al Sandal wood on Monday hrought 1a gether 37 natives of New Bruns wick wha are now residing nm visiting in the Oshawa area. A tasty chicken dinner and an en inyable evening of games and song predicated the hope that this would be an annual evenl ani He n . . Fidon Nelson and My Nelson Snr, all of Moncton, My and Mrs. Myles Harrington, Mr dames Harrington, all of Glass ville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nel | son, Mrs. Harold Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Avery, all of Finiper; Miss Mary Henderson, going of guests and your own Somerset Whitneyville; Mr. and Mrs, Reid holiday plans are always of in: cored Campbell, Saint John; Mr, and nd dle, Hortop avenue, LB. A daughters, Miss Wilma Rundle and tine Day. The gift table of red earmnations Mrs. RB. B. Reed, and in a draw it went to Mrs. William Joyce Mrs, Norman Legge held lucky. cup, Mr. Jack cEPre to all whe had combined March 11 next club get one. Saturday date of the (gether Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schick and family, Toronia, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. D Ferguson, Division sireel Sunday visitors al the home of their father, Mr. Krnest Run were his Mrs, Stewart Bartlett (Doris), Mr, Bartlett and grandchildren, Grant, Margot and Ross Teas, birthdays, parties, wed ding anniversaries, coming and terest in this eolumn, Write Wak ory of » Frances F of good fun far the Employees' centered with an arrangement donated hy the Anderson ssed the thanks of the club in mittee responsible for the pleas: make the evening an enjoyable is the Willard founder of the Women Christian Temperance Union Known as "America's Peerless Woman" Frances Willard was of Puritan descent, horn in Churchville, New York. in 1558 when slavery was eammon When a little girl, Frances signed the (nfl al ahstinence pledge in the family Bihle where her parents had already signed. A serious, intellectual young woman, Miss Willard WAS A pioneer in education of women. In due course she he came # successful teacher and dean of the Women's College in Northwestern University Returning from a tour of Fu rope, Miss Willard found that a fireat temperance crusade had| egun in Ohin state , She he. came president of the Chicago WOTU. The temperance move ment spread and in 1874 the na: tional union of the United Slates WAS organized With the help of Lady Henry Miss Willard sur the starving Armenian refugees in France and with the |) | Mrs, Franklin Mooney, Mr, and|iglephone or visit the social de: support of the WOTU brought Mrs. John Merrithew and fam-| ily, Mr, and Mrs. A. Richards, | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richards, | Miss Dolly Hicks, Miss Renal Brooke, Miss Joan Cook, all of| Plaster Rock; Mr, and Mrs Paul Caldwell, Lakeville, Mg Jahor Lavole, Edmunston; Mr.| and Mrs. Walter Bewell, Miss Pauline Sewell, Woodstock; Mr, and Mrs. Hollis Estabrook, Miss| Diane Estabronk, Mr, Donald Wry, Backyille I'he ninth get-together of wa Lawn Bowling was the recy Children's Arega court whist wer prizes went to .Mxs, J, H Me Diarmid, Mr. Jerry Oalway, Mrs. George Constable, My. Wil liam Hamilton, Mrs. FHdgar Bradley, Mr. Hert Tunnielife, Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Mr Alfred Metealle, Mrs. Dorothy Bentley and Mr, Gordon MeMil lan. The social committee com: prising Mr. and Mrs. Jack An derson, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mann, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Me Gregor and Mr, and Mrs, Reg Fuehre and | played and the partment with your iep of news for which there Is no chgrge, Telephone RA 3.3474, EYE THERMOS ST, THOMAS, Ont, (CP) A special eye thermos, designed to ernment issued hold two human eyes for 72 hours, has heen presented to Si Thamas- Elgin General Hospital hy the Pert Stantey Lions Club, in Evanston The thermos was used last No vamber in Clinton, aboul tion hall at theimiles north of here hh hundreds to the United States Today a white marble statue of Miss Willard stands in Stal (wary Hall in Washington, D.( {and a hronze hust and tablet in the Hall of Fame in New York City, In 1040 the USK. gov no series of stamps of American educators {amongst which was a pieture of Miss Willard Her last home, Rest Collage Hhnais, is now a Hemperanee shrine Fhe last WOT eanvention al BEAUTIFUL T SN 40 King ERA 5.0151 | THOUSANDS oF OF FIRST QUA DRAPERY FA at the lowest prices in of the season's smar and patiems in 45° to Reg, to 3.98 yard, tion of recreation rool have a beautiful Rec ment Emuniiralion Ev THE * HARLEIGH (OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CE When YOU Visit "BEAU VALLEY" | ...don't miss Highly interesting and practical demonstra vou how easily and economically you can SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF VERY LATEST AND FLOOR COVERINGS, m building, Using the very latest materials, our experts can show | Room in your base enings 7 te ® pm FINEST SUPPLIES LIMITED) NTRE PHONE RA 5.3012 99¢ to 2, PER YARD a plain ar figured a TY par pa Single width, pair saven tft back Pal Boubls width, pal seven 80 tek, Pav Teipls width, pair saver 1H tsk, Pair BOTH M4" 5 917 FINN IN THA BFFER) A REPEAT or A CANADIAN MADE BEDSPREA 1 new patie 0] Sinale o min Double bed FOR 10 9.90 valums 5.99 eac thay two Reson n! girls had heen {Elm street step that led to the opening of fast FEBRUARY SALE FEATURE HUNDREDS OF PAIRS OF LINED, READY.TO.-HANG DRAPERIES JANUARY SELL.OUY ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OF and make a matching pair af drape) § NUPSE Auxiliary | . National mon Pte Simane Hall. Tiirtesn menwbers Jo Mdwinckle, Women's Edvior Wiel BA 33474 'he regwins mesting wie held The minutes were rend 15. "Thomas (Cornent read the ALBERT STREET WAND § fc sooctation wae eid onlin Muinde Ly Council was the speaker at Al inspector (or ihe sien, was Ihe oresident of Local No. #% of on Founder's Wight and ex (eacher wn the cid terest tn the Auxiliary. He also fi the paresis as well #5 the reading md wiged prrents to Norion, vice « president, Mrs sonth, Home snd School (lube hooks their Smagination will be wer, Mrs. Veron Claus; sick by Dr. Graham Bell, in the by Mrs, G, W, Fisher and Mrs Mrs. Thomas Corneal and Mrs f y i Ontane in 1918 in Toronin and kiand Mis. Lawrence Clark, aii f § ( f 5, Hows ad tion in 192), Oshawa has now 7 Hove Akin ae speaker, It was Cornenl, Mrs, Howard Re aad an Norman Gower of the Mis. Joy Noble's room won second Tuesday of each Month nm freshments were served by the Hiary n the ey called the "Henry mother, as convene SUrEr's report was given hy Mrs esting rooms and collections g 8 J Fe tend the execitive hoard meet Mr. John May played three King Street United Church Wo Perry sik quart baskets and leave #f ed. at the business meeting, The lesson and 100k Faward ¥leiler Wright announced the Home ent der sang two solos, "The OW tract on the life of Lord Baden York Hotel, Toronto, April 54 hy Mrs, Clarence Sool The father and son hanguel 3 al B pm and (he treasurer; Mrs, Her HEATHER GROUP Vehruary 22 ot 8 p.m ters of thanks from the sick and'8t. Andrew's United Church MAXWELL WEIGHTS H AND § Mrs, Perry announced the north, Mrs, Matthew Leyden tended hy Miss Willard was the Day of Prayer in Simcoe Sireef|#d for the near future and the was entertained hy Mr. and letter of greetings to King Street March 17 Mrs, Lewis Rich | a generous donation to Willard ardson who wa Is Richithe hostess assisted by Mrs | ters, A dormitory for working served hy the Friendship Gvoup [and Miss Helen Yale, , ting for April will he held The regular meeting of the mediing a } Duchess of Connaught, wife of ity Anglican Chureh with the PMA CILB 11, 1011, In 1017 a new addition" The minutes were read and it Club, opened with the president, Thanksgiving was held to mark|and Cubs The roll was read hy Mrs. | R roliment of WR0h was shown, |e pet. "ete welcomed into| ley Harrison, the secrelary's re: 25 years of age who come as| VO" by Mrs, William Boynton {William Reed al a nominal fee and perpetu:| 10th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary William Collins whe alse sang re & fe & | First Anniversary : The |adies bwxitiary of | oral service. Kmployess held its figs FRITRISRIY DAILY reastly . and one guest were present for # pot lick swpper afier wineh A -------------------------------------- " re WHI Mrs, John Mel acion pre THE OWAWA TIMES, Wedneriey, Februory 15, 1961 J Hk GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES #: rion: cosiel sa s " / / LERRGHIET § TROT] The gest of the evening was Mrs, Kart Boy, viee-oresident the school recently dent of thk-Sationsl Union of of Oshawn Home wed Shook Mr, T. Ti, Houghton, schoo Pustic Service Employees and bert Street Home and School speaker, He Giscnssed ways in SUPSE., whe spoke on per cap Association. Mrs, Hoy spoke which the parent may assist the ita (ax and other ems of Wn olained the functioning of the earn 19 read. He outlined 8: installed the new officers as fol aesocintions and how they bene: ferent methods of teaching lows: President, Mrs, Harry ohildren, their mim heing the rend 16 their children. By sur Leonard Crawiond, secretary promotion of the children in rounding the child with swiahie Mrs, Clarence Bowman, (Fens as they were referred in the stimiiated £ompiliien wv Howes Reg years gone Wy, was first started Mr, Houghton was introduced mw. Fa #. Secs ert i. ways Maritime Provinces, Mis, A. C. Witham Woodcock thanked him Rother lsd TP ot Curtis orgamzed the first ope 0 1 was announced thet o Oshawa Mrs. B. 5 Wek augh 5am for March would be tors, Mrs, Karl Follest, Mrs VIEIRA ' ® £14 ' { in orgamred the first assocn Father's Night" with Mrs. Herbert Meier, Mrs, Rober ; also decided that & candy sple It was agreed thet the exec ASSIA IONS wold be held that night tive wowld hold & meeting the Also speaking #l the mesting 4 Mr. Colin Mainds was made an Wistoneal Society whe told Ihe prize for attendance, Re pop cl' member of the Aik briefly of the ploneer musenm mothers of the pupils In Grade House", Pictures were distri? With Mrs, Alan Bathe, grade Ven. Babert Lowis. "The Area wied, showing the many inter KING NIREEY WA William Blake Aapiayed Ind Wigat ah lo VS whe February meeting. of Mrs Jack White agreed (6 #f ¥ Ww. . a ing to he held February 23 solo guitar selections MAN'% Association wes opened Member were asked in save Mrs, Newton Wright presid by the president, Mrs. Jack the homes of Mrs. William minmes were read followed hy Mr Dougie Redpath read giakes, Mrs, Jack Tate or Mrs the financial report, Mrs, he senpture as the theme for the Being Baden-Powell month and School 42nd annual conven. evotional. Mrs, Douglas Tan Mrs, Binke read an ex to il he held at the Royal on will be held at the Roy Rugged Cross", and "Lord Let Powell and how he staried the Also Council will he held in Me Live Today', accompanied hoy scot movemen! KE, A Lovell School, February The secreiary, Mrs, Taw. Will he held February 25 ot 6,30 Albert Street will hold ils rence Allen read the minutes "erp night of cards at the school hert. Porter gave her report. The February meeting of the Refreshments were served hy Mrs, Roy Terwillegar read lel: Heather Group of the WA, of the mothers.of pupils in Grade 4 shil ins And had sent out 14!was held at the home of Mrs cards during the month H. H, Piatti, Oshawa boulevard The ' Fehruary meeting of Maxwell Heights Home and 'Feast of the Seven Tables" on! the president, presided Seplember 28 and the World A rummage sale was schedul| world convention. held in 1897 United Ghureh Vehruary 17, | Broup Is Also catering for 4 din al Allen Gardens, Toronto, She. Mys. Harry Blakely read » fier ie chureh ha f Following 8 Chinese nuction Mrs, Chester DD. Massey whose WA from the Preshytery which a interest was later manifested in the president, refreshments were served hy 8 unable to atlend| Hedley Henderson, Mrs, Frie Hall ne hat ur had sent, Refreshments were Norris, Mrs, Matthew Leyden It was decided to dispense with established on IATH BCOUT MOTHERN This was the initial AUXILIARY the March meeting and the i ! " at the home of Mrs, John Bent Willard Hall on Gerrard street 16h Scout Mothers' Auxiliary | fey 8 Due # Yond. arth Her Royal Highness the wag held recently at Holy Trin the then Governor General, president, Mrs. Fred Taylor, The vegular meeting of (hy laid the corner stone November presiding Pleasant Monday Afternoon way planned for the west side| wag reported that new flags had Mrs. Elwood Bradley Jr, pre and in April 1027 a service of heen purchased for the Scouts siding the last payment on a mortgage m . G, Collison. "The scripture "g A ing h | ! of 875,000 and 8 membership nod or a Tae plan. lesson was read hy Mrs, Btan Willard Hall 15s & home away| / port by Mrs, Duncan Nishet and from home for girls fram 18 tothe Auxiliary, Door prize was the treasurer's report hy Mrs strangers 40 work in the sity tiem REOUT MOTHERR' AUX, | Readings were given by Mrs affords comfort and vecveation| The regular meeting of the Raymond Dillahough and Mrs ates the name of Frances Wil-\was held at Cedardale Church/a soln tard, revered hy members-of-thelwith Mrs, William Blake pre:| Refreshments were served hy Mrs, Philip Bell and Mrs, Ray Wanten's: Chistian Temperance | siding Union all over the warld The minutes. were vead hy/mond Dillahough FOUNDATION GARMENTS BRASSIERES A final clearing of all aur broken YARDS LiTy BRICS ears In all FACTORY CLEARANCE WATSON'S LADIES' FINE KNIT UNDERWEAR Counter sailed garments fram eur seek and substandaids fram the mill VESTS Medium ta X08, ww" 89 _. 89 PANTIES , , , 5 to XOS8 Wh" 80 1.00 1.45 BOOMERS , . , MOF size and style ranges of such lest enloury AB" widths / rae famous makers' garments es FLEXEES GOSSARD LADY MAC -- BD & A, 50% OFF REG. PRICES WARD'S FEBRUARY SALE starts TOMORROW 31 SIMCOE §T. §, RA 5.115) FREE DELIVERY . 19 CARDIGANS PULLOVERS Canadas hest-knawn mill elearsd these discontinued styles in "Ban-Len" and ky Mahar nies anarimant of models In sizes 34 he 42 4.99 6.99 7.99 8.99 + al Budget a ota AON 14.98 20.98 44.95 IB LENGTHY NG wy 1.9% ey 14.9% YIREX" FLANNELETTE BLANKETS all known brand that hay added washing and wearing qualities wrapped ay ya CHILDREN'S COAT SETS BUNTINGS 1OMESPUN ps warmth then sach pal 0 the Vihex' labs! guaranties af satistart " or all and Wan averted Last t TO | nis V ww fit a 575 6.75 7.75 sale: 2hawing . sen Hons ale | 9 oil it i Mx 90 REG, 4.50 80 5 90 REG. 7.50 80 x 108 REG R50 tan att hildren"s Coat Sel I Bunting 50% OFF REG. PRICES PAIR \ h PAIR PAIR Adeigide nd BRAN ASAGCIRLION Ape ed wif " de Importance Of Education Theme Of Talk At H&S Meeting: The monthly mesting Wet angihin Souda 7 and § Dips National Anthem The children were thanked by | rs. Martimer Brown, pr wh Mrs. Lorne Begley, werstary 164d (he minwies and Mrs, John Richardson, treasurer, read her reper in the sheence of Mrs. 0. F, Ganley, convener for the Night of Cards, Mrs. Jom Benson gave Bn report and thanked all the members for helping 10 make i suceessint. i Mrs. Brown sanownced thet # convention of the Ontario Fed eration of the Wome and School Association was 19 he held on. April 5 and 6, in Toronts Mr, Harnid Pascoe, principal gave a report on fhe skating carnival and said the proceeds were used towards (he pwr hase of hockey snd two daren hockey sweat Mr. Darren Michael, guest speaker, was introduced hy Mr Bay Holland. Mr. Mighael is the executive secretary of the department of public affairs for the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Cagada, He chose as his topic the Responsibility of the Home and the School To wards Building Citizens, Mr Michael stressed the im portance of education and said that parents must sell the bes education possible tn their eh dren and the school must de liver, Discipline snd culture along with 1olerance and under (Sale Ends Sot. Feb. 18) Fantastic Savings WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES Include Air Step and Slater. Regular values to now 17.95, y 1.08 - 3.08 ree KING end SIMCOE 87, RA 5-461) Oshawa-Times Carrier Boy SMILING! f, Your Oshawa Times car- ali rier boy WILL keep smil« "Ing through heat, cold, wind, rain, snow or come what may . + IF YOU PAY HIM REGULARLY each week when he calls to collect, Carriers and their parents, report that the mest discouraging part of newspaper route work is the collections, Some people do not seem to realize that carriers must pay their bills en time each week and complete collections are necessary for them to meet their obligations and still make a profit, CALL BACKS TAKE MORE TIME AND TIME IS AN. IMPORTANT ELEMENT TO AN ACTIVE BOY, Won't you please have YOUR 45¢ READY when your carrier calls this weekend? Your help will be greatly appreciated by him, Published in the interests of The Oshawa Times carrier organization by the Circulation Department of The Oshawa Times, ht Oshawa Times

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