THOUGHT FOR TODAY No wonder women sre becoming frustrated--a new gadget trans. mits voices secretly and silently, Fists n Worst UNITED NATIONS (CP)~ Screaming dnd fist - swinging demonstrators rushed into the gallery and interrupled a mest ng of the United Nations Se curity Council 1oday, durng # speech by US, Ambassador Ad-' promptly pledged support tr ai Stevenson, The demonstration ~ wildest in the history of the United Na- tions = peeurred while the 1i- member council was Aehating the Congolese question and the killing of Premier Patrice Iu mumbia The demonstrators, whe #p peared to be sll or mostly Ne groes, clashed with guards, In the corridors owiside the as sembly hall men and women mixed in the wild melee Council President Sir Patrick Dean of Britain recessed the meeting while guards cleared the gallery INTERRUPT STEVENSON Stevenson was 1ssUing & ring ing call for support of the UN in defiance of Russian critkism when the violence hegan About 10 Negro men ran down the aisles of the public gallery shouting "Vive Tumba," The council chamber wa more evowded for this crucial session than al any Hime since last fall's gathering of world leaders for the 1th General As sembly of the UN The worst confusion der control within some 15 min ules "Don't shoot me onstrator shouted as hustled to an elevator WILD SCENE AT UN AR BCREAMING MOB BATTLES GUARDS Congo War Scare Sharp Rise Tension Mounts January LONDON (AP) Western live that we will prevent civil Jobless alarm mounted today as Com-|war."" --" munist support for Patrice Lu: Tunisia's government radio at: OTTAWA (CP) mumba's political heirs in The! tacked the Boviet action in the Wnemployment jumped sharply Congo raised the fearful spectre! Congo crisis as "risking crea. upward (o 693,000 at mig-Janu of a Korea-like war in the heart! tion of 8 new Korea ary, highest jobless figire for of Africa Observers in Caire predicted @ny month in the last 15 years Banner newspaper headlines heavy pressure on Sudanese the Dominion Bureau of Blatis across Western Furope showed| Premier Ibrahim Abboud to al- Hes reported foday he eoncery al the Soviet Un-|low planes carrying arms and The January unemployment on's offer of "all possible as-|other supplies from the Commu-|ligure--amounting (0 10.8 per W : sistance and support' to the Joh and the U.AR, to Stanley: cent of the lahor force Was VOICES APOLOGY i mumbist government of Antoine| ville 1a make the necessary re: 185,000 higher than the jobless], At neon, Bievenion hi iii Gizenga st Blanleyville, control-| fuelling stop in The Budan figure at mid-December his ra A With the & ismen ling mueh of the northern! Many observers in Cairo he. It was 146,000 higher than althet pd off i Organ Congo lieve the Boviet Union already vear earlier and 56,000 higher fin demonstration, To the ex Fears were expressed that the is geared for a big arms supply than the previous post-war Uhritent that Americans may have United Nations attempt to pre-|program to Stanleyville, Boviet| employment peak of 637,000, Sel heen involved, I apologize for venl ad war in The Congo| vessels recently have slipped/in March of 1968, my government to members of pe, that Russia and| unannounced through the Buez| OTTAWA (CP) = Canada's|the security Council," ir fle roid supe Canal Tending , They are unemployment picture at mid:| Soviet Premier Khrushehey Hf HA en A kh i ri hat reports Re earrying, arms! January: in thousands) and Valerian Zorin, Beviet dep: " ' { would have to hulwark the. Leo dan. Dee, Jun.| uty foreign minister have re: The London Daily Sketch 1061 196 p rk 1s poldville government of Presi- haedlined that Khrushchev has ALL CANADA 1000 1964) veteqiy wai that New York | dam Ihseph Kasavuby and Maj. Wade ihavitalle s Longo show: Lahor force Aen, Joseph Mobutu or see the down over the killing of Iu: Employed 5,708 5,002 5,656 J alors Vast territory go to the Commu: mumba, eed ho B28 that tadays demonsrator te hy default, The heightened Internationa) ATLANTIC REGION President Nasser's United concern followed a day of vio-| Labor force neh BTR B41] 0 support Arab Republic Tuesday night of-| lent anti-Belgian demonstrations] Employed 451 B09 4h) Puitians alse Mp had urged ficially recognized Gizenga's re.|In Moscow, Belgrade, Warsaw, Unemployed Bt 60 78 (he Security Council to rally ils fime as the legal government of | Pamascus, Calvo and New QUEBEC strength to turn back what he he Congo Hei, Demonstrators protesting hor force called efforts to destroy the UN . a ie Lumumba slaying attacked Employed The Congo CHOU BACKS GIZENGA Belgian embassies in thase| Unemployed OR ae rl ina Red China quickly lined up. | cities, | ONTARIO crisis atmosphere brought to an Premier Chou Fndai cabled] There were more pea efull Labor force 2,072 8,875 2.817 unusual intensity hy the slaying (Hizenga: {anti-Belgian parades in a dozen] Employed 4,170 2.083 1.1741 of Lumumba, Diplomats ac "The Chinesna people are| other capitals | Unemployed 40% 168 148 knowledged that not enly the deeply convinced that the Con-| In Brussels, Foreign Minister! PRAIRIE REGION fate of the UN Congo operation golese people will surely tupn|Plerre Wigny handed Soviel| Labor force 1,086 1,008 1,040 their grief into strength and, un:| Ambassador Bergei Afanassiev| Employed Canada's Wis un dem wis me he 6,106 6,430 HE uarters, However, it appeared tons in The Congo which the 1,708 1,805 1,748 1,644 1,622 1,538 240 183 200 Cok sir from the north vies with warmer gir from US, to eontrsl oir weather, 18 should be sodler, ARN), WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 196) Fly saying while in the hands of his ithenl enemies, Karher the said they w have Bo more dealings with the see Felary Fhe United Slates and Canada Hammarskjold Britain and laly charged the Russians with trying 19 exploit TLumumba's death to install # Soviet - subservient regime In The Cong, Indian spokesmen also called for continuance of UN opera tions in The Congo #s Hern ! the only chance 10 prevent evil! war that many feared would in yolve the major powers in an other Koreansiyle conflagra- Lion The Boviet resolution #lso charged Belgium with prime re sponsibility for Lumumhba's death and called for sanctions against the Congo's former ruler, Belgian Diplomats Roughed Up | WARSAW (Reuters)=--A yell-| ing moh of demonstrators broke into the Belgian Embassy here today and roughed up diplomats] in protest against the killing of Patrice Lumumba CAIRO (Reuters) Rioting students today sel fire (0 the! Belgian ¥Xmbassy here In pro (test against the killing of Pa trice Lumumba Smoke poured from the win {dows of the embassy building {and flames licked at the eur tains as the students tried to burn the building down, | The vioters alse stavied a small five at the reay of the American Embassy andl burned {two American-owned cars out: {side, Crowds also stoned (he (not a fit place for UN head: {roiioq "giates Information OF|RCAF Air Defence Command, | fice | | Stones alse were hurled al M7 were In favor of Tumumba fac {United Nations he a d quarters| latest military intelligence, is tand at the British Embassy, Fleming Tells U. S. Of Firm Oil Stand | CHICAGO (CP) Canada's {finance minister told American industrialists Tuesday night his {country is firmly resolved to in {erease domestic oil production but hopes {0 aveld direct eon: trols on American and other foreign imports, Finance Minister Fleming, in lan address to the. Eeonomie {Club of Chicago, alin declared {his government has "every rea son for and every intention of continuing to make foreign in: vestment in Canadian industry eral +f S. ICE TEAM IN CRASH = Jet Carries . 73 To Death i. Mrs, Maribel Vinson Owen, 48 ; inchesier, Mass, nine mes the U8, figire shating BRUSSELS (CP-AP-Reuters) ng A dag RA ng ft LL ples figur IH | skating team, perished today | champ was killed slong the flaming crash of a Babens| two 5 who were mem Airlines Boeing 07 jet, Willy: bers of the eurrent team, The four Americans and one Cana-|@irls were Laurence Owen, 16, OTTAWA (CP) Twn vital factors mre reported to have entered the government's eon sideration of whether to sequire A supersonic jet interceptor for They are 1, Russia, according to the stl -huidding jet bombers, The Novth American econ: tinent now faces a period in which its productive capacity 1s in surplus, he said, in view of the capacity of the rebuilt eco: nomies of western Hurope and Japan "The growth of new indus: trial factlities overseas on the scale we have seen was hound to create situations calling for adjustment in North America However, while these adjust: ments may take time hefore they are complete we can hoth among the dead was Vietor Maes of Vanessa, Ont, Disaster struck at 10:06 a.m, as the 85,000,000 plane, its en: ERRATIC COURRE i Villagers of Revs figured something might be wrong when the airliner sped in from dian were among the dead inland Maribel Owen, 2, Mrs, the jet a Owen last weekend had seen The Canadian figure - skating [/AUFence win 0) mer: team, which like the American ean cham lt Plladel. squad was en route 1a the world Phia over Wendy Griner of For: championships in Prague, Cre-| OMe, choslovakia, alse left New| Mrs, Owen and coach Deane York's Idlewild Airport Tuesday McMinn of Lomita, Calif, were night aboard another plane accompanying the 18 - member bound for Amsterdam (U, 8 team to Prague, Mrs, The Canadians arrived st! Owen's hushand died in 1952, © Schipol airport in Amsterdam! The team is the filth major J this morning and left an hour sports group wiped out hy plane later for Prague ierashes in n dozen years, In The one Canndinn listed cluding soccer teams of Italy, Britain and Denmark, Sixteen N members of the California Poly: 4 " OSHAWA WOMA fochme foothalt te AM wore : illed In the erackup of & 5.7 MISSED FLIGHT chartered plane last Oct, 29 7 - " Mrs, Barbara Davis, 50 |KING AT SCENE SMOKING WRECKAGE OV BELGIAN PLANE Adelaide avenue east, Osh- | King Baudouin and Queen Fa: awd, a UB. citizen, whe (hola walked grim - faced was to have been a chap. (through the still-smoking wreck: erone with the U8 figure |BEe this afternoon while rescue e ence anes skating team, was unable tg [Workers continued thelr search get away, Otherwise she [for the last three bodies, would have heen with the | The Boeing crashed in # small team on the fatal flight, pond and started burning al: urchase Problem | ii fi (Weide Times this morning, Mrs, | "There were ng survivors,' a . Davis voiced shock and ve: |five officer sald, "They have all though the number is said 10 he) cue that the members of |been burned." not large, | the team whom she had | Charred bodies were removed 2, A belief that Bessie is) known well had died in the ow f the | working en an air-to-ground mis:| erash, airport, An Injured Belgian wile which would enable homh Mrs, George Jackson, ({arm laborer, companion of the ers 10 launch nuclear warheads) mother of Oshawa skater |dead cabbage pateh tilier, was when sill hundreds of miles) Donald Jackson, said she [taken to 8 hospital, He had lost from their targets, phoned New York this [8 leg Soviet development of an alr-| morning (0 see if Don had | In addition to the two Owens to-ground misstle==nlsn known changed his mind and had |girls, the members of the US, as the stand-off bomb" =might| gone on the early flight, but [skating team were Steffi West: require not only acquisition ofl he was still sleeping -aud |erfield, Gregory, Kelley and new interceptors but basing she didn't want fo disturb |Bill and Laurie Hickox of Cols them much farther north, him, Bhe said Don knew |ovado Springs, Colo; Bradley Whether the government] mast of the people on hoard [Lord and Dudley Richards of wants fo pay the heavy price) (he pireralt some were |Boston; Donna Tee Carrier, entalled=northwar®t movement| close friends, Diane * Sherbloom and Roger of hages would he almost as ex Don was scheduled to Campbell of Los Angeles; Rho pensive as Lhe Interceptors! eave on a flight from New |die Michelson, Long Beach, [themselves = Is the issue al York on Friday Calif, Douglas Nameas Dels |stake, A decision does not ap: : roit; Ray and Ila Rae Hadley, pear imminent, Seaitle; arry Plerce, Indianap- HoLD PLANE NEEDED Yn Bob and Pat Dineen, New 'he military view here is thal : ' the RCAF must have a new in: pi maRy * uen, Mr. aid terceptor to supplant the sub:gines sounding oddly, sought alef Canada, fone ( F100 jet If Canada Wants! landing in bright sunshine after| 'The nightmare came on Rab: to help maintain the war deter: he flight from New York, ena's flight B48 from New York, rent and also Its voice in North iloted by Cmdr, Louis Lam: American Air Defence Com:|FUEL TANKS EXPLODE yrechis : mand, It slammed to earth three ! The war deterrent is simply miles north of Brussels Interna: that factor whieh persuades the tional Airport and went up in Kremlin, day after day, that it|flames fed by fuel as the air cannot risk a nuelear onslaught| craft's tanks exploded one hy § La fiwas at stake, hut perhaps the 1,006 1,002 083) fate of the United Nations if der (he leadership of your ex-|8 protest charging the Moscow| Unemployed KL 60 66) gp)f, cellency and the lawful Congo {mab with "odious violence," |PACIFIC REGION lese government, will fight to i g } y J assassination of former Congo the end against the imperialist|U.AR, and Yugoslav Ambassa: Employed B03 817 408) premier Patrice Lumumba fo hlee headed hy the United) dors Unemployed 7 6% 80step up their campaign, Slates | {viet Premier Khrushchev in his Nkrumah, always a Tamumbhal 17 HOMELESS tablethumping appearance he supporter, lashed the UN far the) role it played in The Congo and] organization in 8 Moscow mold not sa mueh the possibility of a |skjold of being "an accomplice thoroughly we team e in Can: elvil war hetween Africans, but rather a colonialist war in whieh ers hide hehind African puppet regimes," UK, officials were reported smaller nations, particularly in Africa, to rally to the defence of the UN India's ambassador in" Wash ington, M. €, Chagla, said his government favors strengthen J The Russians seized on the | _Bimilar protests went to the| Labor force ARO GRO BOR | launched last September hy Ho (Ghana's President Kwame fore the UN, to revamp that added ew | The strongly-worded Hoviet "The danger in "The Cofig is u e XP 0 £5 resolu than accused Hammar: the ealonial and imperialist pow counting heavily on dozens of NEED STRONG UN mg the UN because "it is only as the United Nations Is effoe: | Long Flight For Bomarc-B EGLIN AFB, Fla. (AT) A Romare - B missile scored a scheduled near-miss on a drone homber M3 miles out aver the Gulf of Mexico--the longest in: terception yet far the tactical weapon The missile was launched Tuesday from nearby - Santa Rosa Island on remote com mand fram computers at Mont gomery, Ala. It reached the six. jot RRA? homber while the drone was flying northward at 15.000 feet altitude in: a sim: ulated attack on the mainland The launching was the 19th success in 20 tries from Eglin far the Romodel Canadian defence plans call for two squadrons of Bomare missiles, ane near North Bay CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA G18 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 Women Injured LONDON, Ont, (CP) women were taken to hospital|night' and left the windows and 17 persons were left home: open because of this, less today when an explosion] "Phere was just followed by a five shattered a|plast.' she said three + storey brick apartment) The hullding was oil healed huilding In southwest London, hut gas was used for cooking The oxplosion blew out a 16:|Cause of the explosion has not! (foot section of the building's yet been determined front wall and parts of the side x and back walls OWENR SILENT In hospital are Mes. Arlene! Owner Huns Juegar, sald he Hamilton, who suffered exten: owned the building for: three sive burns and Mrs; Colby Shaw | months and would not comment 31, who suffered head cuts, Noon the cause of the explosion one else was injured Firemen quickly brought the One of the tenants, Mrs, Roy|fire which allowed the explo: MeCallum, sald she and herision under control Jobless Fund New Plan Seen OTTAWA (CP)=The gavern:|insurance fund now are made on ment may have found a way to/@ sliding scale according to the make unemployment insurance insured person's income while Ee CC working, without vegard to the Han avd fram an inswranee amnlayment stability of the in: paint af 'view dustry in which he is er ; gaged, Prime Minister Diefenbaker| "phe weekly NOWSPA ne | declined in an interview 10 eom: [same consideration should bel ment directly on such & proc given to the employment record | posal hy fhe hoard of directors or the industries involved, In the of the Canadian Weekly News: \wookly publishing field, far in papers Association, but said the igiance, there is a long recard Association's brief presented 10 of pela the cabinet Tuesday was reasoned sonal conditions One association suggestion gested employees in that field! was to model unemployment in: might contribute less surance after provincial works/they are less likely to men's compensation plans in emplayed which the amount of visk in! An informed source said the! volved is considered in setting government is definitely inter the rate of contributions to the eblod in measures to mM wnem fund - ployment insurance on a basis Employer and employe one hig "well lunatfected generally hy sea be un: sound by lnsurance men, | 4 {and organizer" of Lumumba's| ada." Twa hushand could smell "fumes ali Bed-Pushers Roll Along Ry THE' CANADIAN PRESS Across the land the creak of castors pierces the quiet envi ons of university towns, Students, hoth participants and observers, assiduously com: pile and loudly proclaim records for mileage, speed and sheer endurance, The drain on hospi tal stocks of spare wheels and axles grows daily, The bed-pushing crave, Im: Rorted fram South Afviea hy the Iniversity of British Columbia, Is at its height, Students are try: ing furiously to outdo each other by pushing vegulation hospital beds through city streets, on highways and overland The stunts are ta publicize charity campaigns ov to encour Age contributions ta hospitals which provided the beds, Queen's University students in [Kingston claim a world record. | Since § a.m. Saturday a student. propelled more than 550 miles through oily streets at 6.7 miles an hour DENIED BY ACADIA Students at Acadia University Queen's claims hecause confined te oily streets. Queen's cial palice wouldn't let them use Inghways Acadia claimed the record The Dalhousie bed oearvies buckets slung fram the sides for contributions te the Children's Hospital, from which the hed was harrowed, Sfudents at Kir George Wil: liams University in Montreal were to start today on a Mont: real:Ottawa nin, They became interested last week when a [group from Waterlon University [College claimed ta be "world [ohampion hed-pushers." FIGURE ON SPEED | The Waterloo group wanted the title on the basis of speed, They said they averaged #4 {miles an hour aver a Tlmile [§treteh, | Students at Hamilton's Me {Master University ave claiming | the overland record as they struggle to complete a 136-mile| route crossing frozen lakes, | oreeks and bush country, They bed has travelled Said they ave facing the hagards|eonference will he of hunger, darkness, farmers, dogs and police and hope to reach an arena in Dundas te night for a hockey game | A palice ediet that far safety's tively stable employment, |i Waoltville, N.&., soarn the sake the pushing teams wust/ Nations resulting from the ase hd hed: keep off roads did not daunt the sassination of iy diet SUE: (pushing In Kingston was con: MeMaster students, They have premier Patrice Lumumba kept their movements secret because [students answered that previn: and off voads Twentyafour MeGill University engineering students in Mant real plan a variation: They in| 'Economy Plan speed up the process by proper policies," Mr, Fleming said that while Canada welcomes foreign ine vestment, it now has the eapae ity to meet more of iis capital needs out of domestic savings, Canada also wants to avold ex cess borrowing abroad, His recent tax changes, re: moving the special concessions given for many years on pay: ments to investors in the United Nlates, were intended only to put all Investors, domestic and oreign, on the same footing, Kennedy May Give New WASHINGTON (AP) »= Pres: ident Kennedy is veparted plan: ning to announce tonight a speedup in spending of some federal funds in a fresh effort to spur the lagging economy and reduce unemployment, Informed officials sald they understood the president ins tends tn make such an an nouncement at his press confers nee seheduled for ¥ pom, The hroadoast live an television and radio On the international front, Kennedy faces questioning about his views on the erises in The Conga and in the United deposed Congo The domestic anti - vecesston measures Kehnedy is sald to have decided upon would not re. quire action hy Congress, The Kennedy plans are reported to with its 3L.mile bed-push until tend ta push a reconstructed 60: foal for issuing new administya. students at Dalhousie University in Halifax announced they have bed and are still pushing caleche, a carriage in Montreal year-old fram Quebee City inival Thursday night | federal money | anders th a few for spending five ARONCIOS con: that would he considered actusicompleted 350 miles behind a'in time for MeGill's Winter Car-|faster than planned originally] (tributions te the wnemployment | arially y 1 i imor Gam) v he fat ON SOME government programs on North Ameriea, has not stated publicly whethey he shares the military view, Defence Minister Harkness one the coast for its approach te the 61 passengers and the airport, The plane eircled the crew of 11 died, A Belgian flek d a time ar two, It lowered farmey tilling his eabbage patoh|t rearriage, retracted it, was struck and killed, turned again and fell, U8, SKATING TEAM BOARDS PLANE FOR FATAL FLIGHT / - Pr ---- a i (rT