Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Feb 1961, p. 17

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"Miss Jane Knox Is Entertained MRS, KEN GAVSBY Corre ORONO: Miss, Jane Enon Aswghler of Wi and His. P LJ Ld wwroww Pf worn EE ord sre res aiilaidd [sony It wi (iid viii i rerw BOWE, du meeme, doe SFE + ioovm Tuan fv seis, prrsp-- onth, Fuel Hage 4 SRA BAB Gry ORNS RTD or Ain 7 wid pt 075 nonsily. Woy 9% Gaersi Wokovs wid (HI RE 19% Cait Foil Bwariwion, Rh 55644 ov Jom A. 4 Reolannood Lid, itr, SACHIWCES fpwaey trateieryed, WEA oye, Ham adit Ent, BEA FIR ry whey, BG ri, gos ees, VBS, Lined fas. sry Sivan Wosital sah Gold Chdrl® Per pis & id Hos . ; on wcayerly hi Porgy vo TERA A WT, RAREHE of + fain SHA & ger amet gas fur Bria $50 wee, [rt cede acs A guPonics' Qui g Rp TI fini yo Woes Rasher, "A $9876, es, A Fw es ZT CAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 54330 RA 85100 FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE 1 o good broom hows, Fos &s wriimited for wie new store mn ong of Oows's rewest Sopong Centres, Gir ready estotiished. Also baron maser Gperiment over store, wih chon 1100 sauare feet, for owner. fmgle parking To inspest, plesse calf Roy Fhotohf, RA 53454 LASALLE wir doadroom | Brick, storey ena het home nn good condition. Mewly decorgted, Finiched recreation room, gis miram sors end sEreens, Paved drive, Immediote pine session, We hove the key, give ws a colt, Pryihs Jul, EA 3.3740, A%---AMasl Gstats For Sais IN CRESTWOOD HEIGHTS $682 FULL DOWN PAYMENT THREE BEDROOM PLAN | ; $728 FULL DOWN PAYMENT FOUR BEDROOM PLAM Esch home completely dec oroted, doe sink, shoe don, &o colored both, worms kb RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS 8.5107 8-5108 EVEMIMGS 5-341 (Ab--hoel Lotaie ror == MMABSER Gens, most #i gives » FF i Burns 74 fog - ot sens sway anh paryies Fras ct stsissmas dogg THinghone Rb a ig A5G Williaa, saatiining. nat, man's HIEranet, ow TAS fe a poi A ing on: Ll atte wie, om 6 be er [onate § sok (LRA BMW , dant. grade CVEY wales Zon apni y yd oy leno toy hand, Rpesial, 996 p4 wai iter. RE BON wveminie oy, 1998 WILY WOETR sedan, Was, eioiient pariney Tereviown Morth, Cox TY ow itnener, wi Fy ¢ Fe hewn (Hing Wew Worms, BA SHH ly 4 lensrs, sew Yon Wort Wurione, Pa agate y We Uests, ish, Aeawoy Waaws Tid, Panes, omer A Be UG Popp p-- SM fo gp A 77 et ert SA, 2 a i, private atynhitasy heat sew (5005 FEA Aown wyment NEA Wo jase Linon detach Dungwionw, mae mort Ln, en mefiale GARRRREIH hrs 0 spin wimg. Sesiles Sovim, WO BAN. Bretnows Rem [foisiz Py PR g wail, J rr wes TRIREEOR perpaii | pan 4 watens, Bainnes wn woe SHA wine Spins fais BN Horper #0 RA AOE prs nore cab BA RAZ, Lioyh Regity 6 we is "; 4 [and Bor, FOUR BEDROOMS $12,560.96 $1,706.60 sown, $7500 per month carries his broom home, 9 yasrs oid, contigily losing, forge kitchen, Wing room, 4 pe. both, peved drive Cone tect Mes, \oreen Kellett of EA 33776 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE RA B-1679 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King 5 E Diol RA B-ALTE GRASSMERE STREET Lovely 3 bedroom ranch bungslow with neturel firepioce f Owner decorated ond londucoped, large of, poved drive, #ic, leaving country, will lat it go for only $12,500 with M.H.A, morigege ot 572%. A reel buy of this price, MILTON STREET 3 bedroom brick bungslow in ides! location pr ced ot $17 for quick sale with $2,500 down, aluminum storms end sc ens, decorated ond londssopsd, wired for dyer After 5.30 coll Dick Borrioge ot 56243 RICHMOND ST, EAST « gttractive 3 bedroom brick Bunge Bolance on one MHA Takis, omtha, Tm, an Tire $58, wit nett fo 555 ee id be adapted to 13 VOR. Re A UL oie tay Ba Wey Bib ow, "simon pew BF indir alien \wephons st ~~ 4. SERIA pen or oe (dius ah FH rade pas: i Hi Tew mani A EREVRAET sahah Alvin. Teieyune Bh hin HWONAREE, one ywpey, pendabie, rons Bea pew 5003 Maiaws, 5it Rnewm Ropd Rowth, W PONTING, Farslient prev senngt trade. Con be Fnaners, we J run Met 7 - iad POW, fora srom wih Haw, towed six 0% heating, fowephecs Lien mart westion. £8 Baty Hie Lvenenn. KA Binh, 8. 1. Hymen Resi § THA fo ROWS hetero rg de a ri eaiiadmy Ramisers, Rashs, hairs, lass, er The hostesses Mrs m wud ldo RA. Sad Berbers Ki 1 Fler GRAVITY furnaces. 2 a Tyed 8 delicions lunch. Bow with # " iy sy Aa te Tuesday sveming Mrs. Perey for wr oh os § pm, Ae! Aon perms, we mer wer pas Fhean ahem Wik es Pyles inne doors, sem sah, Ey a imag, PORES, [tones "ey wn HE Join » J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE § RA 56544 SEVEN ROOMS storey brick, north-eest deg income home with extra stock In basement and heavy duty Hove EGe upstairs; will sell for low down payment, This is a detoched priveie drive srege. Asking only $10,900. Call Bil Rotchitie, BA 65-6544 COLLEGE HILL Gal with gore d ond tile floors, heot, siorms ond Screens, and many other extras, Priced to sell easy terms down payment. Call now, ask for Bill Swarbrick, RA § 6-6 544 or 58342 FORCED TO MOVE {oro FEL, way, Bh priest elias. KA SHIR BRAND pew 1066 Ford Foigiane, | for aor, V8, etom hie wag tim. i uals, beswey ror ny bh ry 1 ie? ne" odin oll ay sm FT 0 ; Gereet, Fane 88 3100 [ where , new #od wand, terme 1h To some Siuty guests were gather. BV Ber Joe, of eri AWIRAL, LT Trnener o reso the Hall was } fully Twiehone BA decorated with & large flower: pad ella, white wedding (By winds waehery Class anid enadition. Teiegiune RA § Hwvethey Astaiis » CREVROLET, radie, "whiteyeiy, wheel Mans, lander sony, hawat, spAiants. Rest tier, on ro f | F : 58152 19 ATHOL ST. W, fn A Twn 2993 banation 3240 5.3667 3454 PA EA 7 FA # Phils ene By Rey Flintoff Jor £r Ji dd well dwelling with Members Cshawe end ane § hi vs, #4 "i P, strict Res! Estate Boord mhematehed continental WRINGER washer "Speed Class" fos p sizes, wivie bie well til, ood pondibion. Telephone LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEM CALL YOUR MOVER YOU SAVE $2,000~%2,000 WE ASK YOU TO BO 10 GO AMD SEE THIS HOME, NO BETTER YALUE 560 AN S-room bw nardwon " ie bo age MO oil with aw ww, large Only $425 down kitchen with dining ores, mony exires 4 sun Slpet East, pide' ak pci, Taghat wosgint ells and 'mums, The ts PONTIAL Farisienne, Tow » door 22 rifle tenor Lr4 Joos Wiidny ahowt wr Ha oh "rhe fu Gardener's Club storage refrigerator for Wood in Eoith manville, es Yomsr sevier, 4 Fay ering, wierion, car, Bula pre BINS, Beswiy Motors orandview Mires South # three members presemt, The ma Ar last meeting dent, Mrs. et 7 "Elo Tyre ow ier (oh $89 Berta two-piece DO ym 75. weir HA sid eds, enmmpiete with sprRES snd! machines, ope YERF pig anium which had been planted Dean; Treasurer, Mrs Pid ied Resks {M55 METEOR cus bloom, Members are asked 19 Mary Rofl lord; Work Room, matic, interior Wie! | sarmpies beds Wir ie Sh = A from 595, Wilson Furnitare, I COR | Coin bronder Ty #oie, 5 capacity. GONE 10 he shown how tn plant Dener, Mr. Wm. Riddell; radia, tert a Seaway A wonderi "operianit A suggestion was made thatipaign Manager, Mrs, Ruth ITT Test 4 t. | Bonet mie, Morning or RA 54752 in 5d | baby cman od condition, Tee | win ern washer vir Bind" condi. 1I0Ias, nasturtiums in a small vice of the Orono United march morgage, Ww AUSTIN condition, reli i iB Torgest selection 18 AOWR. | br TE ES 0 wiliom Thirty members of the Orono Basil Long. gn Wisse ¥ 9 wh S58 Bivanged Wh 8 VOID w There will be # Powder Machomics Gadi yon io rr ones . fog BA fr doi? Fi (nardiny, Wes ioads of gatins, herp, ViPS i lamp, sed Bicysie. Whore me {iotininm Motors, 978 Witeos Fond HT 71 1 od nerf Fees Vo 8 uel met on Thursday evening at 7 Bow 1050 FORM, bw dor Fairiane, 8 Dean. Revorngs, how pry) sr bore, RA 39 oT pm. in the Guide Hall at the Officers elected for 1961 srs 1h Late colors. This 1s 8 one wher (metcnes, loiaines Vos da * Harr, parts Bk Hons Commmunity Centre with twenty qs follows Frapden, repre Vel 124, Wes 8 nt FABULOVE sevings Gord yr wore ie wd minutes of the Aly Lop Rv Wh FORD custom lorior, "8 evhinder, {hime cIaREInEE AE! [moh want nek werent y Hood were read by Tove Jorgenson, vice » president, set, tly Yared, 897; ends withont sn srgwment. Try BE [2 [srs ed set, mn posopgl vilon A ios Rod tina WB Mrs, Fairbrther showed 8 ger- Major; Secretary, Mrs. p A 3 AUSTIN Cambrian an Faby Gad" mpilensses, $b Ws eaplipied PAUSTRS ELMER wilh hoy or aol yor weed from a cutting at the October MeKenzie Nutrition, Mrs. Fil- A Aig 1d ogi vaty ' #04 sppiiences. Phone €0 meeting, also 8 hyacioth in cen Billings; Welfare Mrs. om seas, DES ; tnd two-tone brows, » oo 9 an ry 10 obtain large mowthed Miss H. Waddell; Water Safely, rg Ml MLL Ry inst, B42; soniinentsl hendnonris BA 5836 covered glass jars as they are Mrs, Joyer Tennant; Bined 19ik NAR 4 iets 4 Hans wns pring Fomutete wh Giseet In Ed condition, luk lke new. Tie hottle gardens at the March or licity, Mr. Ray Forrester; it " y 1a hay radios, phone TEmple 05505 April meetin Mu Rosi Graham; Cam- Woiore 14d wi [tase seconioss. record fi i Di 28 AUTOMATIC washer and Aryer Far 44 % tor, Mrt, he * 4 © chesterhield and two choles, beds Vi ODGE Reins, less; LL "wile | Radin Wholesalers, $1 Simeon Beeet| Co wea is te, oh Sucles Tie the children might plant some Grady, 5 new rivals shle. Iwner nag "a dade i" Rant fod ONE are wine eri snd matiress, Blea country seeds such as marigolds, pe: At the Sundsy % ; y condition. Apply wh 19% Bind Breet) phone BA 5-469 lor turiher parIewnrs. [oo Felconone A B41 Tor periher CATION OF pot soon and welch five ehildren were baptised, The TS A a FIRST Oshawa showing new 1558 baby |Aetatls the flowers develop," service was by Rev, AGE, EW All new Bree, 1849 | Gen them now Trem $24, large Toll pans ' darh # 2 wher best ofler, RA BETH, orihe, roastons oF Belial, sx only, on SOOTE Cusrenteed, Oat E0% Mission Band were present) Those baptised were: Tammie Huts 76 mr A MASSON STREET clesrance $0, Play Attractive 24 storey brick home, 4 bedrooms, mooerr kitchen, naturel fireplace with mirror, vanity in bathroom, TY eeriel, venetion blinds, Priced of $172 50 RITSON RD, NORTH 4 bedrooms | Va storey home with garage very large lot 333 deep, upstairs rented tote! price $13,800 APARTMENT FOR RENT Modern 5-rooms, very spacious, $100 monthly, dryer, stove, refrigerator AFTER paved drive low down payment includes washer, © v 30 CA D Barr 5:-46743% Joe Maga 59191 John Kemp 8.2397 ck age Everett Elliott 3.9290 Mar 576 n Drew LSON Realtor] Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 PORT PERRY" SPECIALS QUEEN ST, haces, 8 roomed 2 bedroom heme, nicely decorated, a hearing. large o, YofL J Js -- ostign 2-slorey = garage a sy farms, king price Tove all | 8 Peet i" York partisulers, Sin BAY ST, rooms and. basement epartment, Forced ai? oil landscaped lot, lar 4 gorge, Home Is Immaculate In every detail, This home worth Investigation, For full particulars call to-day, SIMCOE ST, NORTH Attractive 2 bedroom white clapboard bungalow with large living room and kitchen, 4 piece bath, aluminum storms and wrens large lot with low taxes Asking $7,000, For full particulars call RA 5.6588 to-day, (Co-op) SIMCOE ST, NORTH Ten year old 5 room frame home on large landscaped lot ¥ 131. Oil heating all conveniences. Asking $10,900 full particulars call to-day RA 5.6588, (Co-op) Open Evenings & All Day Saturday After Hours Please Call RA 8.3682 RA 3.7183 BE SURE TO SEE GOLDELL'S 1961 HOMES OF GRACE and SPACE SO CONVENIENTLY LOCATED worl Nore BRAEMOR GARDENS (Stevenson Rd. North and Annapolis) OPEN DAILY N.H.A, FINANCED heating, Lloyd Corson RA 3.2537 Was Elliott Charlie Rankine Dick Young RA 8.058) WHITBY CLASSIFIED XN dae oll FOR RENT = Brick bungalow, ellington [living and dining room, : fusith: Sis 6 Nal WENT -- March 1, (wo-bedroam Hoh00n Muminim eens Apartment | in | wpariment bulliing, (45a0NNN February 18 stove, refrigerator, washing facilities, (55°80 tw Y Ky a: preferred. Tolophont yy PEWRITERS, 0 low overhead, low Mew, Yoh RENT = Five yoo a8 heating jE yg in) fireel, Whithy 5 -- "Complete hoakkee servies for small ty, monthly or as desired, Statements (S00 WANTED -- 3 home, damantiration Ty for WARN room with Re Team large threes bed gh school and publie menthl ephone A ¥, 0 rT machines, Tiees, Call us for Bil - Garden tractor, about five ir one need J haves RENY - New, arg, we hed a. Income tax Telus, MO Rorsopawar, Wonk] ny aophete | MO & or apply M3 . ing repairs. Call MO & fl Street FOR RENT -- Four + roamed heated apartment, parking apace, TV antenna, anes and dryer, $85 monthly. MO LR hed Ye parking, Iy MO #3601 or MO 8d SOFFICE space for rent, Street West Whithy, Phone M Rawmanville, Ontaria 5 ONE bedroom apartment In a ment buliding, close to schools ix) ample parking. Breoklin UH 1A BRERENARING Rol, seals and dresses, tevations and. slip covers, A wre! ~ guaranteed. Mrs, Toms MO BN AT haath #110 month Dundas MN, wt a. SEFTR. (Goby cleaned Ue WABIATY | WEDAITTING room and Board, wash way, how tanks installed, Walter Ward, [ing Brock Chestaut West phone NO 5288) Bs service past deer ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, wash: [FOR RENT mE done, 8 home anay fam home lan bungalow with Central, Absiainer, Telephone LA) MO attached | monthly MO SA) [FOR RENT == Used boats trailers and FOR SALE motors, boat Des oR RENT == Box, boat and cabin taller, chain sows, shill saws, sanders, ele WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1413 Dundes § | ates slectrieally TV sutiets, washes | parking quipped fy dryer Bungalons $8 te SEIS monthly Sehats Realtor. Contact J A MO 8 ROOFING, siding salation, painting, MO 83226 (Winter srices. POU BW A eavestToughing woneral TepR Palmerston distriol, Three bedroom mod ¥aTage 0 near high school, residential area, $100 Whithy apartments and houses, modern one and twa bedroom drapes Yackary Hontals $85 Wo S100 wmonthiy {Als modern three and four bedroom Daley R.. ANYWHERE ond sijle dining closers vanity 3% medicine of the best oil units installed n, You pay only price with ons ortgage. Phone Bill me oft RA B-5123 mahogany trim d Hollywood Only $12,950 hal MHA » Millar ar RAS $1,00 DOWN %1,000 HUMBER AVE brick bungalow large kiter $100 B:5123 $2,000 DOWN stone's throw torey, 6-room, garage and 3 ww principal one Bill Millar en month of RA DOWN Country ving, from city, 1 a with attached sn porch, large 75% x 200°, fully landscaped lot Full price only $11,500, See this immaculate home now, coll Bill Homer, RA B-5123, FULL $11,000 PRICE For this 6-rocom home storms and screens, close to four corners for $70 a month and interest. See home by calling Spykerman, RA 8 on all right Carries principal this fine Henry 5123 Lloyd Realty Lid, RA 8.5123, RA RA 8.5128 St Realtors B-5124, 101 N SCHOFIELD Associotes Lid Floor---Broadcasting Centre Req. Aker Pres Bill McFeeters--Vice. Pres 360 KING STREET WEST Simcoe In ain yrance 2 YEARS OLI OWNER TR ANSFERRED List price $14,900, 6é:-room brick ranch buaglow located north of Rossland Rd. W., L-shaped living and dining room, kitchen has a good size eating area. 3 bedrooms, 4. pe. tiled bath, high dry base ment, large area for ree room. $3600 down, and hal ance on 6% mortgage, For further details, call Bill Me Feeters, evenings RA 5.1726, GRANDVIEW GARDENS Just listed this 2 year old split level home in this most desirable location, a home with everything you would de sire, including a family room Beautiful living room with stone fireplace, dining room, very modern kitchen with built In stove and oven, 3 bright bedrooms with large closet space. Two bathrooms, one 4 pe, and one 2 pe, At tached garage, convenient ta bus, owner will consider smal ler home es part payment Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243 CADILLAC AVE. NORTH A very soundly nstructed 6 room storey home with garage located within walking stance to General Motors North Plant, Handy to bus and schools, gum wood trim throughout, separate dining area; with french doors. Nat ural fireplace. Hot water oil heating, priced to sell, call Don Stradeski, for a good buy in a good home in an excellent area COLLEGE HILL AREA 132 storey brick and clap hoard Sly home which has been completely renovated New Rl woodwork, plumblhg hot water heating, wiring, otc. Owner will build cupboards to also choice of hardwood tile Hooring Length of lor 293° with good hla loam for garden, Prin est and taxes, less than $63.00 per month Call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5.4840 LARGE PARKING REAR OF suet cipal and inte AREA AT BUILDING i ares, MO prt DISTRICT THR( OFFICE WIGH MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND REAL ESTATE BOARD Only $11,900 full price with po b-166r torey brick me Lots tras ond finished A res) good buy d neor Ritson ond Better see this one now | An thony Siblock, RA 56544 or 54362 low dowr mer ¥ x two with garage nicely 16S, OOM cols lie 4 Member District of Real Onhawa Estate ond Board LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER IF you hove $1,000 ond con carry poymenis of $98.00 manthly, then see this NH. A resale on Harmony Rood Murry ond telephone Bill Millar ot RA B-5123 FOR THE LARGE FAMILY Four-bedroom home with gars age, overlooking the city Has large kitchen, 4-pe, tiled bathroom, Lot 75 x 200' Full price only $11,500. Ses this heme today by calling Henry Spykerman of RA B-5123 MEADOW ROAD 5Va-room brick ond ranch bungalow 1232 square feet living area Thermopane window In large 18 x 25 living room, lot 80' x 200°) Can be purchased with low down payment. To inspect this home phones Bill Horner at RA 8.5123 ROSMERE STREET 2-year-old brick bungalow in immaculate condition, Large kitchen, dining room, living room, three bedrooms, and four-piece tiled bathroom NHA morgage at 6%. Will accept a reasonable offer, For more information call Gerry Osbome aot RA" 5123 sone Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtor RA 8.5123 RA B.5124 RA 8-5128 101 Simcoe St 47 -~Automobiles For Sale 1088 ONEVROLEY Blacayne four door VE, sutomatie, radio, like new; '87 Cheviolet deluxe dwo dear, automatic and radio, Trade and Hoance. HA A-8179, ALLATATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 30 per cent. Six months to pay, For perianal service at your home eall RA ll MN, GUNTOM (in fhe dash) transistor oar radios from $30.95, Tiy Dominion Fire Stores, 48 Bond Alreet West 1054 PONTIAC, Immaculate black ehony enlor, This car would make a perfect second ear In your family, $383, Seaway Motors 140, MO #4331. SELLING or buying "Stew" trying, Cash for your ear, lens paid Ts worth ar down, Betior used cars, $88 down, Easy terms RA §:8101 10] DODGE six apotless SH00 ar take aver payments. RA 81197 anytime 'SS CHEVROLET Rel Aly, a model, first come, first served ot Motor pandition, Telephone BOATOR Cash, terms or ale Whithy, NO Ri BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 807 KING ST OSHAWA Uust East of Wilsan Road) _RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT J aly RAndalph 3 3461 CAR AUCTION Every Saturday 10 Buy or sell here. Goox lection including Chevrolet and Corvali Oshawa Car Auction _3 Grenfell St, RA 8.51 70 am 1 ye 1961 1] MERCEDES + BENZ « DKW Soles and service open until ® pm. ot 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 Showroom off or payments reduced. Will trade up NAGY MOTOR SALES | i} BUICK {tinted glass OK, sn honest | Frade USED car | motor for » pals ait f ton, cisan apprecished, pr KA 55858 Wi { METEOR Cheviniel | Drive, Whithy Wis FORD tu I maculste eon hardtop refinished mechanically Terms, springlilied 4 {Vaart lnenl BA 55101 or RA B-1687 1948 Mercury, 400d | Telephone Of, b-4779 Vow VAUKBALL super fone door 88880, | washers snd saves green and cIEEH windsiield washer om, dow mileage. Coll RA 32468 he. en 8 and 7 ps OLDEMOBILE #le ' ivale, good re-conditioned motor, | good body snd tires, $276, 335 Dovedale ot the , MO BHI This ear Is I8 im: | Whithy Aor dition fully ear, BW adin, hester, sig excalient con condition, $988; $745 did | Motors 144, Whithy. MO 8-353 Foi PONTIM Can be seen | Butomatie cellent eondition {3.8990 {1060 VAUXHAL door sedan, miles, one owner for further partieulars, sedan, Victor excellent ¢ Telephone RA 32787 Ww, good i ; [ae 1 ther particular st 7 Vimy Avenue [L yf A " [1060 CHEVROLET Bel Ar, radia, ele "super, four Ld sauipped, | hell price eo Yaris #nd hardiop (A sold, , low milesge, A $2500 or offer on 7 wil, 6.88, stinliers $5.06, high ehuise matLresses hureh 8 revsire U4 [LF makes | of wringer type washers, 9 motors Ag Rdrivit reconditioned Paddy's Market, | ., # C Hampton, €0 3 THREE - place 3/2 wile, springs snd mattress, two wine chesterfield | chairs, Just recovered. All In real good in expelient eondl | condition _Ressonable. HA $1471 exiles, must be seen to be 109% King Ver, | In # EST of drawers for sole, XL condition, BA B-8758 for more | hom CARN | Vier Contest Winner will receive $25 in Merchandise. Mer antile on" Store 108 Brock MM ir next "Waby Bonus cheque (ONE Tull size springhiied matiress, very reasonable, Telephone RA everything must be kinds of dress, WINTER sale, LA rie, #ll Thousands of remnants, Ala al Alar Bargain Slore, 22 Ontario duty, In good . A hea Vira TN Yanks, TK ion od WANTED od 'Sl or '51 6G motor Dave, LAKESHORE HA Wii LAKENRORE RA 51181, "Aula Nile cars for wrecking, Highest price 4B8-~Automobiles Weonted A one owner, UBARTFORL Mey aise Go Kart less RA 28% Theekers wank cars Far, eee Highest prices paid "Wreckers Want paid WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, E, Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-033] We have a good assortment of Used Cars AND BRAKE MOTOR GENERAL down or dawn HOUSTON'S GARAGE SERVICE STATION SPECIALISTS, PLETE BRAKE SERVICE TUNE . REPAIRS 67 KING ST, W RA 3.7822 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or Liens paid off NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST, N,, MO 8.8001 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean ears Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §. RA 3.94) COM- UP AND WHITBY Trade up Complete Radiator coring Iny R collision repairs Wheel Frame and wheel straightens C STEVENSON'S RD, §, RA 8.445) BODY WORK PAINTING MECHANICA). WORK QUICK AND EXPERT SERVICE LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS, FREE ESTIMATES MARIJAN'S GARAGE 290 CORDOVA ROAD (across from South Plant) 55101 49--Automobile Repair ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP service, and res alignment, | parts, | Rentals vice HEAVY with moter daly a | | Purified w | and wells | where for 1.000 3 requ amount nd { Whithy MO s4211 WATER ater delivered $5 for 500 gals gals es! 30---Articles For Sale IVACCUM "leaner TrepaiTe, attachments, {toed rebuilt machines TW brushes. guar Estimates free, Vacuum Cleanser Repair Ser RA #0381 anytime wood shaper, complete contral. Telephone for cisterns any $0 rates larger Special RA 8.4771 mare | information AWNING 6, canvas, free tes, Chals Cleve Yor, 418 Bimeos £ Berviee, table rentals, Noth, it. Re ref 1008, op gt Phone Th PX iii SALE Auminum Products of the best quality ot the best rices, fully guaranteed, uble hung windows enly $18, Coll now, Lymer Aluminum Co, prompt sto : fact Princ 8 Church Street RA B54 2 yf ra BA #1276 \Wednesday for the regular (opened with the Mission Band 51---Lost & Found LOsT Flack Teather wallet, viewniy {Unemployment office snd Athol st Mil de Jonge reading the lesson. ald H, Staples; Thomas Scot |eoe on Tueidsy Afternaon Libera reward, Telephone RA B49 {Hymn and prayer. | Sheila Barrabsll introduced the scripture lesson with Ralf Glenn Grady read 8 prayer. 52--Legal i | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of ELLEN WOODS, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County and Provineé of On. tario, are required to send full particulars and details of their claims In writing or otherwise, to the undersigned, Executor and solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 15th day of March, 1961, inasmuch os after thot date, the assets of this Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been Jecaived by the unders signe SAMES A. MACDONALD, Barrister & Solicitor, 286 King West, OSHAWA, Ont Executor and Solicitor for Estate, The collection was taken up by Donald Bickell and Harry de Jonge The forepart of the meeting was conducted hy the boys of the Mission Band. The various groups went to their rooms for study, returning to make their reports, Donna Challice read a) story, Janice Rutherford closed the meeting hy repeating the Benediction, | The Orono Red Cross meeting | was held at the home of Mrs Wm. Armstrong. Mrs, Armstrong did contact Bruce Mercer, Fire Marshal, | concerning demonstration of the more practice and publicity is needed, Mrs. Eileen Billings moved that Mrs. G, McKenzie and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong see Bruce Mercer and set a date for another demonstration be- fore our new pool is opened for resuscitator but it is felt that | Aleta Therese Meee, daugh- TV weinil onsale, mew Fier meeting when the meeting was ter of Mr. and Mrs, A, 6G, Mes of ties Even Quantrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Quantrill; Jane Ann Staples, daughter of Mr. amd Mrs. Don- Gee; West, son Mr, and Mrs Ronald West and Merridy Amn Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams. The annual meeting of the Durham Central Agricultural Society was held in the Town. ship Hall, Orono on Saturday afternoon with thirty five |present. The progressive Inter: est shown by the directors and officers of the organization en sure greater things for the coming fair In mber and [for years to conve. During the meeting new slate of officers were Erected to office with Mr. George Carson being elected president of the organization for the next two years, Mr. A. Blanchard was the retiring president, Mr Francis Jose, Newcastle, was elected first vice and Donald Staples, Orono, second vice, Mr, Richard Morlon was appointed to the Board of Di : AUDLEY WMS At | | RA 8.5385 BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S RA 3-4663 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5 5332 $ICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, bedsides, commodes, crutches and canes, alse roll-away beds, Phone Aid Rentals RA 5-1644 20th Century FOOD PLAN ESTABLISHED 1953 Our years of experience in the food and freezer business assures you of the highedt | quality brand food Zoduen, and leading name nadian made freezers of your choice, Complete line of meats, vegetab fruits, and gro- cery items supplied, Budget terms available Freezers $279 and up CALL RA 8-1128 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The home of quality, tradis tional and modern age furs niture. Complete room groups available. 295 Simcoe St, South, Bradley's former lo- ¢ sation ~-- RA 8.3171, All aluminum products = Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV tawers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call Aluma Seal Co, RA 5.9365 ANYTIME FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have triad the rest, Now try the best, Eat better for less 80% groceries sup. plied, all well-known pros ducts, highest quality meats, Lifetime waranty freezer, the only one guarantesd by Good Housekeeping No "land Mrs AUDLEY «~The CGIT held » erokinole party in the church hasement on Saturday evening. The winners were: ladies, Joyce Smith and Judy Henry; gents, Geo, Izatt and Donnie Guthrie, The proceeds from the silver collection will he used by the girls towards the support of a little seven-year-old girl in Ttaly, to whom they send $60 a year The ladies of the WA will take part in the World Day of Prayer service to he held dur: ing the church service next Sun- day There will he a skating party evening, with a social afterwards at the home of Berl Guthrie Miss Joanne Wright and Miss Yvonne Woods of Scarbaro practised teaching at Audley school last week under the guid ance of Mrs, G, K, Pratt, Friends of Mr. Walter Brown will be pleased to know that he is Improving rapidly at home "following a six » week stay In Oshawa Hospital Several of the ladies enjoyed the afternoon tea, handicraft and millinery display at Picker: ing United Church last Thurs, ay, Sympathy Is expressed to Mr, (Sorenson, Richard and Rita, in the passing on Tuesday of last week of Mrs, Sorenson at her home on the Audley road, following an illness of four years. Vie Anthony, Whitevale, visit: ed at the home of Mae and Mrs. Hedge during the week: end. The WA annual family 8 luck supper will be held on ¥ri- day evening, February 34 at 6 p.m, at the church, Mr. and Mrs, R. Hedge, Myrtle, called at a few homes in the community on Thursday of last week, Herbie Richards returned home from Ajax Hospital on Sat- urday, after heing hospitalized six days. He has to rest in hed two or three weeks vet, before returning to high school, TOO TEMPTING LONDON (CP)=Dogs are no longer. welcome at the 237 de. partment stores of the Marks and Spencer chain, The firm has installed new food counters with low, exposed display shelves and has barred man's best friend far hygienic reasons PLANE PROPELLERS STEVENAGE, England (CP) Three 18-foot-long propellers-- largest ever built in Britain-- are under construction at de Havilland's Hertfordshire fac down payment, Call now for Demonstration « no obliga Hon, RA 5.3709 tory. They will be used on the| {Transall (+160, a trangport air craft fly to operate on} short rinwavs. ¥ at Brooklin arena this Saturday|® hour| BLACKSTOCK = Mrs, Harold Kyte was hostess for the 19 la. dies and eight children who attended the February meeling of the WMS on Wednesday, President opened mufting with a poem, Jack Frost, and the hymn, In Christ There Is No East or Wes, Mrs, Jehn Carnaghan gave a very fine devotional talk on the theme of the meeting, Racial Brotherhood, reading the seriptire passage of the Good Samaritan, Several thank-you notes for fruit, sympathy and goed cheer cards were read Mrs, J, Scott demonstrated sweaters she is making for vefu- gees and asked for donations of wool, Decided to send money to Preshyterial supply secretary for blankets for refugees. World Day of Prayer service and the Oshawa Preshylerial to be held in Trinity Churgh, Bowmanville, were stressed. In a most interesting manner, Mrs. Romeril dealt with a pors tion of the hook, The Ship under The Cross, She gave a synopsis of a chapter then form. ed groups and they discussed questions she had prepared, Mrs, Fred Dayes gave a read: ing, Neighbors, Following the tends February Meet | A call to sll ladies, The World (Day of Prayer service for Cart: wright will be held in the Black. stock United Church Friday, Feh, 17 at 2.15 h ' This is a privilege and re: sponsibility of every lady to attend The Inecal Association met Feb, 6 at Jean McLaughlin's Opened with prayer hy Com missioner Hamilton and the Guide Promise In unison. Min. utes were read and aJopled, Treasurer's report was given, Brown Owl Turner reported two tweenles, Commissioner Hamil: ton and Captain Thompson ats tended Guide meeting at Orono. Kay Dorrell reported 'on the Skating Party Saturday night, The Thinking Day service is on February 10 In the Anglican Chureh, Coffee was enjoyed by the 18 present, Next meeting at Mrs, on McLaughlin's on March 3 A Ranger Company is , started and any girl who is in: terested and over 15 i welcome to join, Meeting 5 are held Tuesday evenings at 7,30 at the home of Captain Sleep, Due to Thursday, Feb, 8, be- ing the only day the arena was available, t dite school held its Valentine that after. customary thank-yous, the WM8 Benediction was repeated in! unison and the group served a dainty lunch, (noan, which oan | the form of a skating party and hot dogs were served, Children report a very pleasant time, - MERRY MENAGERIE ES 2418 Out Dleney Divtridated hy King Features Syndicate, "Pant to her! She's 30% h "I 200 R PROCHARE a en

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