CANADIAN SKATERS LEAVE FOR PRAGUE Members of the Canadian skating team pose in front of plane at New York's Idlewild « Mrport tonight before leaving for Prague, (echosioy where (eam will compels aka Bot om 19 1ap are Hyland Jelinek Bronte £ market Foro ana Debbie Gi Lert LGaen Brie 0 Oa Har Jelinek Union Wilke B Ie ye BY of jardin Maur LaFrance Paulette Doan and Ken Orpshy Team will compete in Wry i ig HE) Farame world hh wm enam irephota EUIE BERLINER an a OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS FRIENDLY J 4 be spvhody's with #ll the teams for points Daubies Few and Linisy Males Singles Belly Laura Collins 208, Rose and Marg Sawyer 9 Points ites 3, Joke hells § Howells pine |. Blawpokes 2 anil Hi Mlapding Hopeluls dokers 14, desieis Headping 10, Slowpakes # bells 7 APUE LEAGVE Team #Aapdings Migh 8d, Body Bullders 48430 touchables 48307, Drivers Shalimars 47.9485 and Bigakers Ladies WEh sings Autumn ad. Ladies high tiple, Bea Lo) (and, 233, 189) Men's high single Men's high tiple CIb6, #he, 18%) (178, 263, 184) Games nver ry arald Whithren i, hee 236, 261; Helen Whal id y i oN 2BBIE (Iames mn 02 Danis Eile 77 85, Janet Gibh 82, Cathy Teds Sym #6 and M Blane 08 WEDNESRAY NITE LARIES ory there was ne writs week. The "Hus Bug sei me MG Triples and avel F. Barnum #93 1877, 203, BIZ); P, Andrey 683 13 221); 6G. Murphy #18 (343, 3) Oliver #13 (243, 341); B. Skinner (210, 347) and ©, Misztak BOG (368 200 Games Bnd aves | 846, V. Newell 234, F A. Murray 452, M. Williams #0 8 Powers 38, B. Grant 218, A. Lang 7. 4. Taylor 215, N. Bisskn 415 211, B, Daniel 304, N. Rods Henson 200, M. Colllsan Farsons 800 fi. Sheridan 98 E. Therrien 9 i. ¥ Bil Thacsuk 204 Bill Thaeouk BU Gerald Bull and Al Dadd Shi Tans Fei gy 20%, Wa! Horry firnig Al Nieal Aletha Grant Ladies 66, # up I Goh ers Wl 00 and J Lemon League M. Fitzgerald #7, Grant 01, B. Daniel 7, J. Pai Nn. May 60, B. Grepnon 97 and 1. Bow 0; 1] Wishhones | Jakes 1, Blan Satellites 0" Paints Taken fits 4, Lemons 3 ters Ao Bealniks | Bin int | Tag standings Satellites 15, Jok ers 12, Lemans 18, Blow Beilars 18 King Pins 8, Beatniks 8. Wishhones § and Misti 8 WIRE AND HARNESS Team standings Pin Pickers 11 Hi Bawls 7, Head Pip Jeaters &, Luck Alle Lats Standings #130, Go-Getlers 8000, Mei Head Pins 6635, Hi Howl $600, Gay Six A687 and Alle her 80 Bah sbiutl 8a 283), Bev Gihsan F838 (34) Frank Stewart 705 (341 Res nolds 634 (964, 213) 3 26 071 Maurie 2875 Iris Fawley y Clarke B31 (013, 28d) and Baker #08 (371) Over 0 Floyd Fowler 33, Elma 844, Gord Stell 334, Helen Reynolds R41, Shirley Muller 336, Murg Hiake 245, Doug Sutton 331, Carl Ruri 8 Pauline Mitehell * 317 Ia 317, Pal Strutt 848 Marin Ai, Wilma Snow S08 Rant 300 Howard Walker | fiearge Kesnan 3063 wi Lemon League faan a" Red Demerse By and Mardy Hosseau a" Langiogd Pang Payaihy Giada Uave Tam Ba \ and Pan Pawless Theston BASTWAY LANES MINER TEN FINS nahi y | pave elghl more 5 po nelape we fend a few times Tit AME 7-33.83, Jahn Presion Wear 4AM, Marian Aulg al Vaughan's 3:30:85, Untouchables 0-36 7 MeMurtey Ins. 387.84, Gases 7300 Howie's RA 735.93, Hyman Real § F308, Heifering's Imperial 333-86 Bastway Lanes U-3396. Ba-Foep RW fanrant 3-33.87, Dareen's Boat $1087, Subway Lunch 306604 315.58, Bawl Em Overs 01437 Tap man hawler was Slew Mall with 631 (301, 38), Slew had a had nih fast week and doapped Wis ave age in 181, but this will hang again. Gand bowling, Slew A (Bad, Bo Baxter 861 (308) Hugh 343 (303), LL Wills 838 | Vaughan 383 (30), 6. Red Masta, 1 Collins 380, J. Leaman 3 R. Neal Sof, 5. Severs M8, GG, Talay 3, W. Vervaek 485, D. Cale 40 Tuner 405, L. Smith 485 and M. Jahn TUL LA Mutiel Judge was high lady hawiey of the night with 338 (301 tons Muriel, and alse ta Oada Guan a sal eftart. 5 Sheleaked! 488 4 Callin 414, F. Bouckley 468, J. Peel 46) Taviar 430 V. Judge 444, 0 Mason 4 b. salvas #8. ML Wells 438, MM. « 410 and ©, Collis 408 DANAWA BAIRY LEAGLY With hut a single week left ia 4 section, Helen's Halrpins have I sewn uh and diapped fous asl Week The Serewballs and Pops are well off ihe Pace. ual 1 aul 3 draw and the lal secon will be tween these twa jeans Chuck Duran continues eave Wilh an average af sil Sept this With & 663 (3, 28 follawed BWR Bob Feeney S41 (34 Boh Tompetiton 830 (377) and Dom Me a al, A . gs of 30 pha' were valled Wy vera Lymer 385% Cee Burma 238 Bot Feeney M8 BM, Tam Neal 30. 38 and Ret hear 38 Leman League § Velma Neal 8 and Jean Team Mandng Wale 3, Serewhatia 16 @ g | hm A 1] + cangratula M palais 0 Whe Haltping 0% wha wad and 34 a : 5 YW Wap 34 wd Papa es 44 f farlings § SEIGHBOBRROON LANES Pinchers ihngies ANDER al Pessident Ray Gear tony Lapel of th Fl Pu Fin Forgetlulls 3 and dels 0 STARK 4 heis § point Helles 8 HEL ARBILY shadowed the rest of the night dandy ee last | aug at) yi hath 608, wh I This andl place Igcted # forts man far th ni i with Ton the Cal rolling oh Aver fin are (aad) bath ha fi included a 234 fi flers i Hed with the Ahird seein honors fet § boys ¥ # sake nil Eagles 1a eight I with [ines Cael 308 " ir 8242 A goad nights iets and (alls points for Hawks, Ie Jala # Oilers 10 and Haw Standings 17 Colts Walter and Ben Fishes heir Lapel naturall Liang Hawks 41 i" 17 and Faleans Ten H 213, aR lahm I. A ba Averages NATE, J TOWN AND CO} High Wi I Billings 04 fipig #1 oR [ nhurner 18 M ok # all, J K holm (iearge Ma and Bill Pe Is Eagles 33 hams: eons 4 Kept £f Ea |B} night's el gh Is B les # hl ne 4 (884 } NIRY LEAGUE Preston #3 and | Moonstone Alda 10 and Opals § FIREMEN Inanias | TILE Fire § andings Pearls 14 Connie fahustian an | MIAER ia Ripadstones W 1 aii ¥ LEAGLY Sirens 44 Va, Bimakies 3. CO's | Hats tap nding 5 Laggers | and fap Hats Me § Burrs nstraetons Willys 638 SR ERG Te hah asse were Just vaasting when hey 8 MoRinie He | Su i 16 fe, of the Oilers, LHe " Ha ave Lis i mitlee DAVE BLACK MEMORIAL | Men's Singles Tourney Starts Here Saturday of | | Much imterest is being shown in the sixth prwiel Dave Black Memorial Mews Bngies Cham Panstiy, WHER WIE get WRAe) way tins week and with Wowiers aH over Onan ehgmie (6 Com pele # large embry Ww samedied Don Bagshaw of the Toioms City Ma Stan Jarvis Invi: ae 6 the 1908 heider of Ihe Drove Black Memorial Trophy will be back 14 BEIend Bis CEOWR oni racompanying Don will he ton more Bagshaw Brothers Bob and Bil There will gion he Many #6 tries from Cobre, VPelerhor oh, Port Hope, Whithy, Ales and, of conse, # Wg eptry of Oshawa bowlers, incuding (or mer champs, Ik Adams, Matt Bell and Bow Gallagher. Adams has heen a winner (wice A twit guote of Oshawip how) ers from the major leaghe and other lacs). lepgnes will he owt to bring the tle hack ta Osh awa and with the calibre of howling which has been ines wn 1siely,- there showid he ots of action and excHement Word has been received that a contingent of major leaguers will be coming from the Mount Dennis Men's Mair league and MRKIBE REF IIIS RIPERFRIEE pt Motor City Lanes IN WASHINGTON Fhe (ornament with sen mw Saturday wt LIB pm. when the fist shift wilh got wnderwiy,. As wher sift wish start o 7 pw There wih #lsn be 2 silk mw Sinday #t | pm, The same wo ert e will be condicted on Sat. wey Fh. Us and Sunday, Feb % The Aeadiine (or entries is this 0 (50m the ARErican TERENE, Fosiers focal ppneRre (8 be handily owidis- Vikings wilk become the Hh Saturday, Feb, 18 nd fe Inners Rie Wines 18 kee this Wm mind and pick wp their emery Wanks # Motor Cy Lanes There Rie BMEIONE YOWRE howiers in Cshavwe, whe have FOWR EECA PIT BIRCE mag the Mair loop snd # wold he no surprise i one of these youngwers plied sn wp at Myre Beeson, whe has twice finished in Ihe FURREr-n Posh tion, is me of the [Rvaries as the Wig fellow is having # good year wn the Whithy Men's Ma ni Fd Yue" Lugtenhirg, whe Almost won a Weekly 1owIne: ment in Toroma last week with 124% five game (otal EONERAEE, MME Wha 15 RAYNE # the Oshawa Ma ¥ RB mes i" RISH # BIORE with Bon Jay 2nd year wm Ha Government Asks Boxing Control WABHINGTON (AF) champions and slgle Waxing pervisors will he asked shortly to say what they think of creal ng # federal prizefight czar Senator Estes Kelauver chairman ol & Hheam that investigated Bang land and influence henale an hoxing * has proposed establishing a gov n Florists # Cleaning Frice 819 and J MOTOR CITY Chums 13, Black Bevis 11 Lavenest bh, Baleilites § Slow Fakes 3 Grasshoppers 2 Iriples fon Brown 700 (206, 216 ili, Bud Murey BO) (306, 233, #93), Hen' Macher 4 aid, wd gthy Bykes y Bah Gray (246, 283), Earl Westlake #43 (218, 20, 217) ane Jo Westlake 81% (341) Hea Bruce 408, Qigs Short Brown 246, Doug Camphell Hailey Awe MIXER ingles 246, Hank Addie di bon 24, i, Paul " il Calling 213 hell ll 1 ord 208 He leaping) dn 204, Curly Jackson 206, 203 HM, DigaMachermald 203 Head #00 Kilghen & Is B14 Tashan 800 Bruce 07 Ken and Charlie Halle a Hot Rady Alamies JOHN'S LEAGUE 17, Alias 18, Pirates Orbits 10, Luckies Lullas 14 it] in Bahasas 7 Acie there JH 8 10 Kd nights In on and teams that gould easily and Lalias 4 alehing thelr howling last and 1 think it bathered Mike They aren't acoustamed ta hav uel & cheering section pulling for fou All nls Hi had fuite (i them s Winners Kune Josie Faulkner 374 y Very heavy for this Nish alfended thal we mentioned his seare 8 week ago his week, | Andrey 4, M. Kupnicki #8 Dabrashinsky 77 Nash U5, ©. Osmak 87, Boh Nash a7 Lida ha hyibey in keep or HAE League, Bhi fused and she I didn't Whitt same pea weak the WW TTR aki turned tn i the Gailis hut 1 be 1) Ia I \ Liga Th qT10 y REMEMBER WHEN? , , By THE CANADIAN PRESS Battlesscarred French hoxes Marveel Thil retained the world middleweight title 24 years ago tonight hy turning hack the thivd challenge of Lou Hrouil lard, French Canadian from Waorce Ma Iie bout was warded ta Phil an a sixth-round foul, "Bheir second fight, a yeal earlier, had ended: on: a foul in the fourth round fails 1k " " "The Fun Had Gone' Han Lagueis and ANTS MESS LEAGUE nding | CHE Grant & Helen Ap Tl] Elegeits Paw W Ra : Ply N 3 ) q MERA BE, Supplies 3 Charlies BE & S00 Hy@iilne 0 As daek 1 Allis FET hl, Res Way Ao son ald Bawman \ Ww Stew Meh " \ Wiley iY GAHAWA TEN IN LEAGUS Molen Nand Ane Union City he ay : Pa t N Ving Wowiy Aut Law Tuek Peay 3 R Tape \ EY) " 1% § an ai. help NUTLEY, NJ Lye gol no desire nin baseball VIE Yankeos Dougald MeDougald (AR) "Na tn get hack says farmer New mhielder Gil Mg who announced after a 10-year American career with the League champions Nighat's Fit naw enjays life as py dent of 4 butlding maintenance fivm his 1s not ta say | have na mierest in baseball now," says MeDougald; 32, "1 just vead the Yanks signed Joe DiMaggio to coach | think that will be a And Tl be watihing very closely ta see how the team ) : i 400s With a new iegime 26 bi eh e108 had YOArs 1) Ring A Als, HH have trauble find ameihing enjoyable as all share time actually, most of the fun aut i 1 guess | COR Rave played another five hut i would have heen PAIR Work Pm still interested in game." he savs, "but l've spend more time, with and business as a HH wy Hal PUI IS ol us are the quit a my family 1 } VES Ihe game having Comp average. Wve WILE While ~ Archie | PAL WN §o Says McDougald| ¢ \ Murphy's Bs retirement last December) ernment commission 1a heense everyone connected with inter tale matches and pProsecule undercover operators Belfauve) Democral from Vennessee, is understand 19 fa Var 8 SINE IE Commissioner aided hy ssaminers with #u tharity to investigate and con duet hearings around the coun fry Former heavyweight cham pion Rocky Marciano added his voice aver the weekend to those advocating some type of federal contral, And if there Is 1a he a czar, Rocky said, he'd he will ing to lake the joh DRAFT ALMOST FINISHED Jahn G, Bonomi, special coun sel to Kelauver's subcomimil t! tee, said today the draft of hox ing legislation 18 almost com t plete When it is ready. he said copies will he circulaled 10 # number of men experienced n the sport as fighlers and over cers, Some will he called to testify at public hearings, prob within & month. Marciang he included, Jack Demp Lene are other ex-champs likely to he queried. Floyd FPallerson, cur rent heavyweight king, slso 1s ahty may ey on the tentative hist and Inge gams hi March 13 Kefauver proposed 8 commis sion aller declaring the evi dence strongly indicates that rackeleers and hoodlums have Aug in behind the scenes of pro fessional hoxing, He expressed hope of & cleanup In three years, when regulation of the sport could he returned ta slate Agencies or #& national mssocia tan farmed for the purpose Bonami said serious consider: alion is heing given to placing the office in the department of justice ta strengthen its hand in what he called "preventing and prosecuting fixed fights and driving underworld elements out eof hoxing" SPORTS IN BRIEF WH, REPRESENT QUE, QUEBEC (CP)y=Tam Welch native of Landon, Eng led | Mathews his Hudson Heights curling elub|8MEBINE third baseman, signed are to an 118 playoff victory over|® 101 contract Baturday for an MATHEWS SIGNED MILWAUK HEAP) = Eddie Milwaukee Braves Tunney and Joe Louis 5 u. S. College Have Three-Way Choice | BEW YORK (AP)~The Ha tional Football Lesive, WOTE manwover than ever he fore in Ws long Wslory and REAR facing # challenge lor (#l tencing Ws infam wel in the Face for prived rookies, Targais in ting IRIE Pins for fresh faces and yor terete pre those scores of B58 ottege hove eligiie (8 Way Ion "RH wt fall. Collegians mre hie 15 command waprecedenied Imani INANCETRERS Actually, W's & thiee-cornered competion far players because Canadian iin 1eams Baye man aged 10 fre # oir share of US boys north The BFL, with 14 teams 18 Canadians Bite, Down Russia 4-1 MOSCOW (AP)="Frall Bmoke Enters opened up BEsinst # youthivl Bussian national leam Tuesday for # 4-1 vietory--thelr first in three games Bgainst Soviet tepms here Trail took » 30 lead on gopls hy Boh Kromm, Don Kleleher and Harry Smith before Russia! got inte the game with & gos! in the third period. Dave Bus nell scored Canada's other goal Playing before more than 12, 000 partisan spectators in Mos cow's Sports Palace, the Smoke Enters seemed to show mare drive than in their twa previous games here They tied the first game Ba turday 84 with the Wings of the Soviel team and were defeated 82 Sunday hy Moscow Dyna fi | Their performance Tuesdsy prompled the Soviet news agency Tass to comment that m- mar Johansson will he if he re (he Canadians "finally showed will play five games staring HOW YOUR LIVER BILE litle from Fatlerson some of their bite." During the today, In nine exhibition games first two games, said Tass, "in the opinion of many specialists' Cellar-Dwellers Defeat H \ | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Montreal Hoyals lashed oul [from the basement af the East: {ern Professional Hockey League Tuesday night and defeated the mighty Hull-Otaws Canadiens id with # record « setting goal hlite and a penalty shot in the second period Down 20 the Royals tied it when forwards Reggie Grigg land Wayne Connelly seared {within seven secends and wenl ahead to stay on Don Hogan's aly an & penalty shot, called {when Johnny Annable threw his {shiek at Montreal's. Gary Mork |" # hreakaway Kingston Frantenacs moved Dr, Jahn Hibbard of Sherbrooke estimated §60,000=-an increase tn within two paints of third to win the provincial championship Saturday land his rink will represent Que hee in the Canadian ehamplon ship at Calgary March 6:11 NOTED HORSE DIES DUBLIN (AF) Vetering ans said Baturday that Cha | mour, winner af the Derhy, died of natural causes I'he horse was found dead in his stable Friday, Chamour was discovered under the influence fof dope last summer aller win ning a race MAT TOURNEY SET TORONTO (CF) I'he On farina YMCA team wrestling championships will he held Feb 23 at the Broadview Y in To ante, It was announced Monday night JOCKEY SUSPENDED MIAMI (AP)=Jackey Ignacin Ferrer was - suspended for 10 days hy Hialeah stewards Man day for allowing his Banal, ta oul in fvant added Hialeah Turf Cup. The race was wan hy Hialeah Hanal finishing fourth 1060 Trish] ® 1002, won his pay increase on the strength of having hatted in # healthy 134 vuns last season, | [He walloped 38 homers to hring| his major league career mark in B48, as he compiled a 277 AVETAES MEETS TITLEHOLDER MONTREAL (CP) Canadian featherweight champion Davie heavyweight Hilton: of Edmundston, NB, ventures inte the hig time Mareh § when he meets British Empire title holder Terry Spinks in Landon England Harry Sheppard, Hilton's man ager, said Tuesday he has ve: ceived a wire fram the London promoter confirming the 10 round non-title mateh LEAFS RECALL WINGER TORONTO (CF) Taranto Maple Leafs announced Mon day they have veecalled right winger Johnny MaeMillan from Rochester Americans, It is ox pected he will play Wednesday night against Montreal Cana: withidiens. He played several games knocked out Canada's Yvon Dy earlier this season far Torani. | curling Over his 1060 pay, Mathews, 40, place Kileheaer-Waterion Heay Welch! ®@ member of (he Braves singel eps with a 2:1 win aver the st: LL Thunderbirds and place Netminding-- {Sault Ste, Marie Moore Signs For June Title Match NEW YORK (AP) = Light: champion Archie [Moave grabbing for -what little is left of his title, said Tuesday | Inight he will sign a contract to defend here against Guilie Rin aldi of Italy Jee 10, Archie spoke after reeeivi an ultimatum hy the New Var! Atate Athletie Commission that he sign for a title defence against a suitable contender "farthwith" The National Boxing Associa: tion already has stripped Monre | of recognition, erowning Harald Johnson, 89, of Philadelphia as champion { | | 'he "NEA --fethroned Archie, ment, the American Hoekey League My fethraned A nf the! Held in last Raturday's $75,000: for. not defending the title within the required six-month period, Moore's ast defenpe was Aug. 12, 1068, when he relle | RING A TER RA dei \ AND BRING YOU CASH FE TEN TE i ALS m The Oshawa Times Classified Ad that finds cash Buyers for articles araur sell. Give me a call toc d the house TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD SIMPLY PHONE YOUR DOORBELL ve x and put me right ta wark. Sean buyers will be ringing your doorbell with cash in hand, TIaOme soun THE CWAWA TIES, Wadneedey, Fibruary 15, 1981 15 Grid Stars si for the AFI, Reilly Waa Aion 16 Ranbsome salaries, ard Rew (Fie, Ihe YWRgRr 1eagie Wok [00 more Favkies, Last VERE, often homwses, the Pros offer the gd & saweek jwmp by sare when Dallas Convers yon the whiimponiant opportunity of yal ing Hs Brafl Boveminer BF, as us 10h 1eam, some HH ; a " 2 Coe WEWIE contincis for oflsasson while the BFL, keld off wil Fstyent men made the leagie A ; Bewt fall. Mignesoia 1% (Rio gh (oothall ater, when the coNlegr SEAM Canadian eames stress Cane hah ended. wi the request of the BFL, entry, creating the Reed 40a s lesspmninl income ex Bationel Collepaie Mietic Ase 6F RB EOMPRIRIIE umber of 6p ana pomt owt That their sociation. Besivie ie head sar, REWLIIRETE fame i" more Moe ad less the AFI, has not éahed in jos . a EHR TRRIRE for B Wmger, hewvity, The Canafign Footie AFL. WEEDS FEWER 1686 RERUNS KRIREY Lesage ba inthe US The AKL, had many rookies Canada mtracied some hall draft 0 He nil season 1ast VERE dover name sary, bt Hs We The AFL went tiowgh #9 #hd Ha Reed (oF new heel 56 Bt gest coup was in graing Tom Arall rounds, maming 159 hoy 0 propownced as the BEL/s Brown, Minnesota's ali-Americs In late December, tie BEL win Nevertheless, there 15 harp guard whe signed with British thiswah 0 rounds. taking 799 competition Wetween the 190 Columbine Lions. Brown is te: choices. The BEL, has signed 71 lenges ported 1a have recewed # these: so tar 10 18 lor the AFL, Thies Both US, leagues and the Ca- year comract woth $000 and others have declared for (eams nadian teams have gone whowt'a bonus in both leases and their Hatne their tasks indusinionsty, In ad: In the BFL AFI, struggle for, is Sisimiad Windsor Leads Chatham, Near Season End jaa fn par Mitchell has BI points 46 tral Windsor capiain Low Bends by five Chatham each coach Ted and Maroons' Joe Male with 48 and 48, fol lowed by Chatham's Grorge WINDSOR (CP) = Windsor Rosy "i, oflsar conch doe Bulldogs wand Cheatham Ma In the goallending race, Rass FIRS BEE FUIRINE ONEAWE IN Childs of Windsor with a 3.508 the Ontario Hockey Associa: gyerage holds # oi lead over Han's senior series this VERY Harold Hurley of Galt Verviers and a glance pt the 1eague EOF: who has a 5508 Just a ng statistics shows why shade hebind thew Chats The latest unofficial tabula: ham's Al Bennett with & 3.61 av: tion Tuesday revenls Windsor or erage Chatham players ta he holding, Windsor, with five games re: down the top eight positions. maining, holds an eight neil Windsor's Joe Zovies, the lead over Chatham, whigh ig"! Power #rE next they Aeliberately played below their ability The Russian fans broke into Aelening howls BUrng & miner second-penod fight. The game was generally hard-played ht was hot as rough ms Sunday's contest, marred hy & full-scale brawl Russia had trouble penetiat ing the armor of Trail goal tender Beth Martin whe was appearing in his first game here. Substitute Claude Cyr was in the nets during the other twa Despite their strenuous objec tions to the Canadians' har hody-checking, the Russian fans no doubt have found the Cana dian brand of hockey exciting The Sports Palace normally { ark ¥ aver his nearest rival, inemate has 40 Iwo 4 Boh Brown. Zoriea has #2 goals Galt, which will nol compele E® and 85 mesists for #1 points this league's playolls hut will while Brown has league-lead-\meet the league winner ing 86 gonls and 24 assists for, Berapping for the last twa MM points playoff positions are Stratford seals 12.000 hut for Tuesday's! Their pivot, Bill Mitchell, is Indians with #1 points, Sirathe game the spectators were stand: fourth in the point race and roy Kockels with 27 and Woods ing in the aisles, The arena was also has the most assists, #86 stock Athletics with 42 only hall-filled during a Bwiss Russian game the day hefore The Smoke Eglers now go on paint to 'Czechoslovakia, where they {n date, they have won six, fied one and lost two | HELPS BREAK DOWN FATS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACY Iaharntory tests have now proved that liver bile emulsifion fats , , , petually heesks them down, It an sniablished fact that when liver bile 1s added to (atty solids, the (aia sre broken down snd form a smooth, easy-lowing mis, In [our digestive trast, Wver bile helps break down fats the seme way, Many of the foods yeu sat reach the digustive tract aa undigested fatty solids. Your foie liver bile hel break down these fats , , lor sesier and more completa digestion, Carter's Little Liver Pills' exclusive formuin of vegetable ingredients ree Weves irregularity gently and effee- Hvely, At the same Lime, It setuslly og iki the flaw of liver bile needed ta break down Ista in your digestive tract Bo when you Teel sluggish, heads nehy, nervous and need & Insative, taka Carter's Little Liver Fills Remember, Cariar's not only me Weve iregularity, hut sstually ave the flow of Nver bile, Get Yarter's Little Aver Pills today | ull 5-4 (by Claude Pronavest of Mont: | {real and Kd Babiuk of Kings {tan, | The Grigg-Connelly effort af {Montreal eclipsed the previous [record of two goals in 28 sec: ands set last year hy Billy Suth: erland of the Hoyals, who seared hoth, | CONNOLLY HAD TWO Connelly had two goals and Roger Bawickl got the ather for the Royals, Hull-Ottawa seorers were Billy Carter, Glen Bkov, Reh MeCreary and Andre Dro: | el Pronovest treated the erowd of 3,881 to some thrilling stops when the Habs pulled Eddie Johnston with 146 minutes left] in favor of an extra attacker, A crowd of 1.017 watehed Frontenaes dupont Bahiuk with checking, They went ahead 3:0 an goals hy Pete Panagabko and Orval Tessier in the second period before Norm Guimand tallied for the T-Birds with Kingston a man shart, Only six penalties were called, four ta Kingston, The Thunder birds pulled goalie Roy Kd: wards with a minute left but a penalty ta Pat Stapleton killed thelr chances EASTERN ONTARIO JUNIOR "B"" HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 1st GAME OF THE SEMIFINALS (Best 4 out of 7 Series) THURSDAY, FEB, 16 8:30 PM, BELLEVILLE MacFARLANDS WHITBY HILLCRESTS : COOL COFFER "Coffee is best when hought in small quantities and stored in an Alntight container In a enol place, | Whitby Community Arena Adults 75¢; Students with cards and Children 50¢ Ot Ouf They Must NS 3 + you want ta RA 3.3492 60 - GO - GO A fll range of quality tailored spare saats in Blue, brawn, srey and olive, Twa and thes button, single breasted, Regular and tally, Reg. $29.95 to $32.50 9.99 "The House of Style For Men and Bays" BLACK'S Men's Wear Ld 74 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 3361 t 190 THEY leader, holds & seven-point edge seven games to play, | hati, ahesd YO8 ' I