IB THE OSHAWA TIES, Wednesdey, Febrysry 15, 196) BIRTHS __tmms Today's Stock WE Hessed fo Enon he pee Le bud AN. FIRS of Jes bawy feeanier, finde Beene. By The Lawadion Frey 04 ne a7 we RienAg Fh vaey Z y + # I Pip Bi. Bh he FRI E feb rin Waele Asi ig 4 ; ' # y ud Franks to Br. Room bodve i : LF ORRUENIYS, ab PIE TREY BIER IB PERE E & Bew Aacgnias, Lop w ire Few foe pas i Kans Geer; Ee yrs # ¥a AW fo 0am ssr the Poth of » Miah. sm Fides, Fr pe fae shaws lene betes 15 I Wapsn oy Wa » ad Flassm rd Awighiny 4 wr ream borg Far Thanks WELLS ~ #r Bagppy A pon, Jetiee ary Ee A brs wih Boge Ww be shane Gorges Hus a Fir Babin. Canis tors "INTERESTING family Wisionies can be weltien with gf Fass Isom The Gosaws § Fimas of the Hap Evepls 4 Engagements wi Weddings ¥ a IBese events are nly 81.38. Bring in the Classified Counter my The Oshaws Times, BA 34402 DEATHS MILISON. Barry Addison ' Memorial Bospls 44 $ husband 0% eadoy, Fob Mis beioved OSHAWA CEM SHOPPING TRE 24 HO FHOMNE SERYICE RA B,6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM BARBER In loving men dear mother amd gr anAmother, Baker 0 passed away Fehrup #54; alee » father and falhe Fredrick Thomas Bakes des 2 secret tear ever dear fake of grief ins back every leaf ememberend » Aaugnier inlaw Ernie grand Ma pd ehildyen on BAKER in dear Mum, Maud away Fohrusry 15 iad, Thomas Baker, dune 38, 1944 Always In mu thoughts eld and grandchildren RE memory of our Baker, who passed 1954 d whe Eihel, War TEND In laying memary aa » dear hushand and father, Aly LH who passed away Fah ave's greatest gift Wi fe Rulh apd family i", 1980. remembrance TEND father Teng 16860 He In loving memory of a dear and grandfather, Alvin Arthus Passed away February 15 bade no one his last He sald goodbye tn none The heavenly gates were open A loving voles said Come' We often sit and think of The UMngs you used to ss ¢ wonder why you had to die Withaut a ghanes lo #4Y goodbye Though out of missed will in the end of missed son farewell oi still pure W memory A Rall slate and Doug of the lrea the Commitles in al of U1.§ the Ieonnmic hefore lations Male Ball of SHINGTON left, under far {ienvrge Urge pari Organization Caaperalion eerelars ial eeretar | mem a Ha snd family il in £EO0BIRNK beied Bb K I en Heipatinn as ion WILEON of m inda for in loving memory p awa whe passed ry, appest 4 the garden of memos each day EF remembered hy her loving hus band Joseph ies we meni WiLsON our dear passed away In loving mother, Ethel Feb. 15, 1858 hase we love we never For always they will he Loved, remembered, treasured Aiwa ro mémor memory Wilson, whe Ines, remembered bh daughie 1 inlaw Fred and gvandehildren Navid FORONTO (C1) I'he pro Another resolution passed vincial hould in education in I ian, son Gall and Lhe nee nn Pras nea ol Haw arnment ha equipment al on WILSON fn laving memary of 0 dad dear mother, Ethel Wilson, whe passed February 15, 1083 hearis Our memory tender fond and e's not a day, dear do nel think af you Lovingly remembered by daughter-in-law Helen CARD OF THANKS GALY We wish 10 express heartfelt thanks 1a friends, neigh hars and relatives for their Kindnesses faval tributes and cards given to during the illness and recent lo dear wife and mother, Mrs Special thanks ta Hr. Kim nurses. , Mes. Lowry Caneer Sagiel ! 10} Armstrong ' LLL Kind and efficient tritish thanks to Reverend Pierce wards Galt uhsidhe ded municipal ume all asl ol an the Ontario A Viunicipaliiie al Hisspnnual closing sessions Ontario aclation nee emn lingers thie mother ol Kural decided road T'uesda tion's conven Oke Wellington councillor, said the high i department subsidies hines of 123 He said inadequate Proving e son Harold Caunty Howsve: the a tation way 0 eliminate a section in lia Fawnship resalution mpasition cover "only ma the. that pro needed NET EARNINGS CANADIAN PRENN on American OH Ca, Lad, Lenn ended Dee, 31 1860 i $1.51 $1.85 horsepower or ly machin are Hh al a Suen Hi proposed ales lax neal 0 False tn clear roads wn fund new hell olution sion 1a gravel that had Lrardon ful re permis taxes Another #s5Ks provincial municipal Hees al aug Fdna Galt ey an moved from pil Farmland wa Township sald mn his sinpped heen (V1 | Many Ris consaling Clarenee ' Don't Watch [sii bis weiio US. Drivel MILI, 1 cen permit. bulbwood {rackors. 0 wh rive Hudson's Bay (il And { carry 100-inch-wida loads; Pres td, year ended Bec. 81: W680, one" aoniations pravide a 96 Producer Says $1,004,000 1956, $2 521.000 TORONTO (CP)=David Sus: TORONTO ") Ph skind, United States television market closed on a strong producer, told Canadians Tues: Tue ta check the « day plight ta stop watching U.S. that has influenced pm tele A on programs be ¢ aus e recent se they are "unmitigated drivel." | On index Hove for a television appear: 1.00 at 540.25 ance, he said there has heen 169.22 and We pothing new on United States 91.12. Golds ea telovision since 1852, "If you go Volume was 1 on watching it vou will sean get compared sick and silly." shares 4 \ Susskind best remem Da hered for his wide-open televis. ™ at AS Wa } W of a bu ion debate with Saviet Premier a! 2%. an ) 1939-60 Khrushehev, blamed two factors ! Bur ) ! V4 pa he pavment for the pot-paurri And 44 \ at avided westerns and private eve MRORE wih A Powe show The first is sponsor timidity and censorship and the Paar hp! second is a genuine lack of new! bach and ariginal ideas, VOur and ab-acre Hields H02,000 $25,602,000 Dupuis #1 ended Jan for township ane heing ta the havdpan and family share dawn WANTS WIDTHS CHANGED I'he asso vated tn ask anspart to on Meh maxi \ Carle Payment For Wheat Pool OTTAWA with Mini aded We ¥ nouneed Hridge Wn day 1 m mum i cén resolution tan County note Stay wrechion SONS industy hase metals ' ern ail Ni 10h at %a 1.000 the ed #0 (CR) Agriculture Alvin Hamilton an ihe Commons Tues iyment be made Prairie wheat the same several hare 624.000 ter an minion oartm ol 1s witless ol for payment recommended by the Canadian Wheat Board Will mean about $37,744,000 and an Bb -distributed to producers of rapped wh , Wheat ta the poal he EARLY ORDER \ Ween: A 1959, and July. 31 I'he earliest of the arders of an a chivalry 1s the Venetian avder ti \ i | LBL 3 i 80 af St. Mare, reputedly founded wilh gas o a ARG 62 18 producers In Saskatohewan in 831 AD, 1% 2 combined $9,213,000 ta Alberta Wh al apers, Or gained a pant Among aol £000 w bow pov £0 go Senate Foreign Re: | and Development | » plution ¥r a ? » » ECONOMIC DISCUSSION The sured senators OECD will no way infringe an dame law or congressiinal making pawers ceking authority for ies In sel down speed limits in build-up was defeated A five-page resolution Stormont, Dundas and garey counties defending county eounell system tahled for consideration at 1862 eanvention ther Saad tariff 'Province Should Bear All Education Costs municipal wh area from Glen the Was the The delegates approved a res asking the depai af highways ta pay grants in lieu of taxes on LHe municipal land assumed far the construction of new highways af How lol Courlard Fawnship said the 105 connecting the beth Way with a tonal bridge al the last AH High Hew Queenston cost mn taxes WOULD ACCEPT Another vesolution pas canvenhion asks the GRANTS sod the Queen his interna will township $2,000 a year depart ment of lands ard forests ta pay grants in lieu af taxes on assumed fay ation; another asks ve ment of grants farmers livestaok through rabies infection And three ather resolutions ask increas vingial grants for exemption of mu fram the 1 per cent sales tax, and far age ies eral ol impravement mstallation Nelson levies for Charleshals o lected 1961-62, New vice-pr fahn M. Eokert of § Harald Vary of Was ¢ presi sidents aforth M'weed and British Columbia land municipal refarest stablishe compensatin last SHEL Sylul i} Tar pal wo eq exemption church praperties fram local waley are Ald and a cambined $4 884.000 ta Manitoba and Ontaria he pavment LAM bushels deliv the peal nn the 195 myalves On delivery AR $1.40 a bushel, basis Northern at Fort William Vear NG. SOE Wh bow p.m EW ge a § Fv Ford Wy We BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ida New Investment Market Listings on Toronto Exchange » am Wigh Fow rm Ew se g a Payment Plan By FORBES BHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor Dome TORONTO au-gn pan for hu ried hy the New Exchange seven ve he introduced Merrill 1ynch and Smith Ine firm announced Tue Under ic) A DAy-as RE BLOCKS ars i in Canada Pierce, Fenney the investment say the arrangement the Monthly Invest MIP), a client rate of as known as ment Pl buy stock al a as 840 a month For the little an i at least, only tneks listed the New York Stock Exchange can he pu chased, as Canadian exchanges present on ida not have the plan long availahle York list the following slnek Aluminum hell Red Take Ming Breweries 14d Included in the New are Canadiay td; Cami fad, Canadian GM Move Questioned By Burt The Oshawa on good learned authority .inday that General Motors of Canada is nol planning tn elose its Wind ar engine plant I'here has heen speculation that GM might begin the manu facture of automatic transmis sions in Windsor and mave ils engines manufacturing opera tans tn Kt. Catharines While GM has far a long time heen investigating the possibil iy of producing new products in Windsm decisions have heen made Oshawa Times learned Times nn the WINDSOR (CF) George Burt, Canadian director of the United Auto Warkers Union (CLEY called on Prime Minister Diefenhaker tn ask General Votars of Canada to cagfirm oy deny rumors the campany plans to move its Windsar plant Capy of the telegram, made public Tuesday, was alsa sent to 1. H. Walker, president of General Motors "Press reports that General Mato Will move HS mato plant aperations aut of Windsor alter 46 years places on Gen eral Motors the grave duty ta relieve al once the tension and apprehension felt hy these workers and their cammunity, the telegram said hame Press reports an un named GM spokesman in Os hawa as saving there has heen ame consideration of changes in the aperations in Windsor My, Burt was, veferving tories in the Windsar Star and Detail newspapers, They indi cated there were widespread ru mors that General Mators was move ar extensive the Windsor plant he company denied the plant was 10 bé moved but did net deny changes may take place My. Burt said the GM work need than "manager ial gobbhledegook' and said im ANA uneguivacal stale needed in panning a changes al ors mare medial ment is RELAX RESTRICTION LONDON (CP)==The BBC has attered to drap a regulation that prohibits members of its stall from seeking election ta Parla: ment. The government - awned corparation made the affer dus with the Asse allan ol Broadeasting - Staff which Kas asked for relaxation AF restrictions on the personal Activities of RRC emplovees negotiations Canadian ing BE ternational i] d.;. International ala y Lorp Mines Gooderham and Under name vest ne Blales 1s nary an switching VRHIS mn ng his CHSTOMER Merrill | Tegan matters average given makes Donald | dent Iyneh's I'ue ment After commissions penny yested huyer's charges and inve $40 hut vation as many stocks 49 e heen in 20 USUALLY RIGHT customers nvestmen! day grrangement hut a pay-as-you-go plan the deduction of standard added, payment stock No management Par Mines 11d 0. id bmeling Con ifie Mi iid Intvre Hiram the the hi sted apart the plan mimmum mn an from as he nerienee mn thal hi individual and, in Kel Co ane that stock reser client may buy inte wishes the United purchasers al least a few stock the / 'Labor Fights For Projects FAWSEMIS (Bawters) Ergon weinend (he goyermment of prer iow Labor leguiators Tneitaoy wonting oh reponts Tuesley hl sews wy hes /fionts 16 7 wk the clear intention of Rime (TIRE APRIIRENE IRgiaia- ing the whRaty Recorded 19 fw g 4 senies of AEleats (ler (Gimemiaine faitwies in the GE STANGER 4 fit of Aeterna poney" The Latwr MVPs proposed & The dust repels Siew pre WIR CTSNET RE ERVEIR- VEER he socialists from & WERE 5 IESERiation on LR & Rc ing # al Dlast #6 the Rows: wi ARy IRs OF ACIERer wg HE wel 1s eapeciad 19 IEF RG RETIRE Wikies BERw CI ciam we Raether Ti Wkion Crime Hier the Hep #ORY Hom Rational HAART (iH ei h ie The TTRGOR kIT Rawis Testy to (each # The wivonsed fwiang wil hae fARSETY Fok WRIT IERAET 7 3 section wel calls for what oi nis to # means test" for hong in sate-swpporied IEEE SR, ad tors a Wg bow ov Hee wl Dene "we Wie "ey Wie oy» Ed wor Bap BW 4 grime Pave AS wie mve AEF Fhe RIVET CRIEIRA 6% pany wing War Bedmayne, whe swccested ERARRE # IEE Rehiie an the iRbinal BERR SEVIER [ars gist iabor MFPs wie Wo ferng wn Aefesis in hie Havas se of Commons Monday WETIngE ORE OB BR FREE ESE FRIAR BEAR the Rep ¥ of the Howse, the Hsin swiRg te » howe WE Bis tek Test on Bing es Wil, The de wie held the Hower Aah getaiadd ik 50 am Tw j 4 FHERE ation Tie a lama Will: Dag Hold Qut? UBITED NATIONS, NY, (AR )~The Soviet Union's break Tuesdoy with Dag Hammarsk: hold came seven months 19 the May aller the Security Council directed bim 1a send 3 UN wie the Congn Soviet government reled Reginst the secre: Stock Market ~~ [7 rye Viesday as 4 44 nm # Aispuie aver the Bane Is Not Sinful of the first foree under » (y) FRE social VK s---- al fir td ands | Pad wn HRY diy fares waht pn milateraiiy hanner--the Korean force Early ms et method was the hoyeolt, The Genersl embly continued 1ie's term develonment. 1 he TORE 1954 hut in 199% Lie of the Toronts Stock MOWED the hoyeott 10 make I icy id 2% oi iad g ® way tor Dag Hemmarskiold Tk Pi Henny HEN Now the men and women in Howard BD, Graham (old the the 3066- member staff TR FOramo chapler of the Comrol: perianal civil servants are bu Institute of Worth America jing" with speculation whether thiat the bidlding of the CPR, de Hammarskiold will hold out velopment of Canadian mining against the new Soviet #itack firm; has headquariers in and the oper of the Lern that aceused him of helping ore York, and Canadian offices in oil fields all were largely the ganize Patrice Tumumba's Yoronto and Montreal iL of speculation Moscow describes it, ¢ Lead Bay ANCE har A Fr from he is, 15 hoth # 4 and essential to the. FORONTO Hh : 7 Vera fire SUL Baier 0 1} Vy [7 ident / fn Canad, they add hie because of Rie only ef ol electronic me fected through use EIEN Merril Lynch, described » the world's largest brokerage SAYINGS ers New We Hi MNroer, a Railway Granby Min Hudson Bay Min In Can Utilities Porcupine Walker Worts Tid the stock in which he in client may 5 ordi shares hefore seven the plan has heen operat cent sincks ner neh mailing and Jl mielhgent advice on propery sound Wehh charge Canadian mn emphasized 15 nol he each the hniee mw nf in are involved Mi huying warth 1st gasnline instead of Thomas Merrill the Wehh slacks hy instead of hy many hy the hy the Shearman, Lyneh fas ple in lower-earnings However, it cent CARN has dane usually leetions warth vested ne plan, aperatian, 1s many large valume such as intraduction of the plan has range professional now has $10,000 out in the last of states that person, if generally selections Viee nf | + presi-| Merrill aperations, wha announced the Canadian in traduction at a press conference that an instal every 1] ft ns the dollar's share, described the maolorisis dollar's gallon" who heads department handling the plan in New Yark said that at first it would appeal mainly warth it was helieved hrackets appealed strongly ta people in the above §7,000-a-vear sional people account far 23 per of the husiness and profes One Chi man well in his se acoaunt | of $4,000 seven the difficulties of the an years of purchases gel the the in the service fees hiry pea: I OL [AN Montreal 1 Of night al wha na from the paint of view af] small accounts the cost af handling | Merrill Lanch ube in Sun Be dunes, Chan wel © Toro nto Developments SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER. Your TIMES CARRIER Is Leaning To Become A BUSINESS - MAN Your Help Will Be Appreciated a