Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Feb 1961, p. 2

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+ 2 THE OSHAWA TIES, Vonsdoy, Febrvory 14, 1969 [Pipeline Storm Again Brews In Parliament By JACK BENY side the Howse, that fe thought pany hold actually be denied dat government has Mecon- wn new Nawer laws for Canadian Press Mall Weker the Wik showld be set over [or meorporation. He was Rot pres tinued three departmental pw and towrist establishments so. OTEAWA (CF )~""AB Rel 10.8% months in view of the na ent 16 vole on second read fications on the grounds they that slaholic beverages comid iRcorporaie Aww Line tional oi policy mmownced ve- Widen Wooiliems (PE 'were "eutrevagances, Premier be served with ments Company," is the ionocuons cently Wy the government. River) Frost 101d the legislature Mon "1 seriously suggest we take wey Wn which the Commons ; , Aa Frost Bans Publications TORE (CF)~The provin- wged the government (9 bring BF, the landatis off our 1ownish op- order paper. describes & Will! Wr, Frost said the three pb erators in Omario or they wee now Wefore FParbament, The SURVEYORS' CONVENTION AT WINDSOR More than 209 are sitending | surveyors which opened here the 85th snus) meeting of the | today. Vramining special Association of Ontario Land | equipment gre. (from efi) Ontario Seeks Pensions Supervision . MacGregm of Toronto TORONTO (CFP) Increased and Professor D government supervision of pen: of the University sion schemes pnd creation of # " & ' privetely-operated central pen MUSE MAKE si ny sion mgency are among the ree- ion of ommendations of the Optario Bo Li he ys Ah wn 'y Jans ' port aif government's special committee ¥'500r FE : ' ¢ i on portable pensions chrangl importance hoth Lo the employee tran Jon The commitiee's recommen and 10 the one v8 his dations were contained In 8 23: oricingi employer (hat al page report tabled in the legis yu liy recelves (he lature Monday, to be considered o.0oniced him hy &n informal commitiee of the "This. con or ed if legislature Wednesday ep on OlaA gi add Be 4 fi The proposed central REENCY nanced and effective ly admins would be designed (0 hold Part ered More safeguards are of the pension benefits of Work: pecded in some areas ers moving from one joh to an AS A. winims the resort tir A$ Ninimum d por oth ; uggested, ha sie information The corporation operating the zhont » pension plan should he agency could he & private one filed in a government office with broad Investment, POWETS, | yhere it would he available to the committee sald, "so the employees seeking information funds transferred to it would re The committee also recom main available for private in didi Han ) T6600 Ve lor p mended creation of a scale of " vestmen vesting (confirmation of the Joint chairmen of the com: employee's legal possession) of mittee were George Gathercole, pension benefits, coupled with deputy minister of economics, yestrictions on cash withdraw (als of contributions hy the em: Hunted Wife |... Coast To Coast | ACCORDING TO AGE KINGSTON (CP) Joseph Vesting according to age, Frederick Sherboneay, suing rather. than years of service, was recommended, Under a Rene Claesson for alienating his wife's affections, told a Su suggested seale, transfer of preme Court jury Monday he ) IZ I Hi more WW om of fers with he who pension {rights would rise from 20 per {eent at the age of 30 to 100 per cent for those 84 and over as searched unsuccessfully for|serve to reduce the financial his wife from Montreal to Van. incentive for an employer to couver dispense with an employee's Claesson proprietor of an of. 5€rvices just hefore sudden fice cleaning firm here, was not| Vesting," the report said present at the trial "Vesting at younger ages is Sherboneau sald his wile not proposed because it would Joyce, a native of Kingland he "® Administratively burden married in 1041, left Kingston "0Me #8 the turnover in em. with Claesson last July, He said P1oyment is grealer at these she took the youngest ok their "ECH three children, 18 « month-old , The restrictions on cash with Michael with her drawal would apply from the "Rrra, Sylvia Genge, Mrs, Sher same age al which vesting he honeau's sister, testified her sis gins The report Suggested a ter had come to her July 10 and Kraduated soale, under Whie h 20 sald she was leaving town with pit cent of employees' contri Claesson tions would he for She 'said they walked . tn an intersection where Mrs |PeNSION henefits at 100 per cent al Kherboneau got Into a car driven by a man Mrs, Genge WOULD MINIMIZE didn't know Khe said she did] "The graduated scale is in not know Claesson tended to minimize the incen Mrs, Genge said that since tive to quit employment to take last July she has had two long cash," the committee said distance phone calls from her] "We believe that a restriction sister hut there was no indica: on cash withdrewals is of prime tion of their origin impoglance In ensuring The trial continues Iworkérs actually will ¥ wy) a retained 10, and i and over receive hy (as involving too. costly an ad "Graduated vesting would! that endangering other ! sirong of Windsox and chair man of the associaNen conail W. Beatty of Toronto (CF Wirephoto) Parliament At-A-Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS Monday, Feh, 13 ¥ Second reading--approval pension benefits, 14 should - be principle--was given a Will to in regarded as an unreasonable In: corporate an American - con fringement of freedom trolled pipeline company seek The report suggested the pro- ing to transport petrolesm prod posed central agency he sel up uels from southwestern Atherta hy asking the principal adminis. to the intefnational boundary trators of pension plans--trust Fd Nasserden (PC~Rosthern) and life insurance companies sided with the CC} for & loan of capitsl an amendment that The committee warned that shunted the bill aside in a current expansion of pension "will not proceed quickly the session enough nor far enough to meet! CCF Leader the social needs, unless gov: the hill to ernment inducements Bre In yoked," LISTS POSSIBILITIES The report listed four bilities for a unified pension scheme | could require that sll or most employers establish pension plans meeting 8 minimal stand ard 2. The federal government could gradually increase its flat universal old-age pension, 8. The federal government could add to the existing flat| p.m, EST to debate government universal old-age pension & con: resolutions; the Senate tributory earnings-related pen: iat 8 p.m, sion program, 4, The Ontario government | could establish a contributory earnings related pension HD Currie of Torome association president tion chairman Maurice Arm Better 6G CORYEN would have si plans incorporate the f iniguitous® and "un Cana dian." ternal Affairs Minister possl- Green sald the Canadian gov portable ernment is fearful of the conse quences of the death of deposed this dangerous situation.' CCF MP Frank Howard porarily suspended from Commons Friday for using un parliament a ry language, re turned to the House Tuesday, ¥Feh, 14 fem mn in favor of month hoist aimed at killing i Argue described Aurora Pipe Line Company as The * Ontario government Congo premier Lumumba and expressed hope for restraint in the The Commons meels at 2:50 meets feations, Mecontinued Jan were The Rord, pobhshed only owner Wy the department mf Wh aie 16 ivy lanor in a dignified baie ways, wt intended as the first of & sevigs; the semi - panel Owr Valley of the department of planning and ' and Sylva, lesvied Wmoniily by the deprrtment of lands and for ests The premier made (he an nowncement after CCF |eader Machongld asked whether # was the government's function to produce "shiek" publications Holding wp = shiny govern ment hrochure reviewing ao in dustrial development conference in Toronte last November, Mr Machonald seid "Uf ever there was # piece of extravagance, this is H' Why yon could pimost comb your halr by using the gloss #5 # mirror." SEES TENDENCY Mr, Frost said there has heen a lepdency wm both government 1 and business to indulge n what might he regarded as ex LFRYRERANCES We live in an age when that & the style of thing to do severtheless, | think you have io start somewhere in calling these things off because | think there is endless waste 19 "For with The CCF leader replied mee | stand four-square the prime. minister Mr. MacDonald raised | question during debate on esti mates totalling $2,106,000 hy the department of travel and pub Hey Arthur 1 Reaume (I, Vigsex North) complained that the travel and publicity department published a booklet containing photographs of gl Ontario's cabinet mipisters "If anyhofly can (ell me what attraction that is, I'd he happy to hear M he said, "It has nothing to do with travel." INQUIRIES HIGHER In asking approval of his esti mates Travel and Publicity Minister Cathcart said Lourist inquiries at the department's 15 tourist centres rose more than 24 per®eent in 1060, to 351,738 Biggest increase was from American tourists, whose In quiries totalled 167,083 com pared with 145,967 in 1058 He sald the department will institute 8 plan involving a matching of grants to aid and assist areas in publicizing their natural and historical tions Albert Wren (1; INTERPRETING THE NEWS scheme, But the report recom mended against this possibility | { ministration Winning War Against Lamprey i "Ry 3 OTTAWA (l P)==Measures 10, if (he mantle of martyrdom control lampreys In the Great rails on the memory of Patrice Laken Anpeas to he successful, Lumumba, he could become a Joh hg] Inister Mac Le anifar greater symbol of African said in the Commons Monday, {independence in death than he He postponed reply, however, was in life, to A question hy Hubert Ba: mpe support that Tumumba danal (1, = Fort William) whe enjoyed from such African asked whether a proposal had countries as Ghana and Guinea heen made to ban trout fishing was reflected in their hoasts on Lake Superior next year, [that imprisonment could not I do not wish te he dogmatic stop him, They had also pre with regard to the success of dicted that if he were killed "a our lamprey control measures | thousand Lumumbas will spring on the Gireat Lakes," Mr, Mac:|\up in his place," Lean sald, "but I can say that | It was last Sept; § that Tu considerable success has heen mumba was fired as premier fe hioved by the use of specific hy President Joseph Kasavubu hanone Town 2h lampreeides| for gating with the Soviet Uns Which destroy the larvae of the jon and' ether Communist coun lamprey in the streams without tries, Bince then he had heen forms of | under guard nearly all the time, first under house arrest and then in prison | Neverthelss he was able to young Congo Republic which slipped from his grasp In the birth pangs of indepmidence And his name still set passions Become | By JOREPH MacSWEEN life" a win back large sections of the Ci ¥ Lumumba May Martyr s Heences in a party altrae.| 1. going 19 be in serious trove," mid wording he sald. ""Towriols went 19 be way" COULD ACCEPT FEES Among three Wills introduced # Monday's wiling Was an amendment 10 the schools ad ministration seb 19 perm teachers, trustees and school in spectons to aeeeph fees oy royal ties for writing # book used in (miaria schools The ret at present stipwiaies the author recepting wich re muneration may he disqualified and fined : A Wl amending the Public [ands Act provides for appoint ment of a public apericwitrsl lands committee 0 Aetermine what lands are suitable Pw agn ctitural purposes Another Will Introduced by fands and Forests Minister Spooner provides for the esieh bhment of fish farms to pro duce speckled, Wrown and ram bow trot [or Duman consump tiem CAN BET BEAR SEASONS The same Wil gives authornty in the hewtenant govemar mn council to make regulations set ting open seasons for hear. The same rules will apply as to deer when hunted by & party, namely that the number of hear killed may not exceed the number of The rules will glse apply ta party - hunting of moose The amendment the minister, rather Heutenant-governor wn the authority to establish sanciuanes Hot Debate On Religious Education TORONTO (CP)=Three hours of heated debate Monday night convinced suburhan North York's hoard of education Mi should - continue its policy of providing religious education in township schools The hoard voted § fo 2 maintain its policy of providing courses in religion but allowing parents to exempt their child: ren ' The hoard rejecied 4 to 8 suggestion to extend (o all town glso gives than the council fish (0. Kenora ship schools & pilot scheme op-| {erating in five schools under {which the hoard takes the in itiative on the advice of its offi: cials In asking parents whether they want religious education for their children, The five schools involved in the pilot school had a predominantly Jewish population, | The Canadian Jewish Con gress, the Unitarian Congrega tion and Wellowships and the North York branch of the Ethi- sands nn sharp he tone of de The measure has kicked wp # ihvely ruling th hades of the Pipeline l& Io color We mmpy nde theowgh the lower We BVER fhe havise, Onby this time some of "69% The pos the roles are reversed market contrast to 1 interes" L for pe ly 10 #6 ities in this Did You Know , , , in the main Dining Room #f the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have o Full-counse Dinner for ONLY 956, LADIES In the Commons Monday, the, FW Mr. Nasserden said he CCF comtinaet 1s allot elforts M8 not think the Aurora com: to Weck the WH, mantzimng that it would Wim Over comre U » Plan States company, Buty ight per nique cent of the shares in AWiors would be owned by Continental . Ol Company of Howston, Texas | or 0 "This is another instance of comtratied qs transportation by # United States company," I. Prine of Sarnia has come said CCF Leader Argue up with a wnique ides for n i Easing employment in this OF CAN'T WTOP WF town Yalley town, The thin ranks of the CCF.' Mr, Payne suggested in # Tet gress on the incorporation of might, that each wage earmer of Aurora, whieh proposes 10 this town of some 16.000 popula transport liga petroleum prod iion chip §1 each a week into # wets, processed from erst fund, The money wowld he weed gas, from southwestern Aerie he said, to create employment over a 4l-mile pipeline y o Both the Liberals and the Pro- i Rh Hahrs de hue led gressive Conservatives ~ with ther study é one oF Spinone io bt pes The unemployed of the town ' Lg og now number shout 1000 'and of 139 to § Then the two larger parties mated io be om of work in the got together tn vote it through "oe Ri Wek we would stk becond reading ~ wbpieval n off the fund hy enclosing #1 Prine pie ee Vv (] with the letter bok Thomson said there was no §l A loan conservative member, ' Ed Nasserden (PC~Rosthern) |miached when he opened i joined the CCF in support of the unsuccesstul amendment, Jt sion of Parliament that 8 mem: her has voled at variance with his party colleagues Mr. Nasserden said later, oul PARIS (AP) ~ Police said) Monday they have arrested the leaders of two hig narcotics | rings operating hetween France| andl the United States and Can Police identified the two #s Flix Barnier, 43, head of a ring| whose American outlet was smashed hy US, parcotic| agents last fall, and Robert Le:| ond ring The second ring Was discov: ered, police said, hy the arrest lin New York Oct, {members of the first ring. Heari Court Hearing MONTREAL, (CP)=A spokes:| man for the Seafarers' Interna-| of # Canadian witty of a United # great natural resowice being PEMBROKE (CP)~Manrice comid nok, however, Hon Pro ter, read 1n council Monday 19 the imernationsl boundary! and bring new industry here the bill for six months in # Ln are another 1465 esti 7. The Will now goes 10 commit "gover ity clerk Sydney was the first time at this ses Dope Ring ada cont, 4, a member of the see: |" tional Union (ind) said Mon: | Oven, Surface [only two remain under control|gal Fdueation Association pre: day the union will seek to have {dent apparently sees eye-lo-eye | with Moise Tshombe, who rules much of wealthy Katanga Antoine Gizenga, Tumumba's joy professor of sociology at SIU in recruiting members, former deputy premier and now his heir « apparent, makes his {headquarters at Hlanley (ville, capital of Oriental prov {ince, and claims the rightful | government of The Congo Cilzenga, a fiery leftist, | joys the support of hoth the Bo | viet Union and the United Arab Republic and it is thought he is {capable of extreme measures {against antl-Lumumba Congo {lese and Europeans in his do | main, | The United Nations has faced one dilemma after another since {it entered The Congo-at the in: [vitation of Lumumba==with the [mandate of restoring order (while keeping out of internal [canfliets, The current dilemma can he | LUE Canadian Press Kall Writer | of Kasavubu although the presi-| sented hrie fs opposing thelthe Supreme Court of Canada COUTReS Speaking for the Kthical Fu cation Association, John R, Kee [York University, sald a return should he made to non-denom- inational schools "which offer no religious group a pulpit," FEEL, CONFUSED Prof, Seeley said children ex empted from the courses "feel in many cases confused, hurt and rejected, the very feelings the school has heen at such pains to avoid for every child on every other count." A brief presented by Sydney M, Harris for the Jewish Con gress took lssue with the elaim that those opposing the religious teaghings in schools are -indifs ferent to the values of religion, A brief from the North York Ministerial Association, repre: senting 45 churches, sald secu: seen in the charge of hypocrisy hurled at the UN hy Soviet Dep: uty Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin, and the identical charge larigation of the school system would be a retrograde step, | Rev, Donald Collier, secretary vather than the Canada Labor Smart, Modern Relations Board conduct a hear: ing into methods used hy the Post-Formed Ceo The spokesman Was com: Edge) menting on the board's an [nouncement In Ottawa Friday | {that a special hearing will be held March 8 into the BIU's re:| {eruiting methods | The hoard sald in a statement | (It has been "disturbed" hy evi: dence given on recruiting meth. [ods of the SIU, The statement [followed testimony hy Capt, {William Wharton that he was| [beaten up as part of the BIU's [campaign to sign up his tug, Seek Butter Price Reduction OTTAWA (CP)==A formula to {eut butter prices and maintain] (returns to dairy farmers still is being worked out hy the gov: ernment Decorative Wal Rox Waterproof WHERE Feb, 13th thro Our Exhibits Of The Latest In Modern Home Equipment Built-in Kitchen Units Including Beau Valley (East of Simeas North on Rossland) FALL BY WAYSIDE member' hie tn reach a yoke the waymde with of COMING Wp REIN son One was # proposal Creston - (1 real calling for income lax tion on tuition fees versities and a of other educational : The wther, ed by Tn cien Cardin ( err heres), called for mn ing study of # : i woid he io wi- lien waterway, St, Lawrence River York via the Richeliew River, Lake Champlain and the Hud son River ¢ Dysing ond Repoiring ¢ Binding ond Fringing o Meothprooting Weli-to-well cor cleaned in yowr u 8-4681 174 MARY STREET ASK YOUR HUSBAND TO TAKE YOU TO SEE THE "Exhibition of Fashionable Living" Units, Fan, Kitchen Cupboards unter Tops (Rolled | Paneling Pispley ugh Mar, 4th 2PM -- § PM, 7PM, = 9 PM, OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITER 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Main Oi nd Shawreom Courtice RA 8.1411) Alex EEnith 2.9400 {burning In African Villages [stretching over 1,000 miles, 5 [HOLDS WIDE MEANING Bll | Observers see significance in [this not enly for The Congo but| Powntown Shawream 84 Simeon St, South = RA 8.1417 Bowmanville MA 3.2130 | | | Thursday, Rutherford Fumiture will have on od In this paper, that should be of Interest to avervhady interested in beautiful furniture, wateh for I fo GETTING ACQUAINTED Caroline Kennedy holds one hand and ane foot of her in fant brother, John Fitagerald | N, : y A] | Kennedy, Jr. at Palm Reach, | In Washington, are the | Fla. Caroline, ¥ and John, | children of President and Mrs who announced Lumumba's pernatural divine being, but injof a price reduction, forecast out the government's heavy sur stom : x. 10 cents a pound. would be Lumumba=in the heyday of| 'F P ' "Forward Pass i dependence for Angola, the hig] cheaper margarine and other [some 200,000 Partiguese WASHINGTON (AP) =~ If (ho|hetween the orbital pathways of was suggested, Current retail | : ) [latest space vehicle, it willl@head of Venus because it had [disturhances \ {worsen things across the hor Storward pass." sun than the earth is, is moving considerably faster aro the months and 183,000,000 miles in Borro d Cc And the speed of the space e ar | Intended- receiver will be there|ll figures The football is the 1,420:pound| TOWe ar iv nal The earth {horrawed a car from a friend|Z h the Taking May 20 as a possible i "ne & | ORO { 10 5Ix months in volarmatory aifgt® Sunday. The Sputnik was Nave reached the meeiing yp fl a oar belonging to John Rrawn Its second rocket had te pro. meantime, The space probe will Last month. nolice here were! At 16A8t 33,000 miles an hour so larger orbit around the sun, will ' \ phe Vere 4 {arated from Venus -- and the Jr, wha was born last Nov, | Kennedy, Worcester, Mass. James was re: RUNS AHEAD of hypoerisy made against the of the association, said secular The cabinet is to he asked U Nby the Katanga minister(ism finds its basis not in a su: shortly for approval in prineiple| death, | society itself, [some time ago as a means to [boost butter consumption and [also for the stability of other Venus Rocket plug, 'informants sald Monday, parts of Central Africa Officials sald anything less | {his flamboyant rule last July unlikely to stimulate more de: [started a campaign aimed atin {mands for butter as apposed to righhor The Cong A al . rs [spreads, ven a 10:cont-a-pound | neiivhor Ar The Gorge Wher By FRANK CAREY in a trajectory that will take itiout may have little impact, it AVON © y the earth and Venus, will al:[price is about 70 cents, | Angola=lor Various reasons Russians hit ar even come close / ! t p planet Venus w oip/Ways be running somewhat {has recently. hoen the scens of| 0 the planet Venus with their § and it is thought |, b y bbl mean the completion of his.|® head start [new Congolese hloodshed eould liars 1a ngest and toughest) But Venus, being closer to the | der A " : : For in this pass, the 'foot OF the Congo's six PTOVINCES hall' must travel for about three | Sun--=79,000 miles an r, com: pared with 66,600 for the earth, [the far veaches of space---and [be hurled so accurately that its| probe," with respect to the sun, ies somewhere between those | 4 at just the right time to make Permanent! the catch {The Russians have. said the | intended rendezvous time for | GUELPH (CP)=A inan who| RUSSIAN interplanetary station, the probe f Yonun 12 the Jat. orbiting Russian|ter part of May {ta travel to Toronte in se Sputnik launched rocket | | of a job was Hb ah wearing the Renus probe some/date, Venus at that time will | [ehavges of car theft ravelling Hille Wiles an hour after travelling some 107.000, 000 {| George James, 8. horrowed when it tossed the pass § \ NOUR Pe r the have travelled 183,000,000 miles, 2 [of Fort William while they were vide enough force ta give | ' y . F ity of| eanwhile, the earth, in its | roommates hero.» space station a total vealocity of] Mes | it would escape the earth's have moved only halt as far, notified by the FRI that the! avis [At that time, it will be sep wrecked car was recovered in" gravitational pull \ } football, if Venus catches it (AP Wirephoto) {turned to Guelph by the FBI, | The Russian station, woving by close ta 43,000,000 miles, |

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