) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, revrwery 15, 1961 11 Annual $ a T u upper American. Mrs, Eisenhower exam pecently, Her (eacher has & > | : {imine me in deepest gratitude to heen Wry Gesaherger | d | w ¥ i At K : 2 gon, Sinaerely, Dwight 1, Visen., Peveral couples who atendes ® 'S ¥ Br % Miss ron hower," the Twrkey Supper #t Abert : : "Mr. and Mrs, Bit Basnak and Srest United Church on Satin . EDN Ns Keliont Sn aor tb idiom Phe shonid oo Mr, and Mrs, Doug Love attend Gay have heen speaking ¢ , ganized Wy Mes. William Werry, owiside thet ub en ob «4 the dance 4. the Alport on sary nd wr pd Yrs Wil ; on Tharsday held its annual though in these days of (ale: KIAaY might, which Was 8000 Saouden Mr, and Mrs. Ben supper in the §ower Hall of the vision, the average child is bet. red by the King Breet juochens Mr, and Mrs, Grant chee, A good pusher of mem. ter informed on & wider range Doles' Chil Glover, Mr, and Mrs Alin hers together with their parents of sheets Miss June Davis swccesstlly, Spencer and Wr--and Ws and friends st down at the Mr, Mclelian said thet # £098 passed her Grade VIVE plane Eimer Parks tables which were gatly decor. rule-ofthemb wis to expect (he . " It's og wed in a Valentine motif number of words in & sentence Miss Marlene Wood assisted in 16 corre roughly with the . presenting the awards for per age of the child. He fit that SACRIFICE faut plendance to Finda and more shart should he put inte C i venda Wopkine, Glove and CREOUIRE creative Eng , E very bit Harold Mowntioy, Donald and Yeh because it Is basic 16 mas ee 10, i for og SHOP AT of Stock for regular attendance were Mrs, Alice Sinclair Program given to Patti Kosnek, Jantee Convener Mm Selleck, and Syivia and Ma Following he regular morn MUST Be w The children reckived ing church service a hatlotting hooks or reproductions of re- (0F & new elder (0 serve for # Cleared ligioms printings six year term was held. The : fo hid Each member of the Tumor sermon was preached by Rey the BARE Congregation received a Bible Ronald B. Love. The choir sang Voldorama, » senes of attrac a choral arrmngement of "Lave SUPERMARKET tive pastel pictures depicting the! Divine", in which special parts Christ, wi ite ri We 91 Chris, with aporopmte pe amert spencer] 174 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA Rav RH Lave suas briefly Me Ted yo Mine Caroline OPEN TO 10 P.M, DAILY fo f on os Io ng Bpencer an rs iid y p f # . On ¥ 4 vening Hey R. iH I ------ ------------------ A ------ . RO Rd (hem to ve. hitwial members WLove met with 5 Group of Sun Specials I Thurs., Fri., Sat. Yime is voning out, ,, Yhere is only @ limited time left to get in on some f of the Most Sensational Jewellery Values of the Century, Our store has to the Junior Congregation day Behool teachers to study the Miss Pat Davis, of Selig, de- lessons for the next few Sundays A ------ ELECTRIC RAZORS lighted everyone with several and discuss problems FIRST GRADE be decorated , , . 50 we must clear everything out for the painters. The In- surance Company has paid the cost, the savings are up to you, Remember accordion solos, Wer mother, Mr, Roy ingen is faking Mrs. Ralph Davis was present over (he clase Junior boys Senha. Romiin, ; al and girls who have heen taught oe C pili AY yp this is the one time that , . . . , OM SALE #0 Two colored filmstrips with re- hy Mrs, Allan iba, Rabid corded narvation, "Abba snd The Kedron Choir will furnish i Her Pieture"', and "Phe Travel special music for the eYERIng CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE ; h/1 iin' Man" were secured hy Mrs. serviee @f Albart oiled B RE A D 2 f C and shown hy Church on February 26th, This or im » A eC Ct ltl Cl tt lt A Douglas Love Brian Spencer and Rae Tre service will he broadcast over una CHM 4 The first Father and Son Ban GRADE A' LARGE Thanks to everyone who help } J ed with the arrannamants was Quel for the Cubs snd Beouts FRESH expressed, Mrs, William Werry will lake place in the Lower PAILY C WAT Es told the boys snd girls thet if Hall on February 25th poz, any others wished to join the There sre two other meetings Junior Congregation, she could Which will he of more than] TULIP furnish them with their offering] Usual interest 10 the members . * The Kedron Doubles' Club plan argarine Ibs C 4 ® ' envelopes . " : thelr next meeting for March 4 The offerings during 1960 ood" sey 2d, Youngman, Dur amounted to $100.26, A donation ys ' On f of 850 was made (0 the WM and ich Rp Rdg 4 Wii AYLMER CHOICE Priced M Fund, and a bulletin hoard | Statesman, will be fk was put up In the Sunday School Manville Slaten ig i 20-01, Regularly E J TINS Room. The board was made hy The WA will hold its March to 89.50 MEN Brows of Stewards of Meeting at the church on March AYLMER Kedron United Church at isi}; and the speaker will he Mrs first meeting of the new year r Tomer. of Vincusioes C A T L up otis c NOW id J 4 Many Kedron people on Bal 1] § f 5 BS glasted Us new officers ue Io EACH This grup includes Biging, Grusns, Benrus, Bulova, ete, Every watch series av attends J sral of Iows; chairman, Mr, Derek irday altended the funera i M Frank Thompson whol oe cuoice our speciel guarentee! Don't weit , i , but be here tamarraw for these! " p | MTs Barnett; vice-chairman Mr ved here at one time, Mrs Douglas Love; treasurer, Mr. 3, Hl ; Lisle Noble; recording secre Marguerite Trevail Hy daugh : y 4 tary, Mr, William Hancock; en ran of the late Mes Thaiiuds 1 fixe es CARTON » Terrific Reductions | Look | Men's 26-Jewel A velope secretary, Mr, Robert y ; a 4 i i Dale; convener of ushers and'! Of Mr, and Mrs, Pavel Bar Lodies DIAMOND SET WATCH, 338 88 WRIST 'W TON ! nett, on Thursday entered the GLECOFF BRAND INSTANT Reg. 575.00, NOW . Shoskprant, wolerpront, FOMONS NOMS +» » price dosen't permit we tellers, Mr. Orvel Selleck; prop TAT bib tal f erty committee, Mr, Ted Maid | Oshawa General Hospital for a 63.01, Ladies' OMEGA DIAMOND SET WATCH, 148 88 fe name them. Reg. to 24 88 man, chairman, Mr, Jack Fran JARS Cc Reg, 275.00, NOW » 50 ow . els and Mr. Douglas Lave Mrs. H, Crossman, and My A and Mrs, Harold Werry attend chery' Amoco met aiterisd (he unday conert of the] GoTTAGE TOILIT Hundreds upon Hundreds of other sensational Watch Values! Teachers' Association met afler| ff school at Coronation School, In.| Toronto Symphony Orchestra al spector 7, Houghton introduced| which Parson and Pool, duo: rolls C } e special speaker, Mr, R, Me: pianists, were the guest artists, | @ ellan, Inspector for the Pick-| Resemary Greer 1 weni | ¥ i Selon ALE nant e 1] ONS £3 £3 0 F r, n expressed some er, wishing him good health and flimulating dats he teach, happiness fn hie Fetirement, and CHOICE MEA TS ng of creative English in alli received the following hand fom He felt that teachers put| written message, "Thank you CANADA'S BEST RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF LADIES' and 0 ars" WATCHES! oo much stress on technical very much for your kind and nglish, spelling, grammar and| thoughtful message, To have the STEAKS and ROASTS at Reh \ ' punctuation, when studenis| respect and good will of one's| Ml A 4 ai A These are exceptional BUYS, so Hun ' ; ERTL \ Many well-known makes Included, OUT : 'e , hould be encouraged to express| fellow citizens is the greatest] emselves in their own more honor that can come {0 an : ' ig , ' -_ : : ® Sirloin 0 ETE oly THEY GO! TEV ® Round Ay Tm 0 ig 4. 75: ASR i Ak ® T-Bone » ye" ph : a Ny, DN RiNGS ® Wing RETAILERS TO THRIFTY GANADIANS LUCAS BRAND ~-- RINDLESS hale A y / Blgantic Olearout ; > f Rrieed 1h clear. We arate I " hte 70% pH Priced fram Wo MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA BREAKFAST BACON Le, 69° AA ah i "SLadies' and Gent's Wa SEEVHEARTS . 20° [|ACASS DIAMOND | = 3.88. Roh tts -- RIN G i LOOK! 80 Only! Ladies' & Gonis' WEDDING RINGS! SIDE PORK 55¢ ------ In plain and fancy styles, Huge selection te choose LB, from, Regular te 25,00, Must be cleared, On Sale The Greatest Values In History [ 8 FRESHLY MINCED LEAN BEEF HAMBURG 3 LBS, $1 4 Carat Ladies' Diamond Ring, Reg, 295.0 16 88 : Only { Bulova Portable YORK PACKING B First Quality cits 9. 3-WAY RADIOS RING COLBASSA 59% [J Ji Canon, tered Piomend kine: 318,88 The hove pe 20 #8 FRESH : . $9.50, TO GLEAR Princess Set Ladies' Diamond Ring, " y PIG HEADS Mv. 29% [J Res. 325.00, Sole x : " 2 Only, Ladies' 3 Stone Diamond Ring, : n * Choice Fruit & Vegetables : 218.88 en and Pencil Sets hy "Rn Sale " Made by Parker and Sheatfers , , . SAVE! ORANGES " ** aye [|i 139.50 0% fo 40% OFF po ! a j Gute Diamond fing, + 11888 Costume Jewellery--2T Sets Only ! FRESH WHITE Reg, 200.00, Special CAULIFLOWER EACH 25°¢ 1 Gent's Diamend Ring, ud Ct. 3 888.88 Regular to 25,00, ,, On Sale , (1 vvii0, 2.88 Reg, 1500,00 ' ee PEL 10.48, iat I i « POTATOES 'ue A5* |] 26 tovier. Diamant tings 08.88 | See Our Special Olearout Tables ! N= FLORIDA 2 ay s Included here is merchandise regular ta 2.00, Crystal, Dishes, Jewellery and many other items, To be eleared CELERY 2 ANG 34 29¢ | Many, Many Others To Choose From! ot ars POTATOES | py yu SPECIAL ! "EMPRESS" BED SHEETS OTATOES me 399 LUGGAGE CLEAROUT! a 6.88 up 80 hy 100 INS. 3 40 Twa Cup i Gull 25¢ CLEAROUT ' 1 Only 5 Piece Lamp Shades Ladies' and Gents' Qrange Pekon i) on . MELON SAVINGS-PRICED a1 P R. Toa bent | MAPLE LEAF Entire Stock of TEA SET! GROUP | 88 BRACELETS CLEARGU? { long-lasting, laundry-loving cotton. Stock up Now for long a br oo CHEESE SLICES | nn oe | 75e (FARES Shi PHOTO teavior 12800 [amour a 1.88 [WHE M1847 ROGERS May FARMNOUS [4] MreciaL 1 PILLOW Sits 2 neh see por || CASSEROLE Mo ot" 2 ww q5e [| Supplies 29.88 I loorr=| 388 SILVERWARE airy, daa: | Shaun bulgtad, Set and Howat, Wore ; al pairs ot Zeller's Special Low. Price, 1 HADDOCK FISH © SPECIAL Wh 45¢ i. Mavie Cameras and pro: : KNIVES 98 -- || GINGERALE ig 2 iv. 28° "hale Bottles 1/3 fo 40% SPOONS a 68 DEPOSIT nT acor ST 5. ZELLER'S 134 srivinion' ¢ edi J ell Reg. 2.00 $i 8 Tam [I Shor & Save at GLECOFF'S OFF!! 20 SIMCOE ae ow 13 A 3 Nop 100. +89 ee . - 33 eg. 1 ET . WONE AD §. RA 3000 LIMITED rwone aA 32200 OPEN DAILY TILL 10 P.M