L 3 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedngrley, Febrwory 15, 1961 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN BIG LOCAL 222 YVOTY, IN MAY Malcolm Smith snd CHtf Pilkey sre not i6iting the Eris grow under their feet They know, as they stand in the wings and view the turimilent scone in the political world of the Cans adian UAW, thet they are due soon ta lock horns again in & titanic test of strength, one thi cold have wide repercussions (inside and out of Oshawa), The important elections for 10ne eommitieernen we due in March, but Smith and Pilkey sleo have thelr eyes sel on another important event The upcoming Mey election for the 16 top executive posts of Loert 222, UAW-CIO (the }1500-member unit thet includes GM, DuFiste, Houdsille Industries, Coulter Mig, Ontario Steel, Fabricated Metals and Hobbs Class.) is traditionally one of the mest important voles held in the city, not excluding the municipal election, EAS A oki SMITH PILKEY Smith and Pilkey are leaders of opposing factions in a bitter struggle for inter-Locsl supremacy hi de cisive win for either group could boost the leader's political stock to an unprecedented high, Pilkey slso has far higher ambitions--say, the job held by George Burt ss Canadian director of the UAW, 1069 ELECTION I8 RECALLED Pilkey desperately needs a victory for himself (in the presidential race), for his party (in the executive section), if he is to retain his positon ss "The Most Influential Critie of the UAW in Canada' (as Reporter Wilfred List has tabbed him), if he is to press his fight for more Canadian autonomy, If he is to add more fuel and tire to the "Hate<George-Burt" eampaign, of which he is one of the prime instigators Smith needs a decisive victory for himself and his executive candidates if he is to put a evimp in the up surge of Pilkey's powerful, self-styled Democratic Right Wing Group (that usually draws, strangely enough, the bull of its strength from the left and far left) Pilkey was defeated by Bmith for the presidency in 1060 by 204% votes to 4617 (after Pilkey had held the post for two years), but Pilkey won a moral vietory in that campaign in that his DRWG slate of eandidates swept seven of the top 10 executive seals As a further indication of Plikey's power behind the scenes, his supporters from the GM bargaining eommit« tee and control the Oshawa and District Labor Council (of which he is president) Pilkey has long been a thorn in the side of the In« ternational UAW, but, by the same token, Bmith has long been the greal articulate ehamplon of the Inte national in the ranks of Local 222, has effectively barred Pilkey's way ta a complete domination of the Local Pilkey is a glib, polished political performer, but Smith has a habit of coming up with a big viclery when It is maokt needed by his forces, Smith, the ff-year-old Local 223 president who fist learned his trade unions ism as a youth in the Boettish coal mines, has played a key role in the Local's political affairs almost sinee Its inception in the mid-1080's UNION DISHARMONY IS RECORDED As leader of the Unity Group and the pro-Reuther forces, Bmith usually draws the bulk of his support from the middle and right-wing factions, They usually re #peet his cool, conservative approach te controversial unlen problems, his sound administration record, and desire to eurh intersunion strife As president of the Local, with a predominant DRWG executive, Smith has operated under a heavy iandieap, He gave some indication of the extent of the ntersunion rivalry in the Canadian UAW while writing in Fehruary 2 edition of The Oshaworker, Smith paint od out that the recent District Counell meeting in St Catharines didn't secomplish much In the way ef coming yp with solutions te big problems hecause most of the time wan taken up with "politioal hassles" Wrote Smith; "Canadian Director Burt had a lengthy report In which he soundly castigated the splinter groups whe submitted hriefs to the Bladen commission in opposition tn the brief submitted on behalf of the vast majority of delegates to the counell, This eritleam did not ait well on the shoulders of the people at whom it was di« rected, and the result was that hours were spent going aver issues that have been adequately covered not once, but several times, It got so bad that several delegates stated that if we could not get something more constructs ive to discuss, we might as well dishand the Counell als together," There was also a resolution passed eondemning three newspapers published hy the Communist Party The Canadian Tribune, On«The«line and The Spark, for making "unwartanted and untrue statements against the leadership of aur union" THE QUESTION OF AUTONOMY One of the favorite war ehants of the DRWG is for "mare Canadian autonomy," but Smith believes such needs are grossly exaggerated and saya that the Interna tional UAW allows Local 282, and sister Canadian local's Yeamplete freedom" in administering their affairs, He adds that the International UAW has spent far more money here than it ever teak out, Pilkey's supporters claim that Walter Reuther, uns disputed leader of the 1,100,000-member UAW, came ta Oshawa in April of 1880 for the special purpose of doing "a hatchet Joh" an CUI in his bid for the Loeal 228 presidency, alsa tea squeleh the antisInternational feeling whipped up by some af the Oshawa members Although the fued never reached the point where wecesalon fram the International endangered, Mr, Reuths er's visit here emphasized the importance of the oveass ion, also that 4 Local 222 executive vote Is of extreme importance In distant offices of the UAW There could he a third group In the executive race this year=-one led hy William Werry-=hut, nevertheless, it will more than likely be an exeiting, free-swinging event with the result of importance to thousands of peo ple, inside and out of the Local 222 political world, HIGH VALENTINE | ly today to find this giant | Ontario | valentine nailed 12 feet up in roused | 8 tree, Preity Linda Cronk | third-year arts student from | Port Rowan, knew straight away it was for her and ehimh ed up to claim H (CF Wirepholn) Women students wt a Uni | versity of Western sorority house were hy sounds of hammering ear Federal Rail Policy Fires Commons Clash OTTAWA (CP) French: "blowing is top" and hoasting neaking MPs from opposite that the 80-mile Mattagaml line of the Commons clashed inaugurates a new natlongl pol Puesduy night aver federal rall- ley, From 1081, under the Lib wiy policie orels, Parliament had author In the centre of the tempest ized almost 700 miles nf rail ny {Aonel Chevrier, former way Liberal transport minister Martin! Asselin (1 AL Lhime debate seemed 10 voix) sald this works off track, wandering about 81 miles 8 year for the #4 idel the matter at hand years the Liberal in of a government resolution lead: fies islation to authorize! Maurice Bourget (1 Levis) to build a 60-mile, 88: and Roland English (1 neh inte Que: Gaspe) sparred with each other ouree-vich narthland aver election promises on rail times, Chalrman Flynn final an Indian hand to have Is hand funds dishursed and i {ands distributed among the In ans 3 U Stands For Yugoslavia Or Anything We {hare out to Ihe fram were in In he (NI $00. Hi hi Hine neg re U. S. Tax Concessions Cut To OTTAWA (AF) ~ Prime Min, (inter Diefenhaker's gi rament Lie moving on seviiai fronts 16 (translate Wis proLanadian pol licies inion metion. Mich of all itis affects American economic | MERIC Wak B | sweeping cancellation of mb stantial tax concessions hat find heen gramied to U8, inves fore as an Ineentive eo por dcllars into Canadian indastry The action was interpreted in some quarters me & notice thet! Canada no longer was Inter {ented tn foreign capital wt this was emphatically denied, Fi inence Minister Fleming suid was Intended merely to encoir age greater Canadian invest (ment, | The philosophy behind (he new Hed, Jrrhapy not Eneorag ling to US, capital in the long run, was explained this way hy the prime minister I "Our aim is to assure (hat (Canada's economy and destiny {shall he Canadian, To thet end Ld So (U8. share of Canada's (otal ex Ties fo per cent from WW. Tring the same period, the U5, share of Cafe, | ada's import market to' oper cent-from 75, Help Canada wgilation of U8, este prises in is no question of Washinglon anada micht predace an wlor- ryng 1a dominate Canadian tunate effect or the Canadian business ecomomy and ia growth ¢ we fowl Lhe shghtest "This is not ® IhIERL IB POY doubt, ® he said, "thet Cane sense," he said. "10 is SWI diane will continue (0 own the pointing out thist capital 16 7618 hater part of thelr own indus. tively fhmid, and goes where " ted Indeed, there is every rea: will 1 ® WRF W son (0 expect thet #s Canadian Americans hve ahowt $16, sav) grow, Canadion owner: 000,000 invested in Canada ship "anadian industry will! and actually own 27 per cent of inerense In proportion to US all Som " danley, orl ewe ehly Can i" ar Canada not only Is the bi outlet for US Inv 9 tres for 11 8, ov " 5 ahrond, surpassing ai of 1408 aise the largest phi Us! America Wy # niial MAF exports, The United States, en ; "ai turn, is Canada's best customer American capital controls PY are seeking of Canada's sale moor car Wy My on ond re Fdusiry, Restty ao i" " cent figures show » sHght it NERK A electrigal prod. fi ears | wets industry, more than hell the] TWring the lon four years the} mining industry and a third of the pulp and paper business, WIDELY SCATTERED Armstrong assures Canadians that there is nothing to worry | what, wince these Investments § RESERVATIONS AT NO EXTRA COST * HOTELS * MR TRAVEL * BOAT TRAVEL * BUS TRAVEL * CAR RENTALS * TOURS AND CRUISES Lhd i | in TICKETS DONALD Travel Service 300 DUNDAS £, WHITBY WHITBY OSHAW A-BROOKLIN the action would he taken only | after an application is made hy| reserve) (steps mre being taken 10 W- gre in the hands of private ne | erense Canadian participation dividuals ~ mostly small stock. | In the control of ( anada's econ: holders, As he pictures it, thers omy -- I The US, publication Business --- Week fond in a suvey of {American businessmen that the | Canadian action produced mare pmoyance than alarm, It was (not expected to have any great (effect on the Now of US, Invest | ments | Willis €, Armstrong, charge | d'affaires at the US embassy! in Oltawa, has gone directly fo the Canadian public wiih a de fence of the US, role In Canal dian economic life, He warned that any attempt al, extensive ») rd aie A Steer your menu course th No Pen Term For Addict TORONTO (CP)=Ritn Bear ley, 28, convicted of illegal pos.| session of narcotics uesday | asked to he sentenced to King:| j|ston penitentiary, hut received {two years less a day In reform: alory t Magistrate C. A, Thornburn refused the request and sald he had reason to helieve snuggling of heroin into Kingston peniten tiary Is heing investigated now Ann Price, 28, was also sen fenced on A charge of illegal possession for an indefinite term not (0 exceed one year KELLOGG'S ~~ 414.0F, HEINZ == SAVE 126 = 10-0Z, TIN Tomato Soup 6 ,, 60° EDRY'S wo 50 PER CARTON 10° 4 Ph, MO 8.3304 LENTEN FOOD SPECIALS sisles for ALL the matchless makin's for marvelous meet. ALLEN'S Apple, Orange 4 for $1 ---- rough SPROULE'S thrifty DRINKS an Grape 48.0, TINS i8lep eral Tac 4) in In discus ling project rasalution finally and the introduced for first reading AUTHORIZES LOANS It sutharizes the CNR ta con fruet the line get hack on the rails the hefore them give treasury suthority to advance femporary sagurities to pay for the ject he pro resolution (teward parliamentary ap {proval of a measure authorizing # rail development that will link {federation tax on ships the hase metal area of Malta gam Lake, some BH Flynn had to remind Mattagami vail The was adopled| actual legislation Was the federnl Loans up to $0 660,000 far the job and permits the CNR to issue governmont-guaranieed wih the first miles | fankaut lines hefore My interjected RAPS CHEVRIER Jean Noel Tremblay (1 Roberval) concentrated his re marks on an attack of Mr Chevrier's "antl Quebec" al titude while minister of trans port, ven after the Chibouga mau rail extension had heen ap proved, he sald, It had taker the farmer Liberal -governmen threes years (to complete the pro ject Just hefore the journment the whisked twa hills through sed ond reading, committer and third and final reading One repeals an old preCon enter HW pam, ad ling Halifax Harbor on Citadel THI The Commons slidy NR north of Ottawa, with the CNIS other removes from the Indian LONDON, Ont migrant from invented a new phahel he Bays many (CPYy==An Ir Yugoslavia simplified would have trouble with the standard version Hija Milikovie's alphabet eon pists almost entirely of U's, | that hy and putting In symhb and helow each letter i possible to form any word I'he system oould he mac faster, he save, hy using shee prided U's an whieh 1} would merely fill in tk Acoents used hand Russian predomi elaim of 1 hove of wiley mhals Iron 1 Mr, Millkovie in London snes who has bee 1064, says |b In his alphabet, whieh eould ¥ used internationally has ul help pes persons in Canada who} ik ods sly tek Ho (VARY y y 1 WINE R&R KOTies has incorporated five 1anguages| . bo FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? FASTEETH, an improved powder 49 | rinkied on upper or lower plates, oo i fl fare heeath). Cie FA a any 16] Gray soun ter f | Ie \L If e in n mn 18 | 11 | Book Maiches KRAFT DINNER PREMIUM FANCY RED yA A+ SOCKEYE SALMON + 49. Large EGGS 2 « 89: CHRISTIE'S DELICIOUS HOT CROSS BUNS Pkg. 36¢ Chihougamau, Que, line Act a provision permitting he Mr, Chevinier, who represents cabinet to exempt Indians = in Montreal Laurier, ket the stage dividually or as bhands~from {for the later elash when he sald the Indian Aet without thely ithe official opposition nhjects| consent strenuously to the government! "Under ONE EACH were 5 245.000 tralia and new amendment! males WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC OPEN CAMERA FILM -- SPECIAL PRIOES wiih ant we, von 38 1.20 2.18 a0 3.48 males In nearly the THURS, FRI, SAT, TILL 6 PM, STILL 9 PM, TILL 6 P.M, RADIO SPECIALS Westinghouse « Rogers Majestie Philips + Sanye - Groots Toshiba + RCA Vieter Matarale and many athens ALL BELOW WHOLESALE! DEALERS WELOOME! Coma in and swe really terrifie savings! Hmm Black and White ¢ Fash 10 Espasa TH 00 147, 430, 100. KORACOLOR 15mm Kodasolon 10 Exposures 1.08 19 3.40 5,28 CUPS & SAUCERS Fine China, Hach Fach fmm Farranin. Rlask and White, 40 ASA Mmm Sktachrams, 10 Exposure fmm "AY Ferrania, Goalar 35 ASA Hmm Kadashrame, 10 Fxporures Hmm Nedechrame, MW Exporurm fmm Kadashrame, Daylight ar "AY TROUBLE LIGHTS «= 30' extem san sand with double plugein meeptision SPECIAL 3.00 89 SORRY ! 2 Sorry we were sald sub of » CHAMPAGNE GLASSES (ar Gabler) 6 for 1.28 EXTRA SPECIAL ) reardered and plenty In stack BOOSTER CABLES RIG AW naw have FLASHLIGHTS §-0ll SPECIAL, each COFFE PERKS Hammered Aluminum Bach oun, 18° FLECTRICIAN'S TARE ow ar, A" hask SPECIAL, & wll Ly Qur Price CORNING WARE Largest Sob sontaine 11 pes 2.00 ea. o Rea. 41.9% SPECIAL 33.50 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 ALBERT ST. RA 8.03 BRYLCREEM Reg. 736 om Lange SPECIAL (Between Gibh and Olive) AL the beginning of 1061, there Allg 5,100,000 fe something for people whe Hike the od, }| fomarrew sand mean & wandertul appartunity a That is, It you Whe ht thingy, FURNITURE SUNBEAM ~~ PLAIN ANGEL FOOD CAKE FARM HOUSE --- 10¢ OFF FROZEN RAISIN PIES Fash 36¢ 30 FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST 39: FRESH SLICED RIB LOIN » 49° PORK CHOPS », 00° BEEF LIVER SWIFT'S EVERSWEET RINDLESS SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD -- SMALL LINK | BREAKFAST BACON, 69¢ PORK SAUSAGES , 80° TASTY BRITISH COLUMBIA Salmon TROUT -~ 69: o FRESH OYSTERS __® BARB-0 CHICKENS SAVE 4¢ == MONARCH MARGARINE 2 for 49 SAVE 27¢ = WHITE SWAN TISSUE White, Pink, Yellow, Aqua TWIN 8 89¢ PACK Rott CROCKER CAKE MIXES 3 PACKAGES $1.00 INSTANT COFFEE 20c OFF PACK 6-02, JAR 79¢ | Sunkist ORANGES coo vue § 39 We are Se ean to serve you----Small enough te appreciate you -------- SPROULE'S DS THAT QUALIFY AT PRICES THAT LUBA | Ban TE ---- ------ ---- I a