Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Feb 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Published by Conadion Mewspapers Limited, 86 King 5. E., Oshows, Ont, Page 6 Wednesdoy, Ferry 15, 1961 Some Planning Needed To Avoid Difficulties A brisk argument has been stirred wp by the suggestion of John A. Wilson, president of the Canedisn Instite of Chertered Accountants, thet Canade needs a new federal department of national planning snd development, The gctusl planning, he suggested, would he handled by & nations come mises made up non-political represens tation from lsbor, education, govern. ment, the arts, business, chirches snd industry, "It does not mesn a planned economy in that sense (of Socialism)" he said, "Governments could be judged on the basis of how well they perform relative to the plan" There are ohvious, glaring weak: nesses in the proposal, The commitise could not possibly be made up of "non political representation" I it were, some of the best minds in the country would be excluded, and the committee would quickly lapse inte mediocrity, from which little of any value to the nation could be expected, Then, the committee would have to agree on ton, its planning, if any coherent program were to he placed before the governs ment of the day, We doubt if any subs- tential measure of agreement could be reached, One has only to think of the Doctors And The apposition medical government health insurance p nas led people to believe that all doctors are ggainst all such plans, Buch, of course, is not In Saskatchewan, for example, the provineial medical associa tion did not have the unanimous sup- port of its members in its fight against the prgvincial government's health insurance proposals. More recently, Dean J, F, McCreary of the University of British Columbia's school of medicine, made 8 frank public review of health insurance problems, He predicted that the major dispute will be over the choice hetween a doctor's fee for service, as under present mass medical insurance, or a panel system as in the United Kingdom, The medical associations in North America have expresed their dislike of the panels of-patients system, and the public has ita reservations tee, as the Vancouver Bun points out; A patient generally wants to select his own doctor, and the mass. processing nature of panel medicine is distasteful, of some organized groups against the case cirent debete between economists snd bankers about the Renk of Canada snd its Governor 16 get some ides of the probable clash of opinion snd doctrine in 8 woup such ss thet proposed by Mr, Wilson, At the same time, too many of Mr, Wilson's critics sre attacking him on the ground that "buresucratic planning' is always 8 failure, One came owt with the flat statement thet "it is 8 matier of record thet bureaucrats are economis bunglers" = a sweeping generalization if there ever was one, Who sre the buresucrats? 'They nre presumably, members of the civil service, the people who carry out the orders of cabinet ministers and whe provide those ministers with ideas snd, often, programs, They may fashion policies, but they eannot act on such without getting cabinet approval of the policy, What the eritic is saying, then, is that gll cabinet ministers and senior servants which is nonsense Some people seem to have a horror of the world "planning". They refuse tq face an obvious fact of modern life; Most of our problems derive from the lack of planning end forethought & des cade, a generation or a century Bago, Plans But Dean McCreary points that the fee-for-service system also has its draw: backs: The doctor has a vested interest in the patient's illness; it gives him little incentive to practise preventive medis seni gre bunglers cine; it is more costly; operations are twice as frequent as under a panel system There is another factor, the Sun notes Two recent Canadian medical autobios graphies stress the fierce competition that patients and professional standing under Dr, H A lieutenant-governor can exist between doctors for the fees-for-service system, Bruce, Ontario former of and a distinguished surgeon, writes with brutal frankness about the cover-up of bungling and the obstacles placed in the way of brilliant young men hy their established and often less competent seniors, Dr, Best and Dr, Banting suffered in this way, Dr, A, I, Willinsky of Terente in "A Doctor's Memeirs" says: "1 hate the whele busi ness of selling our services on the open market the way we have to" Violence And Order Are newspapers too quick te justify "political erimes"? That is the sugges tion of The Canadian Register, in commenting on the Banta Maria's seizure hy a group of Portuguese rebels, The Register says: "If the Banta Maria episode is allowed to take on the glamour of a romantic adventure or daring coup of political opponents against legitimately - astabs lished government, then ne government and no people are safe, Any erime can be passed off as a protest against the established erder , . , One ean say what one wants about Salazar. and his regime, The fact remains that it does not threaten world peace, nor do we hear accounts of the endless parade of execution squads that reach wa from Cuba , , , You can't argue morality out of the question of the Santa Maria, ye Oshawa Times TL WILSON, Publisher and Gensial Manages 6 GWYN KINSEY, Bdivn Oshawa Times sambinin he en 187) ond the Union Gazette and Wonisls (established 1883), WW published daily Gundays and slatulary halidave excepted) Members ot Canadian Daily Newspapsis Publishen Asasiation, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Cireulation and the Ontaria Paving Dailies Ane sation. Tha Canadian Press a exclusively entities 9 ha we tor aplication of all wwe despatehed In the paper erediied Wa 0 ot 1a The Anecialed Prost ot Reuters, and aha the leeal news published therein. All tights of peel deipalehes are al ewived The Oshawa Time Offiess: Thomuen Building, 425 Univesity Avenue Toronta Ontaria: 840 Cathean Street, Meontteal, P.O, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Palivared by sorviers mn Oshawa, Whithy Plekaring, Bowmanville, Brookiin 1a Parry Alpes Mapha Grove, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay hl aah Punton Dunbarton, Eaniakitien, Leskard Beovanam. Burkston. Claremont ahinfbus, Gresnwasd Nima. Raglan Blaskseck anciester. Pontypasl and Neweastle, Bal aver 43¢ bok. By mail tin TER of Ontanal sutiae fa delivery orean 1200 ehawhers 1500 par Ajax Prive yione Lal gars year {Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 You can't give an aura of remotest respectability to actions that in spite of any political justification are downs right robbery, murder and mutiny" I'he Register's comment brings us back to the eternal question; What is justified in the struggle for freedom, against oppression and injustice? The story of emerging democracy in Britain is a bloody one, yet from that struggle came the "Mather of Parlias ments", the system that has bred free. dom, around the world 'and spawned the ether great demoiravies of aur time, Conditions may become so intelerable that the individual may decide that he has no recourse but te violence, The Hungarian revolt was an outburst against a eruel 'established order" that was deal to the quiet voice of sweet reason Then established often established anly placing established orders are hy vinlently re. orders. Franea iy dictator of Spain because he waged a savage civil war against the legitimate government of Spain. Does that mean that Franco's sins are forgiven him, because he won, and that he should new be honored and obeved? Certainly he will not change his ways because people ask him to, The leaders af the Santa Maria seizure tried the reason again, able way of protest, through the vote and public eritigism, and all it eamed them was a spell in Salazar's prison AVstem, Bible Thought It ye will abey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ve shall be a peculiar treasure upte people Exodus 19:5, God never said: "Keep the command ments and be saved" Thelscammands. mants me above all were given tn hing us untae Christ that we might be saved by faith, THE JUGGLER REPORT FROM UK, Children Bigger And Healthier Too By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Fng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times HAINDON The present gen eration of children in the Brit ish Isles is reported to he taller heavier and more robust than #ny previous generation the country has ever known. Ai eording to the findings produced in & report issued hy Sir John Charles, the chief medical of ficer of the Ministry of Educa tion, who is now reliring, this is largely due to the affluent so INSIDE YOU ciely which prevails in the Uniled Kingdom From this affluent society has sprung something new for Brit ish medical reports the af fluent haby. Bir John declares that today "more oberg than undegnourished children are bes ng reported' BETTER BTYANDARDS Sir John's report shows how changing ving standards are bringing hetter health to all Causes Of High Blood Pressure By BURTON WH, VERN, M.D 18 YOUR high blood pressure 8 hig mistake? Or do you have high blend pressure without knowing it? What is high blood pressure anyway? The heart forces biood through your sytem under pressure Witheut this pressure ne blood would flaw This blood pressure is meas ured against the height of a eolumn of mercury. The higher the ealumn, theanore It weighs The more It weighs, the harder it pushes on a seale Sometimes tiny arteries all aver the hody tighten inte spasm. The heart has tn pump harder to push hlood through this added resistance, The hlnod Pressure FIsek You may still feel because this ehange cause trouble for a time VARIOUS CAUSES An overactive thyroid ean shift your hody inte high gear and raise your hinad pressure Certain adrenal gland turmors skyrocket your blond pressure and let it pummel back down, again and again, Many kinds of kidney trouble ean send your hinnd pressure searing Any eandition which: makes the heart heat harder oar tiny arteries tighten inereases your blood pressure. Many of these ean he cured Slowing the thyroid, vemav ing the adrenal tumor and eur ng the kidney pushes the hind pressure hack down Nervous tension can tighten little arteries and cause high hlond pressure. Worrying ahout vour blond pressure can raise iw! FRIGATENED Four doctors tald Charlie he had high hiead pressure. None of the four vealized that the hood pressure apparatus fright ened Charlie half ta death Draft hoards aren't fonled so easily. 1. your hlood pressure seams high, draft board doctors make vou vest awhile hefore measuring it again. Bul where PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM Legeant comsiats af tales af the distant past, which have heen handed down hy hearsay through a number af genera tans, each of which makes dis tarting changes in them doesn't long The earliest and wost un reliable harbinger of spring cames through the mails. Rafer ence 1s made to the seed oat alogue "The Australian sea horse | mvisihle when in the midst of sawed Science nate Oh well, the Australian sea horse n't much to look at anyway, chipper can vou vest quietly in a busy doctor's office? RELIEVE TENSION Even i your blood pressure is in orbit, erasing your (ens sion will lower It somewhat That's why tranquilizers and other nerve-snathing medicines help. Calm music may be the perfect pill Getting your troubles off your rhest relieves & greal pressure, Other medicines and even oper alions ean paralyee these nerves which tighten Jittle ans feries Working under pressure is had enough, Why work under high hited pressure, tno? QUEEN'S PARK For instance, he says: "The differences in physique hetween ehildren from welldo-do aress and those from poorer RVeRs have continued io lessen,' In his report, which extends to 281 pages, Bir John empha: sizes that both exceptionally af: fluent and hungry habies are very small in number, The key point, however, is thal the once commen problem, of underfeed- ing has now heen overtaken hy the minor, hut growing, problem of overfeeding SHADOWS 1IFTED The shadows of traditions! child sickness have now heen lifted from most homes, Sir John says. Then he goes on to gay But there are new, ominous problems now fn he overcome More children hetween the ages of five and 1h are dving each year from accidents." One of the ehilling features of the report is its statement that plier accidents, the chief cause of death among children of this AEE group Is cancer, And every year now, mare than 400 chil: dren die of leukaemia CHILD SMOKERS Sir John Charles section of his report in the problem of smoking Bmong children. He says "Inquiries have shown that some secondary school ehildren habitually fill the add corners of the sailchels with packels of cigarettes, A survey among 3600 hoys and girls in two grammar schools and four secondary modern schools, disclosed that one in every 17 is a regular smoker, "Regular was defined as a child who smoked five or more cigareties in- 8 week, Among 1h-yearold secondary modern schanlgirls, one in every 20 was a 'regular', and one: third of all confirmed 14 to 18 year old smokers were going through a total of 20 cigareties a week devoled a Area Presentation Sets Good Example By DON O'HEARN TORONTO The Northwest ern Ontario Chambers of Com merea wera here on their "an nual visit This time 47 praminent men from all aver the area from the Lakehead west took two days off to fly down to hack up thaie annual brief to the cabinet As has heen noted hefore, this type of area presentation 1s unique and might well form a pattern for other areas Hach section of the provinee has problems unusual to of and a good way of getting recogni tion of these problems 1s in come here in a large hody and talk them aver with the eahinet Narthwestern Ontavio has not gained some of the things it has heen lonking for partioularly lower Hydro rates for mining and industry---but 11 alse has gained a great deal And many of the roads and public works projects it now eniays probably would not be there if the chambers' delega tions had not forcefully made the government aware need SEAWAY AGAIN nee again, 11 appears, the government 1s getting wm trouble aga through the expropriation practices of Optaria Hydra When the Seaway pawer proj ect was stavied, you will recall Hydra had the people in Sea way valley raging mad "Eventually the government had ta step in and tell the Cam mission thal 1 was a public holy and to start aching like ane Naw the same story seems to be getting a rerun In Hawkes hry HIDING PRICE? Hydro has to expropriate 180 of their properties in this Eastern Om tario town for Quebee Hydra under the Ottawa River agrees ments And, once again, the local peaple are complaining bitterly, Hydro, they say, is using hard faction to get good "deals: It Is telling people not to let their neighbors know what they have heen promised for their propers Hes, 1s not registering purchases 80 that a going rate woh't he established, and 1s not submits ting offers far long periods after notices of expropriation have heen delivered SOME TRUTH This 1s the situation as pres sented to the House by a Libs eral, Ray Edwards of Hamilton, He naturally was nol non political in Ws motives And In any expropriation there will always be gripers Natements that are made have to he taken with certain reservation However an Hydm's vecord one has tn credit at least some truth ta them Commission officials are in clined to look on themselves as hard businessmen---and with the power of a publiely-awned utils iy behind them one can he very hard indeed. They don't realize they are servants of the publie, and that the public would not want them 1a take the attitude they do The commission itself will say it can't squander money, And of course it can't But nevertheless there can hardly be a citiaen of Ontatia who wouldn't wan' At to aver balance money with humanity, By Ratepayers A small growp of wieresied raiepryers have been Retively over the pasl thiee , 8 L7Ing 19 orgie # Bateppyers Associstion." Due 19 sn welorinnaie set of Cirewm stances, very Bite piiicny hae heen given In these efforts ever, thelr perseverance hes netieved Himited success, Rad RB sleering rommitiee oF ganiied pi the owieet Was work. 4 Siligently in aiiending meet. ngs and OMARInIng TEER tional information, se thet » minimum of time and confusion would he encoumtered in finaly ing the organizations) pane Despite the suming block of Npservice paid the orgamy ing efforts, & hard core of sn were workers has persevered nd is now in the process of completing what. is believed 19 he Bn meceplable constitution end hylew which will he pre sented pt 8 membership meet ng. 19 be held in the very near future Members of the steering rom mittee, who are nol prominent people in the community, Rre representative &f the various subdivisions and older areas of the oily, and cover practically the whole city. Some of them wre leaders of Aelegations whe have had, or sre having. prob lems relative to zoning and serv: ices in relation to' planning, borrd of works, education, els They are keenly interested in the progress and planning of the community, and within their capReny ean provide a yilal connketion between the various bodies of city government and the taxpayers who must have the bills With the tremendous increase of industrial metivity, the em: BY-GONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO The medical staff of the Osh awa General Hospital held is annual meeting electing to of fice, Dr, C, W. Carr, president; Pr. W, Millman, vice-president and Dr. BR, W, Graham, secre: tary treasurer Oshawa Ratepayers' Associa tion passed a resolution asking for construction of a new route tn. the harbor, parallel to Sim: coe street Greenwood flour mill, one of the old landmarks of Ontario County, operating for over 9h years, was completely destroyed hy fire A skating carnival was staged hy skaters of the Granite Club, Toronto, at the Oshawa Arena North Oshawa Young People's League held 8 reorganization meeting, appointing Mrs, Ever ell Piee as president; Gladys Prevost, secretary, and Olive Taylor, treasurer, A. G, Pariridge was named president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co,, replacing H, C, Carlisle, who was with the com pany for 26 years, Bewart R. Alger was chosen president of the Ontario Fede ation of Anglers at its eighth annual convention The eighth anniversary of Cals vary Baptist Chureh was mark ed hy special services and large congregations, Rev, W. A, Nis het, Toronto, and former. minis. ter of the church, occupied the pulpit The debating team of Ronald Nicholson and W. Jackson rep resenting Holy Trinity Anglican Young People's Association, de feated 81. Andrew's Young Peo ple's debating team of H. Say well and J, Young to retain pos session of (he trophy offered for inter-chureh Sompetition The subject for discussion was "Resolved that the newspaper exerts a greater Influence in directing the political life of a nation than statesmen', Kirker: Hakimian, youth who had been giving tin. {arin vesidents a theill 'in his exhibitions of sub gern foe wa ter baths, drifted into Oshawa to put on & polar hear show in the superb waters of Lake Ontario, The Victorian Order of Nurses at Whithy held its 31st annual meeling with president, Mrs Joseph King, presiding with Nurse Elizdbeth Patterson pre senting her reports Armen. haste mm improved ah bitmiaing of, 4. vi o yr EEC, being for a bwresncratic pititude on the part of rity council and Hs Bie yee, siderution tiom Ie with the end In View of providing Breet contac tween the grass roots and the ehh represents. ernment, that this growp 18 concerned with. To present ey onal with the views wishes of the people, 50 that he planning wd development of the city ean continge mm # more considerate and harmonious Jevel than seems 19 exist at the present time Hoping this will explain adequate Tashion, thet is ot a gneving fasidinding body thal we sre organizing but one that desires 10 engender & sink of eonperativeness and under standing between the Vanous hoards and commissions. of the oily and the people, whose hest interests they have pledged themselves 10 represent This reiterates the sentiments expressed wn a letter to The Times and printed in small part in the issues Apted Dec, 13, 1960, and Dec, 9, 1960 Thanking you in advance, for ANY SpRce you may wish to de: vote (0 this letter, and for any assistance you may wish 10 pro- vide in the way of publicity for 8 little known group trying io promote Bn Increase mo ewe consciousness in the city DMYTRO (PETER) CHRYK Oshawa COOL, CRISP AIR Dear Sir When The Times Jan. M edi: tion arrived containing the in: terviews shout the cold weather ("it 15 better than living In Florida with the same one high temperature, this cool erisp air Is invigorating') we got & real chuckle as the old north wind was really cooling things off here I am enclosing the Daylons Beach News-dournal weather bulletins for Feb. 4, which speaks for itself (Editor's note; the News: Journal weather forecast was "partly &londy through teday and tomorrow with northerly winds 10 to 16 mph today, high he, low #7.) FRED W. STORM Daylona Beach (summer address, Whithy), CORT OF DEFICIT Dear Sir The president of a trust com: pany told his firm's annual meeting that he hopes personal income taxes will be cut to stimulate savings, and hence stimulate productive en: terprise and bring about a less: ening of reliance on eapital from outside Canada, That would -mean a deficit and an addition to the national debt te offset the tax outs, Bince many of those henefiting would not ne vest in honds there 1s hound tn he upward pressure on interest rates, Of eanrse the money sup ply eould then he inereased hut that is a questionable expedient Interest on the honds is Ines: capable Once upon a time there was a government which had a cou ple of hudget deficits totalling §1,200,000,000, This actually ve: sulted from under « taxation Comes the time for the annual frek to the seat of government for tax concessions and the Oshawa In} SH i ? 3 hl 3s : 3 is tie £3 EF RE i et E ! Firstly § want # thet | by ne mesns cord with whist " monster mind" have hope ine The minor the ety of € rn loose 12 therelore owners thet by ety rn intions The Oshawa dogs were 10 he under control for 8 period of three months owt of 12, Yel in Whithy dogs are to be under control for the entire yesr There are some og owners whe slate thet kee their tied will make vielous, but do they ever think of walk: ing thelr dogs during n periods, rather than # dogs 16 run loose 18 harass neighbors and Asmage land: scaped property? During the regulation period in 1960, & cocker spaniel bit » three-year-old hoy when he went (0 pet him, A fouryesr: old girl was bitten by an Ass. tian and there was fear for # period of time thet she might lose her eye, Local police were informed of the and the city pound was notified and the dog was taken into custody, Vew days later the dog was re: leased to the owner for 8 nomi nal fee, This dog was runnin, Inose the following week, [i seems that some owners show little concern n their dngs are still loose after such examples showing undisputahle proof that their dogs have bitten children, There is nothing dearer in children than their dog, I have seen their pets abused during regulation periods simply be: cause parents can't be bother: ea, Each year 1 am 8 hy an oy, anlalon, " revention ¥ ' 0 clots Konaic tor Thue' ovine aztion looks after animals such as dogs, cats, horses, ete, Ii would he a» great service (o the community if thelr organiza: tion and others such as the Oshawa Obedience Society could have the opportunity to enlight- en owners on how to care for their pets properly, The Oshawa Dog Control Dept, Is doing 8 very commen« dable job, Besides working around the clock during sum: mer months they take abuse from so-called reputable itis gens for trying to do their job properly, v'Pepper 1s dead, The Ade: laide-Stevenson monster has struck', Let us hope that he or she 1s eaught, Citizens should have heen enlightened by your Feb, §, '61 article as to the danger their children may he in, 1f worms taken out of ely parks concern certain eity Va thers so gravely and merit in: vestigation, then incidents such as strychnine poisoning should he given much consideration, Are our eity regulations eon: cerning dogs striet enough? Re. member 1) dog WORh hav glen dog worth looking after, INTERESTED CITIZEN Oshawa Missionary Book Stare, Alte Musis Shep, LT.COL RB SMITH President 3 ANNUAL MEETING THE SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERS INSURANCE CO. WILL BE HELD IN THE Head Office, Columbus on Mon. Feb. 20, 1961 To receive and dispose of the Financial Statement for the year 1980, the election of four Directors and Auditers and any other business may be brought hefore the meeting in the interest of the Company vb, CONCERT OSHAWA SYMPHONY OROHESTRA GUEST ARTIST--JAMES MAYHEW CONDUCTOR-~FRANCIS J, FRANCIS College Auditorium Saturday, February 25th, 8:00 p.m, Tickets Available --= Wilson and Lee Music Store, Henderson's THOMAS J). TEMPLE, Secretary, a a

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