MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION UNIT HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING held sf | supe | Canadian Mental Heglth Asso whe the spepker pl | meeting of the Ontang County CMHA Monday | Pr. John D, AMeheson erintendent of Thistletown Hospital for Children and chairman of the Beientifie Ad visory Commiliee (6 fhe Need Money To Continue Research | 4» The cost per hed for & patient including treatment tn $10,000 a year ai the town Hospital for Sick Children Dr, John D. Ateheson told fhe members of the Ontarin Cow ty hranch of the Canadian Mer tal Health Association al their f annual meeting Monday ni "oi Dr. Ateheson, who | The man of the clentifi vi Chief Commitee of the Canadian! Mental Health Association phasized the importance of fund raising by volunteer workers so PrOETESS In 1¢ ann application of techniques ean continue ATTITUDES CHANGED The changes in human tudes toward mente! iliness were cited by the speaker. He| said trepanning was performed in ancient times and compas slop had been extended to men tal patients during the French Revolution Pr. Acheson stressed that the brain is an organ, 100 times more complex than all the re inys in telephones across the gontinent. There was no field in all human endeavor that elation ia and uf the an Oshawa Branch Although in Alax the esl maternally (Staff) fires 1654 Was Were more 1660 than ks n amounts mated fire Thistle. reduced he 1066 of Ala Fire Department was presented the 11) ment report the Ajax Town ana ven an 77 Council las Fees favorable a from memhers of Fire Winter that estimated propery fire was 828.205 as com with $1,500,360 in 1956 were 59 fire alarms, six false, in Alax ed n slates Phi report, i aavisn ect) ast vear the oss by area There em the of whieh were during 1660. The 1058 total was § with five false alarms he past four years the greatest Trio Face 7 Charges ERTEN new Over aL needs more study than the Were charged today, in connec: brain tion with seven recent incidents of break:ins and thefts in Osh OFFICERS ELECTED Awa | Officers for the ensuing year, Ronald George Lendon are Executive commitiee Miss Gertrude Tucker president Rev, N. ¥. Swackhammer, first vice - president; Edward © MeNeely, second vice - presi dent; Mrs. 6G, Rundle, treasur er; Dr. N. Raskin, chairman scientific advisory committee Mrs. Jean Cain, chairman volunteer committee ftanle Mason, chairman, membership committee Hononrarm Pr. M. RB Thomas, MLA Directors--In Oshawa; Miss son, Whith Ajax: Dr awa; Mrs Perry; Dr 17, both from Montreal times and theft charged theft The four juvenile is and once theft twice "I'm sorry up," was the message left on the blackboard at St, Phillip's| Separate Behool, Oxford street, when It was broken inte, Feb, § | Lendon and Cameron have been {eharged with this break-in, The) school was ransacked and $3.40 taken from the premises They are charged with break ins at the Oshawa Yacht Club Feh. §; College Hill School, Feb § and the Conant Kehool, Feb, | 19. Thev are also charged with the theft of a eamera from the ear of Willlam Nichols, 297 Cor road, Feb, W I'he juvenile is charged with breaking, entering and theft at Rutherford's Furniture" Kimeoe street south, Feh, 13, when recorder was stalen He is also ehavged with hreak entering and theft fiddie's Shoe Repair and the Raval Cain and Stamp Store, 64 King street west, Feh, 13, Rare coins and other cash, valued at| than 8373 stolen at Hime | Detective Sergeant - William | Pawel and Detective Aruce Me: | of the Oshawa Police| | vere the invest. Hon D directors Dymond and 7T 3 Adair Atkin am Gordon Margaret Mrs, Jean ( fahn Chmara;, Osh M. BH. Dymond. Port Charles M, Elliott Oshawa: Dr. W, G0. Grant, Osh AWA Mis Flspeth Treland Whithy: Robert Leonard, Osh awa! Stanley Mason, Oshawa Terry Moore, Whithy; Rdward G. MeNeely Oshawa Cyril Powell, Oshawa: Dr. N, Ras kin, Oshawa; Mrs. GG, Rundle Oshawa; Mel, Smith, Oshawa Rev. N. ¥. Swackhammer, Osh awa: Miss Gertrude Tucker Whitby; | Weatherall, Ajax and Mrs. T. J, Wheeler, Picker Ing Boys' Work Program flava a Lane ing at more were th Giregoy (81% ment gating arficers | club was active in the work of| the | Mp, Bains compared the work | u in done al the sehodl with that done | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) by the Rotary Club with the More than 45 Kiwanians and ovippled ehildren their guests were familiarized, "Although these youths with the work carried on at the/not physically erippled, they are sehool are| | night ment ear we charged with breaking, entering|® diligent manner," The meeting Adelaide House, sew & new directorate and executive In stalled. Seen discussing some of the g@spects of ments) Ajax Fires Up, Loss Decreases any the of RIBTIRE IH as 1058 when numer yERD was Kl Fire the report Chief Winter slates "Ir snack bar whieh the hotel and Squires | seharate 1066 two estimated other troved Wu with a8 tot hi £8 7 The lo residential $4010 vehicles, 39s ""Ineluded Ins "there caused hy were low $1,606 commercial $150 in 14] WES One Was fire In states the ehief The Ajax,' report continues wae prevention work through ek | prevention week" | Of Break-In | "These efforts all add up to the meeting of the Rotary Club {fire Insurance rates that are|of Oshawa on - {comparable to the lowest eharg-| celebrate their vy o " Two youths snd a juvenile ed," states Chief Winter week "Credit should also go to the and regular men who volunteer have given me loyal 16 (8nd In whom I have the utmost week ending Feb and Thomas George Cameron, {confidence for their efforts in sions 286 are |CAITYINE out thelr tasks In such male he states Of the six false alarms celved with breaking and entering and trial firms which were caused |@nd throat 38 by air drops and power surges, (asta 10 but we're hardiand two were by telephone from |Ments 400 the residential area The Ajax Fire Department re A sponded to one eall for the Involved In & collision at Church halator during the year one total in a breakdown of loss for 1060 the major fire was at were des fires of property amounting tn industrial and Bn the residential death|Wordley, an explosion which Blrike the first fatality caused hy| fire that during the year the fire depart very active in fire the medium of fire inspections, lee: tures snd pamphlets, also the {spare fire truck was used to BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED ry banners during "clean-up " an dalso through "'firelte Havden Maedonald support Oshawa General Hospital for the re four were from indus.| Minor surgery 07; eye, ear, nose | CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents Oshawa and dis triet celebrating thelr birthdays today Douglas Kirkland Humewnod Ave Saunders, 220 Wilson south; John DeCoe, RR 4 Oshawa; Mrs, Jean Van stone, 401 Green Kt, Whithy,; John Faeron, 99 MeMillan Drive; Carol Rorabeck, 352 Ritson road north; Mrs Gloria Rints, 111 Palmerston Ave, Hope Bt, Thomas, 808 Mary St Larry MoeAvay, 20 Lawler road, RR 4; Rob ert MacDonald, 128 Central Park Blvd, south; Maxine Hudson MoNaughton Ave; Mrs, Kay Wright, Box 9, Bethany; Mrs, Joan Bowl er, 1116 Hortop; Mary Me Garey, 244 Arthur St; Mrs Stanley Moffatt, 38 Park road north; Celine Chamber land, 253 Quebee; Murray Miller, RR 1, Oshawa; Rich ard Townsend, 805 Masson St; Robert Richardson, 348 Ritson road south; Marie Patterson, 14 Frank §t) Mrs, Mary Stacey, 342 Rloor street west; Harald Slee man, 137 Chureh §t; Valer ie Tompkins, 764 Simeoe street south; Mrs, J, Nelson 805 Farewell Ave. James Nelson, 808 Farewell Ave) Walter R, Branch, 300 Mary St. north; Vietor BE, Crids land, 50.Buckingham; 8 F Everson, 171 King street east; Mrs, Claude Wilson, 313 Colborne St. east; Ray of who Are 1} Linda road 29 Bowmanville Training School for handicapped through years of the Bowmanville club and find themselves removed Jack J. Bains, superintendent [rom society and sent to us for that the Kiwanis Clubs are no "It's a lopg road back for strangers to the school as in them," said the speaker, 'but built and for years the Oshawa the bays making & go of it in the community COMING EVENTS clubs can be a great asset to the school is to join with the serian Chureh, are holding & rummade ing hand in the guidance of an Bake sale al the CHA on Thai® those bays when they leave to ¥ | FER , Bl tonight al The Ay FERNWILL w "5 Fe RAR I haope your elub will see fit] to take an interest in the school] SOCIAL hinge at Si Goarge's Hall, eas | Ber AAI a Wi sanally, This way, you will see| -_ that they are not much differ KINSMEN BINGO \ ath TUESDAY, FEB. 14th Mr. Bains concluded Reeve Sydney Little of Bow EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Noy 54 and 54 the North Peterborough and Oshawa Westmount clubs were! Boys at the Monday meeting of POOF Supervision hy the parents of the school, told the members help IMT the Kiwanis Cottage was Our rew ard comes when we see "The one area where service WHE Ladies' Guild of 81, Like Preshy cammunity and put out a help 3 i 1] i IN ¥ Fabian 9 3 LR ay seek a position in society, | $0 Jackpals, dear prises and gel ta know the hoys per aesday, February 15, 8 pW ent fram the average youth'! FREE ADMISSION imanville and Kiwanians from| TEAM 2 JUBILEE PAVILION guests, | Busminski, 480 Eulalie Ave and Francis Francis, Switzer Dr The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The ourrent attraction is "But terfield &" Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of ® am. and 10 am, Phone RA 30M Speaker Praises Castro Regime Vernal Ohsen, » member of the Firm Umitarian Fellowship Chireh, Toros, Sunday wight spooks Wn glowing terms of the Castres Regime wm Cube and ERETERR AIRETIERN Yawspmpers and medio, hacked by panei! interests, RIE RUEIRPURE 16 eM brass Cuban sihorities, Spesiing to the Oshawn Uni tarian Fellowship, Olsen out. Hned the Mghlights of #8 seven day "lair play to Cubs grow", visit he recently stiended. He seid some 0 Americans went on the Cuba viell under the ao sphees of the "fair play growy' According tn the svenker, priory to the Cuban revolstion, i was normal for 15 per cent of the Cubans 10 be unemployed CHEAP LABOR He charged this was # "eon Aition not disiiked by the Amer legen sugar interests. because i provided an avellghiity of ap labor for thelr industry, (Hisen. snid Castro government guthorities gre coneemireting on education. "More school class rooms have heen built since the revolution then had heen built in 8 the time before the wp henvel, Military fortresses have heen converied shale (seh sg He said new Rmsing senemes have been developed 10 replace the inzable shacks that hefors the Cubans lot." Accord er, the govern ment 1% landlord and charges i te per cent of their income Lor wineh ints distyiet Tucker Db. Atche Rundle Times Photo are presi in this Miss Certruda dent: Dr. John and Mrs. G, A rer Cshawa CITY AND DISTRICT LICENCE SALE LAGH With only 8» month to go the deadline, sales of molor vehicle leence herith on é Nal. reas bid the HE tg he 15 rent of hecone fenante thele-propertins 0) and ging Yan plates np ErRtor's al the Dej office in permils are artment of 1 the Oshawa #hout total of e been ving MAK (Staff) approached Ajax Town Couneil Monday night and asked recon eration of amended by that » ed hy council pre 17 a hegnce to & local Shopping A deputation only ane last rene Centre ' quar YERI'S ved the na er of permits fn VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors he Monday lunch eon meeting of the Rotary Club( of Oshawe included Don fish and chips from # Kean of Toronto Hotar mobile unit al & specific locale lanes Avex" Andrey Hoya in the Ajax Bhopping Centre Gibson, of Whith Michael ™ x, opposition to this move hy Manning, of Kingston ha # the Ajax Chamber of Ajax and Alan ¢ of Bowmanville and the Hela section of the cham her Ihe speaker Chamber President C, 8. Thompson and Metall Merchants Commies Chairman Gord Del Glelse claimed thal the itneram ings of the Rotary Club of Osh- vendor was taking business {awa this month as guests of the away from the three food mer {elub chants in the south section of the shopping centre, In addi tion, they claimed that the fish and chip truck did not enhance the attractiveness of the centre Fhe deputation requested comell to' revoke all leences issued under the bylaw and that no other licences should be Issuen In reply to the deputation which was supported hy 12 re tall merchants, Mayor William Parish said that the council had no alternative but to issue the Heence vendor who eon formed with the law in apply the licence & perfectly av AS Pass meen amended Ww yenaa il a Fhe 1661E [7] ion at AW Wis sell and ana council was of Commerce Merchants STUDENTS AT ROTARY | Norman Davis and Thomas Chasczewskl, students at Dr F. J. Donevan Collegiate In stitute gre attending the meet Bilver spoons were presented Walter Branch and 8, ¥, Everson al Monday birthdays They this HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the 8] births, male ih, discharges 270 {horn discharges, male 17 male 22 SUrgers Adm 2M, fe new fe 71 to the malor ing tor "It was legal 107 treat treatments physiotherapy {mated at $250, There was damage reported to the truck AUTO STOLEN | A 1050 model ear was stolen and William streets, at 9.40 a.m, (from the driveway of Warren {Monday The ear was driven by | Hartwig, of 650 Wychwood Pollard, of 407 Humewood street, sometime during last |avenus The driver of the truck night: Mr, Hartwig sald it was was David A Kennedy, of Ristolern, sometime between 12.30 Lambs Lane le (a.m, and § a.m, today, The ear {Damage to the car was estl:|is two-tone green no CAR, TRUCK COLLIDY ear and a truck were In Tune Rowman WER | A large group of childreh | tram the Glenhalme School for Retarded Children attended a | bowling session at the Oshawa | Shoppigg Centre Rowling Alleys Mondey, The bowling | \ periods for the ehildren are arranged through the eo-aper ation of the bowling alley management and the Oshawa Clvitan Club, Seen here is A) iin Fish Vendor Appeal Heard ny RETARDED CHILDREN ENJOY BOWLING Segers, of the Oshawa Civitan | he property of the Lenants stisy wm yess The spluier said that with the advent of diversification, of Ms wennny, Irom the slapie oi industry, W is expecied the next year or so, Cubs emi be self supporting for food products, He said before the revolution #9 per cent of all Cutan foodetiits had to be fm perrted "In fone years time 1 is ox pected thet Cubs will be ox porting, rather than importing, food vreducts, A fishing indus try has been developed and.» tine esnming factory has been pened," (sen said, We contintied thet 1087 wes 5 scheduled gs 8 year of indus | trighization with the importation } of factory eaipment from § Ching and Russia In exchange) for suger THE WEATHER ARMY REDUCED says According to Olsen, the rehel| Tost of southern Ontario and army, now reduced in 25.06 is -- Aispppenring nd being repise. | * far numbers "hy the Discuss Role In Scouting grmed peoples' militia" an attend. A group of Oshawa clergy and army of the people He charged that under the Ba night, representatives of the Oshawa of Distriet Council of the Boy OFFICE. fiste Regime 20000 Cubans had heen mirdered, Twherens since the revolution, every Cy han shot has been found guilty or murder, Others, he said, had heen imorisoned." Ahanit 30 "uniterigns' the mesting Bunda) Lancaster, chairman memhbershin and pubiieity thanked the #4 Reg the rommities speRker might ot Camp Samsec for #n informal roundAshle discussion of the role of the church in the Boy Scout movement Among the points which eamé under discussion were "Church Relationships," "The Beout Group Chaplsin," snd "The Program and the Chureh" Ven, Archdencon HB. D, Cle verdon aesotigtion chaplain told the gathering he felt scout masters should mlways encour age their boys to be 8 member of a Sunday School or attend a church of their choice However, he sald, githough he feels the ministers should ilso encourage the hove in re lglous training, i should not he done during & scout meeting. He aia the meetings are too short for devotional periods oth er than opening and. closing prayers It was the general feeling that the padres should give the boys talks on the Boy Beout Laws and the Seoul Promise, 8. A Richardson, distriet executive THOMAN J. BARNETT commissioner, sald the padres The necurred al. Ws would be welcomed by both the home, 200 Daly avenue, OUAWA, | jgaders and the hoys to atten on: Wednesday Feb, 1, of Thom: meetings periodically to talk o ah J, Barnetl, & registered op-ithe two subjects tometrist, who formerly prac: Division Commissioner ¥ thing for us to 40," he seid "and when the licence was Is sued on the stipulation that the fish and chip unit would be lo cated as far a8 possinie from the restaurants We make. & pro hibitory bylaw to one thet has heen on the hooks for 10 years," he said he matter to the finance further stud OBITUARIES AWRY cannat soon turned commitiee vis avel for \4 tised in Oshawa, He was in MsiDavies said the Scout Law and Promise could he compared to {the Ten Commandments and the H6th yer |" Mr. Barnett is survived hy his wife, the former Mary Har ding; 8 daughter, Mrs, Paul E therefore the trooj Golden Rule and he would agree that Dupuis. (Mary) and a son, Berti adres would be the proper peo:| A brother Riso sur of Rolphton of OUAWA, Barnett Anthony, two subjects Vives n Executive Commissioner Ri Requiem mass wis sung In Bt onerdson said many of the prob Joseph's Chureh, Ottawa, BL emg in seouting would be solv a.m, Baturday, Feb followed | 4 it the troops would by Interment In Notre Dame ime to recognize their spon Cemetery sors, the churches FUNERAL OF | According to ihe district Su u ecutive commissioner 1 MIs, SAMUEL Wo ap [ehureh and particularly the min Samuel O, Reid, who died at [Halliday Manor last Friday was held at the Meintosh-Ander on Funeral Home at 2 pm | Monday, Feb, 13 | Elder €, Vell of the College Park Beventh-day Adventist Church, conducted the services Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery | The pallbearers were Terry (Reid, James Reid, Milford A | Reid, Harry Topham, A, Wilson land R, Franklin ed, He. said the council merely sets the scouting program for the sponsoring churches to fol low Archdeacon Cleverdon phastzed the ministers attend an occasional According to te Dr clergy would feel more encour agement if invited to be present al a Beout meeting om meeting handing over the duty of teach ing the Scout Promise and Law to the padre Mr, Richardson sald the dis |triet council intends to prepare a malling lst for all the churches and ship out informa tion when It ix avilable to as sist the ministers with the Boy Scouts movement Remand Four For Sentence Four Oshawa youths pleaded guilty. to stealing & pay-tele phone, from a Bloor street booth, Feb, 3, when they appear: ed In the Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Monday John Michael Pollard, 18, of [407 Humewood avenue; David | [John Roekbrune, 16, of 86 Wil liam street west; John Wayne Smith, 17, of 178 Eastdale street and James William Burgess, of #4 Elgin street east, were all re manded In custody, until Feb 50, for sentence, Magistrate ¥, NS. Ebbs asked for a pre-sentence report on each of the accused Three of the four youths were already on suspended sentence after previous convictions, The fourth also had a criminal ree: ord When they first appeared in court, Monday, they pleaded Innocent of the charges, After a short recess and consultation with a lawyer, they changed the pleas . A maintenance supervisor {for the Rell Telephona Co, told {the court total damage to the telephone had heen $130.45 | Detective Sergeant William {Powell read a statement, taken [trom Rookbrune, after the of [fence, He sald statements had been taken fram the others In the statement, Roekbrune sald he and the others had been driving in a car belonging to Smith's father . 'We got a erowbar. Pollard Burgess and 1 went and pried the telephone off to gel the money, The police came. An of calm Adams, treasurer of the (ficer fired a shot and told me service olub to stop, 1 did," the statement Oshawa Times Photo 'said - | Club, assisting Gary Nicholls 11, to deliver a bowling ball Looking on, at left, is Ma mild weather covers | Boots Association met Monday, A hecoming northwest 15 this eve: | Pining and lght tonight, increas riple to Instruct the boys in the! «| Is Explained he ister is the ""boss' as far as the distriet counell staff is concern: | should Telford the He said he liked the ides of (by members from the agencles| too, | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yesstey, Pebrasry 16, 199) w Quotes today. Freezing rein n i -t nd showers are predicted fof f wr 'Milder, Cloudy Rain On The Way Forecasts becoming ght tonight snd east 15 Wednesday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Wednesday: WiInadsor ,iveeeeeeee 9 " BL, ThOMBS sevevee BW " Kitchener +... 2] i" Loman 7% "n Wingham ,,, 7% 4 Toros ovevevveee 28 i TORONTO (CF) ed by the weather office st 5am EST : Synopsis Generally cloudy and mild westher is expected in Southern Ontario today, while colder wenther with snowilur ries 1s due for the North Lake Erie, ake Huron, Ni spare, western Lake Ontario re gone, Windsor, London, Ham: Peterborough vee0s "» ton, Toronto: Cloudy with Tremon ...vieevens " sunny intervals today, clearing 8t, Catharines ,.,, "" this evening. Increasing elondl-| ness Wednesday, becom ing overcast with showers by evening. Not much change in| temperature, Winds west 256 to day, Nght tonight snd increas ing tn south 20 Wednesday Vastern Lake Ontario region: | Rain ending this morning, then! cloudy snd mild, Clear and| colder tonight, Increasing cloud | iness and eolder Wednesday, Winds west 25, becoming Hght tonight snd Wednesday Georgian Bay, Haliburton Kirkland Take regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy today with 8 few snowflurries, clear ing tonight, Mainly cloudy and much the same temperature Wednesday with snow and Incal| v freezing rain beginning during) the afternoon, Winds west 25,1 EGRY CONTINUOUS FORMS LTD, Is pleased te announce the appointment of MR, ROY LITWIN os sole representative for Oshewe arse. PERI RIIINS sernn {Ing Wednesday to southesst 25, Timmins Kapuskasing re. gion: Cloudy with snowflurries {and turning colder today, clear: ing this evening. Wednesday cloudy with snow snd eontiny. "ling cold, Winds northwest 20, : 'Welfare Work The meeting of Community Ine was held on Thursday, Feb, 0, 6t the YWCA with re |presentation from Red Cross, Homemakers, Red Cross Ko:| clety, CRA, Simcoe Hall, YWCA, {Children's Ald Soclety, Cana: {dian Arthritie and Rheumatic Society, VON, Ontario Hospital, Whithy and Oshawa Welfare De partment in attendance, | At the January meeting it was |deeided thaton miternmte months the agency reports {would be given and at the other |Ireetings there would he a film or short talk or both given | outlining the specific duties of {each agency | At the February meeting W.| J. Naylor, of the Oshawa Wel: | fare Department, outlined the {duties of his department saying {that one of the main alms of public assistance is to keep the family together as & unit func tioning normally as possible When a family applies for public assistance a budget Is drawn up which includes consid eration for rent, fuel and food, Sometimes legal advice is need ed, A legal clinle is provided for these people, Consideration ils also given for sickness which may require hospitalization in |General Hospital or nursing (home, drugs, doctor visits, J homemaker [n the home | Following Mr, Naylor's ad:| dress several questions were ralsed by the group which) laroused a general discussion period r Special loans to home. owners for complete down payment, to close existing mortgages, end to gonsells date debts, No bonus, ne pre-payment charge, Terme arranged up to 60 months; Lite Insurance protection, PHONE RA 8-6283 29'/: SIMCOE ST. §, OSHAWA SENBOARD FINANGE COMPANY NOTICE! | Damand for Government Controlled Rental Apartments, | 2 BEDROOMS 50 | 3 BEDROOMS $97.50 Includes stove, Hid drapes, haat and janitor servis, Any or All Children Welcome, 2 LOCATIONS : 1. NEAR CEDARDALE SCHOOL (Simcoe §t 2. PARK RD, §. AT ELMGROVE REQUIREMENTS ! Applicants Yearly Incomes Must Not Bxceed $3,750.00 Notice! This is o survey only, and if the demand is praven sonstruction could possibly he started this Spring, 11 you | need larger, naw, moedern accommodation of & price you can attend. ® in your portunity to obtain It, Please Hl in lf your name and address, ote, below and returm to BOX 347 | OSHAWA TIMES NAME ADDRESS Bhi 5) CITY OR TOWN