Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Feb 1961, p. 4

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et-- LGR OH ABR 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesiey, Vebraory 15, WO w Peaim reading "Living B ELLIovY & BRAAGNE f The United Ti was followed by # Winks Cowples Ch of Brook "A Rite of IHe" or Links Couples Chat of Brosiiin One Dey wt # Time" by Dons GIRL HOLD-UP MAN TORONTO = Carmen ¥ior- inl, 16, (right) tratled 8 hold up man two blocks in Toronte last night after he attempied to rob Gertrude Robitaille, 27, ITT ---------- (left) manager of 8 Toronis beauty parlor, Miss Fiorini followed the men 8s he left | the shop efter stiempting to Council Gets get the money with a note, Por lice prrested James Pilon, 88, on # charge of sttempied rob. } bery, (CP Wirephoto) Bylaw 332 § hostess for the February mest Education Hall as United Church, hed its Fern Bory, Lord's Prayer closed de fo wasting on Wednesday eve votional period, The GROUP on "Frayer and Worship" was The Friendship Group of Presented by Mrs, K, Acton) Woman's Association of Fook WT Les Hall snd Mrs, Chris Wn United Church, held iis Veh He. : nary meeting on Tuesday even Siuteen members responded 1 ling at the home of Mrs, Charies Boll Call with number of visits Pilkey with an atiendance of Made yg Sia and tins and | one haspita tients, group and Yor made tentative plans for "Home| : Bake Bale" 18 he held on Feb | , Russell Saunders was 2 3 - 5 pm. in the Christion! means of ne "4 he Alavi Group of raising funds, on Tuesday evening Thirteen members and four PEBMNMA Po Mac. visors responded to voll call.) Fond » ewan ag which preceded reading of min id , Bryce en 4 aymond lutes and treasurer's report Harmony, Mr, and Mrs, Hales Vientative plans were RBrrang Barker, and daughter, Na, of ed tn prepare and quill two DAWA, were Sunday fucis ht quilts as donation to Korean Re home of Lid harieh Pilkey, lief Bale, Guest of the evening, id Miss Joyee Graham, was id Borry 10 report Lorne McCoy, lduced and entertained with col. Patient at Oshawa General Hos | ored slides of trip 10 the British Piel, following surgery, Wik West Indies with interesting am Martin rushed io hospital commentary on points of Inter. following heart attack, Speedy) lest en route {recovery Is wished for hoth | Cards and calls welcomed, IFAYTHFUL, WORKERS Mrs, Martin Routley returned The Faithful Workers Group home on Wednesday following of WA met on Wednesday even: two weeks stay st Oshawa Gen ing, February 8, for is regular eval Hospital, monthly meeting st the home, Mrs, Gordon Hunter, spent of Mrs, Norman Alves, few days in Toronto visiting The leader, Mrs, Harry Me With her sister, Mrs, Edwards, Cool, called meeting to order hy PERSONALS | leaped <0 Mark = | ee 50th. Anniversary z Approved AITAX (Btaff) = Ajax Town Resolution Plan Gates of the Year', Mrs, Albert reading verses eniitled, "I he, Bob Hunter, son of Mr, and! AJAX (Staff) =~ AL the Tan. over a three year period Bs go 2% moeting of Ajax Council, slAjax' share of the outstanding | deputation from the Ajax-Pick- ering-Whithy Association for Re- tarded Children asked council to this subject, finance eommitiee send a resolution to the Provin: elal Government requesting that the education of retarded chil dren should he made the re sponsibility of the Provincial and Municipal Governments, At that time the matter was turn. ed over to the finance commit: tee for further study, At the council's Li February meeting, held on Monday, the finance committee presented the following resolution te council for approval; "Whereas the mentally retard: | ed children are entitled to edu: eational opportunities consistent with thelr needs; | "And whereas the present| methods of financing the educa | tion and the school bullding re rams for the retarded children argely out of charity 1s totally inadequate; 4 "And whereas the only fair, equitable and democratic way to provide for the education of the mentally retarded is through the tax supported school system ol the Province of Ontario; | "Therefore he It resolved that the Countib-of the Town of Ajax urge the Government of the Provinee of Ontario, through the Minister of Education, the Hon: orable J, P, Robarts, to place cost of the school |chairman, Edward Wetherall stated that the matter still re quired further study hefore | presentation of the 1961 budget, Sewer Plant Report Given | AJAX (Staff) == The Ajax Sewage Treatment Plant Is ea pable of funetioning at up to B0 per cent Its present capa- eity without overloading the sys tem, Bo reporied works eom- mittee chairman Harry Smith to the Ajax council this week Councillor Smith stated that the Gore and Blorey Company had reached this conclusion from a study of flow charts of the sewage treatment plant, The chalrman sald that he had heen advised by Gore and Storey that unless the town of Ajax expected an immediate (rapid increase in Ajax's popu: lation then an extension to the plant would The quoted price for an exten sion, aald Mr, Smith was .an estimated $226,000, the education of the mentally re: tarded under the direct and complete supervision of the De. partment of Fdueation on the same basis as all other state supported elementary schools and that schools for the mental: ly retarded be built and maim tained out of public taxes," ATTEND SCHOOL The resolution proposed by gouncillor Fdward Wetherall and seconded by eouncillor Wil: liam Robertson also stated that copies of the resolution would he sent to the Honorable J, P Rabarts, Minister of Education; T, D, Thomas MLA (Oshawa) and the Honorable WM, Dymond, Minister of Health, he resolution, the third of its kind to he presented to the Pro vinelal Gvernment, was unani: mously Approved by the council At the former council meet ing the deputation further ask: ed that council should continue supporting the seven Ajax ohil dren attending the school and in addition a capital grant was re quested in the amount of $7086 Man Is Fined Total of $104 BOWMANVILLE (Btafl) = A total of §1M In fines was pasessed to Harry Hyatt, 46, Trenton, Ont, when he appears ed in magistrate's court Tues day on four separate charges, His driver's leence was also suspended for three months, Hyatt was ploked up by the Rowmanville Town Police on Feb, 4, and charged with im. paired driving, having lauor in a place other than his resi dence, and obtaining liquor while on the prohibited lst, The fourth charge, public in __ MANCESTER MANCHESTER Mr, A Fielding is confined to bed with inflammatory rheumatism, We wish him a speedy and com: plete recovery, Myr, Hert Toombs has pur chased the Arthur Brunton home, Port Perry, and will move in the near future, At the close of service on Sunday, Rev, Mr, Braham and {the congregation were invited {to the basement where Mrs Johnston and her choir served a delicious luneh, This gesture B, was to honor some of our senior members of Manchester Chureh, namely Mr, and Mrs, J, W, Cros sler, Mrs, Stewart, Mr, W, W, Holthy, Mrs, J, Johnston and W, D, Munro, The latter two are 06 and 03 years of age, Mr, Braham thanked Mrs, Johnston and the cholr for thelr kind: Ness, Drunk Driver Gets 10 Days BOWMANVILLE (Rtafh) = Willis Goodwin, 38, of RR 3, Bowmanville, was sentenced to lloence suspended when he ap eared before Magistrate R, B, axter, Tuesday, driving while intoxicated on Highway No, 3, Feb, §, Hecause of his past driving Goodwin no choice of a fine, $10 FINE Ken Rowe, 31, of King street, In reporting to the council on the # 10 days and had his driver's Goodwin was found guilty of record, Magistrate Baxter gave Harwood Avenue | In addition the council approv: ed the second Yeading of Bylaw |No. #40 to authorize the harrow: (Ing of the $24,500 upon dehent {ures for the construction of the {bridge, This hylaw now has to he sent| to the Ontario Municipal Board, who will have to approve the form before the council ean ap: prove the third reading | Bylaw No, 340 In part states as \follows: | "Whereas the Town of Ajax {and the Department of High (ways of the Province of Ontario have entered into an agreement for the construction of a bridge over the Canadian National Rall: |ways on Harwood Avenue and (the purchase of certain lands; | And whereas the Ontario Mu {nicipal Board granted final ap (proval on Tuesday, Veh, 7, to the construction of the bridge; And whereas the Ontario My. he URROCESSAIY- joi) Board granted final ap proval on Tuesday, Feb, 7, lo the lssuing of debentures In the amount of $24,500 for a term of 20 years to pay for the Town of Alax's share of the cost of the construction of the hridge; Upon approval of the third reading of the final Bylaw there will he a one-month period of waiting for its validation | The total estimated cost of the {CNR bridge construction will be §87,770, In commenting following the reading of the hylaw, Mayor William Parish complimented the counell and the former coun: ells who worked for the promo: tion of the bridge construction, | "The bridge lssue has heen In the 'works' since 1088" he said |"'and we have had to go throunh three years of red tape with the Department of Highways, the Department of Transport and the Municipal Board to get the bridge constructed," "Counell should feel very proud of the work accomplished In veaching a happy solution with these departments' he said, ON DECLINE FREDERICTON (OP)=Farm: ing lan't what It used to beat least In New Brunswick, Be tween 1031 and 1086, while the province's population was in creasing by more than 146,000, number of farms dropped hy 71,000 ners of King and Ontario streets with a oar driven hy William Bates also of Bowmanville, The Wilson vehicle continued on breaking off a telephone pole and coming to a stop against the concrete steps of the Davis grocery store, ouneil on Monday approved the A hird reading of Bylaw No, 382|Presenting two interesting ar: which authorized the issuance of eles, "The best days of the a debenture in the amount of YAY" as described hy a hoy, 824,000 representing the town's/®nd "Important days of the 20 percent share of the con |Christian Year" describing theo. truction of a bridge over the early lite of Jesus, closing with! Canadian National Railways on hymn and prayer 11,000 and farm population byll' Cooper led worship Orvis, govier son of Mr. and Mrs John Havier, who left Brooklin| in December for a trip to New Zealand, and other points, are at present the guests of Dr wker formerly of Port Perry, at his home at Matamata, New Zealand, LEND:A-HAND GROUP The Lend-a-Hand Group held KITCHEN BAND, of Kin: its February meeting at the | oven Tiehekah Lodge, under the home of Mrs, Arthur J, Cooki direction of Mrs, Horvard Ark: with 14 members in attendance. | sey provided the entertainment Meeting opened with the WA at the Kinettes Club, Oshawa, theme song end prayer. Mrs. on Tuesday evening, February {Ellen Bird assisted hy Miss 7th on the oceasion of the 21st Doris Batty chose for worship birthday of the club, and past "An Abundant Life", |president's night, Some women never give 8 name, just a phone number! bile SHER p aul 19 Hasan yy 7, 20 VERE BF pel on in Mri, Gordon Hunter, and Lorry | orgoniied od 8 commitios and sored KEDRON ~~ Mr, ond EE rs, the of a Goiden An 7 uh bok emecendid ,e. ! NN or of t nd , Love have hesn fried : oH Ny i it al iff | 1 : : : and. conch Wilkiem if i ; 3 4 | them | the { 33 ¥ 3 Says Taxpayer Loaded Down AIAK (Blatt) = ing (9 the Ajax council " Monday, fifo g 4 nance commitiee chairman EA. this special nceasion, ward Weatherall stated thet the! Bouquets of flowers received commities had negotiated with by the honored , had heen Midland Securities for the sale Arranged srownd replace, of hydro debentures for 5100 000 and the remainder of the even for the extension of the sub. NE Was spent around the bright | station on the Pickering Beach IW glowing wood fire, | road and the development of When wll were reassembled, services 1n the new Southwood MF. Leland Love spoke a few Park Subdivision words to the bride and groom In addition, Councitior Weth-|0f 9 years, and eatied "Mr, erull called for ali committee 77 ra Hoskin and ur ir id and local hoards to keep their 5%, 14 ove 10 present miy 1961 hudgels as close as pos J sible to those of last Loh | A grandson, Mr, Ronald 7, "Phe taxpayer Is pretty wen| WeTTY, spoke for the next Beh | loaded down with taxes" he Craton, He mentioned the many said "and it Is wp 10 count] happy times anioyed st the and the local hoards to keep Kedron farm howe p that sinee their 1061 hudgsts low to solve Ee -- is the one thing that, our finances this year" __|increases, the more it Is given away, Grandma and Or UNVEILED WOMEN Love should have & large mea. Although the men of the Tua- sure of it, Mrs, William Skiteh reg tribe In the deserts of Al-lof Toronto presented the gift feria wear veils across thelr|from the grandehildren, Home aces, the women go unveiled, "movies, pieturedaking, visiting i ! BEAUTIFUL NEW 1967 MODELS TILDEN rent-a-car 45 KING 87, §, OWHAW) RA 5-6553 'Gig OMITTANCE! 10 PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGH ee iy hg Fis Maligy clip p FEATURED ON THE DICK CLARK 1v swow SHOWN DAILY AT oop 1430-3:25-5:30-7:138.9:40 The trouble with house parties is + you never can tell which parties will end up playing house! DEAN JAGGER . wkmiun KENNEDY . sameev JONES IN BASTMAN COLOR PLUS~~A Blonde==A Cop-=A Date in a Motel! ' Blonde Balt...In a murder trap! TICKETS NOW ON SALE RONALD FOSTER « PAT BLAIR TIRE Le) 0d TODAY! BUY TICKETS SEATS NOW! A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE 1.25 For This A I Free Lint § ded ya (RYORAN ROBERT MITGHUM woh Impatient rival! OEROM KE withe restless wife! JEAN SIMMONS «ihe "Innocent" bystander? W "THE GRASS 1S GREENER' OE AT UAETY 8 ve sor of JOVE | TECHNICOLOR = TECHNIRAMA ADULT LAST DAY "WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY" ENTERTAINMENT Bowmanville, was sentenced to; 80 days in the County Jall for! the assault of Ken Chow and EATON'S in OSHAWA meet BUDDY KNOX the popular young singing star in EATON'S RECORD BAR, LOWER LEVEL on THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16th toxication, 'arose When he ap-ithe damage to a vestaurant peared In court last Tuesday Feb, 8 owned hy Chow's on the three charges, drunk, | father | George Howard of no fixed) Op being questioned hy Mag: | abode was sentenced 10 three strate Baxter, Rowe sald that] months in fall Tuesday, Feb. 14. 1he had heen drinking chean for falling to repay the thefts of wine all that day and offered ! money stolen from his farmerina excuse other than that for employer, Garton Coach Lines. 'his behavior, | Howard, who appeared before Magistrate R, B. Baxter, Feh [DRAWS FINE $ told the court that he had| Appearing in Magistrate's no past record, He was about| court, Tuesday, Russell Wilson, to he released out af custody(19, of 3 Jane street, Rowman: | when It was learned that he had| ville, was fined $50 and costs had numerous conviotions/after being found guilty of care: | against him, less driving which resulted in an Recause of thin past record, [approximate damage of $1500, | along with his fallure to attempt, On the night in question, Sat to pay hack the money, Mow urday, Feb, 11, the Wilson car ard was refused a fine, came into collision at the con LAY "Alligator People" "3 Gates to Hell" "Blood and Steel" The noted Buddy Knox in person | Here te utes graph his records for you , , . choose from his great hit recordings here ot EATON'S, ER SEE THE BUDDY KNOX SHOW TOMORROW NIGHT AT THE REGENT THEATRE AT 7 and ® PM, BATONS LOWER LEVEL, DEPY, 340 ~

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