16 THE OAWA TIMES, Webnebey, Vibrowry 1H, 196) 5 [5%] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ---- 1 ASEIF IEE £5 36--Fomate Wely Wonted Ab--Wowses For Rom o_o f (448--Roome For Romt | 448--Rooms For Rent 448--Rooms For Rent AAGAFIED Ay) ues NEETHE ois, Tsien TH Gener i ompmes five : 1am Imai, Wes } 'N FW KH | N ES fri add Lom Lherge ROS WH Siar nF THE on RATER, BL CORT RRENARY WH rn span. of yon TE rig Arg Ag Vy » AA fo Raney | We, fn » Gunite frets $y fay ' Sasa 245 148 ws Tn PA " "A pig ad iad pists Ss [ded FOI or post «Gime lems rg Ag pando on IAA -r kh TANS pig py il " if J vig Ben va 7 nse Le" ps oh i UNLISS ED NUMBERS Xda ads # yi Brighivyl y pd A "he fo pd os er = a Ft le 7 Rg Br A pr Pad Visine o rob wld sf "Wh rit Ee io" Cherier sever) movers aes ts LEAR WAIT RIE ® a, E A. " geass, Inv N'T i=, * lichen wor ol RUDY'S LE MOULIN | ROUGE Ls i, iar Rie CTFHNAR & FON GIA Rs of even gb . ! wr puis RES, PEP [Troi | * yl onirs, 8 Prch FASHION HAIR STYLING | 2) wr Br, Uo VI ol met Wines : Er a si Angin BO CATERERS Farset how SAR for promt, oo Roars, gg ve DISC ONNECT po hier the newsst ond best In a From Cd Bidisiond ge prs pe i of Fi ad ho areng or cach ond i BOWING SAND ddd ry » fra W. : : y corm poe on Bf Re yf By " | wvery member of the family, - PRIVATE PARTIES fe . onl fash why $d Ew oy x "oy 45 pos A pit fondo Mat} Sotisiaetion (usranteed | Limos, 96 AA fei 7 on penton emis wi = YOUR PHONE ts 8, | For opp at 66 8599 | RA 8-436) (samen, Entrgansions, ho i fi Ll ti # waiting Asus 1. A pus Migs Rag 44 Ales oo : os vs Me 4 bits dT ls MH ELD Ra mat be 10 or & pm. Wp dey bw pone FW6 fornidhed A ARG we 4 he or ons Kew a ; H i Fathidont fine shine seh Ester, Whe (REASTEAWE ind Tr: Worcs DRAPERY i rss wa' vad WA COUPLE OF i ww Fred : RELIABLE womes conele tr write in savers EEETIARIE 5st or single women, vith ROATH and, 06 moni, Wh 10D, | - 4 hadiom, secribics . HOT, Wo Be Tonk of exiidien, Homes LL west M & C DRY GOODS owtavie fed | tn A G Ned pr PT wy at 15090 ? . . » + bECOUSE YOU Know Whe adver uemant Which ssl both, heavy Aly wove, iin sup: | | Ean Wiser o" Sem ow 110, close to schools . | FRTRA Tavks Iuimiahid Romssheswing a ¥ A "Vio et id re those periods when Your wth, BA E4401 or WA B40 {oe VOR lows poms ond Wath, mewly || Bimaoe Braet Herth. RA 3) mete ste thE Fare Ford, Adept Bisel, wie Boeth VApity 198 Cotinn Mees ie {| ageitieing matter Must be medicsily tt, 19 19 IVs the same with your [i gH wrking. Must ses lo #9 log pinion 8 Li fh avnat iaorrd, Carte # EF RAIS 4 ad Wh i ae A MATERIAL |e HL for A 12 rr Aid snd Tahir wi i oe ond pido A & howe, bon ould en, ove oh ! | DAYS A WEEK wert, Lop HoH ns newly Negn| Drapes mage 16 Gros of Ih wd A pier wd ul Nounder, wom, An a On i waamiied oerwae Wen WN i nerien of wren STE hid B86 1BSEIYE Li Wy TYPI STS touch with you wring [P le, GW per mane, Wl bond vores ond 11 4 - v7 ym apo" ois of dvcioy naverine | TO JOIM THE CANAD! AM bon # d § BV Riad ARRILIRERt, VERY CaRtrit, | i) pl 0 ag esi Bonet ia" : AA . 4 FONE SEIVICE 18 QISCON- [NEW modern, hs, pi 1 Ehndes hep, water, Have, seirnnsar, INGLE fom for Fort, Santen mie, mosth Counersi Wolors, Renin, [FURNISHED Jom Rg ¥0 id ~ RA 5- "5.49% he Gets IIo (fleserve) oom, ipstatuity Ascoraied, | eniured -- / psig Ti ig 1A 41 years of age, able 19 advertising, People are |wesisis # 1k ' Wwe amare | vere Wander ard Trurdes | buying every day fo, chi, pi, ct ~ #VERING pM. 10H ih 1] ; RA B64 4 betwarh 8 bon, $04 § A | Don't let thet business Box B Medan Designs i 108 I Ent BA boii pier 749 po Filed, Drew g Ine ies, A bie, | ress mathe prices, PER en. "ead pms Wh Foro 1 "4 a er 6) 74 Colina B, RA 37927 Adf~Rooms For Rent zens ed frenarn adi i ed iohed fight ron A on fisamerd, rer Reyvond We res § that good prospects or rd DI dd Fon 5 "in 4 On Glendale Av harghd or § #9 7 i ' Eo gornin L] La ged Vor 5 Bogie isertion of TWO FEMALE. might be trying 16 get In [TWEEN Terke somm simian EAA & Flots hs le, Vu ophes wo 0 pry) lor ore Imiormason W17 SRIINng Becrmng " weseion, Mime BEFES re-- Wil Ve EEE R BF ad Wi : pletely farpahed, cine es wll hol be ros WOMEN'S ARMY CORP, tied BERFLIaRIS Ih REW AERIRER od 11. Kine, Johnstons bed Ye Pim. leaving yoo BiB A ist sa Ri gl id ra Ve ap Hs was eH § Wail, relrigeralls, Mave. wither, Rv THREE. doom spastiment, ness Buh Apsty | HANMT 6G. MAINDS i 3 GM plant, immetiste possssnion. Ap LIEUTENANT 5 pass you by because your | Bon T9--Personal OSHAWA ARMOAIEIE | . 1p RA Health PATTY aT Thersds Fe ys, 8 am | ad veriising 8 discon THREE oom basement speiiment, | » " = ; the shiny. Henlihtal Sonia! 00% EG CLR | nected Rivne entrance, hath, save, Felrder | Accountants [Business Opportunities Rus ond Upholstery (Money to Loon (Personsl Service y Pr ih Biktbion, Home Fmelor 9 7 ! door poery 16 mingles, BA S000 0 55 WOVEINGE snd Ch "Earl leoners i n-- | 4 # . fon dd vy Th EATER sore lay Ww Western LOLIENTY money ta 1008 on iin Wks And oe Heel . ' ADVERTISE IN 1978 Simene Both fied" Pulse Aesommtents, IE ii Intiaing, 146 King West Parking REATERFIEAIE sarah reemvered. 1044; Mor ana 4 Tolono oh wie! SHIRT LAUNDERERS > oly # # » / ins is yor wma | ATTENTION on IRL ILC i 07 WA 1-40 (ee ey CH) Dean fhe, wit Jamies! ZIPPERS REPLACED to mop, hat [H oF BER ! ! , - baby welcome. Avpliahie March 1 IWisoN smd BURROWS, € agers | are Feasinaiie Ration BURT | dah, pl Shorten orf § Hruby | Aven Cosmetics are in THE OSHAWA [North end, BA S084 mordings #04 Lo iniante, Wh Bimese 8 reel Ea MARINA ible" rent has psa " on 1 han yuma 1 ani EVERRES fshaws. Honsld ¥. I. Wiisen, iy CLASSIFIED SECTION | Sirest wid Auditors, Cednr Glen BIg, 11 06 {kavered like new. eb the best 19 le hovel of superfluous halr history. Territories new | CLASS J : i # gag 200 feet sandy shoreline 10x (st Modern Uphotaienn Wmeig LEAMI cl ) Al EVERY DAY {PUREE mam iplurniahed apartment, (arin Breet, Ochaws, (pana, IA B48) cated ot end of Causeway, 4444 Call BA BHi01 fi 1 » lees ad LOAN f YA Bassh ve y Marie Murdutt will be Wn Oshawa, Feb, 218 and 22nd available for women 19 shared bath, avpilabie now, Telephone SLANDER, HUNTER 9 BA 84108 fur ning ation (ra 74 FRIEDLAND aid hao | Snack Bar, Bosts, Daxks, Ex . -- ( TROL YSIS | demand. Customer ae TIMES FWA - Fim Aparimeni. chmiariakiy | 6, Edmond Burrows, Ch, KA $9971, | CHEMONG LAKE | MONEY T0 Complete stock of buttons, y- © Io | ceptance highest in | Virninhed, downtown, Apily TL WBre x E REWAR snd £6.) rd $16,000 coh hull price = (CHESTERFIEIDN ond oi Pry iA GILLARDY'S } | Phone Genasha Hetel on these {HA isis baihed wndurnished, heated, hot and Bing Biree! Fast, Oshaws slered, Bex aug materiale tor Tener collect immediately {hus slop, King Street Fast. Available |; Ca, (hariered Asrountants, RA (rH f ut OLLECTH y fll time (WW furnished housekerping Foams d 40' 5100 REWARD COTLECTOR = ort ine of fo Torys (FOUR Foum §iund Tiaer speriment; | Couple peeleriml Apply 4 Dirkw Bieeel Gow CLANOV'E Oniaia Assining PETERBOROUGH, Omarie, CLEANED short term mortgege for 0' TOWERS $45 hundred dollar (Person. Must have ear. Ne selling a (biines. plavgrmina "wid parking, ren MODERN (hies ron Basement (services tor small Business. 194 hon -- 1, ta the first 4 pecpls, whe | Front Breet, Bulle 204, Toronig | |WEATER bachelor apartment, Todieg| drive, entrance and Bath, Beat and |Hesidencs RA 37008 | Minbar. of 'the Mationsl for sale rurchased Apply Completely Install that signs 8 lease for a med [fe and salary wanied, Write Bax sin, |Menikly, Telephone BA §-8180 THREE om apartment, four plese JON A CAMERON, Fariiaiar. aoilel Ih whine new Tadies elothes gi v oiled { ( HH ome. Act . 9 goed " EF 4 0627 DIAL RA 3 3497 YRREE © mom apartment, sell-eon:|iicensed Frusies Wh Fankrupler, MW ale ssllent location, FURNIVURE repaired + poy Monies for all types of morts ww. Radio ir : Cell water supplied, wired for heavy CA; VF, Friedlander, W. Comm. FA Please call or write {ing Bruce RB, Dalton, TW nantes birest gages for first and second wo RADIO, wh "= ov 40 | 3 ma dates for eppOINIMEnt w= SAA PH " i Flats wn | 1A, Have. Parking for tenant's eqs # MONTEITH, MONTEITH, BIERL,, Po H, €. KLINTWORTH, ---- sneer | prorigages on oll types of reel | Eiiots Py RA Viele id | Male Help Wanted | or Rent [M #7ch | Fhohe RA 0473 i A pcg Breet Worth, Oshaws fi 333 Charlottes $t., | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS estate insluding veeant lands; WH 30 saliecting manthly 0 rans oem | ha oor aparimel MAnent Fo or peliabie [#1 6 by F ool and | RA 4108 helween 8 © § p.m v lel haepin builders; fit and second CORCEFR, PRFMMARERE Foule for reliable 0 Berviees oiler samplele Baokkee | of RI 2.4234 Protessional Cleaning, ders; ' 130' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 A CIE, NEW, [Vmived. Wrlie Collection Manager, 4 sonable, Prince Albert, Viikon $788, |Soisomint "warm and Ary, wrivate |Bteeet West Room 1 Office BA #0 Dressmaking Home or Plant mortgages ond agreements ; / € I iges alan TV auliet, |hydin included, $60. Geirgsd Road | sees rraTE---- o -- 20 ROOF ANTENNAS $22 . only, wie Tel igRE als f f 1 0 send me the name of 8 peren 14 i rd iM gid ort (eenteal, sya oe ehriary 1", Wik aren RA B6IH Barristers PAEAAMARER hleraiions on Ja Institute of Rug Cleaning M, Swartz, 26V4 King Street wh MNU-WAY == RA B.4681 East, Oshawa, Telephone RA With 2:Year W. . ntrally located apart Hehawa Times (MORERN four © roam apartment, near | privale hath, sell coniained, heated, | ar nd notary mbiic, hth King Street ; he 3.4607 ir Warranty . BAWLEIGH business now open In Osh Shopping Cenire, refrigerator, slave, (hot, sold walter, parking ama, one| 1, BA 5aisd NHA snd Hy : ALIN? ON a / ment, with iegsenabile rent, (SOUR Durham County, Trade well |Dambon dis J "arblag, Availapie, BA (Black from hus. Available, BA bal6/ {mortgages #iranged [AITERATIONS of ahi kinds for moh SEGERS Mortgages L U S Wri , 50. Osho Lesianiished. Excellent npportanily, Full [1470 or H 1 Fairielah Avenue ML I --__™ Ne to Box 380, Oshaws [time Wrile Av nce RAW ihe, Dept |GROVNT floor, twa © salaries Rome, BA |BECAND floor upeiale apariinent, hm | THOMAS LA ha a oo Fil {aversible aklirie--s specialty, RA 84486 0 3Y LAIR Cs fon {wn CITY T V Imes 410-108, 400% Richelisy ihlien | vale eitrance and driveway, all serv: plelsly furnished heavy Aly ran f 4 bY ny 000 . T----| CE WVICE stalion attendant, Wrile Baa|ices paid. Share bathroom C0 up iu|and vetrigersiar, private ERIE RnCeE * | hreet Fast, Phone RA 8176 FURRIER and | ruG 1 UPHOLSTERY MOrLgaRs, privale Fiebhone 1, Sad. 21 Personal Service 4% Oshawa Times prefered. Telephone BA 5-108 mall child weleame, 67 Monjrave Ave: [GREER and Kelly mora Joi ance " RA i Oe | ni k] { te, 14 Bimheoe Sires 0 7844 (LICENSED body mechunie Wanted, Ap: | MODERN healed bwabedroom od | C0 =k Dial RA" 85618 We ence ss] DRESSMAKER | CLEANERS MORTGAGE 5 ane-hedrngm apartments, conveniences |BPECTAL = Bachelor apartment, In M. Greer, BA, § soe. Ter. RY OUR ply Robson Motors, Bowmanville Imei i A , . H 1 M ec, RA include stove, 'refrigerator, TY anien: | apartment building i aie, "inal gor | VER, PA, Ai Hy Boo8i8 New, Alterations, Remodelling Professional eleaning of MONEY AVAILABLE 802 SIMCOE ST, 8. ( Cc SALEBMEN -- Giond position, open for Ins snd laund hi ie, slave pel / x hah ' GUD Ch hin fosly of nits fie so ae i hard tel AA proierre, "Telephon | 1V millet, barking. No 54448 RALPH J0NEN, WA, ry 4 Low Prices lovier_ prices PAYMENTS TOSUIT TY, Service Colls, $3.00 \ inhaw Win } 5 f i y 5 ih Pranic irish, fh and |Uskulaciurlng Po, $18 Bese Breet yop wg CLEAN agement apartment 5 8 8F (1560 ARTA olbeet Hast, WAH Kb 22 ROWE STreer RA 5-7488 YOUR BUDGET with eh i | Worth, Whith | 43 mam apartment, all sonven ([downiown, $58 manih neludeg heat, | Mariage ans avaliable RA I) 6706 | ALLIED INVESTMENTS SAMSON AN lenges, hamhon Arapes, central, hot [hydro and Parking space. Telephone hips, hamburgs, het dogs | chips, hamburgh het a6G% | SON'S tn DRAWS Fears vaung wales, parking free, WA S010 or BARA B36) CREIGHTON, FRARER, DRVNAN Painting and Decorating COMPANY T V TOWERS milk shakes man with al least three ur mare yeary |§ MURDOCH, Ba | man ed ! 5 RX 5 rristers, Bolleitop MODERN GRILL | retail hardware experience. Telephone AVATAR Waren TE oe Feive AVAILABLE March |, twa - hedrom MURDOCH, herria (om meres hot Plumbing Heating ; PROFESSIONAL painter and paper] 81 KING 57, RA 3.3993 VER RA 5.3887 {A B7473 ta srvangs interview Apartment, will sublet,' suidpped with (ant. Welenhase OF ver 414 tov fur. | 30 Bimean Beret North, BA S8406 | TE "Tyo " hanger Guaranieed work 4nd mite M o " WE DELI . ¥ le Melp |e sod fr hambkon Arapss her Information | YE an: We | bP h a6 SVEN, § Ll io: | Hale Pree estimates. Al Conroy, RA ember Ontario Mortgage RA B-B818B0 frp m-- TT-------- ~ AAT J ' rynan, 6, 1 " 24 "Market Basket i" fale A emole Help mana al Hn PP Two hedroom apartment in MOdeER | norlgages arranged [ths sips LA A Fc 3 . " Spi ntar|™ --_. s Assoclotion OSHAWA T. V. ante d Lachelor sparimen cen: (apartment hullding, svallahie now LL IEALINE Pip FAINTING and paperhanging, winter DNTARIN polatoss, 75.10, hag, twa Aol ; tral, 495 monthly, Mey. Welnherger, |A-9008 afler & pom. 100 Craydon Road, | MANNING =F BWARTE, RAFT, fd fixtures, pow and used, # yaks, fi Gouiding, 4 Chueh Street lars. Dievered Satirdays oF pick Wp at | ESTABLISHED liding supity yond HA 80048 oF RA B7804, Welnherger | Apariment Balle} tog Vatary Maner fa ee ahi | (ing from " ie tank (0 sewer & 80% | Telnphane HA b nd and rd 36) GIBBONS ST. 0 Ld a J ] ¢ f ikl y I) lh HE -- ---- EE AH {17 Bilin Mond North Phone WA. wishes a wil wn ther, presen sialon eiat WIRE "Wo RATAN SV, bck, "dale Wane wal. Haat "WA [sia Toateioibons oh reasonable reieh A -- 8 2908 Experience In bookkeeping, sales and NEW modern {Wo nedvanm ¥ 3 ---- ---- 3 0 spartment [near Power Slope, heated, heavy duly 3407 Residen Dig HA 34000 Vp g A ------ purehasing preferred Top earnings for | EYE 5 pri Bag mn A pari Adit TR Riv Rare, Leaiad, pris ALEC dence, Pin ire of plumbing. Dial BA Bad, J DODD & SOUT ER SUPERIOR Balai : x 1 Abply | 25.Pets and Livestosk TRL pereon Write Hox 510, © 8 a wa 10 ond Hove, paved Faking, ive | 85 Division Breet ow [JAMES A. MashONALE, bl. 4 PAINTING & DECORATING Mortgages APPLIANCE SERVICE minutes walk la Aeneral po, pF AUTIFUY baby budgies ready 105 | 0OUFLE for | Man may he other A $05 MONTHLY, on Rossland Road, two lie. The Commercial Bullding, Wing CONTRACTORS hing fd hos tf Fala Apply Mis Ie PLE Jor home, fe nanianing rp manthiy, $40 Maisga eka, WA § hedraama, large Kitchen, stave, relilg | West, OMAWR, ORIN Client park Building Trades |S "Paintin Paperhang!n, Television + Radio » Range Ha 114 Elgin Street Hash in fren Nims. Welesences and Engish | CENTRAL private self A eratar, washer, dryer, parking, Contact| ing available YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim a M Wash: nD, i Tos |esaential, aod Wages and ving be Apartment, then roams and hath, cup | Dan Howe, Heallor, KA 87734, apposite | fl : OW | Rexs bullet and repaired, gas linings In Gyptex, (1 Wall rails, 10 PAY ALL ashers «= Dryers. and Oven FROBLE a Ri Ba] an A cammadaion, Write Bax 607, (IShAWS phate and ii ih Wichen, ave and Hotel Grnasha dg A Ph ad] Rie Khai salled, Alaa es Veruumen Free esti Spray boiling ™ YOUR BILLS Control Repair Specialists, pale. All registered stack, Reasonable, | Times iT Huron trast Wik ARKIN: RERTRABLE second flor downtown | Bast, Oshawa, Ontarie, KA 88871 Maley 107 BYRON S17, 5, WHITBY ww PH, RA B.4873 one Wennels, KA 58088 -- Apartment, self ganiained. three yooms | or \ Fhss Solara Sunes 41 ---=Room & Board PRIVATE aparimen AR reed hen" war | JOSEPH F, MANGAN OC, harrigier | Ack PImbing and heating supplies DAYS Mb 8 7) TQ PAY OFF 49 BURK STREET SAMOVER puph, purebred. F¢ LE : hathranm, on stipes nl [heat and walter, adults only, Avallahle (S0lielinr, Maney ta loan, Office 144 Hy plambing: heatng and LATA] = NIGHTS RA 5:7426 LL Sonsibly Rates Harned, Uxbridge, Oniaria. Phase ROG out Wid Tn private Ham cefrgsraloe spilled wr HT fing Braet Bayt, Ookawe, WA 04088, [og 'os RTILCOE alvee) Houth A MORTGAGE -- arking Iaellitie AF mare IRIGER i sie f ww {in, phone RA S08, $8 INCLUDES alliities, Tovely fwe: te ured men iy Hee DONALD BLAKE BODDS, Maria ENRAMIC wall ies i oh nis PAINTERS & DECORATORS ~T0 BUY A HOME TV TOWERS ' a roamed heated apartment Ah-=-Fgrmer's Column $1800 PER WEEK, room sod heard far lbedranm apartment, private ehtranes (ern, private threes place hath. Tele [ARd Boliniiay, $64 Ho Blrest East | Work fully HT Free salimates, Indusval, woo merelal, FOR ANY of -- DEAD farm stack pleked uh Prompt: twa gentlemen ta share, 3h heise, | and adh, 4,8 outlet, parking, Bus at phone MA 28100 fap Further informa Helepnane Business a0 onl Teinghans HA 8-084 GEN Al fargwill Fr Farm, Trane BEAGLE dag, white, Black and (an (NEW SAL NT URronin SPATTER, TWO unfinished oF pari Iahed | MeBIRRAN and RASTERG, Barristers, Finishing == Home ATEN wheal straw, Telephone CORE spats, last in Vahdes Aven Finder [in quiet residential aves, \ ove Ne rabar, iarge Sanne with Folge Bgl Solicitors, Clients' finde avaliable tor Warkmatinin- guaraniond. Pres oo and Office Furniture Rat din galvanized. ) paink, ol ! q G0, Aienet Nocth Complete with new Morine eEEM---------- V oubist lephons HA 8136 103 Bruce Aires! A BAMA, Charles | old UL ROOM and board far » Dusiness " - 4 50- Swap & Barter irl or Uoacher, fivadday week, clase | FOUR + foam apariment sell-caniain po XE Bitohis Tov sauna a | kar b. Hastedo, ft Hh (en pain hie! oaydUNIARTON Payments - Total price, installed and Is ) . ap pully In fwe wares, A18 | pho HA 63478 taundry facilities, outlet, 870 (washing facilities, close to bus, Tele: |ior Almetn South RA $0000, Reel L EVENINGS TE 9.2364 No Bonus queranteed lor yeer $87.30, Uding, ane house for equity kl moninly, Avaliable I A phane fia [ELL] Ry RA #0864 kd : Teienhe HA 84608, evenings. RA Privieses. single or room ta share "Well Drilling ----id Avtlelos for Rent No Extra Charges TV E | Juiaphane win leds, Parking space Telephone (COMBINATION bulli-in Michen and | ples, Rita Road Saith, averlaaks va. | Barristers, Boligitarsi # Him WwW WARD Li BANE Reb tes f nterpr ses i are or wath. Separdie ent : \ i Ah Bireel East 253 Drew St, 32-~Artigles Wanted ROOM and hosd for gentlemen. Ick (H8ukiice 'shenel, Taiaphate RA Rio | Tuc are Phone allies NA Aly mes, WA| WEL L DIGGING BY FLOOR SANDERS FIANO wanied nti ad ail F AY RA [EL WO = ream apartment, unfurnished, CUPBOARD SANDERS ar size. all cash. HOW 31s iy with cupboards, sink, hat wales, pri Maney ta loss 8 : ih | % ns Life Ins oe Mir Soe Gunen Street BAY, M8 ER Week Tor voor and Tord: | 1h Suphenrd RATRINg space ARRIY $100 REWARD FV BARMERA WA GRR T, Malle SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | EERRUARY SPECIAL AT Loo nsured NOW, , , ANTER Il cement mixer with [located at Thamien' Road Saulh, (MODERN twa i. ream iment, v drec al ' ¥ without matar. Tn god condition. RA iy . iy Jom WH Slave, Felrigeralor, washer and Fer, A rip, new, hundred dollar MO 8:2563 = MOQ 8.3809 30% discount on famous TV SERVICE 4 ONE week free! Large, Waim moms, |§ sais RE ~ WANTED twa Brownie uniforms, [with heard, In new hme, geod meals, | send me the name of a person [SUNNYRRAE af Oshaws. Care fav oid PO BOX 329 Complete Tube Test BAST housekeeping voa 8 Carnegie Ave [frigevatar and ne Ver A hia " YE | PH) YoO ge Clase 0 hus Apily 143 Fran Street my modem, centrally Ineated pide Bon id at Gardening and Supplies RA 3.4873 ALL CANADIAN LOAN €O. 3 ; % ANY Kind of garden work hy ssperis, " W SHAW ods, to shave, Hive or gener dain, nF when you dn 1 the sass way fava | apartments, with reasonable relareions. Telomnane RA BAM "HA Hrehsonable. Tate RA Wiha? Sher 17 SIMCOE $T, N, RA 5:7844 or RA 8 S804 AUTO WRECKING CO, [sundey, board aptianal. BA 3-8 partments fay Rent" in Olassifie rent, Write: Bex 350, Osh DEN ; DON HOLREN = Pi, Wit, ARE Shr nt SERVICE Win Ao! WANT ng Pais for sale, alse wrap ion |[FRIV \ ¢ hn MOM ARATE Saturday 'Til 12 Noor d metals, ste, baught, Open ment, Mah hv Naver 1 - Are | New modern 2 bedroom ONE MONTH bi a i NARnALon o North Ma] ALLSTATE Auto Insuranes, ave ow y : h and 4 ' Shieh within twa or hive blacks ofl apartments, 329 Adelaide FREE RENT tahorhe, Evenings hy HRA SIDEWALKS CLEANED farsa Sent, bx mahi Aug "n Offices Throughout Ontarle CALL RA 8-5286 mes flaps ealleet, HAmPLaR, as three meals per day, sentra $0087, (daar. HA 3 on enge #4474 1 trpan sl home ToRaive Bhi ve weipol and Alterations PURPOSE A011. self-su ring tower, 06 ii sas lelephane RA #68 stave, laundry facilites, narking and gtiable far soupie with ane hid, HA | List motanges in Bimegs Airest Noth | mates, HA 38410 T. W. PHILPOTT CO, Low Monthly "81 all + channel antenna, y Shapeing Centen and school, Tele: (ed, Brivale entrance, Hewly pearated, (business wivls Fei erator, stave and jowM David 1, Barrister, Salleh: | faces Winithy, MO #4 : Also prompt set servies i Tema {, ha athes properly in Oshawa ares. | YOUNG gentloman preferred, home Ply 867 Farklane Avenus NEW two bedroom apartment tn dy (HUMPHREYS, Rovehyn and Tan, RA S0568 for further information Heing roam, with hedroaam, adioein! a vine, Telephone WA 8.0088 for further |Phvevs, QO; 6G, 8 Hovehyn, BA} W clean quiet home, good fond, Telephone et hy. Mo Brel RA Ba0h Prepayment aa RA 3.3583 z ' pewly decorated Foe You will find : 2 Taronta Raakitatity ph Ta Mali Hotme Motel | 28 Athol Blrest Eas : ton, ey i mean Brest Ml WHITBY, ONTARIO REDUCED RATES SUPERIOR DAY AND NIGHT R701 with any Information y sith' end, $03 monthly. Telephone RA | Bill, to the first 4 people, wha [Nursing Services 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. make Enamel and Paint Discount Limited PLUS SUNDAYS gasanlele, wise 8 ov 10, Telephone NA beds linches packed. Als firnighed TRO + roam apartment, Jurnished, 18: that signs @ lease for ane of [CF1Y Beedle RN sipeivised, induliies WEBBING HARDWARE THE FASTEST GROWING LEN & LOU'S TV ROOMS avaliable for three giria. single (THERE'S na work to apartment hunk " niuranee TIARA RA 5.454) Want ; for wrecking, _owa_ Times Optometrists ually Insurance. 81 Aires rr ' A Nants ears fo ng |43-==Wanted To Rent ADELAIDE TERRACE bulbs SUEY Si u HANTS Yl : Open Wednesday Til 8 PM, rv YR Rb A Saturday all day, Phone Hur earners. Apply Rox 408, Oshawa Ave, W. Stoves frigs, T.V RA Ad TE ---------------------- \ " Waeteh Repair All Work Guaranteed, RA 5:2311 89 BLOOR B. |Qviev ists (0 ("os 110] water parking mma amd | He nw nd tun bod | at, DARTH eo FAST SERVICE v MEAL Brvale hath, hy Nach 1% ar] water, parking space, and room apartments, $85 and | West, Whithy, MO ih ¥ low Money to Loan OSHAWA WANTED [fies bt Toi" NERY TBD A |W OL BROT [Re mini Eee i OSHAWA HOME ma says, ss, mos sis WATCH REPAIRS os dla : es = he Bank ar ¥4 Burk feel frvalids ~ y Aranase af mi SCRAP IRON, POULTRY |ddwMouses For Rent TWO BEDROOM [= Sino 2% horus ial RA AY LANDSCAPING Hn en J. Cornish SFE ¥ AND FEATHER TICKS (GF ew or sore shase tai Wilh WE PARKWOOD [Surveyors 299 King St, West [vidwaly I. TURNER animatels he a bre APARTMENTS NONEVAN AND FLEIRCWMAN, Of Specialiving automatis ge RA 86366 NE TR preferred. Anply 8 Celina Bives Land HR RA 3 2043 RA 3334 NEW slaves far rent mens ho Excellent location, New bullet: MANOR RAT 1] ba Tel hel Wa | ES rafessional walshes, Food Freeanr Services > {eallect) ahee sores Raw Available 1080 4 Ing, with or without lease. 339 No RA 3 4548 TORN TiReaw Ty a 1raeeieria and pasianrant aired a Mn y W IS THE TIME a 11 CASH FOR SCRAP ! 1 (Ai Hyd in ra maten 8 | Jack LLOYD REALTY APARTMENTS faovy eh IA PhP TO GET MEN % mc wae bed and " Xs Instruction STOP - Any ment Oshawa He as 0! WE BUY Rita 2 ig RA 8.5123 oN PIAL RA 33000 now AT YOUR CALL Breet Bast RA +h WIVATE teacher, student counsel) HOMARKET Food od ha Te IT TT be ' "FUN To "TR La REPAIRS OR REMODELLING oh he. RA HIB WOR Fromser Company how STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, ite SRITANSE ATARIS PATH a SAGUENAY AVENUE Brean ne plate Avenus Hash LARGE OR SMALL MONEY TO LOAN " Whitby. Offers the finest toy PAPER, RAGS, Fic a UMS prsitired Vela ? BEDROOM : : : ' VLLIAN Mae ar dunes sdueaton| service in Ontaris. All name Open All Day Satrday APARTMENT PARK RD. 8 KING ST, HH ORION af hasan, Ot CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL] $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for shy hy sharteent Dry brand groceries, Steaks and M RELNBERG SONS vo wm hig PR dt PISTRICT) neering, M4 Dundas Street Was, immediate loan on first and dane LY roasts to delight the aye, At G & A ee rath hus, Aviliable Marek AT BUS STOP . LITT th Po | RA 8.5103 Second Mortgages. - Agree: [oe a | usr cu hy SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Quiet, reside nal street ve | ments for Sale. an vacant and HARV! "n A N 2) ya ¥ w= dl 4, 8% Ib. RA 3.7333 a COR | Sto : | & Thedoom Apartments Business Opportunities 110 KING ST, FE, OSHAWA improved property, residens ing. hagt hy mii a Hs AR Bap ally dat ove, refrigerator, parking, Stoves, 'tgs, TV. ouMet EXCELLENT appartunity for ambith AJAX REPAIR AND tial and industrial eity, subs wen RA AW signed HOM ARK RET {lenanis. BA marily, heat and Radia dad, Rig ie apes, parkir ¢ Mi Mh. \ . Fe--Fomale Help Wanted Lo Shotgun pov, Are RA 5.3302 BE nation. (ah Mt ot eae] mal mest | CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | urban and country, and Sum: PRATER Tae wi vu iene aml freeren from 29400. Ne APERIENCE Ire Woman far & -- -- h ment Contact Hand K ware pa ; m-- WF eOttages, reading Classified right now, w deposit, Lifetime warranty, A ita ork Mit" Me bate TRGAn: Tadne. [SVX © TAR hawks, 385 CIATR BAR PHONE IS Rican South RA weit Vai Fuel and Weed Summertand Securities Limi: [INL Teatvmade Sutiness Dial R W family of four con live well shoes and Speak Baslish, Hes in, © oll heated, wallabies fr twa couples #8 OFFICE SPACE RA 5.7072 RA S.57287 Mande, RA Hat} ' NY PIEOEN of hardwood firewood ALL ted N12 Simcoe Steet | ond own a freezer for $16.00 HR Sie. Witte Bes * Rey King Sirest Fash ak k : TRANG Brim var farther Wnforma | North, Oshawa. Phone RA [Bookkeept per week. For information, h O8 A 5 MO Ye foam : . oR, oN | ook eeping \ BARN 181 Soaks HEV G0 aid ewan ow ace wemies] FOR RENT APARTMENT SERVICE STATION DRY. Maiinand sod sion ta = 8 -- all HOMARKET, 107A Col jhe 1B sone apate Ge Just show lelephone RA SAWS svenings FOR LEASE |Raneen, staves, Hrentaons He L. SCHAPELHOUMAN horn |, West Whithy, MO . Wi \ & ashion Frocks Wo friends Na wvest cuore ay WOR TAW Wik TV oad Aelivered Phone RA Jah, | sasvaning tapeiace Sacer (0 3 A 1 Passenger. elevator service In well kept building that SS CASH KR an Lele: N wih An AAR Fahim | ag Tug Bhd I New build Centrally ton Provides | " . : Cartage COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING Richard Mavock RA 2468 Shit BN SURE PAPA REY farmace. RA Sa cated In downlown ares 1 Lot of cupboard spose | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA JONNY Nee vd Serr aes] PHONE FOR A LOAN RRC INCOME TAX USE Tr : Ll y N a " URN : HE | won (RIX SOR Bowe, BAG Wise, Moderate rent, Leases now 2. M k i y Whithy _ Weasonable tates, Fully Sle, SRE | ovale hon far | eran isvep caLLONAge [orumes ssid vibe ma Si $50 to $5,000 686 OSLER STREET ' A" SHORTHAND ra Ka ae An 3. Exeeliont floor plan | SCOTIAN Cartage. for fast dependable : TYPIST [Eigen Wiki ried TA THE TIMES Bakar OVER MANY YEARS arma? No Toh Aon Wa ot] RA 8.4283 OSHAWA, ONT. OSHAWA TIMES regi] row N x WA faa Paved parking. - LESSEE TRAINING AVAILABLE ARRAN Nd | Fe onal office im [Wes AR a Sake 0 Wine BUILDING Complete taundry facilitle 1645.00 PER WEEK PAID Rug and Upholstery Seaboard Finance RA 5.9953 Asx, wperneed anly [8 SEREEN Sow Neth haan ) al Feation DURING TRAINING PERIOD 'Cleaners CO. OF CANADA LTD. [pa | Service CLASSIFIED Hd At oni I weet T. L WILSON " Tolephone URBOLSTERY al fs hast fr Ton We wie oh AW alhroam. SW N PLEASE PHONE RA 3.0807 Potlaliee In Saeko, Rs oth, 29% SIMCOE ST Ss BOX 308 A Ties (ANNE nea Ar 4 | Pe RA 3.3474 | MO 8.4770 afer 7 PAL [modeled renaired Free "a OSHAWA N HGR Fan ™ Rh a PCR COLUMNS av