Zz VINE SUA VI, VOWS), POSS Y 19; Frwy [£55] - THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ---- (Emaar ws] NEW BUSINESS ERE Cer Brus, 1 » a8 24 ATE Avie J Co ish ne Brest | 13 ¥. Five moon bens p post yf ' ' mn eR Em » yeey 8 conf 2 [GT 2 King 1, Woo UNLISTED NUMBERS i= zzz fra REE IT Ai watches i jay 14 bois," - ra RA 34545 ANN'S FABRIC LANG'S [Ea 7B Te) EXCELLENT SITE : od WA both. : Sur Lrg dled PEE STOP 12 SVs «| MEAT MARKET [stirs bo sm i eat rs rw, OF Glendale Mot, Yer month for § lines salt «© rig A = indir ad oon ST | os ake] [4] 7 1} $1859 wy Lh = fisie Wr Y HOMARKET Food ond WHITEY MO BB152 272 ALBERT ST pend + A = pie od ry vi? 1, $6 nenr Ly Apis A ny 7% wd mon, Whitly Kintaswomsl po Mg he {iserar BL digid wif ur SPECIAL THIS MONTH HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES 3 7 . von 77S el elseed, | RL on Fd ; Ro rs, Tn Why, NSIS the fate fos NEW SPRING PRINTS OUR PECIMTY J? Ah ' : Phen EPs lr ring Ay I AR dg A i eld pe Jorvics Jn Stare, ois ny | BEG 65¢ WOW ic per yd, | WE DELIVER--RA 8247) % TE Sols, Avelentey dad 1, orbing, RA 5-4939 Sorves Wed [ed Ty i " pm re 4 i fis soo, brynan Plas nid 0681s 16 delight the eye. M WILSON PLAZA GROUND Foss, inp J dence, Wh Vio fore poh ms pA ls bow prices, Hing quarters cs ENVOY RESTAURANT lies pois A, ' A For WHAON snd Burrows, Fa WAVE chenid Baiel end wropped, 55 Wo, fronts ] SEA COVE presses, Aeleppone B 7 ares bot REAL ESTATE Acemuntants, 'Srnet J id : R lor loons om first Ia 4 morgage 425 Wo; We hd speciohy de HOWE OF ' i " Ea bog RET | Coreaonirs Fe "omis 8 Howes wored HOMARKET home "CHICKEM IN RESTAURANT [womens pesies rots A oo wit. Edmond y £4 4 82 sober [2 74 ion on os 7 freezers from 294.00. Me feoturin include ave, ig olor. TY DOM 5 SMITH 4 A Mo " ' / dag ! yp 4 - "Borristens og US, | depos, Literme warranty. A |) THE ROUGH OLD ENGLISH STYLE" [ih tot iter" me vis Keli oom, : sesponelile for rors In Sdvertios fomily of four con live rel 522 RITSON RD, §, FISH AND CHIPS RA i406, CT (est, | IA B20, wid Vickery (4 mons, » Sows. fron 8 -- ments wbmitied omerwine then in Y T ond own 4 freerer for $16.00 LY WE DELIVER-RA 6.3151 FOUR - rion suerte, Bi conven DERIEABIE [Pe Per pr Business wr i § AE wiiting, por for more then one per weak. For information, WE DELIVER--FA 58778 lonces, Wombon Rispes, sented, } i R 4 Stam A Incorrect sertion of any adver Call HOMARKET, 107A Ch» |" pa mm---- yates, parking res, BA BOIL or ghd ior dl h bE LL " hy ro Rossi g ig ding oo AN borne West, Whithy, WO RUDY 9 LE ULIN ROU He INCL 7 7 App Ld Lia 1 "we 4 ais JOHN A, J 12 Gt as £4630 MOULIN GE digg BI TF Price Hircet. file, Wee ' (A Lh We advertisement wn Which "error FASHION HAIR STYLING ' ton bedroom, five -room , pr J , And piso reserve he Nght 74 . \ MASTER vale entisnce, bath, ad sags. | vomed bepied vp Wi, B $e classify sdvartisng eessrding 19 Maries for oil types of morte Richard Mayock RA 37468 AND BARBER SHOP CATERERS Hrd trance, ey, / slid ls it, Noir ore, J pod A Er ony W Me re cote of dusioy sarees. | 9990s tor 'first "end second TRY OUR ofiars the Pewsst and best In BOWLING BANQUETS | AAAREE March 1h hut Tevosts bo fie kind LIMITED Lo 4 ad Floters 1 4 S 7 i GI BSE) 9 re an 1 i) & faded whist, RNP wit a Cary, 148 Kong sireet Bast, Bh 34008, | ments Tra Times wil rt bw had || merigases on of types of res) | gap B OUED CHICKEN irsing tol ocho ARSE pag BB Be Ry Cd CA TI Marigsge loans ovetishle, Ioporwile Vor more space hen Bf estate Including vecant lends; p bd 14 gf Besipitd A Vnontily. RA 32178 ie %, Ritson Road Bool, py ft a wi REALTOR INSURANCE Ch on, Jeans, BW sad Te wien Ano a ai1ot shart term morigege for Chicken plate, holf chicken | Satislaction Guaranteed PRIVATE PARTIES WODERW, Biches svariment TA Telephone BA B040E Ir torber | No sag ns PRI wiih Bos rane | builders; first and second with french fries, tish ond | For spp. ~ coll RA B-23861 RA B-4361 \e#l, ¥75 monthly. Mis Weinherger | |Eartiautars 167 SIMCOE §, correctly ba asses no Neb mortgages and agreements chips, hemburgs, hat dogs, BA BOI46 or RA 37244 Weigherper (TW0 walurnished oF - acl W eny Inccapacios nem form for sole purchosed. Apply milk shakes 3 DRAPERY Heal Estate yoga loge, owisd wilh bo, arin 71 RA 5-6544 WHA 8 Svertiement oe sont ined M. Swartz, 26: King Street MODERN GRILL ! 37 --Mals Help Wonted {me W Jen Dre elrmn g Pas Fi, 102 Bruce Blrest ss ss Bn TREE ; ' Eos A Telephone RA WE DELIVER ~ RA 5.3687 MATERIAL FT pp weg bios" Vid Hay Ly ved fine hol vie YOR four Fair pe beth, howdy WAME THE EXTRAS by riots KJ ---- - - » Le ld pny Fi, yy ¥. FE (] Bolicitor, Wotary, Money to 1088 Hd . ! Madem Designs man With #1 least thise oF more year | imi U5 Wines Hans A 5 #074, |Elides Hest, waier, mov ve, ire A op notch 5 bunge- ciais, Hence 5. Mackey, Ba. Henry 12--~Dressmaking " SHIRT LAUNDERERS | DPropes made to order of iy | hariwsre experience. Telephone Cuan l private sell contained {bee M. Kone, dohnrion's TAd., § Wim ful walling for you 16 name vr Phy pii AA wd i IMONEY T0 LOAN ZIPPERS REPLACED i ea aie prices 74 16 BiTRRES Interview ipppriment, three rooms snd Bath, ov; (Josd Mon those extras yor ye wished Renidence, Dial BA 3 _IPEESSMARER ~~ Alterstions on Ia r I hd & C DRY GOODS : bosrds snd sink In Kichen, slove ad (MODERN Hell for, but they won't cost the TAMER A. MacDONALD, » TLE, dies' weer and ehlidren's Speciobutan| $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for | Shorten or lengthen garments MEC DRY G B---~Male or Female Help (wf seta supplied. Aduils, Abstain: [range er ir, 'Send fl buyer any extra! This is © arvisler ond Solicitor | sd Rew ladiey clothe immediate loon on first end < | Cuffs end pockets renewed, 74 Celina 5t, RA 3:-7827 Wanted ort 197_Wuron Breet {Siiied stied o Brovkia very attractive MHA, dest FRIVATE spariment, thies rooms in the sost ares, selling of 8 liz. The Commercial Bui 2% t A pli Second Mortgages Gree Completes fock of buttons, | Hi b 0m APART fi ESTABLISHED buliding woprly vord haihioom, on sieesl level, Hove » FARTHENF Suitable Sor courte low down iwi So Bil West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client ERATION "] "Vor © ! ALTERATIONS of oli Winds lor meh, £ A { ing svaiishie {women snd children, Formal dresses ments for Sale, on vagent end | Ie wishes (0 add 10 thelr Present at IEingerator supped, central ve pe RUSSELL 7 WURPRY, BA, LLB. Reversible shirts sirta--n specially, | BA § improved property, resident | - ean, vit LTE | 32--Articles Wanted Experience ia ponkkanping, pis Mg pif Tele phone "ah S76 [Pashing Jas ilds close gore Ratcliffe, Barrister apd Satlettar, ' hy Biroet tial and industrial gity, sie CL A y 7 WANTED used humber, #0 pees by Purchasing protarred op eRrnings 108 75 INCLUDES aiid, "Sovely East, Ohaws, Ontario, BA §39)1 FURRIER d wurbon and country, and Sums 5-355 {8 or 3 by B13 feet longs 199 Tn gest REVS BETEOR. Wrike Box 310, 0 80 8 W 8 bedroom spariment, private entrance 18 AL anyone Inlerens thies WHY FAY RENT? an 15 in id OSEPN MANGAN herrisie ' '4 feel, I x 6, MO nd bath 3A outlet, parking, bus clean, uninrnished roams. R. JOSEPH ¥ /] a0, mer cottages 8 on EOUFIE Jot Tome. Wn ay Be ais vd FY a P Six good Hie rooms close solicitor. Money fo loss. Difice fi 5 8 on y M-, . i > in King Street East, Oshaws, BA S429 DRESSMAKER Summerland Securities Limi 2 " TV » Radio pars | TT ------------ | WIS $Tployed 804 dn wardening, ete. \WEW modern Luh: Tearoom SURHMERE, |44B--Rooms For Rent Ritson Rd, 5 Oil heat, Hesidence, RA $3406 } ited 112 Simcoe Street [yy, BARI, ser radio repairs, Ml " 5 |n free Ume, Helerences snd Engh in polel resdentiol res A ihe ator. | see lot. Wil teks $500 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister] Mew, Alrarations, Femadelling North, Oshaws, Fhone RA | akes Thompson, Electonics, = 19 SHAW ehoential, fod wakes, and living 82: love, Toundrey facies parking ond {OBE far furnished a J Boskekeeving Ti vom | down, $75 oni Coll Bill and Bolichor, W% Xi Strat Kaul ow Prices 5.3568 | Hho Avepue, RA 92 (Fred) | AUTO WRECKING CO Samm BWR ITY nubiet. Telephone BA 51260 | adie rors vip RPece sony 0 Swarbrick, Pi or RA Jelophona: Business 22 ROWE STREET - | 0' TOWERS $45 \ Wanis zars for winking (Fo UR Soom apartment sol contpla | | Elgin Bireet East #342 ' _-- ---- | i J | i ar . # rivals entrphce 1 W MGTHRON sod WARTEDO, Birmiviors RA 8.6706 [18e~Mortgages | 40 TOWERS Yap. = | fon son lo 41 ~--Room & Bootd {4 Erivele enteahes; newly docops Ji THREE furmianed EOTRRMPIL TORY | 4 BEDROOM BU Solicitors, Ollents' funds svalle | FAA AVATEARLE for & iret oF Beni | 2) 1 TENMNAS $3( Wie Tor sale, G80 BEIORVON | ShEEE" and Board for iwi Tubing monthly, Available Immeriately, Ap Rear Sho wel Cenire ns a INGALOW first morigages, 10 Bimeoe Bireet Morth, 13 Gordenin & Supplies | mortasss, priveis. Telephone 01, 54471 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30! 0nd metals, ste, bought, Open girls or teacher, five-day week, claps FI BH _Varkisne Avenis. i) a7 ul sends oF Wy | Built by owner. Selling reg: BA 5.3566, Charles €. MeGibbon, RC) i J pp ; A | : . A h lo Bhoppin §fpiee and wchool, "Eele: COMBINATION builtin WikEne Wan == too large, This home 20' ROOF ANTENNAS $22| =eturdsy ell day, Phone | Phone i Fal {living room, with pedinom. yo Vario oe "ROU RERTING FORTH Edger F, Bastedo, QC ANT Sind of garden work my expen, 4 X. A | beautifully decorated BOWMAN, David T., Barrister, Bolicl. | reasonable Vores RA vi MORTGAGE | E Q (YOUNG geniieman piel oie [bath P iii entrance Lith washeoom, "hak; parking facili: A tor, V4 vy South, BA 5-950, Resi | Completely Installed | RA 5-2311 B9 BLOOR E riyile ges! single or Prslersud." ors estonia rest, Teiephons "Wk ond (Rs yoy etainl holy Foley Hodud with oe win beds, parking spose. Telephone TWO - room spariment, Kakirnished, BOUSERERIING 7 Tom. FAVE TOE] this one naw depos, RA B A 7 \ moun With 2-Year Warranty fi ova wr SNOW REMOVAL U | Er, 1 Wh tii TH clio of 20 By "yan A prea LEN & LO 'S WANT ED KODM and bosrd for Gentlemen, pice |Y8I8 ERiTaes, parking heh, My pig Yctors Linens, dishes, pr 74] RA sdvad Ey NHA private elt " fut home, good Tod, Telephon #96 Athol Blreet Fost tos FH supplied, Also single Foom, / mi Avenged, " \ SCRAP IRON, POULTRY BA 85% . {MODERN two hedeoom spariment, | R UMPRREYE, Boyehvn and Tillman, SIDEWALKS CLEANED AVAILABLE CITY T.V AND FEATHER TICKS VIE VER Werk Tor vou Wad BOAT, (Hove, Teirigerstor, washer and dryer HGHY homens ving roo, ain gar, | Member of Oshowa & Bistrigt srvisters, Solicitors; KR, H, Hum FAST SERVICE + Vo , newly decoraled rooms, Vou will fipd South end, $98 monthly, Telephone RA furnished or walurn) Jour Bowl Real Estate Boord gree. Q0 G, B. Boyehyn, BA; W 1 4 wCurrent Interest Rates I. TURNER Bospitality at Te Moulin Rousse Mole | as General Marore] Ha de i RA Himan, LLB: 364 i, ge Mitel | locled at Thornton's Road Boulh, | YWREE room spariment ain Phones: Office RA EiP1) - t Conf Wiel RA 5 7844 RA 3 2043 RA 3:-3374 wi H igor, furnished a" iaimes Wain 4604 or Whithy, M0 $9781) BA iia | OSHAWA HOME Fast Confidential Service | Ho OT Tr veo Ta ow Sow taraithed ot wile "felophons FURNISHED 55 do 16 k TYP re TP Ne Hidden Benus B02 SIMCOE ST. § | ollect) or without board ng sentleman, 87 RA BBO4R for further particulars vi hy rh i fot "i ¥. BALMERE Barrisigr, wollcl =Ne Hidden Ben x HIVAAJL » | Dean Birest, RA 8 gin Brest East, BA ( 3 A 3 Call 1.00 --_---- FIVE « roam upper duplex $90, radis Office RA ie mci Hr bird LANDSCAPIN Neo Chattel Mortgages -- Ve apes tol J 1] 20 LL) Employment Wanted | ONE reek tne! Ho WAI Fooms, (tar pi host, Joists alte, gH LL 4 me feat wii wet LTH buove E p EXPERIENCED git requires, domes fod nines peeked alu "ements, \LUlabia Ln hare, bo' Charles Devel wn Chavping Cone, BA 40a, 4 LL YOUR MOVER SAMSON te work and to live in. Call 8-484, (0048, lunches packed Also furnished | id od oupekesping room, 708 Carnegie Ave 5--~Nursing Services RA 8 6366 wo Co-sigren PRIVATE apart = Wlichen, lly ap : Yo EXPERIENCED gin wishes ll 3 bedroom ahd bath, Clogs gi THRE i Fon big YOU SAVE ea wil fer iond, wa fit Li wBoyments te Suit Your TV TOWERS work hy the fay, Telephones BA BTII0, RAW ova Jor Thies §iFiS, rh, 4, oie Contre, Ii ARAN [hha rot id od nt $2, 000-82, boo ie L ' 3 flv . TTY I Sot Th NOW 15 THE TIME RA 8-8180 36--Female Help Wanted |lnuniry: vosrd opiomel' nh vo" | ontvATE main Toe SERRA: [ALL fini ALL WE ASK FLoEuTY of i haces le Ti TO GET. MEN =Absolutely No Cost To | FULT, art + Ume Tamale asl four poems; Hove, bbl hoi, FERN yo | babe) 8 sr ay thy 7 references, Telephone RA AT YOUR CALL Xow Liniesy Mortgage OSHAWA T.V. [R05 lie nest appearance 'with | 49=~Wanted To Rent Warne Breer: Ant RE harking of [114 orl Jr, 7 1 Orhawe Home, hid veh ' 3 3 rrang ear at disposnl, to sell the fabulous PRIVATE wor, oF thies . room SEAFL ! v REPAIRS OR REMODELLING 5 w Cathedral f hing and cul FURNISHED tment, ts room, WT Cs oY LARGE OR SMALL £ ALLIED INVESTMENTS |. BBONS ST. ilghest piri R i B og Quiet, with ALLAN i Bedroom, Wilehen #44 fe Jae i | En. A ra, oe AN -- tim and Optom etr - srominiton 1 A : A COMPANY | Hot No. i, Tour commer Avkly Box 400, Oshaw |i aera, Nanrhe adi 446 Simcoe reel No wih: Wf nelling, Hellyweed sive gomtact Teams. 198 Himes of ICALL AJAX--THAT'S ALL SUPERIOR (EEWERIENCER Tombie cook ond bak | Times Street (Fem we large i wii Kitchen with large. dining point t - Ley maker for modern I Saiborns, Evenings by sppointmen RA 8.5103 51 KING STREET APPLIANCE SERVICE Kawariha Disiccl, luring Just 4 --Houser For Rent TWO + din Farman; Juraiahed, puitin | eupeatds hotplstes:| greg, AJ) folding don " " onsen nelo noes, fy W r-- Figeralar » ran 0 y 4 A ' A BE So i ol aptamer 1 Rial RA §-3993 Anytime Television Radio + Range Flops shel y Phy he ims i of Jatm house, 845 Clarke Street, | Close te ot A He na hid Pirie Pr Jackson Apwrtments Thenughout. But n vii y he Dian i ' | 110 KING ST, E., OSHAWA Yow. or Bu Washers - Dryers and Oven [RELIABLE woman, 35 to 00 years, for | fu, Nested, sullable for two couples st REASONABLE renl for three FOO | Ty ih, WLIW hod AJAX REPAIR AND 4 a : oy ve id Control Repair Specialists, matheriess country home ol "conyenl. | $0 monthly. 33 King Bireet East s artment, complelely furnished, in fi TL a on fobinet, One of the best al © WTUOK, WD, optometrist. Flesse ONSTRUCTION LIMITED Appointments: y ences, small remuneration, three girls, (B88 MONTHLY sod 00m" bungalow, change for day care for one hia ho 4 ert! Moti genie) Laing vn units Installed, Only RO on IW anon] CON ION 1 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES PH. RA B-4873 one st school, stores close by, "Write heated. Appl Pacific avends, or Telephone RA 83807, v ineilieg es, puiabie or i or Fa Hy down, only Weir! Fil 0D OFFICES 49 BURK STREET Box B48, Oshaws Times telephone 4 Fol, evenings LARGE modern two bedroom pa cd y 12,950 full price LR 660: mined st homes, Disl 4547, : i J J 1 rma i es ACHR ONTANO | pam Service» Sanu Rotes |W, fu eso, kh ion RRNRW to, Wi, tow, Rr el, af, Slo ot, Se 'Hsu om tar ois CA marian Sheng Ai on -- - - iy uF ne , Surveyor [vgibbd hy bm pahailt, Panvated: Member Ontario Mortgage " Lae hour, three-hour working per Nn outlet, Feitigsalar washing Nas narth end, #85 monthly, RA #1068, sa 1 ed oepted: Milles RA 5.5587, o RA § Gib ONEVAN AND FLEISOWMAN, On bi stat fd! Brok t od. Afternoons or evenings, Na ex: chine, stove # Balle Avenus, RA ; ' are reasonable. Bata achion Busrantes rakers' Association TV TOWERS ho Bagh, BR go BLUR 1 " APARTMENT balding, tive © oom wre wo x hihi a i tarlo Land Surveyor, commercial blue: | Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa UU holsters aud: I RA Bist No investments Car sn ssseh Welle GENWRAT, seven oom Brick, Vwo: [18]; near BROPRIAE Sonite, adulle oly, igor. Hone fr yi I , 00 POWN $1,000 nly, ting, Bl Breet Bast Co. {nn ing, 13 Bloor ; HT Bond Blrest West, WT 3-Peraanal io Ah. selfsuppnrting \oweh Box 708, Oshaws Times - lovey house for vent with option te 813 Bievenson South "HUM MBE R A 7 FREE -- Health : minds ' ' * DENTAL N , Feply In handwriting, |buy. Low down p fy 8, "1 io aig Tan shh PAINTING and ng Chur Auniar, Jur or the baking h eat? Ld Hot dip golvanized Na paint, Hating ge, Arial sa: proving furnace, AR 1 SAREE, MW wo Joan" LJ partment Private Ho oN | a Hg Thom, ¥ veaion 8.00m brick hungelow, § fai Ngest, Applied Nutrition, Home elory ( I t C experdence any and palary expec { able ren non Sires! Hi HA +9 yd nd L porch ob It bast for Tess, We Fst 1 foe, § hain ig Nature's Howth; ama wis al Aili Typing whsentisl. Write Hox i AIA = small home, clean, gaod To: | monthly. Telephone ¥Ukon 8-808 for -- oe | Bedrooms, large kitchen, it Of lee, I } BW. FLIM and Trollops, Ontario Land specialize In chesterfislds, recovered, |= a -- Total price, installed and ¥ . dunn I I 1h h I N I! Rarverars, "hia. xd delside Avenus Hast ped ind RN ropaired, Free sstimbtes, guaranteed for year $57.50, FULL or part-time female sales help, |WHitehall 32036, Ajax ADELAIDE TERRACE a aa toh fer ore, te #1 gw ond tose, oh Phone Bi Phone RA 0-668 easy RA 83604 ELECTROLYSIS Ladies of neal appesrapce with OF gyx™ voc house. han. BEER. TD ND 3! 0 pl de Wd Assovintes, On ol ! Also prompt set service at disposal, to sell the fabulous new oop. of ble Sand, $50 monthly ta re LARGE, furnished, housekespl af RA i ¥ A wosiaies, En CRATER LOK and old "ehaire re Cathedral fine ching and cutlery, High: AvAlADIe April New modern 2 » bedroom | LAH pri Rog pra d Tem ro Land Surveyors, P 8 Ea Get the best for | 1 t 1 pind Ch LR Hr RA bod Ay Jibateriag" Tit Blnees| Removal of superfluous hair TV Enterprises sit Simmissions paid Floss Wille Velephane Williehall 3 007 apartments, 329 Adelaide [able for ane oF two gentlemen, Apply] DOWN ill DOWN hig: Mo So A no on RAH or ove Sl Marie Murduft will be in 253 Drew St, EXPERIENCED mature woman for do: | tO MANKIELE = heated stare, main a hy! ove, 4. T~ a or oe ne ii| Country living, stone's threw 1 RBA Qa ---- - + fires eearale LE enant autier, rapes, neludes 0 urniahe: pam clean, f 8-~Building Trades (Sous Tori shimbey vieaner Ohim:| Oshawa, Feb, 21st and 22nd, | RA 3.3553 | mestie' wark. Musi. have. satis Felon Kies parking, low vent, Walker, 63 King did fa, space, and [VAIS home. Very genie Bf hol from city, | V4 storey, 6:room, ALL plumbing and eating supiies. [54 JU S04 TSRSTEAC 4 Fret ll.l Phone Genasha Hotel en these vale quarters, fop salary, Write Box | West APE. 7 MAvKet 3 bis laundry facilities, Apply Apt a gd 3 wih _eiinthed forage pnd Phone RA 53681, Harold N. 88 ak |Yielled, furnaces vacuume Ten 8 SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT |606, nshaws Times § SENECA Street North, new bunga No. 2 sun porch, on large 78 Lid, plumbing; heating and engineer dates for appointment, IT == DAY OR NIGHT | RELIABLE ~ woman Tor mathe low, three bedrooms, living - room, La -- -- {RCT Jor ed "PHVA 200, fully lendseq ped et . shawa gation, wad furnace, alwminuin storms, |uriher information, TWO voame, Freund floor, aise Wires] ments under: $100 monthly Times 870. Tmmediate possession, Telephone |" foams, second floor, Squipned wl with Including Interest, fringipal I Miller mates. RA 3 plied, be a 4 i ing. 295 Simeoe Street South. PROFESSIONAL poinier Snd PAPRE| ot ' ---- y home, twa ehiidren, aha Schodl 8&6. kitchen and bathroom, #60 monthly, bath, hroadidem, "we Full pri I . ren, | price nly $11, hanger. Guaranieed work aad mate T.V. and RADIO five th, Call RA 5-018) aiter 1.00 pm. | mutans immediglely, Apply 836 8im TWO BEDROOM Ronit fw Vines. el ; Vows, nen this Immaculate hy naw, CERAMIC wall Ules for bathroom, vs Ritehen, ste., Taid for $115 sq. fi, Ble Free eslimetes, Al Conroy RA CHILD FOR CALL. RA 8-5286 |weiianie air or sinkle woman, msi THREE large unfurnished rooms, sink APARTMENTS LARGE oom with two singis heds,| €all Bill Homer, RA 8-5123, Wark full anteed, Free estimates, " Telephone RA B0880 . FORNTRVR reruired wid Teuphol ADOPTION All Wark Guaranteed Vive tn, 'Goad hams in Foranter WA |neoty wiring, go ehildren, shaisihers Ri Cle Bie uhntemen nn oer! FULL $11,000 PRICE a -----™n : e our materia oF ¥8:00VEr: Wl 13 %as ' 0 11] petion, close tn hus, ele 80 Ane MINE onm, eon v Aen enema Fears And ae ag. Bruce W, Dalla, 78 Charles Street.) ELIZABETH -- a very bright OSHAWA LLL | home WA 81030 for information Excellent location, New bullds |eges, Apply 66 Warren Avenue orkinainig oy guaranteed, Free estl. [02 8 year old, has limited ELECTRONICS TT gre "raam house, eentially Tacaled on] Ing, with er without lease, FURNISHED bedroom In private home, Far this 6:reem homa, ol niates i Biuee Sireel, newly decorated, reason suitable for one gentleman, ahatalner storms and screens, eyelid a disse | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS chances of kng ing o home T--Wamen' ts ColNID SHORTHAND shin. Apply 504 Front Stree! | LOYD REALTY Telephone RA & of close 10 four cermers, cae froughing, Insulation, paiRbag. Phil and arena of her very lin) h FOUR - roam house, thres plece hath, ONE furnished hedeoam, wilt working | for $70 a menth principe | Harper, Whithy, MO 8.4558 CLEANED unit on intaresled fouple SPENCE Foundiiion strneniy al TYPIST aenteat Joehion, children welcome RA 8:-5123 hr or nileman, Bia at door, Tele and terest, See this fine m- can bi ou oul | i Pp + oF fur hone ALL type: bulling repairs, roofing, Professional Cleaning, advertisement, Part of the [Sorsetier, Mrs Joha Headershol, 38) For professional office In fiher Farticimits -- LARGE roam, suilabis for Tight Wuse Jone RAs wh ny } A eavestioughs, chimneys, fireplaces, side walks soos. RA § 0304, Gordon May Home ar Plant, difficulty in finding parents Amir Road Ajax, experienced only, [MODERN five - room bungalow, hard ; keeping, avery convenlence, parkin IMBIN id heal ft Menbers of the National for h because she is a wond throughout, ail eanveniences with ellifies, eentrally located lop! ha Li Rs, hiXG ng | HY hry Institute of Rug Cleaning Cran (au Be 4 9 24--~Market Basket Write; ol heating, North Oshawa, $88 monthly $100 REWARD RA 4-0380 for more information, oyd Realty Ltd, Realtors ing from seplle tank lo sewer 3 Wb| i) \pANe BATE 448) attractive youngster with |(NTARIO potatoes, TATh bag te dal | pox 508, OSHAWA TIMES a. ; RA 8.5123, RA 8.5124, cially. Ingtallations at reasonable y -- lars, Delivered Saturdays or pick up at wlare, will he fixed to sult ten A crisp, New, hundred dollar ATTRACTIVELY RA 8.5128 pnts, also six © voom house, very con Tnformation and estimales free tt regular features, blue eyes 1357 Ritson Road North, hone RA ihe oF plumbing. Bist RA Ba, > sd 37--Male Help Wanted {ral hath heated Telephone RA #4300 bill, 10 the first 4 peple, wha FURNISHED ROOMS 20) Simeos St N.____ and a medium complexions Foley DODD & SOUTER unusual pl physical characters NEAT, intelligent men aver | x to tran d th f WARD PAINTING & DECORATING | istics for her race, Elisabeth |39==Pets and Livestock [0 5dr for 'weil NEE | AdA==Apts, & Flats What signe @ lease for one of | Available In' private home ' CONTRACTORS ista good student, strong [BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready for Fv wid earl i "™ For R i 1 HOM a lease Tor one © 82 Park Road North, Call JOHN F. DE WITH WELL DIGGING BY Painting Paperhanging, willed and quite talkative, [ERAN WERE rest Buse r Mey + ed i. Rent my modem, centrally located | Borween 8 and 7 p.m HINE Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, She needs fairly young por: Aron, 14.1 we while grows feeics [IN DIRECT awliing 300 ¢An anerate s | TWWEE TArge voom aphriiaent WAVAT | apartments, with reasonable . Realtor and General Insurance SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE Spear. Paintin ents wha would enjoy @ ehild [iis sight week puppies. male and fe: (Brofifable business with eur ine of Bt heavy duly alove, Blt ei 0 Tie Ror 380 Osh RA 8-867) 7 S Nhiray wha is eager to learn about [male All vegistered stock. Reasonable, |A8ily necessities such asi Vilaming, - A Ry ' Newcastle Phone 3341 mediate wassion Sim ] WHITBY, ONTARIO AO 8.523 everything going on around | Phone Cedarview Kennels, RAS 3063, hold sutingtice, foul niinuse, haute South, RA 58433 ap Fywit bd w2¥e_Times a, 45--Real Estate For Sale Cedar Valley, Oshawa, 514 ' 0 0 8.2563 ~ MO 8.3809 NIGHTS RA §. Jas her. However, Elizabeth's + High commission, bonus, No risk THERE'S » 10 apartment hunt [TRUE ne 1 cesT ST. W greatest need is to feel coms 26--Farme ] 's Column ati - 0 day tal' Familex, Prod: In when R.] yo the hat men Revd ONE MONTH busied DOWN Jinn, Naw A Tou mark Roomed, new, brick well built P.O. BOX 329 : letely sure of somebody's |REAR farm glock wleked wn RROmAILY, dels, Tent, 38, 1000 Delarimier, Monk: Apartments for Rent" fn Classined. F fate, were, Saeen minim d home with Twindow picture SEGERS i If you are Protestant Prone collect, Hampton, COAX 3.3781, NEW, modern, one, iwo-hedmanh| | REE RENT hel oe Jon Pil ¥ pA ele ow Yindows, sliding doors in all | argwill Fur Farm, Tyrone COLEEOTOR -- part Hime or fll me, (apartments An Rew apartment Wild: oF ah pie Hi ia 10 | hadooms hog 11=--Business Opportunities and think you would be ine B Wheat straw, Telephons COIa% |colectng monthly accounts for larye ing Park Road, Adelaitle irae Modem ones and two » bed Alls sal Jack Are i, mahegany ¢1im a terested | A El ALE wh phone Clas manent roule for reliable || tastefully d fi 4. threugheut, exhaust fan, N VNOH counter, War-B-@, shioken sh arested In adopting Eliags FORERIR, peim tne (nm, tadlefully decorat olared| oom apartments, $85 and Bw hy WA | ust fan, Ne, M ood RUG and UPHOLSTERY beth, write to person, Must have car. Na selling in hath, Sutilgorativ slave, w Ts B hpdhid 4 Ph A haa and tile floors, ete. $d chips, don al AA Salad CLEANERS Hp W--Fusl & Weed Prot tet sue Su rria Wer, bn Aved. Barking "Must son to op UP: st |ecation, ne | Ading $14,900 with $3,000 : te MINISTER OF g _--- Tor! Rtreal, uile Ph Rhee: oa . . RL es EE PUBLIC WELFARE Eas Wie GC SAAN Ge? peel J ah, Wir spon RA 8-8676 10D REALTY 10 clean Ll . Or servies hy ree! orth, iy '6! " i, Yillatet ft foul pifing| Professional chaning PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS [Hoh sail RA basin "7 age, 'Sod, Shab' wanted. Woily How 308 RA 3443 beiwasa 8 § SY 2 BEDROOM LIST WITH LLOYD SA diet Ouhawa, 4 som ome, recreation bas A 51807 ar RA & RA'S prices ou Shave Times, ands, willAbie for Wife THREE Apariment, i FOIN apuraied_ nund pd 5.7488 TORONTO ihn nad Sdn cuiabie fo hue Wika ham anaes] APARTMENT THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | room if basement, all modem Business, tly i ang -------- 3 Toad "Phone RA 83014, - 4 Malaga Road AT S STOR ees. Upstairs rented dling, Call Raw, John A, J Wines PAINTERS & DECORATORS! 0--Cartage " A YOU THREE © room basement apartment. BU .. GNLY $2.000 DOWN Tor 370" moni Jered aC TNT Industrial, Commercial, [Wai "Relat td orate Gi v 30--Svep & Barter fio uarantnet wath waitin fs si| SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND. | # Balance of $9,300 en' one $11,600 with $1500 down, 0) wi ' ' \ easonable rate Ta i wo 5 . ref mortgage, & room 114 store HA EMFLOTHENT CX A di | § Domestic eiuipped and Insured. Phone RA 83081 WILE swap wi oy - He Toh, the LOOKING FOR foot avery 1h minutes RA Fad' dr) Stove, refrigerator, parking, oy bh 3 large bed: Rowe street Oshawa, § roms BE ania sarmngs in 'the Hi: wa in and Alterations SOOTIAN. Carlage, for fat dependable loin Wy oiher propets in Oshawa Srey En RA 5.3302 rooms, dining ream, living | -#d brick home with all moder fa epee dr UR Wood Fhng =o Howe [EWA VEL Te BR STUN Fgh bP on WA BIGGER \c, [fu Cy Vlog both hte oh fafa | Hin. n gwd toptr, Auking aby tile th, situated on large f, ASNIng aul 4 = | i Lowartte, hy = T. W, PHILPOTT CO, ivy AVTAE hd Breg ud oe 31--Articles For Rent FUTURE? 5 sea RA 44 mornings and OFFICE SPACE 75' x 200° landscaped lot, $3,000 dawn. DUNBARTON d and insured. Phone RA § 368 ---------- Don' iss th eo, call Bill SERVIC STATION DAYS -- MO 8.8729 |= mer at RA B-8133 aeneca street, Oshawa, 8) FOR LEASE EVENINGS -- TE 9.2364 [21----Personal Service FLOOR SANDERS | "Available immediately, Can APARTMENT FOR RENT Horner at RA 4.3123, Rend won ba ot ada's most outstanding line GRIERSON STREET with twindow pieture windows, PETER Pan Day N \ oll ar Wh TS--Instruction PETER. Tn Ta Nurser. aor Wal CUPBOARD SANDERS of advertising calendars, In well kept building that Passenger elevator servies: $11,500 sliding doors in all bedrooms, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA wean sounselior, | a_i, | FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT wpecialtien Santer check provides New building. Centrally los S room bungalow with mary mahogany tim throughout, rience, hy interview only 00KS, continuous farms ¥, Lots of cupboard space, cated in downtown area, : xtras, large mirer in dine | oak and tile floors, ex» KEY LOCATION LRA $10 ma a SCHAPELHOUMAN REDUCED RATES Company established over 60 Nadeta kilch Moderate rent. Leases new ~ room, aluminum storms haust fan ete. Price $13,900 ESTABLISHED GALLONAGE ed Mas Marek \ 30% discount on famous years 3 whi ilablk ond screens and doors, Rea with $3,000 do OVER MANY. VEARS dancing school, ballet, tan, baton, COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING make Enamel and Paint HF 'vou hava oor aiid ore Excellent floor plan, avaliable sonable. financing To see (HIN dawn, LESSEE TRAINING AVAILABLE , Masenle Temple, RA avasa| SERVICE, INCOME' TAX WEBBING HARDWARE willing to werk, here Is your , Balgony THE TIMES this home call Gerry Ose Pickering Beach, Ajax, § HARVEY WILLD "ACADEMY --| RETURNS, RA 3.4873 opportunity Large repeat 5. Paved parking bome at RA 8.5123, Rpomed home with 3 piece $65.00 PER WEEK PAID [Baios Raval Academy. Baiet N business, Executive will be . Complete laundry facilities | ING hath close ta school and shops DURING TRAINING PERIOD NE King 686 OSLER STREET 32--Articles Wanted available for interview Contal location x BUILDIN Lloyd Realty Lid, Realtors ping centre, Asking $5,300 Telephone PEOPLE who need Sour services she OSHAWA, ONT, FANT re rade Fw Sete wile aachial 3 \ H "LWA RA 8.5123, RA 8.5124, with $500 down RA 5.0807 py A now Pant mite big lied Bg ian th ply with particylarn regare JLEASE PHONE Contact WILSO RA 8.5128 FRANK HUNTER RA 5.2974 made Dal RA » I ¥ . 1G., H gh 7 PM W San Four Tew so od RA 5.9953 Fant? oo Gt len man BOX 103, OSHAWA TIMES MO 8.4770 Phone RA 3.3474 101 Simos St, N. DON MOUNTIOY MA 3.3950