VO 0b owvimn i bins babrees, cewowicy Yeco Ironing Boord Adjustable Ironing Boerd 2%" Wh with well-supported To iron witting er standing; besrd adiusts to er Opers 1 is send LA Ferforafed Add io Ah Veped fest 5.49 ts 35, Ferforsied top; plasictipped fest, CATON Spotiight Bele, sack EATON Spotlight Bele, eoch Ironing Boord Cover with Ped Silicone-treaied cover, cushioned with "Vepsr Foam ksitrgy' pad for smeoth Wemng, 1.79 EATON BSpothght Bole, 0060 i ivivvvirre thee 11 Yeco Ironing Board Cover Midnone cover ond pad; Insdoted contre; Silicones Vani fo reflect heat, Fife standard beards, 2 1] ON Spotlight Bole, 006M i iivvrrgrrirs (419 5 HO 400 SII 55 HSI FRA a HANDY STEP- ON CAN In easy-to-clean white enamelled metal, with aluminum insert and pedal, Top is rubber-edged, Approx, 19V4" high, 1014" deep, 12" wide, Gleaming Tri Ply Stainless Steel Cookware Easy to care for, easy to cook with , , , heat-resistant black composition knobs end handles, Designed to give years of excellent service, EATON Spotlight Seles BT A. 4-gt, Dutch Oven D, 2.91, Sou Ordinarily 8.95, Each 6.71 Ordinarily 8, 74" Fry Pan, ah 95 Each 4.46 STATI S00 ST SA Ordinarily 7,95 Each SARAH IN HOUSEWARES, 'GARDEN SEEDS, BULBS, FERTILIZER 412 Ome Each 4.46 orient 98 tocn 1/89 ovina 798 tach 9:98 TECO Garbage Can Twin Laundry Tubs EATON Spore | Sale, 006k seve ies . 4.99 §-PIECE SET OF TV TABLES Reg. 19.95 Nylon Floor Mop turns In all directions, handle lies almost com pletely flat, Easily washed end dried; handle end mep In matching eclours of blue, fur quoise or pink EATON Spotlight Sele, each 9a x 1 ALUMINUM STEPLADDERS IN TWO SIZES Hendy Bathroom Scale Gets under almost any piece of fumiture; top Compact ond economical; adjustable seitings, magnifying glass ever the dial} 250-b, capacity, Black only; epprox, EATON Spotlight Sele, seach ,, REG, 3.79 Made of sturdy golvanized steel, with lock-on lid that should not come off except when the handle is lifted, Side handles for easy carrying, Approx, 24" high, 17" in. dian 2 EATON Spotlight Sale, sach ,, 2-8helf Utility Table For extra working space wherever you need It, Plastic casters on the legs for easy moving; longs wearing white enamel on metal," Approx, 30" Get the extra washing space you need with these move able tubs, They are enamelled metal with galvanized Inserts and outlet for easy drainage, 20V4 x 34 16 49 x 3212", BATON Spotlight Sele, each » 60-ploce Sol of Stainless Flalware Bring modern beauty to your home with this set of stainless flatware -- Its simple design will come plement contemporary or traditional decor, Set includes 8 each of knives, forks, soup spoons; 16 For Informal entertaining, choose this set of five TV tables == .one table doubles as the stacker, The design Is. Tole Rose on white, with gold-colour leaf border, Sturdy tubular frame with brass finish; plastie-tipped feet, 12.99 EATON Spotlight Sale, set of five ,,, Same design, Queen ize EATON mE Spotlight Sale, each , ,, On sale at 2 p.m, Wednesday and only while quantities last Please, no telephone or mail orders UPPER LEVEL V4 Price Clearance! SHORT-SLEEVED BLOUSES -- REG, 5.95 to 7.95 == Solid shades and rinks; sizes 10 ta 18 in the group, i 9 9" 3. 9 tnBossED COTTON CRINOLINES ~-- To add crisp fullness to your 'skirts, Manufacturer's samples; size medium enly, Bach MALL LEVEL WEDGE-SHAPED CAR CUSHIONS -- REG, 7.50 «= For comfortable driving. filled; strong cotten covers in green, blue, brown or maroon, Approx, 16 x 17 x 3". End-ofline clearance, Bach "MILL ENDS" OF KNITTING WOOLS == Manufacturer clears limited quantities! 5 to 05 Various plys; good colar choice. Skein, each MEN'S TIES 'SECONDS' = Minute imperfections should not affect serviceability, ry, 50 Some broken lines from stock included, Good colour and pattern choice BOYS' COWBOY STYLE SHIRTS ~ Warm cotton flannel; neat style collar, long sleeves, buts ton cuffs, 2 breasi pockets, Body in red, yoke in black with white trim, Sizes 8 to 12. Hach va 'a : Visva "TARA" CHOCOLATES FROM IRELAND ~ Specially priced to clear ! Hard and soft centres in a wide variety of flavours, coated in light and dark chocolate, th, : LOWER LEVEL LESS THAN 14 PRICE NIGHT TABLES---REG, 29.95-End-of-line; handsome night tables in walnut finish, Bagh TEA YY PHILODENDRON PLANTS -- Healthy Philodendorn plants, planted in 2 for Ri enriched soil "JAPALACY SPRAY ENAMEL = Aerosol spray of all-purpose aluminum paint for interior or exterior surfaces, May be ussed as an undercoat or finishing ceat, SR NANARANN NYY Foam-rubber Trae ae . Ligtweight, sturdy ladders for use around the heme or in the works shop, Both are re-inforced for strength, and have roughed steps for safety; plus a handy utility shelf that folds away, 5.ft, size, Reg, 21.95, EATON Spotlight Sale, e0eh , , 11111 15.99 6-ft, size. Reg, 24.95, EATON Spotlight Sale, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 high, with 20 x 15" shelves EATON Spotlight Sele, each Ironing Oaddy A collapsible frame 'to hang your freshly-ironed clothes, frame of galvanized metal, approximately 38 x 2614 A " EATON Spotlight Sale, 00h ives 2.99 teaspoons, | butter knife, 1 sugar shell, Comes complete with sill-lined flatware chest, EATON Spotlight Sale, set ,...0v0vee 12.99 Indoor Clothes Dryer A boon for homemakers during the winter months! This collapsible clothes dryer has 40 ft, of plastic line in 12 rows, Frame Is galvanized metal 334" high, 26" wide, 2 G4 'EATON Spotlight Sale, each ,, vey. s,, 0 PHONE RA 5.7373 3.99 Has space for 24 hangers; firmly braced BULBS, SEEDS, FERTILIZER Plan NOW . . . for a beautiful Spring Garden! Prepare now for a lush and healthy Spring lawn and garden Available now in EATON'S Garden Grove: DOUBLE BEGONIA BULBS Imported from Belgium ! Ordinarily 10 for 1,39 1. In yellow, arange, rose, white, copper, scarlet, crimson, salmon, These bulbs may be started ins EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE, 10 99 CANADA NO, | LAWN GRASS MIXTURE Ordinarily 6 Ib, 3.80! 2. A good mixture that will grow quickly and help develop a healthy lawn, Should provide a foi turt EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE, S:lb, bag .. CHICK ORGANIC 'LIVING FERTILIZER' Ordinarily 40-Ib, bag 2.75! 3, Dehydrated poultry manure containing countless soil builders, Will not 'burn' , . , weedless , . odourless . . , a natural plant food that is harmless to use builds deep turf. Excellent for flower and vegetable gardens lawns, shrubs and trees, EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE, 1 99 40-1bs, . SOIL BUILDER Ordinarily Y; bushel .99! 4. Sail building combination of humus and fertilizer ingredients for luxurious flowers, vegetables and lawns. EATON SPOTLIGHT SALE, for 1 29 Re bushel beg, TARA YY " 'BEES' FLOWER SEEDS IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND! Ordinarily, each 15 5, Flowers In a host of varieties from the noted 'Bees' Seeds House of England, Listed below are just a few of those available: Alyssum (Royal carpet) Ageratum Antirrhinum (mixed snapdragon) Aster (Ostrich plume, mixed) Californian Bluebell Canterbury Bell (mixed) Cottage Garden (mixed) Daisy (Bell's double mixed) Larkspur (double mixed) Livingstone DAISY Lovesin-a-Mist (Nigella-Miss Jekyll) . 4 w Night-Scented Stock Wa ; Wis Pansy (rainbow mixture) ) oe DN a Zinnia (double mixed) a a De TIN TA Zinnia (lilliput mixed) | " \ TJ LI BATON Spotlight Sale, 10.99 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 200 PHONE RA 5.737) Please See Back Of This Page For Other EATON Specials