{B11 Cases On {WHITBY TOWNMY - Jury List | Says Water Levels 2 Disposed Of | Lowest In 30 Y | i i The civil section fury Wet at Water levels in Whithy Town Many farmers sre pwiting fm the Winter Assizes of the tip wells are the lowest in 19 poried water nin thew wells supreme Court of Ontarie at years, says Township sanitary This, ssid Mr, MacPherson, is Whithy on Monday was com. Wwepector, H, MacPherson CRUBING PT 168, TORAIRES FRE pleted in one hour, There were Caling the wailer shortage dint is washed down Wis the 11 cases on the docket Wit two "most seviows", Mr, MacPher- ells have heen seiiied ana Mr ip 9 sees little relief In the near Water driven ww the well tice Ayien travers aiher fiulire, and dumped down Iie them 18 nine #i the request of solicitors Eoth Aug and drilled wells 16 aise foolish because # will for the parties involved, the ares pre Srying wp, Wels auicidy drain away," There are no coming cases hie gong Ary that never have The fast deen no on the lst and Deputy Sherif done so before!' wells I6 due iti sf tn the I Morley Bain presented the fra- Mr. MacPherson attributes the © ooo ool" ve said. A ditional white gloves 10 Wis low water levels 19 the ack of Althow way on seo i Lordship marking the occasion, rain and snow. "With very little Wiig sBi righ tanks 7 WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Burean Office; 111 Dundas $1, West Td. MO, 83703 EE -- 7 4 Manager: Lioyd Robertson At this time we like to extend congratulations to Ted O'Connor and his wife Maddy on the srrivel Sundey moming of snother girl ~ their second, Ted is the conch of the Oshawa Majors, and slong with manager Winse Bradley has this club in high ERY, TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , Long John Wenders son and Gerry MeNomarn traded 5-0 shutouts Friday end Seturdey nights, McNamara picked up bis on Fridey in Sudbury, while Henderson and his Frone tense mates turned the tables Baturdey in Kingston before 2600 fans, The Frontenses, by whitewashing the Wolves, regained their six-point mergin over fifth place Budbury == but unfortunstely receive neo perce of mind for 8 while yet, ss they go right back te the north country for & tilt sgeinst the Sault Sle, Marie Thunderbirds on Tuesday and then mest the Wolves in another key game on Wednesday night in Budbury, Both Kingston snd Sudbury had s day off yesterday, but the Frontenscs hesded for northern Ontario early this morning, We listened to broad casts of both Friday and Saturday's games over radio station CELL, approximately 1400 on the digl, It was difficult nt times to heer the play-by-play as it kept fading periodically, but between interferences from U.8, stations we were able to keep relatively close eonteet with proceedings, If you ave interested in try~ ing to pick up the game on the radio, the station is situated between the one and four on the digl, In #ll probability, both Tuesday snd Wednesday's games will be broadcast, The Frontenses have run into a string of serious injuries in vecent weeks, Tom Wil= liams, star performer with the United States National® hockey elub last season, and in his first year of pro hockey, sustained s badly dislocated shoulder about three weeks ago, and will be sidelined for four or five weeks yet, Another top flight center, Bian Max» well, took a line~drive shot on the foot in Sault Ste, Marie Thursday night, and has been placed in 8 east for 8 month, The only centre left on the club is Bobby Attersley, currently the elub's number two scorer behind Maxwell, This leaves the Frontenses in a most precarious position being that the stronghold of any hockey elub is built sround your centremen, It is hoped that help will be fortheoming from the parent Boston Bruins, now that it has been established that they will be unable to make the NHL play-offs, The Frontenacs are4he only minor=pro elub with any outside chance of making a play-off berth, so pos sibly the Bruins eould find it feasible to send personel to help them solidify their fourth and final play-off spot in the Eastern Pro league , , , Play-off action on Thursday night at Pert Perry In the United Union Hockey league was really close, First place finishery, City Hall were held to a 5-8 derdlock by the vastly improved Electricians Local 804, while Publie Utilities edged the Plumbers, 6-4, in the opening games of best-of-three series, Extra overtime or games eould be needed between City Hall and the Electricians if they were to split the remaining two games of their series, The Electricians were unable to tie ov win a game from City Hall during regular scheduled play, but come play-off time all previous games are for gotten, and in a short series anything ean happen, All four elubs vesume action in their second games this Thursday at Port Perry, 680 Dutch Books At Whitby Library / 0 In the afternoon, he heard snow covering the grownd this Ae the opening evidence In the year, frost 16 gong as deep as Wi. MacPherson staies he w 4 third case on the non-ury Vist, for feet" . George Thaczuk vs Bussell Fron septic tonks pre he 5 Joseph Murphy, administrator coming commenpiace, i 2d litem of the estate of David "Some people pre having to Hotiot, deceased, pit refuse into pails and dimp It is en undefended metion it inte dug holes," said the sani arising owt of B motor vehicle tation inspector, gecident in Oshawa on Sept, 13,0 A the present time, Mr, Mac- 199, Evidence heard Monday Pherson is conducting tests for included only that of injuries contamination in well water, received Wy Thaczuk snd his mm wile, The case proceeds again lend assistance where desired, | "For those whe sre thinking of digging wp their frozen sepr) tie tanks, | wige them not Ld ao 69.-1 costs a ot of money) and digging wp the ground only causes more freepng" People should leave them until they are thawed out in the! Spring, he added Coming To Whitby SA Divisional Commander Fifth Cu 4 Honor Akela On Feb, 8, Fifth Whithy Group Committee Cubs and Scouts held its regular monthly meeting at 5t, Bernard's school, In the absence of Mr. B Bradshaw, chairman, Mr. WV, Jd. Ohen, secretary, acted as chairman for the meeting y The annupl "Father and E Son" banquet will be held on i Saturday, Feb. 18, at 5t, John) The Evangelist parish hall at 6 p.m, The Mothers' Auxiliary is catering, with Mrs, D. O"Hagan| and Mrs. Roberts in charge! i 'assisted by their commitiee, | Miss Trudy Oetelaar, Akela) { for the Vifth Whithy Cubs, was| i presented with a tray to honor! { her forthcoming marriage. The! " wedding took place on Batur:| day, Feh, 11, with full guard of honor of Cubs in attendance ~ ANDERSON ST. SCHOOL WRESTLING TEAM Baden-Powell's Sunday, Feb, Anderson Street High School ¢ Winston Churehill School, | the youthful grapplers watch | opponents rapidly 26, will he marked by 8 full wrestlers are shown prepar- | Tuesday afternoon Under the | # demonstration hold which | ~Oshawa Times Photo | dress parade of Cubs and ing for thelr contest against | teaching of Dave Clutchey, they hope will subdue thelr : Seouts (no Bt, John The Evange:| The Salvation Army will hold esty King George VI during # " | : list Church for the § o'clock|its annual Regional Holiness visit, 1 * * | Mass, The Cubs and Scouts of meeting on Wednesday, Feb, 14. with the beginning of the Semi-Finals Open | WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR Ladies' High Single ~~ Ruby a "a | / Waditovcodanns. MRS, (COL) ENAAP "COL, CORNELIUS BNAAP | the Fifth Whitby Group appears|The meeting will get underway world War 11, the Colonel was enthusiastic and are progress:\at § p.m, appointed to war service work, [ Tuesday night saw the finish Lee 245, Nig of the third section, with Bud! Men's High Triple Bob | By CLIFF GORDON E . a Whitby Hillerests will open © ing at & steady pace, To be held at the Salvation He served as a welfare officer Army Citadel, 122 Kent street, with Canadian troops in Ontario Cookes "Esso" and Burtinsky Sherman 667 (204, 250, 218), Florists, fighting right down to! Men's High Single = Everett their best of seven Eastern Jr, © B group semi-final play-downs the program will he conducted training centres and overseas, the last frame to end in a tie, | Kelly 268, PE A 8 here on Thursday night against hy Colonel Cornelius Knaap At the conclusion of the war Colonel Knaap, eld BECTELrY | aoionel and Mrs, Knaap return: for the Army in Canada, Was od" (0 Corps work in Toronto Burtinsky's taking the section by| 409 mripies -- Al Fry 665 (220, The following Whithy ladies Virtue of higher pinfall. Soneit 270); George Childs 650 (208, attended the Ontario County ewellery took two points from ags™ aga) "moerett Kelly 661/South Region CWL Conference the Belleville McFarlands, The second game Is in Belleville on Saturday night, a hom nin Holland. Alter receiving for & shart period prior to their Canada, he graduated from the appoinimen as Divisional Com. Salvation Army Otficery train. ihe Now Brunswick, (Wilson's Food Market, Hambly((aghy." Bocky Snelgrave 627 (202, held at Bi, Gregory's Church ing college In Taronts in Army| After 10 years' service In Tire doing the same to Couf-250 "308; Bill Grylls 610 (208, Auditorium last Sunday after:| ort "SHcoubnons "Ontario and|these areas, the Colonel be tice Pharmacy while Mercantile ng, "wisf gooncer 607 (206, 205), noon, Present were; Mis, G, N Brunswick for severalcame Divisional Commander A { Dept, Btores shut out Hillerest| "ans gincies -- Boh Brown 274. | Carter, Mrs, L, Blove, Mrs, Loc" runswie 0 for Metropolitan Toronto, ae Wilicrosts who mode a ij |Palry three to nil, Dink Bye 208, Reg Silk 282 Ruest Mra. P, Wolters, Mrs. F,|Jc0rs. During this Hime, he 0 to oionel K io will valiant (ry for the top rung Top shooter of the night was pave Johnson 226 i Kirk:| Ottenbrite, Miss E. Foy, Mrs, qualified as» social case: Mrs, rhiane naan, wie w falling just one joint short got Marty Jordan with 877 (286, 206,| 2004 9a1 (ina Johnson 218, BiLIT, Reimer, Mrs, J, King, Mrs, worker, . Angst in the Mee ng, serve | 08 the Macs for their opponents 206), closely followed by Myrle| goiit 00 ort Bott poster 212.11. Filan. Miss 7. MacDonald His outstanding social work a or leer oa mpr i when the first place Peterbor Reeson with 867 (324, 268, 260); ia aad 3 hit Foster ol Min, TB Motor mana Ontario, prior to her marriag ough Jr, Canucks chose the George Olliffe 764 (208, 268); | ne g Ah WL | Watters, Mrs, J, Heffering, Mrs. Kingston Frontenncs pasthelr Chuck Gill 767 (201, 274); Doug!" ube Lamu Wests Bu } fatto phd nh i sitio Le 0 - ' | Louis TIN [ , aan four divisions n Rowden 767 (380); dim Kirk #0, Aubrey Kaiser and Mrs, Wm, Bimpson the Jr, B grouping this year so if the Hillcrests are to go all the way they have plenty. of Horticulturists was recognized hy elvie offi: f cinls in Moncton, N.B,, who pre: The meeting 1s open to the sented him to the late His Maj: publie, white 735 (262, 2564); Clare Hut. er 06, Marg O'Nell cheon 719 (268); John Wootton! King 06, Flo Townsend 08, Peter ao and Mrs, Russell Van 77 (322); Jim Cassels 708 Yan De Mole 72, Dave Morton gone "ociebrated their 25th hockey ahead of them yet, The wedding anniversary on Batur- four groups include the East: ern Jr. B group, the Metro Jr, (260); Al Hepburn 707 (264), | B group, a team out of the To- ronto hockey league and the eentral Ontario league which in- eludes such teams 4s Hamilton, TOM CHASCZEWSKI lington, Orangeville and so Bur gion, range is a rough| other fellow is Gary MeCul: road to the B title this year, |lough, a newcomer to the local We took in the practice at/club, Gary played his first the local arena last night and game here the other night and all the fellows are really keyed 'ooked very good garnering a up for the -up and coming se:| Pair of asslsta for his night's ries, They have their hearts set| Work, Gary plays centre, 1s a on winning this and they could|big fellow with plenty of drive, do it with plenty of work |He played last year with the A couple of fellows who will| Bowmanville Juveniles, be going all out for the Hill-| We chatted for a moment crests will be Tom Chasczew: with coach Gagnon in regard to ski, a well over 200-pound de-[the forthcoming series with fenceman who is mild temper: Belleville, He said he felt. his ed until roused and then look fellows were really up for it out, Tom. is a good defence-|and that they will be giving it man, a good rusher and capable|thelr best, We asked him A of potting the disk as well, An:{many games he expected it would take, but failed to get a 4 printable figure, All we can add {18 if it is four or seven we know the Hillerests will he giv ing it their best, Good singles were rolled hy| Ed Brisebois 285, Mickey Me: Master 481, Bill Moorehouse| LJ] 270, Glen Rorabeck 208, Denny Festival Biown 354, Erle Patterson 268, . Organized I B » [] n britain WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE Wednesday Section Mitton Machine 8, Fittings 1;| Millwork Builders 8, Whithy Barbers 0; Melody Grill §,] Yardbirds 0; Alsco 8, Legion By M, MCINTYRE HOOD naires 0; Bathurst 2, Ramblers! Special to The Oshawa Times 1; Dupont 2, B and R Transport Meats 1; Firestone 3, Legion/dancers and other artists may No. 4, 1, {have the opportunity to take 700 Triples include 260 Singles Part In a great Commonwealth Les Reed TH3 (265, 208); Dixon 776 (320); Bill Wright 758 At some future date, ( (ilen Dook 787 (278, 278); John|this festival, According to plans Clark 780 (276); Doug Grylls 714|announced hy Lord Balfour of (262); Kd Hutchinson 708 (318); |Inchtyre, chairman of the coms Andy Myers 704 (279), [the 1004 festival, with which Singles over 250 -- Ron Childs Arts and music conference will 991, John Melvor 288, Reg, he combined, will be held every Com- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Miller of Orono, sister and brother-in-law of Mrs Van Horne, Approximately 100 relatives and friends called fo express thelr good wishes, Sergeant and Mrs, Bruce Killens have returned to Moose Jaw, Baskatchewan, after at tending the funeral of the late Richard Beaborn Mrs, George Brewster eele: LONDON = Canadian artists, [Her friend: 1; Munns Press 2, Hoffer Valley actors, singers, musicians, Nappy returns of the day, «= Herb Chisholm 708 (258, 801); (Festival of Music and the Arts Eaters of the Western Interna Jack(to be held In" London in 1064. tional zx Legs 'anadal tourists Fi Ra (827); John Faweett 780 (267); may have the opportunity of through the halls of the Kremlin Hob Villeneauve 768 (306, 261); (acting as the host country 10 and Red Squage, anlio hrated her birthday on Monday, friends wish her many SMOKIES SEE SIGHTS MOSCOW (CP)=Trail Smoke Hocke ue became andering LY On a European exhibition tour before the world ehamplonships {In* Awitzerland next month, the am today plays Moscow Jun: iors, Trail go far has a tour ree: ord of flve wing, two losses and _|eold By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN = The annual meeting of the Brooklin Horti: cultural Soelety, held on Mon: day evening In the Christian Hdueation Hall, was preceded hy a "Pot Luck Supper tended by approximately 36 members, husbands and friends, The small attendance was due to illnesses and extremely weather, Tables were cleaved, dishes washed and chairs arranged for meeting, with "All hands on deck' to as sist and thanks were extended hy president for full eo-opera- tion. The president, Mrs, Nor man Alves, chaired the business meeting, The secretary, Mrs Arthur Elliott, presented a ve port on the year's activities, The Society sponsored flovti: culture exhibits at Brooklin Spring Fair, sponsored care of the village park, sponsored a Hold Meeting Mrs, Frank Wells, present: ed clear and detailed commen: tury of their journey, prior to showing of film by My, Frank Wells, 4H GIRLS CLUB Mrs, Albert Cooper and Mrs Irwin Bhaw attended the Local Leaders' Training Bchool, for the Ontario County 4H Girls Homemaking Club Spring {project "Separates for Bum: {mer", sponsored hy the De: partment of Agriculture, Home {Feonomiecs Service Department, Toronto, as representatives {from HBrooklin Women's Insti: {tute, The school was held in [Uxbridge on Jan, 26 and 27 Mrs, 'Albert Cooper, acting as leader and Mrs, Irwin Shaw as. assistant leader will act as instructors for the new unit in this distrigt, The following members were | A population census taken shortly after the second world war showed that ane person In ik in the Whithy aves was Duteh, Although these figures have heen somewhat lowered with the continual population shift there are still a consider able number of Dutch speaking peaple in this area, Recently, the Whithy Free Li brary purchased 60 books print: ed In Dutch, The hooks are mainly fiction but also include a number of non-fiction publi: cations, At the present ahout 25 per cent of the Duteh hooks are out on loan, Mrs, H, Bracey, chief librar: ian for the past 15 years, said that she was very pleased with the response for the Duteh hooks, She also said that she had received many requests throughout the years for Duteh hooks, Many of the publications are translations of well-known Am. erican and English novels, A few are written by Duteh auth: ars and authors of other nations, Also available are translations of Alexander Dumas' "Thres Musketeers and Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe", Hose Franklin, the celebrate ed American fiction writer, of fers translations of! "The Quiet Heart", and "Claudia they are tranelaled inte Dutch by D, I, Uyt Den Bogaard, Maryke Vel: ter and J, Torsieeg, Translations of Agathe Christie, America's Queen of Crime", include sueh ehillers asi "After the Funeral", "Murs der In Mesopotamia" and "Murs der on the Links", Other translations offer such elassios as "Peony" by Pearl §, Buek, "Five Red Herrings" by Dorothy Sayers and "The Flu. sive Pimpernel" by Baronesse | Overy, Dr, Karl May, a well known Duteh novelist, who writes mains ly about the early American west 18 well represented at the library with hooks written in the old west style ineluding: "Old Shatterhand as Detective", Also in the Duteh book seetion "Rird Feeder Competition" and elected to serve as officers dur "Paster Competition for Juniors ing this unit: President, Mrs, and classes for junior sections at{Sandra Wilson] vice-president, Peterborough who were une able to get ice time this week at home have elected to play one ean come across transla. tions of the celebrated Danish writer, Karl Hskelund, Here is a short outline of some of the publications in Duteh now on loan at the Whithy Thurshy 978, Cee. Thomas 274, [three years, In different Richard Sandford 273, Boh|Monwealth countries, Carter 250, Des Denyer 260, Behind the promotion of this { e | The staff of the Canadian will attend : | i | their first game in Kingston tos night and back in Peterborough on Monday night, The schedule { for the Hillerests games are as follows Thurs,, Feh, T6-=Belleville at Whithy fat, Feb, 18 = Whitby at/Mowat's BA 1; Abner's E880 8,| 'mre 1064 festival would helCommonwealth, covering com: (held in London and oth erp/merce, science, medicine and| An executive meeting to plan|waod, Mr, and Mrs, Terry British cities, and would run for|8port, but no attempt has yet program for ensuing year was three weeks, It is time to mark|been made fo bring together the held Feb. f in the Christian Rdu: the completion of the London artists and the diverse cultures cation Hall, At Belleville Tuesday, Feb, 31 = Belleville at Whithy Fri, Feh, M = Whithy at Belleville Tuesday, Feb, 38 = Relleville at Whithy (if necessary), Fri, Mar, 3 = Whithy at Belleville (if necessary) Sat, Mar, 4 = Helleville at Whithy (if necessary) GARY MeCULLOUGH Harold Huntley 265, Doug Wiles/Commonwealth Festival is (he 253, 266, Carter Hicks 251, 257, London County Council, whieh [has guaranteed substantial Thursday Section naneial support for the project, Arena Hunoco 3, Legion Old1t is expected that the British/his announcement of the festis also give val, said: Sweats 0; County Bowl 2, Credit| government Union 1; Legion No would 2, 4, /some financial assistance, Knights of Columbus 0; Red Wings 2, Amateurs 1; Otten:| brites 2, Coca Colas 1; Firemen! 2, Silversmiths 1; Dodgers 8,/ Donald Motors 0. : [County Council's plans for re. Triples aver 608 include 250 developing the south bank of the singles Marty Jordan 835 River Thames as a cultural (264, 281, 281); Charlie Sawdon! centre, 822 (280); Ed Rrishois 776 (274, 283); Hob Green 776 (307); Dick STRATFORD COMPANY Adams 768 (259, 275): Ab Sam.! In a statement issued by the anskli 762 (260, 200): Hutcheon 750 (275, 2M); Dave lt says: ROCK (Whitby) Evening Shows At 7 & 8:30 PLUS 2nd Feature Attraction ---riraction "THE THREE MURDERESSES" CINEMaSecOPE Wis Dn Wis, or A) -- 0 LEEW BAY CERSTAD NONERT NOEL + MOY n Color Hear AUL ANKA sing "DIANA Adult Entertainment 4 (Simpson 736 (358); Ed Saman.| Lee 660 (235), Mowat 746 (270, 253); White 276, Norm Childs John Bruechle 269, Fred Hatch Stratford, Ontario, Company will be centred in London and Wilson; pianist, Com:| certain pravineial cities." Charlie nd the Elizabeth Trust 206, Al Morrison 238, Australia, Richardson 257, George Warmen Pany from Each| {Embassy fi-|® cheering section, Claire! LOC, reference is made to pros: embraced by Rill|pective Canadian participation, wealth. | today's game--and has been rehearsing flower shows, The treasurer's annual report, presented by Mrs, Charles Wil: son, showed receipts $280.53 cents, expenditures $210.17 cents leaving a balance on hand "Ties already exist in the of the Commonwealth, The time| has come to show in a dramatie| way to the peoples of the Com: large the vieh and vavied oul: tures of Europe, Africa, North! Ameriea, Asia and Australasia our Common: "Commonwealth countries will| "Commonwealth © oun tries be invited to send their leading Mrs. Erie | ki 713; Doug Rowden 705 (285), would be invited to make im. artistie groups, performers, ore: vice-president, Mrs, ¥, M, Hal: Singles over 250 -- Ernie Portant dramatic contributions ative artists and teachers to the liday; secretary, Mrs, Arthur the weekend, 271, [through such institutions as the festival and conference which Elliott; treasurer, Mrs, Charles Lord Balfour heads a oom | 256, Bud Bragg 252, Dave Walk. Commonwealth country would mittee of 17 British citizens, in. er 331, Joe Izatt 250, Al Young be invited ta contribute thatieluding Hon, Gavin Astor, the Mr, and Mys, kind of performance or display Earl of Harewood, the Earl of Whitby, who entertained us, by glum last month is being sued {which most truly represents the Hessborough, Lord Robbins, Sirishowing movie film of holiday for non-delivery of mail during soun:' Gerald Barry, Sir Arthur Bliss!trip leaving New X ark, journey| 250, Doug Arksay 230. FRIDAY NITERS indigenous culture of that Team Standing -- Die Hards try." 123 (54,258); Spark Plugs 9 (il, 836); Molson Blue 8 (55,089); High Balls 8 (53.712); Alley Oops 8 (53,102); Dows 6 (53,056); Spry Sprucers § (50,088) Wizards 4 (49,679) Ladies' High Triple = Ruby, CULTURAL EFFORT four Shakespeare's the anniversary also be of i 'chosen for the Festival, | and the Earl de la Warr, which Music and Drama, has been $70.86 cents revealing a sue: cessful year, ganclusion of business all offices were declar ed vacant, Mrs, W. A, Heron {acted as chairman for election| guests at the home of Mr, and monwealth and the world atlof officers, Mrs, Sydney Look: Mrs, Sydney Spencer, yer, convener of nominating| cammitiee, presented slate of officers for 1961 which were ap: proved and accepted as fol: lows: President, Mrs Norman Alves; first vice = president, ! T, Green; second) Mrs, Sydney | Lockyer; press secretary, Mrs, | Arthur Elliott, Mrs, W, A, Heran intreduced Frank Wells, | was made ta Canary Islands, | glory, Gibraltar, Spain and birth, Seplember is the manth tor of the Edinburgh Festival of [fact that Mr, and Mrs, Wells walon leade made part of their journey on designated as Divector-General/the "Santa Marie" later selzed {of the Commonwealth Festival/by pirates, Lord Balfour of Inchtyre, in of Music and the Arts, and prominent in| 'today's headline mews, Heather Ann Cooper; secretary, | Helly Hyres; treasurer, Carley Semour, Committes to arrange place of meetings during course | (eamprise Carol Roberts, Mrs. | Irwin Shaw, press reporters, | Marilyn and Lois Downey. Mp, and Mrs, Frank Green: | | Graey wood and daughter, Viekt, {of Bradford, Ont, were Sunday | guests at Mrs, Victor Parkin's, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Spencer, Toronto, were Saturday supper My, and Mrs, Jack Keenan, Jahn and Jeffrey, were callers ky Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Elliott, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Bradley visited her father Mr, George very, Little Britain, during HOPES FOR PRECEDENT LIEGE, Belgium (AP)--Andre Renard, a leader of the Socials ist strike that paralysed Bel the strike, Lawyer Yves Philip-| It points out that 1984 would is responsible for organizing the Madeira, Lisbon, Seville, Tan: part de Foy seeks damages of hundredth (CR, rormeriy direcs Mactan het) blish 1 an unter, armertly ire England, item « nlerest was tablishaprecedent making! ? ) ! ma NE Improvement was maintained in sion H Suppositories ar Pre ATALION H olitment vith oo. mod oa paration -¥ only one frane, but hopes to es.) 1s legally responsible | for individual and corporate! strike losses running inte mil] lions, | Free Library: There are several well trans lated books by Dr, A, J, Cronin, They include such well known works as: "Gracie Lindsay", "Adventures of Two Warlds" "Lady With Carnations" an Jan De Hartog, a Duteh non. fletion writer relates the 1053 floods in Holland in a hook en. titled, "De Kleine Ark", The book is written in a erisp factual style and is well illustrated with many actual photographs of the "The Green Years", disaster, Science Now Shrinks Piles Without Pain Or Discomfort Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont, (Special) For the first time R0leS hd ond 4 new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and a relieve pain and itahing Phausands have heen relieved with this inexpensive substance ight in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort op moanvenionoes, In one hemorrhoid ease wfter another, "very striking improves ment" was reported and verified by doctors' observations, Pain was promptly relieved, An 'while gently relieving pain, actua veduotion or retraction (shrin place, And most amasing of all=-thia oases where doctors' ahservat were continued over a period many months! 20 th that sufferers were Mie to make such statements as 'Pile Biv he & prablam I" M oensed to N among these su Ww of oi some of even 10 to 20 wide Variety iti standing, colle hin Nithout the we of Hr Anesthetioa or astringents Tad, The L184 oy heals {RN Subs\nos (RigsDyne) =the d a famous scientific ine very / 00Re / \J isoavery stitute, Already, Rio-Dyna 18 in Wide he - Dealin nied tissue an Par the body, his new healing stibstance ia ered in suppository or ointment form sald iparation 8, Ask fop individually sealed oanvenient FPropara on 8 at all drug stores, on mreniond money In fact, resulta