| Bed Sy Tw mus Tul Som, Canada Ballerina Forugel hail Soldiers Unhappy 7 7 x . i arly Big terrible working | Before Royalt Y ; Sv (AP)-1opes de oh Over Allowance remditions. "Troms. hat merves longtime foe of 1 later have stepped into # a gime of Premier viomio di oh LEOVOLDYIAE, (CP) -- Car manding the Canadiah Signal SOARING Open portion wn LONDON (CF) ~Tonight is the enthused, "She outed the yeigg Salazar, says "there must nadian troops with the United Unit In Teapoldvitie, swid he have heiler living ' Wig wight for ballerina Lynn heart ss even Fonieyn Gia st," pe 5 political truce in Portugal os ior In This 14 ork hited (0 Tequest 4 reconsider, The Mowance, paid in add Seymour of Vancowver, # dim. Trained for Seven years 25 long us the enemies of the ister about & SION month spe Mion, tion 16 reper voy nd allow: E inutive Canadian whe has won Vancouver and four at Lonaon & nation al integrity move against ciel a ee ori ances, is same ranks, mative 4 Poets trom Lon Royal Bates School, Lymn hee . " y bis, ffowan HA Ted 10F, There have been few com: i is etfective for some 198 Ch don't erties leves the secret of success in elie 4a: th cwspaper They mre angry because thie Paints ahout the amount of he odio soldiers and 3 RCAY She is dancing the leading wal ballet lies in "finding a- good 10 # Jetier (0 The REWspRpEr Too Rr Aemimen herein Td ox avn The ? R554 & y & allen and tering role in B gala periorm- teacher and then just ahsorming Diario de Lishon, he assails Sa government. has ordered the ah" ance Wefore the (een Mother everything 4 p yr lgzar opponents here who Rp gn wy retroactive. onty say | they re being cheated' Congn rrineess Margare But when you reach the top proved of the rebelAakeover of 10 Jast Dec dd ve program promi of two it's tough end demandingithe Portuguese liner Bdnta F6 have heen no incidents wallets, one of which is the Lon life, 1 yon has scant Ieisure time Maria and condoned recent pal. #Nsing from he RINGING EME don premiere of les Dewr and has "io train like en athe itical rigls in Portugal's Mrican made in Ottawn Friday, But the Pigeons, This 19th-century hal ete," territory of Angma #ir hiss heen Wie proud living let has heen redesigned as 8. The glamor and the plaudits yy, political idest can ever quarters of soldiers who have vehicle for the 21-year-old Ca- have not gone 16 her herd 4 Some women never give # DAME ,1s just a phone non rane WHM rwy » - nadian by choreographer Fred erick Ashion sleryiewed Monday in Coven Galen's No, | GIessing room the \petite, dark - haired Lynn looked pale with exhaustion, But despite signs of strain she sald she did not feel particularly nervous about dancing for such a distinguished rudience "Ome {eels strung up every mgt' Fhe role--of an artist's model is much lighter and more hu morous Lhan any she has & 'danced previously, WW gIVES TAX INCENTIVE TALK President Kennedy talks to Charles M, White, president of | the National Industrial Confer | ence Board Ine today st which he said he will | propose B new (BX incentive at 8 luncheon ; wan for businesses to expand their normal investment in plant and equipment anada Fights For National Identity The Associated Press re cently sent a reporier of wide International experi: ence Inte Canada (0 see how Canadians feel ahout (heir neighbors to the south, This is the second of a series of reports he Is wriling on Canadian American rela tions, giving an assessment of this eomplex problem from the American view point By MAX HARRELSON OTTAWA (AP) = When you talk with Canadiens and with Americans in Canada you come away with the impression thal the rising tide of Canadian na tionalism cannot be dismissed Rs a temporary hysieria Behind it is a deep-rooted and widespread fear that Canada's identity may be smothered hy United States pressure and in fluences Canada is determined not tp become a satellite on the US or even to look like one That is one of the facto which make it doubly different for those seeking a way to patch up the damaged U.8.-Canadian relations, No clear picture of the goal of Canadian nationalism | has yel emerged men of brand of culture This type of Canadignism 18 perhg a revolt against he rather large doses of the | hich Canadians gel every day a distinctive Canadian Carpenters says he ) idl government Pareha es nffiee chairs in Grand Rapid Mich and is angry Newspapers are flooded with protests against the use of | I'he ipermarkets are filled texthooks and "junior newspa ih | brand name I'he mghwa gre lined with hill soft Ing hoard advertising | darink automobile Lire and moyie Book stores are full of Lou American bool jews stands are packed with Uh maga zines, In large population cen tres such a and Vancouver, American television, On top of all this, Canada gets about 30, 000,000 U8, visitors & year SEEK OWN IMAGE It is not the individual piece of the picture that rile the Ca nadians wholesale American peneira pers' in Canadian school ome writers call it brainwash A professional foothall coach Agase of Toronto Argo nauts, says U.K. pro foothall teams are conducting a smear campaign to discourage | Foronto, Montreal college players from joining Ca you can watch nadian teams By law the publicly-owned Ca nadian Broadeasting Corpora tion must maintain 8 Hi-per cent Canadian content in il television programs, Entertain ment columnists speak of the but the mass picture of (Canadian. content of night club shows, There are demands that tion, There is a strong yearning the government's winter works among some Canadians at least program for the unemployed for something more Canadian use only products made in Can in character One of the most outspoken among those who deplore most Canadian government got a sug-| gestion that Canada should do American Hugh MacLennan who say impart Is writer ada And just the other day the omething about Smokey the In the long run, nothing will bear, who gives out advice on save Canada's future hut resist ance to the army of conditioned eflex salesmen who have fol how to prevent forest fires Smokey is doing a goed job, the government was told, but he | hoe the American investment American and, perhaps, a Cana more scope for her own ner pretation than the classics IIKES NEW ROLES { love creating new roies she said in a soft voice that has lost all but a trace of is Ca padian accent Since her debut in Giselle ana Swan lake m May, 19%, Lymn has caught the eye of London's leading enti Alexander "Bland of The Ob erver wrote of hey then it is practically certain thal he will he the British ballerina of the future Of her dancing in Ashion's Cinderella, The Guardian eritic "KINSMEN CLUB VALENTINE BALL Wed., Feb, 15th, 9 to 12:30 p.m, MUSIC BY and HIS Art Hallman ocresvaa JUBILEE PAVILION AUGHTER! GMB PUTURER pen BRED BOWL MAR PROGUL TN ih MMON Key man in ih: Aparimant" RICKY ) NELSON Oreambesl hits Ihe high C's} Perfume and shoes sre her sole EEILTRYREANCES Missile Defence Study Starts OFTAWA (CP) Canadian and American research 1eams have started a joint study of de fence against hallistic missiles, it was announced Monday night The project ways 10 detect and track in coming intercontinental mis. siles, will he done at the Ca nadian Armament 1 ¢ and Development Vistablishment near Valcartier, Que Teaming up will be scientists of the Defence Research Board at CARDE, and the army rocket and guided missile agency of the United States Army Ord- nance Missile Command, Hed stone Arsenal, Ala Test facilities at CARDE in clude indoor ranges which per mit study of model nose cones in flight, The cones, weighing seeking new, seareh' justify 8 erime grgainst the fatherland." Obivelra sé, 5 Diveira was arrested at least 19 times in the last 79 years for demonstrations against Salazar He joined a large number of oid time Democrats and Tiherals sich as Ramada Cure, former president of the Sociale! party in offering support 1 the gov ernment "against those who did not hesitate in associating with foreigners to fight the regime,' PRESIDENTIAL PROBLEM , PARIS (AP) French head line writers gre testing B new label for President Kennedy K" has long heen reserved for Soviet Premier Khrushahey, and "IVK doesn't register readily in the Gallie mind, Now they're trying "By." up 16 106 pounds, are fired from gas-operaled gun The announcement, made here and pt Washington, said seh co-opkrative research per mits substantial savings in money and scientists' time: for both countries served in The Congn hes last] ; August Their feciing is Mat they had i grdest part of the ih, working through the strifedorn) early months, They had ex pected the allowance would he raid them from the stgrt of their tour of duty Gere Col. D, P, Smith, Wlicer com- ELIZABETH TAYLOR AUSElct amy Ba a SHOWN DAILY AT... 1,30-3:25.5:30-7:35-9:40 oor 1sksary bs obi Iwesied by ih Komi) 100 iid ADULT ENTERTAINMENT F-- 3 BIG HITS Complicating the problem fur ther, there seems to he no sin inte the country, It is not the dian substitute eould do just a gle major grievance against the investment that: does the dam. well United States, Whatever pres. 88€, 1b is these mental carpet Some Canadians are sharp sures there are, most Canadians PAEECT critical of this trend, Hay agree; ave purely unintentional, "Therefore, all native aclvi vohel Peace Prize winner and unplanned by the Americ lies that foster a resistance to.Pearson a Cans Madison Avenue art, litera We do nol prove our Cana One leading Canadian publica. ture, education, magazines, ra dianism but enly our immaturity tion said dio, television, motion pictures when we confuse the defence of "If we have sold too much of =these should deliberately, Canada's rights with breast our country to our neighbor whenever possible, divorcee beating; or hy war whooping (and grown rich in the process) themselve from American around whatever symbol of this is our own fault. not theirs, mass models no matter how Americanism we think al @ and there is nothing any presi-'loud the advertisers scream," (given moment requires thi dent of the United States can do treatment." about it." umn, Joseph V. Klein of Wes.| 'Tomorrow: The I'he leaders of Canada's (Wotan Ont. dissent He sayy fake in Canada main political parties are Prime en JON LUND + EIFS RAFFERTY 1 108 TUULY JOBY BAKER + WARREN BERL INGER wr PATRIGI DRISOO pin HEHLD MURPHY we Bon WROET WORE oy WLAN TOO sot ty A fo pot MOUND WIHT LC iMACIDrE) NIA NO¥ paving Amerioan | 1145 - 3:35 - 5135 - 7:28 Shop EATON'S or CANADA for "the gleam of stainless steel" In a lellerstathe-editor col most anti-Americanism in Can Minister Diefenbaker, a ro: ada is based on "four all-Cand THURSDA GHT EBRUARY 16 h gressive Conservative, and Les: dian myths: our superior educa Y NI ® F i ter B, Pearson, a Liberal, They (ion system, our racial and re | : disagree about many things, bul jigigus harmon our import agree that Canada has cause for gnoe in world affairs and our \ concern in the growing influ o 1 not Uist n J | ence of the United States in his FIRST Buys Pearson | logan, It keel WwW oerapping up In eR 7)! / "Our anxiety aver these dan: one form or another gers is as inescapable as the Ca The Ontario Brotherhood of | 14 motion picture nadian winter, and as natural.' y But Pearson sees no reason to he panicky or foolish, He puts Killed Natives, if this way "If we have confidence in our C 11 d 'R k ' Canadian strength, faith in em alle ec less Canadian destiny, we will bel LUSIKISKI, South Africa able to maintain a Canadian (Reuters)-=A magistrate ruled national identity, strengthen a Monday that a police sergeants ER OF THIS Canadian national feeling and use of a sub-machine-gun was ANY MEME sense of purpose : keep proud 'reckless' in a clash with GET-TOGETHER CLUB! Ww! Canada's position in the world Pondo. tribesmen near here DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED BUY TICKETS NO 1 and at nobody's expense,' dune 6 But Canadianism is more than! Magistrate W. 11, Oliver Juled economics and more than poli-| that Set. J. J. Fourie fired the tics, although the politicians shots and the resultant killing rN f 11 Pondes amounted to hami have done a lot to speed its" K | 4 cide, He said. Fourie probably \ OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE growth. Numerous intellectuals had inflicted fatal wounds on college professors, writers and| four of the victims. presents commentators primarily = {isa of firearms by another 1 UE sneer at US, culture as a crea: gorge; stable ture of New York's Madison A e A FRENCH MYSTERY DRAMA BY DOROTHY AND MICHAEL BLANKFORT Avenue and urge the develop: fied, the judge ruled Dirested by A, T, ELLIOTT AT McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE FEB, 22, 23, 24, 25 8:30 P.M, SHARP BOX OFFICE At Henderson's Book Store SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m, MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEB, 20.21, fantastic future Once again, i's "the gleam of stainless steel" time at Eaton's, Special tlavs when all Eaton's of Canada stores from coast to coast are Inco = Nickel makes stainless steel pevonn better, longer T™E x INTERNATIONAL NICKEL GOMPARNY OF GANADA, LIMITER Bh YONGE STREET, TORONTS" featuring exciting values in beautiful, durable nickel stainless steel products for the home, nd his RHYTHM ORCHIDS Appliances, kitchenware and tubleware made of nickel stainless » TWO COMPLETE SHOWS AT 7:00 & 9:00 P.M steel are so ra tical for modern hving, ONLY 0 economical, too, They're TICKETS FOR 7 P.M, SHOW easy to clean and keep clean; they won't stain pr tarnish; in fact, MAY BE PURCHASED FROM 2 : they'll never lose their bright, enduring lustre, Nickel stainless steel has great strength and durability, resists Jdieat and corrosion, That's why you can count on years and years ol Shop good hard use, Eaton's colten during "the gleam of stainless steel™ time Tor household products of Tasting value, RRE a WITH MURDER ! ATTRACTIVE FINISHES can he obtained in many nickel stainless steel products, Choose from brightly polished or soft brushed satin finishes, FLATWARE AND HOLLOWARE madeol nickel stainless steel are available in lovely traditional and Contemporary patterns for gracious table se tings, 4,00 p.m, ~ 6:00 p.m, STAINLESS STEEL SINKS help brighten and heautify your kitchen, wipe clean sa easily, ., ON NIGHTS OF PLAY-AT THEATRE 7:00 p.m, wort rat. Sti OF Waenith. GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 : ARTS "I AIM AT THE STARS" (1st Run) "20-MILLION MILES TO EARTH" (Adult)