4 ~~ : ] OUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES THORNTON'S WA progressing favorshly in thelfor the publishing of & group! four bisnkets for overseas relief newly formed th at Harmony, cook hook end Xecipes wre still through the Toronto distribution Church parades are planned being termed in centre : for Simday, February 19, and. The next mesting will be beid. Mrs. Lloyd Pegg announced s the 2th, depending on individual) at the home of Mrs, John Rudka Valentine ten y, Feb. COMPANY BITARLEINENLS fon vy, March 6 at ruary 15 at three o'clock, aise # o'clock ithe World's Day of Prayer ¥r- #1, GEORGE'S IR, CWL | day, Pebruary 17 and wus The January meeting of | ST, ANDREW'S WHS Preshyterian al Trinity United George's Jr. CWL was held vel Mys, Lloyd Pegg opened the Church, Bowmanville Wednes cently st the home 'of Mre. dhguler meeting of St. Andrew's day, February 22. Frank Baron United Church WMS with pray. Mrs, Norman Decker is The Reverend J. C, Pereymaier, Mrs, Harold Brant led in theitn purchase some hooks on the opened the meeting with prayer | worship service, and Mrs. Allan! new growp, "United Church Mrs, Edward Wrycanuk pre: Whitelaw read the seriptire. Women" to be formed in 1962, sided, The minutes were read! Mrs William Gamble read the for discussions, by Mrs, James Planets and secretary's report, and Mrs. The study veriod was led by Mrs, Michael Korchynski vesd Morley Wyman, the treasurer's Mrs Irving Macleod, taking 88 the treasurer's report (report, There was two minutes' | her theme, "Work Makes Us The president extended g sin | silence in memory re. Wik Want", The president closed cere welcome to two new mem- liam Lorimer I meeting with 8 special Benedier bers, Mrs, Leslie Leighton and] It was decided to purchase' tion ; Mrs, John Drozd Mrs, Michael Kawzenuk, one) y » of the new mothers was honored - ------------ 8g ™ OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, Februory 13, 1961 for powling members will fol- (Guide Association wes held re The February meeting was low, cently at Guide House with Mrs iheld wt the home of Mrs, Clear. Members are reminded thet W. E. Gardner, district, com lence Scott with 22 members|the next regular meeting will be missioner, presiding, land one visitor present, Mrs. held on Tuesday, Vebmgry 21, The secretary's Feport was Leonard Brash presided 5 . read by Mrs, D, J. Bowler and « The reports were read, The GIRL GUIDE ASSN, the treasurer's report by Mrs | Ways and Means have projects (Kingsway District) Frank Stevens for each month, February was, The regular meeting of the Reports were presented by the the birthday box; March, a Kingsway District of the Girll representatives from the 7nd, travelling basket and then g\Cuide Association was held atiimh and 16th Brownie packs, bake sale, Mrs, Scoii and her| Guide House with Miss Ver ®ithe nd, 10h and 16th Guides commitiee, Mrs, W, FP. Stephen \Movse presiding and the 10th, Lith, 16th and 17th son and Mrs. Lovisa Lee, had] The secretary, Mps. J. Wrparents' committees, The badge charge. Mathews, read the Thinutes and secretary's report stated eight Mrs, Scott introduced Mrs. \the treasurer, Mrs, K. 8, Veter: collectors end vue toy maker { (Lawrence Allen of King Streetison, gave the financigl report, (badges had been earned hy) | United Church, whe gave an in. Ong new member was wel- Brownies and seven hostses, two 4 | spiring devotional, Her topicicomed, Mry. Harold Braund, of laundress and nine second class was on Lent and "The Way ofithe 4th rime Pack Mt in Guides i the Cross" Mrs, Douglas Lan. The reports from Guides, It was sigied that two emer © | der assisted with two beautiful Brownies and group commit-| gency helper courses are in pro 4 lold solos, "The O14 Ruggeditees, rd, 4th, 5th snd 22nd| gress, Miss Donna Jackson is in | Cross," and "Let Me Live Just were read, Church parade willl structing st the 16th on Monday {for Today," . ibe held at St. Andrew's United evenings and Miss Isabelle Sor. | | The birthdsy box was then\Church on Sundsy evening, ley on Wednesday evenings at {passed for each member 10 40 | February 2, the annual meet. Guide House inate in SOPDErs their 8ge. Aling st Guide House on February! Mrs. 1, G, Lloyd is the new social half hour followed with!1g and the sppreciation dinner Brown Owl of the 16th and Mrs | Birthday cake and tes in Northminster United Church|Douglas Kirkland enother| A tentative date of April 20 | The Sunday School teachers pail on February 21 at 5.30 p.m Tawny Owl, The Lith slso have was set for the annual spring {and officers are serving & eoUN | The next meeting will be held| new leaders, Mrs, D, H, Laurie| dance and further plans will be try style turkey @inner ohio, March 8, | as Brown Owl and Miss Barbara discussed at the next meeting. | {March 4 st 6 pm, in the Sun | Heavens as Tawny Owl, Work is' Ideas were brought forward CALVIN EVE. GROUP ---- -- - - yr-- -- {day School, proceeds for paint The regular meeting of Calvin ing the Sunday School For tickets, members were Evening Group of Bt. Paul's asked to telephone Mrs, James Presbyterian Church was held Laurie, RA 56737 {gt the home of Mrs, Donald Mon roe with 12 present HONEY GOES WELL WITH PANCAKES | CALVARY BWF In the absence of the presi The Calvary Business Tomorrow Is Shrove Tuesday; with = lovely blue carnation The next Communion breakfast will be held on Sunday, Febru ary 19, gt the twelve o'clock) mass. It was agreed by all members to hold & social bingo on Wednesday, Febrnary 22 at} the parish hall i 1 | PLEASURE ALL THROUGH well greased iron skillet, Bake until brown, turning only once (If batter gets too thick, add a little more buttermilk.) had Wom: dent, Mr. Derek Allen opened Have Pancakes en's Vellowship held its meeting the meeting with 8 reading recently at 1351 Cedar street from 8t,- Luke followed by with 34 ladies present prayer and roll eall Mr George - Twine The minutes were read hy the Pancakes are a favorite food any time, any place, There are all kinds; no special time of year for serving them; always end Mrs, Mervin good with butter and honey Pancakes may be made with sour milk and soda, made with dry bread crumbs in place of much of the flour or whole wheat, buckwheat or soya flour There are potato pancakes and apple pancakes as well as any number of fruit pancakes, They may be rolled like a jelly roll may be used mas a part of a main dish, and with varia tions, as dessert. 'Because of their popularity, pancake houses have sprung up in many part of the country For Supper on griddle, Cook till pancakes afe brown and filled with bub [ l'urn and bake on other side, Do not turn more than ¢ during cooking. Serve hot This batter will make 12 good kes, Keep hot in oven, but do not stack If you want to your pancakes for some special meal make corn meal pancakes and serve with & honey topping CORN MEAL PANCAKES 1 cup enriched corn meal 4 te oon soda 14 teaspoon salt i ' beaten 1% cups buttermilk Sift together dry ingredients Add beaten egg and buttermilk panes ary 61 HONEY TOPPING 1-3 cup butter 23 cup honey 1-3 cup whipping eream Cream butier until it has eon sistency of mayonnaise, Gradu ally add honey heating well Fold in the (whipped) until well blended, Makes 1 2:3 cups Store any left over in refriger ator, To use remove from the refrigerator long enough to bring te room tem perature and then cream Bgain before serving HONEY BUTTER cup butter i to 1 cup honey Cream butter w gradually Beat Place in refrigerator, Also deli ed it with a ture was read by Badour and Mis J I Mrs Audre Ernest Winter pastor al CAIVArY Church brought the for the evening New Yife In Christ al {llustrations $pER) na f members showing different work empl 2nd Corinthie The president Hoagland brought the annou Mr cream ith from of BEain f 4 t i and that i sizing ve ell Add honem thoroughly od February 20 ind Mr Willian charge of the meeting and 0pen- seeretary sing-song, Seri p N furl bert, a missionary home on fur- Bible Study and lough from Africa was soloist. first plans of the proposed new | ASSISIAN church Baptistwith the Manor the that this life Perry Anes especially nee ments, reminding each one that Mrs the next meeting will be held on! John McMillan | 78 Connaught Iompson at the Manse on March 2 YOUR HOME | Y)) FURS Sa Cairns read the treasurer's re- port Mrs Derek Allen led In the showed the viewed and some These were much Interest MESSAEE changes suggested It was based on It was decided to offer the | group's services to Hillsdale| in whatever capacity they are needed, Mrs, Lloyd| will make a report on| thie st the next meeting Plans were made to hold n| St. Patrick's Tea and hat show | Neta in March st the Church Refreshments were served by! Donald Monroe and Mrs, | I'he next meeting will be held PANCAKE DAY to dry ingredients, beating until Shrove Tuesday is called Pan. smooth cake Day from the old custom Allow one tablespoon of batter of eating pancakes and making for each cake and pour on & merry on that day, A Shrove) Cake is said to be a pancake made for Shrovetide or a small cake given to children at that time, - 8 period of indulgence Everyone joins in the festivi- ties and makes merry This then is the time to try your hand at pancake making, and this is the time the children and gll the family will hurry fp the table each with his fa. vorite honey topping. Honey butter is a natural for the hot with the Latin American Mis sie il be the guest speaker ion wit : : (Adelaide Distriet) AUXILIARY 27, UAW The regular meeting of the A very well attended meet. Adelaide district of the Girl ling of the UAW Ladies Auxil ro r-- iary was held in the UAW Hall with Sister Alice Reardon pre siding One new on toast, hot breads and for sandwich fill clous viffles ing GIRL GUIDE ASSN, Today Daughters Of The Empire Mark Founding Imperial Order When the Imperial Orde r|scholarthips {Daughters of the Emplire|grants were WALLPAPERS | de Plastic Coated Professional member was wel comed into the Auxiliary, Roll bursaries and was called and minutes read awarded, The in {by Sister Frances Bradley, Ae (10DE) 0 hserv es Founder's|terests of the Order recognizelecounts were read and treasur Day on February 13, it will not{no boundaries, and from the er's report Sisters only mark the 61st anniver- project in the far north, they Hazel Farrow Marjorie sary. of the Order but. also iden: extend to the Federation of the! MoNeil . {tify itself with the Arctic as|West Indies and British Hondur-| Sic p ] i \ | § § feck lst eonvener Sister Jancakes, as it Jusnisnes both being the first women's national| as where 17 schools were adopt-|Mary Stanley, reported that Sis rid he stallized pip y| Oren zation to have a bullding|ed in the year just past |ters Irene Burgoyne, Mona Mel: y y 7 | proféet Dx the far north, During ; i i Re l ain se Fllis | Col makes a spread for the lght-| J From its First and Second nichuk, Rose Ellis, Alice Co feath P ddle cakes, And| ne past year the IODE erected war Memorial Funds, the 10DE|lins and Mabel Wolfram--wal as-a-feather griddle cakes, ANG, community hall at Frobisher i 4 er ! here's a note for the cook, pay snd Mrs, Peter I, Robin "Your pancakes won't stick,| oon National President, and and there will be no smoke or nrc RC. Latimer. chairman odor if you pack a small cotton ios the Eskimo Fund bag with salt, and rub the pan|,aied in the opening advice on your % Pre-Pasted, decorating given by and LATTE | % Precision Trimmed "DRAPERY Thick | problems gladly offered. +" Sunworth yr EDGAR'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 34 KING ST. W, -- OSHAWA RA' 3.7351 provided 13 overseas post-grad-'been ill uate scholarships of $2000 each| Various committee reports and awarded 68 bursaries in Ca- were given and' approved |nadian universities to the value! A letter of thanks was receiv partici {of $25,200, to children of Cana:|ed from Mr, E. A, Hemming for stead of grease |dian war velerans {the donation made to the new| Wilh at Loh ot homemade| Plans are now under way for| yr, ine field of service, half a|party founding fund. Letters of or made from ready mixes, If|® second hall, this to be erected) yy iyiign ig spent annually, $400, {acknowledgement were recely. you use a ready mix follow the In the Western Arctic. at Tuk:io00 in Canada, and $100,000 ined from Brother George Burt instructions explicitly, 1f youl|'0Yaktuk supplies shipped to Europe, Af-|Canadian Regional Director;| make your pancakes from/| Organized in 1000 by Mrs rica, Korea and the West In.|Brother Emil Mazey, secretary: scratch use heavy fron or alum. Clark Murray of Montreal, the dies, Thousands of kniited and|treasurer, UAW; Sister Cather: inum frying pan {Order now has 084 chapters sewn agticles of clothing and|ine Gelles, international repre Heat pan until a few drops of (Teaching from Yukon to New-lquilts are made by the mem-|sentative, UAW women's auxil cold water poured into pan hold |foundland, and is affiliated with bers and distributed, and chap:|iaries and from Mr. and Mrs their shape a few seconds, 1f/chapters in Bermuda and the ters have undertaken the spon:|H, Andrews, Local 1817, United drops spread out on pan, tem. Bahamas, the Daughters of the| sorship of destitute and refugee|Steel Workers of America, to verature is too low; if they | British Empire in the United! children attend the annual birthday ban yreak up and evaporate imme. States and the Victoria League| gy jis diversity of interests fuel id ed on Raurday e 8 is ig "NEian | " a are jekets wi e ond aidly. wy poi) too high. | Thirty-one thousand voluntary| the 1ODF uilere 9 Spuatving " sale next meeting night with the pancakes which will be thin and | ¥omen comprise the member [le 0 any woman who is a Ca: deadline being March 7 tough: too hot a pan will brown ship which distributes approxi-inadian citizen or a British sub:| A bowling tournament is {fject, and who would like to|planned for Saturday, March 25 them before centre is cooked mately a million dollars annual PERSIAN LAM J (H S To prevent mixture from Ag a {identify herself with a patriotic The Auxiliary will play hostess ED y One - quarter of this amount| nq af the same time non-sec-|to nearby UAW Auxiliaries on DYED RABBI sticking, add a little melted | ,, | i di | [ (8250,000) {5 spent on education. | iurian" organization that day. A supper and dance : 4 BROWN CONEY COATS | > 4 f & | shortening to pancake batter |During the past year. 2264 Pd SAVE UP TO-175.00 100. BLACK DYED-~SIDES 1 eo BASIC RECIPE ia schools were assisted and 1640) EE n L } - p-------- - tablespoons white sugar; } cups sifted all-purpose flour teaspoons - baking powder; ! teaspoon salt; 3 teaspoons soft. ened margarine or shortening; | ¥4 teaspoon. vanilla Beat eggs till light; add milk and sugar. Add sifted dry ingre-. | diénts in three siftings, beating] 'only enough to make a smooth irith batter, Stir in softened marga-| rine or shortening and vanilla, | 40 King ERA 5. Heat pan; brush lightly with] ? S013) oil; drop batter by tablespoons PROCESSED-=DYED MOUTON LAMB JACKETS SAVE UP TO 250.00 1 3 aly 4 9 FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS J Ll] . Vol), Teach Children To Take Care of Their Clothes! ed OT Tv A new design for BETTER HEARING ALL-NEW vf ZENITH | ENVOY Designed Differently! Worn Inconspicuously! NEW HEARING PLEASURE A' distinctive sound pick-up sys tem which gives you better hear ing 'and eliminates annoying clothing noise. 4 transistors for greater clarity of sound, plus vol ume control, separate on-off switch, and personalized tone contrel, NEW HEARING COMFORT The Envoy's all new styling and What can be done about youngsters whe become the despair of their parents by showing a total lack of respect for their own ¢lathing? Tommy comes inte the house, decides vo take off his dcket and throws it on the floor, Sally dutifully changes inte or slippers before supper----and tosses her muddy shees on her bed, . In off Rossland Rd, « Kast of Simcoe NJ) Feb. 13th to Mar, 4th 2PM - 85 PM 7PM «9 PM, NATURAL GREY PERSIAN LAMB JACKET DYEL MUSKRAT BACK JACKETS DYED PERSIAN LAMB JACKET Many Other Wonderful Buys Easy Budget Terms AYN CO WEY > 75 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA Opposite Hotel Genosha Now | hild expert, and | haven't heard ef any magic formula for making kids take care of their clothes, But | have @ hunch that some of these tendencies might decrease if parents made sure their youngsters had not merely a proper plate for their clothes, but a handy one, and one that is even fun for them to use ° Ww n no contouring permits it to be worn inconspicuously many different ways by either men or women, Small and lightweight to give you added comfort, NEW STYLING A memorable achievement In hearing aid design. Its new slim ness and gently tapered contours give you added confidence and poise. | think one of the most elementary principles is to make sure the youngsters have ample closet and drawer space thet Is within their awn reach, The best way te provide this, usually is te buy o t children's wardrobes, complete with miniature closet space and drawers (they're not very expensive If you buy them unpainted and paint them yourself.) VACU-FLO The builtin Vacuum Cleaning System, Just plug Nose inte 3 wall inlets , . . ne machine to lug . . . no cord to tug . , + ne bags or filters » You'll be d ot Vacu-Flo's greater suction power, dust and dirt whisky away without eo fum, : LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE ST, -- RA 5.4602 And there there are various types of novelty coat trees which you cen buy or build yourself, As | say, I'm ne child psychologist, but it strikes me that the youngster who has his own closet 'and other storage facilities is more likely to take pride in putting his things away----at least some of the time From then on, | would think it would be up te the parent to make sure that discipline and patience are combined to make this practice a regular hobit Zenith Won't Let You Make a Mistake When You Buy a Mearing Ald! You Are Protected These Thvee Ways... + Zenith's sul: standing 10-Day "Money-Back™ Guarantes + Today's most cam. plete selection of hearing alds «+ Zenith's world-famous quality! VISIT YOUR ZENITH DEALER FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION ! He's listed in the Yellow Pages under Mearing Aids. -- Zenith Radio Corp, of Canada, Lid, Dept. CABG I 1470 The Gueshsway, Toronts 1A, Batali | Pease send me complete lotarmation on the golden | Enway -- 8 new Shape ln-boaring alds. - I EVENINGS RA 3.2707 PrrTH