34.8 ew, TIMES, Yossdoy, Vebruary 14, 196) pn ------------------ Today's TORONTIH | IAN. FIOCRS By The Canstion Prove Fovonis Mork Faenanga Foy (gi ORE TR EPG EE IRETIAA § # OMA lot, 28 FaMvidend, PIES, aw RWB TING INDUSTRIALS ¥ Wigh low am ( " Mex spd Dionne (Aes io snnownse foe oo» A , Waeon, om Mon February 13, 106, ot Ouhawe ver Nowpiel. Thanks (0 Tr. As Lad ) Work Aww "se AA Gao ad Alatiae ww BiH Algoma Ld Amini $ales WewRy wad Norval, ite the £ oon, adv a #iondny, Fo, § wna Cronevm tore Bonde WHA ALN onaid sve Boppy 16 Sane PIRI EE of REE EROeR son, Alan Fhe WR VIGNT Wearsld and Wiley ines MeMakon) sre Bappy lo he Aner he serio of 8 Aevahier,! Fiannoy Mary, on Mondey, ¥Fevrver 3, 1961, wi Omhawn General Hosphin A Wy present for eon Kirk Marron Hany thanks to Dostors Cilp oA ¥ HeWANGY Woodrow snd Town (nex TIowh| Bes Wappy (6 #ahowRes The dd # Baby mieter, Kelly. Faam, ot Chane Gener Wosphisl on Satirdny, Fewrgney 1, 965. Many thanks (a Pr. Todd walnen Neti and Rave Marie BiaN a paren the prnvel of het Anighior, down Lovee, 1 ihe, o6 Mon Any, Feary 15, 198, at the Orahaw ne General Nospilal. A sister lor Aone Marie, Gur hanks to Dr. Miler BAMES ARE IMPORTANT: Chons ne 8 meme for your eWid ohowd Be 8 real Plensnrs and others will want lo Know pour shies, Name eid As Auiekly Be PoRsibie Whe (he IR IGus pame 8 wn Oshawn Times Birth Annonces dad Just roll our Clasnified liepariment give he facin, In Cuming The fame, sd we Ww putiisn Birth Notice In nest edition, Just disl RA DEATHS BARRY, Warry Ain leone hee Con Lem pr Can Foie A Ville Wie Bs Wily »M # Wig iG 1% oe Nd " Er wi wm WW Rd re Ww Wy He ad L "w o Fd #" La ' Fat or Con AS Corby vt Crown Tr . fds Beng he un Clinton Sudden #1 We remdence, Thickeans Font KE 2 Whithy, on Bindey, Feb, 11 iL, Harry Clinton Barry, Weloved his wand of Elnine Gough snd desr aiher of dames, 3. home, snd Peier of Nidgewny, NJ, Ww rd vem Hesting at the W, € Town Fungrs Chapel, Whithy, for service In [he Chapel on Wednesday, Feb, 15, #l pm, (View commencing 2 p.m wes fan Interment Mount Lawn Come ery. Oshawe (minister the Re ¥ Corbett) iy f Nurse Monday, Febru B. Bmpsn Beloved hie father RIMPRON At Lari fe Hame, Newcastle, on ary 08 181, George ane, in Wa Bh yews wand of Lilia Smith and deny of Bidney, Kine (Mrs, Roberts) Wal ter, Lottie (Mun. Harry Carter) ph Carl, George, Wilired snd Frank Hest he TORONTO (CP) ment of the Canadian #and United Binles economies on a continental basis was - urged Monday night by Neil H. Me Ag aL the Morris Funeral Chapel, Elegy in gn address to the an Bowmanville, Servies In the Chapel on Wednesday at 8 weloek. Interment nual dinner of the Board of Lang Vault, Ovens Trade of Metropolitan Toronto Mr, McElroy, who is chair man of Procter and Gamble Company and former United Slates secrelar of defence said the economices of the (wo countries are linked together and ineseapably they will stand or fall together "In my opinion," he added 'the next few years will see the evolution of a kind of common market or customs union think ing In the economic relations of GERROW FUNERAL our two countries, However Develop LOCKE'S FLORIST Fimaral arrangements floral requirements for occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B-6555 ond ell MH ain: | OPTAWA ment and (Cm labor Manage have responsi wite Pauline, |DILIES In assuring Canadian Theodore and [Prosperity Labor Minister Starr said Monday, hut the gov IRVINE In loving memary of » frnment doesn't want to inter gear ig + A LL hathes Allred fave in thelr spheres of interest a t' parsed away Fob Np Stare was replying in the memory ts as dear today Commons to CCF Leader Argue il etn og Pred ANY. who niked whether Mr. "Stare grandehildron Stan, Karen and 18 prepared to cal) a labor-man agement conference where he MORGAN In loving memory of » Could present his views and la font wits, mother and grandmother, hor and management could take ith Graham, whe passed sway Feb appropriate action Belgians Pass Rusterity Bill In periect panes you wall us alli God will ink the broken ohain As one hy ale we meet again x RRUSSELS (AP)=Belglum's h Su tut rae) hey controversial austerity hill was For her memory: in fade fram our DANNEd by the Helgian senate 97 Always remembered hy hushand Watson, son Allan, daughter inlaw OI ole le 8 dreams | wha to 63 Monday night and now has avd 1h "WF only to be signed by King Bau K . (there would be no intent to ton indness beyond price |ider political integration to be yet within reach of all a desirable sequel to economic RA 8.62264 integration, This would he na . v fundamental difference as com 390 KING STREET WEST pared with the FKuropean Com mon Market," IN MEMORIAM vor avrcren Referring to wide areas of co operation between Canada and ALLISON In laying memory of 8 (he UJ vd 81s { J deny ther, William Allison, wha pass he | hited States, Mr, McElroy od away Fehpuary 14, 1904 hi I have only your memory, father To remember my whole life thraugh, But the sweetness will linger forever Av 1 treasure the Images of you Ever remembered hy Apughing Gwynne, sanindaw Ronald and grand ehildean Ronnie and Dean BENNARER In loving memory of 8 dear hushand and father anelanty Bednarek, who passed away Pebrunry i, 188 You maw esl ine ges Away Tram snrrew, We shall remember Until we mest again Far remembered hy ans Fdward and daughter Diana 1} Hin As A Bud Bill MOSKAL In loving memory of a daar danghier, Jean Maskal, wha pass el away February 4, 1034 we lave hey tie and grandehildren Donna, Dennis and Dale Rearts mourn sineersly, For wriel dwells where 14 seldom Is douin and published in the offi: wen ' U J Always remembered hy Dad, Mom elul Journal to hecome law anil doin It was the austerity program calling for higher taxes and cut Ling some social services, which sparked 3% days - of general } strike and violence which ended of viet TAN, 21 and cost the nation $180, ny w 000.000 to §200,000,000 A UAC The Socialists bitterly apposed the bill and the government is Canadians Not i: he en i tn Anti-American solve Parliament soon after the hill hecomes law, with new elec tions within 40 days TORONTO (CP)1t would be disastrous If Canada's growing sense of national consciousness (Elliot Lake _ border 2 n-ne | Reformatory ? says the Canadian Manufactur: ers' Association TORONTO (CP)=A projected The assochution, in its publica {reform institution in the Kilkat tion Industry, urges Canadians LAKE area is being given inten to take pains to acknowledge, Sve study by his department even emphasize, the valuable/R form Institutions Minister vole played by US. capital in. [George Wardrope said Monday vestment in the legislature The CMA says: "Scores off Mr. Wardrope was replying to thousands of Canadians owe/a question by Les Trov (I their Jobs to this investment | Nipissing) who asked whether a (more than $500 for every man, (site for the institution had héen woman and child in Canada): [chosen and when construotion hundreds of communities rely would stan tor their well-being upon it our! My Wardrope said he hoped national living standards. haveliq be able to give & complete heen enhanced by it ANSWEL S00R . Mr. Troy also questioned RIBLE TONGUES whether the government had de The number of languages In cided on a site for the new On which some part of the Rible taro police college. Altarney has beon published totalled 1,131 'General Kelso Roberts sald it in 1060, ' {had not ¥ MOSKAL 8 dear slater od away February 4 A allel though Keaops her memory ever + Time takes away the » Hult memnry turns hack Sadly missed hy Ray In loving Jean Mosk memary of Al, Whe pam 1 8 ore lear, v | Attempt To Remove Power To Annexe TORONTO (CP) --~ The Op (The mesting voled 19 sok Aario Association of Rast Mu vincial end federal nicipaiities. Monday called forilo reduce the number of removal of the Optarie Mumici tionnaires mamcipsl pal Board's power 10 unite mu are. reqmied to answer, picipatities against the wishes Gordon thin of the yolers perimtendent / Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchang "Wo Ne | a Sules Wigh Low s.. CW gs wh i 5% + 48 an I 19% i» "d 4 » add Block Bolas Wigh Low 1} sm EF go 8 Goidert ad Horth Cap WW vm Vamenv Raion ad aad #s rd 7% Mork En Gas Eh stam Walk GW Wit Equip Weston A Wenon W West A wis Cork Angio Wa A ahr sion £ Paper fgdvie Fries Rs Wigh Low sm CWgs 7% "i "" ws f Soler Wigh Low p.m, CW go a Bo wn Pe Me Hark fot 5 wv Gon Bone Coady eke pv Hh, Piper Vite 7 M ed 17% 4 TT ad 4 we ol wis we Car od 1#3 wih hh i "Ws wi 9 7% dd wh wer A resolution passed at the as Brams for meeting "nies will Mr. Duff " # iy Wy " wh Ii Yad ad Ld sociation's annual meeting pro vided for » petition 19 Queen's Park for an amendment of the Muncipal Beard Act i Under the proposed amend ment the board could not order # merger until affirmative yoles, had been taken in the mum 5 palities concerned watus to cities or owns from Reeve D. J, Bucknall of Chin ownships or villages, ton Township said the people of Mrica. were being given the op WILL AID SEWERS portunity 19 run their own Earlier, Municipal Affalrs fairs. i think the je of Din. Minis Warrender (old the |1ario should have the same con Aelegates the Ontario Water Re- | sideration," sources Commission is prepared The convention also passed 19 consider the financing of {resolutions in favor of compu norm trunk sewers sory auomonile insurance, 75 said (he federal govern #4 ment, through Central per-cent subsidies to municipal Tesh SBOMED Centra Aorigage ities for costs of snow removal pris oi sanding, and extension, 80 Wp 10 two-thirds the cost of public. school granis 19% ewage (reatment plants, schools for retarded children, hp ws for 4H #% cent The delegates also decided 19] pleted OS oh 9 1063, om: task the province to pay grams" ,, J ' for road maiplenance on crown "Our commission is prepared lands which adjoin municipal|10 ePier into agreements with highways municipalities to permit them | 10 take advantage of this fi- [ATTACKS REPORTS inancing plan," Mr. Warrender ¥. 1, Weldon, clerkAreasurer sa). of Victoria Coupty, led ap 8! He said the commission esti- tack on the number of returns mated a $75,000,000 program and reports demanded of mu- in sewage works is ready 19 nicipalities by senior levels of start. Projects valued st $67,» government 000,000 were in the active plan. "We can't see that a» lot of ning stage and projects being the questions we are asked Nill developed amounted 1o $03,000, any useful purpose," he said. 000 Horne PI HW Smith img Bask imp lov A Imy img Tov ind Aerop Faiand (ne nt bon inter PI, Ine 80 VP nv Son A atlas bom Inehny ine wie Ketiy 0 A fawnti Lambvin | Lowi n A w Laven B fonds wv foe M Wh and PH Haon¥ ' Man ¥ V4 MaAson pr Mont koew " "a "o's | adjustment grams 19 OILS financial burden of Amelgama- tion, provision this year has been made for extra grants 10 IC Paki ie their Mosher Fram om Tronaida Dao an Fast Mpl Filaer Fidriek vi sh Vilean Faraday Fatima ¥ romp aner Geen Mines Giant YK Cumnar Hard Rock Har Min Headway ign etl Hatlinger 7 Ms Ld od Vin #460 55 6% A4 ih 245 I i» w ss Fi Bak V4 or Pata fan bey Vu Gan Com Pw) { harier OH « Fowvgm £ Mie Man owe Veta f Bus Femag Tring Un Kesw Yn ES Yih am Visita Am Waramas #4 oh " es wm 74 779 7 Yr wn HEMG bong Vom Medal Young HG Tusinpn Curb Gaspe Cop 21H 819% 1) Auripnia -- Jelliene Andie Kerry Add bl aule ¥, Ow La mptiie Fangs Latin Leiten IA, Las did Lorade wis Macleod Wadsen Martin Mataten Matigmi Meken Mews Mentor Ed 0 iy wh ud 10 MINES Lim vl zim Rd Nd 700 wn Baler to ism wim PLAYERS ARRESTED MANCHESTER (AP) ~ Four members of the Manchester United soccer, 1eam were Br vesied Friday for shooting walter pistols--pedestrians who walked near their automo: biles. The four, including inter: nationalists Johnny Glles and Will McGuinness, are to appesr Monday on a. charge of threatening » breach of the peace dard * Triad (nl ws an Hore AY pr Hoynl Bank wl Am wn Sd um in 10 2h wh 19 Ww in | 54k) Corp Be Me -- 7] " iis Wh with ] 7 gis Tis in court ---- Single Economy For Canada, U.S.? We have already seen' that economic relationships can he conducted very successfully withoul sovereign positions he ing affected nt all, A suitable form of improved economic co operation between our (wo eoun fries can he accomplished in this spirit, and the benefits can far outweigh any disadvantages involved Such integration would make possible a much better use of capital, Iabor and raw materials by hoth of us "Why, for example, should rol Buffalo and wall of western New York state by served hy manu facturing units in Toronto and vice versa~-taking advantage of the short haul distances in volved? Why should not the in dustries of Vancouver, Seaitle and Portland jointly support one| another, Instead of drawing their requirements from more| § distant points in each country? | "I am well aware that safe] § guards would have to he pro-| vided so that Canada would re] celve its proper share of capital] | myestment, but 1 am sure this| could be worked out If agree ment in prineiple were reached." Starr Gives Views § On Prosperity Mr. Argue sad thin' Wad been 'suggested by the Ontario Ved! eration of Labor in view of Mr, | Starr's doclaration "that labor and management are respon sible for maintaining employ ment Mr, Stary sald that version of what he had sald was wrong He had said that the govern ment had taken certain meas: | § ures to encourage jobs and was prepared to accept oe » ¥ 4 id Ee ¥ PREREE PS Get all your "nine o'clock scholars" thers on time Loo With a goenvenient scenomical new Envoy! Envoy's four big doors (with windows that roll a// the way down) make. It easy there's loads of room for alll ft One quick thrifty trip, and you've got all your groceries for the week. In Envey's reomy trunk! A// you want to carry you carry cenvenientlyl In, easy out for creating more jobs, But, he had said, there was also a need for labor and management to cooperate in seeing that indus trial productivity was attained capable of turning out goods competitive at home and abroad NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jockey Club Lid, year ended, Nav, 30: 1960, $1,383 508, Rb | six-perscent and Sgpereent| preference share and 36 cents a [common share; 1050, $1,020,452, $2.27 and 19 cents Montreal City and Distriet| Savings Rank, year ended Deo, | JL: 1060, $906,805, 84.41 a share; 1050, $821,173, $3.97, Rogalile 6H. Tid, year ended Dec, 31: 1060, $1,050,000; 1059, $637 681 TORONTO (CP)=The stock market was lower on a hroad front at the close of light trading Monday On index, industrials were off| 90 at 539.25, golds 46 at R6.N0 and base metals 43 at 188.45. Western oils were up 068 al 20.27 On the way to the bridge club? You'll enjoy the comfortable warmth of Envoy's efficient Heater-Defros and watch the girls admis Short trips (or long trips) you've only a nodding YOU Envoy's sleek lines! acquaintance with gas pumps, with Envoy's gas-saving Econo-Power four-aylindar anginal You save with Envoy's low, low price, tool Envoy's ColorMagie styling makes It a standout on too, that ening occasions, widest range of colors and combinations in Envoy's field, ,, at a price s among the lowest! A T'S HIGH TIME TO SEE YOUR ENVOY DEALER! ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ! MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED, BY VAUXHALL MOTORS, LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND, PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST [TN] Volume was 1,624,000 shares compared with Friday's 1,660, Crown Zellerbach was oul standing among papers with a threepgint drop at 52. Great MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL Lak Paper gained 3% al Royal Bank was off 1 at 734, Toronto-Dominion Rank, trading ox-rights, was quoted at HRig with the rights at $550, The tock closed at 83% Friday Among steels, Toronto Works A lost 8 at 19% Campbell' Red Lake put pres sure on the gald index with a drop of 3 at 14, while a long list of fractional base metals losers followed Hudson Ray, off 14 al 48 : The western ails comeback | wan helped hy Hudson's Bay| {with & wain of % at 19%, ls IN ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD.| HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONTARIO 140 BOND ST, W,, OSHAWA